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SYLLABUS PROGRAMMING IN PYTHON (CIE-332T) Applicable from the Academic Session 2023-24 [ Disciplines) /BAB/OAE [Semester | Group [Sub-group | Paper Code i 6 PCE pce2 | cle-sa2r 6 PC PC. 1or-s207 6 IOT-EAE | 1OT-EAB-28 [ 107-3307 6 | 1eB-Bak | ici BAE-28 | 10T-330T Marking Scheme: 1, Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks 2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks Instructions for paper setter: 1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper. 2. The first (I"") question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks, 8, Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shalll consist of 4 units as per the syllabus, Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5 sub-parts / sub- questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15, UNITI Introduction, Python Basics: Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types, String Concatenation and Replication, Storing Values in Variables, Your First Program, Dissecting Your Program. Flow control: Boolean Values, Comparison Operators, Boolean Operators, Mixing Boolean and Comparison Operators, Elements of Flow Control, Program Execution, Flow Control Statements, Importing Modules, Ending a Program Early with sys.exit) UNIT Functions: def Statements with Parameters, Return Values and return Statements, ‘The None Value, Keyword Arguments and print(), Local and Global Scope, The global Statement, Exception Handling. Lists: ‘The List Data Type, Working with Lists, Augmented Assignment Operators, Methods. Dictionaries and Structuring Data: The Dictionary Data Type, Pretty Printing, Using Data Structures to Model Real-World Things. Manipulating Strings - Working with Strings, Useful String Methods. UNIT IL Reading and Writing Files: Files and Pile Paths, The os.path Module, The File Reading/ Writing Process, Saving Variables with the shelve Module, Saving Variables with the print pformat() Function. Organizing Files: The shutil Module, Walking a Directory Tree, Compressing Files with the zipfile Modi UNIT IV et: MAPIT.PY with the web browser Module, Downloading Files Web Scraping: Proje les to the Hard Drive, from the Web with the requests Module, Saving Downloaded Fi HTML. Qi Ans. ( like C and interprete (b) Py types of vs x=lllan (©) Py the definit access spe @ Is assigned t are also fi ¥ language: ‘can be op really qui Python. (Ps modeling, other lan; Qa.) Ans. general-p Q3. Ans. machine- Qa. Ans. specify hi Qs. 3D: time of c 4.F 5.E any func From Academic Sessions 2023-24 Onwards SIXTH SEMESTER [B.TECH] PROGRAMMING IN PYTHON [CIE-332T] UNIT -1 Q.1. What are the key features of Python? Ans. (a) Python is an interpreted language. That means that, unlike languages like C and its variants, Python does not need to be compiled before it is run, Other interpreted languages include PHP and Ruby. (b) Python is dynamically typed, this means that you don't need to state the types of variables when you declare them or anything like that. You can do things like v= 111 and then x = “I'ma string” without error (c) Python is well suited to object orientated programming in that it allows the definition of classes along with composition and inheritance. Python does not have access specifiers (like C++'s public, private). (a) In Python, funetions are first-class objects. This means that they can be assigned to variables, returned from other functions and passed into functions. Classes are also first class objects. (e) Writing Python code is quick but running it is often slower than compiled languages. Fortunately, Python allows the inclusion of C-based extensions so bottlenecks can be optimized away and often are, The numpy package is a good example of this, it's really quite quick because a lot of the number-crunching it does isn't actually done by Python. (® Python finds use in many spheres: web applications, automation, scientific modeling, big data applications and many more. It's also often used as “glue” code to get other languages and components to play nice. Q.2. What type of language is python? Programming or scripting? Ans. Python is capable of scripting, but in general sense, it is considered as a general-purpose programming language. Q.3. Python an interpreted language, Explain. Ans. An interpreted language is any programming language which is not in machine-level code before runtime. Therefore, Python is an interpreted language. Q.4. What is pep 8? Ans. PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal. It is a set of rules that specify how to format Python code for maximum readability. Q.5.What are the benefits of using Python? Ans. The benefits of using python are 1. Easy to use: Python is a high-level programming language that is easy to use, read, write and learn. 