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^Beaufort 0rjiljans
Book A
1808 1828-

Wills and Estate Records

Beaufort County, North Carolina

Betty J. Camin
3 23.3

bk. A

Copyright © 1984
Betty J. Carain
All rights reserved

Betty J. Camin
3123 Childers Street
Raleigh, North Carolina

ISBN 0-961U123-0-5
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number - dU- 72476

Printed in the United States of America

by BookCrafters, Chelsea, Michigan
For Betty J. Camin
Introduction to the


Beaufort County, under the name of Pamptecough, was created as a

precinct of Bath County in 1705. Bath County consisted of the territory
south of the Albemarle River and included Wickham (Hyde) and Archdale
(Craven) precincts. The County court sat at Bath Town, and for several
years during the eighteenth century, the Bath Town court represented both
Beaufort and Hyde precincts. The precinct system was superseded in 1739,
and the Beaufort County court met in Bath Town until Washington was made
the county seat in 1785. This explains why some early Hyde wills and deeds
may be found in Beaufort County records.

In March, 1808, Beaufort County began a series of records which are

court clerks' recording dockets popularly known as Orphan Books. These
books include wills and some probate data, inventories of goods and
chattels, accounts of sale of personal property of decedents, documents
relating to the sale of Negroes, debits and credits of estates, guardian
accounts, divisions of estates, and settlements of estates. The Orphan
Books include information not only about the estates of persons who died
with a will but, more importantly, those who died intestate.

The Beaufort County Orphan Books assume special significance when

it is realized that a minority of North Carolinians left a will to
distribute their estates; most died without a will. The Orphan Books,
therefore, contain data not only of the wealthy but also of those of lesser
wealth who did not leave a will.

There is no reason to believe that the Orphan Books of Beaufort

County were started in 1808 because of the reorganization of the superior
court system that took place in 1806. Probate of wills and supervision of
the administration of estates remained a function of the county Court of
Pleas and Quarter Sessions until 1868. There is some indication of wills
probated in Beaufort County prior to 1800 that they had been recorded in an
"Orphan Book," but that record volume has disappeared. Wills proved before
1808 were filed in the county court clerk's office and some time after
about 1860 were entered in a record volume identified as "Old Will Book."
In a few instances, wills that had been recorded in an Orphan Book were re-
recorded in the Old Will Book.

Although important for genealogical research, a transcribed Orphan

Book properly indexed is also of significance for social history of
Beaufort County because of its broad and extensive coverage. The period of
the early Nineteenth Century was important to North Carolina and this
volume gives a social and economic overview that may not readily be
obtained from other sources.

Thornton W. Mitchell
All the Wills and Estate Inventories have been transcribed. The Sale
Accounts, Division of Property and Guardian Accounts have been abstracted
with all names and dates listed in this text. When the Sale Accounts went
on for several pages, any one mans name may appear dozens of times. It is
listed here only once per document.

This book is listed at the North Carolina State Archives in the card file
under the Beaufort County Estate listing, Beaufort County Orphan Books, C.R.

The Superior Court Clerk during the first 135 pages was Thomas Smaw. This
was until May, 1823. In February of 1824 Joseph B. HINTON became the clerk.
These men are not listed in the index each time they recorded a document,
but, only when they were listed within a document.

The original page numbers run down the left side of the text. The index to
this book refers to the numbers at the bottom of the pages.

Some of the unusual spellings and strange letter combinations have been
underlined to point out that this was the proper transcription.

(X) is used to indicate that the person had made their "mark" rather than by
signing of their names. Some of the marks other than (X) have been drawn
into this book.

This has always been one of my favorite series of books in the North
Carolina State Archives and I wanted to bring them to the attention of
people who have research problems in Beaufort County. The huge number of
wills listed in these books is in itself a delight to find. Please search
and enjoy. (All errors excepted.)

Grateful appreciation for the help and advice received from Weynette Haun,
Thornton Mitchell, Margaret Hofmann, Jo White Linn and the staff of the
North Carolina State Archives. Special thanks to my best friend EAC who
took the index and me to the computer and made it work.


Clerk of Superior Court

1808 1328
Book A

Inventory of the Goods, and chattels of Patsey ARMSTRONG deced. March 8th 1808.
1 Note Frederick E. BECTON, & Worry KILPATRICK Security . . £ 250
1 Note again Do 250
1 Note on James & Reading SHEPHERD 150
1 Note on Caswell ARMSTRONG for 61
1 Negro Woman Rose, & Boy Jacob, & Girl Eady
Do. Annis, Do. Ary, one feather Bed & furniture one silk umbrella one trunk
16 Head of Cows & Yearlings. Caswell ARMSTRONG.

