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Redistribution of Red Blood Cell Flow in

Microcirculatory Networks by Hemodilution
A.R. Pries, A. Fritzsche, K. Ley, and P. Gaehtgens

The effect of isovolemic hemodilution on red blood cell flow distribution was studied in complete
self-contained microvessel networks of the rat mesentery. Hematocrit, diameter, and length of all vessel
segments as well as the topological structure were determined in control networks (systemic hematocrit,
0.54) and after hemodilution (systemic hematocrit, 0.30). Hemodilution was performed by exchanging
blood with hydroxyethyl starch (MW 450,000; 6%) or homologous plasma. With hemodilution, the
decrease of microvessel hematocrit exceeded that of systemic hematocrit. The average discharge
hematocrit in capillaries was 79%o of systemic hematocrit in the control group and 73% with hemodilution
(p<O.OOl). The heterogeneity of capillary hematocrit within the network, expressed by the coefficient of
variation, increased from 0.4 to 0.7. By using the morphological and topological data of four networks, the
distribution of hematocrits was also calculated using a hydrodynamic flow model. The modeling results
were found to be in close agreement with the experimental data. This indicates that the observed changes
can be deduced from established rheological phenomena, most of all phase separation at arteriolar
bifurcations. The changes in hematocrit distribution after hemodilution are accompanied by a redistri-
bution of red blood cell flow within the network: relative to total red blood cell flow, red blood cell flow in
the distal capillaries of the network increases by about 40%o at the expense of the proximal capillaries that
are close to the feeding arteriole and that exhibit the highest red blood cell flow under control conditions.
This redistribution leads to a more homogeneous red blood cell flow distribution between proximal and
distal regions of vessel networks with hemodilution, which might serve to increase tissue oxygenation in
regions endangered by underperfusion. (Circulation Research 1992;70:1113-1121)
KEY WoRDs * hemodilution * microcirculation * networks * flow pathways * hematocrit
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I ntentional hemodilution has evolved as a clinically changes of vessel diameters are unlikely (e.g., in maxi-
accepted therapy of a number of disorders with mal dilatation), the optimal hematocrit was reported to
impaired peripheral perfusion.' The beneficial ef- be in the range of 0.5,2,3 whereas in tissues in which
fects reported have been attributed to increased periph- vasodilatory reserve was available, values in the range
eral perfusion caused by reduced blood viscosity and of 0.3 were found.4-6 The latter findings have served as
possibly peripheral vasodilation. The present study will a rationale to advocate intentional hemodilution as a
mainly focus on effects resulting from changes in the means to alleviate tissue malperfusion in peripheral
rheological properties of the blood after hemodilution, ischemic disease.' Because it is not clear whether insuf-
which will affect the perfusion characteristics of all ficiently perfused tissue areas representing the target
tissues both in the presence and absence of vascular zones of intentional hemodilution retain vasodilatory
reactions. capacity, it appears uncertain whether the concept of
At a given driving pressure and oxygen saturation of optimal hematocrit is adequate to explain the positive
hemoglobin, oxygen delivery to a tissue is proportional effects of hemodilution.
to the hematocrit of the systemic blood divided by the Hemodilution not only changes oxygen-carrying ca-
flow resistance. The latter, in turn, is the product of pacity and viscosity of the blood, but also influences the
geometric hindrance of the vascular bed and blood distribution of hematocrit and red blood cell flows within
viscosity. Because of the dependence of blood viscosity microvascular networks. Under physiological conditions,
on hematocrit, oxygen delivery or red blood cell flow to the volume concentration of red blood cells in microves-
a vascular network is a nonlinear function of hematocrit sels (HT) is much lower than the systemic hematocrit
with a maximum at the so-called optimal hematocrit. (H,)7-12 In addition to a low mean value, the HT values
There is considerable variation in the determined values show a substantial heterogeneity.9-1' It has been sug-
of the optimal hematocrit: in experiments in which gested in some studies that in hemodilution the average
capillary HT falls less than Hy, and red blood cells are
From the Department of Physiology, Freie Universitat Berlin, distributed more homogeneously to the individual mi-
FRG. crovessels.13-18 Both effects are supposed to improve
Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Pr 271/ tissue oxygenation. However, all of the cited studies are
1-1, Pr 271/1-2). based on hematocrit measurements in selected subpop-
Address for correspondence: Dr. A.R. Pries, Department of
Physiology, Freie Universitat Berlin, Arnimallee 22, D-1000 Berlin ulations of microvessels. In view of the large heteroge-
33, FRG. neity of flow and hematocrit distribution characterizing
Received July 29, 1991; accepted January 29, 1992. microvascular networks,9-"1920 it is very difficult to
1114 Circulation Research Vol 70, No 6 June 1992

