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Table of Contents
1. Dedication 3
2. Acknowledgements 4
3. Message from the President 5
4. Ibadan Diocese Mothers’ Union Trainers’ Remarks 6
5. List of Archdeaconries/Mission Field 7
6. Leading Workshop Activities 7
7. Allocation of Duties (2022 Edition) 8
8. Leading Workshop Speakers 9
9. Workshop Topics 9
10. Programme of Events 10
11. Wisdom Nuggets for the Trainers 12
12. The Mothers’ Union 13
13. The Aim of Mothers’ Union 13
14. Mothers’ Union Motto 13
15. Mary Sumner Daily Prayer 13
16. Mothers’ Union Prayers 14
17. Mothers’ Union Prayers in Igbo 14
18. Mothers’ Union Prayers in Yoruba 14
19. Mid day Mothers’ Union Prayer 15
20. Workshop clapping styles 15
21. Workshop Hymns 16
22. Workshop Choruses 18
23. Bible Study Outline General Aim 20
24. Bible study 1 21
25. Bible study 2 23
26. Women of the early church that served Christ Acceptably 25
27. Mentoring in Mothers’ Union 27
28. Mothers’ Union Object 5 36
29. Becoming a woman of High Reputation 38
30. Rendering Acceptable Service 40
31. Group Work  Rebelliousness 42
32. The Pursuit of Excellence and Acceptance Service Unto God 43
33. Anglicanism and Anglican Terms 46
34. Spiritual Implications of Violence and Assault in the Home 49
35. Business and Empowerment/Entrepreneurship 52
36. Stress Management in Women 54
37. Feminine Hygiene 61
38. Healthy Food for the Healthy Home 62
39. Youths’ Corner 64
40. Workshop puzzle 65
41. Evaluation Form 66
42. Ibadan Diocese Anglican Communion  Women’s Organisation Members 67
43. Prayers for the Family 70


The workshop is dedicated to the source of wisdom, knowledge and



Every accomplishment in life is a product of the contribution of different

individual who directly or indirectly share their gifts, talents and wisdom.

We are indeed grateful to our indefatigable and visionary mentors, The

Archbishop Emeritus and Lord Bishop of this honourable Diocese, The Most
Revd Dr. and Mama. J.O. Akinfenwa. We appreciate your uncommon drive
towards the training of both clergy wives and lay women of Ibadan Anglican
Communion, so that they can fulfil their divine purpose here on earth with an
intentional attitude of keeping heaven in view always. You are both great leaders,
Godly role models and trainers. The God of grace and mercy will uphold you to
the end in Jesus name.

The Provost, The Very Revd Dr. & Mrs. D.O. Olagbaju, the dignitaries and their
wives, the Workshop Chaplain, Ibadan Provincial Mothers’ Union Trainer Mrs.
Janet O. Woranola, all the Workshop Speakers/Contributors and the entire
workshop delegates/Archdeaconry Mothers’ Union Trainers in Ibadan Diocese
are highly commended for their supports and commitment every year.

Last but not the least, the EXCO members of Women’s Organisations of this great
Diocese has made the work easy to execute.

We appreciate you all.

Message from the President
Mama Comfort Oluwayemisi Akinfenwa
Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him, all creatures here below, praise Him
above, ye heavenly host, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We thank God for bringing us into
another year of train the trainers, it is the Lord’s doing and it is marvellous in our eyes. We are
deeply grateful to God for keeping us all through the past year and for showering His blessings
upon us. We indeed experienced Sounds of Joy in our 2021 programme, may we continue to
have several reasons to rejoice in Jesus Mighty name. This year’s theme ‘Acceptable service
unto God’ according to the writer of Hebrews reminds us to be grateful to God for what He has
done for us through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:28a). Jesus did not need
to come to the world, but He became lowly out of love for us in order to bring us salvation
(Philippians 2:6-8). Based on this backdrop, the writer of Hebrews tells us to worship God
acceptably with reverence and awe (Hebrews 12:28b).
Is our service to God acceptable? Many are serving the Lord in one way or another. We are
happy to be of service to God. But have we paused and thought for a moment whether the kind
of service that we offer to God is acceptable to Him? Surely, we do not want to be like
Amaziah who did what was right in the sight of the Lord but not with a perfect heart ( 2
Chronicles 25:1-2). Amaziah’s life was characterised by low commitment and half-hearted
measure. He was a borderline, patchy believer. His reign was marked by a question mark and
the word ‘but’ followed him closely and defined his legacy. Service that is pleasing to God is a
worshipping life offering holy service to a worthy and awesome God. God desires a worship
lifestyle of praise (as the Psalmist said, “Serve the LORD with gladness: come before His
presence with singing” Psalm 100:2) and a hearty service that pleases His (as Paul said, “And
whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Colossians 3:23). It is only
an acceptable service that is rewardable. Amaziah’s reward was truncated and his name is
missing in the genealogy of Christ.
Acceptable Christian service is more than just a good programme because it is done out of a
grateful heart. Such service is sincere and free of hypocrisy. A programme may run well and
receive men’s praise, but if it is run by ungrateful people, it will be run by self and for self and
for people to see and admire. We need to constantly remind ourselves that whatever we do, we
are to work at it with all our heats, as unto the Lord and not unto people.
I charge you, my dear sisters/trainers, make your life acceptable to the Lord and serve God
whole heartedly. If your life does not please God, your sacrifice cannot be a well pleasing one.
In Genesis 4:5, 7, the Lord said unto Cain -, if thou doest well, shall thou not be accepted? Let
us strive to do well so that our service can be acceptable to the Lord. In Deuteronomy 10:12,
the scripture says: “And now Israel what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to … serve
the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul”. Whole-hearted service is God’s
requirement, anything lesser is unacceptable.
Finally, I appreciate all members of the Train the Trainers for their continued dedication and
passion for the Lord’s work. May the Lord reward each one of them bountifully in Jesus Name.
I love you all.

Ibadan Diocese Mothers’ Union
Trainers’ Remarks
We bless the name of the Most High God for His grace and enablement given
unto us to be partakers of this life building training programme. We appreciate
our amiable mother Mama C.O. Akinfenwa for her vision to train women and for
the opportunity given us to improve on our talents. We heartily thank our trainees
for their magnificent hard works: the good Lord shall bless you richly in Jesus

We all know that Mothers’ Union is a Christian organisation in the Anglican

Communion which promotes the well being of families worldwide. The Union
promotes happy marriage life and training of our children to becoming Godly and
fulfilled adults in future.

The purpose of this annual workshop is to train and retrain ourselves in order to
become a better and fulfilled wife and mother in the home because a good home
brings sanity to the church and society as a whole. Each of the delegates is
expected to proceed to the grassroots and her archdeaconry and train the women
with the permission of the Archdeacon’s wife of each archdeaconry/mission field.
These great tasks must be passed on to the women in our churches annually.

The theme for this year’s workshop as led by the Holy Spirit through Mama
Ibadan is “Acceptable Service Unto The Lord” (2 Chronicles 25:1-2). Thus, do
not disappoint God that call you to serve in His vineyard. Your services shall be
tested with fire according to 1 Corinthians 3:12-15.

We encourage every Trainer to be faithful and committed to these great and noble
assignments. Let us do it joyfully, prayerfully and wholeheartedly as unto the

By the grace of God, diverse testimonies that gladden God’s heart has been
recorded from all our women seminars and empowerment workshops. It is our
prayer that God will multiply His blessings in this Diocese in Jesus name.

We welcome you all.

Mrs. Peace Oluwagbade and Mrs. Florence Omoniyi
Ibadan Diocese Mothers’ Union Trainers

List of Archdeaconries/Mission Field
1. THE CATHEDRAL ― 5 delegates
2. ’NALENDE ― 5 ”
3. MOLETE ― 5 ”
4. BODIJA ― 5 ”
6. IJOKODO ― 5 ”
7. OKE-BOLA ― 5 ”
8. OLUYOLE ― 5 ”
9. ASHI ― 5 ”
10. OLUBADAN ― 5 ”
11. EKOTEDO ― 5 ”
12. AKOBO ― 5 ”
13. MONATAN ― 5 ”
14. OGANLA ― 5 ”

Leading Workshop Activities

(1) Bible Study I & II on the theme.
(2) Training One
(3) Training Two
(4) Training Three
(5) Training Four
(6) Training Five
(7) Training Six
(8) Special Ministration and Intercession.
(9) Powerful Praise & Worship Sessions.
(10) Business/Empowerment.
(11) Appraisal of Training Reports
(12) Health and Medical check.

Allocation of Duties (2022 Edition)

(a) PROVOST MARSHAL – The Cathedral

(b) TIME KEEPER – Bodija
(c) RECORDER – Oluyole and Molete
(d) EVALUATOR – Ashi and Olubadan
(e) APPRECIATION TEAM – All the Trainers
(f) PRAISE & WORSHIP TEAM – Igbo Churches & Clergy wife singers
(g) PRAYER TEAM – All the Trainers
(h) MEDICAL TEAM – Ibadan Anglican Diocese Hospital
(i) HEALTH TEAM – Enny Rehoboth Global Health
(j) TECHNICAL TEAM – All Souls Church, Bodija, Uncle ’Wale Koyi &
Mrs. Funmi Ayegbo
(k) WELFARE – Mrs. Florence Omoniyi and Mrs. Abigail Olaleye
(l) ANCHOR PERSONS – Mrs. Oluwagbade Peace and Mrs. Marian Eboda
(m) FOOD COORDINATOR – Mrs. Florence Omoniyi

Leading Workshop Speakers
2. The Most Revd Dr. & Mama J.O. Akinfenwa ― The Diocesan & Host
3. The Ven. P.O. Osunlana ― Chaplain
4. The Revd Bobola Adeleye ― Akobo Archdeaconry
5. Princess Adenike Olagbaju ― Mama Provost
6. Mama Janet O. Woranola ― MU Ibadan Provincial Trainer
7. Mrs. Abigail Olaleye ― Bodija Archdeaconry MU Trainer
8. Mrs. Florence Akindeinde ― Ekotedo Archdeaconry MU Trainer
9. Dr. (Mrs.) Seun Iyiola – Oluyole Archdeaconry MU Trainer
10. Evang. Damola Oni ― Akobo Archdeaconry
11. Evang. (Mrs.) Rose Igbozurike ― MU Ibadan Diocesan Trainer (Emeritus)
12. Comrade (Mrs.) Titilayo Oyeniran ― MU Ibadan Diocesan Trainer (Emeritus)
13. Mrs. Marian Eboda ― Cathedral MU Trainer
14. Mrs. Florence K. Omoniyi ― Molete Archdeaconry, MU Diocesan Trainer
15. Mrs. Peace O. Oluwagbade ― Akobo Archdeaconry, MU Diocesan Trainer

Workshop Topics
1. Mentoring in Mothers’ Union
2. Becoming a Woman of High Reputation
3. Mothers’ Union Object 5
4. Women in the Service of Christ
5. Spiritual Implications of Violence and Assault in the Home
6. Be a mother and not a Murderer
7. Stress Management in Women
8. Feminine Hygiene
9. Rendering Acceptable Service
10. Business and Empowerment/Entrepreneurship
11. Anglicanism and Anglican Terms
12. Youth Corner
13. Kitchen
14. GEM: For the Trainers
15. Workshop Clapping Methods
16. Learning of New Songs



1:00PM-2:00PM: Registration & Orientation
2:00PM-3:00PM: Opening Eucharistic service (Chaplain)
3:00PM-4:30PM: Opening Address /Award ceremony (Mama Ibadan)
4:30PM-5:15PM: Health Talk: Feminine Hygiene (Trainer Dr. Seun Iyiola)
5:15PM-5:30PM: Vote of Thanks
5:30PM-6:00PM: Workshop golden rules & Notices
6:00PM: Closing Benediction (Chaplain)
Dinner and Departure
ANCHOR: Trainers Mrs. F.K. Omoniyi (Molete) & Mrs. P.O Oluwagbade (Akobo)


8:00AM: Health Check
8:00AM-9:00AM: Morning Devotion 1 (Cathedral)
9:00AM-10:00AM: Bible Study 1 (Chaplain)
10:00AM-10:30AM: Breakfast
10:30AM-11:00AM: Training 1 (Trainer Com. Titilayo Oyeniran)
11:00AM-12:00PM: Training 2 (Trainer Mrs. Olubanke Woranola)
12:00PM-12:15PM: Mid-day prayer (Chaplain)
12:15PM-12:30PM: Roll call & Submission of Archdeaconry Reports
12:30PM-1:30PM: Symposium (Mrs. Peace Oluwagbade)
1:30PM-2:00PM: Lunch/Game
2:00PM-2:30PM: Training 3-Business/Empowerment (Lady Worker)
2:30PM-3:00PM: Group Work
3:00PM-4:00PM: Training 4 (Evang. Damola Oni)
4:00PM-4:30PM: Intercession (Evang. Damola Oni)
4:30 PM-5:00PM: Health Talk 2 Stress Management (Trainer Mrs. Abigail Olaleye)
5:30PM-6:00PM: Learning of new things
6:00 PM: Closing Benediction (Chaplain)
Dinner and Departure

ANCHOR: Trainers Mrs. Eboda Marian (Cathedral) & Mrs. Florence Omoniyi (Molete)
Symposium Topics: (i) BE A MOTHER AND NOT A MURDERER
Health Check: 8:00AM-3:00PM (Akobo Archdeaconry Health Team)


8:00AM: Medical Check
8:30AM-9:00AM: Morning Devotion 1 (Chaplain)
9:00AM-10:00AM: Bible Study 2 (Chaplain)
10:00am-10:30am: Roll calls/Golden rules/Learning of new things
10:30AM-11:00AM: Appraisal of Training
11:00AM-11:30AM: Testimonies/Praise & Worship
11:30AM-12:30PM: Special Ministration (Rev’d Bobola Adeleye)
12:30PM-1:00PM: Prayer Session
1:00PM-1:30PM: Lunch & Relaxation
1:30PM-2:00PM: Group presentations
2:00PM-3:00PM: Training 5 (Evang. Rose Igbozurike)
3:00PM-4:00PM: Training 6 (Trainer Mrs. Florence Omoniyi)
4:00PM-4:30PM: Sharing and Learning of new things
4:30PM-4:45PM: Closing Address (Mama Ibadan)
4:45PM-5:00PM: Closing prayer
Dinner and Departure
ANCHOR: Trainers Mrs. Florence Omoniyi (Molete) & Mrs. Peace Oluwagbade (Akobo)

Wisdom Nuggets for the Trainers
For humans, it is alright to be weak because we are confronted every day with issues and
circumstances bigger and stronger than us.

