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Nero's Folly - Glory to Rome Solo Rules

Set up as a 2 player game. Only include one Jack.

Add 2 cards from the draw deck to the Pool, and draw 5 cards from the draw deck to your hand.

Place Turn indicator card (Leader Card) vertically to indicate that you go first. Take your turn as normal.

Game Setup Game

​ in Progress

Turn Order
1. Player’s Turn
a. Player Leads or Thinks
i. If Player Thinks, skip to Nero’s Turn.
ii. If Player Leads, take relevant actions.

b. Nero always follows, taking actions according to the table below, including an extra action for each Client of a

c. Rotate Turn Indicator 90 degrees to indicate Nero’s Turn.

2. Nero’s Turn
a. Nero draws a Lead Card from Draw Pile and takes actions according to table below
i. If Lead Card involves a Demand from Nero, draw a Demand Card
b. Check table to see if the Required State of Play is met
i. If State of Play is met, then take Nero’s Action
ii. If State of Play is not met, skip to bottom of table, Nero does nothing.
c. Rotate Turn Indicator back to vertical to indicate Player’s Turn.
3. Player’s Turn (repeat from #1)
In GtR: Nero’s Folly, you are playing Glory to Rome against the Emperor Nero himself. Nero still expects you to bring
Glory to Rome, even as he is busy starting new projects of his own (taking up all of the available in-town sites), stealing
materials from the Pool and demanding them from you, and then selling them off for his own personal profit. What can
you do about it? Nothing, he’s the Emperor! But if you can manage to overcome his Folly and beat him at his own game,
you can still bring Glory to Rome!

On your turn, Nero always follows.

On Nero’s turn, draw a card from the top of the deck and place it in his LEAD CARD space. This is the role that Nero is
leading. If Nero is able to perform an action from the table below, then you may follow or think as normal.

Nero's Actions
Lead Card Nero's Demand Required State of Play Nero's Action

Laborer ​ Cards in the Pool Nero takes the most valuable card from the pool. (If cards
are of equal value, select alphabetically by Structure name.)

Merchant ​ Nero has sufficient influence Nero places the most valuable card in his Stockpile face
to add to his Vault AND has down in his Vault. (If cards are of equal value, select
cards available in his Stockpile alphabetically by Structure name.)

Patron Draw Demand Card Nero has sufficient influence Nero adds a card matching the Demand Card from the pool to
to add another client AND his Clientele. Discard the Demand Card.
there is a card matching the
Demand Card in the pool

Craftsman Draw Demand Card Nero has a Structure matching Nero adds the Demand Card to the in progress Structure as
Architect the Demand Card already in material.

Craftsman Draw Demand Card Nero has NO Structure Nero begins building the Demand Card as a new Structure.
Architect matching the Demand Card
already in progress AND there
is a matching In-Town
Foundation Available

Legionary Draw Demand Card Type of material matching Nero adds a card matching the Demand Card from the Pool
Demand Card is in the Pool to his Stockpile.

--> Then ​ Player has material matching Place one card matching the Demand Card from your Hand
Demand Card in his Hand into Nero’s Stockpile.

--> Then ​ Draw up to 5 cards until If a matching card is found, place the found card into Nero’s
finding a card matching the Stockpile. Discard all unused cards including the Demand
Demand Card Card.

ANY ​ Does not match required state Nero does nothing. Place Lead Card in the Pool. Discard
of play Demand Card (if applicable). If Nero led, you may not follow.
Special Rules

• ​At the end of your turn, rotate the Turn Indicator card 90 degrees to indicate it’s
Nero’s Turn. At the end of Nero’s Turn, rotate the Turn Indicator back to a vertical
position to indicate it’s the Player’s turn, and move Nero’s LEAD CARD to the Pool.

• Nero ALWAYS follows your actions and NEVER thinks. (He has no hand of cards.)
• When performing the Legionary action, take a card from the pool as normal, but then discard up to 5 cards from the
draw deck until you find one that matches the demanded material. Place that card in your hand and stop drawing
cards. Discard all unused cards. On Legionary actions, you will receive up to 2 cards for your Stockpile (1/Pool +
1/Draw Deck) and Nero will receive up to 3 cards for his Stockpile (1/Pool + 1/Draw Deck + 1/Player).
• Nero scores any completed structure bonus points at the end of the game, but does not get any bonus actions or
abilities from completed structures.
• If Nero has any clients, he takes an additional action for each client of that type as a normal player would. He draws a
new Demand Card for each, if applicable.
• Any “ties” for Nero’s actions (Laborer and Merchant) are decided alphabetically by Structure name.
• Nero’s Craftsman and Architect actions are functionally the same, however, Craftsman and Architect Clients only
perform their own leader’s actions. (A Craftsman Client will not perform an action when an Architect is led.)
• Player’s Vault is face up, Nero’s Vault is face down.
• If Nero ever “does nothing” on his turn, that is the equivalent of Thinking and you cannot follow.

• If Nero’s action requires drawing a Demand Card, you must draw the Demand Card before deciding to Follow, since
you cannot Follow if Nero cannot act.

End Game
The game ends immediately when any of the following occur:

• The draw deck runs out.

• A player lays a Foundation which claims the last Site card (see above) that is not Out of Town. This Structure can
never be finished.
• The Player (not Nero) completes a Catacomb.
• The Player (not Nero) has a completed Forum Romanum Structure and has at least one of each Client type in
Clientele and one Material of each type in Stockpile.

• 1 Victory Point for each Influence.
• The combined Value of cards in your Vault.

• 3 Victory Points for each Merchant Bonus card. Nero scores ALL Merchant Bonuses that you do not earn,
excluding ties. No one wins ties for Merchant Bonuses.
• Any bonus point on completed structures. Nero scores these as normal.
• High Score Wins. If tied, Nero wins. “Glory to Rome!”

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