select a group of vessels that is truly representative of the group and between 0.29 and 0.325 in the HES group.
entire vascular bed. Even if such selection of vessels were The CTRL group remained untreated and showed
possible in the control state, during hemodilution redis- values of HSYS between 0.48 and 0.51. Mean red blood
tribution of cell and plasma flows within the network cell volume in the carotid blood, as calculated from red
would invalidate the chosen set of selection criteria. blood cell concentration and hematocrit, was 54±2 fl in
The present study attempts to overcome these prob- the CTRL group as well as in the PLASMA group,
lems by determining hematocrit, length, diameter, and while the HES group exhibited mean red blood cell
topological position of all vessel segments in complete volume values of 48±1 fl.
networks of the terminal vascular bed comprising large For intravital microscopy, the mesentery was cau-
numbers of flow pathways from arterioles to venules. tiously exteriorized through an abdominal midline inci-
The hematocrit data are compared with predictions of a sion, spread over a Lucite stage, and superfused with
hydrodynamic flow model21 that is based on established thermostated (37°C) bicarbonate-buffered saline (com-
rheological data on blood viscosity and phase separation position, millimoles per liter: NaCl 132, KCl 4.7, CaCl2
at bifurcations. These model calculations also enable 2.2, MgC12 1.2, and NaHCO3 18, equilibrated with 5%
the analysis of red blood cell flow distribution and thus CO2 in N2, pH 7.3-7.4). Microscopy was performed
oxygen delivery. using a Leitz intravital microscope modified for tele-
The rat mesenteric microcirculation was chosen for scopic imaging23 and equipped with a Leitz SW 25/0.6
this study because most of the precapillary microvessels saltwater immersion objective, a projection eyepiece
lack smooth muscle cells.22 Moreover, spontaneous (f=268 mm, Leitz) and a transfer lens (f=300 mm,
changes of vasomotor tone are not observed. Therefore, Xenar, Schneider, Kreuznach, FRG), and a video cam-
the changes in perfusion pattern determined in this era (model 1005, RCA, Lancaster, Pa.). The mesenteric
vascular bed mainly reflect changes of blood rheology microcirculation was transilluminated with monochro-
that are operative in all tissues and add to effects matic blue light (BG12 color glass and MA 3-0.3,
exerted by organ-specific active control mechanisms. 448-nm small band interference filter; Schott, Mainz,
Materials and Methods FRG). Simultaneous recordings were obtained on vid-
Animal Experiments eotape (Sony U-matic) and on black-and-white film
(AGFAPAN 100 professional, Agfa, Leverkusen,
Male Sprague-Dawley rats (body mass, 300-460 g) FRG). The final magnification on the target of the video
were anesthetized with ketamine (100 mg/kg i.m.) after camera and the film plane of the photographic camera
premedication with atropine (0.1 mg/kg i.m.) and pen- was x28, yielding a field of view of approximately
tobarbital sodium (20 mg/kg i.m.). The trachea, left 300x400 ,um on the video monitor. Scanning microves-
carotid artery, and jugular vein were cannulated with sel networks in the fat-free portion of the mesentery
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polyethylene tubing. Throughout the experiment, all (area between 25 and 80 mm2) took approximately 30
animals received an intravenous infusion (24 minutes and resulted in up to 300 photographs that
ml kg- . hr-1) of physiological saline containing 0.3

were assembled into photomontages.