2. Interpreted language: Since python is interpreted language, it executes the code line by line and stops if an error occurs in any line. 3. Dynamically typed: the developer does not assign data types to variables at the time of coding. It automatically gets assigned during execution, 4, Free and open-source: Python is free to use and distribute. It is open source. 5, Extensive support for libraries: Python has vast libraries that contain almost any function needed. It also further provides the facility to import other packages using sixth Semester, Programming in Python : latform without requiring any 6. Portable: Psthon programs can run on any pl one ser friendl: The d ructures used in python are u! & It provides more functionality with less coding, Q.6. What are different types of Data Types? Ans. int: Integer which stores only integer Jong with integer values ex:x = 1.1 float; Float stores decimal points valu Strings: Stores string type values ex: x = “hello Boolean: Store True or False ex: x = True List: Is an array which is mutable and can store heterogenous valu Ex: (1.23.45 Tuple: Is an array which is immutable and can store heterogencou alue Dictionary: Is map type of data type which stores key and value type of variable The keys cannot be mutable objects like lists. Ex: (1:6, 2:3, 4:5) Q.7. What are Literals in Python and explain about different Literals. on source code represents a fixed value for primitive data pyth of literals in python- ing literal is created by assigning some text enclosed in riable, To create multiline literals, assign the multiline“Tanya” rreated by a signing a single character enclosed in 2. A character literal: It s.Eg.a=t Sumeric literals include numeric values that can be either integer, floating alue. or a complex number. Eg. a 4. Boolean literals: These can be 2 values- either True or False. are of 4 types- Eg. a = (5,6,7,8) D literals- Eg. dict = (1: ‘apple’, 2: ‘mango, 3: ‘banana 4) Set literals- Eg. '“Tanya”, “Rohit”, “Mohan”! 6. Special literal: Python has 1 special literal None which is used to return a null QS . How is memos managed in Python? ‘enaged in Python in the following ways ageme in Python is managed by Python private heap space data structures are 2 eae ad dt re located in a private heap. The programmer his private heap. The python interpreter takes care of this The allocation of scat hace for Python objects is done by Pythons Be ne tools for the programmer to code. inbuilt garbage eo . nb trade atbate collector, which reeyeles all the oS ailable to the heap space manager. The core API Pythor Wh det mo fun Sor LP. University-1B.Tech]-Akash Books 2023-5 What is namespace in Python? Ans. A namespace is a naming system used to make sure that names are unique to avoid naming contliets Q.10. What is PYTHONPA’ Ans. It is an environment variable which is used when a module is imported. Whenever a module is imported, PYTHONPATH is also looked up to check for the presence of the imported modules in various directories. The interpreter uses it to determine which module to load. Q.11. What are python modules? Name some commonly used built-in modules in Python? Ans. Python modules are files containing Python code. This code ean either be fuunetions ¢ or variables, A Python module is a .py file containing executable code. me of the commonly used built-in modules are: * 0s * Math + Random + Data time + JSON Q.12.What are local variables and global variables in Python? Ans, Global Variables: Variables declared outside a function or in global space are called global variables. ‘These variables can be accessed by any function in the program, Local Variables: Any variable declared inside a function is known as a local variable. This variable is present in the local space and not in the global space. La=2 2. def addi): 3 4 5. print(e) 6. add) Output: 5 When you try to access the local variable outside the function add0), it will throw an error. Q.13. Is python case sensitive? ‘Ans. Yes. Python is a case sensitive language. Q.14.What is type conversion in Python? ‘Ans. Type conversion refers to.the conversion of one data type ints another, int() ~ converts any data type into integer type float() — converts any data type into float type ord() — converts characters into integer —--e—_—_—_—_C_C_Csas. 6-2023, Sixth Semester, Programming in Python hex() — converts integers to hexadecimal ‘oct() — converts integer to octal tuple ~ This xd to convert to a tuple. set() — This function returns the type after converting to set. nection st() — This function is used to convert any data type to a list type. dict()—This function is used to convert a tuple of order (key, value) into a dictionary. str() — Used to convert integer into a string complex(real,imag) ~ This function converts real numbers to comy number. Q.15. How to install Python on Windows and set path