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Assignment Brief.

E-Portfolio Academic Year 2023-2024


Assessment Front Sheet

Student First name/s

Student Family
Name / Surname

GBS ID Number

Programme title Choose an item.

Cohort Choose an item.

Assignment Brief. E-Portfolio Academic Year 2023-2024

Level Choose an item.

Module Number Choose an item.
Component of
Choose an item.
Campus Choose an item.
Assessment Word
Count submitted
Lecturer Name
Student Signature
(please type your
(Please type the date)

Individual Assessment: I am signing electronically above to confirm that if this

submission is an individual assessment that this is submission is all my own work,
produced solely by myself and without any external/outside help except for acceptable
support from my lecturer.

Group Assessment: I am signing electronically above to confirm that if this submission

is a group submission that I have made a specific contribution. In my own specific
contribution, I have duly acknowledged and correctly referenced the work of others

Assignment Brief. E-Portfolio Academic Year 2023-2024

where applicable.

I am aware of and understand that failure to comply with the above statement is a
breach of the CCCU Academic Integrity Policy and will be investigated and sanctioned
in accordance with the CCCU Academic Misconduct Procedures which can be read by
clicking on the links below:

CCCU Academic Integrity Statement - CCCU Academic Integrity Policy

CCCU Academic Misconduct Procedure - CCCU Academic Misconduct Procedures

E-Portfolio-CPD PLAN/SWOT Analysis.

Area of Learning Reflection of Learning Future Implications Implementation

(Identify topics of learning from (Detail what you have learnt about the topic) (Identify how learning will (Identify how you will
this module) This refers to your own learning as an individual. It is assist in future studies and practise and apply what you
different from what was taught so avoid presenting a write
up as you would in an essay! career) have learnt)

Assignment Brief. E-Portfolio Academic Year 2023-2024

Understand and appreciate the 400 words 200 words 200 words
importance of interpersonal How the learning will impact How you will practise and apply
skills (Part 1) further studies and future what you have learnt –
career – in this section,
describe how your learning of In this section, describe how
interpersonal skills will you will PRACTISE what you
IMPACT your further studies have learnt in relation to the
and future career e.g., ‘from interpersonal skills, both at
my learning of interpersonal the workplace and the
skills, I have become more university e.g. ‘I will practise
confident in interacting with what I have learnt in relation
fellow students, tutors and to the interpersonal skills by
staff as well as work being a good colleague and
colleagues. As I plan to work team member
as an accountant in future, I
will be guided by these soft
skills to make me more
Understand and appreciate 400 words 200 words 200 words
team roles, factors and How the learning will impact How you will practise and apply
processes that lead to effective further studies and future what you have learnt –
teamwork and leadership (Part

Assignment Brief. E-Portfolio Academic Year 2023-2024

2) career – in this section, In this section, describe how

describe how your you will PRACTISE effective
understanding of team roles, teamworking skills, both at
processes and factors will the workplace and the
enhance your further studies university e.g. ‘I will practise
and future career e.g., ‘from what I have learnt in relation
my learning of team roles, to being a productive and
processes, and factors, I useful colleague and team
have become a more member.
confident team member. I
play my part in ensuring that
team objectives are
seamlessly met in a vibrant
team environment. I
appreciate that as an
accountant, I need to
collaborate with other
managers to achieve the
organisation’s goals.’
(Part 3)
Blue Tech Innovations Case Study: 900 words
Please refer to the case study and task requirements in the E-portfolio
Assignment Brief

Assignment Brief. E-Portfolio Academic Year 2023-2024

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