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Vol. … No.

…, Month Year Kalosara

Title Written as Capitalize each other, 8 – 15 words, Times New

Roman 14 pt, Bold. The title should be short and reflect the
important concepts of the article

Author1, Author2, Author3, etc

Program Studi / Jurusan, Fakultas, Institut, Negara
Program Studi / Jurusan, Fakultas, Institut, Negara
Program Studi / Jurusan, Fakultas, Institut, Negara
Program Studi / Jurusan, Fakultas, Institut, Negara
E-mail: email1 email2 email3 etc4


Abstract must be written in English with 12 pt Times Article History :
New Roman font, single spacing, italic, justify, which Received:
consists of 250 words, objectives which contain: Key Accepted:
questions or problems to be discussed / answered; Published:
Topic background; and/or the importance of the
issue being written, the method if carrying out
specific research without description, the Keywords :
findings/novelty of the main writing (research Consists of 3 – 5 words
results). and/or phrasa and it is
should consist
important consepts of
the manuscript, without
mentioning the name of
the Institution and
rules, location. The
order can be adjusted
according to taste
(alphabet, or adjusted
specifically to the

Al-‘Adl Vol. … No. …, Month Year

© Year Al-‘Adl. All

rights reserved

A. Introduction
Introduction is written using the font Times New Roman with size 12,
justify, the first paragraph is indented 1 cm, the sentence writing between
paragraphs without additional space before and after (no before and after
space). Writing the introduction should describe the actual problem that is the
basic idea of writing the article accompanied by a footnote reference is
adequate. In addition, it was stated about the updating this article than the
article that was there before so it can be seen the originality of the works. The
author is not allowed to give the sub-title on the part of this introduction.1
B. Method
Describe the type / nature of research which includes research objectives,
research approaches, and coverage / size of data. Describe data collection
techniques which include data sources, data collection instruments, data
collection procedures, location and time of data collection. Describe data
analysis methods. (Optional)2
C. Result and Discussion
1. Sub-Bab
Discussion is written using the font Times New Roman with size 12,
justify, the first paragraph is indented 1 cm, the sentence writing between
paragraphs without additional space before and after (no before and after
space). The discussion contains a legal analysis of the authors of the actual
problem that was stated accompanied by a sufficient reference. In the
discussion also need to include the author’s ideas about the ideal concept to
the issues raised. The author allowed to use a sub-chapter in writing a
discussion to facilitate the reader to understand the important ideas of the

Hasan, Alwi, 2005, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, p. 29.
Odoemelam, An, “Incidence and Management of Male and Female Sexually Maladjusted
Youngsters: Gender and Counselling Implications”, The Counsellor, 1996, p. 7.

Vol. … No. …, Month Year Kalosara

Table 1
Data ...
.... .... .... No.

Source: If using images in writing, then the image should be high resolution
and does not broken when printed. The alternative instrument such as tables
and images should be accompanied by analysis or explalnation of the
instrument and its relevance to the author’s writing.
D. Conclusion
The closing is written using the font Times New Roman with size 12,
justify, the first paragraph is indented 1 cm, the sentence writing between
paragraphs with no extra space before and after (no before and after space).
The closing contains the author’s conclusion about actual problem that was

Al – Syatibi, Abu Ishaq, 2003, Al-Muwafaqat Fi Ushul Al-Syari’ah, Vol. II, Dar Al
Kutub Al Ilmiyah, Tt, Beirut.

Audah, Abdul Qadir, 1987, Al-Tasyri’al-Jinaiy Al-Islamiy, Jil. I, Muassasah Al-

Risalah, Beirut.

Djazuli, Ahmad, 1996, Fiqh Jinayah: Upaya Menanggulangi Kejahatan dalam

Islam, RajaGrafindo Persada, Depok.

Hasan, Alwi, 2005, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Balai Pustaka, Jakarta.

Junaedi, Didi, 2016, Penyimpangan Seksual yang Dilarang Al Quran, Elex Media
Komputindo, Jakarta.

Kartanegara, Satochid, 1960, Hukum Pidana: Kumpulan Kuliah, Balai Lektur

Al-‘Adl Vol. … No. …, Month Year

Mahasiswa, Jakarta.
Morgan, Clifford Thomas, 1976, Brief Introduction to Psychology, Tata McGraw-
Hill Education.

Tirmidzi, Imam, 1975, Sunan At-Tirmidzi, Musthafa Bab Al – Halabi, Mesir.

‫ أوسامة بلوناس‬and ‫ “الموضة وعالقتها بالتحرش الجنسي في الوسط الجامعي‬,2017 ,‫أحمد زنين‬,”.

‫ مهند بن حمد بن منصور‬،‫السعيبي‬. and ‫رش‬p‫ريم التح‬p‫ “تج‬2009 ,.‫رف‬p‫د مش‬p‫دين محم‬p‫ جالل ال‬،‫الح‬p‫ص‬
‫الجنسي وعقوبته‬,”.

Amy B Brunell et al., “Narcissism and Academic Dishonesty: The Exhibitionism
Dimension and the Lack of Guilt,” Personality and Individual Differences,
Vol. 50, No. 3, February 2011.