The good news is that weakness brings us to our end so that God can release to us His
strength. Weakness reveals our insufficiency that gives us access into His grace that is
always sufficient.

Weakness reminds us of our limits and incapability. Weakness reminds us of His grace,
your weakness is God’s opportunity to demonstrate His potency (II Cor. 12:8-10).

Now, take your weakness to God in humility and He will convert it to strength for you.
You may not be popular, but be peculiar because God still rewards faithfulness and not
necessary your popularity or visibility.

You can turn your weaknesses to strengths if you are humble and prayerful. God gives
grace to the humble. Therefore, humble yourself in the presence of God and He will lift
you up in due season.

Humility is not a weakness. However, you may be simple and not humble (check your
heart and motives).

Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

“I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

The Mothers’ Union
The Mothers’ Union is a worldwide voluntary society within the Anglican
Communion. It is a Christian Organisation which promotes the well being of
families worldwide.
It is open to women who are married in the Church, baptised, confirmed and
faithful to the marriage vows.

The Aim of Mothers’ Union

The purpose of the Mothers’ Union is to be specially concerned with all that
strengthens and preserves marriage and Christian family life.

Mothers’ Union Motto

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” Philippians 4:13

Mary Sumner Daily Prayer

All this day, O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible for Thee; and every
life I touch, do Thou by Thy spirit quicken, whether through the word I speak, the
prayer I breathe, or the life I live. Amen.

Mothers’ Union Prayers
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who gave marriage to be a source of
blessing, we thank You for family life, with all its joys and sorrows. May we
know Your presence and peace in our homes, fill them with Your love and use
them to Your glory.

Bless all who are married and every parent and child. Pour out upon us Your Holy
Spirit, that we may truly love and serve You. Bless the members of the Mothers’
Union throughout the world, unite us in prayer and worship, in love and service,
that strengthened by Your grace, we may seek to do Your will, through Jesus
Christ our Lord, Amen.

The Mothers’ Union Prayer In Igbo

Chineke Nke puru ime ihe nile. Nna anyi nke e lu igwe, onye nyere ilu din a
nwunye ka oburu nmalile Ngozi nke nmadu, ayi na-ekele Hi n’ihi onuke din a ndu
nke ezi n’ule. Wu kwasi anyi Mmuo Nso Gi, ka ayi hu Gi n’anya N’eze, kekwara
Gi ozi. Gozie ndi ndi nile him din a unwunye na nne obula na nwata obula. Me ka
n’ezi n’ule ayi mete na I no nso ya no udo Gi Were ihun anya Gi me ezi n’ulo ayi
ka wee nye kwe Gi otuto, Gozi ndi out Nzuko ndi Nne’uwa nka nile. Jiko ayi ku
sie ike, ka ayi wee na-acho ime ihe I na-ache site na Jesus Kraist bu Onyenwanyi.

Mothers’ Union Prayers in Yoruba

Ọ lọ run Olodumare, Baba wa Ọ run, Ẹ niti o ti ṣe igbeyawo ni orisun ibukun fun
gbogbo araye, a dupẹ lọ wọ Rẹ fun eto idile pẹlu ayọ ati iṣoro ti o wa nibẹ. Jẹ ki a
le maa fẹran Re ki a si maa sin Ọ nitootọ. Bukun gbogbo awọn ti o ti gbeyawo ati
olukuluku awọn obi ati ọmọ wọn. Jẹ ki a mọ pe O wa lọdọ wa ati pe O ṣi nfun wa
ni alaafia ninu ile wa nigbagbogbo, fi ifẹ Rẹ kun ile wa, ki O si maa loo fun ogo

Bukun gbogbo awọ n ọ mọ ẹgbẹ onigbeyawo labẹ ofin Ijọ Ọlọrun jakejado gbogbo
aye. So wa pọ ninu adura ati ijọ sin, ninu ifẹ ati iṣẹ isin to bẹẹ ti ao fi di alagbara
nipa ore-ọ fẹ Rẹ, ti a o si ma lepa ati ṣe ifẹ Rẹ; nipasẹ Jesu Kristi Oluwa wa.

Mid Day Mothers’ Union Prayer
We beseech You, O Lord, to pour Your grace into our hearts, that as we
have known the incarnation of Your Son, Jesus Christ, by the message of
an angel, so by His cross and passion we may be brought to the glory of
His resurrection, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

O God, our heavenly Father, we ask You to bless the work of the Mothers’
Union throughout the world especially in each archdeaconry and Diocese
for which we pray today .... Bless our members in their lives and their
homes, that they, being strengthened in love to You and to each other, may
serve You faithfully to your glory, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Blessed Saviour, at this hour You hung upon the cross, stretching out Your
loving arms, grant that we may look to You, and be saved, who lives and
reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without
end. Amen.

O Saviour of the world, who by Your cross and precious blood has
redeemed us, save us and help us, we humbly pray. AMEN.

Workshop Clapping Styles

(1) NEPA clap — Once
(2) Typewriter clap
(3) Locomotive clap
(4) Love clap
(5) Round of applause
(6) Mosquito clap
(7) Halleluyah clap with dance (a) Halleluyah – yah
Halleluyah – yah
(b) Ẹ ba mi K’alleluyah
(8) Paracetamol clap
(9) South Africa Clap — Atama – Once
— Labato – Four
— Aparina – Ten
(10) Comfort Akinfenwa clap
(11) Lets appreciate God with our tail
(12) Rain clap

Workshop Hymns
HYMN 1  It pays to serve Jesus
1. It pays to serve Jesus
It pays to serve Jesus, I speak from my heart
He’ll always be with us, if we do our part.
There’s naught in this wide world can pleasure afford;
There’s peace and contentment in serving the Lord.
Chorus: I love Him far better than in days of yore
I’ll serve Him more truly than ever before,
I’ll do as He bids me, whatever the cost,
I’ll be a true soldier, I’ll die at my post.
2. And oft when I’m tempted to turn from the track,
I think of my Saviour, my mind wanders back
To the place where they nailed Him on Calvary’s tree.
I heard a voice saying, “I suffered for thee.”
3. A place I remember where I was set free,
‘Twas where I found pardon, a heaven to me.
There Jesus spoke sweetly to my weary soul,
My sins were forgiven, He made my heart whole.
4. How rich is the blessing the world cannot give,
I’m satisfied fully for Jesus to live;
Though friends may forsake me and trial arise,
I am trusting Jesus, His love never dies.
5. There is no one like Jesus can cheer me today.
His love and His kindness can ne’er fade away,
In winter and summer, in sunshine and rain,
His love and affection are always the same.
6. Will you have this blessing that Jesus bestows,
A free full salvation from sin’s bitter throes?
O come to the Saviour, to Calvary flee,
The fountain is opened, is flowing for thee.

HYMN 2  God give us Christian Homes.

1. God give us Christian Homes
Homes where the Bible is loved and taught
Homes where the Master’s will is sought,
Homes crowned with beauty Thy love hath wrought;
God, give us Christian homes;
God, give us Christian homes.

2. God, give us Christian homes!
Homes where the father is true and strong,
Homes that are free from the blight of wrong
Homes that are joyous with love and song
God, give us Christian homes;
God, give us Christian homes.
3. God, give us Christian homes!
Homes where the mother, in queenly quest,
Strives to show others Thy way is best,
Homes where the Lord is an honoured guest;
God, give us Christian homes;
God, give us Christian homes.
4. God, give us Christian Home!
Homes where the children are led to know
Christ in His beauty who love them so,
Homes where the altar fires burn and blow;
God, give us Christian homes;
God, give us Christian homes.

HYMN 3  Rock of Ages, Cleft for me.

1. Rock of ages, cleft for me, 3. Nothing in my hand I bring,
Let me hide myself in Thee; Simply to Thy Cross I cling;
Let the water and the blood, Naked, come to Thee for dress;
From Thy riven side which flowed, Helpless, look to Thee for grace;
Be of sin the double cure: Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Cleanse me from its guilt and power. Wash me, Saviour, or I die.
2. Not the labours of my hands 4. While I draw this fleeting breath,
Can fulfil Thy law’s demands; When my eyelids close in death,
Could my zeal no respite know, When I soar through tracts unknown,
Could my tears for ever flow, See Thee on Thy judgement throne;
All for sin could not atone: Rock of ages, cleft for me,
Thou must save, and Thou alone. Let me hide myself in Thee

HYMN 4  Asẹgun Ati Ajogun Ni A Jẹ

1. Aṣẹgun ati ajogun ni a jẹ 2. A nlọ l’orukọ Ọlọrun Israẹli
Nipa ẹjẹ Kristi a ni iṣẹgun Lati ṣẹgun ẹṣẹ at’aiṣododo
B’Oluwa jẹ tiwa, a ki yo ṣubu Ki ṣe fun wa, ṣugbọn Tirẹ ni iyin
Ko sohun to le bori agbara Rẹ. Fun ’gbala at’iṣẹgun ta f’ẹjẹ ra.
Aṣẹgun ni wa, nipa ẹjẹ Jesu Aṣẹgun ni wa etc.
Baba fun wa ni ’ṣẹgun 3. Ẹni t’o ba si ṣẹgun li ao fifun
Nipa ẹjẹ Jesu Lati jẹ manna to tọrun wa nihin
Ẹni t’apa f’ẹlẹṣẹ L’ọhun yo si gbe imọpẹ aṣẹgun
Sibẹ, O wa, onjọba Yo wọ’ṣọ funfun, yo si dade wura.
Awa ju aṣẹgun lọ Aṣẹgun ni wa etc.
Awa ju aṣẹgun lọ.

Workshop Choruses
1. I will praise and praise you 2. O we ile mi o awe
From everlasting, Owe ile mi o jare
everlasting to everlasting Uru ma we ile ’ku
Ẹ ma juya jeku
I will love you Jesus
Omi ma we ile ’ja
From everlasting,
Ẹ ma ju ya jẹ ’ja
everlasting to everlasting
Jesu ma we ile mi
I serve you Jesus Ẹ ma ju ya jori mi o e.
From everlasting,
everlasting to everlasting
3. Atupa iye (2ce)
Gbogbo wa la o fi riran
Atupa iye
K’ọkọ gbe dani
K’aya gbe dani
Atupa iye
Gbogbo wa la o fi riran o
Atupa iye.
4. Aw’ obinrin ma ree o ― Response e e e (2ce)
Oluwa lo pe wa jẹ ” ”
Baba loke lo pe wa o ” ”
Gẹgẹb’ o se pe Deborah ” ”
Gẹgẹb’ o se pe Ẹsteri ” ”
Gẹgẹb’ o se pe Maria ” ”
Ipe ọlọla lo pe wa ” ”
Ipe ologo lo pe wa o ” ”
A jẹ ohun elo to lagbara ” ”
Ko se ma ni ni wa ninu ile ” ”
ati ninu ebi ” ”
ati ninu Ijọ ” ”
A le koko a ntẹri esu ba ” ”
Aw’ obinrin ma re o ” ”
Ninu adura lojojumọ ― Mo le koko, mo ntẹri eṣu ba
Ninu ijere ọkan sọdọ Jesu ” ”
Ninu ọrọ Ọlọrun nigbagbogbo ” ”

5. A dupẹ ore Jesu ṣe a dupẹ (2ce) 6. Ma ṣeun rere

Pe O da wa l’obinrin Ma fi Mothers’ Union seun rere
O tun fun wa lọkọ rere Ma fi ṣiṣẹ F’Oluwa
Inu wa dun ye o a yin Ọ Ma fi p’olongo Jesu
Ore Jesu ṣe a dupẹ Ma fi jere ọkan fun Baba
Ma fi Mothers’ Union ṣeun rere.

7. (a) Ọkọ mi dara (2ce) (h) Ọmọ-ọmọ mi dara.
Ifẹ Jesu simi o pọ 8. (a) Mama o, mama o, mama o
Ọkọ mi dara. Oluwa da mama si fun wa 2ce
(b) Ori mi dara (b) Kẹpẹ o, kẹpẹ o, kẹpẹ o
(c) Ọmọ mi dara Oluwa jẹ mama pẹ fun wa.
(d) Ile mi dara
(e) Isẹ mi dara (c) Ọmọ o, ọmọ o, ọmọ o
(f) Aye mi dara Oluwa d’ọmọ mi si fun mi.
(g) Ẹbi mi dara (d) Ọkọ o, ọkọ o, ọkọ o,
Oluwa j’ọkọ mi pẹ fun mi.

9. Anglican ti mo wa yi 10. Solo: I have a new life in me

Ọlọrun ibẹ o ngb’ adura All: I have a new life in me (2ce)
Anglican ti mo wa yi I belong to Mothers’ Union
Ọlọrun ibẹ O nse t’emi. Mary Sumner’s Union.

11. Ọlọrun Anglican tẹti gbọ (2ce) o 12. Ade yẹ ori mi

Ma ma jẹ k’oju k’o ti mi Ma r’ori fi de 3ce o e e
K’o to dide iranlọwọ Ma r’ori fi de o e.
Ọlọrun Anglican tẹti gbọ o.

13. Abiye ni mi
Abiye l’orukọ mi (l’awọn ọmọ mi, ni ọkọ mi etc.)
Emi ni Jesu pe l’abiye
Ẹ wa ba mi jo (Ẹ wa ba mi dupẹ)
Emi ni Jesu pe l’abiye (awọn ọmọ mi, awọn ọmọ-ọmọ mi,
ọkọ mi, aya-ọmọ mi, ọkọ-ọmọ mi)
Ẹ wa ba mi yọ.
14. Mothers’ Union … Yes (2ce)
Will you shout Halleluyah
Shout Halleluyah to the Lord
Seven times … … …





DATE: 19th 20th August, 2022.

TEXT: Hebrews 12:28; 2Chronicles 25:1-2

THEME: Acceptable service unto God.

