Geochemistryof Two Volcanic Cones From The Intra-Continental Basalt of Harra El-Jabban, NE-Jordan

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Geochemical Journal, Vol. 28, pp.

517 to 540, 1994

Geochemistry of two volcanic cones from the intra-continental plateau

basalt of Harra El-Jabban, NE-Jordan


Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Institute of Geology and Mineralogy

Schlossgarten 5, D-91054, Erlangen, Germany

(Received September 16, 1993; Accepted September 13, 1994)

Harra El-Jabban is the Jordanian part of the large intra-continental basalt terrain of Harra Ash Shamah .
It covers an area of about 11,400 sq. km and lies in NE-Jordan . It consists of six successive thick basalt
flows, dotted with tephra volcanoes of Oligocene-Holocene age . This Harra is one part of a large number
of very poorly studied Cenozoic basalt fields, that are known to exist from Yemen through Saudi Arabia
Jordan, Syria, and Turkey.
Detailed investigations of two volcanic cones, namely, Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem , aligned along a
fissure system trending NNW-SSE in the middle part of the Harra , indicate that they consist of scoria air
fall deposits, dominated by lapilli. They are reasonably classified as "cinder cones" of Strombolian type of
volcanicity. The petrographical and geochemical data show that they are of scoriaceous glassy olivine
phyric basalts, with average modal olivine (-23 vol%) derived from primary magmas giving magnesian
chrysolite (Fo89) with NiO contents of 0.33-0.47 wt% and CaO > 0 .1 wt%.
The chemical composition of 20 fresh pyroclastic samples taken from the two cones is similar in
contents of the major oxides and trace elements with limited variations. Their chemical trend suggests that
the parental magmas ascended rapidly, and underwent only limited fractional crystallization , without sig
nificant crustal contamination. The primary nature of this magma is reflected by the high MgO content
(>8 wt%), the high Mg-number (0.69-0.75), the low silica content (<50 wt%) and the high Cr and Ni
contents of 147-353 ppm and 180-341 ppm, respectively. This conclusion is further supported by the
occurrence of mantle-derived ultramafic xenoliths. The similarity in major and trace element composition
of the two suites suggests that the magmas were derived from a single homogeneous mantle source . It is
estimated that the magmas were generated by low degrees of partial melting (3-8%) of garnet peridotite at
>I 00 km depth.

Sea, within the Arabian shield, and another two

lie beyond the shield boundaries. One of the latter,
A large number of Cenozoic basalt fields, named Ash Shamah, lies in the northwestern parts
, are known to exist in the Arabian Pen of the Arabian plateau (Coleman et al., 1983).
insula over a south-to-north distance of 3,000 km These widespread, poorly studied basalt-fields rank
from Yemen through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria globally among the largest fields of predominantly
and Turkey, covering an area of about 180,000 alkali olivine basalt. The eruptive history of these
sq. km. The estimated volume of eruptive material rocks apparently spans from Oligocene time to the
equals 103 to 105 km3 (Coleman and Mc Guire, present. The tectonic control and the evolution of
1988), at locations near the coast of the Red Sea these volcanic fields are until now poorly defined.
and within the Arabian shield. Eleven of these lava Many assumptions have been proposed by differ
fields are located near the eastern coast of the Red ent authors to relate these volcanic fields to the

*Contact address: P .O. Box 6181, Zarka, Jordan.

518 A. A1-Malabeh

35 40 35


0n ............ IRAQ

I. J`
• y9 •

v IV,

JORDAN \Li *900

VVI 30


" Id

0 100 200 km


Lake Syria
Tiberias A' 33

a 4)
a •Jab Harra

v Amman

Saudi Arabia

to 4

Jordan 0 50 km

37 39

Fig. 1. Location map showing the extent of Harra Ash Shamah, the boun daries of Harra El-Jabban in Jordan,
and the studied volcanoes: Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem.
Intra-continental basalt, NE-Jordan 519

main regional structures in the area. However, the prior to the eruption of the last flow, volcanic ac
volcanism of these basalt-fields was contempora tivity produced numerous prominent tephra cones
neous with the opening of the Red Sea (Africa (B't episode), mainly in the western part of the
Red Sea rift system), the collision of the Arabian Harra and aligned in chains striking generally
and Eurasian plates, and the uplift of the Afro NNW-SSE and N-S. The few published studies
Arabian dome (Barberi et al., 1972; Almond, on the Harra have primarily concentrated on crys
1986). talline basalts rather than the pyroclastic rocks
constituting the tephra cones.
In order to shed light on this particular episode
of volcanic activity, two volcanic cones-Jebal
Harra Ash Shamah is a large intra-continental Aritan and Jebal Fahem (Fig. 1)-were selected
basalt terrain, which covers an area of about for a detailed study. This selection was guided by
45,000 sq. km, about 25% of the Arabian Harrat. the fact that they represent two of the better-de
It stretches over about 700 km in a NW-SE di veloped volcanic cones on Harra El-Jabban. The
rection (Fig. 1), and extends from the southern study of these volcanoes constitutes the first de
rim of the Damascus Basin in Syria, which is tailed geochemical study of Pleistocene volcanoes
marked by the folded mountain of Antilebanon, in Jordan.
southwards through North-Jordan up to the north Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem are located about
ern rim of El-Azraq depression, and then to the 30 km north of Azraq (Fig. 1). The former at
"Al -Nofuth" desert in the northwestern part of
latitude 32°7' 30" North and longitude 36°53' East,
Saudi Arabia. In the latter, the extension of Harra and the latter at latitude 32'14' 10" North and
Ash Shamah, locally known as Harra Al-Hammad longitude 36°54' 17" East.
(Shah, 1986), covers an area of about 15,000 sq. Jebal Aritain is about 900 m high and show
km, and extends up to 210 km. The Syrian ex an elliptical overall shape. The N-S extension of
tension of this plateau is locally known as Jebal the Jebal is about 2000 m and its E-W extension
El-Arab (Otaki, 1989). approximately 1500 m. Jebal Fahem is about
In Jordan, many names have been used by 40 m high, and show an elongated shape with a
different authors for the extension of Ash Shamah. long axis of about 100 m running approximately
Van den Boom and Sawwan (1966) and Bender in a N-S direction, and short axis of about 50 m
(1975) refer to this plateau as the "Plateau with an E-W strike direction.
Basalts", whereas Moffat (1988) used the name
"continental basalts of northern Jordan" for the
same plateau. Since the western part of this plateau
is locally known as El-Jabban land, and the eastern The volcanic successions of Jebal Aritain and
part as El-Harra, the name "Harra El-Jabban" (Al Jebal Fahem consist mainly of air-fall scoria. Both
Malabeh, 1989) will be used in this study. Geo volcanoes resulted from multiple eruptions, giving
graphically, the area of Harra El-Jabban lies ap rise to dissimilar volcanic successions, but their
proximately between latitudes 31°30'-33°N and overall character is comparable. The pyroclastic
longitudes 36°-38°E. rocks of Jebal Aritain show three distinct lithologic
Harra El-Jabban is the least studied region in units. The lower part of the volcano consists of
Jordan, despite its vast areal extent (11,400 loose lapilli and agglutinated pyroclasts of grey
sq. km). The most thorough published investiga colour, the middle part of welded air-fall lapilli
tion of the plateau volcanics (Van den Boom and tuff (Al-Malabeh and Hafez, 1991), and the up
Sawwan, 1966) revealed that they consist of a permost part of lapilli pyroclasts and three
succession of six basalt flows (Fig. 2), only three extrusive basalt flows. In Jebal Fahem, the lower
of which are exposed. The study also showed that, part consists of brown lapilli pyroclasts, and the
520 A. Al-Malabeh


