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PROJECT REPORT ON A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES IN AN ORGANISATION Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of the degree of Masters in Business Management SUBMITTED BY Name of the Student Rel No. - UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Mr.hts. | AMITY UNIVERSITY (@NLINE———— DECLARATION Thereby declare that the project report titled “A Study On Effectiveness of Employees Welfare Meesures in an Organisation" submitted for the Masters in Business Management is my original work and the project report has not formed the basis for award of any degree, diploma, associate ship or other similar titles. CERTIFICATE ‘This ts to certify that Ms. Peaja hax worked on the project enililed "A Study On Effectiveness of Employees Welfare Measures in an Organisation” for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of MBA Degree. This bonafled work has been done by her under my supervision. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1 would like to tnke the opportunity to thank and express my deep sense of gratitude to my corporate mentor “MrJMs. .... .". Lam greatly indebted to her for providing their ‘valuable guidance at all stages: of the study. thelr advice, constructive suggestions, positive and ‘supportive attitude and continous encouragement, without which It would have not been possible: to complete the project. Tihope thal I can bulld upon the experience and knowledge that I have gained and make a valuable contribution towards this Industry In coming future. ABSTRACT Employee welfare entails everything from services, facilities and benefits that are provided or done by an employer for the advantage or comfort of an employre. It Is undertaken in order to motivate employees and raise the productivity levels. Tn most cases, employce welfare comes In monetary form, but it doesn’t always bend that way. Other forms of employee welfare include housing, health insurance. stipends. transportation and Provision of food. An employer may also cater for employees’ welfare by monitoring their working conditions. Employee welfare raises the company’s expenses but if It Is done correctly. It has huge benefits for both employer and employee. Under the principles of employee welfare. if an emplayee feels that the management Is concemed and cares for him/her as a person and not Just as another employee, he/she will be more commited to his/her work. Other forms of welfare will aid the employee of financial burdens while welfare activities break the monotony of work. ‘An employee who feels appreciated will be more fulfilled, satisfied and more productive, This will ot only lead to higher productivity but also satisfled customers and hence profi for the company. A satisfled employee will also not go looking for other Job opportunities and hence an ‘employer will get to keep the best talents and record lower employee tumover. During employment, the offered benefits will determine whether an emplayee commits to an ‘Organization or not. As such, good employee welfare enables a company to compete favorably with other employers for the recruitment and retention of quality personnel. LLINTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC 1.1.1 Emplayee Welfare Measures -Concept “Welfare ts a broad concept referring to a slate of living of an individual or a group, in a desirable relationship with the total environment, ecological, economic, and social welfare includes both the social and economic contents, 1.1.2 Lmportance ‘The industrial progress depends on a satisfied labor force, and the Importance of employee welfare measures. After the placement of the employees, they should be given proper training and programmers 1o develop their efficiency s0 2s to serve the organizations better. Welfare facilities are designed to take care of the well ~ being of the employees. They do not generally result only in monetary benefit. These welfare measures are provided by goverment Non - Government agencies and the employers. 1.1.3 Definitions of “Employee Welfare’ The Oxford Dictionary defines employee Welfare as ‘Efforts to make life worth living for workmen’. The concept of ‘Labor welfare’ us flexible elastic and differs widely with time region, Industry social values, customers’ degree of industrialization, the general socio - development of the people and the palitical ideologies prevailing at a particular moment. The Intemational Employee Organization defined Employee Welfare 2s such services, facilities and amenities 25 may be established In or in the vicinity of undertakings to enable the persons employed in them to perform their work in healthy, congenial surroundings and provided with amenities conducive to good health and high morale*, ‘The Encyclopedia of Soctal Science defines Employee Welfare as “The voluntary efforts of the employers to establish, within the existing industrial system, working and sometimes, living and 1 1.2.1 AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY ‘Transportation system Is a sign of technical wonder