Weekly Report Faly 4th

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Internship Weekly Report FS 498R: Food Science Internship

Hilzan Ardan
Faly Annada Z.M Employer Name__________________________
Student Name _____________________

Reporting Period (dates) _________ to _________

Provide a brief summary of the goals, activities, and outcomes for the week:
1. Make an API for Fertilizer recommendation feature
2. Make UI for Fertilizer recommendation feature
3. Make an API documentation

What i want to learn:

1. Making an API in express Js
2. Making an API documentation

Describe any new knowledge, skills, or experiences gained over the week:
1. Make an API in express Js
2. Make an API documentation

Student Signature ___________________________________ Date _________________

Supervisor Signature _________________________________ Date _________________

Student Instructions: After the completed report has been signed by both the Intern and
Employer, please scan the form to a pdf format and email it to the Internship Coordinator (Jeff
Hamblin, hamblinj@byui.edu). Specific problems, concerns or suggestions from either the
Employer or Intern should be emailed separately to the Internship Coordinator.

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