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Sulaiman Adewale Alagunfon1* and Razaq Adeoye Ajibade2

Department of Religious Studies, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Correspondence: / +2348026788438


Seeing through reason has been the characteristic of Muslims over the years. This indeed
contributed immensely to their philosophical thinking even before the medieval ages. Rasā’il
Ikhwān al-Ṣafā (Epistles of the Brethren of Purity) provide a further testimony to this fact.
Despite the overbearing influence of the society and the environment, Ikhwān al-Ṣafā
philosophically designed the right values to lead their lives in line with their unique inclinations
and aspirations. Therefore, in attempt to dissect medieval Islamic contribution to philosophy,
this paper examines the historical background of Ikhwān al-Ṣafā, their real identity and their
philosophical thoughts as contained in their epistles. Using descriptive method of research, the
paper also studies their modus operandi and the influence of their philosophical thoughts
enshrined in the Rasa‟il on the later generations.

Keywords: Ikhwān al-Ṣafā, Islam, Muslim Philosophers, Philosophy, Rasā’il.

Introduction aspect of the group are meagre and the little

information we have got only mention them
In the first half of the 4th century of Islam, en passen and/or run a deductive critique
corresponding to the last quarter of the 10th on their work called Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā
century CE, some anonymous people during which some of their views may or
organised themselves and formed a group. may not be discussed and which is,
This group tried to liberate themselves from normally, done in a way suitable for such
the traditional beliefs of Islamic religion researcher to attribute or put it face-to-face
and introduced their own version of what with common issues. By this, the Rasā’il
they believed to have been the authentic Ikhwān al-Ṣafā is even more popular than
belief. Their nomenclature was Ikhwān al- the writer(s) themselves, and if not for the
Ṣafā (The Brethren of Purity or the Sincere name of the group that is embedded in the
Brothers). This group later had numerous title of the book, no one would have,
influences on the Islamic doctrines of later probably, engaged in effortful search about
generations in both medieval and modern their identity. This, however, puts a limit,
times (cf. Ozkan 2016; Ebstein 2015; Fierro not only to the amount of knowledge we
1996). may gain from the lives and activities of
this important group, but also to how we
There have been commendable scholastic can understand their influence on the later
efforts diligently expended to ascertain the generation of medieval and modern people.
real identity and objectives of this group.
However, things said about this identity


Gashua Journal of Sciences and Humanities
Vol. 2, Issue 2: pp. 165 – 173
Alagunfoni and Ajibade, Rasá’il Ikhwán…, GJSH (2016). Vol. 2(2): pp. 165 - 173 ISSN: 2489-0049