An Inventory of the Estate of Samuel ADAMS deced January 8th. day 1808.
200 Acres of Land 2 Pails 1 Dutch Oven
1 Linen Wheel 1 Hone 4 Jugs
1 pair Steelliards 21 Head of Cattles^ 1 Churn
4 Dishes 1 Hand Mill Bells
2 Butter Potts 4 Beds 1 Mans Saddle & bridle
1 pair Iron Wedges 1 Loom & Geer 1 Riding Chair
2 Sheers 1 Candlestick Some Bees
3 Tubs 1 Dozen & half Spoons 1 Dozen Chairs
1 Case of Raisors 2 Pots 1 pair tongs and shovel
some Turners tools 1 Coffee Mill 1 Dozen & half Plates
1 Grindstone 1 Keg 2 Pewter Basons
3 Negros 2 Piggins bridlel Skillet
1 Woolen Do. 1 Hunting Saddle and / 6 Bottles
2 pair Candle Snuffers 1 Plough 2 Tables
1 Case Knives & forks 3 Chests 6 Boxes
3 Kittles 1 Pair flat Irons Some Carpenter tools
5 Hoes 1 Candle Mould 1 Cart
3 Barrels Some Crocory Ware 4 Axes

The Account of Sales of the Property of Sami. ADAMS Deced. sold the 16th of
January 1808. £ S d
2 Plains to Carney MCKEEL . . . . . . 1. 6.
1 Do Wm BAILEY .... . . . 10. 6
1 Lott of Tools John ADAMS .... . . . 1. 6
1 Saw & Sundrys John WINDLEY . . . . . . 2.
Shoe Tools Carney MCKEEL . . . . . . 18.
1 Carpenters Adz John ADAMS . . . 11.
1 Tennant Saw Elijah MIXSON . . . . . . 10.
1 Hone & Raisor Jonathan MARSH. . . . . . 5. 6
1 Lot Chissels Richard REPESS. . . . . . 1. 6
1 Brace & Bitts Abraham ADAMS . . . . . . 2.12.
1 Lot of Sundrys Wm. BAILEY . . . 1.
1 Lot Planes Israel WINDLEY. . . . . . 2. 6
1 Lot Chissels Carney MCKEEL . . . . . . 9.
1 Rounding Knife James LATHAM. . . . . . . 3. 6

1 Box of Sundries . . to Wyriott ORMOND ‘
1 Lot of Sundrys . . Israel WINDLEY 4.6
1 Lot of Do Wyriott ORMOND 1. 6
1 Lathe & Tools . . . John ODEN 2.10.
1 Hand saw Wm. BAILEY 18.
1 Lot Plains .... Robert ODEN 11.
1 Lot Planes .... Richard RESPISS 11.
1 Lot Do Abraham ADAMS 3.6
1 Lot Do Wyriott ARMOND 2.
1 Lot Do Abraham ADAMS 2. 6
1 Lot Do Do. Do 1.
1 Howel & drawing Knife John 0. BOYD 3. 6
1 Lot Do John ODEN 2. 9

1 Lot Sundrys .... to John ADAMS .9
1 Broad Ax John WINDLEY 2.6
1 Club Do Jonathan MARSH 4.
Some wheel timber . . Wyriott ORMOND 1.
1 Gun Barrel Carney MCKEEL 14.
1 Hammer Carney MCKEEL 4.
1 Chest Widow 5.
1 Horse Wm. BAILEY 12.
1 Gun John 0. BOYD 2.4
Nancy ADAMS Extx. £16. 7

Inventory of the Goods, wares and Merchandize of James GRIMES Deceast

one half of the Schoonerl Set Knives & Forks 2 Card Tables
Julia & Salley 2 Rose Blankets 1 Tea Tray
1 Set Bed Curtains 1 Bedstad, Bed & Furn. 1 Milk Pott
2 Tea Cannisters 3 Pillow cases & Towels 1 Wash hand Stand
1200 Bushels Salt 3 Butter Potts & a set & Bason,
1 Toilet & Cover China 1 Beauraw
2 Toilets 1 Trunk 1 pr plated Candlesticks
3 Tea Trays 3 pr. Sheets & 1 Bed 12 Silver Tea Spoons, &
Quilt 1 pr Sugar Nippers
1 Set Window Curtains 1 Dozen Chairs 2 Dining Tables & Covers
1 Pr Candlesticks 6 ^ Dozen ditto 1 Pewter Bason
6 dishes & tureen 2 Potts 2 Tin Pans
1 Tea Tray 1 Cart, & Gear 1 pr. Shovel & Tongs
1 Carpet 1 Trunk 2 Trammels & 1 Grid Iron
1 Griddle 1 dozen Knives & forks 1 Ladle & Gouge
1 pr. Shovel & Tongs 1 Knife Box & 11 Knives 2 Waters & 11 Wine Glasses
1 Horse & forks 13 Plates
1 Bedsted Bed furniture 1 pr Kitchen and Irons 1 pr Decanters
1 Ditto & 2 Spits 1 Gin Case
17 Breakfast Plates 1 Duch Oven 1 do. do.
1 pr. Steeliards 1 Saddle 1 do. do.
1 Spinning Wheel Lot No 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12
Sundry Joiners Tools

1 Tool Chest 1 X Cut Saw 1 Grind Stone & Saw

1 Set Blacksmiths Tools 1 Set Blacksmiths Tools

The Clearings of the Smiths Shop. Sundry Negroes Viz: Man Amos, (man) Jordan,
(Man) Lewis, Boys Aaron & Harry, Woman Millis & two children. Viz: Charlotte &
Venue, Girl Binah,
Notes: There is one half of a New Vessel now on the Stocks, said to be built
jointly betwixt James GRIMES & William WORSLEY should it appear on examination
to be the Case, then the one half will belong to this Estate.
Errors Excepted. Washington 1st. June 1808. William ROSS, Admr.

