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Liberation & Absorption

Yogic Mystery School™

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Yogic Mystery School

Tantra And Liberation

The goal of Tantra, according to many of its texts, is liberation.

The idea is to become free of all that inhibits and limits us. This

notion is central to Hinduism and Indian spirituality. For instance,

Yoga, too, according to Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutras,

is, ultimately, “kaivalya,” which means emancipation. The

western New Age movement of the 70s and 80s interpreted this

sense of liberation to do whatever you want spiritually: unbridled

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freedom that was in continuance with the sexual freedom of the

60s. Tantra was incorporated into this mentality to develop

methods of sexual intimacy, at times, touted as forms of therapy.

Traditional Tantra is not to be accepted blindly without

discrimination because there never was any regulation or

accountability. The main form of authority was the brahminical

Vedic tradition, and so, much of Tantra was against the status

quo or what was considered orthodox. For instance, women

were not allowed to visit temples when they were menstruating, a

process considered “unclean.” Some Tantrics, therefore,

conducted their rituals with menstrual blood to make a point that

it was a vital aspect of life, the Shakti herself, and therefore

sacred. There were, however, dark aspects of Tantra, such as the

use of underage girls in sexual rituals.

Sri Vidya was a form of Tantra that emerged around 500 CE and

solidified in the 10th century. The word “Sri” connotes the

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goddess Lakshmi, wealth, and, above all, respectability. Sri Vidya

was, in other words, a respectable path, a path that even the

orthodox brahmins could follow. And many did. The South Indian

brahminical tradition has many

practitioners of this path that

upholds instead of

disregarding the Vedas. The

great Adi Shankara himself, a

key proponent of Advaita (non-

dualism), could be associated

with Sri Vidya. As a result, this

path integrated many Vedic

rituals, mantras, and practices.

At the same time, there are

many unique features of this

path that are discretely Tantric.

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Today, one may find schools and teachers of Sri Vidya, each

teaching their particular variations and interpretations of this type

of Tantra. Although we have studied the traditional Hindu

approach assiduously, our Yogic Mystery School differentiates

itself in many ways. For instance, we feel it is vital to integrate the

last 300 years of western psychology and its development from

Freud and Jung to the Transpersonal Psychology of Maslow and

Stan Grof. The fascinating field of transpersonal psychology

includes spiritual the sense of self beyond the ego, meaning, the

transcendent self or spiritual self central to eastern

enlightenment. It is also respectful of mystical states, such as

spiritual highs and trances, and non-ordinary states of

consciousness tapped in such states as conducive to deep

healing and self-realization.

Tantra is very much like Transpersonal Psychology but missing

the psychology. While Tantra is fantastic with offering us ways to

tap into non-ordinary states of consciousness and the healing

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and enlightenment that comes with it, the problem is the lack of

psychological development that can lead to mental illness or

corrupted states of spiritual consciousness. Spiritual bypass is

unfortunately too prevalent among practitioners of eastern

spirituality because teachers themselves are so susceptible to it.

Spiritual bypass is substituting spiritual practices and concepts

in place of crucial psychological development.

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Another area that we differentiate ourselves from other schools of

Sri Vidya is our integration of holistic health. We are keen on

caring for our physical bodies in addition to our minds, and this

care goes far beyond the general interpretations, particularly in

spiritual circles. We seek to understand the brain-body condition

through food and thinking to integrate the latest research in

health and neuroplasticity.

We also evaluate and apply dietary regimens in ways that go

beyond Ayurveda, Veganism, and Vegetarianism. For example,

we find many contemporary practitioners of spirituality harm their

health by insisting on certain types of a diet solely because they

are “spiritual.” In other words, they take the medical data coming

in through their tests and their ailments and try to find “spiritual

ways” of addressing it. Unfortunately, this is another insidious

way that spiritual bypassing affects someone’s overall health and


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Liberation, we might say, is also becoming free of concepts,

ideas, and practices that we consider “spiritual.” Tantra is mainly

well known for this bold stance, even in the face of spiritual

authority. Instead of interpreting this as being deliberately

counter-culture, we can be inspired to go against the grain of our

own habits and beliefs that restrict our consciousness.