It is therefore the aim of this work to does not matter who the author(s) were, the
extensively examine this „identity‟ issue fact remains that the book was produced by
and see to what extent the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā (Alūsī, 1981:161).
was able to contribute to Philosophie Therefore, to go by the latter‟s view is
Islamicus vis-à-vis the influence they common-sensical as it had a real basis
wielded on the later generation. These are considering the meaning of the name itself.
done by tracing the history of their Scholars such as Hamdani (1989) and Van
emergence and activities in the medieval Dyk (1896) have traced the origin of the
period of Islam and by critically analysing Ikhwān al-Ṣafā to al-Baṣrah, a prominent
their prominent work, Rasā’il Ikhwān al- city of Iraq established in 636CE and later
Ṣafā (Epistles of the Brethren of Purity, became an important citadel of learning and
henceforth Rasā’il). The endeavour, which intellectual centre in Islamic eras across the
will make it possible to comprehend some ages. They are, according to them, a group
of their views and the inspiration they put of intelligentsias who formed a secret club
in the minds of the later generations. for two reasons, one of which is political
and the other religious or, to use the
Ikhwān al-Ṣafā: Historical Background language of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā themselves,
spiritual (Ikhwān al-Ṣafā, 2014:617).
Their full name is Ikhwān al-Ṣafā wa
Khillān al-Wafā wa Ahl al-‘Adl wa Abnā’ Ikhwān al-Ṣafā started their underground
al-Ḥamd or wa Ahl al-Ḥamd wa Abnā’ al- movement in Baṣrah around 4th/10th
Majd (the Brethren of Purity, loyal friends,
century. The spiritual aim of the group is to
just and sons of praise or the people of
praise and sons of glory). Why they chose reform all the souls of their contemporary
this name remains obscure. It can, however, people, though, in gradual process with
be deduced that they derived it from the which Allah reveals to His prophets and
popular philosophy book titled Kalīlah wa also the medium which the Prophets also
Dimnah, a book they admired a lot adopted in introducing Islam to their
(Farrukh, 2013:10). In one of the stories of people. Those reformed souls will then
Kalīlah wa Dimnah, the narrator, when
serve as the ideal resource persons for the
describing the adventure of a ringdove,
mentioned the name “Ikhwān al-Ṣafā” and second goal, which is to form an ideal
further describes them and their attributes. Islamic state. They referred to this Islamic
He also exemplifies it with the encounter of state as Dawlah Ahl al-Khayr (State of the
some animals with a hunter (cf. Ibn al- Charity People) as opposed to Dawlah Ahl
Muqaffa„ (trans.), 1937:177). al-Sharr (State of the Bad People) (Ibid:
Ikhwān al-Ṣafā have been referred to, as 691). Even if we could not categorically say
pointed out by al-Alūsī, as an illusionary that Ikhwān al-Ṣafā is ideologically
group pictured by an individual. In other conglomerated with the present-day Ikhwān
words, it is an individual who writes using al-Muslimīn (Muslim Brotherhood)
the name as his penname. Meanwhile, al- (Martin, 2004:345-348), the political
Alusi refuted this and argued that, it is a ambitions of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā may be
group of people who organised themselves
likened, on the one hand with the struggle
and formed a clandestine club during the
medieval period of Islam. This former view of the Muslim Brotherhood to establish an
has also been refuted by majority of ideal Islamic state in the Arab world. On
scholars due to the fact that the protagonists the other hand, the major aim of the Ikhwān
of the view usually mention the name of al-Ṣafā is to build a spiritual city and not
one prominent member of the group as the necessarily the practical and democratic
author of the encyclopaedic Rasā’il. This
one as we have it today. To achieve their
refutation is based on the premise that it

Alagunfoni and Ajibade, Rasá’il Ikhwán…, GJSH (2016). Vol. 2(2): pp. 165 - 173 ISSN: 2489-0049

