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Volume 2, Issue 2 July 2023


“Write, for these words are true and faithful.” [Rev.21:5]

Stephen S. Bikko

Inside this Issue:

o become a vessel honor while God remains was the basis of his faith-
of honor is the heart faithful. God requires us to fulness. King Saul on the Obedience to
God’s will
and soul of the call be absolutely faithful to other hand failed to meas-
to Christianity. The new His will. We have heard ure up to the required Distinctive
marks of the 6-9
birth experience gives us an that Moses was faithful in faithfulness to God, when Vessels
opportunity to work out our the house of God. ‚Thus he was commanded to at-
Soldiers of 10-12
own salvation with fear and Moses did; according to tack and wipe out the city Christ
trembling, so as to become all that the LORD had of Amalek. Saul chose to
Recipients of
vessels of honor prepared commanded him, so he spare Agag the king of the 13
for the Master’s use. There- did.‛ [Ex.40:16]. This Amalekites together with Building the
fore, the new birth experi- means that Moses carried the best of the sheep, the Temple
ence presupposes truth in out the divine instructions, oxen, the fatlings, the Fairness of
God’s 17-20
our dealing with God. Truth allowing no deviation lambs and all that was Judgment
is the basis of our mutual from the standard. For good, contrary to the in-
engagement without which, Moses to have been that structions he was given. The Shepherd’s 21-22
we become vessels of dis- faithful to God, it also (cf.1 Sam.15). He did as
means he properly under- he pleased, but not as
stood the will of God. This pleased God.
understanding therefore

ing Saul pro- is to redefine genuine
vides an exam- Christianity in this last
ple of how one times of the church. The un- The concept of grace has
can relapse and become a derstanding of true Christi- been misunderstood. Under
vessel of dishonor. God anity has been cunningly the guise of grace, sin is
rejected King Saul as eroded by the tremendous allowed to continue unabat-
King because he rejected influx of evil, to the extent ed. The grace of God is
the word of God. Hence, that sin has been accommo- used as an excuse to allow
the purpose of this able dated and tolerated as part evil to reign supreme in the
and resourceful newsletter and parcel of Christianity. hearts of many.

Obedience to God’s Will—Part I

bedience to God’s God’s instructions con- fall together with God’s
will establishes cerning invasion of the requirements. The ultimate
our faith. There Amalekites. He knew the will of God for all of us,
can be no genuine faith instructions but deliberate- has to do with how we re-
without obedience to ly chose his own will, be- late to God and fellow
God’s will. Many at times lieving God would be more men. King Solomon was
in Christian circles, we pleased with his amend- the wisest, richest, most
exercise self-will in utter ments. We can live our influential king in Israel’s
disregard of known God’s lives the way we want to, history and he looked at
will. For example, King but we have to conscien- life ‚under the sun‛. From
Saul did as he pleased tiously interrogate whether the human perspective, he
when he chose to amend our lifestyles as Christians declared it to be empty.

Power, popularity, pres- denly melts away when the The fear of God is man’s
tige, pleasure and even fear of God is added as an full, original purpose of
mere religion cannot fill antidote. King Solomon his creation. The fear of
the God-shaped void in realized that the whole duty God is the object of God’s
“The whole duty of man’s life but God Him- of man for which he was providence, the root of
man is summed up in created is to fear God. He character, the foundation
obedience to God's self. However, if we see
will.” life ‚under the sun‛ from says, ‚Let us hear the con- of all happiness and the
God’s perspective, life clusion of the whole mat- adjustments to all inhar-
takes on meaning and pur- ter: Fear God and keep His monious circumstances
pose. The lingering doubts commandments, for this is and conditions under the
of this life and despair sud- man’s all.‛ [Eccl.12:13]. sun.

be faithful to God. As a

he fear of God servant, so he feared God.
firstborn among many
involves abandon- Therefore, we are hereby
brethren, Christ Jesus was
ing the self-will informed to, ‚...consider
faithful to the One who
and seeking and embracing the Apostle and High Priest
appointed Him. ‚For whom
what pleases God. No man of our confession, Christ
He foreknew, He also pre-
can find his true purpose in Jesus, who was faithful to
destined to be conformed
life without the fear of Him who appointed
to the image of His Son,
God, in seeking fulfill- Him…‛ [Heb.3:1-2]. The
that He might be the
ment, apart from the fear of greatest assignment of the
firstborn among many
God, he ends up empty or Holy Spirit is to inspire the
brethren.‛ [Rom.8:29].
with vanity. As Moses was fear of God in us, so that
faithful in God’s house as a like Christ Jesus, we may

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Obedience to God’s Will—Part II

he use of ‚many to do My own will, but the foes, still reigns among
brethren‛ denotes will of Him who sent those who have not be-
His house or church. Me.‛ [Jn.6:38]. His as- lieved in the Conqueror,
Therefore, the notion being signment was to destroy Jesus Christ, in the true
advanced here is that the sin and neutralize death sense of the word. If they
members of the Son’s house and upon completion of have not believed in Him,
share in His faithfulness. The the assignment, He de- they cannot be as faithful
Lord’s faithfulness to the clared, ‚It is finished!‛ as He was! Non-believers
Father is testified in His fin- However, if He finished are not only those who
ished work on the cross. His work, why does sin have not accepted Christ as
First, He said, ‚For I have and death still reign? Sin is commonly thought, but
come down from heaven, not and death, as defeated we have non-believers in
the church too.

aul encountered carnal..‛ [1 Cor.3:1]. He further informed that,
an unbelieving had to address them as ‚...the natural man does
church at Corinth. ‚brethren‛ so to speak, not receive the things of
They were overcome with who have not the Spirit of the Spirit of God, for they “God's will is hard
envy, divisions, strife and God. They were non- are foolishness to him; nor only when it comes
such like. Therefore, he spiritual! Men of the flesh, can he know them, be- up against our
stubbornness, then it
addressed them as though in whom the carnal nature cause they are spiritually is as cruel as a
they were unbelievers, and predominates, and not the discerned.‛ [1 Cor.2:14]. ploughshare and as
in the true sense they were. divine nature by the Spirit The nonspiritual, natural devastating as an
He said, ‚And I, brethren, of God. Technically, such man does not welcome
could not speak to you as are not part of the house- into his heart the teachings
to spiritual people but as to hold of God. And we are of the Holy Spirit.

he Holy Spirit call to holiness is meaning- knocking on it. However,
teaches us to be less nonsense to him. those who heeded the knock
holy and right- Therefore, those who are opened their hearts to re-
eous, and the natural Chris- considered as true believ- ceive Him in, to dine with
tian so to speak, will not ers have received the en- them. ‚But as many as re-
appreciate those teachings, grafted Word in humility. ceived Him, to them He
but prefers to hide under When Christ came to His gave the right to become
the cover of grace while he own, and they did not re- children of God, to those
walks in envy, pride, strife, ceive Him. They did not who believe in His
un-forgiveness, selfishness, bother to open the door of name…‛ [Jn.1:12].
hatred and such like. The their hearts while He was