by human kind which satisfies one of the most basic needs of the human being precisely, the mobility. Automobile industry is a major constinvent of surface transport and plays a vital role In economic growth of a country. It ls the Industry which paves the way for reforms in foreign trade, Invites foreign investment and faciliiaies exposure of ‘a country on a very broad Intemational platform. The automobile industry in India has long been recognized a5 a core manufacturing sector with the potential to drive national economic growth and foster the development of technological capabilities through its powerful beckward and forward linkages, and the localization of high value added manufacturing processes within the domestic economies. In recent years, for Instance, Indian automobile industry contributes about 5 percent of the GDP and It fs targeted to grow five-fold by 2016 and account for aver 10 percent of India's GDP (DBS Cholamandalam Securities Limited Sector Report, 2012). Therefore, the industry ks recognized as one of the drivers of economic growth as It contributes significantly to the overall GDP of the nation. 1.2.2 Automobile Industry in Indie - An Insight ‘The history of the automobile actually began §,000 years ago when the first wheel was used for transportation, probably on Mesopotamian chariots in 3200 BC. The dawn of automobile in India actually goes back to 4000 BC when wheel was first used for movement in India in form of charlots, Since then It has traveled a long way, from charlots to bullock cart, to the jet-age (The Great Idea Finder, 2005), Today, the Indian automobile industry comprises of all vehictes, lnchudling 2-3 wheelers, passenger cars and multi-utility vehicles, light and heavy commercial vehicles, and agricultural tractors and other earth moving machineries, besides the component segment for all these categories. Automobile Industry in India ts still In Its infancy but growing rapidly. The opportunities tn the ‘automobile industry in India are attracting big names with the big purse and they are investing vigorously In Infrasizucture, design and development, and marketing Despite economic slowdown, the’ Indian automobile sector has shown high growth. The passenger vehicle market, = ee | 13. COMPANY PROFILE Cars are what Marut! Suzuki builds. Experiences are what It creates. Experiences fueled by innovations, forward thinking, and a commitment to bring the very best to Indian roads. From the day the conic Maruti 800 was launched in 1963, the company has been spearheading a revolution of change, Turning an entire country's need for driving, into its love for driving. ‘However, tastes and demands keep on evolving with each new generation of Indians. This has not been looked at by Mansi Suzukl as a challenge, but 2s an inspiration to go beyond traditional boundartes of car-making. infusing design and technology Is one such step it has taken to make Its cars meet new age expectations smoothly. ‘Today, Maruti Suzuki has its eyes set firmly on the possibilities of tomorrow. And everybody is Invited on this Journey. OUR VALUES & RESPONSIBLE f= ‘You can always rely on us and our network. —, Always evolving with your needs. ~~ (@ DYNAMISM a 4 OPEN All our actions are open and transparent. CHAPTER 2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY OBJECTIVE OF STUDY ‘The Objectives of the research are as follows 1. To find out the welfare measures taken by Marutl Suzuki for the benefits of the employees. 2. To measure the effectiveness of welfare measures taken by Marut! Suzuki. 3. To analyse the satisfaction level of the employees with the welfare measures taken by Maruti Suzuki 4, To evaluate the benefits of welfare measures taken by Marutl Suzuki. SCOPE OF THE STUDY ‘This study aims to find out the sallsfaction of the employees, whether the company Is providing necessary health, safety and welfare measures in Maruti Suzukl. The scope of the current study named” Employee welfare measurcs” |s limited only to Automobile industries. This study helps to improve the performance of the Human resource management department. CHAPTER 3 REVIEW OF LITERATURE P. Anju (2016) within the study diagnosed that the fee of absenteeism has been decreased to a tremendous volume with the ald of providing housing, health and family care, canteen, educational and training facility and provision of welfare activities. He moreover said that this principle for a success implementation of difficult paintings welfare sports activities 1s not anything but an eertenston of democratic values in an industrialized society. Mr. Ramana T. Vemtata (2015) famous that the welfare centers are provided to the personnel to hold the incentive levels excessive. He states that the Intramural arid extramural welfare measures [Presented fo the personnel have stepped forward thelr charge of satisfaction closer to way. Dr. P. Venugopal and T. Bhaskar (2011) located that personnel are happy with welfare measures collectively with letsure, clinleal, Instructional, housing. transporiathon, sanitation, safety. The personne! also are happy inside the