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182 Word Formation * Forming Nouns and Adjectives from Verbs ‘Some verbs form their nouns with the endings -ion/-ation and their adjectives with “ve/-ative impress impression impressive infoor information informative NB: Nouns go before verbs as subjects or after verbs as objects. Adjectives normally go before nouns. 1 Sarah is not @ very (act) person. She prefers reading to playing spots 2 Maria is a very .. (attract) gitl. She could be o model 3 He had no (explain) for the missing files 4 She gave a {describe} of the thief to the police. 5 | thought the lecture was very {inform). 6 James has no sense of (direel). He could get lost in o shopping centre 7. This book has got an {imagine} storyline 8 His car is his most valuable (possess) 9 Tina enjoys .. pastimes like pottery and painiing 10 The chairman of the company is under (investigate) for tox fraud (create) * Forming Adjectives from Nouns and Adverbs from Adjectives * Some common adjectives end in y ditt ~ diy, dust ~ dusty, ete * Most adverbs are formed by adding 4y to adjectives. quick ~ quickly, proper ~ properly ‘© Present participles and past participles can be used as adjectives bored - boring Present participles fing] describe what or how somebody ot something is ond post potticiples [ed] describe how people feel 2 Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 Alter | finished the gardening, my shoes were osc filthy 2 John argued (bitter) with his brother yesterday. 3 Jone was (surprise) when she received o bouquet of flowers in her office 4 I felt very (guilt) cbout what | said to Tom. 5 The doctor examined the baby (careful) and then prescribed medication for his cough 6 The children were having @ great time sliding down the (snow) slopes. 7 The book you gave me was so (interest) that | couldn’: put it down 8 (fortunate), no one was hurt in the accident 9 Alter he cleaner left, the house was (spotless) clean 10 I couldn't see (clear) without my glasses * Forming Adjectives from Nouns and Verbs ‘Common endings for adjectives formed from nouns ond verbs are -oble enjoy - enjoyable ible sense ~ sensible -al education — educational -ie optimist ~ optimistic ‘ont distance ~ distant ical psychology ~ ‘ar circle ~circuler psychological -ote femper — temperate ous ambition - ambitious al commerce ~ commercial -ish self - selfish -ent diffor~ different -ous danger ~ dangerous 3. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 There wos occ ssaessnes [opectacle) fireworks display at the end of the concert 2 lenjoy sompling {tradition} dishes when | go abrood 3. We should encourage our children to explore their (art) obiiities 4 Sonia wants to be o (fame) cctress one doy. Word Formation 5. He hos made progress at school this year 6 You'd better take off your woich before diving into the sea, unless you're sue it is water (resist) {remark} 7 Mc Smith is the most (consider) teacher we've ever had. He's always there to answer our questions and help us with our problems 8 You shouldn't be so (depend) on your patenis ot the age of thirty 9 He spent all of his savings to buy a very expensive (conver) cat 10. The city centie is full of [history] buildings which attract a lot of tourists every yeor. 11. She became very (suspicion) of John when she heard him whispering on the phone lote at night 12. His behaviour is really even though he is 25 yeors old (child), * Adjectives ending in ful and dess ‘Adjectives ending in al show thoi the person/thing being described has or displays that quality @ beautiful womon indicates beauty} Adjectives ending in 4ess show that the person/ thing being described doesn’t have or display that quality useless object (not usefull Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 Tom is @ very (success) businessman 2 Tina was thrilled to hear the (delight) news 3 Jimisa . (care) driver; he will cause an accident one day, 4 We found our teacher's advice very (help) 5. It was very (thought) of you not to invite Tom to the party. You'd better call him and apologise. 6 I've gota (pain) bruise on my arm 7 She was so shocked at the news thal she was (speech) 8 Don't be afraid of the dog ~ he’s (harm) 9% Unless he works harder, itis (doubt) thar he'll get promoted this year. 10 Thousands of people were left home) as a result of the tornado. * Forming Adjectives with Negative Meaning Negative adjectives are often formed with the prefix un able — unoble (not able} Other prefixes commonly used to make negative fotms are: in- [inconsistent]; dis: (disused); mis [mistaken]; anti antiseptic); non- [non-stop]; over lovercrowed) NB: mis: is generally used in negotive forms to mean that something has been done inconectly or badly 5 Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 My dog is very obedient) he won't do anything | say 2 John must be the (luckiest) person | know. Everything always goes wrong for him 3 Mary is always late; she's so (reliable) 4 Spending hours on the Internet and not speaking to others is very . (social) behaviour. 