COw t`
I 1
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bt O

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i a)
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9 x a

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4-4 O

t bq

10 10

ti O

~4 N

Intra-continental basalt, NE-Jordan 521

Table 1. Description of the main characteristics of the studied volcanoes

Volcano Aritain Fahem

Height 900 m 40 m
Dispersal area 4km2 0.2 km 2
Type of ejecta and size range dominated by air-fall, scoria and mostly lapilli size (<2.5 cm)
Bedding well bedded
Agglutination abundant in the lower parts occasionally recorded
in the middle strata
Welding abundant in the middle parts absent
Sorting the majority of the beds are well sorted
Grading mostly symmetrical (reverse and rarely reverse
normal), rarely normal and reverse
Xenoliths ultramifc, and abundant mainly absent
in the lower and middle parts
Lithic fragments abundant, limestone, quartzite not recorded
and granite
Basalt flow three flows in the upper parts not observed
Basalt dike one arcuate dike one ring dike

upper parts of dark brown to grey blocks and The field relation, overall elliptical shape of
bombs with limited agglutinated zones. The vol the two volcanoes, and the stratification patterns
canic succession of each volcano is intersected by suggest a magmatic source occurring along a fis
huge basaltic dikes (Al-Malabeh, 1993). Ultramafic sure system trending NNW-SSE.
xenoliths are abundant in Jebal Aritain and have
been identified as websterite, wehrlite, spinel
lherzolite and spinel pyroxenite. A few angular to
subangular lthic fragments of limestone, sand A total of 25 thin sections were prepared from
stone, quartzite, gabbro and granite have also been fresh samples from all parts of the investigated
noted in this volcanic succession. The main char cones, after special treatment using Epofix solution
acteristics of the studied volcanoes are summa and Vacuum apparatus. Modal proportions were
rized in Table 1. obtained by point counting on these sections. For
The pyroclastic rocks, which make up to 95% every slide, more than 1000 points covering phe
or more of the well-bedded successions of both nocrysts and groundmass were counted. Modal
volcanoes, are arranged in planar stratification or
"shower bedding" . As the stratification maintains
a uniform thickness, it may be described as
"mantle bedding" (Cas and Wright
, 1987). Re Table 2. Averages of modal proportions of the pyro
markably, the beds of the studied volcanoes are clastic rocks from Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem, given
well sorted, and some of them exhibit different in vol%, normalized to 100%, i.e., vesiclefree
types of grading (Table 1). The pyroclastic rocks
Component Jebal Aritain Jebal Fahem
are mostly angular to subangular lapilli, with (vol%) (vol%)
<2.5 cm as the dominant size . This classifies both
Olivine phenocrysts 16 14
volcanoes as "cinder cones", having a low content
Olivines needles 6 10
of fines. Field criteria, low degree of fragmentation Plagioclase microlites 3 6
and dispersal areas of <5 km2 suggest Strombolian Opaque <2 <2

type of eruption. Fresh glass 73 68

522 A. Al-Malabeh

data are.given in normalized to 100 percent form, nesium-rich chrysolite. The olivine phenocrysts in
i.e., vesicle-free (Table 2). Generally, the rocks rocks from Jebal Aritain have a composition of
have fairly uniform petrographic features, and may Fo89 at the core, decreasing to F086 at the rim,
be classified as scoriaceous glassy olivine-phyric whereas the composition of the olivine needles
basalt, with average modal olivine of about 22 varies from Fo87 at the core, to Fo84 at the rim. The
and 24 vol%, in rocks from Jebal Aritain and Jebal zoning in olivine phenocrysts from Jebal Fahem
Fahem, respectively (Fig. 3 and Table 2). Olivine ranges from Fo89_86at the core to Fo87_82at the
forms dominantly subhedral crystals and needles. rim (Table 3). The CaO content is greater than
Plagioclase as minute microlites, and few opaque 0.1 wt% and ranges from 0.13 to 0.37 wt% in
grains (magnetite) occur as inclusions within oli olivines from Jebal Aritain rocks, and from 0.17
vine. The sideromelane in the studied samples to 0.31 wt% in olivines from Jebal Fahem rocks;
shows little evidence of alteration, is light gray to this demonstrates the magmatic origin of the oli
light green, and constitutes about 73 and 68 vol% vine phenocrysts, rather than xenocrysts from ul
in rocks from Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem, re tramafic rocks (Francis, 1985; Helz, 1988). The
spectively. The vesicles are circular to sub-circu compositional trends of olivine in the studied
lar, and account from 39 to 53 vol% of the whole samples are considered to reflect primary olivine
rock. crystals crystallising in ascending primary magmas
Chemical analysis of olivines was carried out (O'Hara, 1968; Kushiro, 1969; Al-Malabeh, 1992).
using a CAMECA-SU-30 scanning electron mi Moreover, the olivine contains from 0.33 to 0.47
croprobe, which is housed in the Department of wt% nickel. This is within the range found for
Earth & Environmental Sciences, Yarmouk Uni olivine that contains between 46.72 and 55 wt%
versity-Jordan. The settings used for analysis were MgO (Deer et al., 1962). Sato (1977) and Sato et
as follows: acceleration potential 20 Kv, specimen al. (1991) demonstrated that olivines of primary
current 25-50 nA, and integration time 10 sec magmas should have NiO around 0.4 wt%; such
onds. The results are listed in Table 3. olivines may be called primary crystals. However,
The olivines show limited chemical variation they include minor alumina and alkalies. The nor
all falling within the compositional range of mag mal compositional zoning in all the studied crys

Plagioclase microlite

Fresh glass

Olivine phenocryst
Olivine needle Or-.