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Obedience to God’s Will—Part III

ohn chapter 1 verse God, then we cannot delib- our faith in God, then we
12 continues to erately or knowingly prac- are deceiving ourselves.
verse 13, to identify tice sin. The unbelieving ‚Every tree that does not
those who have received or church at Corinth were bear fruit is cut down and
welcomed the Lord into deliberately walking in sin. thrown into the fire...Not
their hearts. It says they Therefore, even though everyone who says to Me,
are, ‚...born, not of blood, they had the new birth ex- ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter
nor of the will of the flesh, perience, they were not yet the kingdom of heaven, but
nor of the will of man, but born of God. If we only see he who does the will of My
of God.‛ However, First ourselves as ‚born again‛ Father in heav-
John chapter 3 verse 9 tells without emphasis on bear- en.‛ [Matt.7:19-21].
us that if we are born of ing fruit that establishes

earing fruit is the Christ are all things that are when we are willing to
Father’s will, and needful for life and godli- consider the Apostle, the
when we are be- ness through the full, per- Holy Spirit is more pleased
ing told to ‚...consider the sonal knowledge of Him. to help us conform to His
“I am your servant to Apostle and High Priest of These things are classified stature and are made par-
do your will, and that our confession, Christ Je- in Micah.6:8. ‚He has takers of His divine nature,
will is sweeter to me sus, it means that Christ shown you, O man, what and not only that, but we
than position or riches
or fame, and I choose provides the blueprint of does the LORD require of are His household. The
it above all things on the fruit. The fruit is the you but to do justly, to love Son has the custodial re-
Earth.” divine nature which we are mercy, and to walk humbly sponsibility of all affairs of
expected to emulate. In with your God?‛ Thus, the household.

n His capacity as the only vessels of gold and the household of God, the
firstborn Son of the silver, but also of wood vessels of gold and silver
house, He says, ‚All and clay, some for honor are for honorable or reputa-
authority has been given to and some for dishonor. ble use while the rest;
Me in heaven and on Therefore if anyone cleans- wood and clay are for dis-
earth.‛ [Matt.28:18]. How- es himself from the latter, honorable use. God uses
ever, in such a house, we he will be a vessel for hon- the latter on contract basis
know that there are dis- or, sanctified and useful for and thereafter, they are cast
tinctly dissimilar vessels; the Master, prepared for away. ‚...I never knew you;
some for honor and some every good work.‛ [2 depart from Me, you who
for dishonor. ‚But in a Tim.2:20-21]. There are practice lawless-
great house there are not two types of vessels within ness.‛ [Matt.7:23].

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Obedience to God’s Will—Part IV

he vessels of dis- fool that he may become pletely rebellious. He says,
honor are recklessly wise.‛ [1 Cor.3:18]. To ‚A wicked and adulterous
determined to disre- guard against this reckless- generation seeks after a
gard God’s will. There hearts ness, the Holy Spirit puts sign…‛ [Matt.16:4]. The
are hardened through the forth an announcement to first generation was from
deceitfulness of evil. They warn against rebellion. He Adam to Noah. God made a
estimate themselves as wise says, ‚Today, if you will covenant with Adam but
before God, but we are ad- hear His voice, do not Adam disobeyed Him and
Caption describing picture
vised that, ‚Let no one de- harden your hearts as in the broke the covenant. He
or graphic.
ceive himself. If anyone rebellion…‛ [Heb.3:7]. again fetched for Noah who
among you seems to be wise ‚Today‛ here refers to this found grace in His sight and
in this age, let him become a last generation, which the made a covenant with him.
LORD found to be com-

However, even though No- cursor to the coming of the as a last resort to humani-
ah was righteous, he later Messiah who would make ty. There is no tomorrow
got drunk and naked. God all things perfect. There- for we are all well in-
transferred His covenant to fore, from Abraham to formed that the final op-
the household of Abraham. Christ is the third genera- portunity of salvation is
Abraham preserved the tion. From the cross up to TODAY. The dispensa- “When your will is
covenant well until Christ. now is the fourth and last tion of Christ marks the God’s will, you will
From Noah to Abraham is generation which is called end of generations! Unfor- have your will.”
the second generation. Be- TODAY. Now, God gives tunately, this last genera-
tween Abraham and Christ, this warning, ‚Today, if tion is the most wicked
Moses appears with the you will hear His voice, do and adulterous! Many
Law. The Law was a pre- not harden your hearts…‛ Christians in the church
today are after signs.

his is the genera- endure sound doctrine, but ‚For men will be lovers of
tion where signs according to their own de- themselves, lovers of mon-
and wonders are sires, because they have ey, boasters, proud, blas-
employed as yardsticks of itching ears, they will heap phemers, disobedient to
true spirituality. The quest up for themselves false parents, unthankful, unho-
for truth is no longer the in teachers, who will not ly, unloving, unforgiving,
thing. We are after prophe- teach the truth but instead slanderers, without self-
cies, signs, miracles and give worldly prophecies, control, brutal, despisers of
breakthroughs but not after miracles and signs. The good, traitors, headstrong,
the truth. These are the vessels of dishonor are haughty, lovers of pleasure
times where many will not described in 2 Tim.3:2-5. rather than lovers of God.‛

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Distinctive Marks of the Vessels—Part I

he vessels of dis- some people who are al- listen to the words of the
honor have a ways praying for break- prophets who prophesy to
form of godliness throughs and such like but you. They make you
but deny its power, and little do they know that the worthless…‛ [Jer.23:16].
we are told that, ‚...from company they keep for That means these false
such people turn away!‛ fellowship is responsible prophets and teachers were
This warning is repeated for their misfortunes. It teaching in the name of
in 2 Timothy.2:21, and was for reasons such as Baal. They could teach
what we learn from the this that God dissuaded the vanity; emptiness, falsity
cautionary advice is that Israelites from considering and futility and fill the con-
bad company corrupts false teachings and prophe- gregation with vain hopes.
good morals. There are cies. He told them, ‚Do not

aking into account and useful for the Master, my example, and note
the vanity they prepared for every good those who so walk, as you
submit to the hear- work.‛ [2 Tim.2:21]. One have us for a pat-
ers makes them worthless, major inequality between tern.‛ [Php.3:17]. The ves-
“A willing heart is the that means the hearers are the vessel of honor and ves- sels of honor have their
first step in finding
God's will in our made to share in their sel of dishonor is in what cradle in the holiness of
lives. We cannot worthlessness as vessels of they present as a gospel. Christ. Paul continues to
expect God to force dishonor. ‚Therefore if The gospel each one sub- expose the underlying for-
us or to plead with us
anyone cleanses himself scribes to, determines their mation of the vessels of
about the calling in
our lives..” from the latter, he will be a conduct. Paul says, dishonor—they are the
vessel for honor, sanctified ‚Brethren, join in following enemies of the cross.

he disturbing phe- I anxiously remember Mat- destruction, few have found
nomenon in this thew.7:13 and 14 where the narrow way which leads
expose’ is that the LORD talks about the to life. This cannot be a
they are many. He says, Narrow and the Broad coincidence but what is
‚For many walk, of whom ways. ‚Enter by the narrow quietly unfolding before us
I have told you often, and gate; for wide is the gate is that the many in Php.3:18
now tell you even weeping, that and broad is the way are actually the many that
that they are the enemies of that leads to destruction, walk on the broad way
the cross of Christ: whose and there are many who go leading to destruction. That
end is destruc- by it.‛ [Matt.7:13]. He says tells us that these are ves-
tion…‛ [Php.3:18]. while many walk on the sels of dishonor!
broad way which leads to