twofold aim, Ikhwān al-Ṣafā secretly (the generous and respected ones). For
organised themselves in group, which someone to be in this hierarchy, he must
mostly comprises youths. These youths have acquainted himself with theological
and ideological codes of the group. This set
were initiated to what Farrukh (2013:5)
of people are eligible to be the Kings of the
referred to as ethico-spiritual views. After world since they possess knowledge and
this organisation had been successfully set experience, as the philosopher-king in the
up, Ikhwān al-Ṣafā started writing articles Platonic view (Bloom, 1991). The last
and books that will later become their category is for al-Mu‘allimūn or al-
manifestoes and constitutional guide. The Muqarrabūn ’ilā Allah (the teachers or
prominent of these write-ups is the Rasā’il. those who are close to Allah). The members
of this group are in their fifties and their
Most of the members of Ikhwān al-Ṣafā are membership, goes up without age
from the grassroots. They mapped out some limitation. The members of this group have
modalities for who joins the group and who the potentials to be “Prophets” or
does not and they internally screen people “Philosophers”. Based on this, Prophets Īsā
with these modalities. They organised and Muhammad (May Allah be pleased
meetings for the members, which holds with them) were regarded by the Ikhwān to
fortnightly or every twelfth day. During be in this category (al-Bustānī, 1405AH: 7-
their meetings, they share political and 11). However, the question here remains
spiritual thoughts with their members and how do we determine the Ikhwān‟s linkage
discuss the strategies in realizing their goals between age and duty or potentials if both
(Brill, 186:1071-1076). Despite all these Prophets Īsā (Jesus) and Muhammad are in
ambitions and high sense of organisation, this last category with the fact that their
there have not been any accounts of ages as at the time of their prophet hood are
rebellious or revolutionary movement or lower than the one prescribed by the
demonstration carried out by them during Ikhwān? For this, one notices the influence
the time. Nevertheless, they have the of the ancient Greek philosophy in this
intention that one day their ideas and Ikhwān‟s segmentation, as it owes too
theories will dominate the world and much resemblance to Plato‟s division in
constitute major, if not all, parts of the The Republic.
world‟s polities (Farrukh, 2013:41).
Ikhwān al-Ṣafā were generally regarded as
Ikhwān al-Ṣafā‟s group was organised in Muslims, but with special inclination to the
hierarchies which were segmented into four philosophy of the ancient Greek. They
divisions according to the age of the strived to reconcile between the Islamic
members and their would-be creeds and philosophical sciences of the
responsibilities. The first segment is the Greek. By this, they believed, Islam of their
group of younger ones. Members of this time is entangled and therefore not the ideal
group are between fifteen and twenty-nine one. They proposed that it can only be
years of age. They are called al-Abrār wa’l- liberated through philosophy, after which it
Ruḥamā’ (righteous and merciful people). will be complete (al-Tawhidi, 2003:162-
Their duty is to act as craftsmen who brings 170). This led them to reconcile their own
about new ideas to the society. In the interpretations of all the religious sciences
second segment are those in their thirties. of their time with philosophical knowledge.
They are called al-Akhyār wa’l-Fuḍalā’
The real identity of Ikhwān al-Ṣafā
(good and eminent people). Their duty is to
assist the Abrār and guide them. They also remained unknown until the time of Abu
serve as the political leaders of the society. Hayyān al-Tawḥīdī, who mentioned the
The third segment are those in their forties names of their prominent members in his
and they are named al-Fuḍalā’ al-Kirām al-Imtā‘ wal Mu’ānasah (Hamdani,

Alagunfoni and Ajibade, Rasá’il Ikhwán…, GJSH (2016). Vol. 2(2): pp. 165 - 173 ISSN: 2489-0049

1978:345-353). The names mentioned in Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā and Jāmi‘ah al-
this book are Abū Sulaymān Muhammad b. Jāmi‘ah which is a condensed version of
Ma'shar al-Bustī also known as al- al-Jāmi‘ah and it is often referred to as
Muqaddisī, Abū al-Ḥasan 'Alī b. Hārūn al- Zubdah min Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā
Zanjānī, Abū Ahmad al-Mihrajānī, and (Extract from the Epistles of the Brethren
Zayd b. Rifā„ah al-'Awqī (al-Tawhidi, of the Purity) or al-Risalah al-Jami‘ah
2003:163). Since al-Tawhīdī provided us (Farrukh, 2013:11). It is important to note
with the list, there have been efforts to that the summaries and condensations they
identify the members and most especially made in their writings were to simplify and
the author(s) of the Rasā’il. The names of make their knowledge accessible to all and
both al-Muqaddisī and al-Zanjānī are most sundry in their contemporary society. the
of the time referred to, with the former case however turned out to be in reverse
superseding the latter in terms of (Ikhwan al-Safa, 2014:831).
popularity, as the major writers of the work
(Hamdani, 1978:348). Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā: An Overview

The Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā is an

The reason behind the hidden identity of
encyclopaedia of the Ikhwān‟s views,
the Ikhwān is also not clear. However, there
opinions and interpretations of their
is claim that Ikhwān al-Ṣafā hid their
religious standpoints. It consists of Fifty-
identity in order for people not to identify
two (52) epistles preceded by a fourteen-
them as adherents of Ismaīlī doctrines
page content analysis of virtually all the
(Tibawi, 1978:57-67 as cited by Fares,
epistles and caudated with al-Jāmi‘ah, an
2012:20-21). They have been also noted for
abridged version which summarised the
hiding their true identity as members of the
whole book. The Rasā’il is divided into
Ismaili sect. Nevertheless, their inclination
four divisions namely Riyāḍiyyah
to the doctrines of the Ismaīlī Shia is
Ta‘līmiyyah (Mathematical and
discernible in their philosophical and
Instructional Sciences), Jismāniyyah
religious theories to the extent that through
Ṭabī‘iyyah (Corporeal and Natural
their epistles, a greater influence on a
Sciences), Nafsāniyyah ‘Aqliyyah
subgroup of Ismaīlī sect appears to be very
(Psychological and Rational Sciences) and
visible as will be discussed later in this
Nāmūsiyyah Shar‘iyyah (Divine and
Theological Sciences) (al-Bustānī,
Works of Ikhwān al-Ṣafā 1405AH:11-12).

The Ikhwān al-Ṣafā produced many works, The first division consists of fourteen
epistles covering virtually all areas of
all of which centred on their philosophical
mathematical and instructional subjects
and religious doctrines. Despite the such as al-‘Adad (Numbers), Jumaṭriyā
evidences of influence of Greek (Geometry), Asṭrunūmiyyā (Astronomy),
philosophers seen in their writings, they Jughrāfiyyah (Geography), al-Mūsīqā,
also drew some views from virtually all (Music), al-Nisbah al-‘Adadiyyah wal-
religions of their time such as Christianity, Handasiyyah (Numerology), al-Ṣanā’i‘ al-
Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and definitely ‘Ilmiyyah (Intellectual Crafts), al-Ṣanā’i‘
al-‘Amaliyyah (Manual Crafts), al-Akhlāq
Islam (Hamdani, 1989:99). The most
(Ethics), Isāghujay (Isagogue, a Logic book
prominent of their works as earlier of Aristotle), Ten Categories (of Aristotle),
mentioned is the Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā. Bārāmāniyās (Hermeneutics), al-
Also to their credit are al-Jāmi„ah (a Mintiqiyyāt (Logic) and Anūlūṭīqā
general book), which is a summary of

Alagunfoni and Ajibade, Rasá’il Ikhwán…, GJSH (2016). Vol. 2(2): pp. 165 - 173 ISSN: 2489-0049

