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Nama : Muh Fahryansyah M

Kelas : XII RPL 2

NIS : 182-054

Task 15

A: Would you mind lending me a hand?

B: Sure, what can I do for you?

A: Could you hold the door open for me?

B: No problem, is there anything else?

A: Actually there is a door downstairs too. Could you get that one as well?

B: Of course.

Task 17

1. Move boxes

A: Are you busy now? Would you mind helping me to move these boxes?

B: Let’s move them there.

2. Pick up mail

A: I saw our mailbox is full of mails. Can you help me to pick them up?

B: I am so sorry I am very busy at the moment.

3. Put up the decorations

A: The ceiling is out of my reach. Could you please put up the decorations for me?

B: Why not? Give them to me.

4. File some reports

A: Would you mind helping me to file some reports?

B: Not at all.

5. Take down the sign

A: It’s already August. The sign was valid until July. Can you take it down?

B: Sure. I will.

Task 18

1. X : Would you like me to help you with the dishes ?

Y : Yes, please. If you don't mind.

2. X : i can lend you some money if you like .

Y: Thanks. That's so kind of you.

3. X : Do you want me to help you choose a computer ?

Y : Thank you very much . I appreciate your help.

4. X : Shall I carry some of your bags for you?

Y : No, thanks, it's alright.

5 . X : Do you need any help in the garden?

Y : No thanks, I think I can do it myself.

6 . X : Would you like me to help you cook dinner ?

Y : Thanks very much, but I can do it myself.

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