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Distinctive Marks of the Vessels—Part II

ow that we have successful warfare. The not qualify them to be chil-
began to see the word must be written in dren of God. They had no
distinctive differ- our hearts first, to fight a desire to follow Jesus and
ence between the vessels of good fight, but it cannot gain gradual understanding
honor and dishonor, it is be written when we only of the scriptures they so
imperative to go a little study the scriptures and studied. ‚You search the
deeper and discuss the niche leave it at that. ‚Let the scriptures, for in them you
of the vessels. Christians are word of Christ dwell in think you have eternal life;
basically enlisted as soldiers you richly in all wis- and these are they which
in the camp of God. The dom..‛ [Col.3:16]. The testify of Me. But you are
word of God is a major Scribes and the Pharisees not willing to come to Me
weapon by which we wage loved to study the scrip- that you may have
tures and that alone could life.‛ [Jn.5:39-40].

n Ethiopian eu- was reading, and so heaven Holy Spirit is more than
nuch in Acts.8:26- had to move. The Holy ready to guide us into all
40 was returning Spirit dispatched Philip to truth! What we have un-
from Jerusalem where he the eunuch and asked him, derstood from the teaching
had gone to worship. As he ‚Do you understand what of the Holy Spirit is now “When you're full of
sat in his chariot heading to you are reading?‛ [vs.30]. written in our hearts. ‚...I yourself, God can't
fill you. But when
his destination, he was The eunuch responded, will put My laws in their you empty yourself,
reading a place in the book ‚How can I, unless some- minds and write them in God has a useful
of Isaiah which he did not one guides me?‛ [vs.31]. their hearts; and I will be vessel"
understand. The man was When we have prolonged their God, and they shall
troubled because he could unfulfilled desire to under- be My people. None of
not understand what he stand the things of God, the them shall teach his neigh-
bor, and none his brother,..

Saying ‘Know the LORD, head knowledge! These are What is to be revealed now
‘for all shall know Me, teachings that shapes our is the wisdom of God which
from the least of them to general conduct, and no was kept hidden from hu-
the greatest of theological class can bring man understanding. The
them.‛ [Heb.8:10-11]. The such level of transfor- LORD said this about the
teachings of the Holy Spirit mation. Paul says, ‚But Holy Spirit, ‚He will glorify
brings us a revelation that God has revealed them to Me, for He will take of
impacts our souls, since us through His Spirit. For what is Mine and declare it
those teachings are fixed the Spirit searches all to you.‛ [Jn.16:14].
deeply in our minds and things, yes the deep things
hearts. These are no mere of God.’ [1 Cor.2:10-11].

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Distinctive Marks of the Vessels—Part III

he Holy Spirit God! The Holy Spirit is the One who will teach
discloses or re- comes and His most im- us the righteousness of
veals or transmit portant mission is to Christ, and an orderly life.
to us, the mysteries of the TEACH! ‚And when He ‚But concerning brotherly
Kingdom of heaven, this is has come, He will convict love you have no need that
essentially the mystery of the world of sin, and of I should write to you, for
godliness. Upon disclosure, righteousness, and of judg- you yourselves are taught
it is no longer a mystery ment.‛ [Jn.16:8]. He will by God to love one anoth-
because we understand the teach that unbelief is the er.‛ [1 Thess.49].
information which is now sin, and that all other
written in our souls. That works of the flesh are con-
information is the word of sequences of unbelief. He

he Holy Spirit will ready, because he has not denced in the Christian’s
“The indwelling also teach and believed in the name of the life. This evidence is the
Spirit shall teach him cause us to under- only begotten Son of God. fruit of the Spirit which
what is of God and stand that he who does not And this is the condemna- makes one to become a
what is not. This is
accept His teachings and tion, that the light has come vessel of honor. He who
why sometimes we
can conjure up no revelations is on the path to into the world, and men has love has God and has
logical reason for self-destruction and con- loved darkness rather than become an overcomer! He
opposing a certain demnation just as Satan is. light, because their deeds who has love has the great-
teaching, yet in the
very depth of our That is the judgment! were evil.’ [Jn.3:18-19]. er One inside him!
being arises a ‚...but he who does not The effect of the teachings
resistance.” believe is condemned al- of the Holy Spirit is evi-

fore formal letters that was

he vessels of hon- you?‛ [Acts.19:15]. This
or are epistles of means that the seven sons even read by the evil spirit.
Christ written by of Sceva are examples of ‚Jesus I know, and Paul I
the Holy Spirit. They are vessels of dishonor. They know… These were not
specially long, formal let- were soldiers who were subjects of demonic harass-
ters that are read by every- fighting against their own ments and defeat. The Holy
one including the kingdom kingdom and the evil spirit Spirit makes us vessels of
of darkness. No wonder the they purported to fight honor when we accept His
evil spirit told the seven leaped on them and over- teachings. Understanding
sons of Sceva, ‚Jesus I powered them. Paul and His will gives us faith,
know, and Paul I know,; Jesus were examples of boldness and power. This is
but who are vessels of honor, and there- the anointing of the Spirit!

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Distinctive Marks of the Vessels—Part IV

he anointing of the Spirit of God, these are the are gradually being em-
Holy Spirit first of sons of God.‛ [Rom.8:13- powered to overcome the
all gives us power 14]. The power of the Ho- wiles of Satan. ‚Therefore
over the self. There is no ly Spirit comes upon us as take up the whole amour of
anointing of the Spirit upon we fellowship and are God, that you may be able
one who is overpowered by taught by the Spirit. We do to withstand in the evil day,
the flesh. ‚For if you live not receive the anointing and having done all, to
according to the flesh you by being prayed for and stand.‛ [Eph.6:13]. I re-
will die; but if by the Spirit mere fasting like the Phari- member Luke chapter 4,
you put to death the deeds of sees were used to. As the the LORD was led by the
the body, you will live. For Holy Spirit teaches us in Holy Spirit into the wilder-
as many as are led by the fellowship with Him and ness.
His teaching is truth, we

We note that the word of not the word! The word is remains to know only the
God was the armor by scripture revealed for our scriptures because of his
which Jesus withstood the understanding by the Spirit evil nature. The Pharisees
subtle deceptions of Satan. of God. ‚The entrance of and the Scribes knew the "Fear of the devil is
nonsense. Fear of
Jesus could always say, ‚It your words gives light; it scriptures but like Satan,
demons is foolish.
is written…‛ which means gives understanding to the they could not go beyond The Spirit of God
the word was written in simple.‛ [Ps.119:130]. Sa- that because their nature anointing the
His heart. He understood tan is the father of lies, and which is attributed to Sa- Christian heart makes
the soul impregnable
and lived the word, so he how could he quote the tan was a hindrance. Only to the powers of
could not fall for the wiles scriptures? He knows the the doers of the word are darkness."
of Satan. Satan however, scriptures but he does not justified before God.
quoted the scriptures and know the word of God. He

t is never enough to someone says he has faith ing works of righteousness.
know the scriptures but does not have works? It makes us feel righteous
like the devil does, Can faith save while surprisingly, there is
but to know Christ. We him?‛ [Jas.2:14]. Indeed, no righteousness of God at
know that not every one faith without works of all. Its like a rocking chair;
who says, ‚Lord, Lord’ righteousness is dead. The it keeps swaying but going
shall enter the kingdom of fear of God in us validate nowhere. The wiles of Sa-
heaven but he who does our faith. Satan would ra- tan is intended to keep peo-
the will of God. We are ther we rejoice in the ple occupied in futile spir-
asked that, ‚What does it knowledge of scriptures itual ventures which takes
profit, my brethren, if alone without correspond- them nowhere near God.