An Inventory of the Estate of John BREWEN Deed, taken at Washington the 10th day
of Deer. 1807

1 Loose Coat, 2 Hats, 1 pr. Boots, 2 ditto Shoes, 1 Umbrella 1 pr. Bellowses, 1
J peces, 5 Hankershiefs, 1 Morning Gound, 4 Vests, 2 Window Curtains, 3 Sheets,
2 Short Jackets, 2 Coats, 4 pr. Stockings, 2^ yards Homspun, 1 Watch. 1 Bottle,
Snuff, 4 phiels, 1 pr. Suspenders, 1 Small looking glass, 6 pocket Knives, 4 old
pocket Books, 1 pr. Specticles Amount Book, 1 Chest tools, 1 parcel Ship bread,
2 Shoe brushes. Some old barrels 1 pece Bare Mettle, some Salt some pease 1 old
tea Kittle, 1 Earthen pan, 2 Iron bolts, 2 Chairs, 1 Table, 1 bottle Ind
Jon’a WRIGHT Adm.
An Account of the perishable part of the property of Henry KERMON Dec’d sold at
Vendue 25th March 180-
1 Bedstead Bed & furniture. ... to Nancy KERMON 5 - -
1 Linen Wheel Do. 1
1 Chest & Woollen Wheel Do. 10
1 pr. Cards, 4 Chairs Do. 4
1 Lot of Earthen Ware Do. 13
1 Lot of Wooden Ware Do. 10
1 Plough and tackle Do. 17
1 ditto ditto Do. 11
2 Hoes, 2 Axes Do. 7
3 Raw Hides William ADAMS 1 9 6
1 Loom and Sleigh Nancy KERMON 6
1 Gun Isaac EDWARDS 1 -
2 Sheep William ADAMS 1 18
2 Cows and Yearlings Haney KERMON 9 11
1 Mare briddle & Saddle Do. 15 1
1 Keg George GERRARD 1
£ 38 1 0
The foregoing is a true Account of the Sales of the foregoing property -

An Inventory of the Estate of the late Abraham SPRING Oct'r 21st 1807,
2 Feather Beds 1 Dish 2 Honey tubs
1 Linen Wheel 2 Chests 4 Chairs
2 Woolen Do. 2 Cases 1 Axe
5 Plates 2 Working tubs 3 Hoes
Half Bushel 2 Bowls 1 Bedstead
3 Knives, & forks 1 Shoe Bench 1 Canoe
1 Plough 2 Pots 1 Kettle
1 Pan 1 gun shot bag & Hornl Table
1 pair of Wedges 1 Box 1 Breadtray

1 Lot of old Barrels 1 Spider 1 Iron Trammel & Hooks
1 Saw & Drawing Knife 1 Chest with some 1 Cowpers Ad'dz
1 Bell Lumberment-

Account of Sales of the Estate of the late Abraham SPRING, Oct. 30th 1807-
Bed & furniture 7 Aron SPRING
Do. Do. 4 15 James EVERITT
Linen Wheel & Wooling Do. 2 6 Aron SPRING
Plates 4 Rich'd LANDING
Dish 4 6 Arthur BRUFFIT
Chest 1 4 Aron SPRING
Case 15 Littleton POTTER
Washing Tub 6 Aron SPRING
Honey Tub 8 Do Do.
Chairs 10 Joseph CAMPEN
Axe 6 6 David WATSON
Hoes 8 Joseph CAMPEN
half Bushel 1 6 William FUNNEL
Bowl 1 6 Richard LANDEN
Knives & forks 8 James EVERETT
1 Shoe Bench 1 Aron SPRING
1 Canoe 1 10 Do Do.

1 Plough 2 6 Aron SPRING

1 Pot 17 6 Henry SLADE
1 Kettle 6 6 Aron SPRING
1 Pan 10 6 Richard LANDEN
1 Dish 4 Arthur BRUFFETT
1 Chest 5 John CLARK
1 Case 3 William FUNNEL
1 Washingtub 2 6 Richard LANDEN
2 Piggins 2 6 Samuel PATE
1 Pot 18 Aron SPRING
1 Pot trammel & drawing Knife 5 William FUNNEL
1 Gun & Powder Horn 2 Do. Do.
1 Table 9 6 Aron SPRING
1 Pair of Wedges 8 Samuel PATE
1 Boat 1 6 Arthur BRUFFETT
1 Lot of Barrels 5 William FUNNEL
1 Spider 5 Charles LEWIS
1 Handsaw 1 William FUNNEL
1 Chest & Sundries 1 Aron SPRING
1 Bell 7 6 Benjamin BRANDY
1 Bell 5 James EVERETT
1 Cow & Calf 4 1 Aron SPRING
1 Do. Do. 4 Do. Do.
1 Young Do. Do. 4 5 Littleton POTTER
1 Pheifer 2 15 James EVERETT
1 Stear 3 1 Aron SPRING
1 Pheifer 2 10 James EVERETT
1 Sow & Pigs 1 11 Littleton LANDEN
1 Barrow 1 10 Do. Do.
2 Sows 3 6 Aron SPRING
2 Do. 3 6 6 Charles LEWIS