direction f stalulory welfare measures collectively with Worksnen Compensation. ESI, Sickness, P.F and Maternity beneflis. These measures have an Impact at the outstanding of labor existence and additionally at the smooth relationship among organization commercial enterprise agency and employee which leads in the route of the attainment of enterprise dreams. ‘De. Usha Thwart (2014) done an examine at the personnel” welfare centers and Its impact on Personnel. It has grown to be moreover further reiterated that the control need to provide centers to all employees in such manner that emplayees emenge as glad at lhe welfare centers which in flip effects In boom In productivity in terms of awesome and quantity, Dr. P. Bhasjangs Rao (2017) Kingcom that welfare diploma ts a machine of spotting the unique ‘region of the employee in the society and doing correct for them. maintaining and motivating employees and butlding up the nearbry recognition of the company, Sindhu (2012) felt that worker welfare measures boom the productivity of an organisation and ‘additionally sell healthy industrial participants of the family thereby ensuing in business peace. 2 CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This section gives detalls about the methods that was used In data collection and they Include, Research design, Survey population, sampling design. Sampling size, Sources of data, Tools and methods of data collections and probable problems to be encountered during data collection. Sampling Design: It ts the method of choosing representative subset of a total population for obtaining data for the study of the whole population the subset Is known as sample. The sample size selected for the study will be 100 employees from Maruti Saraki. The techniques of sampling unit in this study will be convenience sampling. Convenieace Sampling: In ths method the sample units are chosen primarily on the bests of the convenience to the researcher, Tools for Data Collection Study Conducted ‘The primary data was gathered through personal Interaction. The information was gathered from, the structured questionnaire. Sources of Data © Primary data © Secondary information CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 1. Gender of Employees From the above table it ts clear thal out of 100 respondents taken for the study, 58% of them are male and 42% are female. ‘6. Hew do yeu rate the Working Environment of the Organization? ‘Table no. 6 Chart ne. 6 P Opinion 4 | : From the above table it {s clear that 45% of the respondents are satisfied and 22% are highly satisfied with working Environment of the Organization, 12% of the respondents are averagely satisfied whereas 13% of the respondents dissatisfied and 8% highly dissatisfied. From the above table it ts clear that 32% of the respondents are satisfied and 13% are highly satisfled with the sitting arrangement of the Organization, 30% of the respondents are averagely Satisfled whereas 17% of the respondents dissatisfied and 8% highly dissatisfied. 12. How do you rate leave policy of the Organization? ‘Table no. 12 Highly Satisfactory From the above tnble Ut ts clear that 35% of the respondents are sal isfied and 5% are highly satisfied with leave policy of the Organization. 25% of the respondents are averagely satisfied whereas 27% of the respondents dissatisfied and BX highly dissallsfled. 15. Rate the overall satisfaction with employee welfare activities of the Organization? Table ne. 15 Opinion [ Ne. of Respondents Percentage Highly Dissailsfectory | 13 13% Dissatisfactory | “4 14% Averagely Satisfactory Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory From the above table i ls clear that 35% of the respondents are satisfled and 5% are highly satisfied with the overall satisfaction with employee welfare activities of the Organization. 25% of the Fespondents are averagely salisfled whereas 27% of the respondents dissaitsfied and 8% highly dissatisfied CHAPTER 6 FINDINGS SUGGESTIONS AND CONCLUSION Findings The major findings of the Study are: 45% of the respondents are satisfied and 22% sre highly satisfied with working Environment of the Onganization, 12% of the respondents are averagely satisfled whereas 13% of the respondents dissatisfied and 8% highly dissatisfed. 47% of the respondents are satisfied and 35% are highly satisfied with the medical benefits provided by the Organization for the employees & their families, 15% of the respondents are averagely satisfied whereas 2% of the respondents dissatisfied and 1% highly dissatisfied. 19% of the respondents are satisfied and 11% are highly satisfled with the working Hours of the Organization, 18% of the respondents are averagely satisfied whereas 33% of the respondents dissatisfied and 19% highty dissatisfied. 32% of the respondents are satisfed and 13% are highly satisfied with the sitting asrangement of the Organization, 30% of the respondents are averagely satisfied whereas 1756 of the respondents dissatisfied and 8% highly dissatisfied. 27% of the respondents are satisfied and 8% are highly satisfied with the Conveyance Allowance offered by the Organization. 