variable? Ans. To install Python on Windows, follow the below steps: + Install python from this link: « After this, install it on your PC. Look for the location where PYTHON has been following command on your command prompt: cmd plex(real, imag) installed on your PC using the python. « Then go to advanced system settings and add a new variable and name it as PYTHON_NAME and paste the copied path. * Look for the path variable, select its value and select ‘edit’, + Add a semicolon towards the end of the value if it’s not present and then type %PYTHON_HOME% Q.16. Is indentation required in python? ‘Ans, Indentation is necessary for Python. It specifies a block of code. All code within loops, classes, functions, ete is specified within an indented block. It is usually done using four space characters, If your code is not indented necessarily, it will not execute accurately and will throw errors a8 well. Q.17 How to concatenate 2 strings? ‘Ans. Concatenating 2 string can be done using the addition operator “+” ex: x=thello” world” ye result=x+y Q.18 What will be the result of the following code: Code: print(“Five” * “Three”) (a) FiveThree (b) Error (c) ThreeThreeThree (d) FiveFiveFive Ans, Error: Because string cannot be multiplied by a string, it ean only be multiplied with an int Q.19 What will be th 5 on e result of the following code: print(“Five” * 2.0) (a) Error with See ee ee ee callec have | nopeee LP. University-IB.Tech|-Akash Books 2023-7 (0 Five Five («) Five Five Five Five (@) Five 2.0 Ans, Error: Because string cannot be multiplied by a float it can only be multiplied with an int Q.20. How to fix this code so that the answer comes out as 241 =3 Code: ans =3 print(“2+1="+ ans) Ans. Possible answers all of them are correct: print(241 print(*2 + 1 = ()"format(ans)) print(“2 + 1="+str(ans)) Q21 What is the difference between Python Arrays and lists? ‘Ans. Arrays and lists, in Python, have the same way of storing data. But, arrays can hold only a single data type elements whereas lists can hold any data type elements, Example: fans)") 1. import array as arr 2. My_Array=arr.array(¥’[1,2,3,4]) 3. My_list=[1, ‘abe’,1.20] 4, print(My_Array) 5. print(My_list) Output: array(‘, [1, 2, 3, 41) [1, ‘abe’, 1.2] Q.22. What are functions in Python? Ans. A function is a block of code which is executed only when it is called. To define a Python function, the def keyword is used. Example: 1. def Newfune(): 2. print(“Hi, Welcome to Edureka”) 8, Newfunc(); #calling the function Output: Hi, Welcome to Edureka Q. 23. What is _init_? Ans. __init_ is a method or constructor in Python. This method is automatically called to allocate memory when a new object/ instance of a class is created, All classes have the _ init method. Here is an example of how to use it. 1. class Employee: 2. def_init_(self, name, age,salary) 3. self:name = name 4. self.age = age 5. self. salary = 20000 6. E1 = Employee(“XYZ”, 23, 20000) Sixth Semester, Programming in P: : # Elis the instance of cla: ployee $. #_init__ allocates memory for El * 9. print ELname 10. printiE1 age LL. printiEL salary Output XYZ 20000 Q.24 What is a lambda function? 2 Ans. An anonymous function is known as a lambda function have any number of parameters but, can have just one st Example: 1a=lambdax,yox+y 2. printia(5, 6)) 2 Output: 11 : Q.25. What is self in Python? Ans. Selfis an instance or an object of a class. In Python, this is expl as the first parameter. However, this is not the case in Java where it's optiona to differentiate between the methods and attributes of a class with local The self variable in the init method refers to the newly created object while in other methods, it refers to the object whose method was called. Q.26. How does break, continue and pass work? Ans. Break | Allows loop termination when some-condition is met and the control is transferred to the next statement. : Continue | Allows skipping some part of a loop when some specific condition is ‘met and the control is transferred to the beginning of the loop Pass Used when you need some block of code syntactically, but you want to : skip its execution. This is basically a null operation. Nothing happens when this is executed. E) Q.27. What does [::-1} do? Ans. {[:-1] is used to reverse the order of an array or a sequence. ; For example: 1. importarray as arr 2. My Array=arr.array(’[1,2,3,4,5)) I 3. My_Arrayl:s] Output: array(, (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)) [:-1] reprints a reversed coy the original array or list remaii Py of ordered data structures such as an array or a list ns unchanged. Q.28. How ean you randomize Ans. Consider the example shown 1. from random import shuffle the items of a list in place in Python? below: iversity-IBTech] Akash Books 2.x = FKeop’, "The Blue’ Flag’ Flyin 5. shufllets) of the following code is