mg/ml pentobarbital sodium to maintain anesthesia and
prevent an increase of HSYS. Arterial blood pressure, Data Analysis
heart rate, and central venous pressure were monitored
continuously. HSY (heparinized microhematocrit tubes) The number of vessel segments (defined as the sec-
and red blood cell counts (Coulter Dn, Herts, UK) were tion of a vessel between two branch points) per network
determined before and after hemodilution steps and at ranged between 334 and 913 in the CTRL group,
approximately 30-minute intervals during intravital mi- between 431 and 550 in the PLASMA group, and
croscopy in blood samples drawn from the carotid between 328 and 456 in the HES group. Segment
catheter. diameters and lengths were measured from photomicro-
Animals were allocated to a control (CTRL, n =5) graphs. Flow direction and microvessel hematocrit were
and two hemodilution (DIL, n=6) groups. Isovolemic obtained from video recordings.9 24 The method of
hemodilution was performed either with homologous photometric hematocrit measurement used is based on
plasma (PLASMA group, n =3) or with hydroxyethyl the determination of optical density in the vessel seg-
starch solution (60 g/l, MW 450,000/0.7 in physiological ment at an isosbestic wavelength of hemoglobin (448
saline; Fresenius, Wiesbaden, FRG; HES group, n=3). nm) by using a digital video image analysis system.25
Homologous plasma was obtained by bleeding an anes- Calibration of the method with capillary glass tubes
thetized donor rat through the carotid catheter and perfused with blood of known hematocrit allowed de-
centrifuging the blood at 3,000g. Hemodilution was termination of both microvessel hematocrit (tube he-
performed in two steps by exchanging 10% (2.4-3.3 ml) matocrit, HT) and discharge hematocrit (HD), assuming
and then 11.5% (2.7-3.8 ml) of estimated blood volume that the Fahraeus effect in vivo is equal to that in the
(8% of body mass) in the PLASMA group, and 11% calibration tubes. In the HES group, a correction for the
(3.4-3.8 ml) and 13% (4.0-4.5 ml) of estimated blood observed change in mean red blood cell volume was
volume in the HES group, respectively. Each hemodi- applied. In most (85%) of the vessels with diameters
lution step was performed by simultaneously withdraw- below 8 ,um, HT was determined from photomicrographs
ing (from the carotid catheter) and infusing (through by counting the number of red blood cells in a given
the jugular catheter) the specified volumes in approxi- length of the vessel. HD was then derived from HT by
mately 10-15 minutes with a 15-minute interval be- using literature data of the Fahraeus effect in vitro.2' In
tween dilution steps. The resulting H, after hemodilu- these smallest vessels the photometric method was used
tion ranged between 0.30 and 0.35 in the PLASMA only if HTwas too high to allow cell counting.
Pries et al Hemodilution and Flow Distribution 1115

Vascular networks were divided into arteriolar and number of capillaries fed by or drained by the respective
venular vessel trees on the basis of flow directions in inflow or outflow vessel.
individual vessel segments. Segments connecting two Rheological phenomena represented in the hydrody-
divergent branch points and linked to an input vessel of namic model were the phase separation effect at arte-
the network via diverging branch points were classified riolar branch points and the variation of apparent blood
as arteriolar. A corresponding definition using converg- viscosity with hematocrit and vessel diameter (Fahr-
ing branch points defined the venular segments. Seg- aeus-Lindqvist effect). For the nonproportional distri-
ments connecting the divergent arteriolar tree with the bution of red blood cells and plasma at arteriolar branch
convergent venular tree (arteriovenous segments9'26) points (phase separation), a parametric description was
were classified as "capillaries" regardless of their diam- used that is based on data obtained from arteriolar
eter or other morphological criteria. This definition of bifurcations in the rat mesentery in previous studies.21,28
capillaries is purely topological and therefore includes According to these data, the hematocrit difference
vessel segments whose morphological and hydrody- between the daughter vessels of a bifurcation is deter-
namic properties vary. The mean capillary diameter of mined by the diameter and hematocrit of the feeding
all networks analyzed in this study was 9.6+±2.5 ,ttm, vessel, the relation between the diameters of the daugh-
whereas individual values ranged from 4.5 to 21 ,gm. ter vessels, and the flow split at the bifurcation.
When capillaries were seen to form meshes creating An equation similar to that given by Pries et a12' was
divergent bifurcations downstream of a convergent bi- used to estimate the relative apparent viscosity of blood
furcation, only the initial capillary branch connected to in a microvessel (77rel) as a function of HD and vessel
the arteriolar tree was included in the analysis; less than diameter (D, in micrometers). This equation was fitted
1% of all capillaries was seen to form such meshes. One to experimental data available in the literature
network of the CTRL group and two networks of the eHD a-)
HES group consisted of two arteriolar trees that could 71rel= +e45 a ' (220e l 217D+2-17245e-071D 065
be analyzed independently. All other networks were fed
by one large inflow arteriole only. D 4
The topological position of each microvascular seg- (1)
ment in the arterial tree is represented by its generation VD-W)
number, which equals the number of branch points with
between this segment and the inflow arteriole of the
vessel tree plus one.9,26 Based on this generation a=3.9/(1+e-2.374* (D-5.054)) (2)
scheme, consecutive complete flow cross sections were W is a correction factor that was previously shown to
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defined through which the blood entering a vessel tree optimize the agreement between model results and
must pass: the complete flow cross section number "x" experimental data.2' In the present study, W ranged
consists of all arteriolar and capillary segments of between 2.4 and 3.4 ,um.
generation x plus the capillaries of lower generation
numbers.9 Depending on the maximum generation Results
number reached in a tree, this type of analysis yields Hemodilution reduced mean hematocrit in the capil-
about 20 complete flow cross sections, the most distal laries (segments connecting the arteriolar with the
flow cross section being identical to the population of venular vessel trees) to a similar extent in the HES and
capillaries. PLASMA groups (Table 1). Average capillary HT in the
HES and PLASMA groups decreased more than HY,,
Model Calculations i.e., the ratios HT/He,. and HD/HSYS decreased. The
A hydrodynamic model simulation was used to calcu- dispersion of capillary HT/H0y, and HD/HsY, increased as
late the distribution of red blood cell and plasma flow in reflected by an elevation of the standard deviations and
four microvascular networks (two networks from the coefficients of variation. The distributions of HT/Hsys
CTRL group, one network each from the PLASMA and and HD/Hsy in the dilution groups (PLASMA, HES,
HES groups). The model calculations are based on the and DIL) were tested against that of the CTRL group
individual morphology and topology of each network by using the nonparametric U test (Wilcoxon-Mann-
and the rheological laws derived from literature data.2' Whitney), which is mainly sensitive to differences of the
The network data bases list diameter, length, and median. These tests indicated statistically significant
individual feeding or draining segments for all segments differences (p<0.001). In contrast, no significant differ-
in a microvascular network. For segments entering or ence was found between the PLASMA and HES groups
leaving the network, measured hematocrit and esti- (p=0.66 and p=0.89).
mated volume flow values were used as boundary Both for the experimental and for the model results,
conditions. For each network analyzed with the model, the hematocrit distributions obtained after hemodilu-
inflow hematocrit could be manipulated to match the tion were flatter and exhibited lower mean values
experimental values of both DIL and CTRL groups. compared with those of the CTRL group (Figure 1).
The volume flow in the main arteriolar inflow vessel was Because the differences between the distributions ob-
set to correspond to measurements reported in the tained in the PLASMA and HES groups were small and
literature for vessels of the appropriate dimensions.27 the medians showed no statistically significant differ-
For additional input or output segments, the volume ence, the results of experimental hemodilution will be
flow values were calculated based on the volume flow in given for the combined DIL group in the following.
the main arteriolar inflow vessel in proportion to the Figure 1 demonstrates that the model results exhibit a
1116 Circulation Research Vol 70, No 6 June 1992