0 V

0 Opaque
0 G ~`le

I 2mm~
Fig. 3. Sketch photomicrograph showing representative scoriaceous glassy olivinephyric basalt from the studied
volcanoes. It consists of olivine phenocrysts, olivine needles, plagioclase microlites and opaque, set in a vesicu
lated glassy groundmass.
Intra-continental basalt, NE-Jordan 523

Table 3. Olivine analyses from the pyroclastic rocks of Jebal Aritain and Jebal 'ahem

Jebal Aritain Jebal Fahem

Al (phenocryst) A4 (needle) M3 (phenocryst) M6 (phenocryst)
Sample core rim core rim core rim core rim

SiO2 40.49 40.05 40.10 39.01 39.62 41.14 40.28 38.21

TiOZ 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00
A1203 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.17 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.66
FeO 9.70 13.15 11.57 15.62 10.17 11.48 12.28 16.69
MnO 0.13 0.14 0.12 0.21 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.28
MgO 47.28 46.40 47.36 46.09 49.10 45.62 45.45 43.58
CaO 0.21 0.13 0.33 0.37 0.17 0.31 0.21 0.79
Na2O 0.14 0.01 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.22
NiO 0.41 0.33 0.41 0.35 0.33 0.45 0.47 0.34
Cr2O3 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01

Total 98.49 100.26 100.03 101.86 99.57 99.16 98.86 100.78

Number of Cations on the basis of 4 oxygens

Si 1.0087 0.99558 0.9937 0.96 0.9833 1.0265 1.0112 0.9667

Ti 0.0007 0.00 0.0004 0.0004 0.00 0.00 0.0002 0.00
Al 0.0021 0.0015 0.0006 0.0017 0.0009 0.0003 0.0006 0.0197
Cr 0.0004 0.00 0.0004 0.0005 0.00 0.002 0.00 0.0003
Fe2+ 0.2021 0.2735 0.2398 0.3238 0.2111 0.238 0.2578 0.3531
Mn 0.0027 0.0029 0.0025 0.0044 0.0032 0.0027 0.0026 0.006
Ni 0.0082 0.0066 0.0082 0.007 0.0082 0.009 0.0095 0.0069
Mg 1.7554 1.7194 1.7491 1.7026 1.816 1.6854 1.7005 1.644
Ca 0.0056 0.0035 0.0088 0.0098 0.0019 0.0082 0.0057 0.0214
Na 0.0068 0.0005 0.0038 0.00 0.00 0.0005 0.001 0.01

Sum 2.9997 3.0037 3.0073 3.026 3.0163 2.9726 2.9880 3.028

End members

Fo 89.68 86.28 87.94 84.02 89.59 87.63 86.83 82.32

Fa 10.32 13.72 12.06 15.98 10.41 12.37 13.17 17.68

tals reflects lack of equilibration with the liquid this purpose after microscopic examination of thin
during crystallization. sections.
Whole-rock analysis for major oxides Ti, Al,
Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca, Na, K, and P, trace elements Ni,
Cr, Co, Cu, Ba, Sr, Zr, Nb and Y as well as se
Methods lected rare earth elements was carried out using
The sensitivity of volcanic glass to post-depo the Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission
sitional changes, which may modify the chemical Source Spectrometry (ICP-AES) method in the
affinities of the glass, makes the selection of Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Erlangen
samples for analysis one of the most careful pro University, Germany. The samples were prepared
cesses. To avoid errors in the geochemical analy following the method described by Heinriches and
ses, every effort was made in the present study to Herrmann (1991). Si and Rb analyses were de
select only the freshest materials, and 20 samples rived by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF)
from all parts of the volcanoes were selected for using powder disks at the same university. Cali
524 A. Al-Malabeh

Vl N t 00 M 00 M m Vl N N M .0
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Intra-continental basalt, NE-Jordan 525

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v~HQww UzxaNU:)p4r) U a o 9b
o a

526 A. Al-Malabeh

Table 5. REE-element concentrations in the studied volcanoes (in ppm), first column. The second
column for each volcano gives normalized values against the chondrite-values after Taylor (1968)

Elements Chondorite Jebal Aritain Jebal Fahem Standard

(Taylor, 1968) deviations

ppm normalized ppm normalized

La 0.315 43 136.5 32 101.6 0.01

Ce 0.813 100 123 84 103.3 0.05
Pr 0.116 10 86.2 8 68.9 0.03
Sm 0.192 12 62.5 5.9 31.7 0.02
Eu 0.072 2.8 38.8 2.3 31.9 0.03
Dy 0.325 7 21.5 8 24.6 0.06
Er 0.213 4.3 20.1 4.8 22.5 0.01
Yb 0.208 2.1 10 1.9 9.1 0.03
Lu 0.032 0.15 4.8 0.14 4.6 0.05
La/Yb 1.514 20.4 13.6 16.8 11.2