To encourage us to serve God willingly, with a perfect heart, respect and with godly fear.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ for good works, which God prepared
beforehand that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10).

In the world today, as a Christian, we are faced with numerous challenges like high
standard of living, insecurity in the country and so on. All these are contending with our
faithfulness, humility and obedience to the will and ordinance of God in our services to
Him and humanity. This at the long run affecting the level of our relationship with God
and at the end compromising our loyalty and true services to God. King Amaziah was at
the age of twenty-five years, when God took him to the thrown the word of God testified
that he did what was right in the sight of the lord, but not with a loyal heart and this lead
to his rejection and destructions at the end (2Chronicles 25:2). As a believer, we have a
kingdom which cannot be shaken, but it unfortunate, we are faced with various
challenges forcing us to compromised our faith and as a result, wasting the grace of God
upon our lives, preventing us to serve God acceptable with respect and fear.

Beloved in Christ, we should remember that our God is a consuming fire, ready to punish
our disobedience in his presence. Apostle Paul, in his writing, encourages us to present
our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service
(Romans 12:1).

Bible Study 1 – Chaplain
Theme: Acceptable Service Unto God
Sub-Theme: Serving God with a Perfect Heart
Texts: 2Chronicles 25:1-2; 2Kings 20:1-6.

1. To teach us that it is only service rendered to God in total obedience is perfect

before Him.
2. To examine how we can serve God with a perfect heart.
3. To teach us that there are benefits of serving God with a perfect heart.
4. To look at the likely consequences of serving God with an imperfect heat.

To serve God with a perfect heart is intimidating (Philippians 3:3). Often times, it is not
what you do that matters most, but your connectivity, motive and attitude towards your
service to God. Service contains the idea of acts of worship and other religious functions,
when coupled with a perfect heart, the beautiful principle is produced that those who are
rightly related and connected with the father through the son and the Holy Spirit which
engage in all manner of activities which by their very nature will exhibit the committed
life as a consequence of their spiritual, moral and reasonable consideration of the wonder
of their salvation (2King 18:6).

In 2Chronicles 25:2; And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not
with a perfect heart. The state of your mind and heart has an important role to play in
your service to God, because service to God is essentially a matter of the heart (1King
11:4; 1Samuel 29:13), when your thoughts, intentions and motives are right, then only
does your service become acceptable unto God (2Chronicles 15:17).


1. In your own view, what do you understand by the statement; serving God with a
perfect heart. Using the following passages. (Proverb 3:5-7; 2Kings 18:6-7; 1Kings
8:61; 1John 3:21-22). Why do you think God chose David as a man after his own
2. As a Christian, why should we serve God with a perfect heart? Using the following
passages: Psalm 15:1-5; Colossians 3:23-25; 1Chronicles 29:19; 2Timothy 2:4-5;
Jeremiah 17:10; 1Chronicles 28:9-10.
3. What are the benefits of serving God with a perfect heart, from the following
passages: Daniel 6:20-22; 2Kings 20:2-5; 1Chronicles 28:9; Colossians 3:23-24.
4. What is the mind of God to those who choose not to render their services to God
with a perfect heart? 1Kings 11:9-11; 2Chronicles 25:15; Genesis 4:4-5;
1Corinthians 3:13-15; Revelation 3:15:16.

Our Lord is a seeker of a perfect heart (1Samuel 6:7). A perverse heart sooner or later
resist the counsel of the Lord. Christians should know that only the keeping and right

managing of the heart in every condition is one great business of a Christian’s life
(Proverb 4:23). Our hearts, must become perfect before the Lord, the perfect heart is
fiercely loyal to God, regardless of circumstances, enticement and is obedient to God
without hesitation or compromise.

However, as we seek to serve God, let commit the Holy Spirit to help us and we should
try as much as possible to guide our heart diligently, so that we can achieve our desire for
a perfect service and our rewards will not elude us.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Keep your heart diligently.

MEMORY VERSE: Colossians 3:23-24.

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the
Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.

Bible Study 2 – Chaplain
Theme: Acceptable Service Unto God
Sub-Theme: Serving God with Reverence and Fear
Texts: Hebrews 12:28.

1. To teach us that reverence and fear for God is key for acceptable service to Him.
2. To reawakened Christian leaders to their duty of ensuring reverence and fear for
God especially in the house of God.
3. To examine the likely impact of modernity to lack of reverence and fear for God in
today’s world.

God required our service to him to be rendered with godly fear and trembling. (Psalm
2:11), because God desire us to serve him, however, there is a specific way He wants us
to serve Him, in our total humility and fear. No wonder the writer of Hebrews says; may
God make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well
pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
(Hebrews 13:21).

The whole duty of man is to fear God (Ecclesiastes 12:13). God has promised to reward
all those who fear Him. Humility and the fear of the Lord brings wealth and honor (Prov.
22:4; Proverb 14:26-27; Proverb 10:27). Reverence and fear are given as the yardstick
by which we may asses all our worship, all our work, all our lives as they are offered to
God. Therefore, let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and fear, for our
Holy God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29).


1a. Why do you think God want us to reverence and fear Him in our services to Him.
Using the following passages: Romans 6:23; Romans 1:1; Ephesians 2:8-10;
Hebrews 4:13; Ecclesiastes 12:13.
1b. How can we render to God an acceptable service? Romans 12:2; Joshua 1:8; Psalm
2. What do you understand by the word godly fear from the following passages:
Genesis 39: 1-12; Luke 12:5; 1Samuel 12:23-24.
3. Why must we as Christians, reverence God in our services to Him. Hebrews 9: 28;
Deuteronomy 6:12; 1Samuel 12: 24; Prov. 14:26-27.
4. From the following bible passages, mention and explain how people are consciously
or unconsciously serving God with an imperfect heart in today’s world. Matthew
6:1-6; James 4:3; Luke 18:10-14; 1Samuel 12:24-25.

Being assured of a place in heaven which is unshakable, unmovable and unchangeable,
then how should Christians respond to serving God? This leads us to a question of what
motivates you to serve God. Why are you involved in Christians’ service? Acceptable
Christian services is more than just a good program, because it is done out of a grateful
heart. Whatever we do, we are to work at it with all our hearts, as unto the Lord and not
unto people (Mark 7:6), and remember that our God is a consuming fire.

I hope our motivation and involvement in Christian service is out of a grateful heart to
God for giving us a Kingdom, saving us from Sin and misery, giving us life everlasting
and life super abundant (Romans 6:23, 10:10), promising you a place in heaven (John
14:1-3). Only such service pleases God and is acceptable in his sight.


Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man.

Memory verse: Psalm 2:11. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trebling.

Women of the Early Church that served Christ Acceptably:
Implication for women in the complementary Church
Trainer Mrs. Peace Oluwagbade
Womanhood is a commitment. Women are created as helpers, upholders, teachers and
trainers. These qualities are well pronounced in every woman that is in the Church.
The performances of the highlighted qualities are directly and indirectly ways of preaching
the Gospel of Christ.
Gospel ministry is a service of the word of God in action and not by mere words.
Women’s role in the Gospel of Christ are numerous and honourable.
It is no longer a news in the Christian community today, how the early Church came to be
and how it metamorphosed to today’s Church. Without any doubt, the church (after being
purified by Christ Himself) will continue to be with Christ beyond rapture.
The eternal mission of the church has dictated by God is to bring men as well as women,
children and youth to the knowledge of the truth; to learn the act of submission, and to
prepare for eternal service.
The Church is living organism. It is neither to be social club, a place of amusement or a
house of merchandise.
Rather, its members (women inclusive) are expected to be “light” that shine (Philippians
2:15); “salt” that preserves (Matthew 5:13); evangelists that preach (Mark 16:15 & 20);
mentors to be emulated by others (Colossians 26:27); ambassadors to represent the
Kingdom of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20); the pillars to uphold the truth of God (1 Timothy
Women’s role in the service of Christ must be from the holistic point of view. Christianity
is a way of life and must not be restricted to the walls of an institution but be it in any place
or situation of life. To be able to achieve the above, every individual must have a cordial
relationship with Christ, not necessarily as ordained priests in the Church or the
community. In Exodus 19:6, “and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and an holy
nation …” as in our own times (1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 1:6).
Our Lord Jesus Christ in His words and actions imply several principles that govern His
relationship with women:
1. He treated women as people. He did not view women in terms of sexually temptation
or sexual gratification. He neither avoided nor harassed them. He did not create new
categories of rules for them as women but approached them as responsible and capable
2. Jesus Christ allows women to transcend their culturally divine roles. He did not assess
their values according to their role as wife or mother but view them in relationship
with Himself.
3. Jesus Christ encouraged women to serve Him to the best of their ability despite that
women were not officially selected among the first twelve disciples, yet Jesus affirmed
women’s services as they took the initiative in the exercise of their particular ministry
gift called the “ministry of help” in the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:7, 11-12).

The cultural norms of inequality and discrimination were well managed by Christ in
order to promote His kingdom vision and this was a turning point to woman race in the
early Church. Several women were won to the kingdom of God and the Bible recorded
diverse roles/helps that the women in the early church played. These roles pose a serious
challenge to us women in today’s church.
Let us examine ourselves in the light of the roles highlighted above as women, mothers,
and trainers in the contemporary church (Titus 2:3-5; 1 Peter 3:4-5).
Today, women make up to 72% of the membership of Church. This is an enormous
potential or strength and talents to advance the church mission if only all the women were
sensitized and trained to become faithful partners in the fulfilment of the gospel
commission i.e. mission work and evangelism. Every members of Mothers’ Union must
strive to be an evangelist. Using your skill, profession, prayer, talent, money, influence,
abilities to win souls for Christ if truly you have become born again.
In Anglican Communion, there is a department created for women to reach out to women
and children (boys and girls) and to win the souls of our spouses, in-laws, siblings and
others through our humbly and Christ-like attitudes. Luke 10:2 says “The harvest is
plentiful, but the labourers are few. Can Christ count on you as faithful servant?
The Assignment Matthew 28:19-20: “Go ye therefore” and teach all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; Teaching them to
observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even
unto the end of the world (Amen).

Condition for Acceptable Service:

You must serve God promptly, obediently, respectively, wholeheartedly, joyfully,
selflessly, always confidently, excellently, faithfully and as unto the Lord, having eternity
in view (James 1:17; 1 Peter 4:10;, Luke 16:10; 1 Corinthians 4:2).
There are bountiful blessings and rewards for acceptable services (Proverbs 28:20; 1
Corinthians 10:1-13; 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15).

Some Women in the Early Church that Served Christ Acceptably

1. Mary of Nazareth (The Virgin) (Luke 1:26-33).
2. Mary Magdalene (Matthew 28:1) (from whom seven evil spirits were casted out).
3. Elizabeth, the wife of Zechariah (Luke 1:41).
4. Priscilla, wife of Aquila (Romans 16:3-4, Acts18:26).
5. Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus (John 12:1-8).
6. Martha of Bethany (Luke 10:38-42).
7. Phoebe (Romans 16:1)
8. Prophetess Anna (Luke 2: 36-38)
9. The Samaritan Woman (by the well of Samaria) (John 4:4-43)
10. Joanna, the wife of Chuza.
11. Susanna and Salome.
12. Mary, the mother of James (Mark 15:40-41).
13. Dorcas (Tabitha) (Acts 9:36)
14. Louis and Eunice (2 Timothy 1:5)
15. And lots more…… (2 Timothy 2:15). Akobo Archdeaconry

Mentoring in Mothers’ Union
Trainer Mrs. Janet Olubanke Woranola
Mothers’ Union (Charity)
The Mothers’ Union is an international Christian Charity that seeks to support families
Its members are not all mothers or even all women, as there are many parents, men,
widows, singles and grandparents involved in its work.
Founder: Mary Elizabeth Sumer
Founded 1876
Type of Business: Charitable Organizations

What is the purpose of Mothers’ Union?

Aim and purpose: To demonstrate the Christian Faith in action by the transformation of
communities worldwide through the nature of the family in its many forms. In order to
carry out this aim, Mothers’ Union objectives are:
(i) To uphold Christ’s teaching on the nature of marriage and promote its wider
(ii) To encourage parents to bring up their children in the faith and life of the church.
(iii) To maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and
(iv) To promote conditions in society favourable to family life and the protection of
(v) To help those whose family life has met with adversity.

How many members are in Mothers’ Union?

It has been promoting and supporting stable family life since 1876. There are over 4
million members in 84 countries worldwide and aim to support family life in
communities both locally and globally.

The Mothers’ Union in Nigeria has link Dioceses both within and outside Nigeria with
whom members communicate and unite in prayer, worship and service. Membership to
Mothers’ Union in Nigeria is open to women who are baptized, confirmed and wedded in
the Church. The numerical strength of members is very high.

Mentoring, Mentor and Mentee

Mentor is an experienced person who advises and helps somebody with less experience
over a period of time. She provides the tools, guidance, support and feedback needed to
thrive in career or assignment. She has gone down the same road you are on currently and
she/he is there to advise you or what they have done and what had worked for them.

Role of Mentor in life
Shares with a mentee information about his or her own career path, as well as provide
guidance. She motivates, gives emotional support and role model. She may help with
exploring careers setting goals, developing contacts and identify resources.

Characteristics of a Mentor
1. Accessible
2. Good listening skills
3. An encourager
4. Has experience and wisdom
5. She is a mentor, must be willing to be mentored by her mentee i.e. must be willing to
learn from others no matter how young, seasoned, or educated.

A good mentor is enthusiastic, who enjoys the role she plays in helping others achieve
their goals; she has respect for others and a respected expert in her field.

Mentee – Someone who has identified a specific personal or professional goal and who
believes that the guidance and help of a mentor and being held accountable to the mentor
– can help them achieve their goal.

Qualities of a Mentee
 Willingness to learn about himself/herself
 Willingness to learn from others’ experience commitment to their personal and
professional growth strong interpersonal skills.
 Good listening skills.
 An easy ability to learn.
 An open mind and willingness to the new things.
 Ability to accept feedback and learn from it.
 Patience and ability to take a long-term view.
 Good communication skills.
 Flexibility.
 Respect for other people’s time and effort.
 Realistic expectation.
 A strong work ethic.
 A strong initiative.
 A clear commitment to being mentored.
 A willingness to take responsibility for their career openness, honesty and trust worthiness.