(Analytics) (Ikhwān al-Ṣafā, 1405AH, vol. ilā Allah (How to reach Allah), I’tiqād
1). Ikhwān al-Ṣafā (Doctrines of the Brethren
of Purity), Kayfiyyah Mu‘āsharah Ikhwān
The second division contains seventeen al-Ṣafā (How to relate with Brethren of
epistles and deal with natural sciences. Purity), Māhiyyah al-Īmān (Essence of
They are: Bayān al-Huyulā wa’l-Ḥarakah Faith), Māhiyyah al-Nāmūs al-Ilāhī
(Categories of Matter or Form and Place or (Essence of Divine Code), Kayfiyah al-
Motion), al-Samā’ wa’l-‘Ālam (Heaven and Da‘wah ilā Allah (How to Proselytize),
the Universe), al-Kawn wa’l-Fasād (Being Aḥwāl al-Rawḥāniyyīn (Conditions of the
and Degeneration), al-Āthār al-‘Alawiyyah Spiritual Beings), Kayfiyah Anwā‘ al-
(Heavenly Antiques), Takwīn al-Ma‘ādin Siyāsāt wa Kamiyyatihā (Kinds of Politics
(Geology), al-Ḥayawanāt wa Aṣnāfuhā and their Magnitudes), Kayfiyah Naḍad al-
(Animals and their species), Tarkīb al- ‘Ālam bi Asrih (The Framework of the
Jasad (Anatomy), al-Ḥāss wa’l-Maḥsūs Worlds), and Māhiyyah al-Siḥr (Essence of
(Senses), Masqaṭ al-Nuṭfah (Source of Sorcery) (Ikhwān al-Ṣafā 1405AH: vol. 4).
Spermatozoa), Qawluhum al-Insān ‘Ālam
Ṣaghīr (Mankind as a Minute Universe), All the epistles under these four categories
Nushū’ al-Anfus al-Juz’iyyah fi’l-Jasad al- have numerous chapters under it, whose
Insāniyyah (Development of Souls in sizes vary between lengthy and pithy ones.
Human Body), Ṭāqah al-Isān fi’l-Ma‘ārif The lengthiest of the epistles is the epistle
(Epistemology), Ḥikmah al-Mawt wa’l- thirty-two which contains one hundred and
Ḥayāh (Wisdom behind Life and Death), forty pages, while there is as few as three-
Khāṣiyyah al-Ladhdhāt (Features of page chapter in the book. The first three
Pleasure), and lastly, Ikhtilāf ‘Ilal al-Lughāt divisions of the book are like a preamble.
(Discrepancies in Languages) (Ikhwān al- They are frontloaded in other to prepare the
Ṣafā, 1405AH, vol. 2). reader for what is later going to be the
major aim of the writer(s). These three
The third section, which talks about divisions were full of philosophical views
psychological sciences, consist of ten borrowed majorly from the ancient Greek
epistles, they include: Mabādi’ al- philosophers and popular religions of the
Mawjūdāt al-‘Aqliyyah ‘alā ra’y al- Ikhwān‟s time. This external and internal
Fithaghūriyyin (Pythagoreans‟ Principles of influence can be best summarized by the
Pshycology), al-Mabādi’ al-‘Aqliyyah ‘alā following assertion:
ra’y Ikhwān al-Ṣafā (Psychological
Principles of the Brethren of Purity), Fi They (Ikhwān al-Ṣafā) are influenced
Ma‘nā Qawl al-Ḥukamā’ al-Insān ‘Alam by Pythagorean arithmetic, numerology
Kabīr (The Meaning of the Word: “Man is and music; Euclidean geometry;
a Massive Universe), al-‘Aql wa’l-Ma‘qūl Ptolemaic astronomy; Hermetic and
(On Brain and Reasoning), al-Adwār wa’l- Indo-Persian magic and astrology;
Akwār (the Orbit and the Globe), Māhiyyah Aristotelian logic and physics, gnostic
al-‘Ishq (Essence of Passion), al-Ba‘th esotericism, neo-platonic cosmology,
wa’l-Qiyāmah (Resurrection), al-‘Ilal wal- theory of emanations and metaphysics;
Ma‘lūlāt (Causes and Effects), and al- Biblical Prophetology; Platonic
Ḥudūd wa’l-Rusūm (Logical Terms and concepts of law and leadership, as well
Diagrams) (Ikhwān al-Ṣafā, 1405AH, vol. as Buddhist, Zoroastrian and
3). Manichaean wisdom and allegory
(Hamdani, 1989:99).
The last segment of the Rasā’il deals with
theological and religious issues and is made The fourth division clearly states the aims,
up of eleven epistles. They are al-‘Ulūm al- objectives, doctrines and activities of
Nāmūsiyyah al-‘Ilāhiyyah wa’l-Shar‘iyyah Ikhwān al-Ṣafā. Procedures on how to join
(Theological Sciences), Māhiyyah al-Ṭarīq the group, the strategies in calling to the

Alagunfoni and Ajibade, Rasá’il Ikhwán…, GJSH (2016). Vol. 2(2): pp. 165 - 173 ISSN: 2489-0049