TABLE 1. Statistical Parameters for Capillary Hematocrits

No. of
No. of arteriolar No. of HT HT/H,Y. HD HD/HSYS
Group networks trees capillaries median median CV median median CV
CTRL 5 6 801 0.23 0.48 0.45 0.37 0.78 0.40
PLASMA 3 3 491 0.12 0.37 0.88 0.20 0.63 0.75
HES 3 5 308 0.13 0.40 0.61 0.21 0.67 0.58
DIL 6 8 799 0.12 0.39 0.70 0.21 0.65 0.70
CV values given are valid for the normalized hematocrit values (HT/H,,, HD/H,), but the corresponding values for HT and HD differ by
less than 2%. HT, tube hematocrit; HT/HV,,, HT normalized with respect to systemic hematocrit (H,y,); HD, discharge hematocrit; HD/Hsy,,
HD normalized with respect to HS,,; CTRL, control; PLASMA, group hemodiluted with homologous plasma; HES, group hemodiluted with
hydroxyethyl starch solution; DIL, the two hemodiluted groups.

higher number of capillaries in the lowest hematocrit of which (approximately 85%) were analyzed by direct
classes. This is due to the prediction of significant cell counting. In agreement with the findings for the
numbers of segments with zero hematocrit by the complete capillary group, the hematocrit distribution
model. Such capillaries are presumably underrepre- exhibits lower median values and higher coefficients of
sented in the experimental results because they are variation after hemodilution compared with control
difficult to detect in the analysis of photomontages or conditions.
video recordings obtained during the experiments. Figure 3 shows the average HD normalized with
Figure 2 shows hematocrit distributions for the sub- respect to the inflow hematocrit of the networks for the
group of capillaries with diameters less than 8 ,um, most consecutive flow cross sections of arteriolar vessel trees
from the inflow arteriole to the level of the capillaries.
In the averaging procedure, the HD values were
weighted by the individual cross-sectional area of the
vessel segments. Since by definition total blood flow
through the tree passes through each of the consecutive
complete flow cross sections, a flow-weighted average
HD always equals the inflow hematocrit. If, on average,
those vessel segments of a complete flow cross section
that exhibit high flow velocities also exhibit high HD
values (such vessels may correspond to functional red
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blood cell shunts as described in the literature), red

blood cells will travel faster through that cross section
W than will plasma. As a consequence, the mean area-
weighted HD will be lower than the inflow hematocrit of
IL the vessel tree. This effect has been called the network
W 0.3 m
. 1 1 1 1 1 -- 4.. Fahraeus effect.9 As shown in Figure 3, the hematocrit
MODEL CTRL DIL reduction caused by the network Fahraeus effect in-
n: 587 587
-, A*X
Mean: 0.76 0.664
Lr Std: 0.386 0.45
,' " C.V.: 0.508 0.677
0.2 - \DIL , %
0.3 I