5. She got her dog from an animal shelter. He had been (treated) in the post, but he’s happy with her © The doctor told him that he was rather (weight) and should start o diet immediately 7 He finolly got « job after being [employed for six months 8 Please, put oul your cigarette. This is o {smoking} oreo. 9 The buses are on strike today which is very (convenient) 10 The advertisers were criicised for giving (leading) information 183 Word Formation ‘Many negative adjectives are formed by doubling the firs! leer of the word and placing an i before it, especially words beginning with r, Lor m fiseversible = not reversible, illogical = not logical, immoral = ‘not moral). Root words beginning with p usvolly form negatives with the prefix im [impatient = not patient, imperfect = not perfect. 6 Fillin the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 his (responsible) not to pul out your compfite properly when you are camping in the woods. 2 Tom’s handwriting is so bad thot itis almost vss - llegible) 3 | don't really want 10 go to the party, but it would be (polite) to reluse the invitation 4 his. (possible) for unauthorised people to get post our new security system 5 this (legal) not to wear a seo! belt when you are diving in Britain 6 Nick’s suggestion was well-meaning but a (practical) 7. Bob is very (mature); he acts like @ teenager at times, not a grown mon of forty 8 The seminar was a waste of time because a lot of the information was (relevant) * Forming Nouns from Verbs ‘Some verbs form nouns which end in -ance or “ence. accept - acceptance, exist - existence 7 Fillin the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 Helen gave an amazing (perform) in the play. 2 | wish | had more .. {confide} in my own abilities. 3 The twins are so alike its hard to tell the (differ) between them. 184 The (attend) ai last week's meeting was the highest ever recorded ATV appeal was launched alter the litle girls (disappear). This building looks like @ hotel, but i's actualy « private reside} Her last employer gave her such @ good (refer), | don’t think she will have a problem getting another job I haven't got a (preler|; you choose. © Revision Box 10 VW 12 13 14 15 Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets. Tom's brother is 0 {fame} singer Simon never studies, so itis (doubt) that he will poss his exams. Advertisements should not give (leading) information about o product We realised that we had been driving in the wrong (direct) for half an hour Jomes felt very ... (guilt) obout lying to his boss. The video was so I watched it wice. The actress was wearing @ ... . (spectacle) dress at the awards ceremony. it was very foggy, so we couldn't see (clear), There is very litle between the two. shits identical You should take out travel {insure} in case anything goes wrong on your trip Iris (legal) to park on double yellow lines in Britain The door is locked. It will be {possible} to open it without o key. Daisy is good at painting. She has a lol of {ar} talent Read the instructions that you don't make any mistakes. All restaurants in Britain have o (smoking) area. (interest) that . (differ) They are almost (careful) so Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits on the space in the same line. Y increased by an 1) snacks. busy during 4) small changes io their 9) their kids to change their 10) won't make changes themselves. Feng Shui In 1999, the U.S. Suigeon General staled that the number of 0) overweight American children had computer games. They need 5) such as walking instead of taking the cor or bus. They should also try o set a good example; they can't expect 50 percent in just ALARM up off the sofa ond do some exercise. Parents should do different 6) with their children and ACTIVE show them that exercise can be 7) EN/OY They should set goals for their children, such os cycling a certain 8) in sel time, and make DISTANT routine, DAY if they BEHAVE Feng Shui: (pronounced ‘phung ‘schway’) @) actually means. ‘wind water’ and is part of an ancient Chinese philosophy of nature. It is 8 way of understanding the v.. .. between nature and ourselves so that We MIQht VE BY eeeneee Within Our environment. tt follows the idea that our lives ene! deeply affected, not only by our physical environment, but also by our 2B) eeeeenowe Surroundings. For example, if we surround