2 Barrows 10 Aron SPRING
The residue of Said Mard 2 6 Do. Do.

An Inventory of the Estate of Caleb HOOTEN Deed’d

Money 122 Dollars 8 shilling - Brantons Note £5.2 - Francis D. WITHERINGTONS Note
£23.10.8 - John FAULKNERS Note 125 Dollars - Daniel POWELS Note 25 - Dollars. 4
Beds & furniture, three Steds & Cards - three tables, 2 Chests, 3 Looking Glasses
1 Gun, 1 pair of Smoothing Irons, 1 Slay, 1 Box Iron, 1 Set of double harness, 1
Set Net, 1 Net line, 1 pair of Sheep Shares, 3 Candlesticks, 4 Winsor Chairs, 5
frame Chairs 11 Pewter Plates, 12 Earthen, 3 Dishes, 2 Basons, 1 lot of Tea ware
2 Decanters, 2 Tumblers, 1 Wine glass, 4 measures, 1 Coffee Mill, 3 Woolen Wheels
2 Linen sheets, 1 Loom, 1 Frumpet, 1 wheel Spindle, 1 Coffee Pot, 1 Dish, & Bread
Boat, 1 Tea Pot, 1 funnel, 1 pair Candle Moles, 2 Tea Cannesters, 1 Water, 1
Caster, 2 Butter, Pots, 4 Jugs, 1 Case & Bottles, 2 Handsaws, 2 Trunks, 2 Pair
Leading lines, 1 Case & Rasors, Some spun stuff, some lead, 3 Gimblets, 2 files
1 Baul of twine, 452th Cotton, 7 Head of Horses, 2 Bridles, 1 Saddle, 53 Barrels
^ Bushel Corn, 5 Yards Drab Cloth, some buttons, 41 yard brown Hollon 17 Yards
linen, some Homespun, 2 Yoke of Oxen, 3 Carts, 3 Raw Hydes, 2 Sows, 15 Pigs, 7
Yards Callico, 5 Ploughs, 3 Pair of trases, 11 Hoes, 16 Books, 1 Lot of Sundries
1 Chair Box, 2 pair fire dogs, 2 towels, 2 Pots, 1 Skillet, 2 Tea Kittles, 1 Pot
Trammel, 2 Kegs, 1 Camp Kittle, 1 Dutch oven, 1 pan, 2 Tubs, 2 pails, 1 Pair Iron
Wedges, 2 Grubing Hoes, 6 axes, 1 Pair Handmill Stones, 1 Slate, 1 Sugar Can, 3
pair Cards, Coopers tools, 1 Wire Sifter, 1 Wheat Sieve, 1 Hackle, 1 Steel Trap.
1 Ox Chain, 1 Grindstone, 1 Tin Trunk, 6 Bushels peas, 7 Barrels, Some Meal,
Bag Some Salt, 1 pair of Hame, 1 Carpenters Adz, 1 Auger, 1 Cross Cut Saw, 1 bar
of Steel, 3 Pair Plough Harness, 1 bucket, 1 Sugar Box, 1 Earthen Pot & soap, 1
pair Steelcards, some flax seed, 1 plow, 4 barrels, 1 Tray, 4 tubs, 1 Cradle, 1
pair pot Hooks, some Knives & forks
Caleb H00T0N
Joseph (H) HOOTEN
Account of sales of the property of Caleb HOOTEN Deceast taken place March 30th
1808- £ S D
1 Bed & furniture To Salley HOOTEN 21 11 -
1 Bedstead & Cord Do. 1 2 6
1 Bed & furniture Joseph HOOTEN 10 5 6
1 Stead & Cord Sam'l PATE 7 6
1 Bed & furniture Sarah HOOTEN 16 - -
1 Cord & Stead Do. Do. 1 - -
1 Bed & furniture Do. Do. 6 - -
1 Table Christopher MASON 4 - 1
1 Do. Gideon MASON - 11 8
1 Do. Salley HOOTEN - 17 -
1 Chest Joseph HOOTEN - 14 6
1 Do. Jesse ROBINSON - 7 6
1 Looking Glass Do. Do. - 16 -
1 Do. Do. Do. Do. - 16 -
1 Do. Do. Salley HOOTEN - 6 1
1 Gun Caleb HOOTEN - 14 -
1 pr Smoothing Irons Joseph HOOTEN - 12 -
2 Slays Salley HOOTEN - 16 -
2 Do. Joseph HOOTEN - 11 -
2 Do. Arthur BRUFFETT - 8 -

1 Box Iron William FARRIS - 6 6
1 Lot of double Harness Arthur BRUFFETT - 1 2
1 Do. Do. Do. Sarah HOOTEN - 4 6
1 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. - 3 6
1 Do. Arthur BRUFFETT - 8 -
1 Set Net Arthur DAVIS 1 6 -
1 Do. Do. Do. 1 17 6
1 Net Line William HARDY 10 6
i pr Sheep Shares David PIERS - 2 6
1 Candlestick William HOOTEN - 3 -
1 Do. Salley HOOTEN - 3 6
4 Winsor Chairs Johniah BENNETT 1 2 6
5 Frame Do. Sarah HOOTEN - 13 -
6 Plates, 1 Dish Arthur DAVIS - 13 3
6 Do. Caleb HOOTEN - 5 6
3 Do. Arthur DAVIS - 3 6
1 Lot Earthen ware Sarah HOOTEN - 12 -
6 New Pewter Plates Caleb HOOTEN - 13 -
1 Do. Salley HOOTEN - 13 -
1 Dish William HOOTEN - 5 6
1 Plate Arthur DAVIS - 1 -
1 Bason Elizabeth CAMPEN - 5 -
2 Decanters, 2 glass tumblers Arthur BRUFFETT - 10 1
Wine Glass Caleb HOOTEN - 8 -
1 Coffee Mill Christopher MASON - 9 6
1 Wooling Wheel Joseph HOOTEN - 13 3
1 Do. Do. William HOOTEN 2 - -
1 Do. Do. William FARRIS - 9 -
1 Linen Wheel William HARDY 1 10 7
1 Do. Do. James CAMPEN - 5 -
1 Loom Joseph HOOTEN 1 - -
1 Trumpet Nathaniel POTTER - - 7
1 Wheel Spindles Joseph ^JARNER - 1 7
1 Coffee Pot David COMPEN - 2 -
1 Dish, 1 Bread Board William HARDY - 7 -
Wine Barow Burage LINTON - 8 6
1 Tea Pot Arthur DAVIS - 1 -
1 Funnel James BEASLEY - 1 -
1 pr Candle Moles Thomas ALDERSON - 1 -
1 Tea Cannister & Pot Arthur DAVIS - 6 -
1 Waiter & Caster Burrel LINTON - 9 6
2 Butter Pots Littleton POTTER - 10 -
2 Jugs William HARDY - 5 -
2 Do. William FARRIS - 10 -
1 Case & Bottles James MASON - 2 -
1 Handsaw Nathaniel POTTER - 10 6
1 Trunk Salley HOOTEN - 1 -
1 Do. Littleton LANDEN - 10 -
2 Pr. Leading lines Cullen HUDNAL - 2 6
1 Case & Rasor Samuel PATE - 2 -
Some Spun Cotten William HARDY - 12 6
1 Piece lead William ROLER - 8 2
3 Gimlets James EVET - 4 -
2 Handsaw Files Do. Do. - 1 -
Joseph HOOTEN - C -
1 Bawl Twine