bration was performed against international refer studied rocks are characterised by a similar range
ence samples (e.g., BM, BR, BE-N and Musi-8). of silica content: between 44.01 and 43.83 wt%,
Standard deviations of all analysis are given in with an average of 44.71 wt%, in samples Jebal
Tables 4 and 5. Data and detailed information on Fahem; and between 44.38 and 46.65 wt%, with
precision and accuracy of the ICP-method are an average of 45.15, in those from Jebal Aritain
given in Thompson and Walsh (1989) and of the (Table 4). The Si02 averages match the average
XRF are presented in Hahn-Weinheimer et al. for alkali basalts given by Nockolds et al. (1979).
(1984) and Bennett and Oliver (1992). FeO and The rocks are also characterised by high and
CO2 were determined using titration and comparable MgO content (>8 wt%) range between
calcimetric methods, respectively. H20 and H20' 8.29 and 10.45 wt%. The Mg# (defined as the
were determined by weight loss after drying at molecular ratio Mg++/(Mg+++Fe++);Jenner et al.,
110°C and 1000°C, respectively. 1987) ranges between 0.69 to 0.74 in samples from
The contents of major oxides in weight %, of Jebal Aritain and from 0.71 to 0.75 in those from
trace elements in ppm and the calculated CIPW Jebal Fahem. The studied rocks have low differ
norms for the studied rocks are shown in Table 4. entiation index, D.I. (defined as the sum of the
The rare earth elements data are listed in Table 5. weight percent of normative Qz + Or + Ab +
Several variation diagrams (Fig. 4) were con Ne + Lc + Ks; Thornton and Tuttle, 1960). It av
structed using MgO content as abscissa, as the erages 31 and 28 for samples from Jebal Aritain
MgO content serves as an indicator of the degree and Jebal Fahem, respectively (Table 4). The
of differentiation, and other trends of magmatic Na2O/K2O ratio is greater than two, and reflects
evolution. Moreover, binary diagrams of the Na-enrichment of the samples. A1203, Fe203,
interelemental relationships, particularly for in FeO, CaO and MnO contents show very limited
compatible trace elements, were constructed to aid variations (Table 4 and Fig. 4). The A12O3/TiO2
interpretation. ratio ranges between 4.3 and 6.4 in samples from
Jebal Aritain, and from 6.4 to 6.8 in those from
Major elements Jebal Fahem; the CaO/TiO2 ratio lies between 3
Major element analysis shows that systematic and 3.6 in Jebal Aritain samples, and 4.2 and 5 in
compositional variations within each volcano and those from Jebal Fahem. The samples of Jebal
between the two volcanoes, are not large. The Aritain are relatively enriched in Ti02, K20 and
Intra-continental basalt, NE-Jordan 527

47 400

Oz E

e *
Z 200 AO A
A A AA A A • 4AA

i 100
7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12


16 300

A e

A g
d, 14 200 • oe
8E A •' g
13 150

12 100
7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12
% MgO % MgO

5 80 A
W4 e~ A a
CL 8
.° g 0 A
3 40 •• A
A e

7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12

80 A
• ••
60 g
aR A* ° A
7 e
e C)
•• A

7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12

• Aritain
' AA A Fahem
10 A ' A
t) e

~t 9

7 8 9 10 11 12

Fig. 4. Variation diagrams showing compositional ranges of selected major and compatible elements in the
pyroclastic rocks from the studied volcanoes.

528 A. Al-Malabeh

14 Phonolite
13 Tephri
phonolite Trachyte
11 31fali'
10 Phono
9 tephrite / \ Benmoreite \ \ Trachydacite • Aritain

0N 78 Tephrite / Mugearite n Fahem

z 6 Basanite awaiite
5 b`O 4 Basaltic
3 Andesite
Picro andesite
2 Basalt
1 basalt
39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69

Fig. 5. Total alkalies versus silica (TAS) diagram (Le Bas et al., 1986) for the pyroclastic rocks from the studied

P205 in comparison to those from Jebal Fahem. Compatible elements: Ni, Cr, Co and Cu In the
The rocks are olivine and nepheline norma studied rocks, these elements are characterised by
tive. Olivine norms range from 10.6 to 18.8 wt% their high concentration and significant variation
in samples from Jebal Aritain, and between 12.3 (Fig. 4). Ni content ranges between 161 and 341
and 17.3 wt% in samples from Jebal Fahem. ppm, averages 212 ppm, and suggests that the
Moreover, all samples (except one) from Jebal rocks underwent very limited olivine fractionation.
Aritain and four samples from Jebal Fahem have Cr content varies from 148 to 353 ppm, averaging
ne-norms below 5 wt%; the rest of the samples 189 ppm, whereas cobalt lies between 30 and 79
have ne-norms between 5-10 wt%. However, ppm, with an average of 49 ppm. These values
nepheline is not recorded modally. Also, none of signal the primary nature of the rocks which un
the samples show normative hypersthene or quartz. derwent little differentiation. The high content of
The normative compositions indicate that the rocks Cr, Ni and Co may also indicate derivation of the
may be classified as alkali olivine basalt (<5% parental magma by partial melting of a peridotite
norm-ne) and basanitoid (>5% norm-ne). This mantle source (Wilson, 1989). The rocks from both
classification is supported by total alkali versus volcanoes show a comparable Cu content, which
silica (TAS) diagram (Le Bas et al., 1986), on ranges between 30 ppm and 76 ppm, with an av
which the analyzed samples from Jebal Aritain plot erage of 51 ppm (Fig. 4).
as a cluster in the alkali basalt field, whereas those
from Jebal Fahem plot in the basanite field Low-Field Strength (LFS) elements: Rb, Sr and
(Fig. 5). Ba The studied rocks have low Rb content, aver
aging about 26 ppm in rocks from Jebal Aritain,
Trace elements and 18 ppm in those from Jebal Fahem. More
The concentrations of trace elements in the over, they are characterised by high K/Rb ratios,
basaltic rocks are potentially more useful than the which average 390 and 504 in rocks from Jebal
major elements for identifying mantle geochemical Aritain and Jebal Fahem, respectively. The low
sources. They can be used to test specific models Rb content and high K/Rb ratio preclude crustal
of petrogenetic processes such as fractional crys contamination. Sr content averages 1048 and 948
tallization, partial melting and source heterogene ppm in samples from Jebal Aritain and Jebal
ity. Fahem, respectively. Within the rocks of the same
Intra-continental basalt, NE-Jordan 529