Tantra And Absorption

Meditation, we often tell my students, is about control. At least,

there are many forms of meditation that are about controlling the

mind. If the mind behaved itself, we would not need to meditate,

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would we? By its very definition, many schools of meditation

offer their techniques to still the mind, quiet the mind, calm the

mind, and so on. You get the picture! However, once there is a

state of calm, it can also lead to boredom. We want to do


Another aspect of meditation is relaxation. Relaxation is

beneficial, even essential for those of us who are easily

disturbed. Many external factors, like covid, or the economy, or

the threat of war, can activate our internal existential anxiety. We

learn to relax in meditation so that our emotions can settle down.

This aspect of meditation, we might say, is to still the motions,

quiet the emotions, calm our emotions.

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Our thoughts and our emotions are related. We use the term

"mental health" to characterize how we feel, which ties into our

thinking. And we go to therapy to address our emotions and our

difficulty integrating strong emotions like anger and fear.

Meditation is a helpful tool to help calm our thoughts and

emotions; however, the source of certain types of thoughts and

emotions lies embedded in the unconscious. In other words, we

cannot solve the problems of our minds solely through

meditation. Unfortunately, many eastern teachers have instilled

the notion that through meditation, we can solve our

psychological conditions instead of teaching that meditation can

help us with our psychological problems. When people use

meditation alone to solve their psychological conditions, they

refuse to engage in the psychological development process,

classifying it as spiritual bypass.

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There should be no doubt that meditation practices can play a

decisive role in our overall health and well-being. However, when

we look solely towards meditation practices, or any other type of

spiritual practices, to solve our psychological conditions to avoid

the developmental processes essential to our growth, we are

hurting and harming ourselves. Unfortunately, many well-

meaning spiritual practitioners (and teachers) realize this only

when things get way out of hand.

In our Yogic Mystery School, we teach absorption as a way of

fulfillment and as a prism through which we can learn about parts

of ourselves that are psychologically broken and need attention.

We are all wounded in some way, shape, or form. We all carry

wounds and scars from the challenging experiences in our life.

Some of these wounds might have healed previously, but they

can open up again. It is hard to know why, but they do. Perhaps

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we did not work deeply enough with them. Or maybe they were

layers hidden from us in the first round of healing.

Meditation, I often tell my students, is about control. At least,

there are many forms of meditation that are about controlling the

mind. If the mind behaved itself, we would not need to meditate,

would we? By its very definition, many schools of meditation

offer their techniques to still the mind, quiet the mind, calm the

mind, and so on. You get the picture! However, once there is a

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state of calm, it can also lead to boredom. We want to do


Another aspect of meditation is relaxation. Relaxation is

beneficial, even essential for those of us who are easily

disturbed. Many external factors, like covid, or the economy, or

the threat of war, can activate our internal existential anxiety. We

learn to relax in meditation so that our emotions can settle down.

This aspect of meditation, we might say, is to still the motions,

quiet the emotions, calm our emotions.

Our thoughts and our emotions are related. We use the term

"mental health" to characterize how we feel, which ties into our

thinking. And we go to therapy to address our emotions and our

difficulty integrating strong emotions like anger and fear.

Meditation is a helpful tool to help calm our thoughts and

emotions; however, the source of certain types of thoughts and

emotions lies embedded in the unconscious. In other words, we

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cannot solve the problems of our minds solely through

meditation. Unfortunately, many eastern teachers have instilled

the notion that through meditation, we can solve our

psychological conditions instead of teaching that meditation can

help us with our psychological problems. When people use

meditation alone to solve their psychological conditions, they

refuse to engage in the psychological development process,

classifying it as spiritual bypass.

