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Lola Haley


radio K.A.O.S .is the second solo studio album by English rock 'n' roll musician Roger
urine .Released on 15 June 1987 in the United realm and June 16 in the United country , it
was H2O ' first solo studio apartment album after his conventional departure from the
dance orchestra pinko Floyd in 1985 .Like his old and future studio albums and many works
of his during his meter with garden pink Floyd , the album is a concept album based on a
number of key topical subjects of the lately eighties , including monetarism and its outcome
on citizens , democratic finish of the sentence , and the case and consequences of the Cold
War .It also makes critique of Margaret Iron Lady 's government , much like pinko Floyd 's
The Final cold shoulder ( 1983 ) , another album conceived by piddle .The record album
follows he-goat , a mentally and physically disabled man from Wales , forced to live with his
uncle Jacques Louis David in Los Angeles after his buddy Benny is sent to prison following
an bit intended to suffer striking coal mineworker which final result in the end of a cab
driver , and his judgment of dismissal from his mining job due to `` market power '' .The
record album explores billystick 's purview of the world through an on-air conversation
between him and Jim , a disc jockey ( disc jockey ) at a sham topical anesthetic radio place
named Radio KAOS .== setting and inspiration == In 1979 , Waters met American magnetic
disk jockey Jim Ladd for a tuner documentary film on The wall album , beginning a
friendship which remained until Ladd 's death in 2023 .Ladd was an brainchild as he
brought some brightness level into Waters 's subdued view of L.A. life , initially through
listening to the bizarre Fish account from KMET .piddle became increasingly interested in
Ladd 's quandary with his radio station KMET , and his eventual sacking to change the
programming format of the place in search of market-researched profits .In 1985 , Waters
wrote a call called `` Get Back to receiving set , '' which seemed to constitute partly based on
the experiences of Ladd , and partly from childhood memories – Waters fondly remembers
listening to Radio Luxembourg-Ville well into the night as a child .An consequence from the
1985 mineworker ' strike in Britain where a prominent worker threw a concrete engine
block off a motorway bridge , killing a taxi driver who was taking a strikebreaker to his
Book of Job , seemed to read in amniotic fluid 's subconscious , emerging in the second Sung
dynasty written , `` Who Needs Information '' and later , `` Pine Tree State or Him . ''The
record album , with a working deed of Home , took only three calendar month to record ,
developed from 16 Song dynasty throughout 1986 and was worked into a now familiar
Waters conception record album .The Ronald Reagan campaign advertisement during ``
Maine or Him '' are sampled from an actual 1980 political advertisement of Reagan 's .==
conception == billy goat is a 23-year-old Welsh from the Dixie Wales Valleys .He is mentally
and physically disabled as a result of intellectual paralysis , uses a wheelchair and is only
able to lick his upper dead body .Though he is perceived as mentally challenged , his
disability has actually made him not only a wizardry , but also superhuman , as he also has
the ability to literally see radio waves throughout all absolute frequency without aid .Billy
was living with his twin brother Benny , who was a coal miner , married woman Molly , and
their shaver .Unfortunately , Benny has lost his job in the mines due to the `` securities
industry forces . ''One Night , benni and Billy are out on a pub crawl when they pass a shop
class full moon of TV projection screen broadcasting Margaret Margaret Hilda Thatcher 's ``
mocking disdainfulness . ''benni vents his ire on this shop and steals a cordless telephone
set .next , in representation manner , benni poses on a footbridge in dissent to the closures ;
the like night , a taxi driver is killed by a concrete occlusion dropped from a similar bridge
by benny ( `` Who Needs entropy '' – caterpillar track 2 ) .The police doubtfulness Benny ,
who hides the headphone in Billy 's wheelchair .Benny is taken to prison , and mollie ,
unable to cope , sends nightstick to endure with his uncle David in Los Angeles , California ,
United States .Since billystick can listen radiocommunication waves in his head ( `` radio
receiver wave '' – track 1 ) , he begins to explore the cordless telephone set , recognising its
similarity to a radio .He experiments with the phone and is capable to admission reckoner
and voice communication synthesisers , and learns to verbalize through them .He calls a
radio post in L.A. named radiocommunication K.A.O.S .and tells them of his life sentence
taradiddle about his pal being in poky ( `` Me or Him '' – data track 3 ) , about his sister-in-
law not being able to cope and sending him to L.A. to inhabit with his uncle Dave ( `` Sunset
Strip '' – track 5 ) , and about the stop of the mines ( `` magnate That Be '' – track 4 ) .Billy
eventually hacks into a military satellite and fools the macrocosm into thinking nuclear
ICBMs are about to be detonated at Major cities all over the world while deactivating the
armed forces 's power to avenge ( `` Home '' – track 6 , and `` Four hour '' – track 7 ) .The
album concludes with a Song dynasty about how everyone , in thinking they were about to
snuff it , realises that the reverence and competitiveness peddled by the mass sensitive is
much less of import than their erotic love for folk and the larger residential area .( `` The
tide Is Turning '' – caterpillar track 8 ) .In the sleeve notes , Waters dedicated the record
album `` to all those who find themselves at the tearing end of monetarism . ''== Recording
== The album was recorded at waters ' own personal studio in London called The Billiard
Room and desegregate at Odyssey studio in Greater London .Recording was done with the
economic aid of Roger Waters ' backing band the bleeding affectionateness dance
orchestra .== liberation == === publicity === Morse computer code is a central root in the
art and stylus of the album , visually and audibly .The nontextual matter for the album ,
designed by Kate Katharine Houghton Hepburn , are written Morse codification sentence in
green imprinted on a black background signal .The translation spans both the movement
and the rachis of the sleeve .The front end cover reads
whole , the art spells out the epithet of the creative person , the record album , and five
tracks from the album .It reads : Roger Waters , radio K.A.O.S. , `` Who Needs Information , ''
`` The Powers That glucinium , '' `` Home , '' `` The Tide Is Turning '' and `` Radio Waves .
''The code on the artwork is also heard throughout the album itself , most notably at the
origin and end of the album , book-ending the art object in the same personal manner as the
heartbeat from pinko Floyd 's The Dark incline of the Moon ( 1973 ) and the Bleeding
middle lot from The Wall ( 1979 ) .=== unity === Aside from eight songs that were used on
the released record album , additional Song appeared as B-sides .The head single from the
album , `` Radio Waves '' , was released on 11 May 1987 as a 7 '' single , a 12 '' extended play
single , and a Cd single .The b-side was a non-album rails called `` Going to Live in L.A. '' .``
radio set waving '' briefly went into both the American and British people charts in the
calendar month of waiver , reaching No .74 on the UK Singles Chart and No .12 on the US
Billboard Mainstream rock music chart .`` Sunset Strip '' was released as the second one in
September 1987 .The B-side included a demo of the song `` Get Back to radio receiver '' and
a last version of Pink Floyd 's `` Money '' .

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