volcano, limited Sr variations may reflect that no with K2O in all samples, and Ti02 and P205 show
plagioclase fractionation occurred. Jebal Aritain a slight positive correlation with Zr in samples
and Jebal Fahem rocks have an approximately from Jebal Fahem (Fig. 6).
similar K/Sr average ratio of 9.9. On the other Nb content averages about 61 ppm in samples
hand, the Ca/Sr ratio shows some variability, and from Jebal Aritain, and 40 ppm in those from Jebal
averages 72 and 84 for Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem. The low Nb content in the latter is con
Fahem rocks, respectively. The rocks from both sistent with its low Zr content. Nb is positively
volcanoes have a similar Rb/Sr average ratio of correlated with Zr (Fig. 6). Zr/Nb average ratios
about 0.02. range from 4.2 to 5.2. An average value of 7 is
Barium content in Jebal Aritain rocks averages given by Sunkel (1990) as a boundary between
445 ppm, whereas those from Jebal Fahem have a alkalic and tholeiitic basalt, with the former giv
lower average of 287 ppm. However, all the rocks ing values of less than 7.
show a comparable K/Ba ratio that averages 23 Y contents show approximately constant aver
32. In addition, the rocks have comparable Ba/Rb ages of 27 and 26 in Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem
and Ba/Sr average ratios of 16 and 0.3, respec rocks, respectively. The Y/Nb ratio averages 0.43
tively. The Ca/Ba ratio averages 173 and 274 in in Jebal Aritain rocks and 0.64 in those from Jebal
rocks from Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem, re Fahem. These ratios are consistent with the ratio
spectively. of <1 for intercontinental alkali basalts reported
A distinction can be made between the samples by Pearce and Cann (1973). Winchester and Floyd
from Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem, in which the (1977) suggested a ratio of 0:67 as a boundary
former are relatively enriched in Rb and Ba (Fig. between alkaline and subalkaline basalts. More
6). This may reflect the different degrees of par over, the samples have high Zr/Y and Ti/Y ratios
tial melting at the same source. Moreover, the low which average 9.6 and 640, in samples from Jebal
Ca/Sr ratio in rocks from Jebal Aritain compared Aritain, respectively; and 8.2 and 492 in those
to the high values in rocks from Jebal Fahem, may from Jebal Fahem, respectively.
indicate a lower degree of partial melting for the The high Ti/Y ratio and the constancy of the
former than for the latter. The low and comparable Y content may indicate that the source magmas
Rb/Sr, K/Sr and Ba/Sr values may reflect the originated in garnet-bearing rocks (Frey et al.,
relatively unfractionated nature of the studied rocks 1978; Cox et al., 1979). On the other hand, Erlank
since these ratios increase as differentiation pro and Kable (1976), Sun et al. (1979), Pearce and
ceeds. Rb, Sr and Ba are positively correlated with Norry (1979), and Francis and Ludden (1990) have
K20 content in samples from Jebal Aritain; in emphasized the sensitivity of the Zr/Nb ratio in
those from Jebal Fahem, Rb and Ba are indepen basaltic rocks to the composition of the source
dent of K2O, and Sr shows a slight negative cor region. In particular, Zr/Nb is a useful indicator
relation with K20 (Fig. 6). of the "depleted" or "enriched" nature of the
source region. The studied samples are distin
High-Field Strength (HFS) elements: Zr, Nb and guished by their low Zr/Nb and Y/Nb ratios, and
Y The Zr content in the analysed rocks exhibits high Zr/Y ratios. The ratios of these incompatible
some variability. It averages 255 ppm in samples elements indicate that the studied samples are
from Jebal Aritain and 211 ppm in those from geochemically "enriched" (i.e., Zr/Nb < 15).
Jebal Fahem. The studied samples have high
Ti/Zr averages of 66 and 60, for Jebal Aritain and Rare Earth Elements The REE (La, Ce, Pr, Sm,
Jebal Fahem, respectively. On the other hand, the Eu, Dy, Er, Yb and Lu) were analysed (Table 5),
samples are characterised by high K/Zr (LFS/HFS) and the data were normalized to the average
ratios of 40 and 44 for Jebal Aritain and Jebal chondritic abundance using published values
Fahem, respectively. Zr is positively correlated (Taylor, 1968). The chondrite-normalized REE
530 A. Al-Malabeh

r~. 3,5

• Aritain
ECL ON Fahem
F 2,5
= 25
20 A A0a A

e n
15 1,5
1,2 1,6 100 150 200 250 300
% K20 Zr (ppm)

1200 0,7

0 wN
6. e 0,4 e
N 1000

e A

900 0,1
0,8 1,2 1,6 100 150 200 250 300

% K20 Zr (ppm)

400 160
z 40 m
300 ba A& AA G A A

200 20
0,8 1,2 1,6 100 150 200 `av1r: 300
% K20 Zr (ppm)

1,6 30

O "~ o •: 26 m nn

1,2 n cm
A y 24
A Ad


0,8 20
100 150 200 250 300 100 150 200 250 300
Zr (ppm) Zr (ppm)

Fig. 6. Variation diagrams showing interelemental relationships of the incompatible elements in the studied

distribution patterns for the studied rocks are es fractionating phase in the rocks, or that Eu was
sentially regular, linear and almost parallel (Fig. present in the magma as Eu3+ rather than Eu2+. The
7). No Eu anomaly is observed, which may indi former reason is much more likely, and supported
cate either that plagioclase was not an important by the low variability of Sr content in samples

Intra-continental basalt, NE-Jordan 531


z • Aritain
A Fahem
O 10 W

J v a Z CL
EE= W O H o x° w }

Fig. 7. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for the pyroclastic rocks from the studied volcanoes.