Mentor-Mentee Relationship
This relationship or connection between mentor and mentee, during this relationship, a
mentor wears different hats and take on roles that help the mentee achieve their goals.

Some probing question to ask:

 How do mentors and mentees connect?
 How do you start a mentor with a mentee relationship?
 What makes a successful mentee mentor relationship?
 What is successful mentoring relationship?

Mentor and Mentee roles, responsibilities and relationships
It is vital to have a clear understanding of the expectations, roles and responsibilities that
will help shape mentor and mentee.

A mentor is to:
1. Provide guidance
2. Support and
3. Help the mentee to develop professional and personal skills. She helps the mentee to
achieve their goals.
1. Coach: Act as a coach who provides:
2. Constant feedback
3. Share advice and
4. Give insight into their specific ministry.
 Many times the mentor share “I wish I knew this”.
 Devil’s advocate mentors challenge the mentee when it comes to making major
decisions. That means playing the opposite side and providing new angels to a
 Support system: Mentors huge fans of the mentees. They celebrate the big and
small wins, show support when mentees face setbacks and consistency provide
words of encouragement.
 Resource: Mentors have countless resources from tools to people to jobs. When
mentors and mentees build a strong rapport, the mentor is inclined to provide the
necessary tools, introduce their network and create new professional connections.

The roles of the Mentee

The mentee is to learn and absorb as much information as they can from the mentor.
While the role of the mentee is less varies, they still play an integral role in the
 Planner: A mentee takes the initiative to schedule meetings, provide agenda and
create action plans for their short and long-term goals. Her primary responsibility is
 Investigator: A mentee keeps a flow of communication. That means asks, probing
and opened questions, follow up frequently and consistently communicates updates
to their mentor.
 Students: A mentee takes on the student role. They act as a sponge and soak in the
knowledge from their mentor, continue their learning even outside of their mentees.
Mentor relationship and they find opportunities to learn even in moment of
 The mentor communicates hidden rules of the professional world.
 What makes this relationship unique is how the mentor is personally invested in the
mentees professional and personal growth. The mentee must display authentic
excitement and eagerness to learn from the mentor. Mentor is not paid for mentoring.
They make time to help because they are personal invested in the mentee. Therefore,
the mentee must appreciate the time spent by the mentor.

Key qualities that each mentor-mentee relationship should possess:
 Willingness to help each other
 Disseminate information as needed.
 Give and receive feedback of both ways.
 Improve interpersonal skills.
 Actively listen and communicate.
 Empathise for one another.
 Respect each person’s time.

Groups to mentor in Mothers’ Union

 Young mothers
 Newly wedded
 Adolescents
 Others.

What is the importance of Mentoring?

 Mentoring allows people to learn from one another.
 Provides a path to knowledge transfer.
It means – in the workplace, for instance, someone established in their career can
share knowledge and insights, as well as offer guidance, to someone with less
In team mentoring dives deep into building lasting relationship that strengthen work place
communication and in turn reinforces successful communication positively.

Mentoring is important for development

A trusting mentorship relationship enables honest feedback. By establishing trust, the
mentee understands that constructive criticism aims to build their professional growth
rather than make them feel bad.

Mentors can identify weaknesses and advise them on ways to improve.

Reasons why mentorship is important for Mentee and Mentor

Mentorship provides numerous benefits for mentor and their mentees. Developing this
relationship can help both of you learn new things, build your networks and grow as
professionals. Understanding these benefits can help you decide whether to find a mentor
or become one.

Mentorship relationship is built through networking personal connections or formal

mentorship programs.
1. Mentors support growth. Mentors encourage and enable another person’s
professional or personal development. A mentor can help focus thereby setting
goals and giving feedback. Companies/Organizations that want to build employees
or members’ skill often create mentoring programs. Mentors’ knowledge helps
train and create a high quality and productive workforce. Employees appreciate
workplace that encourage development as it can demonstrate that their employer
values them and wants to see them grow.

2. Mentors serve as source of knowledge. Mentors can provide specific insights and
information that enables the mentee’s success.
3. Mentors can help set goals. Mentors help their mentee set personal or professional
development goals.
For effective goal setting, they can create smart goals, i.e. specific, achievable,
relevant and time-based. These goals can help focus the mentee’s effort and make it
easier for the mentor to track and assess progress. They may identify small tasks in
pursuit of a larger objective to develop specific skills or meet particular priorities.
4. Mentor maintain accountability: helps hold their mentee accountable for their goals
by tracking progress. The mentor helps the mentee stay focused and on track
towards completing them. It also ensures that the mentee does not forget about the
goals they have set knowing that someone is watching can serve as motivation, as
she does not want to let the mentor down by failing to meet goals.
5. Mentors offers encouragement.
6. Mentors help make connections.
7. Mentors are willing to listen.
8. Mentors serve as a trusted ally.
9. Mentors can offer constructive feedback
10. Mentors provide guidelines
11. Mentors have relevant experience
12. Mentors are a free resource.

Is it compulsory to be a mentor?
1. Being a mentor boosts interpersonal skills.
2. Being a mentor strengthens your knowledge.
3. Being a mentor expands your network.
4. Being a mentor can help you receive recognition, this often leads to more career
5. Being a mentor establishes leadership skills.
A mentor is a leadership position because you work directly with someone to guide
them on professional development through your instruction. They hopefully gain
useful skill or advance their career.
Leadership skills are valuable for any profession or role, so this experience proves
that you can manage others effectively towards specific goals. You can use this
experience to help advance your career.
6. Being a mentor adds to your qualifications.
Whatever level you are at in your career, you can include a mentorship experience
to enhance your resume to differentiate yourself from other candidates. This
experience demonstrates that you have valuable knowledge to share and can use it
to guide others. Participating in mentorship opportunities can show that your
valuable building relationships and helping others develop professionally.
7. Being a mentor can build confidence.
8. Being a mentor serves as a learning opportunity.

9. Being a mentor can help you gain new perspectives.
10. Being a mentor provides a sense of fulfilment.
11. It offers self-reflection opportunities
Mentorship lets you think about and share your experiences. While assessing your
positive and negative experiences, you may discover lesson that benefit both the
mentee and yourself. This may also remind you of what you enjoy about your
profession, which can help you feel more engaged at work or if you realise you are
unhappy about some things, you can think about ways to improve the situation.
12. Being a mentor can help strengthen the company.

Naomi and Ruth Relationship

What kind of love did Ruth have for Naomi?

Ruth loves her mother-in-law and through her relationship with Naomi, Ruth has also
encountered and come to love the one true God.

So Ruth declares to Naomi “Where you go I will also go, and where you stay I will stay.
Your people will be my people and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16b).

Why did Ruth choose to stay with Naomi?

By choosing to stay with Naomi, Ruth was giving up her chance to remarry and have a
family again. She was also giving up her homeland and everything familiar. Despite
everything she had to loose she stayed with Naomi and moved to Bethlehem with her.

What can we learn from Ruth and Naomi?

Following your heart with integrity can increase your influence with others. Because
Ruth followed her heart and went with Naomi to Bethlehem, her influence on others
increased. Instead of looking down on her as a foreigner, the Hebrews noticed her and
admired her.

How did Ruth take care of Naomi?

In the case of Ruth, there was another person, but Boaz was able to talk this person into
allowing him to marry Ruth are care for Naomi. Eventually, Ruth and Boaz had a son
they named Obed who grew up to the father of Jesse and Jesse had a son that was named
David and later became the King of Israel.

Naomi and Ruth: 5 Traits of Mentoring

Ruth, empowered by Naomi’s support, began gleaning in the fields. Ruth was committed
to caring for Naomi, and her commitment was shown in Ruth’s devotion to take care of
their needs. Ruth wholeheartedly served Naomi. Commitment is an important element of
1. Loyalty: Ruth decision to stay with Naomi. Loyalty is an essential characteristics of
strong mentoring. A genuine mentor/mentee relationship is built on a foundation of
loyalty to one another – the assurance neither will betray the other. Open and honest
support is significant to the success of the mentoring relationship.

2. Commitment: After arriving in Judah, Ruth decided that she could join some of the
other women in picking up the leftover grain left behind by the harvesters, she asked
Naomi for permission to glean in the fields, and Naomi encouraged her to do so.
Ruth empowered by Naomi’s support, began gleaning in the fields. Ruth was
committed to caring for Naomi, and her commitment was shown in Ruth’s devotion
to take care of their needs. Ruth wholeheartedly served Naomi. Commitment is an
element of mentoring. Mentorship requires commitment from both the parties to
step up and show up, to keep the commitment long after the newness wears off.
Mentors and mentees must be committed to the partnership as they follow through
on their word and intentions.
3. Selflessness: Ruth’s decision to lay down her life in Moab surrounded by her
family, and follow Naomi to Judah was a noble act. Ruth’s choice to gather grain
from the fields to provide them with food was a beautifully selfless act. Successful
mentorship exemplify selflessness. In situations where the mentor or mentee is more
concerned with the needs and wishes of themselves rather than other, the actions
may very well damage the mentoring relationship. Personal agendas have no place
in a mentorship. Selflessness shows more concern with the needs and wishes of
mentee than with one’s own needs (The Mentor). Selfless mentors and leaders have
our best interest in mind at all times.
4. Trustworthiness: Not long after Ruth began gearing, she and Naomi discovered
Boaz was the man whose fields was working in and are of Naomi’s husband’s
relatives. Boaz was eligible to be their kinsman redeemer and take on the
responsibility of the family, property and caring for Naomi and Ruth. Not only was
he in a position to help them long-term but he had already shown significant
consideration toward Ruth by ensuring she was able to glean extra gain without any
instruction from others. The story of Naomi and Ruth is a beautiful representation of
God’s sovereign care. Both women, although destitute, trusted God to deliver them
from their circumstances. Trustworthiness is central in a mentoring relationship.
Healthy relationships are built on honesty. Naomi and Ruth trusted God to provide
for them; and due to their obedience, God showed up.
5. Respectfulness: Naomi, discerning that Boaz would make a wonderful husband for
Ruth, encouraged Ruth to take steps to make herself available for Boaz. Although,
this direct approach was somewhat against the culture. Ruth trusted Naomi and was
obedient to her proposal.
The outcome of Naomi’s suggestion, Boaz married Ruth and together they cared for
Naomi. It was due to the esteem Ruth had for Naomi that Ruth took the counsel of
her mother-in-law. Ruth knew Naomi had her best interest at heart. She held Naomi
in high regard. It can take courage to heed the advice of others certainly when there
are risks involved, but when the relationship is built on respect and trust, the choice
is easier.
Respectfulness ensured both members of the mentoring relationship hold high
regard and respect for one another. Respect is shown through the choice of words,
behaviour and boundaries.

As you reflect on your current or past mentorships, are your mentoring relationships
marked by these five traits? What other characteristics do you feel are significant to your
mentoring relationships?

These traits of course, are not only applicable in a mentoring relationship but in all
relationships. I encourage you to consider how you might work to develop these qualities
in your own life and in the relationships you have in addition to your mentorships.

In summary
Mentors are generally leaders/trainers.
Mentee is a potential leader.
One of the greatest challenges facing leaders is to replace themselves, training others to
become leaders. Many outstanding accomplishments have been started by someone with
great ability, whose life or career ended before the vision became reality. The fulfilment
of that dream then becomes the responsibility of that person’s successor. Death is the
ultimate deadline for leadership. One of the best tests of our leadership is our willingness
and ability to train another for our position.
 In this vocation, the mentor must be filled with the spirit of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2;
Deuteronomy 34:9; Numbers 27:18; Deuteronomy 3:28).

Moses made an excellent decision when he chose Joshua as his assistant. That choice was
late confirmed by God himself when he instructed Moses to commission Joshua as his
successor (Numbers 27:15-23).

Joshua had played a key role in the Exodus from Egypt. Introduced as the field general of
Israel’s army, he was the only person allowed to accompany Moses part on the way up
the mountain when Moses received the law. Joshua and Caleb were the only two among
the twelve spies to bring back an encouraging response after being sent into the Promised
Land and first time. Other references show him to have been Moses’ constant shadow.
His basic training was living with Moses, experiencing first-hand what it meant to lead
God’s people. This was modelling at its best.

In God’s vineyard and his ministry, who will be your Moses? Who will be your Joshua?
You are part of the chain of God’s ongoing work in the world. You are modelling
yourself on others and others are patterning their lives after you. How important is God to
those you want to be life? Do those who are watching you see God reflected in every area
of your life? Ask God to lead you to trustworthy Moses, Ask him to make you a good

Strength and accomplishments of Joshua

 Moses’ assistant and successor.
 One of only two adults who experienced slavery and lived to enter the Promised Land.
 Lead the Israelites into their God-given homeland.
 Brilliant ministry strategist.
 Faithful to ask God’s direction in the challenges he faced.

Lessons from Joshua’s Life
 Effective leadership is often the product of good preparation and encouragement.
 The persons after whom we pattern ourselves will have a definite effect on us.
 A person committed to God provides the best model for us.

You can read about Joshua in Exodus 17:9-14, 24:13, 32:17, 22:11; Numbers 11:28,
13:14, 26:65, 27:18-23, 32:11-12, 28, 34:17; Deuteronomy 1:37, 3:21, 28, 31:3, 7, 14, 23,
39:9. The book of Joshua, Judges 2:6-9; I Kings 16:34.

There is no such thing as the perfect mentor and mentee relationship. Each relationship is
unique to the people involved. Whether you are exchanging career advice or personal
stories, a mentor and mentee should have mutual respect for each other. And who knows
this mentor and mentee relationship might transcend to a life-long friendship.

Moreover, in Christian ministry, mentor-mentee relationship must have built its

foundation on Jesus Christ who must have encountered both the mentor and the mentee in
order to have a successful relationship that will produce fruits that will last till eternity.

