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Barbara Kirkby-Mason

To cite this article: (1994) Barbara Kirkby-Mason, , 11:1, 175-176, DOI:

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Contemporary Music Review, 9 1994 Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH
1994, Vol. 11, Parts 1 & 2, pp. 175-176 Printed in Malaysia
Reprints available directly from the publisher
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b. 1910

Fantasy-Rondo for solo guitar (1985) (Duration 9 mins)

First performed by Gregory Newton at the W i g m o r e Hall,
London in 1987
Barbara Kirkby-Mason's contributions to music have been m a n y and diverse but
they have been particularly distinguished in the music-education field and as a
piano soloist, activities that have taken her to very m a n y countries around the
world. A summary of her work would take longer to read than the Fantasy-Rondo
takes to play; even more brief are her comments on it: 'The theme of
Fantasy-Rondo is based on a short pithy motif which recurs throughout the several
sections in extended and varied texture. The upper part of the theme features a
toccata-like figure in semi-quavers, moderately fast, in a colourful idiom. The
interludes are introduced first in waltz tempo, followed later by Alla marcia and
Tempo de gavotta. The lively Coda, with a more strident character of wider
intervals, completes the Fantasy-Rondo with bold descending octaves and em-
phatic chords.'

Musical Opinion June 1959

Musical Beginnings for all at the Piano by Barbara Kirkby-Mason

A tutor with a difference. It invites all w h o have a keyboard instrument to venture
into music-making. The facts are cleverly assembled not only with a n eye to
completeness, but also in a way that will create and sustain interest. This work, as
befits its importance, is handsomely produced.

Journal d'Anvers June 1936

Second Album by Barbara Kirkby-Mason

En ddpit de leur archaiche simplicitd e de leur facilities technique, cette sdrie de six
morceaux peut certes occuper une petite place fort honorable sur le pup~tre ~ c6td
des ouvrettes similaires des Schumann et des Czerny.

Barbara Kirkby-Mason, FRAM, Hon FTCL, LRAM, is a well known composer in the field of educational
music. She studied at the Royal Academy of Music, reaching a high standard in piano performance and
gaining the Sterndale Bennett Prize for Mozart playing.
Barbara Kirkby-Mason has contributed articles and has travelled widely in the UK and overseas,
undertaking lectures, master-classes, and broadcasting. Her piano publications have received world-
wide recognition. During her recent lecture appearance at the EPTA "'European Congress" in Lucerne
176 Barbara Kirkby-Mason

(October 1992) Barbara Kirkby-Mason was acclaimed the leading composer for Piano Education in
Switzerland. Her compositions are in frequent demand as Test Pieces for Examinations and Music
Festivals. Her output for "Piano Duets" (for beginners and at concert level) is of particular significance
and is now used extensively for contests in the UK and overseas.
Works by Barbara Kirkby-Mason include:
Musical beginnings for All (Revised Ed. 1993)
International Piano Course for Beginners (in 23 parts, text in English, French and German)
The Adult Course (in English and German editions [London and Cologne])
The Growing Up Course (in 6 parts, with words and music)
Modem Society (concert suite for solo piano)
The Skitsy Sailor (for piano duet -- higher grade)
Four Island Memories (for piano solo or arr. duet -- concert standard)
The Fantasy Rondo for Solo Guitar by Barbara Kirkby-Mason was premiered by Gregory Newton at
the Wigmore Hall, London, in 1987 (see programme note).

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