50 lb. Cotten Hillery WHITEHURST1 12 6
50 Do. James MASON 1 10 6
50 Do. Sam11 PATE 1 10 -

50 Do. Cullen HUDNAL 1 10 -

50 Do. Sam;l PATE 1 10 -

50 Do. Salley HOOTEN 1 10 9
50 Do. Thomas ALDERMON 1 10 -

1 Bay Mare Do. Do. 50 2 -

1 Horse Figure David PEARS 17 2 -

Young Bay Mare Arthur DAVIS 46 - -
1 Mare William HARDY 50 - -
1 Black Abner NORMAN 47 15 6
1 Young Horse Hillery WHITEHURST
35 10 -
Sorrel Mare Axum LANIER 22 - -

1 Bridle Do. Do. - 8 -

1 Saddle Arthur DAVIS 4 - -
5 Barley Corn 31/6 Sam * 1 BAILEY 7 17 6
5 Do. 327- Caleb HOOTEN 8 - -
5 DO. 34/6 William FOSQUE 8 12 6
5 Do. 327- William HOOTEN 8 - -
5 Do. 32/6 Sam’1 PATE 8 2 6
5 Do. 32/6 Do. 8 2 6
5 Do. 327- Christopher MASON 8 - -
5 DO. 32/2 Caleb HOOTEN 8 - -

5 Do. 30/2 Joseph HOOTEN 7 10 10

5 Yards Drab Cloth - Caleb HOOTEN 2 10 10
Trimming Caleb HOOTEN - 10 -
17 Yards Linen Salley HOOTEN 5 12 -
Lot of Homespun Do. Do. 3 5 -
1 Do. Do. Do. Do. - 17 6
1 Yoke Oxen & Cart Caleb HOOTEN 17 18 6
1 Do. Salley HOOTEN 17 17
1 Bell Do. Do. 15
3 Hydes William FARRIS 11
2 Bells Littleton POTTER 8
2 Sows & 13 Pigs Caleb HOOTEN
1 YOung Pattern Salley HOOTEN 6
1 Plough & 2 p of Geer Joseph HOOTEN 3
1 Bar Plough & Swingle tree Caleb HOOTEN 10
1 Weeding Hoe Jesse ROBERSON 11
CT' O''

Do. James CAMPEN 15

Do. William HOOTEN 9
Do. Joseph HOOTEN 17
Do. Caleb HOOTEN 2
Do. Do. 2
1 Plough Salley HOOTEN 11
1 Desk Joseph BRUTON 10
1 lot of Books Abishae PRITCHETT 15
Do. Thomas JORDON
Do. Sarah HOOTEN 5
Do. Caleb HOOTEN 7
Do. William FARRIS
1 Lot Sundries Thomas JORDON 16
2 Towels Sarah HOOTEN

-7 -
1 Chair Box Sarah HOOTEN 5
1 p. of f_ire Jesse ROBERSON 1
1 Do. Sarah HOOTEN 16 6
1 Pot Do. 10
1 Skillet Salley HOOTEN 2 6
1 Tea Kettle Sam'l PATE 5
1 Trammel Caleb HOOTEN 8
1 Keg Joseph HOOTEN 2 6
1 Kettle William HOOTEN 8
1 Keg Joseph HOOTEN 5
1 Pot & Hooks Caleb HOOTEN 13
1 Dutch Oven Abishae PICKITT 1
1 Pan Joseph HOOTEN 1
1 Swingle Tree Do. 1 3
2 Tubs & Pail Salley HOOTEN 1
1 Piggin Do. Do. 5
1 Pair Wedges Caleb HOOTEN 5
1 Ax & Grubing Hoe Joseph HOOTEN 17 6
1 Do. Do. Do. 1 2 6
1 Ax Caleb HOOTEN 7
2 Do. Do. Do. 8 1
2 Do. Thomas JORDAN 5
1 p. Mill Stones Caleb HOOTEN 2 1
1 Slate Do. Do. 2 6
1 Sugar Can, 2 p. Cards A. DAVIS 1
Coopers Tooles Joseph HOOTEN 13
Sif ter Do. Do. 1 9
1 Wheat Riddle William FARRIS 2