Mothers’ Union Object 5
To help those whose family met with adversity (dealing with
domestic violence in our society)

Evang. Mrs. Rose Igbozurike (08033509219, 08050619902)

Mother’s Union object 5 is closely related to object 4 which says to promote condition in
society favourable to stable family life and the protection of the children. Previously, we
talked about our concern for widows, specially young widows whose husbands family
throw out her children and everything they can live on taking from them. Problems of
child delinquency due to non-challant attitude of parents leading to drug abuse and
sickness, families with physically challenged children etc.

Adversity may be part of the system of this world, but the Almighty God the Creator of
heaven and the earth (Gen. 1:1) is greater than every adversity.

Adversities are seemingly insurmountable circumstances that are greater than the power
of a person, a family, or a group of people. But in today’s discussion, we are going to
concentrate on the topic that affects families especially married couples these days
(specifically women).

Domestic violence
a. Domestic abuse (domestic violence)
b. Emotional abuse
c. Sexual abuse (rape)

Domestic abuse is a crime which is committed against intimate partners. Domestic abuse
can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion or gender. Mostly in
relationship like couples who are married living together or dating. It affects people of all
socio-economic background and educational levels.

Domestic abuse may lead to serious physical injuries or death. It also involves violence
against children, parents or elders and may be done for self-defence. It takes a number or
forms including physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious and sexual abuse which
range from subtle, coercive forms to marital rape and to violent physical abuse such as
choking, beating, genital mutilation, an acid throwing that result in disfigurement or

The topic we are discussing is global. The victim of domestic violence is often seen as
justified particularly in cases of suspected infidelity on the part of the women and it is
legally permitted.

Domestic violence is among the most under-reported crime worldwide for both men and
women due to social stigma regarding male victimisation. Male face an increased
livelihood of being overlooked by health care providers.

As a result of abuse, victims may experience physical disabilities, deregulated aggression,
chronic health problems, mental illness, limited finance, and poor ability to create healthy
relationship. Victims may experience severe psychological disorder such as posttraumatic
disorder. Children who live in a household which violence often shows psychological
problems from early age such as avoidance, hyper-vigilance to threats and deregulated
aggression which may contribute to vicarious traumatization.

All too frequently, the media bombards us with news about a high profile domestic
violence case where a man or woman is suspected for murdering their wife or husband
with or without a previous history of domestic abuse. This is because domestic violence
occurs when the abuser believes that abuse is an entitlement acceptable, justified or
unlikely to be reported (even to a parent or relations).

In abusive relationships, there may be a circle of abuse during which tension rise and an
act of violence is committed followed by a period of reconciliation and calm.

Why do women stay in domestic violence relationship?

Many women do not seek help for safety when they suffer from domestic violence:
 Why are victims trapped in domestic violence situation?
 Why do victims keep silent?
 Why is it that victims do not cry out against domestic violence?

Sister and mothers, so many ideas comes to my mind but we need answer and positive
actions that may help victims find courage to speak out, report, to the right authorities
and quarters with the aim to reduce or stop the menace of domestic violence in our

Note for Christian home magazine, a lot of victims remain in domestic violence situation
through isolation, power and control, cultural acceptance, lack of financial resources,
fear, shame, love, or to protect children and more.

Oke-Bola Archdeaconry

Becoming A Woman of High Reputation
Trainer (Com.) Titilayo Oyeniran
A woman of reputation is one who is known or remembered for peculiar characteristics
and opinion that people have about how good she is.

Spiritual examples of women of high reputation in Old Testament

1. Deborah was reputed for using her position as judge and prophetess to partner with
Barak for the deliverance of Israel and she secured 40 years of peace there from
(Judges 4:4 to 5:1).
2. Esther was reputed for using her position as queen to partner with Mordecai, her
uncle for the deliverance of the Jews from total annihilation by Haman (Esther 4:13
to 5:14).
3. Abigail was reputed for using her influence and wisdom to prevent David from
shedding blood and she saved her household from untimely death (I Samuel 25:1-44).
4. Shiphrah and Puah were reputed for using their position as Hebrew midwives in the
land of Egypt to preserve newborn baby boys. They were brave and strong in the
face of grave danger from the most powerful king in the world as at then. They chose
to trust and follow God rather than fear the human king. God blessed them for their
loyalty and obedience to Him (Exodus 1:15-20).
5. Ruth was reputed for her absolute commitment to follow Naomi (her mother in law)
back to Israel and her loyalty to Naomi’s God (God of the Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob). Ruth worked hard to take good care of her mother in law’s Godly heritage.
She was bold, humble, strong and kind. Everyone in their town found her to be a
woman of good character (Ruth 3:11; Proverb 18:24b).
Reputation is not always good. People can be in exalted positions but have bad reputation
depending on the character they exhibit or their activities. Let us take a look at examples
of women who are reputed for evil deeds in their time:
1. Jezebel, a King’s daughter, who also married a king. She used her position and
influence to oppress and terrorize innocent citizens. She misguided her husband to
abuse his office and take what did not belong to him. She caused her husband to
commit hideous crimes. She ended her life disgracefully. 2Kings 9:33-35 “And he
said, throw her down. So they threw her down: and some of her blood was sprinkled
on the wall, and on the horses: and he trampled her under foot. And when he was
come in, he did eat and drink, and said, go, see now this cursed woman, and bury
her: for she is a king’s daughter. And they went to bury her: but they found none of
her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands.
2. The jezebels of today – Revelation 2:20-22, “Notwithstanding I have a few things
against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which callest herself a
prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat
things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and
she repented not.” These are today’s highly placed women who are abusing their
power of influence, using it to corrupt their colleagues, husbands and leaders of our
society. These ones engage in spreading discord amongst others, gossiping,

backbiting, having unforgiveness towards others. Strangely, some even engage in
fornication (physically or emotionally), adultery and idolatry and hide under the
cover of being Christians. God is giving them space to repent so that they will not
end up like Jezebel. I pray that if there is anyone amongst us who has compromised
herself because of position, power, politics or money, the Lord will give you the
grace to repent today so you will end well in the name of Jesus.”

Lessons from Women of High Reputation

1. They have an intimate knowledge of God. 1 Samuel 2:9, “for by strength shall no
man prevail.”
2. They have an incredible faith in God’s ability. Hebrews 11:16, “But without faith it
is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and
that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” 1 John 5:4 “For whatsoever is
born of God overcometh the world, even our faith.”
3. They demonstrate courage and fearlessness in the face of adversity. Proverbs, 24:10
“If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.” Daniel, 11:32b “… but
the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”
4. They are not loners but partners effectively with others to secure best results.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for
their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is
alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.” Proverbs 15:22,
“Without counsel, purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they
are established.”
5. They care for others and their nations more than their own selfish and personal
interests. They recognise God has a higher purpose for placing them in their
positions and they focus on God’s agenda and not theirs. Esther 4:14b “… and who
knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
6. They live respectable, righteous, exemplary and disciplined lives. Psalm 112:9, “He
hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth forever; his
horn shall be exalted with honour.” Proverbs 14:34, “righteousness exalteth a nation:
but sin is a reproach to any people.”
7. Their backgrounds are not special. They are people moving from insignificance to
significance. Proverbs 29:23, “A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honour shall
uphold the humble in spirit.”

The way to the top is down. John 12:24, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of
wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much
fruit.” Our Lord Jesus made Himself of no reputation and He became the greatest man
that ever lived. Women of high reputation must realise that they are in their positions for
the purpose of God. Like Esther and Deborah, they have been placed there for purposes
that are higher than their individual or selfish needs. It is only in this realisation that
women of high reputation can glorify God as they allow themselves to be instruments in
the hands of the Almighty God. To do otherwise will lead to disrepute and the tarnishing
of the image of the One who placed them in these highly exalted positions.
’Nalende Archdeaconry

Rendering Acceptable Service
Trainer (Mrs.) Florence Omoniyi
To render acceptable service means making one’s self available, that is, being willing to
do whatever is required of them. It also means to be worthy of acceptable service; we
must present ourselves to God holy without spot or blemish and live in Obedience to him.

How Can We Render Acceptable Service

1. Serve God spiritually (Romans 1:9).
2. Serve passionately (John 2:17). We must have a burning zeal for the Lord. You are
where you are for God’s service.
3. Serve Him Joyfully.
4. Serve him continually (Daniel 6:20).

Conditions for Acceptable and Profitable Service

It is profitable to Serve God because God is not just a user. He is a raiser and a rewarder,
not a collector (Hebrews 11:6).

However, there are conditions of acceptable service

Live a holy life (1 Peter 1:15-16).

Serve excitedly- don’t serve grudgingly

Serve him holy with character and integrity.

Serve heartily or wholeheartedly, Colossian 3:23.

Serve affectionately in love.

Serve reverently. Don’t be casual about your service to God. Don’t let it be like you are
playing with reverence and holy fear, Hebrew 12:28.

Serve willingly, 1 Chronicles 28:9, 2 Chronicles 20:8.

Yield yourself unto God. Never allow God to notice any reluctance in your kingdom
activity. Do not drag your feet in things you have been called to do. God always weighs
our actions.

Never require external motivation or supervision to do what is right for God. You do not
need anybody’s encouragement to get on fire for God. God is watching the way and
manner you do things for him. Don’t waste your service by grumbling. Let the devil
know that nobody forces you or puts you under pressure to serve God.

Serve God sacrificially, Psalms 22:30, 1 Chronicles 21:24.

Refuse costly service. Refuse to serve God conveniently, i.e., at your own will. Refuse to
do for God what is convenient for you. Apart from giving God gifts, use the talents and
skills that God has blessed you with. Go out of your way to do things that place demands
on your time, energy and resources for God. God watches your level of sacrifice, and
your sacrifice determines the level of your zeal for God. Let your service for God affect
your regular schedule. Be willing to give up certain rights, privileges, comfort, and
pleasures in serving God. We must come to the point where God will see that we are not
working because it is comfortable but serving God because we believe in Him and love

Serve humbly – Micah 6:8. Arrogance or pride is a corrupter of service – Hezekiah

28:12-15, 17.

God hates pride – 1 Peter 5:5. Pride will deprive a man of the honour service is to bring.
Give God humility, and He will honour you. Don’t allow men to praise you to hell. Don’t
allow any achievements to get into your head. Therefore, clothe yourself with humility.
Never look down on other believers; refuse to raise a generation for Christ that will raise
shoulders. God will not share or give his glory to a church, pastor, or anyone (1 Samuel
42:8). Let God take all the glory. God is the vine, and we are the branches (1 Corinthians
4:7). Only by God’s grace can you do what you are doing.

If God removes His grace from your life, then you are nothing. I pray God will not
forsake us in Jesus' name.

Serve God worshipfully - See your service as an act of worship. Serve him
unconditionally. Serve him tirelessly and serve him fervently.

What motivates you to serve God? Why are you involved in Christian service? I hope
your motivation and involvement in Christian service are out of a grateful heart to God
for bringing you into his kingdom, saving you from sin and misery and giving you life
everlasting and in abundance (John 3:16, John 10:10, Romans 6:23). God has promised
you a place in Heaven (John 14:13), and he has given you a blessed hope (1
Thessalonians 4:13-18). Acceptable service to God is more than just a good programme.
Instead, it is done out of a grateful heart. Such service is sincere and free of hypocrisy.
Only such service pleases God and is acceptable unto him.

Molete Archdeaconry

Group work: Rebelliousness
Topic: Dealing with rebelliousness in the home, workplace, church and society.
Aim: For the advancement of Christian religion in the sphere of marriage and family
life, in order to carry out the purpose, aims and objectives of Mothers’ Union.

(1) Divide Trainers into five (5) groups.
(2) Each group must have a leader and secretary.
(3) Name, phone number and archdeaconry of the delegates must be clearly indicated
in the reports.
(4) Start with prayers and close with prayers.
(5) Bible references are important in your reports.
(6) Time management is necessary.
(7) The group leader should read out each question. The group can also share useful
practical examples.
(8) Start with definition of salient terms.

(1) Explain the concept of rebelliousness.
(2) List various causes of rebelliousness.
(3) Itemize some characteristics of rebelliousness.
(4) Highlight some characters that are rebellious in the Bible.
(5) Discuss measures to prevent rebelliousness.
(6) Enumerate how rebelliousness can be controlled.
(7) State God’s opinion towards rebellious thoughts and actions.

The Pursuit of Excellence and Acceptance
Service Unto God as Mothers’ Union Trainer
(Going Extra mile to please God)
The Ven. J.O. Woranola
1.0 Preamble
As we consider this topic, there are three (3) basic questions to reflect upon;

Number One (or the first question)

Why is the pursuit of excellence necessary in your ministry? Or why should you
bother yourself to go the extra mile in fulfilling your ministry Mothers’ Union

Number Two (or the second question)

What does it mean? (What does it involve to pursue excellence in ministry or to
go the extra mile?

Number Three (or third question)

How can you do so?

2.0 Answers to the questions raised above

The answers to the first question will include the following or the reasons why it
is necessary for you to pursue excellence in your ministry or stewardship include
the following:
(b) The first reason is because your calling is primarily from God and
ultimately you are accountable to Him. It is better for you to accept or face
that reality especially if your location has always been challenging or tough.
(c) The second reason is because ministry in the Anglican context is not a
personal business enterprise. Neither is it a family business enterprise. For
this reason, you could be tempted to work with “I don’t care” attitude.
(d) Thirdly, the pursuit of excellence in ministry within the Anglican
Communion is necessary because we are dealing with human souls with
eternal consequences. (Although most secular professions deal with human
beings but theirs have temporary consequences only because they deal
mainly with the physical.
(e) Another reason why we should go the extra mile or pursue excellence is
because we are now operating in a deregulated and competitive
environment. You are no longer in the days or years when only the
Anglican, Methodist, Baptist and Roman Catholic denominations held sway
in our towns and villages. It is a reality that these days, we have several new
generation churches to compete with in most places where we are located.

