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The word in capitals at the end of each sentence can be used to form a word that fits suitably into the blank space. Fill each blank in this way. | Every woman nowadays seems to want to lose __. 2 It has become almost a _ topic of conversation. 3 Otherwise sensible women spend hours in __ argument about what to eat. 4 Newspaper articles are eagerly read and radio and TV __ carefully listened to. 5 There is so much information __ it is no wonder people get confused. 6 Women who are slimming can never enjoy a meal without being afraid of _ their diet. ¥ 7 And when they have lost a few pounds are they really any __? 8 Is it really a fact of life that slim women are the only really _ ones? 9 No, in some parts of the world a husband would be__ to be seen with a thin wife. 10 Nevertheless, if a woman really has a slimming problem, there is only one — to make: Eat Less. WEIGH DAY END DISCUSS AVAIL ORGANISE HAPPY ATTRACT SHAME DECIDE ‘The word in capitals at the end of each of the fits suitably into the blank space. Fill each blank in this way. 1 Travelling in big cities is becoming more __ everyday. 2 Less public transport is now available because of the __ of staff. 3 Therefore the roads become __ with private cars as people drive to work. 4 Because of the volume of traffic local councils are forced to give _ for more roads to be constructed. 5 — many houses have to be demolished to make way for the roads. 6 So people are being __ in the suburbs and have to commute to work. 7 This leads to more pressure being put on the _ public transport system. 8 But travelling by public transport is very _ as there are long delays. 9 The __ of the trains and buses causes frustration and annoyance. 10 The situation is so __ in some cities now that it is difficult to see any solution. following sentences can be used to form a word that TROUBLE SHORT JAM PERMIT FORTUNE HOUSE ADEQUATE ATTRACT FREQUENT CHAOS 3 The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably into the blank space. Fill each blank in this way. 1 Recently __ have become extremely worried about the world’s population. 2 The problem is particularly acute in the _ countries. 3 Unfortunately, the natural resources are becoming __ for the support of the increasing population. SCIENCE DEVELOP ADEQUATE 4 But the _ of natural resources by artificial products is not always possible. 5 Therefore it is necessary to conserve these __ resources for as long as possible. 6 Although the _ of artificial products is often important. 7 This is — so in agriculture. 8 For without _ it would be impossible to increase food production, 9 even though there is a risk of inn by their use. 10 One is left with the __ problem of larger populations requiring more and more food. : PLACE VALUE UTILISE PARTICULAR. FERTILE POLLUTE SOLVE ~ The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably into the blank space. Fill each blank in this way. 1 A major problem today is the __ which the scientist has towards society. 2 The development of science has made many new and __ things possible. 3 In biology, for example, the _ of life in a test-tube is now a possibility. 4 __ warfare is another danger made tenable by modern research. 5 Thousands of people could be destroyed by using only a few _ germs. 6 This leads to questioning the values of our present _. 7 Is the pursuit of still one of Man’s most important aims? 8 Perhaps we should now consider carefully the effects of present research on future _. 9 The scientist is in a difficult position as his personal _ often rests on suc- cessful experiments. 10 He is not responsible for himself alone, but for the rest of — also. RESPONSIBLE FRIGHT CREATE BIOLOGY FATE MORAL KNOW CIVIL REPUTE MAN The word in capitals at ! : fits suitably into the blank space. Fill each blank in this way. 1 The problem of __ is sooner or later going to affect us all. 2 Owing to medical __ we may all expect to live longer than people in earlier times. 3 Yet many people make no plans for this period of their lives and suddenly find themselves _. 4 They have always been accustomed to getting up at a regular time with a busy day in front of them, and plenty of _. the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that RETIRE DISCOVER OCCUPY ACTIVE 5 And now they have all day in which to do the __ things they always said they never had time to do before. 6 But the prospect of so much free time seems to disorganise them _. 7 This is because they are __ for it. 8 If elderly people are really going to enjoy their leisure, then they must make proper —_ for it. 9 Whatever they are __ in, now is the time to enjoy it. 10 __, bird-watching, painting, whatever it may be, they must plan well in advance if they are going to make the best use of their time. NUMBER COMPLETE PREPARE PROVIDE INTEREST GARDEN

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