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Maharaja Ranjit Singh annexed Lahore, Multan, Peshawar & Kashmir in 1799

Amritsar in 1805

Gave shelter to Shah Shuja – Afghan King gave Kohinoor Diamond to Ranjit Singh

Ranjit Singh died in 1839

1st Anglo Sikh War 1845 -46 2nd Anglo Sikh War 1849

Lord Harding 1844 – 48’ Lord Dalhousie 1848 – 56

Maharaja Ranjit Sigh died in 1839 Sikhs to take avenge

Struggle for power between the Court of 1. Reduced the pension of Rani Jind.
Lahore & Local Army
2. Mulraj Gov. of Multan revolted. Killed
Eng troops increased near Lahore two British officers.
3. Sher Singh too revolted.
Sikhs were defeated at Mudki, Ferozpur,
Aliwal, Sobraon. Battle of Ramnagar 1848

Treaty of Lahore was signed. Chillianwala Battle 1849

1. One Crore war indemnity. Battle of Gujarat,small town on the

bank of river Jhelum in feb 1849
2. Army was reduced to 20000 horses.
Mulraj + Sher Singh + other Sikhs
3. Lost Jammu & Kashmir surrendered 1849.

Sikhs were not happy with the treaty. Punjab was annexed on 29th march
Treaty of Bharowal was signed.
Sir John Lawrence appointed C – in – C
Rani Jind was removed of Punjab
A court of 8 Sikh Sardar was set up.

Resident Hennery Lawrence

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