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Soldiers of Christ—Part I

he vessels of honor fairs of this life, that he teachers import into the
are the soldiers of may please him who en- ranks of the church and
Christ. The Lion of listed him as a soldier.‛ [2 destroy the faith of their
the Tribe of Judah is their Tim.2:4]. The affairs of hearers. These are propo-
commander and their alle- this life does not mean the nents of false gospel that
giance is to Him alone. The daily bustles of life. Spir- does not lead to God’s
one who perseveres as a sol- itually speaking, these are righteousness. Of this lot
dier of Christ, will reap the affairs that do not add any are the prosperity preach-
reward. The long-term re- value to our Christianity. ers, grace preachers, New
ward here is eternal life. We Paul advised Timothy to Age preachers and so forth.
are therefore told that, ‚No avoid words that do not They become false because
one engaged in warfare en- profit, profane and idle their messages will not
tangles himself with the af- babblings which false conduct the hearers to God.

hat they pre- likes cancer. ‚And their perity gospel in itself se-
sent as a gos- message will spread like cretly promotes covetous-
pel are catego- cancer. Hymenaeus and ness . The adherents of
rized as, ‚...profane and Philetus are of this sort, such gospel desert the “Now the true
truth for ear-scratching soldiers of Christ
idle babblings, for they who have strayed concern-
must always be
will increase to more un- ing the truth…‛ [2 Tim. words. They seek to be prepared to do battle
godliness.‛ [2 Tim.2:16]. 2:17]. There destructive blessed apart from the for the truth, and must
They ignore the funda- message will spreads holiness of God. We have never, so far as lies
with them, allow false
mental intention of the throughout and rapidly and to be alive to the truth convictions to creep
gospel of Christ— subtly drawing people fur- presented in the beatitudes in.”
holiness, and instead bring ther away from God into in Matthew chapter 5
in heresies which spreads error. For example, pros- which sufficiently minis-
ters true blessedness.

ymenaeus and promising them heaven on fane and idle babblings and
Philetus are ex- earth. Indeed, the disciples mere fables. All the genuine
amples of ves- are turned into worthless servants of God beginning
sels of dishonor, and they Christians. The Lord there- with Noah are preachers of
make dishonorable follow- fore warns that, ‚Do not righteousness, since the
ers out of their destructive listen to the words of the whole duty of man is to fear
messages. There messages prophets who prophesy to God. Any other preaching
are such that they never you. They make you that does not lead to godli-
check indulgences of the worthless...‛ [Jer.23:16]. ness is deceitful and only
flesh. They are designed to Destructive teachings promotes vanity.
abandon there disciples to which are presented as
the fate of death while ‚another ‚ gospel as pro-
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Volume 2, Issue 2

Soldiers of Christ—Part II

t is worth observing bring it into subjection, indulgences of the flesh in
that in as much as one lest, when I have preached surrender to the Holy Spir-
can engage in serving to others, I myself should it; the lust of the flesh, the
God, there is the possibility become disqualified.‛ [1 pride of life and the lust of
of God using him on a con- Cor.9:27]. Here, Paul re- the eyes are vices that leads
tract basis, meaning, he is a veals if we do not subdue one to be disqualified. We
disposable vessel in the the body, we end up as all want to inherit eternal
hands of God! He preaches vessels of dishonor and life and not eternal death,
Christ but at the end of it all, disqualified at the end. He especially after preaching
he is disqualified as a vessel says he has to, ‚discipline Christ. Therefore, a good
of dishonor. Paul says, ‚But his body and bring it into soldier of Christ must not
I discipline my body and subjection‛ This means entangle himself with the
that we have to check the ‘affairs of this life.’

essels of dishonor word are just before God severely censures those in
do as they please but the doers. ‚Therefore sexual immorality. His
and not necessari- you are inexcusable, O covetousness and envy
ly as pleases God. In other man, whoever you are who will bring him to the same
words, they are devoid of judge, for in whatever you judgment as the sexually
the wisdom of God be- judge another you con- immoral. This is the idea “The Lord gets His
best soldiers out of
cause they do not revere demn yourself; for you that God submits to us the highlands of
Him. They preach Christ who judge practice the when He persuades us to affliction.”
but do not walk according same things.‛ [Rom.2:1]. work out our own salva-
to His will. Once again, we One preaches Christ but he tion with fear and trem-
are refreshed to the fact is filled with envy and cov- bling so as to be vessels of
that not the hearers of the etousness for example, but honor sanctified and useful
for the Master.

herefore, to him though they are preaching tain expectation of judg-
who knows to do Christ, and due to stub- ment. God’s voice echoes in
good and does not bornness of their heart, their hearts and leaves a
do it, to him it is sin. It is they are unconscious to the sense of condemnation.
therefore our responsibility fact that God has already, God’s voice whispers to
to give careful considera- ‚gave them over to a de- them, ‚...who knowing the
tion to how we walk, lest based mind, to do those righteous judgment of God,
we be hardened through things which are not fit- that those who practice such
the deceitfulness of sin and ting.‛ [Rom.1:28]. They things are deserving of
disqualified. There are preach Christ but deep in death…‛ [Rom.1:32].
some among us who, even their heart, there is a cer-

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Soldiers of Christ—Part III

n conclusion of all rejoice, yes, and will re- thoughts and intents of the
these things, we can joice.‛ [Php.1:18]. We are heart.‛ [Heb.4:12]. Christ
say that a time is com- not in the business to judge Himself is the Judge who
ing when all the secrets one another but we let will render to every man
shall be laid bare, and a good presentation of the according to his work. He
man’s work will either ex- truth to do that, ‚For the recruited us to be His sol-
cuse or accuse him. Paul word of God is living and diers but there are some in
concludes this matter say- powerful, and sharper than our ranks who have com-
ing, ‚What then? Only that any two-edged sword promised their allegiance to
in every way, whether in piercing even to the divi- Him. These are the unfaith-
pretense or in truth, Christ sion of the soul and spirit, ful servants who by shift-
is preached; and in this I and of joints and marrow, ing their allegiance from
and is a discerner of the Him to Satan, work evil.

ot only do they isters also transform them- cunning deception. A gos-
work evil but are selves into ministers of pel that avoids introspec-
essentially the righteousness, whose end tion but encourage the
children of Satan. ‚For will be according to their hearers to bury their heads
such are false apostles, works.‛ [2 Cor.11:13-15]. in the sand. While they
deceitful workers, trans- It is intriguing how they say, Peace, peace then “Philosophically, war is
an extension of man’s
forming themselves into transform themselves into sudden destruction comes
struggle with sin and
apostles of Christ. And no ministers of righteousness upon them! They cover evil in the world.”
wonder! For Satan himself while actually they are not. imminent danger with
transforms himself into an They present a gospel that peace and sin with gospel
angel of light. Therefore it sounds ‘correct’ on the of ‘grace’ ‚Woe to those
is no great thing if his min- surface but underneath it is who call evil good, and
good evil; who put dark-

ness for light, and light for bly increased in these times However, as both vessels of
darkness; who put bitter for and it seems Satan is hav- honor and dishonor are ac-
sweet, and sweet for bit- ing his way. The would-be commodated within a great
ter.‛ [Isa.5:20]. These are soldiers of Christ have house, the LORD concludes
the perilous times; the pre- made serious concessions the whole matter at the time
sent times are dangerous to the enemy in their self- of harvest. He says to the
and unsafe not because will. As soldiers of Christ, reapers, ‚First gather to-
God designed it to be so it is His desire that we dine gether the tares and bind
but rather because men with Him and put on His them in bundles to burn
have generally deserted own apparel, which is the them, but gather the wheat
God. Evil have inconceiva- garment of righteousness. into my barn. [Matt.13:30].