1 Hackle Salley HOOTEN 5
1 Steel Trap Jesse ROBINSON 2
1 Ox Chain William FARRIS 15
1 Grindstone Caleb HOOTEN 1 5
1 Jug Jesse ROBINSON 4
1 Tin Trunk Joseph HOOTEN 11
3 Bushels Peas Caleb HOOTEN 18
3 Do. Do. Abishae PRITCHETT 18
O' O' O' O'

1 Barrel & Meal Salley HOOTEN 7

1 Bag & Meal Caleb HOOTEN 7
1 Barrel & Salt Joseph HOOTEN 16
1 pr. Cotten Cards Salley HOOTEN 1
1 pr. Hames William HARDY 6
1 pr. Geer Caleb HOOTEN 2
1 pr. Hames & Addz A. BRUFFETT 5
1 Auger Jesse ROBERSON 5
1 Cross Cut Saw J. ROBERSON & C.
1 Bar of Steel Caleb HOOTEN 9
3 Plough Harnes James MASON 3 6
1 Busket & Box Salley HOOTEN 3 6
1 Horse Cart Joseph HOOTEN 3 2-
1 Lot of Spun Stuff A. BRUFFETT 18

1 Lot Spun Stuff Salley HOOTEN
1 Do. Caleb HOOTEN
1 Pot & Soap William HOOTEN

1 pt Steellcards Jesse ROBERSON 1 1 -
1 Barrel & flax Seed Caleb HOOTEN - 5 -
3 Barrels & ^ Bushel Corn William HOOTEN 4 10 -
1 Lock Caleb HOOTEN - 13 6
1 Fron Do. Do. - 6 -
1 Bowl & PLate Joseph HOOTEN - 7 -
1 Eye of a Plough Caleb HOOTEN - 5 -

1 Tray William HOOTEN - 4 -

1 Can Salley HOOTEN - 4 6
3 Barrels Caleb HOOTEN - 4 6
1 Do. Joseph HOOTEN - 1 -
1 Do. William HOOTEN - 1 -
1 Do. Caleb HOOTEN - 1 -
2 Tubs Do. Do. - 6 6
2 Do. S. HOOTEN - 1 6
1 Handsaw & Cradle William HOOTEN - 1 -
2 Shotes Caleb HOOTEN - 10 -
1 Half Bushel John HOOTEN - 6 -
1 pr. Pot Hooks Salley HOOTEN - 3 -
2C) lb. Cotton Joseph HOOTEN - 14 3
2CI lb. Do. John HOOTEN - 14 -

Caleb HOOTEN & ^ A am

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A true Inventory of Jesse Blounts property Deceast June 7th 1809

One Hundred & Eighty Acres of Land , One Negroe Man, one Ho^se, four Head of
Cattle, one Silver Watch, one Case of Pistols, one Gun, one Saddle & Bridle, one
Violen, one Hundred & forty five Dollars in Notes and Accts.
State of North Carolina)
Beaufort County ) Let it be remembered that on the Eighth day of this
Month about seven or eight Oclock in the evening on board of the Sloop George
Washington at Sea on a Voyage from Charlestown South Carolina, to the Port of
Washington, in this State James HOYT Supercargo of the said Vessel and resident
of the town last above mentioned in his sound sess Came to William FEEK Captain
of this vessel aforesaid in the presence of Captain MAY, Peter WILLIAMSON and
others and told him that he the said James HOYT was going to die and that he
should never arrive at the said Port of Washington, and requested Captain FISK
to bear Witness, that it was his the said James HOYTS Will and desire that his
brother Eli HOYT should out of his the said James HOYTS property pay off what-
ever he the said James might be in debt to Lewis LERROY, and the balance of his
the said James HOYTS property of every description it was his Will and desire
should go to his said brother Eli HOYT for his exclusive use and benefit and
about one Oclock the Next Morning, the said James HOYT Jumped over board and was
drowned. . .
William FEEKS

Personally appeared before me William FEEKS, and Peter WILLIAMSON made oath on
the Holy evangilist of almighty God, that the above instrument is Just & Correct
according to the declarations made by James HOYT above mentioned. June 18th 1808

- 9-
In the Name of God, Amen - I Isaac WARTERS Senior of the County of Beaufort &
State of NQrth Carolina do Make constitute & ordain this to be my last Will and
testament revoking all others heretofore made by me and as for what few worldly
goods I now possess I give and leave them in the manner and form as follows - -
Let it be understood, I give unto my well beloved wife - Pressila WARTERS one Bed
and furniture and at her death to my grand daughter Creara ROBERSON, - Also to
wife, one Cow and Calf, and one Chest - I Give my son Isaac WARTERS one Bee Hive,
also my stock of cattle in Hyde County. I give unto my son Isaac WARTERS, James
WARTERS, and Edward ROBERSON Share and Share alike. I give my daughter Lottie
ROBERSON one Bed and furniture. - I give to my grandson James ROBERSON fifty
Acres of land where his father Edward now lives I give to my son James WARTERS
all my land lying on the North side of Pungo Swamp, & Joining the run of said
Swamp, for a Compliment of two hundred Acres be the same more or less. - I give
my daughter Fanney WARTERS one Bed and furniture, one Cow & Calf. - I give my
daughter Prissella WARTERS one Bed and furniture, one Cow and Calf. - I give my
son Thomas WARTERS Two hundred Acres of land Containing the manner plantation be
the same more or less. I give my House to my Wife, and son Thomas for the use
of the plantation as he is at this time. - I give my grandson Ransom WARTERS one
Ewe and Lamb - and all the ballance of my Estate I leave to be sold to pay my
just debts and school my son Thomas WARTERS. - And let it be understood that my
wish and desire is that my friend Moses CUTLER Senior and Robert CUTLER Junior
be my executors to this my last Will and testament whereof I have set

my hand and seal this fifth day of May in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight
hundred and Eight. Isaac WARTERS (seal)