22% of the respondents are averagely satisfied whereas 28% of the respondents dissatisfied and 15% highly dissatisfted. 29% of the respondents are satisfied and 11% are highly satisfied with the Overtime allowance offered by the Organization, 31% of the respondents are averagely satisfied Whereas 23% of the respondents dissatisfied and 6% highly dissatisfled. 35% of the respondents are satisfled and 5% are highly satisfied with leave policy of the Organization, 25% of the respondents are averagely satisfied whereas 27% of the Fespondents dissatisfied and 8% highly dissatisfied. Suggestions: 1 I: ts suggested that organization has fo lake some Initiallves to Improve the level of awareness of labour welfare schemes offered by the organization, thereby Increase the satisfaction CD Quick attention given for complaints Is attracted in working conditions, convinced with presemt wages, lack of consistency of command attribute attracted In management and ‘employee relationship, Similarly, recreational facilities among labour amenities, easy adaptability among the superior-subordinale relationship and unton tries to promote peace im the organizations. It Is suggested that management should maintain same level of impact over employees. [11 All Labour welfare dimensions were agreed by the respondents. which show the present comfortless of employees. [Cl Among the list of dimensions considered for this study, management & employee ‘relationships are found significant relationship with union activities, which means that maintaining the relationship is important, Since, poor relationship may create annoyance to management. Therefore. it Is suggested that management should maintain good relationship. If required, management may enforce certain policies to prevent the union activities. 1D In working condition dimension, technical support from supervisor has recorded highest contribution. To maintain the pleasantness, management should encourage such activities and necessary steps to be taken to improve the working condition 1D From wages dimension, it ts observed that TNPL ts praviding better wages than similar organization. This point is very impressive for management. since this altitude is more supportive for employee retention. Availability of more number of skilled labors ensures the quality of product. 1D Among list of factors considered under management & employee relationship. lack of consistency of command ls more agreed. It is suggested to improve the monitoring facilities. Its observed that unions are politically motivated has found high level of contribution. It fs suggested that management should malniain good relallonship with unions. Conclusion ‘The study of Employees welfare schemes and (ts impact on employee's efficiency at Manut! Suzuki Is satisfactory. As per the study It Is observed that the Marut! Suzuk! units are providing vartous facilities to the employees as per the rules and regulation of state and Indian Government. The Management required to provide good facilities for both permanent and temporary employees in such way that employees become satisfied about employee welfare facilities. It Increases productivity 2s well as quality and quantity. Therefore. there is necessity of making some provision for improving the welfare facility through that employees will become happy. employee's performance level become increase. It leads to improve favorable effects of profitability and products of the organization. At last it can be concluding that the employee welfare facilities provided by the company to employees are satisfled and it Is commendable, but still of scope ts there for further improvement. So that efficiency, effectiveness and productivity can be enhanced to accomplish the organizational goals Employee welfare ts a comprehensive term including various services. facilities, and services provided to employees for their furtherance. Thus from this study, it is found that the welfare measures provided by the automobile Industry directly Impact the work competence of the ‘employees. Proper welfare measures should be provided to persuade the employees and increase Proficiency and effectiveness. ‘The Company should take steps to create awareness among the employees about the welfare measures provided 28 It falls under the rights of the employee to know about the welfare measures provided for him/her by the company. [1] Joseph B.; Joseph Land Varghese R. (2009): Labour Welfare in India, Journal of Workplace B ehavioural Health, Vol. 24 (142) pp: 221-242. [2] Logasakthi K. and Rajagopal K. (2013): A study on employee health, safety and welfare meas ures of chemical industry in the view of Sleam region, TamilNadu (India). International Jour. of Research in Business Management, Vol. 1 (1) pp 1 - 10. [3] Mohan Reenu and Panwar J.S. (2013) : Current trends in employee welfare schemes in Udalp uur Retial Sector. Intemational Jour. of Scientific Research Review (USRR) 2 (2) PP. 45-54. [4] Babu K.V.S.N Jawahar, Valli S. KaleshaMasthan and Bhupathi C. 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