way of Allah, which they see as the ideal difficult to easily comprehend. The
cause, are also conspicuously stated in this philosophical terminologies in it may also
division. Some facts on fundamentals of contribute to the obscurity of the meanings.
Islam and their philosophical inclinations
However, they provide justification for all
are adumbrated. They also talked
extensively on Faith (Ikhwān al-Ṣafā, these at the end of the last epistle under the
1405AH. vol 4:61-123). In fact, they subheading as follows:
provided detailed analogical expressions in
forms of separate epistles. (Ikhwān al-Ṣafā ‫لمِذا ألغزوِ ٌرا العىم َألجمىِي؟‬
1405AH, vol 4:145).
‫ لم لم تىصح بٍرا العىم الشسَف‬:‫فقِل لً السِئل‬
Despite the fact that the Rasā’il is arranged ‫ لُ فعىىِ ذلك لعظم ضسزي‬:‫ليىتىع بً الخىق؟ فقِل‬
and divided into four, the topics therein are ‫ فإوِّ إومِ وىصح بعمل زَحِويِت العِلم‬،ِ‫َبفل أَض‬
interwoven, one notices that some topics ‫ بل أشسوِ إليً إشِزة‬،‫األطغس فع زلِلتىِ ٌري‬
which supposed to have been under one ‫ حرزا أن تقع السلِلة فع َد غيس‬،‫فحسب ال غيس‬
division, say psychology, are found under ،‫ ََىسد الىسِء‬،‫ فيٍىك الحسث َالىسل‬،‫مستحق‬
Natural Sciences. The glaring example of .‫ فىرلك ألغزوِي َألجمىِي‬، ‫ٍََتك الحس‬
this is the tenth epistle in the second
Why do we make this knowledge
division titled: Qawluhum al-Insān ‘Ālam
Ṣaghīr and the third epistle in the third
division with the rubric: Fi Ma‘nā Qawl al- Someone then told him: Why don‟t you
Ḥukamā’ al-Insān ‘Alam Kabīr both of explicitly present this knowledge in
which are opposite of each other and which order for people to benefit from it?
should have been better placed together for Say; if we do, its damage will be great
coherence sake. Examples of this kind of and it (the knowledge) will be
mixture can also be found in other divisions extinguished. But we clearly stated that
(cf. Ikhwān al-Ṣafā, 1405AH, vol 1: 114- of spiritual (actions) of the lower
150 & vol 4: 341-365). universe, and only mentioned it
passingly, being cautious of making the
The style of writing adopted in the Rasā’il
epistles available for those who do not
resembles so much the classical one but,
have the right to have it, thereby,
surprisingly with little rhymes. Expressions
destroying the crops and the cattle,
in it are linguistically simple but the
causing the women to be corrupt and
meanings are full of conundrums and
violating rights, for these reasons, we
indirect speeches. Every epistle in the book
puzzle with the words. (Ikhwan al-
starts with the Qur‟anic verse:
Safa, 2014:831)
َ ‫فىَع‬
ُ ‫للِل‬ ْ ‫لىَع ِلاَِ ِه ِي الَ ِرَهَ ا‬
َ ‫ط‬ َ ََ ِ‫قُ ِل ْال َح ْمدُ ِ َلِل‬
َ ‫ل َما ع‬
Linguistically, many aspects of ‘Ilm al-
َ‫ش ِسكُُن‬ ْ َُ َِ‫َخ ْيسع أَم‬
Balāghah (Arabic Rhetorics) are also in the
… Praise and thanks be to Allah, and work; the prominent of which, as reflected
peace be on His slaves whom He has in the quotation above, is Iqtibās
chosen (for His Message)! Is Allah (adaptation) found in the expression ‫"فيٍىك‬
better, or (all) that you ascribe as "‫ الحسث َالىسل‬which is taken from Qur‟an 2
partners (to Him)?” (of course, Allah is verse 205. where Allah says:
Better) Q27:59 َ ْ‫سدَ فِيٍَِ َََُ ٍْ ِىكَ ْالحَس‬
‫ث‬ ِ ‫ض ِليُ ْى‬
ِ ْ‫لعَع فِي ْاألَز‬ َ ‫ََإِذَا ت ََُلَع‬
َ َ‫الِلُ َال َُحِ ب الى‬
َ‫سِه‬ ْ َ‫ََالى‬
َ ََ ‫س َل‬
It may be that they adopt this verse to
support their nomenclature as having And when he turns away (from you O
derived from the Glorious Qur‟an. The Muhammad [SAW]), his effort in the
conundrums in the books are much to the land is to make mischief therein and to
extent that the messages may be very