In the Name of God, Amen, I Richard ARCHBELL of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina being in a perfect State of health, and of sound disposing mind
and memory, am now about to go a voyage to Sea, and knowing the uncertainty of
life, and the many dangers that a person is exposed to when on the Sea, I deem it
necessary to expose of what worldly goods it has pleased almighty God to indow
me with, first recommending my Soul to Almighty God, and then as follows - Viz -
I give unto my brother Samuel ARCHBELL my plantation whereon my brother John now
lives, also my chest, and cloaths to my brother Samuel ARCHBELL and my desire is
if my said brother Samuel ARCHBELL Should die before he comes of age, or without
lawful issue that the before mentioned property Should be equally divided between

my three after named sisters Mary ARCHBELL & Francis ARCHBELL and Elizabeth
ARCHBELL - Also I desire that all my unmentioned property may be equally divided
between my three before named Sisters, and I do appoint my friend John CUTLER
Senr. executor to this my last Will and testament disanuling and revoking all
others provided. I shall return again, this to be void and of no effect other-
wise to be in full form and virtue in testamony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal this 31st day of July in the year of our Lord 1807.
Witnesses Richard ARCHBELL (Seal)
Robert CUTLER Sen'r.
Francis CUTLER
I Bryan_BLOUNT_of_the~County~of_Beaufort-and-State-of-North-CaroTina-Bo_ma^:e and
ordain this my last Will and testamont in manner and form following (to wit)
First I give and bequeath unto my son Miles a certain part of the land, whereon

I now live, beginning at the middle of the June Beach at the old landing runing
up the middle of the Now using path to Cherry Tree Stump on the Hill, then a
Straight line through my dwelling plantation to the head of a Small drain making
out of the branch I live on a little below the Orchard in a Skirt of Woods then
down the same to the branch, then down said branch to a pine this Corner Tree
of the Land I purchased of Reading BLOUNT, then with that main run of the branch
agreeable to the Deed for said Land including one Acre of Land mentioned in said
Deed on the South side of said branch near the swamp or last high land to the
Hollowing Point Creek, then with that and the main Creek to the June Beach the
begining I also give to my son Miles a Piece of Land lying on the South side of
the main Road bounded by the Road on the North the Great branch & BLACKLEDGES
line on the West Nath'l BLOUNTS line on the South and the common (present) using
path from my House to Math'l BLOUNTS on the East. - Also I give to my son Miles
as much Land across the End of my present new ground the West End thereof as will
make a Sufficient Cart Road from the Main Road to the branch on which the new
ground lies - I also give to my son a piece of Wood Land in the Fork begining at
the first Corner of my New Ground fence after Crossing the Swing Bridge on the
path from the quarter running thence with the Side of a Pond near that place down
to John G. BLOUNTS line, then with his line which is on the side of the Pond up
to the aforesaid path & with the path to the begining - I also give to my son
Miles four Negros namely Abram and his Wife Phillis, and their youngest child
Pillis, and a Negro Girl named Phillis daughter of Floid Also I give to my son
Miles one tenth part of my stock of Cattle, one fourth part of my stock of Hogs,
one fifth part of all my sheep, my Horse Jack, my best briddle and saddle, My
Still, with the worm and Cap, that belongs to it, one half of all my Casks, and
binns - I also give to my son Miles one half of my front of the great Island of
Marsh lying a Cross the Creek opposite my beach. - I also give him one fourth
part of my , all of which Land, Negros and everything Else above mentioned
I give to my son Miles and his heirs forever. - and further I give to my son
Miles, twenty five barrels of Corn, Sixty bushels of Peas, one third of which is
to be of the white kind, and twenty five hundred weight of blade fodder - And I
lend unto my Son Miles one half acre of Ground including the family burying
ground during his natural life, then to decend as a lone to the Next Mate, heir
of my body, and so on provided they continue on the plantation or parts adjoining
to the branch of my family hereby Strictly injoining those and every of them
into whose care as of right it may come to use, and respect the place with all
that decency due to so Ancient a burying place of our family — I lend unto my
beloved Wife Sarah during her natural life all the remaining part of the Land and
Plantation whereon I now live not before given to Miles, and also all the remain-
ing part of my front of the great Island of Marsh Not given to Miles - I also
lend unto her my beloved Wife during her natural life the Remaining part of my
fork plantation not given to Miles - thirdly I give and bequeath to my son Read-
ing BLOUNT all the said Lands lent to my wife provided he shall have arrived at
the age of twenty one years but in case he should never arrive at the age of
twenty one years or Marry and have lawful heir of his body then after the decease
of my Wife and him the said Reading - I give the Land wherein I live to my son
Miles if living, and if otherwise to my son Joseph - I also give my plantation
Land in the fork in Case Reading should not possess it after the decease of wife
as above unto my son Joseph if living, otherwise unto my son Miles, for I wish
it understood that my son Reading Either by arriving at age of twenty one years
or by Lawful heir of his body, be entitled to the Lands I give unto my son
Joseph and his heirs for ever, my part of the cypress swamp which is in dispute
between myself and SIMPSON also all my Lands not before mentioned wheresoever to
be found, to him and his Heirs forever Except that a Right I have in the Fork by
a new pattent should cover any part of The Land now claimed by the Heirs of

Joseph BLOUNT Decs't lying in sandy Hook, and prove a better Right than the one
henow has there.