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Recipients of Grace

he power of God from grace! The grace of that as much as the binding
that neutralizes the God is sufficient in the effect of Adam’s transgres-
effect of sin in men sense that the power with- sion was powerful to hold
is hidden in His grace. in cannot be compared to mankind in hostage, the
There is an attitude that the power of sin. Adam’s grace of God is tremendous-
attracts the grace of God transgression recruited ly powerful to effectively
upon our lives. If one delib- mankind into death. break the strong bondage to
erately or knowingly walks Therefore, death held sin. However, there is a par-
in sin, even though he is a sway from Adam to Mo- ticular attitude that attract
Christian, he has effectively ses, the Lawgiver, even this grace. ‚God resists the
forfeited his place in the over those who did not proud, but gives grace to the
grace of God. He has fallen themselves transgress as humble.‛ [Jas.4:6].
Adam did. This means

he proud deny the have a name that you are tion they have been born
grace of God be- alive, but you are again but do not know
cause they deem dead.‛ [Rev.3:1]. These see they have relapsed into
themselves as wise. They themselves as alive to God; spiritual anarchy. Every-
“A man may find out
deny the grace of God by but are virtually dead in thing has become normal many ways to hide his
their sinful lifestyle and spirit and works, and is to them including sin. sin, but he will never
until they are willing to While they feared God and find out any way to
representative of dead or-
subdue his sin, but by
forsake such life, they can- thodoxy. Such are they abhorred sin in the past, exercise of grace.”
not be under God’s grace. who remember with nostal- they now say, ‚Everyone
God refers to such Chris- gia how God used them is a sinner and so God’s
tians as dead already, ‚I mightily in the past, they grace is sufficient.‛ As
know your works, that you take pride in the long dura- they live in their past glo-
ries, they are gradually

sliding deeper into death. and the eternal salvation of sins are like scarlet, they
Therefore, God resists the all mankind, but each one shall be as white as snow;
proud, but He extends His of us has to receive it if we though they are red like
grace to the humble. A have to benefit from it. crimson, they shall be as
broken and a contrite heart, Therefore we receive wool. If you are willing and
God will not despise. The God’s grace when we are obedient, you shall eat the
humble do not regard willing to denounce the good of the land; but if you
themselves highly before unfruitful works of dark- refuse and rebel, you shall
God and men. The grace of ness. ‚Come now, and let be devoured by the sword‛
God has come forward for us reason together,‛ says For the mouth of the LORD
the deliverance from sin the LORD. Though your has spoken.‛ [Isa.1:18-20].

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Building the Temple—Part I

od has called us to godliness and to live dis- warded with crowns of
come and reason creet lives. ‚For the grace righteousness. Paul visited
together, and the of God that brings salva- the Corinthian church but
meeting is based on His tion has appeared to all to his utter dismay, he
terms. His terms has to do men, teaching us that, found them in divisions,
with provision of grace, denying ungodliness and envy and strife. This was
because He says, ‚..though worldly lusts, we should not the foundation he laid
your sins are like scarlet, live soberly, righteously, for them to build on, when
they shall be as white as and godly in the present he visited them earlier. He
snow.‛ The characteristic of age.‛ [Tit.2:11-12]. We are says, ‚...I have laid the
grace is that it trains us to empowered by God’s grace foundation, and another
reject and renounce all un- to live victorious Christian builds on it. But let each
lives and eventually re- one take heed how he

builds on it. For no other further ask, ‚What is the realize that the foundation
foundation can anyone lay Son of God?‛ Appropriate material is wisdom and
than that which is laid, answer to that question understanding. Again we
which is Jesus Christ.‛ [1 becomes more imperative, are told that Christ is,
Cor.3:10-11]. Paul, as a when we have a desire to ‚...the wisdom of God.‛ [1
“Anything this side of
wise master builder laid the practically understand the Cor.1:24], and that’s not hell is pure grace.”
foundation, which is Jesus foundation Paul is talking all. He Himself says,
Christ, but somebody may about here. Now the Spirit ‚Counsel is mine, and
ask, ‚Who is Jesus says, ‚Through wisdom a sound wisdom; I am un-
Christ?‛ He is the Son of house is built, and by un- derstanding, I have
God, and the very God. derstanding it is estab- strength.‛ [Prov.8:14].
However, someone may lished.‛ [Prov.24:3]. We

herefore, wisdom will have to lay a proper concrete foundation will
and understanding foundation that can sustain sustain a wall constructed
is the foundation the building. If the founda- from the same materials as
that Paul was inspired to tion materials include the foundation—stones,
lay. That foundation is Je- stones, sand and cement, sand and cement. If we have
sus Christ! Paul further the walls of the house can- to build on the foundation
goes on to advice that let not be made of clay. Other- of wisdom and understand-
each one of us take heed wise, the concrete founda- ing, we must therefore, have
how he builds on that foun- tion will reject the clay the same materials; wisdom
dation. If one wants to con- walls due to incompatibil- and understanding as agree-
struct a masonry house, he ity issues. Therefore, a able combination.

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Building the Temple—Part II

he determinateness the fear of God. Therefore, ful to observe them; for this
of success of a our point of entry into the is your wisdom and under-
church is found in graces of God is the fear of standing…‛ [Deut.4:6].
her wisdom and under- God. ‚The fear of the This tells us that obedience
standing. Wisdom is the LORD is the beginning of to the will of God is wis-
principle thing, and we wisdom, and the dom and understanding.
have to get it, but we cannot knowledge of the Holy The natural or non-spiritual
get it without understand- One is understand- man will not receive the
ing. So we have to get spir- ing.‛ [Prov.9:10]. God revelations and teachings
itual understanding, but gave His statutes and judg- of the Holy Spirit for he
again we cannot have spir- ments to Israel through views them as meaningless
itual understanding without Moses, then He advised nonsense.
them, ‚Therefore, be care-

The natural man disregards against the truth. This wis- through the Holy Spirit. It
heavenly wisdom and em- dom does not descend form is so precious and price-
braces worldly wisdom. above, but is earthly, sen- less that it cannot be on
We are asked, ‚Who is sual, demonic. For where this earth. Job’s discourse
wise and understanding envy and self-seeking ex- on wisdom reveals that, ‚It “He who is graceless in
the day of grace will be
among you? Then told, Let ist, confusion and every cannot be purchased for speechless in the Day
him show by good conduct evil thing are gold, nor can silver be of judgment.”
that his works are done in there.‛ [Jas.3:13-16]. There weighed for its price. It
the meekness of wisdom. is nowhere on this earth we cannot be valued in the
But if you have bitter envy can acquire wisdom and gold of Ophir, in precious
and self-seeking in your understanding, but it has to onyx or sapphire. Neither
hearts, do not boast and lie be imported from heaven gold nor crystal can equal
it, nor can it be exchanged

for jewelry of fine our ears.‛ [vs.22], but they searches the deep things of
gold.‛ [Job.28:15-17]. don't know where it is! It is God and reveals it to us, but
Therefore, like Job, we only God who understands first, the fear of God must
ask, ‚From where then the way to wisdom and it is be in place. In John chapter
does wisdom come? And with Him alone. Finally, 16:14 the Lord Jesus Christ
where is the place of un- He reveals the way of wis- talked about the coming of
derstanding?‛ [Job.28:20]. dom to men. ‚...Behold, the Holy Spirit, and He said
It is hidden from the eyes the fear of the Lord, that is that when He finally comes,
of all living, and even Hell wisdom, and to depart ‚...He will take of what is
and Death say, ‚...we have from evil is understand- Mine and declare it to you.‛
heard a report about it with ing.‛ [vs.28]. The Spirit