Anggreni, Made Sisca, I Ketut Rai Setiabudhi, dan Sagung Putri M.E Purwani,
“Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pelaku Tindak Pidana Eksibisionisme dalam
Hukum Pidana Indonesia”, Kertha Wicara, Vol. 5, No. 1, Februari 2016.

Astuti, Nur Rochmah Dyah Puji and Yoga Putra Pamungkas, “Deteksi Dini
Perilaku Penyimpangan Seksual Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining
Berbasis Web,” JIKO (Jurnal Informatika Dan Komputer), Vol. 3, No. 1,
Februari 2018.

Haq, Islamul, “Jarimah Terhadap Kehormatan Simbol - Simbol Negara (Persfektif \

Hukum Pidana Indonesia dan Hukum Pidana Islam)”, Jurnal Syari’ah dan
Hukum Diktum, Vol. 15, No. 1, Juni 2017.

Koskela, Hille, “Webcams, TV Shows and Mobile Phones: Empowering

Exhibitionism,” Surveillance & Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, March 2004.

Munar, Ana Maria, “Digital Exhibitionism: The Age of Exposure”, Culture

Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2010.

Odoemelam, An, “Incidence and Management of Male and Female Sexually

Maladjusted Youngsters: Gender and Counselling Implications”, The
Counsellor, 1996.

Syobromalisi, Faizah Ali, “Penyimpangan Seksual dalam Pandangan Islam”, Al -

Fanar: Jurnal Al-Quran dan Hadis, Mei 2016.

Vol. … No. …, Month Year Kalosara

Sari, Rintan Puspita, Peristiwa Memalukan Chris Evans di Instagram, Netizen
Heboh, Kompas, September 2020.

Larasati, Nadia Utami, Edukasi tentang Penyimpangan Seksual Eksibisionisme
Kepada Siswa/I SMK Nusantara 1 Tangerang Selatan, Simposium Nasional
Ilmiah & Call for Paper Unindra, Simponi, 2019.

Haris, Iswan, 2013, Tindak Pidana Pornografi dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam,
UIN Alauddin Makassar, Makassar.

Prabowo, Andika, Syarifuddin Pettanasse, dan Nashriana Nashriana, 2019,

Tinjauan Kriminologi Bagi Seseorang yang Mengalami Gangguan
Eksibisionisme, Skripsi, Sriwijaya University, Palembang.

Tampi, Butje, 2010, Kejahatan Kesusilaan dan Pelecehan Seksual dalam Hukum
Pidana Indonesia, Skripsi, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado.

Dewi, Retia Kartika, Marak Soal Kasus Penyimpangan Seksual, Bagaimana Cara
accessed June 29 2020.

Hasanah, Sovia, Aturan tentang Cyber Pornography di Indonesia,
tentang-cyber-pornography-di-indonesia/, accessed January 29 2020.

Mantalean, Vitorio, Pakar: Ekshibisionisme Termasuk Tindakan Cabul, Korban

Harus Lapor ke Polisi,
ekshibisionisme-termasuk-tindakan-cabul-korban-harus-lapor-ke?page=all ,
accessed June 29 2020.

Al-‘Adl Vol. … No. …, Month Year


1. The script can be in the form of research results or conceptual articles in the
field of islamic law and social institutions as well as islamic studies
transdisiplinary approaches.
2. The script can be written in Indonesian or English along 10 – 15 pages.
3. The title maximum 8 – 15 words
4. The script is typed on A4 paper with a margin top and left 4 cm, bottom
margin and right 3 cm, using a type font Times New Roman, font size 12, 1,5
space, without the after and before space between sentences and between
5. Plagiarization should not be more than 25 percent.
6. When referring to an article, the initial letters of the word “article” is written
with a capital letter.
7. When referring to a verse, the initial letter of the word “verse” is written with
small letters and verse numbers flanked by brackets.
8. If the direct quotation of a phrase, a paragraph, or the formulation of the article
there is a section be removed, please identify the part that is omitted by ellipsis
inserted in square brackets “[...].”
9. When referring to verses of the qur’an then writing clearly written the surah
name, the surah number and the surah verse, example QS. Al-Baqarah /2:282.
10. Abbreviated name of legislation submitted to the style of each Author, for used
consistently. The form of the suggested example is the Law Number 40 Year
2007 on Limited Liability Companies”. For the writing of the next later
shortened to the Limited Liability Company ACT (not written in full again).
11. When the author or editor of sources that are referenced amounted to more
than 1 (one), embed the name of the first person followed by “et al.”
12. Academic degrees are not written in the bibliography and footnotes.
13. Article in the law is not written in the footnote.
14. Footnote is compulsory
Nur Rochmah Dyah Puji Astuti and Yoga Putra Pamungkas, “Deteksi Dini
Perilaku Penyimpangan Seksual Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining
Berbasis Web, JIKO (Jurnal Informatika Dan Komputer), Vol. 3, No. 1,
Februari 2018, p. 52–58.
Faizah Ali Syobromalisi, “Penyimpangan Seksual dalam Pandangan Islam”,
Al - Fanar: Jurnal Al-Quran dan Hadis, Mei 2016, p. 1.

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