(f) Furthermore, the pursuit of excellence in our ministry is also necessary
because the basic resources that we need are readily available, and we have
no excuses for failure. The resources include the following:
(vi) Several basic training and retraining programmes at the Province
Diocese Archdeaconry and Parish levels.
(ii) Several relevant Christian marriage conferences and workshops
online and physical attendance.
(iii) Freedom to operate and use your initiative as much as possible in as
much as you pay attention to the Holy Bible and Anglican tradition.
(iv) The Holy Bible is several relevant languages and relevant materials
like commentaries are readily available.
(v) Most importantly, the enabling power of the Holy Spirit (Phil. 4:13).
However, we must admit possible limitations and constraints because of our
limited personal capabilities and spiritual endowments. (Truly, the fingers are not
equal). It is also a reality that our locations present different challenges, but the
assurance of Luke 1:37 is applicable, similarly Ephesians 3:20 is also applicable
anywhere. You will always have access to several women, children and homes to
impact positively and with Godly virtues wherever you find yourself within and

3.0 The second basic question for our consideration says what does
it mean?
Simply, it means doing the best that we can wherever we are located to get the
best results that has eternal value. Please note that some endeavours may have
enduring legacy but they may not have eternal value.
Therefore, affecting human lives positively as much as we can should be our
emphasis. We have to do so because human beings created in the image of God
have eternal values. Apostle Paul was able to say concerning the Philippians: “My
joy and crown” (Philippians 4:1).
Furthermore, in addition to the reasons listed under the first basic question, the
pursuit of excellence is necessary as we deal with human beings because human
beings are not robots, they have their wills to excise and their being members of
our churches is by choice (voluntary) and not by force. (The fact is that they
decide when to attend church meetings and women programmes or stay away and
there is no penalty for them to pay if they are absent because the church is not a
cooperative society meeting.)

4.0 How can we pursue excellence in our women training and

Doing so will include the following:
(a) Undertaking necessary studies (both formal and informal) (II Timothy 2:15)
for better productivity and not for vain glory or title bearing.
(b) Openness to learn from other people and relevant sources, (things that can
help you to perform better or excellently).

(c) Willingness to do relevant things that can add value to your parish,
archdeaconry or the diocese without bitterness or grumbling or eye service
syndrome, and so gladly whether or not there are material benefits.
(d) Making sure that your motive is God centred, eternity focused, and not self-
centered. Even if our methods are defective and human beings do not
evaluate us correctly, God who sees everything will reward us appropriately
if our motive is pleasing to Him.

As we conclude, let us take a look at these Bible references: II Corinthians 15:58; I Peter
5:1-4; II Corinthians 4:2.
(Hymn CH/CS 74: A charge to keep …)
A Charge To Keep I Have
a. A charge to keep I have,
A God to glorify,
A never-dying soul to save,
And fit it for the sky.
b. To serve the present age,
My calling to fulfil,
O may it all my powers engage,
To do my Master’s will.
c. Arm me with jealous care,
As in Thy sight to live;
And O, Thy servant, Lord, prepare
A good account to give.
d. Help me to watch and pray,
And on Thyself rely;
And let me ne’er my trust betray,
But press to realms on high.
May God grant us grace to do so.

Ashi Archdeaconry

Anglicanism and Anglican Terms
The Revd Canon O.S. Oluwagbade
The term Anglican usually refers to the Church of England and the worldwide
assemblage of autonomous churches in communion with it. Anglicanism simply refers to
“Anglican Principles” or Anglican way or method of doing things. These are what
Anglicans believe in and what they practice as a family of Christ.

Anglican Communion
This is the family of churches which share common Apostolic tradition and order with
the Church of England. These churches are “In Communion” with one another.

Anglican Terms
The Anglican church has a long tradition, and overtime has inherited and created many
words that are probably not familiar or strange to many people today hence the need for
this paper, but for time and space we shall be limited to few of these Anglican terms
Canons ─ this is from the Greek word “Kannon”, meaning, standard. These are the
written rules governing church policy, structure and procedure.
Canonical obedience ─ This is the submission of the clergy to their superiors.
1 Corinthians 14:40 says “Let everything be done decently and in order.”
Catechism ─ A summary of religious doctrine often in the form of questions and
answers. This provides a brief summary of the church’s teaching for an inquiring stranger
which picks up a prayer book.
Cathedral ─ From the Greek cathedra “seat”. This is the bishop seat and incidentally
serves as the headquarters of the diocese.
Catholic ─ This is from the Greek word Katholikos meaning “Universal” and not
necessarily mean a Catholic church but a universal church.
Diocese ─ A diocese is made up of several local congregations, parishes and missions
with a Bishop as the head.
Episcopal ─ This is also from Greek word “episkopos” meaning overseer or bishop. The
bishop is the overseer or overall head of the diocese.
General synod ─ This is the highest legislative body of The Anglican Church. They
meet annually to pass resolutions stating the mind of the Church. It is made up of the
House of Bishop, the Clergy and the Laities.
Parish ─ A group of people of a certain area who are gathered into a self-supporting
church. The priest in charge of a Parish is called a Vicar.
Mission ─ This is a local congregation that is not able to financially self-supporting.
When a mission is able to be self-supporting, it may apply to be admitted to the diocese
as a Parish.
Province ─ This is a group of dioceses in a particular region under the direction of a
diocesan bishop who also serve as the Archbishop of the province i.e. the spiritual head.
See ─ This is from the Latin word sedes meaning “seats”. This is originally used to refer
to the bishop’s seat or cathedra.

Trinity ─ This refers to oneness and essential unity of God as Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. It is the longest season of the Christian calendar.
Visitation ─ An official appearance by a diocesan bishop who must visit each
congregation within his jurisdiction at least once every three years.
Acolyte ─ The Greek word simply mean “to follow”. This is a minor clerical order who
assist the priest in worship.
Canter ─ A person who chants or sings.
Celebrant ─ The person who leads the worship service, the principal officiator.
Chaplain ─ The clergy person in charge of a chapel or one who ministers to a group of
people who are not organized as a mission or church.
Clergy ─ The group of ordained people, consecrated for unique ministry for a particular
church or denomination.
Clerk ─ Secretary of the vestry.
Communicants ─ Those in a church who are eligible to receive Communion.
Crucifer ─ A Latin word meaning “Cross bearer”.
Curate ─ This is an assistant to the Vicar.
Epistoles ─ The person who reads the Epistles.
Gospeller ─ The person who reads the Gospel.
Laity ─ From the Greek word “Laos” meaning non-ordained members of a Church.
Presbyter ─ This is the actual, official name for an Anglican priest. The word is from the
Greek presbyteros (elder). The presbyter represents the bishop in a parish or mission.
Priest ─ This word comes from the Greek Presbyter meaning elder. He is usually the
chief minister in a local congregation. This priest according to the Prayer Book, is to
baptize, preach the word of God, celebrate the Eucharist, and to pronounce Absolution
and Blessing in God’s Name.
Primate ─ Latin meaning is “First one”. He is the leading or highest bishop in a
particular national church.
Provost ─ He is the senior member at the Cathedral. He is responsible for all aspects of
the Cathedral’s life and worship. In recent times, Dean is used in some Cathedrals in
place of Provost.
Reverend ─ This is an appropriate title to precede the full name of a priest or deacon.
“The Right Reverend” is used for bishop while “The Most Reverend” is used for an
Server ─ The one who assists at the altar. He is also referred to as acolyte.
Sexton ─ He is the person in charge of the church building or a special portion of it. He
is the head of maintenance and custodial services and many perform additional duties
such as ringing the church bell.
Verger ─ A verger is a committed lay minister within the church who assists the clergy
in the conduct of public worship. A verger is often used in the Cathedral.
Vestry ─ This is the room where the Priest would put on his vestments, at which time
local laity would meet with him to discuss the affairs of the parish.
Vicarage ─ The term is used to describe the house where the priest lives. This term is
used in all Anglican churches in most Dioceses of Anglican Communion.
Warden ─ One or two vestry members chosen to serve their congregation in a special
fashion, and who act as presiding officers of the vestry in the absence of the Rector (The
Akobo Archdeaconry

Spiritual Implications of Violence and
Assault in the Home
Evang. Damola Oni

What is Domestic Violence and Assault?

Domestic Violence is narrowly defined as an act of Violence upon someone with whom
the perpetrator is or has been previously been in intimate.
 The term domestic violence often brings to mind the concept of battered wife or
punching bag.
 Anybody can be abused; age, gender, socio-economic class, education level or
religion can be impacted by domestic violence.
 Domestic abuse can be viewed in terms of a “cycle of violence whereby the abuser
apologizes, attempt to make up, promising it will never happen and tension begins to
build again.
Domestic Violence is in stark opposition to God’s plan for families.
 Genesis 1 & 2 – Depict marriage as one flesh, helping relationship
 Ephesians 5:21 – Talks about mutual submission.
 Ephesians 5:21-24 – Explains a wife’s submissiveness to her husband.
Verse 25-33 – Talk about a husband self-sacrificial love for his wife.
 I Peter 3:1-7 – Gives similar instruction.
 I Corinthians 7:4 – Says “The wife does not have authority over her body and vice
versa. The two belong to one another and are called to love one another as Christ
loved us.
Marriage is an image of Christ and the church. Domestic Violence is a far cry from the
character of Jesus. Domestic Violence involving children is also condemned by God.
Psalm 127:3 says “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him”

God entrust parents with children and those parents are to lovingly care for them and
train them up (Ephesians 6:4).

God hates wickedness. Domestic Violence is considered an offence against God and
against humanity. The scripture is full of condemnations of violence, it is associated with
wickedness and condemned as detestable to the lord (Psalms 11: 5-6, Proverbs 3: 29-33).

Causes of domestic violence among Christian families

(a) Unfaithfulness
(b) Poverty and financial constraint
(c) Difference in education
(d) Faulty foundation
(e) Denominations and issues of faith
(f) Different biblical teachings/interpretations
(g) Child upbringing
(h) Lack of faith in God
(i) Issues of employment/work
(j) Refusal to grow in faith
(k) Issues of in-laws
(l) Denial of conjugal rights and dissatisfaction
(m) Lack of guidance and counselling

Implications of domestic violence and assault

Domestic Violence can have severe implications;
1. Victims may distrust God with the questions
 Why me? Why would God allow such a thing to happen?
 Is He trustworthy?
 Does He really love me?
2. Victims may gradually backslide if there is no help and counselling.
3. Domestic and Family violence tears lives apart

4. Homelessness
5. Emotional and psychological trauma, depression, shame, anger and suicide
6. Illness, disability and death
7. Drugs addiction
8. Police involvement
9. Abusers going to prison
10. Children growing up being abusers
11. Low self esteem
12. Developing phobia and insomnia

Why do people stay in abusive relationships?

 Societal stigma
 Children
 Financial constraints
 Fear
 Family/Religious constraints

The Healing Process

 Walking through the healing process takes time.
 The emotional reaction to the situation must come. Too often, victims are prematurely
hurried into forgiveness. Ultimately forgiveness is the thing that will set a victim free;
but true forgiveness cannot be extended if the scars of the abused are not first
acknowledged and dealt with.
 Victims need the support of a well-trained Christian counsellors.
 There are likely unresolved issues that makes one to be an abuser, if the abuser is
willing to admit his or her culpability and desires help, there is hope
Each domestic violence story is different. The situations and people are so diverse that no
one article can sufficiently handle the issue.

How God Feels
 Domestic violence hurts the heart of God. His plans are greater than what we are
doing for us (Jeremiah 29:11)
 God is moved by its victims, and he has not abandoned them.
 His plan for human relationships, particularly those among family is a beautiful
reflection of who He is.
 Family is meant to reflect God’s love. It saddens God when a home turns into a place
of pain.
 God’s desire for those involve with domestic violence, both victims and abusers is
healing and wholeness.

The Way Out

1. Victims must speak out
2. Talk to your pastor and a Christian marriage counsellor
3. The abuser should go for a therapy
4. If possible, separate for a while, don’t die or suffer any loss in the relationship
5. Wives, don’t be a full time housewife, be financially independent
6. Be submissive
7. Do not hide any secret from your husband including your salary
8. You are an helpmeet, help your husband at home, don’t kill him with burdens
9. Never raise your voice against your husband
10. When he’s angry, keep calm
11. Join hands with your husband to raise godly children
12. Be prayerful (Proverbs 14:1, Psalms 144:1)
God bless your home.
Akobo Archdeaconry

Business and Empowerment/Entrepreneurship
Trainer (Mrs.) Florence Akindeinde (Lady Worker)
What is business?
Business is an occupation or trade and purchase and sales of products or services to make
a profit. We can also say it is an organisation that provides goods and services to the
community e.g. farming, sole proprietorship, partnership, Limited Liability Company,
corporations. But we want to emphasise on small scale business.

Examples of Small scale business

1. Noodles stand: Starting a noodles stand is a business that is quite profitable.
2. Soap production
3. Perfume oil sales
4. Popcorn production business
5. Air fresher production business
6. Catering services (indoor and outdoor)
7. Poultry farming
8. Day care centre/crèche
9. Cleaning services
10. Fresh fruit sales
11. Nail studio (manicure and pedicure)
12. Fashion stylist
13. Raw foodstuff sales (rice, beans, garri, yam flour)
14. Dry cleaning
15. Production of jelly cream etc.
All these small scale businesses capital is not the greatest challenge. Some of them does
not need much capital, with a little amount such as N5,000.00, you can start the business.
But the greatest challenge is for you to get a very good business idea. If you have enough
capital and had no solid business idea in place, then there is huge probability that you end
up wasting your resources by investing in a business that would not bring you attractive
returns. This is why every potential business owner must take time to research profitable
business ideas before investing in them.

What is empowerment?
Empowerment is authority or power given to someone to do something. Individual are
given empowerment to create their own dwellings and it is a process of becoming
stronger and more confidence especially in controlling one’s life and claiming ones right.

COSMETICS (Pomade, Anti-Dandruff Hair Cream & Insect Repellant)

Ingredients: Paraffin Oil
Petroleum Jelly
Paraffin Wax
Fragrance (Perfume)
Colour (Optional)

1. Pour Paraffin oil into a clean pot and put on fire.
2. Add a little quantity of Jelly (i.e. ¼ kg to 5 ltrs of oil)
3. Add a little quantity of wax. Allow to melt.
4. Pour a small quantity into a container to check for consistency.
5. Remove from fire and allow to cool.
6. Add colour and perfume. Pour into containers.

