Next Gen Work Order Experienc

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Su1717763.0 or later 763.0 10 17763.0

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*Recommended best practice is to use the OOB Booking and Work Order forms

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• Fully customizable header, makers can change what information displays on the right side of
the bar.
• Sections and tabs can be hidden and custom tabs can be created
• Form level security enabled
• Customizable command bar

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•This control uses Copilot to summarize the Work Order and all of its related Bookings and
timeline notes
•Works on custom Work Order forms and OOB Work Order forms (not on custom tables)

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•This control allows users to select Work Order Status and Sub-Status from a unified experience
•Custom system Sub-Statuses can be added (existing functionality).
•Custom system statuses and system status colors are not supported

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•Users can set the Work Order Priority either from the Work Order form or from the Work Order
•Custom priorities can be defined with custom colors (existing functionality)
•Priority status picker can be used on different Work Order forms
•This functionality exists only on the Work Order form

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•Shows the count of total notes in the timeline –
clicking the count navigates the user to the full
Timeline tab
•This control works on custom Work Order forms,
but not on custom tables
•Considerations: Placing this control on the same
tab as the timeline control will only refresh the
note count upon refreshing the full page

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•This control displays the location of the work to be completed as well as functional location
•This control work on custom Work Order forms but not on other tables
•Considerations: The default zoom level cannot be modified. Additionally, the functional location
only shows the most child entity (not higher level locations)

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•This control shows the Service/Billing Account contact and the Reported By contact
•Works on custom Work Order forms. If used on a non Work Order form, the control cannot be

• Only the Service/Billing Account and Reported By Contacts will work properly.
• The Lookup Control will not work when pointed to non Contact fields

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•The Asset card displays a detailed
view of Primary as well as
Secondary Assets in the hierarchy
•The control can be used on
custom Work Order forms, but will
not work on non-Work Order tables
•Considerations: If the control is
played in a 3-column form layout,
the icon to pop up the full screen
asset view might not render

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•The Booking Card custom control allows
dispatchers to see and provide recommendations
on next actions for the Work Order
•Unscheduled -> Suggest Bookings
•Scheduled -> Provide booking Details
•Completed -> Shows Work Order Summary
•This control requires correct mapping of System
Status, Sub-Status, and Primary Resolution fields
•Considerations: Custom Booking Statuses will not
render in the Booking Card (known bug)

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•This control summarizes the cost and price for a Work Order based on the products and services
•This control works on custom Work Order forms, may not work on non-Work Order tables

•If this control is added to a custom Work Order form with Cost/Pricing toggles off, the
control will be blank (scheduled to be fixed to show “No Pricing Information Available”
•Different NTE proximity value can be set on this control than for the Work Order (known bug)

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•This control unifies the experience, and allows the user to make inline changes to the Products and Services on a subgrid.
•Estimated/Actual Duration, Estimated/Used Status of Products can be edited inline; further edits in the sidecar view
• Control works on custom Work Order forms with the following considerations:
•The control is hard-bound to Work Order Products. It has a choice to bind to a second table (intent is to be Work Order Services). If that bound is
related to
•Work Order Products: Services tab will be blank
•Work Order Services: Product tab will be bound to Work Order Services, but the tab will still be called Products and the Action will still say “Add
new Product
•Anything else: Control will not function
•Custom values for Status for Products/Services not supported (only Used/Estimated statuses are supported)
•No way to turn off Products OR Services in this subgrid
•No way to see a unified view of Products and Services
•“Add Product” and “Add Services” buttons are hardcoded, so if the control is bound to another table, the action will not work as expected
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How to add

• This control provides a quick glance at statistics for a service tasks related to an open
Work Order, such as total complete, estimate duration, and actual duration

• Works on custom Work Order forms, but not custom tables
• Can only be used with the Work Order Service Tasks table
• More than 200 tasks may cause performance issues (bug identified) Parameters
Table: Created specifically for Work Order Service Task.
Do not use any other table
View: Select the same view as for Tasks Summary Card

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•This control allows the user to manage tasks in a Work Order
•There is the ability to mark tasks as complete inline as well as marking inspection results. Further
edits can be made from the sidecar

•Works on custom Work Order forms, but not custom tables
•If the % Complete is not visible in the view, the Progress column (mark as complete/incomplete)
will not render; furthermore, the action bar “Mark all as complete” and “Mark all as incomplete” will
not work.
•More than 200 tasks may cause performance issues (bug identified)
•“Add Tasks” button does not work when this control is used from the Advanced Search

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How to add

• Users can see and link Knowledge Articles to a Work Order.

• They also can add KB articles directly from the Work Order

• This control works on custom Work Order forms, but not on Parameters
Table Column: Use Work Order Number as the Table
custom tables Column
Value: Select Knowledge Article

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How to add

• Users can see Guides on the Work Order form (Name and Associated Folder)

Considerations: Parameters
Table Column: Use Work Order Number as the Table
• Requires the Guides solution to be installed Column
• Users cannot preview Guides directly from the web Value: Select Guides

• This control can be used on custom Work Order forms, but not on custom

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How to add

• This control allows for the display of thumbnails of media attached to Timeline Notes.
• The user can click to see a bigger view of the media, as well as download the file

Considerations: Parameters
• This control can be used on custom Work Order forms and can be used on custom tables as Table Column: Use Work Order Number as the Table
long as it has “Activities/Notes” enabled, and the timeline control is present Column
Value: Select Media
• The control downloads ALL images from the timeline and does not allow the user to
download a subset
• Full resolution images are always downloaded onload of the form, so if there are a lot of
images, it could cause performance issues (User Story to improve performance has been

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•This control allows for inline editing of
the Work Order.
•Priority can be edited inline, and further
updates can be made in the sidecar

•This control works only on Work Order

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•This control for quick actions to be taken when a Work Order is right clicked
•This control is only available on the Work Order entity
•The context menu options change based on the current status of the Work Order (e.g., for
Unscheduled Work Orders, the “Book” option will display, whereas for Scheduled Work Orders, the
“Rebook” option will show)

•The context menu is not customizable

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•A user can modify what information is shown in the
sidecar for the Work Order/Asset form (by modifying the
“Work Order Light” form or by modifying the “Customer
Assets – Simple” form in the maker portal
•The Work Order Products/Services/Service Tasks
sidecar forms render the same as the full form, so
modifying one will result in the same change in the

•The Save button is currently in the overflow menu due
to the “Share” button being present. (Working on fixing
•The side panel closes itself when you navigate away
from the Work Order Grid page
•Only one side panel can be opened at a time – opening
the sidecar for another Work Order will close the current
one (no multi tabbing)
•The width of the sidecar cannot be customized

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considerations for the work order form - Dynamics 365 Field Service | Microsoft

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