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South Point High School

Session: 2024-25
Class XII
Students of Class XII are required to complete and submit a project on ANY ONE
TOPIC, as per the given guidelines:
• The objective of the project is to enable learners to probe into theoretical
concepts learnt at the Senior Secondary level and use these concepts to analyse and
evaluate real world scenario.
• The total length of the project will be of 25 to 30 pages.
• The project should have pictures and /or drawings related to the topic only.
• The project will be an independent, self-directed piece of study.
Presentation of the Project: The project will be prepared along the following
guidelines for all topics:
Title of the Project along with name, class, section of the student.
Index / Contents showing sub-topics and page numbers.
Acknowledgement with a mention of the School, Head of the Institution and
Subject Teacher.
Introduction of the topic will be a brief one of about 2 – 3 pages on the chosen
topic mentioning the reason why the topic is of interest to them.
Conclusion will be a definite and relevant one, drawn on the basis of the analysis
done by the student.
Bibliography will consist of a citation of the various materials referred to for the
completion of the project.
1. Elements of Business Environment
2. Application of the General Principles of Management advocated by Fayol
3. Application of Scientific Management Techniques by F.W.Taylor
4. Marketing of a Product
For Topic 1, Elements of Business Environment, investigation / research is to
be done on the following:
a. Meaning of business environment
b. Importance of business environment
c. Dimensions of business environment
d. The state of ‘anti-plastic campaign’, the law, its effects and implementation -
This will be written primarily on the basis of reading materials collected from the
internet, magazines, journals and text book.
For Topic 2, Application of the General Principles of Management advocated
by Fayol, investigation / research is to be done on the following:
a. Brief introduction on Henry Fayol as the Father of General Management.
b. All 14 principles should be stated in brief.
c. Application of these principles in a reputed Indian company or a MNC. -
This will be written primarily on the basis of reading materials collected from the
internet, magazines, journals and text book.
For Topic 3, Application of Scientific Management Techniques by
F.W.Taylor, investigation / research is to be done on the following:
a. Brief introduction on F.W. Taylor as Father of Scientific Management and also
the meaning of Scientific Management should be stated.
b. All 7 techniques of Scientific Management should be stated in brief.
c. Application of these techniques in a reputed Indian company or a MNC. -
This will be written primarily on the basis of reading materials collected from the
internet, magazines, journals and text book.
For Topic 4, Marketing of a Product ,investigation / research is to be done on
the following:
Identify one product/service from the list given below which the students may like
to manufacture/provide [pre-assumption].
List of Products:
1. Bathing Soap
2. Body Spray
3. Breakfast cereal
4. Butter
5. Chocolate
6. Fairness cream
7. Hair Oil
8. Jams
9. Lipstick
10. Microwave oven
11. Moisturizer
12. Nail polish
13. Pen drive
14. Pickles
15. Sauces/ Ketchup
16. Shampoo
17. Shaving cream
18. Toothpast
19. Washing machine
20. 74. Washing powder
Now the students are required to make a project on the identified product/service
keeping in mind the following:
1. Why have they selected this product/service?
2. Find out '5' competitive brands that exist in the market.
3. What permission and licences would be required to make the product?
4. What are your competitors Unique Selling Proposition. [U.S.P.]?
5. Does your product have any range give details?
6. What is the name of your product?
7. Enlist its features.
8. Draw the 'Label' of your product.
9. Draw a logo for your product.
10. Draft a tag line.
11. What is the selling price of your competitor's product?
(i) Selling price to consumer, (ii) Selling price to retailer, (iii) Selling price to
12. What is the profit margin in percentage to the Manufacturer, Wholesaler,
12. How will your product be packaged?
13. Which channel of distribution are you going to use? Give reasons for selection?
14. Decisions related to warehousing, state reasons.
15. What is going to be your selling price?
(i) To consumer (ii) To retailer (iii) To wholesaler
16. List 5 ways of promoting your product.
17.Any schemes for
(i) The wholesaler, (ii) The retailer (iii) The consumer
18. What means of transport you will use and why?
19. Draft a social message for your label.
20. What cost effective techniques will you follow for your product.
21. What cost effective techniques will you follow for your promotion plan.


# Submit neat work.
# Work has to be original and done by the student. Plagiarized contents will
not be assessed.
# Project should be hand- written in pages of a lace file which must be
submitted when the school reopens after Summer Vacation.
# Due Date of Submission: 18.06.2024

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