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Identify these sentences 1.

Modern man struggled for many years to develop a process that he could use to separate aluminum from other elements to which it was bonded. 2. Until 1845, scientists failed to discover a process which could separate aluminum from its various alloys. 3. The particles of aluminum that were formed by early process were no larger than the head of pin. 4. The price of aluminum, which had surpassed even that of gold, fell rapidly in 1859 when French plants began full production. 5. France, where the process was developed, took an early lead in aluminum production. Note Marked: The people that we met were not foreigners. Unmarked: The people we met were foreigners. 1. The twenty-eight space missions the United States launched in the 1960s and 1970s involved very expensive spacecraft NASA could use only once. 2. The rocket system engineer designed launched the spacecraft successfully but burned as it fell back to earth. 3. The capsule the astronauts rode in was also designed to be used only once 4. The Space Transportation System (STS) program President Nixon approved in 1972 called for the development of a spacecraft NASA could rouse many times. 5. The design NASA selected for the STS program is made up of three basic parts. 6. The part the astronauts can control is the cargo carrier. 7. The first STS flight NASA had originally scheduled for April 10 finally lifted off on Sunday, April 12, 1981. 8. The first launch was delayed because of a problem with the computer system the spacecraft used. 9. The astronauts NASA officials chose for the first STS flight had a great deal of experience because of live on other space flights he had made. 10. The STS flight NASA launched in April 1981 was intended to be the first of many shuttle flights the United States would send up in the following years. Noun Clause That it rained so much this year is fortunate for farmers. Everyone hopes that the world will remain at peace. They said that the problem is much more difficult than expected. Question words: what, why, how and so on. The advertisement does not say how much the car costs. I dont even know who they are. Where the prospectors went is a mystery.

Identify these sentences Write NC if it contains Noun Clause and AC if it contains Adjective Clause. 1. 2. 3. 4. Newspaper reported the fact that a major earthquake had occurred in Algeria. The lawyer expressed his belief that his client was innocent The belief that Moslems hold is based on the teaching of Mohammed. That that the witness concealed would have saved the defendant from being convicted. 5. Searchers have given up hope that the hikers will be found before nightfall. 6. The newspaper frequently misquoted the statement that the governor made. 7. The jurors seem unconvinced by the witness statement that he had seen an armed man running from the house. 8. Several people overheard the argument that the couple had. 9. News that a ship had sunk off the Georgia coast reached the Coast Guard very quickly. 10. The hope that all students have is to pass their exams with good grades.

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