There should be no doubt that meditation practices can play a

decisive role in our overall health and well-being. However, when

we look solely towards meditation practices or other spiritual

practices to solve our psychological conditions to avoid the

developmental processes essential to our growth, we are hurting

and harming ourselves. Unfortunately, many well-meaning

spiritual practitioners (and teachers) realize this only when things

get way out of hand.

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In our Yogic Mystery School, we teach absorption as a way of

fulfillment and as a prism through which we can learn about parts

of ourselves that are psychologically broken and need attention.

We are all wounded in some way, shape, or form. We all carry

wounds and scars from the challenging experiences in our life.

Some of these wounds might have healed previously, but they

can open up again. It is hard to know why, but they do. Perhaps

we did not work deeply enough with them. Or maybe they were

layers hidden from us in the first round of healing.

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Absorption is straightforward: at least, it should be. From a

conceptual point of view, absorption is becoming absorbed into

the very nature of being, into the ground of being. The self is our

natural state, so we relax into the heart of the self. If only

absorption or samadhi were as natural and effortless as many

eastern teachers tell us it is, we would all be saints absorbed in

the highest consciousness all of the time.

What does the experience of absorption feel like, one student

asked. I explained with an image of water seeping into the

ground. Absorption is the peace and joy of resting and residing

within ourselves, effortlessly. However, there are unique

challenges each time we try and sink into the naturalness of our


In the type of Sri Vidya Tantra that we study, practice, and teach,

we use a vocabulary of techniques. Mantra is undoubtedly a key

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element. And we utilize the broad scope of mantra found in the

Vedic, Tantric, and Bhakti traditions to develop aspects of our

voice. Our incorporation of the psychological with the esoteric

and spiritual is one of the chief characteristics in our school. For

instance, we use the Tantric mantras to develop power in our


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For those disempowered by past experiences, this is a

formidable tool. The Bhakti tradition offers softness and beauty

through its methodology. It is not just the mantra but also how we

use the mantra that helps us address our psychological

deficiencies or excesses. This combination of the mantra and

ways of using it learned from the tradition in which it occurs is

how we rectify our imbalances.

We also use certain Tantric rituals for our healing. For instance, to

address issues around the feminine, we have a ritual that serves

as a healing container. If a woman has wounded us, or if our

feminine nature has suffered abuse, this beautiful ritual can help

us heal around the feminine. Similarly, we have a ritual to help us

heal around the masculine. Perhaps we've grown up with an

overbearing father. Our approach is that the pure principles—the

sacred masculine, the Shiva principle, and the divine feminine,

the Shakti principle—can be corrupted. The rituals and the

mantras and mudras help us heal the corruption, transform it,

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and liberate us. When we heal, we can become more easily

absorbed into the naturalness of being. As a result, we feel

comfortable in our bodies, homes, and relationships. Therefore,

this type of Tantra is not seeking to become free of the world as

is typical in the world-negation views of eastern spirituality, but to

transform our world by changing ourselves. It is a form of sacred


Just as the ancient alchemists sought to transform lead into gold,

the esoteric paths, especially the esoteric mystery schools of the

west, sought to change the lead-like aspects of our human

nature, the types of thoughts and feelings that pull us down and

make us feel ordinary. We all have problems, we say. Tantra is a

path that, on the one hand, accepts the various conditions of self

that emerge, but on the other hand seeks to transform these

conditions so we can enjoy a better, higher, enhanced state of


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Suppose you are serious about exploring non-ordinary states of

consciousness, healing yourself and the world, and studying

Tantra in the most authentic way possible while maintaining your

discernment and critical thinking. In that case, you might want to

consider joining our kula, our spiritual community of Tantric

practitioners in our Yogic Mystery School.

A vast quantity of our content is available online. We come

together frequently using Zoom and Skype, and we also meet

live in Austin, Texas and travel to India together once a year.

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Reach out to us; or learn more at: and

Yogic Mystery School™

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