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SESSION: 2024-2025
Q1. Choose the correct op on.
1. Name the teeth which is known as cracking teeth.
a. Incisor b. Canines c. Pre-Molars

2.Yeast is a type of which micro-organism?

a. Bacteria b. Protozoa c. Fungi

Q2. Fill in the blanks:

1. _______________ is the hardest substance in the body.
2. Food which contain ____________ and ______________nutrients are important for
healthy teeth.

Q3. One word answer.

1. Name the chisel type of teeth.
2. What causes plaque in human teeth.
3. What is present inside the den ne?
4. Define germs?
Q1. Answer the following ques on by using this given paragraph.
It is very important to look a er our teeth. They have to last us a long me! Keeping our
teeth healthy can prevent disease and infec on. We should brush our teeth with toothpaste
at least twice a day with a good toothbrush. Brush them up and down and make sure you
clean all your teeth even the molars at the back of your mouth. Dental floss is like a thin
string and helps remove plaque and bits of food between your teeth. Toothpaste with
fluoride can keep our teeth strong and healthy. Take regular visits to the den sts about
every six months will prevent any tooth decay becoming too bad.

1. Name the substance which is o en found in toothpaste that keeps our teeth strong?

2. It is important to look a er our teeth. Why?


3. Write one advantage of dental floss.


4. How o en should you brush your teeth?

Q2. Open-ended ques ons.
1. Write down two applica ons of micro-organisms in your daily life. (like how you used in
cooking etc).

2. Ea ng too much sugar, chocolates, colas are harmful for teeth. Why is it?

3. The teeth of six-year-old kids are easily fall out but causes bleeding and severe pain to a
twenty-five-year-old adult. Specify the reason.

Q1. Mul disciplinary ques ons:
1. If ‘incisors’ are known as ‘canines’, ‘canines’ are known as ‘pre-molars’, ‘pre-molars’ are
known as ‘molars’ and ‘molars’ are known as ‘teeth’, then which teeth helps us to tear the
a. incisors
b. canines
c. pre-molars

2. The number of bacteria in a certain culture doubles every hour. If there were 30 bacteria
present in the culture originally, how many bacteria will present a er two hours?
a. 60
b. 120
c. 240

Q2. Ac vity:
1. Help this boy to find his toothbrush.

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