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Assignment Questions of CAM Lab & VIVA

1. Define Computer. Discuss the different characteristics of computer.

2. What are different types of computer?
3. What do you understand by Generation of computer? Discuss in brief.
4. What are the different applications of Micro Computer?
5. What is Memory? Discuss the different kind of memories.
6. What is input Device? Discuss different kind of Scanners.
7. What is printer? What are the different types of printer?
8. What do you understand by output device? Differentiate hard output device and soft output
9. Discuss Floppy Disk and Hard Disk Drive.
10. What is CD and DVD with its types.
11. What is operating system and its types?
12. What is software? Discuss its types.
13. What is booting process? Define cold and warm booting.
14. What do you mean by open source operating system?
15. What is Freeware? Explain with suitable example.
16. What is HTML? What are the different types of tag?
17. Writhe HTML code to ordered list as bellow:-
a. Analog Computer
b. Digital Computer
i. General Purpose Computer
1. Super Computer
2. Mainframe Computer
3. Mini Computer
4. Micro Computer
ii. Special purpose computer
c. Hybrid computer.
18. Write HTML code to create unordered list as bellow-
a. Printer
i. Impact printer
1. Chain Printer
a. Dot Matrix Printer
b. Daisy wheel Printer
2. Line Printer
a. Chain Printer
b. Band Printer
c. Drum Printer
ii. Non Impact Printer
1. Laser Printer
2. Ink Jet Printer
3. Thermal Printer
19. Write HTML code to create the following table-
Name Maths Science English
Ram 80 70 75
Syam 88 77 79
Mohan 75 85 77
Sohan 80 70 70

20. Write HTML Code to change the background color of any web page.
21. What is Hyper link? Implement with suitable example.
22. What is header and footer? Write steps to implement header and footer.
23. Write steps to insert different symbols in MS- Word.
24. What is format painter? Explain its use.
25. What do you understand by alignment? Explain all types of alignment.
26. What are the different types of cases in MS-Word?
27. What is bullet and numbering in MS-Word? Explain in brief.
28. What is Find and Replacement option MS-Word.
29. Explain about Spelling and grammar feature in MS- Word.
30. What is Mail Merge? Write steps to create mail merge.
31. What is Macro? Write steps to create macro.
32. What is water mark? Write steps to insert water mark.
33. What is trace precedence in MS-Excel? Explain with suitable example.
34. What is trace dependence? Explain with suitable example.
35. Define any five date and time functions with example.
36. Define any five text function with suitable example.
37. Define any five mathematical functions with suitable example.
38. Define any five logical functions with suitable example.
39. Define any five statical functions with suitable example.
40. What is data validation option in MS-Excel? Describe with suitable example.
41. What is chart in Excel? Define any three types of chart.
42. What is custom animation in power point?
43. How Save As is different from Save option?
44. What is E-Commerce? Define steps for online payment system.
45. Explain online ticket booking system.
46. What is data base? Define data and information.
47. What is data base language? Explain all the languages.
48. Define create, alter, drop command.
49. Define insert, update, delete and select command.
50. Define commit, rollback command.
51. Define browsers and its types.
52. Define search engine and its use.
53. What is LAN, MAN and WAN?
54. What are different types of topology?
55. What are the different types of transmission media?

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