ourselves with MOIS and 4 eansnum WE Will | but if we surround ourselves with = objects and colours, we will enrich our lives and our environment. Mekng Feng Shui work n in your own home involves controling the BD eeeenenm 1 which positive energy (cht) and negative enengy ('shs') flow. This can cause you 8) anesnnnense 4 88 filing your home with positive energy could involve a change of 10) —, OF even serious building work if it turns out that your doorways and windows are in the wrong positions. Word Formation wor Couch ‘one generation. Children spend an 2} INCREASE amount of time in front of the television, eating th it ff # ‘i 1g thei Oj a oO They keep themselves FAVOUR breaks by playing © COMMERCE . to get ENCOURAGE IK S ACTUAL RELATION PEACE EMOTION UGLY MISERY BEAUTY SUCCESS DIRECT DIFFICULT DECORATE Word Formation In 1957, a group of music 0) professionals in Los PROFESSION 1A h e Angeles decided to create an 1) .. ORGANISE which would represent people who worked in the business. They wanted to celebrate the ini . achievements, not only of ART and singers, but also of the MUSIC people who work behind the scenes, such as eee ons wes enone | ANT COS ‘the 5) of the GRAMMY awards. BEGIN Almost half a century 6) ..... , the awards LATE ceremony has an annual audience of n.. uses WO billion people, who tune APPROXIMATE in to see who will be judged the best in the worldwide music community. These days the GRAMMYs are a 8) .. live show SPECTACLE and the most popular music awards show on television. Just about every Prins recording artist. has FAME appeared on this programme which will 10) .. many years to come. .. entertain the public for PROBABLE If you are looking for a flexible way to study, or a way to learn a new skill while still earning a 0) living, then the LIVE Open University may be the perfect 1) ..... SOLVE . “ The Open University hosts a number of events each year which 2) ... see you to meet with staff and find ABLE out what courses may be 3) ........ for your SUIT needs. You can learn about the OU's study methods and et 4) ceescsssearsessees OM the availability of the subjects. INFORM. The main study area is Europe, but Open University courses are 5) to students all around AVAIL the world. An Open University degree is a 6). seo asset and meets with the VALUE Dies of thousands of employers APPROVE all over Britain. In fact, many companies are more than happy to sponsor _ their Sean to study for an Open EMPLOY University 9) -Itis a great QUALIFY way to improve your 10) .. EDUCATE without putting your career on hold. 186 Word Formation \ v ‘A new report has shown that there could be a huge 0) reduction in the number of deaths from REDUCE amount of people who die from cancer, but also in the number of people who develop the disease. Cc tt This is 6) urprising news, as we HARD U ng all recognise that certain 7) BEHAVE be 8)... DANGER Out do health experts keep telling us the same things? Well, 9). .., the message is still APPARENT Can . Many people are still taking cer the same risks and making no effort to change their 10) habits. Isn’tit ime we DESTRUCT started listening to the people who know best? cancer if people would 1) SIMPLE the strategies for the 2) PREVENT cancer described by 3) wel RESEARCH } smoking, taking regular exercise, maintaining a i) weight and having regular HEALTH {cancer screening could result’ in an c 5). decrease, not only in the IMPRESS } } oD el error tet wnt i wee we tee Syd Vee Sugar is the 0)provider of around 13 PROVIDE percent of the energy we get from food. It can Th be found in many plants, but the only e 1) _ important sources of sugar COMMERCIAL are sugar beet and sugar cane. Sugar beet 8 weet e st 2) takes place intemperate or PRODUCE " cold countries. Sugar beet is grown Thing 3) in Russia, Poland and EXTENSIVE Sugar cane is grown in uuu climates and provides more TROPIC than half of the world's sugar supply. Among the countries with the largest sugar production are Brazil and Mexico. People are still uncertain about how 5) .. sugar VALUE is to our diet. Although it is used to 6) many foods, there are those SWEET who believe that sugar is 7) sees and HEALTHY that we should not add it to food products. For this reason, there has 8) . been RECENT an increase in the sales of sugar-free foods. However, taken in 9) sugar is | MODERATE a harmless and 10) . part of our TASTE diet. 187 Word Formation People all over the world have discovered the 0) pleasure PLEASE of owning gold. It is a1) wou mineral and, of BEAUTY course, an extremely valuable one. An 2) saincaenareaes ft INTEREST about gold is that it is also almost 3) to POSSIBLE destroy. In fact, it is so strong, that the amount of gold