Day-One Sample Script

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Therapist: Good afternoon, sir. For your first therapy session, we will do psychoanalytic therapy.

Client: Okay, miss.

Therapist: Let's go to the therapy room to do your therapy.

(The client and therapist go to the therapy room.)

Therapist: We have a water dispenser here, so when you want to drink water, you drink first.

Client: Thank you very much, miss. Alright, I'll drink some water first..

(The client has finished drinking water.)

Therapist: Are you ready?

Client: Yes, miss.

Therapist: Sir, the first thing to do is to lie down on the bed and take a position where you are

Client: Okay, miss.

(The client is lying on the bed.)

Client: I'm okay in my position, and it's comfortable.

Therapist: We are about to start your therapy, and I am ready to listen to you.

Client: Today, I am filled with fear. My boss yelled at me, and I lost motivation to work. I lost
myself because I felt ashamed of my boss. He called and talked to me. He asked for an apology
for what he had done, explaining that he had a bad day earlier. Even though it wasn't really okay
with me because it had a big impact on me, I just said, "It's okay, and I understand." I went
home to our house and fell asleep because I was exhausted, but I dreamed.

Therapist: What did you dream about?

Client: I was at a fast food chain, and while I was standing in line at the cashier, The guy in front
of me behaved badly towards a crew member, and the crew reported it to his manager, so the
guy left immediately. When the manager arrived, the day didn't look good either, and he mistook
me for the man. Even though I tried to explain that I wasn't the guy who insulted their crew, he
didn't listen, and I was his proverbial bad word. I woke up immediately after my dream, and I
was out of breath.
Therapist: When you think of a dream, what comes to your mind?

Client: What came to my mind was the manager yelling at me.

Therapist: Does yelling make you think of something in particular?

Client: Yes, because what I remember when I get yelled at is my childhood memory. I grew up in
a family where breakfast till night was shouting. Every day, this happens in my family. I prefer to
lock myself in my room and cover my ears. I was also yelled at by my parents, especially when I
made a mistake in what they ordered, and that was the reason why I always wanted to be alone
in my room while crying.

Therapist: Based on your revealed stories, yelling or being yelled at makes you remember your
unforgettable memories when you were young, and it has a bad effect on your mentality now.

Client: To be honest, I kept this to myself for a long time. Because I don't want others to know
what my weakness is, let that be a way for them to take advantage of me.

Therapist: Don't worry, sir; everything we talked about in our therapy is only known to the two of
us. This is included in our work.

Client: Thank you very much, miss, because I let out my feelings.

Therapist: Before we finish, you first calm down and breathe. Inhale and exhale three times.

Client: (Inhale , Exhale)

Therapist: I'm glad your first therapy session was a success. Just check your email for your next
therapy appointment.

Client: Thank you so much, miss.

Therapist: Welcome, sir. See you in your second therapy again.

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