Anti-Dandruff Hair Cream

Ingredients: Paraffin Oil Stearic Acid
Petroleum Jelly Ind. Camphor
Wax Menthol Crystal
Lanolyn Eucalyptus Oil
Castor oil Colour

1. Follow steps 1 – 4 of Pomade.
2. Add Lanolyn, Castor Oil, Stearic Acid & Colour
3. Remove from fire, add remaining ingredients
4. Allow to cool and pour into containers

Insect Repellant Cream

Ingredients: Paraffin Oil Boric Acid
Jelly Eucalyptus Oil
Wax Colour

1. Follow steps 1 – 4 of Pomade.
2. Mix Boric Acid in a small quantity of hot oil.
3. Add colour & remove from fire.
4. Add Boric Acid & Camphor.
5. Pour into containers

Ekotedo Archdeaconry

Stress Management In Women
Olaleye, Abigail C. (RN, RPHN, M/Ed)
3rd John 1:2 says –
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you,
even as your soul is getting along well.

 Stress is a fact of life, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. You cannot
avoid stress, but you can learn to manage it so it doesn’t manage you.
 Keep in mind that changes that cause stress can also benefit you.
 That is why it’s important to know yourself and carefully consider the causes of
 Learning to do this takes time, and although you cannot avoid stress, the good news
is that you can minimize the harmful effects of stress, such as depression or
 The key is to develop an awareness of how you interpret, and react to, circumstances.
This awareness will help you develop coping techniques for managing stress.

What is Stress?
 Stress is the way human beings react both physically and mentally to changes,
events, and situations in their lives. People experience stress in different ways and
for different reasons.
 The reaction is based on your perception of an event or situation. If you view a
situation negatively, you will likely feel distressed — overwhelmed, oppressed, or
out of control.
 Distress is the more familiar form of stress. The other form, eustress, results from a
“positive” view of an event or situation, which is why it is also called “good stress.”
 Eustress helps you rise to a challenge and can be an antidote to boredom because it
engages focused energy.
 It’s often a question of perception: A positive stressor for one person can be a
negative stressor for another.

Causes of Stress
 The most frequent reasons for “stressing out” fall into three main categories:
 The unsettling effects of change.
 The feeling that an outside force is challenging or threatening you
 The feeling that you have lost personal control.
 Life events such as marriage, changing jobs, divorce, or the death of a relative or
friend are the most common causes of stress. Although life-threatening events are
less common, they can be the most physiologically and psychologically acute. They
are usually associated with public service.

Symptoms of Stress
 Physical. Headaches, difficulty sleeping, tiredness, pain (most commonly in the back
and neck), overeating/under eating, skin problems, drug and alcohol misuse, lack of
energy, upset stomach, less interest in sex/other things you used to enjoy.
 Emotional. Anxiety, depression, anger, unhappiness, irritability, feelings of being
out of control, mood swings, frustration.
 Mental. Forgetfulness, worry, can’t make decisions, negative thinking, lack of focus,
 Occupational. Work overload, long hours, tense relations, poor concentration,
unfulfilling job.
 Social. Less intimacy, isolation, family problems, loneliness.
 Spiritual. Apathy, loss of meaning, emptiness, unforgiving, doubt, guilt, despair.

Long term effect of stress in women

 Emotional. Anxiety, depression, anger, unhappiness, irritability, feelings of being
out of control, mood swings, frustration.
 Mental. Forgetfulness, worry, can’t make decisions, negative thinking, lack of focus,
 Occupational. Work overload, long hours, tense relations, poor concentration, and
unfulfilling job.
 Social. Less intimacy, isolation, family problems, loneliness.
 Spiritual. Apathy, loss of meaning, emptiness, unforgiving, doubt, guilt, despair.

Prevention of Stress
 Apart from good food, there are other things that keep us in good health. These
 Forgiving one another as Christ forgives us.
 Keeping and fostering good relationships.
 As Christians, casting all your deep thoughts and worries to GOD.
 Fellowshipping with other believers.
 Bearing one another’s burden and not bearing our burdens by ourselves alone.
 Being prayerful and having steady Bible study
 Exercising- be physically active for at least 30 minutes for at least 3-5 days a
 Avoiding injury at home or on the road by wearing seatbelts. Etc. to avoid/prevent
 Staying away from smoking and drinking alcohol.
 Sleeping well.

How can women manage stress better?

 Women can manage stress by practicing healthy self-care strategies for coping with stress.
 Examine your negative stress signs in each of these six life areas: physical,
emotional, mental, occupational, social, and spiritual.
 What would you like to be different in your life?
 What do you need to do to achieve more balance or potential? Here are some suggestions.

 Physical. Exercise, practice relaxation techniques (meditation on God’s word,
listening to relaxing and inspiring music), eat healthy, schedule leisure time, get
enough sleep (7 to 9 hours/night).
 Emotional. Express your emotions, repeat positive emotions, work toward a healthy
 Mental. Have a positive outlook, realistic thinking, resilient attitude, be creative.
 Occupational. Establish doable goals, identify home-work balance, set limits.
 Social. Strive to maintain loving relationships, establish healthy boundaries, stay
connected with friends.
 Spiritual. Find your meaning/purpose, focus on gratitude, stay in the present moment.

Personal wellness plan

 A personal wellness plan with goals can be helpful. Goal setting can seem
overwhelming. These practical steps can get you started.
 Review life areas. Examine the six life areas for potential change.
 Identify goals. Be aware of what needs to be done and set goals.
 Be specific. Know what you want to accomplish.
 Set measurable targets. Move in the right direction.
 Be realistic. Set smaller goals that are achievable.
 Identify resources. Use helpful resources to reduce potential problems.
 Set goals. Consider reasonable, specific time limits, let your set goals be SMART-
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound.
 Evaluate progress and make changes as needed/necessary.
 Women will continue to experience stress in their lives, so the earlier they develop
coping mechanisms, the better for them!
 A personal wellness plan with built-in periods of recovery and self-care can help
women manage stress and empower themselves to make healthy life changes.

Take home messages

 Face change. Accept change as a challenge and opportunity, not a threat.
 Reflect on the sources of your stress. Can you offload any of these areas? If you
haven’t done it, why not? Look for meaning and purpose in what you decide to keep.
 Focus on the present. Stay in the present. It doesn’t help to worry about the future.
 Listen to your mind. Examine beliefs and how they influence life.
 Integrate love, work, and play. Learn how to live fully in each area.
 Practice acceptance. Accept what can’t be changed and change what can be
changed. If you can’t change the situation, change how you react to it.
 Accept and care for yourself like you do others. You are kind to them so be kind
to yourself. Remember, you have to put on your own oxygen mask first before you
help others.
 Seek help. We all need help sometimes. None of us are so good that we “shouldn’t”
need help. We are human beings who need each other.
 Reflect on aspects of your life for which you are grateful. Remind yourself that
gratitude leads to happiness.
 Look for time to exercise, even if that is only taking the stairs every day.
 Eat lots of fruits and vegetables; processed foods sap your energy. Drink lots of

 Don’t allow yourself to dwell on the negative. A positive outlook carries health
and social benefits.
 Relax, Smile and Laugh heartily… You’ve got this! IT’S FREE OF CHARGE!!!

5-step guide to managing stress
 Step 1: Identify whether you are stressed.
 Step 2: Identify your stressor.
 Step 3: Identify the reason for stressor.
 Step 4: Identify and apply an appropriate stress management strategy.
 Step 5: Evaluate.

 Start now! And keep changing gradually.
 Gradual changes in our lifestyle are easier to maintain than major changes introduced
all at once.
 Avoid putting yourselves into stressful situations e.g. buying things on credit or
borrowing money habitually without your ability to pay back. This might place one
in a stressful condition.
 Let’s mind our purses. God bless you richly.
 Know your elastic LIMIT!!!


Bodija Archdeaconry

Feminine Hygiene
Trainer (Dr.) Seun Iyiola
Feminine hygiene according to the Collins English dictionary refers to the hygiene
relating to specifically female aspects of the body.
Proper feminine hygiene is extremely important for a woman’s health. Whether or not
you’re of reproductive age, keeping the vulva clean the correct way can make a huge
difference. Your vagina is a sensitive area and, thankfully, maintaining good hygiene is
incredibly simple. The vulva refers to the outside parts of the genital area that you can
see. It includes the opening of the vagina, outer and inner lips, and the clitoris. The
vagina, on the other hand is a tube-like passageway in the female that connects the
external genitals with the uterus. While you can see the entrance of the vagina, the rest is
hidden from view.
The most important part about vaginal hygiene is maintaining its pH. A normal vaginal
pH tends to be acidic with a pH level of 3.8 to 4.5. This acidic environment is favourable
to the healthy bacteria that naturally grow in the vagina, and unfavourable to harmful
bacteria that might try to move in. When this is thrown off, women start to experience
symptoms of infections. These symptoms might include irritation, itchiness, abnormal
discharge and pain.
Everyone's vagina, even healthy ones, have their own special scent which is influenced
by the fabric of the underwear, diet, level of hydration etc. Your vagina does not have to
smell like flowers! People think the vagina is the dirtiest part of the body not knowing
that there are more bacteria in our mouth than in our vagina!
Education is important when it comes to feminine hygiene. Below are some very helpful
and simple tips that will enable you develop healthy feminine hygiene practices.

Wear Cotton Pants:

Cotton is breathable and the ideal fabric for underwear. It absorbs any excess moisture
from sweat or discharge instead of becoming a breeding ground for microorganisms and
unpleasant odours. Synthetic fabrics like satin, nylon retain moisture and reduces airflow,
creating irritation and friction. And that promotes fungal and bacterial growth, leading to
infections. In addition, avoid tight-fitting pants that restrict air circulation in the vaginal
area. Also, change your underwear twice a day if you have extra discharge to avoid
sitting in damp underwear.

Avoid Douching:
Douching means using water or a medicated solution to clean the vagina and cervix or
any other body cavity or part. Your vagina knows how to take care of itself. It self-cleans
and naturally produces some discharge that helps get rid of germs and bacteria from your
body. So, douching or using harsh cleaners or soaps can disrupt your natural pH balance
and can irritate your vagina and wash away good bacteria. Plus, douching will only mask
the smell—not cure what's going on. Stick with warm water and mild soap on the vulva,
you don't need to clean the inside of the vagina.

Furthermore, douching should be discouraged because it alters the vaginal flora and
predisposes women to bacterial vaginosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis and
sexually transmitted infections.

Change Sanitary Pads Frequently:

Women who have normal menstrual flow should change their sanitary napkin every four-
six hours. The same applies to the days when you have light blood flow. However, if you
have heavy flow during menstruation then you may need to change your sanitary pads
every 3-4 hours or more frequently. If you are using a tampon, then change it every six
hours without fail. Also, some women tend to use reusable cloth pads, which needs to be
washed and dried properly before use.

If sanitary napkins or tampons are not changed for a long time, it can lead to skin rashes
and bad odour as well as increase your risk of having some infections.

Keep The Undergarments Dry:

Not wiping the vulva after urinating can cause the panties to get wet, which can not only
lead to bad odour but put you at risk of vaginal infections. Hence, it is always advised to
wipe the area using toilet paper or a soft cloth so your underwear is always dry.
Furthermore, wipe from front to back. When you go to the loo, be sure to wipe front to
back and never back to front! This ensures that no harmful bacteria from your anus gets
into your vagina and/or urethra (outlet for urine). If they do, these bacteria can cause
infections in the urinary tract and vagina.

Avoid Using Soaps When Washing Your Private Part:

Avoid using harsh soaps or scented soaps to clean the vulva. The use of soaps laden with
harmful chemicals such as glycerol, perfumes and antiseptics can affect the healthy
balance of the bacteria in the vagina. Also, it can change the pH in the vagina, which can
cause irritation and lead to the growth of unhealthy bacteria. Instead use plain soap and
water, preferably lukewarm water to wash the area around the vagina, using your hands
and not sponges or gloves. To dry off after a shower or bath, use a towel that is soft and
completely dry.

Do Not Shave The Entire Pubic Area:

Some women prefer shaving pubic hair as they think the pubic hair looks gross and
unclean. However, the pubic hair acts as a safety net which protects the vulva from
bacterial infections.

Moreover, the use of non-electric shaving methods such as razors for shaving the genital
hair was found to cause genital injuries such as cuts and nicks. So trim back if necessary
with scissors, not a razor.

Urinate after sex:

During sex, bacteria can sometimes get into the urethra. After sex, make sure you urinate
to flush out bacteria and avoid contracting a urinary tract infection.

Do Not Ignore Symptoms of Vaginal Infections:
Lastly, whether you have a stinky smell or excessive vaginal discharge or coloured
vaginal discharge, do consult your doctor immediately. Also, do not ignore an itchy
vagina or pain in the vaginal area as it could be a sign of an underlying health condition.

In conclusion, even though feminine hygiene is hardly spoken of, it is extremely

important. Ignoring the problems associated with poor vaginal hygiene can lead to many
complications and being indifferent about your vaginal health can have adverse effects.
Therefore, every woman should be aware of the signs and symptoms of vaginal problems
and take important measures to ensure a healthy vagina.

Nicole W.A. (2014). Question for women’s health: chemicals in feminine hygiene
products and personal lubricants. Environ Health Perspect. 2014 Mar; 122(3):A70-5.
Schild-Suhren M, Soliman AA, Malik E. (2017). Pubic Hair Shaving Is Correlated to
Vulvar Dysplasia and Inflammation: A Case-Control Study. Infect Dis Obstet
Gynecol. 2017:9350307.
Oluyole Archdeaconry

Healthy Food for the Healthy Home
Trainer (Mrs.) Oluwabukola Aiyegbusi
 Vegetable (Oha leaves)
 Cocoyams
 Red palm oil
 Assorted beef
 Stock fish
 Dried fish
 Pepper
 Crayfish
 Uziza seed
 Ogiri
 Maggi
 Salt
Before cooking
b. Wash and boil the cocoyam then peels and pound using mortar and pestle.
c. Grind the uziza seed, pepper and crayfish, then set aside.
d. Wash your meat, stock fish and dried fish.
e. Cut the oha leaves.
1. Boil the meat and stock fish together for about 15 minutes.
2. Add pepper, crayfish, uziza seed and cook for 5 minutes.
3. Add the cocoyam paste in small lumps and then add the ogiri, maggi, dried fish and
palm oil.
4. Cover the pot and leave to cook on medium heat till all the cocoyam lumps are
5. Add the oha leaves and leave to cook for about 3 – 5 minutes.
6. Add salt to taste, stir, the soup is ready.
Oha soup can be served with fufu, semo, pounded yam or eba.