as helow. ‘Keep’, ‘Blue’, ‘High’, The’, Flag'] Q.34. What are python iterators? Ans. Iterators are objects which can be traversed though or iterated upon Q.29. How can you generate random numbers in Python? ‘Ans. Random module is the standard module that is used to generate a random number. The method is defined as: 1. import random 2. random.random The statement random.random() method return the floating-point number that is in the range of (0, 1). The function generates random float numbers. The methods that are used with the random class are the bound methods of the hidden instances. The instances of the Random can be done to show the multi-threading programs that creates a different instance of individual threads. The other random generators that are used in this are’ 1. randrange (a, b): It chooses an integer and define the range in-between [a, b) It returns the elements by selecting it randomly from the range that is specified. It doesn't, build a range object. 2. uniform(a, b): It chooses a floating point number that is defined in the range of la,b).Lyt returns the floating point number 3. normalvariate(mean, sdev): It is used for the normal distribution where the mu is a mean and the sdev is a sigma that is used for standard deviation. 4. The Random class that is used and instantiated creates independent multiple random number generators. Q.30. What is the difference between range & xrange? Ans. For the most part, xrange and range are the exact same in terms of functionality. ‘They both provide a way to generate a list of integers for you,fa use, however you please. The only difference is that range returns a Python list object and x range returns an xrange object. This means that xrange doesn’t actually generate a static list at run-time like range does. It creates the values as you need them with a special technique called yielding, This technique is used with a type of object known as generators. That means that if you have a really gigantic range you'd like to generate a list for, say one billion, xrange is the funetion to use. ‘This is especially true if you have a really memory sensitive system such as a cell phone that you are working with, as range will use as much memory as it can to create your array of integers, which can result in a Memory Error and crash your program. It’s a memory hungry beast. Q.31. How do you write comments in python? Ans. Comments in Python start with a # character. However, alternatively at times, commenting is done using docstrings (strings enclosed within triple quotes), Example: tyle~*display. inline block. tn SELES end"2: 4# do something else: # do something else Example’ Ifx== 1h print (“xis 1") Else: print( “x is not 1") On similar lines if elif else works like thit If : # do something elif: # do something else: 1028 Sixth Semester, Programming in Python # do something Example print (is 1°) print (x is 2°) Else: print(“x is neither | nor 2") at are the six comparison operators? = Bqual to (b) ! = Not equal to, (cl < Less ¢ (a) > Greater than (e) < = Less than or equal to (> = Great Q.41. Consider you have a project Calculator directories, main and utils. If utils has 2 files utils1.p; wanted to import a function foo() from into main-py the main folder, how would you di than or equal to. side which you have 2 y and If you which is inside ‘Ans. There are 2 possible ways to do it. 1. From calculator.utils.utils2 import foo 2. From ..utils.utils2 import foo Q.42. Create a function named “calculator”, which accepts 3 variables, “func_type”, “a” and “b”. The possible options for func_type are “plus”, “minus”, “multiply” and “divide” ; you are allowed to ignore any other inputs that may come into func_type variables. The possible values into “a” and “b” are int and float types. Please provide appropriate error messages. Ans. def caleulator(fune_type, a,b): If fune_type plus”: return a+b cliffune_type == “minus”: cliffune_type eliffune_type return a-b “multiply” return a*b “divid return a/b ifb != 0 else “cannot divide anything with Zero” 4# This can also be handled without the ternary operator # you can use if else as well . return “this input is not supported” 4# They told us to ignore the other func W they also asked us to provide # This is ambi type values but. “tu appropriate error messages 'S, So it would be safer to add the message. LP. Univ -[B.Tech|-Akash Books Q.43. What do the following expressions evaluate or a (a) (5 > Vand (13 != 20) (b) not (51> 44) (©) (5 > 4) or (B==5) (a) not (5 (e) (True and True) or (True (£) (Balse) or (not True) (g) 37/17 (h) 5 * 6/2041 ‘Ans, (a) (5 > 1) and (13 ! = 20) => True and True => True (b) not (51 > 44) => not True => False 5) => True and False => False not (True or True! False) => True and False => False >A)or False) (9 > A) or (a) not (57> 8) oF (3 != 5) = (e) (True and