0.1 -
ok ,,
"w TR
\ ' X~~~~ z
L /
%1.C ~'t;
v~i- U-

uv .r <0.1-
A 1 1 -

0 0.5 1 1.5
HD/Hsys 0-J

FIGURE 1. Graphs showing frequency distributions of dis- 00

charge hematocrit (HD) normalized with respect to systemic 0.5
a 1 1.5 2
hematocrit (Hsys) in capillary vessels. Data have been allo- HT/ Hsys
cated to equally spaced HD/HSys classes. Upper panel: Exper- FIGURE 2. Graph showing frequency distribution of tube
imental results in the control (CTRL) and two hemodiluted hematocrit (HT) normalized with respect to systemic hemat-
(DIL) groups. Hemodilution was performed either with ho- ocrit (HSYS) in capillary vessels with diameters less than 8 ,um.
mologous plasma (PLASMA group) or with hydroxyethyl In this diameter group 84% (control, CTRL) and 87%
starch solution (HES group). Lower panel: Distributions (dilution, DIL) of the experimental hematocrit measurements
predicted by the flow model for input hematocrit levels have been made by direct cell counting. Control: n=147,
corresponding to those found in the experimental groups median=0.45, CV=0.49; dilution: n=301, median=0.30,
CTRL and DIL. CV=0.94.

1.0 -

0.19 -

1.0 -





., .|'l~ ~ ~ ~

1 1

a 1 9a


FIGURE 3. Graphs showing mean area-weighted discharge



Pries et al Hemodilution and Flow Distribution



0 5 10 15
20 25

hematocrit (1D4) normalized with the discharge hematocrit in FIGURE 4. Graphs showing mean flow-weighted discharge
the feeding vessel (HDinflow) for the consecutive flow cross hematocrit (HDg, right ordinate) and TH normalized with the
sections of arteriolar vessel trees (network Fahraeus effect). discharge hematocrit in the feeding vessel (IDQIHDinflow, left
The complete flow cross section x is given by all arteriolar ordinate) for arteriolar (ART) and capillary (CAP) vessel
segments of the generation xplus all capillaries ofgenerations segments in arteriolar vessel trees (n=4) as a function of
less than or equal to x. Shown are sliding means (±SEM) over vessel generation (sliding mean+±SEM). The difference of
three flow cross sections. Upper panel: Experimental data for ART values between control and hemodilution is statistically
significant for generation levels above nine (t test, pc<0.01).
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control conditions (CTRL, six vessel trees) and after hemodi-

lution (DIL, eight vessel trees). Lower panel: Model calcula-
tions for matched inflow hematocrits (four vessel trees). The exhibit HD values exceeding the inflow value. This leads
difference between CTRL and DIL is statistically significant to a preferential distribution of red blood cells to
for flow cross section levels above eight in the experimental capillaries with high generation numbers and therefore
data and above 11 in the model results (t test, p<0.01). to the long flow pathways. This so-called pathway
effect29 is much stronger after hemodilution than in
creases along the consecutive complete flow cross sec- control conditions, as indicated by a hematocrit increase
tions and is more pronounced in the hemodilution by about 68% of the systemic value after hemodilution
experiments compared with control conditions. The compared with 35% for the control. Hence, hemodilu-
difference is statistically significant (t test, p< 0.01) for tion enhances longitudinal hematocrit heterogeneity
all cross sections above eight in the experimental data between proximal and distal capillaries in hemodiluted
and above 11 in the model results. This indicates that networks.
hemodilution causes the development of a stronger In spite of the hematocrit increase with generation
positive correlation between hematocrit and flow veloc- number, mean capillary erythrocyte flow decreases
ity along the consecutive complete flow cross sections. from the most proximal to the most distal generations in
Application of the hydrodynamic flow model to the the control situation (Figure 5). This is due to the
experimental data allows the extension of the analysis to dominating effect of the decrease in flow velocity along
parameters requiring the knowledge of volume flow that the arteriolar tree.21 However, the redistribution of red
was not experimentally available. Figure 4 compares the blood cells to long flow pathways effected by hemodilu-
flow-weighted average HD of the blood passing through tion will tend to counteract the effect of flow velocity;
the capillaries and arterioles of a given generation. In hemodilution therefore leads to a reduction of the
both CTRL and DIL groups, the general pattern is longitudinal heterogeneity of red blood cell flow.
similar: the main arterioles of the proximal generations The redistribution of red blood cell flow results from
carry blood with a hematocrit close to the HD inflow. a redistribution of flow velocity and hematocrit to the
These vessels give rise to capillary side branches that benefit of distal capillary generations. This is shown in
exhibit reduced hematocrits caused by phase separa- Figure 6, in which a value of unity indicates that the
tion. As a consequence, the hematocrit increases in the relative change of the respective parameter in the
continuing arteriolar vessel tree. Because this process capillaries of a given generation level equals that found
continues up to the most distal vessel generations, there in the inflow arteriole of the network on hemodilution.
is a substantial hematocrit buildup along the arteriolar For all parameters, the ratios are close to unity for
vessel tree, and the capillaries in the latest generations generations between 9 and 17. This demonstrates that in
1118 Circulation Research Vol 70, No 6 June 1992


