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Chapters 1 and 2 - Comprehension Quiz

Answer the following questions in the short form. Use green color.


1. How did Anthony Rodgers lose consciousness?

Cause radiocative gases

2. How high were the Americans able to leap in the air when using their Jumpers?


3. What kind of pistol was Roger accustomed to?


4. Why was Rogers’ aim so bad?

The gun doesn’t kick back

5. Name one difference between the type of gun in Rogers’s time and the ones being used now.

Future guns are without trigger

6. What was the name of the elite group that took over the world?

The hans

7. What kind of belt do the Americans use now?

anti gravity (jumpers and floaters)

8. Was Roger married before he went into unconsciousness?


9. How many years had passed (in suspended animation) when Roger woke up in the mine?

More or less 500 years

10. Why didn’t the Mongolians need the Americans even as slaves?

Cause new technologys

11. What were the Americans regarded as or known as by controlling dynasty?

Sort of wild animals or beasts

12. What became the most important thing for the gangs as the American sense of brotherhood

Food and clothing, being an auto sufficient comunity

13. Name two adjectives that describe Wilma physically.


14. Which gang did Wilma belong to?


15. Name the two duties that Wilma had?

Military and factory duties

16. Explain what Rocketing was.

Like a “poor” reaction, a kid in terms of weapons

17. Which, for Rogers, are the American states that the gangs live in?

NY and PA

18. Who were Wilma’s assailants?

Bad bloods

19. What kind of life did the Americans live before the raids die down?

Nomad, run for their lifes

20. What’s the name of the ‘substance’ that allowed a man to control their body weight?



Provide a story-related sentence with five of the following words.

21. Unruly


22. Raids
What police do in order to find pablo escobar

23. Shelter

Somewhere to hide a refuge

24. Debris

What an explotion leaves behind

25. Lad

Guy, boy

26. Leap


27. Clad

Like something that you wear

28. Ooze

Kind of spilling

29. Long (verb)

No idea

30. Dodge

To avoid something

1. At the beginig rogers thought that Wilma was a lad

2. Wilma had to dodge several bullets escaping from the bad bloods
3. Jumpers allows you to leap higher
4 and 5. During the first raids wetlands turned into debris

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