from the same volcano. mic scale. Similar patterns of incompatible ele
In general, the rocks are enriched in light REE ment distribution are revealed for Jebal Aritain and
relative to heavy ones, and have high light/heavy Jebal Fahem, reflecting lower concentrations of
REE ratios, which reflect their alkalinity. The the elements (Fig. 8). Both are characterised by
La/Yb ratio averages 21 and 17 in rocks from Jebal positive Nb and P anomalies. In addition, the pat
Aritain and Jebal Fahem, respectively. The rocks tern for Jebal Aritain is characterised by a Ba
from Jebal Aritain are relatively more enriched in anomaly. The Nb anomaly may reflect a deep
light REE. This supports a positive correlation seated magma. The P and Ba anomalies can be
between total abundances of REE and of other explained in terms of selective enrichment of the
incompatible elements, which may reflect a lower mantle source regions from which the parental
degree of partial melting. basalts were derived, rather than by crystal frac
tionation and accumulation. However, the most
Spiderdiagram distinctive feature is that both patterns have a close
The normalized diagram, or so-called normalised Y content. Moreover, the general
spiderdiagram, is a technique for comparing the similarity of the patterns for the studied volca
distribution pattern of incompatible trace elements noes suggests that the effect of a volatile phase,
in samples with some reference composition. On which may distort the patterns, was limited.
this diagram, the contents of these elements are The patterns of the incompatible-element av
normalized to estimates of their abundance in the erages for the studied rocks are compared with
primordial mantle i.e., a weight average of the those of averages for alkali olivine basalt from
present mantle, crust, hydrosphere, and astheno Harra Shawahit and hawaiite from Harra Rahat in
sphere (Wood et al., 1979). The incompatible el Saudi Arabia, about 750 km to the south of Harra
ements are arranged in order of increasing incom Ash Shamah (Camp and Roobol, 1989). These
patibility (KD-value) for normal mantle mineral patterns display overall similarity (Fig. 8). All are
assemblage from right to left. characterised by positive Nb anomalies common
The average abundances of the incompatible to both continental and oceanic alkali basalt
elements Rb, Ba, K, Nb, La, Ce, Sr, P, Zr, Ti and provinces (Norry and Fitton, 1983). The patterns
Y are normalized to the primordial mantle values for the studied rocks are most closely resemble to
of Wood et al. (1979) and plotted on a logarith the Harra Rahat hawaiite pattern.
532 A. Al-Malabeh

Tectonomagmatic-geochemical discrimination the associated lava flows on Harra El-Jabban were

diagrams: "tectonic classification" emplaced in a "within-plate" environment. This
The "tectonic classification" of the studied interpretation is supported by the chemical com
basalts, as inferred from tectonomagmatic geo position of the studied rocks. On the logarithmic
chemical discrimination diagrams, helps in identi binary plot of TiO2 versus Zr (Pearce, 1980) the
fying the tectonic regimes at the time of their samples from Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem fall
eruption. However, the accuracy of these diagrams in the "within plate lava" field (Fig. 9). A consis
relies upon the assumption that the used elements tent result is given on the plot of Zr-Zr/Y (Pearce
have not been significantly affected by alteration. and Norry, 1979) although some samples of Jebal
The field occurrence gives no doubt that, in a Aritain plot beyond the "within plate" field
broad tectonic sense, the studied volcanoes and (Fig. 10).


100 - • Aritain
J --6 Fahem
0 cc
f -;r Rahat
2 FE
-* Shawahit
Y 10

Rb Ba K Nb La Ce Sr P Zr Ti Y

Fig. 8. Spiderdiagram of average incompatible elements from the studied volcanoes compared with alkali olivine
basalt from Harra Shawahit, and hawaiite from Harra Rahat (Camp and Roobol, 1989). The data are normalized
to primordial mantle of Wood et al. (1979).


• Aritain
1 1~'O~ within
laves e Fahem

arelaves \


Zr (ppm)
Fig. 9. TiO2-Zr diagram (Pearce, 1980) for the pyroclastic rocks from the studied volcanoes.

Intra-continental basalt, NE-Jordan 533


A: Within plate basalts

B: Island arc basalts

C: Mid-ocean ridge basalts

O Aritain
A Fahem

10 100 1000
Zr (PPM)

Fig. 10. Zr-Zr/Y diagram (Pearce and Norry, 1979) for samples from the studied volcanoes.

low Rb/Sr, K/Sr. and Ba/Sr ratios are consistent

with this interpretation.
Differentiation and fractionation of magma The investigated samples are characterised by
The magmas of the studied volcanoes can be low differentiation index values. This also reflects
qualified as primary: silica content never exceeds that they did not undergo significant differentia
50 wt% and ranges between 44.5 and 46.7 wt%. tion. Continued fractionation inexorably leads to
This matches the content of below 50 wt% re rocks with very high DI-values approaching 100
ported for primary magmas (BVSP, 1981; Wil (Hughes, 1982).
son, 1989). MgO content in the investigated The occurrence of ultramafic mantle xenoliths
samples (>8 wt%) is also compatible with a pri is another criteria for identifying the primary na
mary nature of the magma, and argues for rapid ture of the studied magmas. Such xenoliths are
ascent from the mantle with minimal fractionation. recorded in the volcanic succession of Jebal
Consequently, the Mg#, which is considered as Aritain. Their occurrence indicates that the paren
one of the most important petrogenetic indicators, tal magma ascended rapidly without fractional
ranges in the studied rocks between 0.69 and 0.75. crystallization and crustal contamination, and
These values fit well with the values of 0.65, 0.77 supports the mantle origin of the host magma.
and >0.70 reported for primary magmas by Clague Mantle derived xenoliths are reported within many
and Frey (1982), Kesson (1973), and Wilson Harrat of the Arabian peninsula, especially in
(1989), respectively. Quaternary volcanics (Ghent et al., 1980; Coleman
The studied rocks are characterised by high Ni et al., 1983; Thornber and Pallister, 1985; Hafez,
and Cr concentrations. Their values are comparable 1986; Kuo and Essene, 1986; Nixon, 1987; Mc
with the concentration of Ni in primary magma Guire, 1988; Bilal, 1992).
of 250 ppm (Green, 1980; Clague and Frey, 1982) The petrographic data show that the studied
to 300-320 ppm (Frey et al., 1978; Green, 1980). rocks are characterised by relatively low crystal
The Cr value is higher than the published value content and glassy texture, which may indicate that
of 142 ppm for alkali basalt (Prinz, 1967) and the rocks resulted from rapid cooling of rapidly
relatively lower than those of between 500 and ascending, primary magmas. This is consistent
600 ppm for primary magmas (Green, 1980). The with the general phenomenon that the primary
534 A. Al-Malabeh