z _j

10 15 C
FIGURE 5. Graph showing red blood cell (RBC) flow
(sliding mean+±SEM) in capillaries of a given generation
divided by the average capillary RBC flow (total RBC flow
through the network divided by the number of capillaries in the
network). XX 1.2 t

the intermediate generations of capillaries the changes

of velocity, hematocrit, and red blood cell flow resulting I- T
from hemodilution directly reflect the corresponding
changes in the main feeding vessels. A comparison U.
between proximal and distal capillaries, however, indi-
cates the longitudinal redistribution of red blood cell 0.
and plasma flow. Both flow velocity and HD show
reductions of about 17% in the proximal capillaries
during hemodilution, while the more remote capillary 0.6
segments experience a corresponding increase. As a 0 5 10 15 20 25
Downloaded from by on June 25, 2024

consequence, the relative erythrocyte flow after he- GENERATION

modilution is elevated (approximately +40%) in the FIGURE 6. Graphs showing flow velocity (top panel), dis-
most distal capillaries at the expense (approximately charge hematocrit (HD, middle panel), and erythrocyte
-30%) of the proximal capillaries close to the feeding (RBC) flow (bottom panel) during hemodilution divided by
arteriole. the respective value under control conditions (DIL/CTRL) for
Discussion capillaries of different generations. The ratios obtained were
normalized with respect to the ratio between the respective
The results presented demonstrate that hemodilution parameters in the feeding arterioles (sliding mean±SEM).
leads to a redistribution of red blood cell and plasma to Asterisks indicate significant difference from unity (two-tailed
the various flow pathways through microvascular net- t test, p<0.01).
works, thereby influencing the transfer characteristics of
vascular beds. This in turn affects the residence times
for different blood components in the vessels of a leads to a reduction of individual vessel hematocrit, HT,
network and therefore hematocrits: with hemodilution, relative to the discharge hematocrit, HD. The network
average capillary HT decreases more than H,S,. This is Fahraeus effect, on the other hand, reduces the area-
accompanied by an increase in overall hematocrit het- weighted HD of a complete flow cross section relative to
erogeneity as represented by the coefficient of variation the HD in the feeding arteriole, H,Y,.
(Table 1). These findings contrast with reports in which From in vitro experiments with blood-perfused glass
an increase of HT/H,S was found with decreasing tubes, the vessel Fahraeus effect is known to be more
H,y.13-18They also are at variance with the notion that
the increase of HT/Hy, under hemodilution is combined
pronounced at reduced hematocrits.32,33 This is ex-
plained by the enhanced axial migration of red blood
with a "more uniform spatial distribution of RBC cells.34,35 If these results are applicable to blood flow in
throughout the true capillary level.'3 It is important to vivo, the vessel Fahraeus effect would tend to decrease
investigate the apparent contradiction between these HT/HSs, with hemodilution. The expected influence of
findings and interpretations, since it has been suggested the vessel Fahraeus effect on HT/Hs,, is, however, small.
that a more homogeneous distribution of hematocrit is The network Fahraeus effect is generated by a positive
relevant for the clinical effects of hemodilution.' covariance of flow velocity and hematocrit in the mi-
crovessels constituting a complete flow cross section.36
Hematocrit Distribution The correlation between flow velocity and hematocrit,
The average HT in the capillaries of a microvascular in turn, depends on the extent of phase separation at
network may differ from the inflow or the HYS as a result the diverging arteriolar bifurcations: at a bifurcation,
of two major effects.9'30,31 The vessel Fahraeus effect the daughter branch with the higher volume flow gen-
Pries et al Hemodilution and Flow Distribution 1119

