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1. How familiar are you with the Indian Tax system?

Very familiar
Somewhat familiar
Not familiar

2. How do you perceive the overall impact of tax reforms on the Indian Economy?

3. Which recent tax reform do you think has had the most significant impact on the economy?
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Income Tax Act amendments
Corporate tax rate cuts

4. If you own or work in a business, how have tax reforms affected your business operations?
Improved efficiency and reduced costs
No significant change
Increased compliance burden
Increased costs

5. Have tax reforms influenced your investment decisions? If yes, how?

Increased investments
No change in investments
Decreased investments

6. What challenges have you faced due to recent tax reforms?

Complexity of compliance
Increased paperwork
Higher costs
Lack of clarity in regulations

7. In your opinion, what can be done to improve the Indian tax system?
Simplify tax laws
Reduce tax rates
Increase transparency
Provide better taxpayer support

8. Do you think digitalization has helped in making the tax system more efficient and transparent?

9. What future tax reforms would you like to see in India?

Further reduction in GST rates
Simplification of income tax slabs
Enhanced tax incentives for businesses
Strengthening anti-evasion measures

10. How optimistic are you about the future of the Indian tax system?

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