Alagunfoni and Ajibade, Rasá’il Ikhwán…, GJSH (2016). Vol. 2(2): pp. 165 - 173 ISSN: 2489-0049

destroy the crops and the cattle, and science and the objectives of learning them.
Allah likes not mischief. The Riyādiyyah which is otherwise known
as Educational Science (‘Ilm al-Adab)
includes, among others, Reading and
Writing, Grammar, Poetics and Prosody,
Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’s Views as Reflected in Economics etc. The Second Science i.e. al-
their Rasā’il Shar‘iyyah al-Waḍ‘iyyah has, as its
As earlier discussed, the Rasā'il is a book branches, Qur‟anic Science, Exegesis,
full of ideas and ideologies which cut Science of Traditions and Ascetism to
across all aspects of sciences, philosophy, mention but a few. The last one which is of
religions etc. It therefore contributed to the utmost priority to the Ikhwān is the
important theories and views in Philosophical Sciences. Its branches
Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, include al-Riyāḍiyyāt, (Mathematical
Ecology, Cosmology, Evolutional Theory Sciences), al-Ṭabī‘iyyāt (Natural Sciences),
etc. (Darraz, 2013:133-161; El-Bushra, al-Manṭiqiyyāt (Logics) and al-Ilā‘iyyāt
1992: 161-164; cf. Mohamed, 2000). In the (Divine Sciences), this branches happen to
following pages, attempt is made to select be the very basic divisions of the letters in
two out of their numerous views on religion the Rasā‘il.
and sciences. The Rasā‘il from the beginning to the end
Religious Pluralism: this is one of the concentrates on the last two sections but
basic principles of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā. with more emphasis placed on the
Even though, they profess Islam as their philosophical sciences. Albeit, the first one
religion, they are not categorically against i.e. the Riyāḍiyyah, is not defined, it is
other religions and also believed that viewed as merely useful for this life unlike
virtually all religions have an element of the other two which are useful for this life
truth (Mattila, 2017). The Rasā’il has been and the Hereafter (Callatay, 2003:3).
described as “an irenic text which, by
Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’s Influence on Later
appeal to perennial human wisdom, argues
for the practice of an Islam, grounded in the
ideals of toleration, cooperation, and The Rasā‘il and invariably the
coexistence between differing philosophical and spiritual views of the
denominations and faiths” (Fares, 2012:16). Ikhwān, hitherto, wield countless influence
on later generation of scholars and
Division of Science: In the seventh epistle organisations alike. From the organization
of the Rasā’il, classification of sciences are side, the conspicuous influence of the
critically and logically explained. The ones Ikhwān can be found on the Bāṭiniyyūn
that are necessary, which every inquisitive (Esotericists), Qaramiṭah (Qarmatians)
mind should endeavour to know among the (Fierro, 1996), Sufists (Mysticists)
sciences, are also suggested. In the (Ebstein, 2015) while on the individual
beginning of the Epistle, essence of all scholars Abu Ḥāmid al-Ghazalī (Ozkan,
‘Ulūm (sciences) and what features a 2016) and Ibn Sīnā were said to be the most
science should possess before it can be pronounced.
viewed as worthy of learning are described.
All knowledge, according to the Rasa’il, is In the case of the first two, the tracts of the
divided into three namely: al-Riyādiyyah Ikhwān al-Ṣafā formed the basis for the
(Training Sciences), al-Shar‘iyyah al-
majority of their spiritual and religious
Waḍ‘iyyah (Conventional Religious
Sciences) and al-Falsafah al-Ḥaqīqiyyah doctrines to the extent that the Qarmatians
(Real Philosophical Sciences). The Rasā‘il (who are sub-sect of the Ismaīlī Shia)
further explains the divisions under each

Alagunfoni and Ajibade, Rasá’il Ikhwán…, GJSH (2016). Vol. 2(2): pp. 165 - 173 ISSN: 2489-0049

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Ṣādiq (Alūsī, 1981:161). Also, the division the cultural and intellectual endeavours of
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