erally receives blood with an increased hematocrit and In reconciling the present study with previous reports
vice versa.2837 This phase separation effect generates a in the literature, a number of possible sources for
positive covariance between hematocrit and flow veloc- discrepancies can be identified. In addition to the
ity in the daughter branches of a bifurcation and also strategy used for selecting vessel segments discussed
among vessels constituting the consecutive flow cross above, the choice of species and tissue, the hemodilu-
sections of a network. The reduction of the mean tion protocol, and the methods used for hematocrit
area-weighted HD normalized with respect to HS,Y by the measurement may be relevant. Preparation technique
network Fahraeus effect therefore increases with the and the hemodilution protocol could also influence
number of branch points passed and shows a maximum changes of vascular tone accompanying the reduction on
at the capillary level (Figure 3). systemic hematocrit, depending on the species and
Earlier investigations have demonstrated that phase tissue used. Such changes, which are absent in the
separation increases with decreasing hematocrit.-83839 present preparation, would influence distribution of red
It can therefore be expected that hemodilution will blood cell flow pathways through microvascular net-
enhance the network Fahraeus effect and increase works by redistribution of volume flow. Finally, the
heterogeneity of hematocrit distribution. The expected intensity of red blood cell aggregation might affect cell
changes are quantitatively described by the flow model plasma separation at microvascular bifurcations and
and are in close agreement with those found in the therefore hematocrit distribution. If hemodilution is
experimental data. This indicates that the experimental carried out with a diluent altering red blood cell aggre-
data presented here for complete networks and their gation, this may introduce additional effects that are not
dependence on systemic hematocrit can be explained by seen in the present experiments with a species that has
the basic rheological mechanisms incorporated into the extremely low red blood cell aggregation tendency.
model, i.e., the Fahraeus-Lindqvist effect and phase
separation at arteriolar bifurcations. Cell Flow Distribution
The obvious discrepancy between the present results In the mesentery, the capillaries of the different
and the majority of data available in the literature may generations are distributed in an onion skin-like pattern
in part be related to the fact that in these studies around an arteriole (Figure 7). Capillaries with high
measurements have been made in a limited number of generation numbers are located in distant regions of the
vessels rather than in complete networks. In larger tissue relative to the input arteriole and vice versa. On
arteriolar vessels, an increase in hematocrit heteroge- average, the pressure gradient per capillary will there-
neity as well as the concomitant decrease in HT/Hsy, fore decrease with increasing generation level. The
after hemodilution might not be found, since phase resulting low flow rate in the distal capillaries also leads
separation is not prominent in vessels of this size.11,14 If, to a low red blood cell flow despite high discharge
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on the other hand, the analysis is based on measure- hematocrits (Figure 5). This distribution of red blood
ments in capillaries,15-18 the selection procedure used cell flows is modified by hemodilution: capillaries of
will have a strong influence on the results.20 In most high generation levels feeding the most distant areas of
experimental situations, exact morphological or topo- the tissue get an increased share of the total red blood
logical information is not available, and therefore the cell flow through the network (Figure 6). Because these
decision whether a vessel segment is considered a vessels exhibit the lowest absolute values of erythrocyte
capillary bears some degree of uncertainty. Specifically, flow in the control state, the redistribution tends to
a nonrandom selection procedure may favor distal cap- homogenize the dispersion of erythrocyte flow to the
illaries because of their low flow velocities, thereby different tissue regions.
leading to an underestimation of the prevalent hetero- The homogenization of red blood cell flow distribu-
geneity. Such an unbalanced selection could also influ- tion to different tissue regions is, however, not accom-
ence the magnitude and even the direction of changes in panied by a reduction of the overall heterogeneity of
the measured parameters with hemodilution. The pre- red blood cell flow in the capillaries. In contrast, the
sent measurements, for example, indicate that a deter- coefficient of variation of red blood cell flow increases
mination of HD/RYS in distal capillaries would suggest during hemodilution (Table 2). Only the "longitudinal"
an increase with hemodilution despite the fact that the component of the coefficient of variation (CV,), i.e., the
overall capillary HD/R,, decreases (Table 1, Figure 6). heterogeneity between proximal and distal capillaries of
Although the discrepancies to previous reports can- a network, decreases on hemodilution. This longitudinal
not be rigorously accounted for, the validity of the heterogeneity is caused by the asymmetrical topological
general conclusion presented in this study for complete structure of the microvascular bed and by the cumula-
networks is supported by the compatibility between tive effect of phase separation at successive bifurcations.
experimental data and modeling results that are based One way to quantify longitudinal heterogeneity is to
on accepted rheological laws. In addition, similar reac- correlate a given parameter determined for all capillar-
tions on hemodilution could be shown for both the ies with their generation numbers and calculate the
topologically defined group of capillaries and for the respective coefficient of correlation. Based on this cor-
subgroup of capillaries with diameters less than 8 ,gm relation coefficient, CV, can be determined from the
(Figure 2). In this morphologically defined subgroup, systematic variance of the parameter X with capillary
which might be more closely related to the capillaries as generation number. As shown in Table 2, the correla-
defined in other studies, the majority (approximately tion coefficient of the correlation between red blood cell
85%) of hematocrit measurements was made by direct flow and generation shifts to less negative values after
cell counting, a method that was also used in most of the hemodilution, leading to a decrease in the absolute
studies cited from the literature. value of the respective correlation coefficient and the
1120 Circulation Research Vol 70, No 6 June 1992