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Building the Temple—Part III

the fact that the fear of God all our righteousness are

n John chapter 16 is His wisdom, and to de- like filthy rags.‛ [Isa.64:6].
verse 14, Jesus Christ part from evil is spiritual Now we are told to take
is referring to the wis- understanding. Wisdom heed how we build on the
dom of God which has been and understanding are the foundation, which means
hidden from human under- building materials on the we have to be careful how
standing, but is now re- foundation. And the good we build on the foundation.
vealed by the Spirit to those thing is that these materials The Holy Spirit is the One
who fear Him. As the Holy are supplied by the Spirit. who builds the temple, and
Spirit discloses the divine Our own works doesn't transforms us into vessels
nature of Christ, there is a suffice to build a temple of honor. All that is re-
conveyance of this nature to that pleases God for they quired of us is to surrender
us. Henceforth, we grasp are like filthy rags. ‚...and to His will. Gold, silver,

precious stones, wood, hay stay here in fear; knowing things such as gold, silver,
and straw are all perishable that you were not re- precious stones, wood, hay
things, which cannot fit on deemed with corruptible and straw refers to our
the imperishable founda- things, like silver or gold own futile ways and “Morality may keep
tion. What relationship has from your aimless con- thoughts. These are things you out of jail, but it
the imperishable with the duct...‛ [1 Pet.1:17-18]. we value and from self- takes the blood of Jesus
perishable? ‚And if you will, we expect God to
Christ to keep you out
Job tells us that neither
of hell.”
call on the Father, who gold nor crystal can equal consider them as a way to
without partiality judges the wisdom of God, nor better our salvation. How-
according to each one’s can it be exchanged for ever, we have to recognize
work, conduct yourselves jewelry of fine gold. that, ‚...there is a way that
throughout the time of your Therefore, perishable seems right to a man, but
its end is the way of

death.‛ [Prov.16:25]. the years and so forth. based on truth, and we

For example, some believe However, Paul says, ‚But should not be found want-
that true spirituality is what things were gain to ing when our works are put
measured by the abun- me, these I have counted on a weighing scale against
dance of material posses- loss for Christ.‛ [Php.3:7]. the truth. That truth is
sions, this is how prosperi- If all that we value in our Christ! Again, if all we are
ty gospel shapes people’s Christianity is devoid of depending on, are our
thoughts. Some also de- wisdom and understanding, works apart from the holi-
pend on their long-time our own values will not ness of Christ, we are bound
experiences and skills they count in the day of judg- to suffer loss in the day of
have achieved throughout ment. Judgment will be judgment.

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Fairness of God’s Judgment—Part I

e love to get life.‛ [Jn.12:25]. The Lord of the Father but is of the
into our own is talking about ‘life’ and world.‛ [1 Jn.2:16]. If we
spiritual co- then, ‘eternal life’. The life therefore build on the foun-
coons where we derive we must hate in this world, dation with a life we ought
some comfort but unfortu- is the sinful lifestyle. We to hate and kill, we shall
nately, there is danger of have to hate it enough to suffer loss. ‚...each one’s
facing a grim reality in the kill it. So, when the Lord work will become clear; for
last day. The Lord warned talks about the life in this the Day will declare it, be-
that, ‚He who love his life world, He is basically say- cause it will be revealed by
will lose it, and he who ing that, ‚For all that is in fire; and the fire will test
hates his life in this world the world-the lust of the each one’s work, of what
will keep it for eternal flesh, the lust of the eyes, sort it is.‛ [1 Cor.3:13].
and the pride of life-is not

ach one’s work knows the things of a man either the spirit of anti-
will be revealed except the spirit of the man christ or the Spirit of
when God will which is in him?‛ [1 Christ. And so we are
judge the secrets of men by Cor.2:11]. The spirit man asked, ‚Do you not know
Jesus Christ. Fire, which is records all our works, God that to whom you present “He who is graceless in
the day of grace will be
the truth will reveal it. Eve- has a copy before Him and yourselves slaves to obey, speechless in the Day
rything we are doing here also do Satan. At the mo- you are that one’s slaves of judgment.”
on earth whether good or ment, the books are opened whom you obey, whether
evil is being recorded in and spiritual entities are of sin leading to death, or
the books of our hearts; writing on them, depending of obedience leading to
each one of us knows what on which entity you allow righteousness?‛
he is. ‚For what man to write. The entities are [Rom.6:16].

n the Day of judg- The judgment will be in mine his eternal fate. The
ment, that is, on such a way that none of us judgment session bring to
the Day that our will be able to refute what light all things that are hid-
souls will depart from our he himself consciously den be it good or evil. At
bodies (death), we will allowed to be written in his that moment, the books are
give an account of how we own book. When one dies, re-opened and he secrets
lived. ‚And as it is appoint- his book is closed, which deeds therein are laid bare.
ed for men to die once, but means no more works can ‚...and books were
after this the judgment…‛ be recorded therein and he opened...and the dead were
[Heb.9:27]. his now prepared for the judged according to their
final judgment to deter- works, by the things which

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Fairness of God’s Judgment—Part II

were written in the books. Book of Life was cast into the heading is recorded the
[Rev.20:12]. We are told the lake of fire.‛ requirements of God,
that the fire will test each [Rev.20:13,15]. The un- which are itemized in Mi-
one’s work, of what sort it righteous were cast into the cah.6:8—Justice, mercy
is. Our works will be sub- lake of fire because their and humility. We remem-
jected to a judgment to de- undeserving works would ber that these virtues were
termine if they are on the not permit their names to lacking in the Pharisees
threshold of eternity with be included in the Book of and the Scribes. The Lord
God or not. ‚And they were Life. 1 Cor.3:15 tells us told them that they,
judged, each one according that, ‚If any one’s work is ‚...neglected the weightier
to his works...and anyone burned, he will suffer matter of the Law: justice,
not found written in the loss…‛ The Book of Life mercy and faith.‛
is Christ Himself, and in [Matt.23:23].

onsiderate regard there shall be no more terials such as gold, silver,
for these weightier death, nor sorrow, nor cry- precious stones, hay and
matters makes us ing. There shall be no more wood. These shall be up- “At great cost to
to be part of Christ, and pain, for the former things rooted and burned on the Himself, God has made
thus, in Christ. The Lord have passed away.‛ Day of judgment. The it possible for each of
us to live with Him
Jesus says, ‚Abide in Me, [Rev.21:4]. Therefore, we Lord Himself promised eternally. Those who
and I in you…‛ [Jn.15:4]. have to take heed concern- that, ‚Every plant which reject God's offer of a
This is what makes the ing our works, lest our My heavenly Father has heavenly home will be
assigned to hell.”
Christians names to be in works be burned and suffer not planted will be uproot-
the Book of Life. And then loss. Therefore, we cannot ed.‛ [Matt.15:13]. Then
God will, ‚...wipe away build on the foundation of He continues to say, ‚Let
every tear from their eyes; Christ with unworthy ma- them alone. They are blind
leaders of the blind. And if

the blind leads the blind, from the foundation and further the concept of grace
both will fall into a thrown into the lake of fire. in relation to works. At
ditch.‛ [vs.14]. These are However, ‚If anyone’s times, God can give a small
vessels of dishonor who work which he has built on window of salvation at the
make others to be dishon- it endures, he will receive a last minutes of someone’s
orable vessels. So the Lord reward.‛ [1 Cor.3:14]. We life. We now know that, ‚If
says that they should be now learn that the only any one’s work is burned,
left alone if they are con- work which will endure he will suffer loss; but he
tented with their Christian- and secure a reward is himself will be saved, yet so
ity. In the end, they shall righteousness and holiness. as through fire.‛
be rejected and uprooted However, I wish to explain [1 Cor.3;15].