nature of magma increases where phenocrysts de On the basis of genuine incompatible element
crease (Cole, 1973; Huppert and Sparks, 1985). concentrations and their significant variation, a
The mineral chemistry shows that olivine, the distinction can be made between the samples from
main mineral phase, has an identical compositional Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem. The former are
range and underwent slight fractionation reflected relatively enriched in Ti, K, P, Sr, Ba, Rb, Nb,
by limited rim-core as well as slight phenocrysts Zr, La and Ce. This may reflect that they resulted
needle compositional variation in the rocks from from different degrees of partial melting.
both volcanoes. The analyses reflect the primary A quantitative measure of the degree of par
nature of the magma, bearing magnesian chryso tial melting is provided by using the mineral-melt
lite. distribution coefficient model for Rb and Zr
(Clague and Frey, 1982; Camp and Roobol, 1989).
Type of source and degree of partial melting Based on the solution of the mass balance calcu
A fundamental problem in understanding the lations and the modal batch melting equation
magmatic process of development of the studied (Shaw, 1970):
volcanoes centers on 1) the composition, miner
alogy and nature of the inferred source, and 2) C1/C0 = 1/(D + F (1 D),
the degree of partial melting.
The studied rocks are thought to have been the degree of partial melting for the investigated
derived from a mantle of garnet peridotite com volcanoes are calculated, where Co and C1 are the
position. This interpretation is based on: 1) the concentration of a given trace element in the
uniform and low Y content, 2) the high Zr/Y ratio, original (parental) and residual (derivative)
3) the high Ti02/Y ratio (Frey et al., 1978; Clague magma, respectively, F is the degree of partial
and Frey, 1982), and 4) the high La,,/Yb„ ratio melting, and D is the bulk mineral-melt distribu
(Saunders et al., 1987) with averages of 11 and tion coefficient for the solid phases removed from
14, in rocks from Jebal Aritain and Fahem, re the melt. The incompatible elements have very low
spectively. The indicators which support that the D values which are much smaller than the nu
mantle was of peridotite composition are the high merical value for partial melting. For the study
Ni, Co and Cr concentrations (Wilson, 1989). In case, D = 0, then C,,/C1 = F. The F values are
addition to that, the low Zr/Nb and Y/Nb, and calculated using concentrations in primitive mantle
high Y/Zr ratios illustrate the "enriched" nature source (C0) of 15.5 (of 2.5 times chondritic val
of the garnet peridotite mantle source. ues) and 1 ppm for Zr and Rb, respectively
Based on major and trace element abundances (Philpotts and Schnetzler, 1970; Griffin and
in the studied rocks, it can be concluded that they Murthy, 1969; Shaw, 1972; Frey et al. 1978). The
crystallised from compositionally homogeneous samples from Jebal Aritain give partial melting
magma. The uniformity of the major element dis degrees of 3-6%, lower than the 5-8% partial
tribution, particularly, Si02, A1203,MgO, FeOt°tal melting given by those from Jebal Fahem. These
and MnO is consistent with this model. The ho results are consistent with relative depletion of the
mogeneity of the mantle is also mimicked by the incompatible elements in Jebal Fahem rocks, since
similar incompatible elements ratios such as their concentration in the residual melt is inversely
Rb/Sr, K/Sr and Ba/Sr. proportional to the degree of partial melting.
The comparable petrographical characteristics, These calculated values are comparable to
the slight modal differences and chemical simi published estimates of partial melting values 8
larity, and the primary nature of the studied rocks 13% for alkali olivine basalt by Camp and Roobol
suggest that they are genetically related, and re (1989), <5% for oceanic basalt by Engel et al.
sulted from similar magmatic processes from a (1965) and O'Hara (1968), and <10% for basic
single mantle source, forming co-magmatic rocks. magma by Weaver et al. (1979).
Intra-continental basalt, NE-Jordan 535

Crustal contamination Tectonomagmatic model

The interaction of basaltic magma and conti A fundamental scope of this study is to inves
nental crust is not simple, and very few magmas tigate the structure of the crust and upper mantle
can erupt without some degree of contamination beneath the studied volcanoes. Despite many
(Waston, 1982; Wilson, 1989; Dobosi et al., 1991). publications (Gass, 1970; Ilies, 1975; Pilger and
Whether a parental magma is likely to be Rosier, 1976; Almond, 1986), the origin of the
contaminated by the crust is the subject of con Arabian Harrat is still not fully understood. Their
siderable debate, but there is convincing evidence tectonic and volcanic evolution is very complex,
that the primary geochemical characteristics of the and their spatial and temporal distribution makes
rocks are obscured by contamination. The compa it clearly impossible for a single petrogenetic
rable geochemical data deduced from the similar model to be devised. The magmas are thought to
major element concentrations, the primary nature have risen through crustal fractures, which pro
of the magma, and the high Mg# (0.69-0.75), all vided conduits for the basalt eruptions, produced
serve as evidence for a closed-system magma during the tectonic evolution and the mantle con
chamber, and suggest that contamination of upper vection of the Arabian plate. The magma eruption
crust was minimal. Moreover, the high K/Rb ra took place initially through a deep-seated fissure
tios, and low Rb/Sr and K/Sr ratios in the studied system, then through a series of circular and lin
rocks are considered to represent primary ear conduits, building scoria cones. The N-S and
uncontaminated magmas (Gast, 1960; Erlank and NNW-SSE directions of the fissures are also
Hofineyer, 1966; Abbot, 1967; Taylor, 1968). shown by the dike swarm directions and the
The occurrence of accessory lithic fragments alignment of the cones. The overall elongated
can not be considered as a sign of assimilation shape of Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem, with the
because of the strong chemical similarity between long axis trending NNW-SSE, suggests that both
the rocks from both volcanoes, although those volcanoes resulted from fissure eruptions trending
from Jebal Aritain bear such lithic fragments, NNW-SSE.
whereas those from Jebal Fahem are free of lithic The lithic framgents and mantle xenoliths offer
fragments. The direct and rapid ascent of the a direct insight into the crust under the Harra. On
magma is indicated by a) the lack of crustal con the other hand, seismic data can provide important
tamination, and b) the occurrence of mantle xe constraints on the velocity and density structure
noliths (a good portion of which appears to have of the crust and upper mantle beneath the studied
been derived from deep sources). Moreover, the volcanoes, and thus are of great value in devel
lithic fragments have preserved their original oping a detailed petrogenetic model. Correlation
character. This supports the contention that the of xenoliths and lithic fragments with the geo
lithic fragments were introduced into the magma physical investigations helps to clear the cross
during its ascent, and were transported very rap section of the lithosphere and asthenosphere be
idly. The mechanism of any magma/lithic frag low Harra El-Jabban. A deep seismic refraction
ments interaction must be by diffusion in the profile in northeastern Jordan (El-Isa et al., 1987)
molten state (Bowen, 1928; Wilson, 1989). The has shown that the continental crust below the
unaltered state and the absence of the heat effects Harra consists of four zones (Fig. 11). The first
in the lithic fragments preclude such interaction. has a thickness of about 5.5 km (Gettings et al.,
All the evidence is against crustal contamina 1986; El-Isa et al., 1987) and represents the Cre
tion, and makes the modification of the magma taceous, Tertiary and Quaternary sediments and
by crustal material en route to the surface highly basalt flows under the Harra. The granitic lithic
unlikely. The small differences in incompatible fragments found within the samples from Jebal
element concentrations were explained due to the Aritain may indicate that sialic crust is present in
degree of partial melting rather than contamina the upper crust in NE-Jordan. The lithic fragments
536 A. Al-Malabeh