Youths’ Corner
Trainer (Dr.) Adesua Ogbedebe

The first and most important rule of good manner is kindness and consideration to others.
This rule never change. The source of this rule is the Bible, and it is the second most
important commandment next to loving God: “Thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself”
(Matthew 22:39; 19:19). Remember, knowing what is right is only part of having good
manners. It is the doing that counts.

Etiquette means good manners, being polite. It is a word that we use to describe people
who behave well at all times and in all places and treat others with respect, like children
of God.

As the world implodes and degenerates morally and socially, proper decorum will appear
abnormal. As Christians, youth must glorify God, adorn the gospel, and aim high
martially and professionally, at least. Character traits like; caution, circumspect,
conventional, conscious, conservative, and classy. First impressions are important for
spouses, jobs, good service, influence, and the gospel. Beware of it. Perception
(appearance) is valued over reality (substance), so wisdom adjusts to it (Proverb 17:28;
Eccl. 5:3). A dull man dressed well is perceived smarter. Which man is hireable? The
sloppy or the refined one?

You are youth, with foolishness bound in your hearts, so listening to others, not youthful
peers, can save you. Be extraordinary! We do not want you to be ordinary any more than
you want an ordinary job or spouse. You do not have a right to your own opinions, for
others, adults, set proper behaviour to be void of offence. Daniel 1:3-4 & 8 consists four
parts of a man: genetic package, academic training, soft skills, and fear of the LORD.
When a person exploits these four parts diligently, the results are outstanding, by God’s
grace as it was recorded in Daniel 1:17-21. Joseph, Ruth, David, Daniel, and Esther
adjusted to situation and took their various kingdoms! Copy them! (Daniel 1:3-4 & 8,
Daniel 1:17-21, James 1:22; James 2:20; Matthew 7:21).

Speech Etiquette
 Gracious speech (gentle, kind, cheerful, positive) goes far (Pro. 11:16, 22:11; Eccl.
10:12; Col. 4:6).
 Fewer words are better, to save yourself from gaffes and rule of fools (Pro. 17:28;
Eccl. 10:13-14).
 Foolish talking or jesting is not convenient and should be replaced with thanksgiving
(Eph. 5:3-5).
 Never be guilty of backbiting, slander, tale-bearing, or whispering, and stop others
from doing so.

 Replace fretfulness and anger in conversation with love, graciousness, cheerfulness,
and kindness.
 If you cannot say anything kind or edifying, say nothing at all, for silence adorns
better than choler.
 Do not repeat personal history that others have heard about you – how boring! In fact,
never tell it!
 Do not hold a private conversation within a small group, especially when eating a
meal together.
 Do not zone out in a group, if the discussion is not about you e.g. leaving, cell phone,
yawn, etc.
 Do not answer for someone else in a group discussion, even if you know the answer
and could.
 Do not correct a person in a group for a minor fact that does not affect the issues
being discussed.
 Do not talk over others that are talking, even when they are slow and you wish they
would hurry.
 Do not publicly ridicule anyone, especially siblings, the younger, parents or anyone
not present.
 Learn the art of communication, which is less talking and more listening. Ask
questions about them.
 Too much talking, even about good things is offensive. Much speaking is the sure
mark of a fool.
 Share conversation, especially at meals, by allowing others to talk more. Keep your
answers short.

Communication etiquette
 Communicate all details clearly. Repeat them periodically. Follow up with
confirmation if possible.
 Emails are not texting or tweeting, so avoid shorthand or abbreviations successful
people do not use.
 Use proper letter-writing protocol when writing emails, for it reflects intelligence and
 Communication skills are one of the most important soft skills – love speech and
writing classes!
 Those who can communicate clearly, easily, and graciously will advance very fast
(Prov. 22:11).
 Be a good listener that is a big part of communication, it will protect you from errors.

Others are: Dressing, Relationship, Eating, Telephone, Wedding, Social, Bathroom,

Dressing, Corporate and Ministerial etiquettes.

Workshop puzzle

Bible Quiz ─ They came first – WHO?

1. The first man God created. 13. First to publicly deny Jesus.
2. The first woman God made. 14. First gentile convert.
3. First of 12 brothers. 15. First female judge.
4. First son of the wife ever. 16. First judge in Israel.
5. First son of Joseph. 17. First baby to be conceived without
6. First to be taken by God. sexual affair
7. First anointed King of Israel. 18. First youngest king in Israel.
8. First to see baby Jesus. 19. First book of the Old Testament.
9. First to see Jesus after resurrection. 20. First nation that lost all their first
born within a night.
10. First to be called by Jesus.
11. First daughter of Jacob.
12. First Christian Martyr.

4 _
5 3 2 1
Item/Variables Very Total x
Excellent Good Fair Poor
good (mean)
Workshop manual 44x5=220 28x4=112 4x3=12   344/76 4.53
Opening service 48x5=240 15x4=60 4x312   312/67 4.66
Health Talk 35x5=175 16x4=64 6x3=18 2x2=4  216/59 4.42
Breakfast, lunch & dinner 15x5=75 37x4=148 14x3=42 3x2=6 1x1=1 260/70 3.71
Medical & Health check 12x5=60 35x4=140 18x3=54 3x2=6  260/68 3.82
Praise & Worship session 34x5=170 30x4=120 5x3=15 1x2=2  307/70 4.39
Bible study 1 & 2 43x5=215 26x4=104 3x3=9 2x1=2  329/73 4.48
Trainings 1 – 4 45x5=225 25x4=100 4x3=12 1x2=2  339/75 4.52
Special Ministration 41x5=205 29x4=116 7x3=21   342/77 4.44
Skill Acquisition 18x5=90 32x4=128 14x3=42   260/60 4.06
Group Work 17x5=85 36x4x144 15x3=45   274/68 4.03
Archdeaconry presentations 14x5=70 28x4=112 19x3=57   239/61 3.92
Venue & Sitting arrangement 16x5=80 34x4=136 22x3=66 4x2=8  290/76 3.82
Time management 14x5=70 36x4=144 23x3=69 1x2=2 1x1=1 300/75 4.00
Learning of new things 29x5=145 26x4=104 15x3=45 1x2=2 1x1=1 297/76 4.13
Total 62.93

Means of Means 62.93

= = 4.20
x 15

4.20 x 100
% = = 83.391%

Olubadan and Ashi Archdeaconry MU Trainees

Instruction: Please rate the following objectively by ticking [] the appropriate column
S/N 5 4 3 2 1
1. Workshop manual
2. Opening Service (Eucharist)
3. Health talk
4. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
5. Medical and Health check
6. Praise and Worship Sessions
7. Bible Study I & II
8. Trainings 1 – 4
9. Special Ministration
10. Skill Acquisition
11. Group Work
12. Archdeaconry presentations
13. Venue of workshop & Sitting arrangement
14. Time management
15. Learning of new things

General comments: _______________________________________________________

Thank you. A ṣeyi ṣamọdun, Aṣamọdun ṣẹẹmi ni Orukọ Jesu, Amin.

Ibadan Diocese Anglican Communion
Women’s Organisation Members
Its Purpose in the Church (Anglican Communion)

What are the arms?

(a) Women’s Guild
(b) Mothers’ Union
(c) Girls’ Guild and Boys’ Guild
(d) Sisters’ Guild

(a) Women’s Guild

The Women’s Guild was founded with a much more open membership. It is for
women who are married, baptized and confirmed in Anglican Church, who may not
be eligible for one reason or other to join the Mothers’ Union.
The Women’s Guild was founded by Mrs. Frances Melville Jones (wife of Rt. Rev.
Jones, the Bishop of Lagos). It was inaugurated in May 23, 1921. The Guild
reached Owerri Diocese in 1928. The Women’s Guild was founded to cater for
women folk of the Church both spiritually and physically and martially. The Guild
has 6 rules that guide its operation:
1. To read some verses of the Holy Scriptures and pray every day. To learn a
verse from the Bible every week (Ps. 119:9-24, Ps.1:2; I Thes. 5:17).
2. To uphold the sanctity of marriage and the upbringing of our children and
servants in the right way and to teach them to pray every day and every night
(Matt. 19:3; Gen. 1:27; I Cor. 7:1-5; Eph. 5:4-33; Rom. 7:2-3).
3. To avoid debtors or live corrupt lives and to avoid drinking intoxicating wine
or speaking filthy words (Gal. 5:19-21; Rom. 13:13-14; Heb. 13:5-6).
4. To attend church services, class meetings and Guild meetings regularly (Col.
1:17; Acts 12:1-17; Eph. 6:18; Heb. 10:25).
5. Evangelism: helping people to discover Christ (John 4:42; Matt. 28:20).
6. To visit the sick, physically handicapped, the aged and the bereaved (James
2:14-17; Heb. 13:2-3).

(b) Mothers’ Union

The Mothers’ Union is a worldwide voluntary society within the Anglican
Communion. It is opened to women who are married in the church, baptized,
confirmed and faithful to the marriage vows (ask about the marriage vows).
The Mothers’ Union is concerned with all that strengthens and preserves marriage
and Christian family life. The Union has 5 objectives in realizing the aim above.
e. To uphold Christ’s teaching on the nature of marriage and to promote its wider
understanding (Mk. 10:2-12; Gen. 1:27, 2:18-24; Rom. 7:2-3).
f. To encourage parents to bring up their children in the faith and life of the
church (Prov. 22:6; 2 Tim. 1:5; Isa. 1:26-28).

g. To maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians, united in prayer, worship
and service (Col. 1:17; Acts 12:1-17; James 5:13-18; Acts 2:42).
h. To promote condition in society favourable to stable family life and the
protection of children (I Tim. 5:4-8; I Cor. 13:4-13.
i. To help those whose family life has met with adversity (Rom. 12:9-13; James
1:27; Heb. 13:2-3).

The founding of Mothers’ Union

Mothers’ Union was founded by Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Sumner. She realized that
home was foundation of character and religious training of the child. She was then
burdened with how to get the women to realize their vital role in the home. She
then started by teaching a few women their Christian responsibility in the home.
She discussed with them about life, had Bible Study and encouraged them in the
training of their children in the love and fear of God. Then the group grew and
spread. It was founded in 1876 and was introduced in 1901 in Nigeria. The first
branch in Owerri district was founded in 1951.
Mothers’ Union operates in units (4)
1. Prayer and Spirituality
2. Finance and Central Service
3. Action and Outreach
4. Marketing

Women’s Work Officials and their duties

At the Diocesan Level:
1. Diocesan President ─ Bishop’s Wife
2. Vice President ─ Provost/Archdeacon’s Wife
3. Enrolling members ─ Vicars’ Wives

They prepare intending members for admission into the Mothers’ Union and look
after the organization in their parishes.
 The Women’s Worker
 Coordinators of all the Units
 Secretary
 Financial Secretary
 Treasurer
The Mothers’ Union holds meeting 2 times a month in all branches:
i. Prayer Meeting
ii. Business Meeting
Every member is supposed to attend Diocesan meetings as planned in the Central

(c) Girls’ Guild and Boys’ Guild

It is an organization for our girls and boys age 8 years to 18 years. They have their
Diocesan Coordinator who oversees the affairs and growth.

The Vicar’s wife is also the carer of these girls in various parishes. The Girls’
Guild and Boys’ Guild meets every week and follows their rules as laid down.

(d) Sisters’ Guild

These groups are older girls who are of marriageable age but not yet married (18
years and above).
They have their own rules that guide them and has an Archdeacon’s wife as their
They are prepared spiritually and physically to face life challenges as becometh
Clergy wife is responsible for spiritual growth and development of women in the church
(John 15:1-16).

Prayers for the Family
Trainer (Mrs.) Sade Adepoju
1. Lord, I thank you for my family, for it has been you at the helm of affairs in my
home, thank you for your goodness, mercy, favour, protection, provision and divine
2. Thank you of Lord for the grace to know you and be called your children.
3. Father, thank you for my husband for you have made him the crown of my head, he
shall not fall off, and when he knocks one door, several doors shall be opened unto
him in Jesus name.
4. Father, thank you for making me a wife and a mother. Grant me the grace to fulfil
the purpose for which you put me into the family and cause me to reap the fruit of
my labour on my children.
5. Lord, I know sin will bring death to my children. But you have offered them the free
gift of eternal life. Help them to accept it in Jesus name.
6. Father, I’m God’s priest today like the Aaron of old who was appointed to carry the
name of the children of Israel as a constant reminder for Him to bless and protect
them. I raise ... (names of your children) for you to remember, protect and bless
7. Lord, I raise my children unto you, I don’t know what they need but you do. Please
fill every need and bless them.
8. Father, I thank you for all the traits that make my children individuals, smooth out
their rough points, polish them, keep their hearts and souls, let them succeed in life,
choose perfect mates for them and keep them on the right path in Jesus name.
9. Father, let my children be high and lifted when others are saying casting down, let
them be saying lifting up.
10. Father, I withdraw my family members’ names from any satanic record anywhere on
this planet earth in the mighty name of Jesus.
11. I immerse my family members unto the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
12. I command every territorial altar, marine altar and astral altar raised against myself
and my family to collapse now in Jesus name.
13. I release myself and my family from any collective captivity and slavery to sin,
sickness and poverty in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
14. Father, cause me and my family members to know you the more and serve you better
in Jesus name.
15. Receive the gift of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might, the
spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord for me to be effective in God’s
service in the name of Jesus.
16. I paralyze all witchcraft activity upon my business. Lord, let there be favour and
promotion upon my work and make me succeed where others have failed. The Lord
connected Cornelius and Peter for a divine purpose, Father, connect me
supernaturally to the people and places that matter especially for my financial

17. My marriage must succeed. I resist all demonic spirits of misunderstanding and
confusion, spirit of strife, I resist you now. I tear off any demonic veil over my
beauty in Jesus name.
18. Every satanic mirror monitoring my fertility, pregnancy, and womb, is destroyed
now. I loose my children from every satanic coven or witchcraft manipulation in
Jesus name.
Molete Archdeaconry


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