which exists today is equal to all the gold which has been mined. It has 4) nnn been used over and over SIMPLE again throughout the centuries. Gold makes great 8) vcnnmnenns » AS it does not lose its shine. There are JEWEL several minerals named "Fool's Gold’, because only a 6) person would believe that they are gold! FOOL TO tell the 7) ssn it is to see TRUE 8). sow» Bold-coloured flakes in a piece of rock SHINE and think that you have struck it rich, Real 9) sneunane NATURE. gold specimens, on the other hand, can be a 10)... investment, as the value of gold never PROFIT seems to decrease. W Recent research has shown that having a pet can 0) strengthen children’s immune systems, and make them STRENGTH less 1). to have days off school with LIKE 2) wn than those without animals in the home. HL Researchers discovered that children of families who were cat or dog 3)... .. had more health problems, but OWN | as they grew older, their immune systems were given a boost. These children attended an 4)... AMAZE average of nine days more school than children who didn’t have pets. These 5) seem to support the FIND "dirty hypothesis". This theory suggests that being too clean in early childhood can 6) w» the immune system, WEAK However, despite contributing to better school 7 sowesnoy P@tS CaN also put children’s health at ATTEND tisk, One of the most 8) we problems is DANGER roundworm, which infects dogs and can cause stomach ache and even eye damage in children. Even so, three out of ten children questioned answered that they 9) .. share HAPPY food with their pets, and a 10)... 21% let their SHOCK pets lick their fingers! 188 Word Formation Do you tremble at the 0) thought of getting on a THINK plane? Do you want to overcome your fear of flying? Don’t worry. There are certain methods which can 1) you to forget your fear and take to ABLE the skies. 2) is the key, and there are RELAX many 3) exercises which can calm you HELP down. However, it is 4) to remember ESSENCE that it is no use waiting until just before you board the plane. You should use these methods long before you arrive at the airport if you want them to be fully 5) Firstly, start replacing your EFFECT 6 thoughts with positive and calm NERVE ones. If this doesn’t stop the feelings of 7) ANXIOUS try breathing with the 8) part of your uP chest, inhaling and exhaling rhythmically. This leaves your body with no 9) but to calm CHOOSE down. Once you are 10) about using CONFIDENCE these techniques, your fear will simply disappear. The polar bear is a magnificent animal measuring around 1.6 m in 0) and with an average HIGH » of 28 m from nose to tail. Adult LONG males weigh between 300-800 kg but females are 2) ws ... smaller, weighing 160-300 CONSIDERABLE ig and measuring 1.8 - 2 m in length. Their fur is 3) on white, but it can appear yellowish, GENERAL or even brown or grey. Polar bears are solitary creatures, with the 4) ..nnsmnnamne Of mothers who EXCEPT are nursing their cubs. The bears may also come into 5)... with one another over food. COMPETE However, in 6) where bears meet SITUATE each other, the smaller bear will 7) USUAL mun away. A female bear with cubs, on the other hand, will charge much larger males, as she is 8) swuee Of her young or the food they are PROTECT eating. Polar bears are thought to be 9) on . to humans, although humans and DANGER bears 10) . come into contact as the RARE human population in areas where the bears live is very low. Word Formation \/ a] If you are setting up your own business, it can be 0) tempting to hire friends. After all, working Wr friends means fewer 1) andamuch ARGUE more 2) atmosphere in the workplace. COMFORT Friends are also likely to work 3) put CHEAP in longer hours, and want the business to be just as 4) . as you do. However, employing SUCCESS friends can also be rather 5) . What DANGER happens when one of your friends has a 6) wv... idea about how you should run the business? What if ‘one of your friends simply can’t do the job? Firing, them will 7) damage your friends! How would you tell your friends if their 8) ...ssns not what you expect from your staff? Being an 9)... and a friend is not easy. Perhaps to hire 10) after all. Looking for a job is a job in itself. It takes 0) careful planning and a lot of thought. First of all, it is important to think about your 1) You need to decide what kind of work appeals to you. What kind of 2) .. do you enjoy doing? What type of position do you want? What of 3) «. right for you? When you have answered these questions, it is time to prepare your resume, cover letters and letters of 4) You will also need to ask people you have worked for in the past to write letters of 5) for you. Make sure that all of these documents look 6) Then, it is time to send your documents to companies and businesses where you would like to work. When you attend interviews, be sure to dress 7) Smile and speak 8) . to everyone you meet before and after your interview. Always write and thank the WD on for their time and reply to all letters of 10) or rejection you are sent. Finally, be optimistic. The perfect job could be just around the corner! 