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Fairness of God’s Judgment—Part III

here is a rare occa- dispensed by God on His deserved to die due to his
sion in which one own volition. For example, sins, but on the throes of
can suffer loss, that Jesus was crucified with death, he speaks blasphe-
is, his works before God are two thieves; one on the mies instead of repentance.
burned, yet by God’s grace, right and the other on the His fellow criminal re-
he himself is saved. Salva- left. People sneered, buked him, saying the fol-
tion is credited to his ac- mocked and blasphemed lowing words, ‚Do you not
count at the last minute, Him while on the cross, even fear God, seeing you
despite his underserving and one of the criminals are under the same con-
works. I say rare because joined the frenzy. He dared demnation? And we indeed
this kind of grace is beyond Jesus to save Himself and justly, for we receive the
our determination and is them if indeed, He is the due reward of our deeds;
Christ. Indeed, the criminal but this Man has done

nothing wrong. Then he However, his works as a Father who sent Me draws
said to Jesus, ‚Lord, re- thief was not worthy before him; and I will raise him
member me when You God. His works were up at the last day.‛ “There are moments
and there are mysteries
come into Your king- therefore burned and he [Jn.6:44]. From the way he of the divine mercy
dom.‛ [Lk.23:40-42]. suffered loss. He was not spoke, asking the Lord to over which the heavens
These inspired words were destined to enter the king- remember him in His are astounded. Let our
spoken by the criminal as kingdom, he was indeed,
judgment of souls
dom of heaven, but God in
cease, for God's mercy
he was on the throes of His act of mercy and grace, repentant, and God gave upon them is
death. He accepted his caused him to remorsefully him grace in the last mo- extraordinary.”
deadly fate like a criminal, acknowledge his sin. The ments of his life. There-
and he did not deny his sin Lord Jesus said, ‚No one fore, he suffered loss, yes
like the other criminal. can come to Me unless the but due to last minute
grace, he was saved and

counted among those the other thief was going to do good, and the criminal
whose works endured the be remembered against took advantage of it. God
fire, and yet so as through him and he shall die. Be- says, ‚ for the wicked-
fire, the Lord said to him, tween the two criminals in ness of the wicked, he shall
‚Assuredly, I say to you, their last moments of life, not fall because of it in the
today you will be with Me God had the liberty to give day that he turns from his
in Paradise.‛ [Lk.23:43]. amnesty to whomsoever wickedness.‛ [Ezek.33:12].
His works as a thief was He chose, and it was purely
not going to be remem- an act of His grace. God
bered against him the mo- presented His redemptive
ment he dies. The works of grace like an opportunity to

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Fairness of God’s Judgment—Part IV

peculiar aspect of have already gone before upon us. Nevertheless, we
this grace is that it the LORD and it is our are advised to, ‚Seek the
is a last-minute hope that they are not LORD while He may be
grace. We cannot depend burned, but hope is not found, call upon Him while
on that because none of us what is required here. We He is near.‛ [Isa.55:6]. This
knows when he shall die. are required to work out does not mean that God
Some perish abruptly on the our own salvation with fear will be out of the picture,
roads, some in the hospitals and trembling to ensure but rather, we will be out of
without a single thought that indeed, we are vessels the picture sooner or later.
about their eternity, some of honor. God has allowed It is beneficial to go out of
go to sleep and never wake His grace to appear to all the picture when we have
up and so on. Our works men, but what we do with already found God like
it while we are still alive is Paul did.

He said this: ‚For I am vised that, ‚Today, if you ed deception which many
already being poured out as will hear His voice, do not in the church have unani-
a drink offering, and the harden your hearts as in the mously embraced. ‚Once
“God's Word is the
time of my departure is at rebellion.‛ [Heb.3:7-8]. saved, forever saved!‛ only reliable guideline
hand. I have fought the We cannot rebel against This is a lethal assump- for living. Following
good fight, I have finished God in our self-will, and tion. We are indeed saved your heart, without the
the race, I have kept the by grace only, ‚...if we
leading of His Word
seek to build on His holy
and His Spirit, will lead
faith.‛ [2 Tim.4:6-7]. We foundation as we please, hold fast the confidence you to His judgment.”
have to take advantage of and then hope for His and the rejoicing of the
the grace now and secure a grace on the Day of judg- hope firm to the end.‛
reward in heaven. In anoth- ment. This is where Satan [Heb.3:6]. This means that
er place, we are again ad- has sneaked a rather twist- we have to take advantage
of God’s grace TODAY.

e note that in a a time comes when they fore, the vessels of honor
great house, the shall be ejected and not are they who walk in obedi-
vessels of hon- partake of the Father’s ence to the Father’s will.
or are recognized as the commonwealth. The Lord These are the Jesus’ sib-
heirs of the Father’s estate, Jesus said, ‚Most assured- lings, He being the firstborn
and theirs is the kingdom ly, I say to you, whoever among many brethren. ‚For
of heaven. The vessels of commits sin is a slave of whoever does the will of
dishonor on the other hand sin. And a slave does not My Father in heaven is My
are regarded as servants or abide in the house forever, brother and sister and moth-
slaves. They will not re- but a son abides forev- er.‛ [Matt.12:50].
main in the house forever, er.‛ [Jn.8:34-35]. There-

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Volume 2, Issue 2

The Shepherd’s Voice—Part I

and still is, the plan of the Therefore, the Lord says

his last discourse on
kingdom of darkness, since that, ‚...if the watchman
the vessels of honor
many souls are reached sees the sword coming and
is a recap of the
and turned into vessels of does not blow the trumpet,
long discussion of this
dishonor. There is an un- and the people are not
newsletter. This summary
seen spiritual phenomenon warned, and the sword
seeks to give an overview
in a congregation. Men can comes and takes any per-
of the general happenings in
be seated in the pews lis- son from among them, he
most of our worship cen-
tening to a shepherd minis- is taken away in his iniqui-
tres. In this end-times, most
tering from the pulpit, yet ty; but his blood I will re-
of our worship centres are
events in the spiritual quire at the watchman’s
utilized to transmit error,
realm can be puzzling. The hand.‛ [Ezek.33:6]. The
they have been turned into
shepherd or pastor in this watchman has the responsi-
centres of radicalization in
scenario, is the watchman. bility to ensure the spiritual
falsehood. This has been,

