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Sub: C Programming (BCA – 232)

Date : 13/05/2015 Total Marks : 60 Time: 10.00 am to 12.30 pm

1. All questions are compulsory unless and otherwise stated.
2. Bold figures to the right of every question are the maximum marks for that question.
3. Candidates are advised to attempt questions in order.
4. Answers written illegibly are likely to be marked zero.
5. Use of scientific calculators, Log tables, Mollier Charts is allowed.
6. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

Q.1. Fill in the blanks. (5)

1. -------- is named location in the memory which stores the users data.
a) array b) structure
c) Variable d) Reserve words
2. Which of the following is invalid variable name
a) Max_no b)Max+no
c) max_no d) maxno
3. String is terminated by -----character
a) \n b) \ 0
c) \t d) \ !
4. Meaning of void is return ------
a) 0 b) -1
c) 1 d) nothing
5. C functions can return ----- value.
a) only character b) few
c) more than one d) only one

Q.2. State True/False. (5)

1. One if can have more than one else clause
2. Default is a keyword in C
3. C allows array of three or more dimensions
4. C is a middle level language
5. A program stops its execution when a break statement is encounter

Q.3. Answer the following. (Solve any 5) (10)

1. Define constant.
2. What is clrscr() function?
3. What are Reserve Words?
4. Which function is used in c to write the string to screen?
5. What is string? How it is declared.
6. What is the difference between = (equal to) and = =(double equal to) signs in C.

Q. 4. Answer the following in detail. (Solve any 6) (30)

1. Write a algorithm to print 1 to 10 numbers and draw the flowchart.
2. Explain while loop with example
3. Define the term array- declaration and array- initialization?
4. Explain the term case, default; break in relation to switch case statement.
5. Write down the rules to be followed for declaring variable.
6. Define structure. Write advantages of structure
7. Write short note on symbolic constants.
C Programming (BCA - 232) AD/I 1/2
Q. 5. Answer the following in detail. (Solve any 1) (10)
1. What is function? What is user defined function and library function? Explain the
concept call by value with example..
2. Write a program to accept 10 numbers in a array and find out Max, min, Total of all
elements and average of all elements

C Programming (BCA - 232) AD/I 2/2

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