190 DIFFER CERTAIN BEHAVE EMPLOY STRANGE, CARE PERSON ACTIVE EMPLOY INQUIRE RECOMMENI PROFESSION APPROPRIATE POLITE INTERVIE\ run: Mixing Business and Pleasure Word Formation Dh ne We all like to get away, but sometimes going obiood con be very 0} expensive. However, there ore EXPENSE ways to cut costs ond sil have on 1) . ENOY holiday. First of all, you can avoid paying travel agents’ fees ond book your holiday yourself, There are 2) bargains to be found on the Internet WONDER from cheap 3) to great hotel deals, os FLY recent price wars are making componies more and more 4) ........ Also, some colleges and COMPETE. universities offer cheap rooms to 5) ... . ‘TRAVEL fed $ during the holidays. Check out schools in the area you plon to vist ond sove a fortune on 6} ‘ACCOMMODATE Staying in Youth Hostels is an 7) ...eccrseesese OPMHON ALTERNATE Of course, these are hardly 8) , but they LUXURY ‘are certainly kinder to your wallet than the average hotel. Those who love the great outdoors con always Yoke a tent and sleep under the stors. Remember, however, it is always 9) fo book a campsite, os in many countries, itis 10) to camp in public places such os beaches and parks Vv Ki in ig of Cooking on a barbecue is 0) definitely not as DEFINITE easy as it looks. You may have all the right 1). my and you may be a great chef in the EQUIP th ill hen, but things are very 2) .. .. . in the DIFFER the Gri perce Wiese et tavtecea ve er 3) .. burgers, steaks and sausages - TASTE juicy, tender and grilled 04) ween In PERFECT reality, however, we always seem to end up putting out fires, dropping the meat through the grill onto the coals, and 5) .eacsssesnenem serving EVENTUAL meat which is burnt black on the outside and pink and 6) nnn ‘on the inside. The only COOKED thing that can equal our 7) . . at EMBARRASS serving such terrible food is the worry that we may be poisoning our family and friends. Yet, despite the same 8) year after year, we FAIL dust off the barbecue every summer, full of 9) that this year, we will master the CONFIDENT flames and cook a 10) meal on the SUCCESS barbecue. 191 Word Formation Complete the missing words. 192 ‘Abstract noun Person noun Verb ‘Adjective ‘Adverb oct ‘octor/octess oct ‘ctively ot - onistic cottstically cttendant ottend - - cttaction - ottoct (onlotroctvely bitiemess - ~ bier care corer core carehily/corelessly childhood child - childish cdoniy - clear (onkleor confidence conlide lineorfident/contidento! | contidenty/confidentcly consideration consider considerably convenience - - linleonvenieny conversion convert convert - creation creole creative creatively delight = delight delightfully dependent depend dependable /inkezerden | dependobly /ineperdery description - describe descripvely - difer lindiferent (inldtlverly direction director divect linldvect - disoppear - = dosti doubler dovbi doubiully/dovbilesly ‘employment employee | employ (onlemployed = = explain explanatory - fome - - fomously fortune - - {unlfortunotely guidance guide guide - guilt - - guily hom - hom hori hormilly harmlessly help help (unlhelpfol/helpless | helplully/helpessly history historian - historie/ historically imagination - imagine Lnlimogioine/imogixy informer inform informative informatvely investigator investigate investigative - leod leod leading - legality - legolize (illegally lek - - (unllsctly modesty - = {im}modesly obedience - obey Idislobedienly pain - pain ‘painless | poinfuly/poinlessly performance perform = - politeness = - limipotiely possessor possess possessive possessively possibilty - - limipossibly procicaliy/proctice - procise limiproctically - prefer preferable preferably reference reler - - relevance - - {irelevant lihelevanty - rely (unlrelicble lion! reliably temork - remark remarkably residence reside tesidentol idenially resistance resist lintesistobly = - lirresponsible (iresponsibly spectacle - spectacular spectacularly speech speoker speck = spot spotier spot spollessly successor succeed (unlsuccessfl {unlsuccessflly surprise - surprise surprisingly suspicion suspect suspect suspiciously thinker think tnoughfl/thoughtess | thoughly/Aboughesh wrodition - - traditional hreoiment - treo! - ~ - ‘woigh ‘weighty woightly

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