z T T 7
9 x
\\\\\\\ \\\\
+ +
+ +



9 .\,\\\\\\ \\
+ + 9
N + +
r t

t r
+ +
+ + i
+ +

+ +
+ + o

++ W
++ 9
++ 9
++ 9
++_ 219
++ a
++ 9
+ +
cd ++'
.r, 1 1
+ + 1
+ \\\\\\\ \ \\
+ +

++ 9
\\\\ \\\ \\\\
++ \\\\\.\\\\ \\\
++ 4 \\\\\\\\ \\\\
+ + 9 \\\\\\\ \\\ U

+ +
++ 'b U

0 oQ) r., U
+~~ aIfopt.zad

w 0
d 0 a a~a


ai qds
a.zaudsoqjtj -ouaq s,v

d O p O O O 0
O O 4
C\2 c dt U) cv CD O •--~


Intra-continental basalt, NE-Jordan 537

of gabbro may represent the lower mafic crust dome may have occurred (Cloos, 1939; Almond,
under the Harra (Nasir, 1992). The boundary be 1986; Mc Guire, 1988; Coleman and Mc Guire;
tween the lower crust (gabbro) and the upper crust 1988; Camp and Roobol, 1989). The time span
(granite) lies at about 18 km (Fig. 11), which is (Oligocene-Holocene), the location of Harra Ash
shown as a seismic discontinuity (El-Isa et al., Shamah as well as the rapid ascent of the studied
1987). The ultramafic xenoliths recorded in the magmas may preclude possible crust-mantle ac
succession of Jebal Aritain, namely spinel cumulation of the initial magmas.
lherzolite, spinel websterite, wehrlite, and
clinopyroxenite, represent fragments of upper
mantle brought up during the magma ascent.
Thermobarometry of spinel lherzolite and pyrox 1) Jebal Aritain and Jebal Fahem are mono
enite xenoliths from cones in NE-Jordan yields genetic cinder cones. Their volcanic successions
temperatures of 920°C to 1280°C at pressures of consist of scoria, air-fall lapilli deposits of
about 15 to 17 kb, at depth 40-60 km (Nasir and Strombolian type of volcanicity. Both volcanoes
Al-Fugha, 1988). This is consistent with a Moho, resulted from multiple eruptions, giving rise to
or crust-mantle boundary at about 37 km depth dissimilar volcanic successions.
under the studied volcanoes (Fig. 11). 2) The petrographical data show that the rocks
An important problem in the genetic study of are scoriaceous glassy olivine-phyric basalts with
the volcanoes is the depth of generation of the average modal olivine (-23 vol%), derived from
parental magma and whether it is from the primary magmas giving magnesian chrysolite
lithocrustal part of the mantle or the asthenosphere. (Fo89), with NiO contents of 0.33-0.47 wt% and
The distinct Nb peak (Fig. 8) is a good indicator CaO > 0.1 wt%.
that the rocks are products of the asthenospheric 3) The magma giving rise to the studied vol
part of the mantle (Thompson, 1986; Wilson, canoes is of silica undersaturated type, and be
1989). The same trace element pattern is also re longs to a Na-alkaline magma series. The rocks
corded for Harra Madinah (Camp et al., 1987) and show typical characteristics of intra-plate conti
Harra Rahat, the magmas for which were generated nental alkali basalt, in terms of ratios of incom
from a garnet peridotite source. Further evidence patible elements, e.g., Ti-Zr. The averages of the
of an asthenospheric source is the similarity of major oxides for all the analysed rocks show that
major and trace element contents of the studied the average chemical composition can be ex
rocks to those of oceanic island alkali basalts pressed in rock nomenclature terms as alkali oli
(OIB). The latter basalts cannot be formed in vine basalts, and basanites.
subcontinental lithosphere (Camp and Roobol, 4) The studied rocks show a significant simi
1989, and references therein). larity in chemical composition, demonstrated by
The distinctive geochemical character of the comparable ranges of content of major and minor
studied volcanoes is interpreted to be derived by elements, with limited variations in the concen
different, but low degrees of partial melting of a trations of incompatible elements. This similarity
garnet peridotite mantle source in the astheno indicates that the rocks are co-magmatic, gener
sphere at >I 00 km depth (Fig. 11). ated from a single source.
Petrogenetic studies on the Arabian Harrat have 5) The studied volcanoes were produced by
indicated that the magmas of these volcanic fields primary magmas, generated by low degrees of 3
initially originated by a partial melting of garnet 8% partial melting of an enriched and homoge
peridotite in the asthenosphere, and subsequently neous garnet peridotite mantle source, at > 100 km
a possible accumulation of these derived magmas depth. The magmas were transported very rapidly
at the crust-mantle boundary (37-44 km) due to with limited crystal fractionation, and without
the upper Miocene uplift of the Afro-Arabian crustal contamination, and erupted explosively.
538 A. Al-Malabeh

Acknowledgments-The author is very much appreci continental alkali province: Part I. Evolution of Harrat
ate to Prof. Dr. A. Hafez of Cairo University, Egypt Rahat, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Geol. Soc. Am.
for her constructive reviews and thoughtful comments Bull. 101, 71-95.
on this manuscript. Cas, R. A. and Wright, J. V. (1987) Volcanic Succes
sions, Modern and Ancient. Allen and Unwin, Lon
don, 528 pp.
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