health of the congregation. life and preserves the con- die in his iniquity; but his
The spiritual health of the gregation from death is the blood I will require at your
congregation is here guar- trumpet. Therefore, the hand.‛ [Ezek.33:8]. There
anteed by administering trumpet is a message that is a dark conspiracy “He heard the sound of
truth from the mouth of proclaims the holiness and against the spiritual well- the trumpet, and took
God. The word from the righteousness of God, being of the church of not warning; his blood
Lord expresses His will, whilst the sword represents Christ. Part of the conspir- shall be upon him. But
which provides spiritual acy is to allow falsehood
he that taketh warning
the perils of sin, which is
shall deliver his soul”
wellness. Therefore, the eternal death. ‚When I say to spread faster like can-
Lord tells the watchman, to the wicked, O wicked cer, to the extent that it
‚…you shall hear a word man, you shall surely die!’ eclipses the truth. The con-
from My mouth and warn and you do not speak to sequence is replacement of
them for Me.‛ [Ezek.33:7]. warn the wicked from his truth with falsehood.
The message that provides way, that wicked man shall

he Lord predicts ter!‛ [Isa.5:20]. Therefore, do not know the truth, but
profound misery knowing the voice of God because you know it, and
to those who shall is imperative to our spiritu- that no lie is of the truth.’ [1
knowingly or otherwise, al wellbeing, because such Jn.2:20-21]. We cannot
embrace this dark ideolo- knowledge guards against know the voice of God
gy. He says, ‚Woe to those infiltration of falsehood or when we have no zeal for
who call evil good, and vanity in our hearts. ‚But His righteousness, The fear
good evil; who put dark- you have an anointing from of God is the gateway into
ness for light, and light for the Holy One, and you all His word. ‚For the
darkness; who put bitter for know all things. I have not LORD gives wisdom; from
sweet, and sweet for bit- written to you because you His mouth come knowledge

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Volume 2, Issue 2

The Shepherd’s Voice—Part II

and understanding nudges him towards truth, make wise choices or deci-
[Prov.2:6]. However, in 1st The truth is the wisdom of sions. So, divine wisdom
Corinthians chapter 2 verse God, the word of God, and empowers us to make wise
14, we are told that the non- the word is the voice. Now choices and by understand-
spiritual, natural man will we are told that, ‚When ing, we walk in the right
not accept the teachings and wisdom enters your heart, way and avoid the evil
revelations of the Holy and knowledge is pleasant way. Therefore, the content
Spirit since he does not to your soul, discretion will of the message from the
walk in the fear of God. preserve you; understand- mouth of God has to do
Instead, he walks in strife, ing will keep you, to deliv- with transmission of wis-
envy, pride and so forth. He er you from the way of dom and understanding. If
resists the Spirit when He evil.‛ [Prov.2:10-12]. the message or rather the
Discretion is the ability to voice does not influence

one to make wise choices [Jn.10:4-5]. The sheep of Therefore, those who fol-
and to stay from the way of Christ will follow His low after Him shall be
evil, it is just but vain bab- heart, that is, His will known by their fruits. The
bling. The Lord Jesus says which is His righteousness fruits are due to knowing “If you have trouble
this about His sheep, ‚...he and love. His will is Truth! the voice of the true shep- hearing God speak, you
goes before them; and the Paul said, ‚...but I press on, herd. A true shepherd is a are in trouble at the
sheep follow him, for they minister of righteousness,
very heart of your
that I may lay hold of that
Christian experience”
know his voice. Yet they for which Christ Jesus has since he transmits
will by know means follow also laid hold of me.‛ knowledge and under-
a stranger, but will flee [Php.3:12]. I press on or standing to the sheep. As
from him, for they do not follow after… that means the shepherd hears from
know voice of strangers.‛ Christ provides the pattern. the mouth of God, he pass-
es on the message to the

sheep thus feeding them hireling. The stranger is peace‛, And to everyone who
with knowledge and under- disposed to avoid the truth walks according to the dic-
standing. ‚And I will give and expose the sheep to the tates of his own heart, they
you shepherds according to sword. He is after personal say, ’No evil shall come up-
My heart, who will feed gain and not after spiritual on you.‛ [Jer.23:17].
you with knowledge and welfare of the sheep. Of They promise blessings,
understanding.‛ [Jer.3:15]. this lot, for example, are breakthroughs and miracles
The true shepherd is a ves- the prosperity and new-age to those who are impervious
sel of honor, and so do the preachers! They continual- to truth. They speak a vision
sheep under his watch. The ly say to those who despise of their own heart, and not
stranger is not so, but just a God, ‚You shall have from God’s mouth.

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Volume 2, Issue 2


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Holy Life Fellowship

This is a fellowship founded on the core tenets of true holiness. We believe and teach
Phone: +254729892666 This is a fellowship founded on the core tenets of true holiness. We believe and teach
that the ultimate requirement of GOD upon mankind is to live a new life free from
Phone: +254737070037 that the ultimate requirement of GOD upon mankind is to live a new life free from
unwarranted controlling influence of the old life. We believe that GOD has made a
E-mail: unwarranted controlling influence of the old life. We believe that GOD has made a
provision for the reality of this new life in the Person of the Holy Spirit.
provision for the reality of this new life in the Person of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that Micah.6:8 determine the sum of the gospel of Christ which reflects
We believe that Micah.6:8 determine the sum of the gospel of Christ which reflects
the ultimate will of GOD for mankind. “He has shown you, O man, what is good;
the ultimate will of GOD for mankind. “He has shown you, O man, what is good;
and what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to
and what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk
walk humbly with your God?” (Micah.6:8).
humbly with your God?” (Micah.6:8).
We believe that the desire for holiness is a proclivity that GOD delights in and He
We believe that the desire for holiness is a proclivity that GOD delights in and He
will not despise such a soul. “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken
will not despise such a soul. “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken
and a contrite heart-these, O God, You will not despise.” (Psalm.51:17). Conse-
and a contrite heart-these, O God, You will not despise.” (Psalm.51:17). Conse-
quently, we believe in the faithfulness of GOD and find comfort is such spiritual atti-
quently, we believe in the faithfulness of GOD and find comfort is such spiritual atti-
tude, because we are fully persuaded that GOD “…satisfies the longing soul and
“...Towards eternity with God.” tude, because we are fully persuaded that GOD “…satisfies the longing soul and
fills the hungry soul with goodness.” (Psalm.107:9).
fills the hungry soul with goodness.” (Psalm.107:9).
Vision Statement
free, discipled, equipped and empowered to worship the LORD Jesus Christaccord-
discipled, equipped and empowered to worship the LORD Jesus Christ accord-
ingtototrue holiness.––“For
trueholiness. “ForGod
Mission Statement
experiencethe theholiness
nameof ofJesus
Son of GOD. We have the mandate to teach the infallible and uncompromisingword
of GOD. We have the mandate to teach the infallible and uncompromising word
GODand andtotopractice

Vessel of Honor
Why vessel of Honor? reaching forward to those things
which are ahead.‛ [Philippians.3:13].
Becoming a vessel of honor is the
Father’s will for every soul, and the Vessels of honor are not only pre-
foundation of the Christian call. The pared for the Master’s use, but most
new-birth experience presents to us importantly they are assured of eternal
the opportunity through the Holy life. ‚Beloved, if our heart does not
Spirit, to walk in the fear of God. condemn us, we have confidence to-
ward God.‛ [1 John.3:20].
Therefore, becoming a vessel of honor
involves a process of sanctification by
the blood of Jesus Christ. Apostle
Paul beautifully captures the idea of
sanctification this way: ‚ Brethren, I This newsletter shall be published
do not count myself to have appre- monthly and supplied free of charge.
hended; but one thing I do, forgetting This newsletter is NOT FOR SALE!
those things which are behind and

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