True) or (Tru (p (False) or (not True) => False or False = (g) 37/17 =>floor(87/17) it ean also be written as int 37/17) => 2 th) 5 *6/2,0 + 1 => use BODMAS => 5 *3.0+ 1=> 15.0 F 160 .44. What is the difference between break and continue? Explain with detailed examples Ans. breal ‘There is a shortcut to getting the program execut carly, Ifthe execution reaches a break statemen’ Tarcade, a break statement simply contains the break keyword. For i in range(1000): Ifi> 10 Break ‘This loop will break wl not True => False False on to break out of a loop's clause mediately exits the oop’s clause, hnen i gets the value greater than 10 Continue: Like break statements, continue statements are used i ‘execution reaches a continue statement, the program ck to the start of the loop inside loops. When the program execution immediately jumps bat Example: For i in range(5): Ifi==3: ‘nd reevaluates the loop’s condition Continue print(i) ‘The result will be 0,1,2,4. When ¥= 3, the control goes back to the top of the loop and looks at the next value for i Q.45. Write a short program that prints the numbers 10 to 100 using © for Joop. Then write an equivalent program that prints the numbers 10 to 1 using a while loop. ‘Ans. For i in range(10, 101): print(d) sixth Semester, Programming in Python 14-2023 w While i != 101 print) eel Q.46, What is sys.exit0)? How Ans. Sysexit() is used to exit the whole it used? How is it different from break? program meanwhile break is used to exit it() anywhere in the loop such as for loop or while loop. It is possible to use sys.ox prosram whereas break is limited to be inside loops, Writing break outside of a loop will throw error. Example: For i in range( 10): i sys.exit() printii, end=",“) print’Program Ended’) Output of this program will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ‘The program ends the moment sys.exit() is read. For i in range(10): Wi==5: break print end=”, “) print Program Ended’) Output of this program will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Program Ended Unlike eys.exit(), when the program reaches break, only the control flow exits the loop and moves to the next executable statement which prints program ends. LP. University-1B.Tech|-Ak; UNIT-1 Q.1. What are keyword arguments? Ans. In a usual funetion call you ust all you use positional argumen function parameter, for example wae Def foota, b, ¢, a) # do something If we call this function like this: foo 1,2,3,4) Due to the positions 1 will be stored in a, 2 in b, 3 ine and 4 ind. he Now if we wanted to send the argument value of ¢ and d first then b and then a, ere keyword arguments helps us. Keyword arguments are created when you mention that the argument value is meant for a specific function parameter by mentioning the name of the function parameter before it, added bonus : when you use this the positions do not matter. foole=1,d=2,a=3,b=4)@ These are keyword arguments. A point to note is that positional argument eannot come after the keyword arguments it means something like this is not possible: ash Books 2023-15, hat means the position will be stored in which foo a=1, b=2,3, 4)x But this will work: fool 1,2,d=3,c=4)@ Also, mentioning 2 keyword arguments with the same keyword will throw an error: foo(1,2,¢=3,d=4,c=5) x Also, giving keyword argument for a parameter for which positional argument is already given will result in error: foo 1,2,¢=3,d=4,b=5) (b) already has value 2 in it due to the positional argument used so giving a value 5 using a keyword argument throws error. Keyword arguments are generally used for using defaulvoptional parameters. Q.2. What are positional arguments? How are they different from keyword arguments? ‘Ans. In a function call when we send in values without mentioning any keywords in front of them, these values are called positional arguments. The word positional is ‘used because the position in which the arguments are sent decides which value will be stored in which function parameter. For example: Def foota, b, ¢, a): # do something If we call this function like this: foo 1,2,3,4) a Due to the positions 1 will be stored in a, 2 in b, 3 in ¢ and 4 in d positional arguments are: ‘The differences between keyword an . ! : (a) In using keyword arguments the position doesn’t matter, in positional arguments ters. . io Positional arguments are prone to errors in case the position of parameters osi OP ELT Unagey @B'T= M00} «q) ‘9 ‘t= '1)004 (e) jad WE=s'2=9'1 Joo sop (G'9'p°9'qwpeusos, ‘Sy woRaNE “O4K9 ae 59 SOHSURY OM JO Indhyno 9H} 9g IH JHA -UoRTUBOP woHaURy SIMD sOAE “FH ‘won our om sp season uor ung He in posn yoru soya yo a. ‘uaumlze feuortsod pu pioaay pu eioyoure x(9= P's =2100) oure prong, aq eta anges on soe p pure ones anepep ax soqen 9 aso “powote este egy 0 5 . 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