10~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

9 13 20
FIGURE 7. Diagrams of the arteriolar vessel tree in the rat mesentery. Solid lines indicate arteriolar segments; dashed lines
indicate capillaries. Left panel: The generation number of every capillary is given. Right panel: Contour lines have been drawn
to indicate tissue regions supplied by capillaries of the generation numbers indicated at the bottom of the panel.

longitudinal heterogeneity described by CV,. The (between eight and 16), where longitudinal redistribu-
changes in red blood cell flow distribution are due to a tion of red blood cell flow with hemodilution is minimal.
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weaker negative correlation between velocity and gen- The comparatively low number of capillaries with low or
eration corresponding to a decrease in CV,, while in high generation numbers limits the influence of longi-
parallel a more positive correlation between hematocrit tudinal hematocrit redistribution on CV,. However,
and generation is established and the corresponding changes of red blood cell flow in these subgroups of
value for CV, increases.* capillary vessels are functionally relevant, since capil-
The values of CV, are low compared with the overall laries of given generation levels almost exclusively sup-
coefficient of variation, despite the substantial longitu- ply specific tissue regions (Figure 7).
dinal dispersion demonstrated in Figure 6. This reflects The discrepancy between the effects of hemodilution
the uneven frequency distribution of capillary genera- on overall and longitudinal heterogeneity of red blood
tion levels. As shown in Figure 8, the largest number of cell flow shows that an exclusive analysis of global
capillaries is found in the intermediate generation range statistical parameters might miss functionally relevant
phenomena because of the complex relations among
*The absolute values for the coefficient of variation of capillary morphological, topological, and hemodynamic parame-
flow velocity reported here for the rat mesentery are considerably ters within a microvascular network.
higher than the average values of about 0.6 given in the literature In tissues in which adjustments of vascular tone can
for striated muscle.l9.2040 This might be related to differences in occur in response to changes of supply conditions, the
the angioarchitecture of the investigated tissues and to the fact
that in the present study strict topological criteria were used to redistribution pattern described here may be modified.
define capillaries. However, in a number of pathological states such as
TABLE 2. Heterogeneity of Velocity, Hematocrit, and Red Blood Cell Flow in the Capillaries of Three Networks Analyzed Using the
Hydrodynamic Flow Model
Group Velocity HD QRBC Velocity HD QRBC Velocity HD QIIBC
CTRL 1.65±0.74 0.52±0.02 1.97±0.37 -0.44±0.07 0.08±0.14 -0.25±0.14 0.73±0.36 0.07±0.060.52±0.36
DIL 1.62±0.62 0.68±0.07 2.24±0.35 -0.39±0.09 0.18±0.11 -0.16±0.14 0.13+0.09 0.41±0.35
DIIJCTRL 1.01±0.06 1.31±0.10 1.14±0.03 0.89±0.10 1.98+1.05 0.57±0.22 0.89±0.06
2.63±1.47 0.64±0.24
Values are mean±SEM. CV, overall coefficient of variation; r(xiGEN), correlation coefficient for the correlation between the respective
parameter (X) and the generation number; CV,, longitudinal component of coefficient of variation (to calculate CV,, the residual variance
of the parameter X with respect to the generation was subtracted from its overall variance; CV, was then given as the square root of that
longitudinal variance divided by the mean value of X); HD, discharge hematocrit; QRC, red blood cell flow; CTRL, control; DIL, the two
hemodiluted groups.
Pries et al Hemodilution and Flow Distribution 1121

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