In that case it is my will that, that be given up to him, as for as Respects the
said Claim.
December the 24th A.D. 1807
Test Tho's H HALL Bryan BLOUNT (Seal)

Inventory of the property of Benjamin W. KEEL Dec'd 12 June 1808 -

1 Riding chair, 1 Cart and tacklin. 1 Riding mare 1 Colt, 5 Head of cattle. 2
Hogs, one bed and furniture, one Lining wheal. three Trunks. one shad net. or\e
Barrel, Two work Baskets two carpets, one pair Pistoles, fore Head of sheap, one
pair belles. two casses, one woollen wheel. two Chairs, one table, one pair fire
do . . one Gun Barrel, one Grin stone, two axes, 2 hows, two Plougs, two jugs,
two Bottles. two Empty barrels, two butter potts, two Iron potts, one duch oven,
one Pott. one pale. one wheels, one bread tray. - two waters, two bread baskets,
seven plates, one desk, one candlestick, and sniffers, one coffeemill ^ doz Knives
& forks, one crib for Child. five Head of Hogs.

Acct of sales of The property of Ben McKEEL Dec'd June 23rd 1808.
one Riding Chair To Jono. WRIGHT $10.00
one Cart & tacklin to Jessee ELLIOT 6.00
one Mair to Mary McKEEL 40.00
one yearling Colt to Carney McKEEL 12.50
one Cow an calf to Mary McKEEL 13.00
one Cow to Mr. PELLEY 3.25
one Cow to Rhody KNOWES 6.00
one Yearling to Carney McKEEL 4.00
two Hogs to Rhody KNOWES 6.00
One Bed and furniture - to Mary McKEEL 20.00
One Linen wheel to Do. Do 5.75
one Trunk to Carney McKEEL 5.60
one shad net to Wm. PERKINS 00.10
one Barrel to Mary McKEEL 00.15
two work baskets to Do 00.05
two Carpets Do 5.00
one pr. pistoles to Axen LENIRE 5.75
fore sheap to Wm. PELLEY 5.00
one Trunk to Mary McKEEL 1.00
one trunk to Ale HARVEY 2.00
one pr. Belles and case to Wm PERKINS 1.50
one woolen wheel to Carney McKEEL 2.30
two chairs and Tea table to Carney McKEEL 2.00
one pr. fire dogs and shovel to Mary McKEEL 2.35
two pitchers & gun barrel to Wm PERKINS 00.60
two howes to Carney McKEEL 1.30
one plow to Carney McKEEL 00.75
one plow to Wm. PERKINS 1.00
two Jugs to Carney McKEEL 00.26
two bottles Jas. BEASLEY 00.50

two Empty Barrels to Wm. PERKINS two butter pts. . . 00.20
one Iron pot to Mary McKEEL 3.00

one small Iron pot to Mary MCKEEL $ 1.10
one dutch oven and skillet do. do. 2.00
one pott and pale & H.saw to Jas. BEASLY . . 00.90
one wheel and one tray Carney McKEEL .... 00.20
one Duch case to Mary McKEEL 5.25
one Tea board and crockery to do. do. . . 6.00
one Water pale two Bread baskets to do. . . 00.60
seven plates one dish to Mary McKEEL .... 00.70
one Candlestick & snuffers to do 00.25
one coffee Mill to 00.30
^ doz knives & forks to do 00.25
one crib for Child to do 1.20
two Piggs to do 1.00

In the name of God Amen I William KEARS of the County of Beaufort and state of
North Carolina, being in sound mind and memory do made and ordain this my last
will and Testament as follows, - - I lend to my wife - Salley H KEARS the Lot
and Improvements, No. 4 in old town, and that part, of Lot No. 10 which includes
The Kitchen from the Striat to the bottom of the Lott, and a tract of Land lying
on the herring run, which I purchased of Henry, Joseph and Nathan BONNER during
her life - I likewise lend to my wife Sally H KEARS all my other property of
every denomination during her widdowhood, or until my Children arrives at the
age of -
twenty one years, when either of those periods arrive I then will that my Town
Lotts and all my Land except the Lott & Land before Lent to my wife, be Equally
divided among my cheldren, which I give to them and their Heirs forever. - The
rest of my property of every Denomination whatever, I give to my wife and children
Equally to them and their heirs for Ever, - It is my desire that at my wife will
have the use of the whole of my Estate during her widdowhood, or untill my child-
ren arrives at age, that she school and provide for them as long as she continues
to hold the whole of the property - and I constitute and appoint my wife sally H.
KEARS Executrix to this my last will and Testamint, In Witness whereof I have
hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 30th day of January 1808
Signed in presence of us) William KEARS (Seal)
Henry R. KEARS
B and any of my children which may be hereafter born are to be considered by
oters in the manner

as if born before the date of the above will October 24th 1808
Henry K Kears William KEARS
Edward QUIN

Washington No Carolina 28th 1809

In the name of god amen,
I Lenuel H. ROUNDTREE being of full age and in a perfect state of mind do make
and ordain this my last will and testament Viz, - -
I give and bequeath to my loving Brother (on my mothers side) Thomas BRYAN all
and everything belonging to me both, real and personal, after my demise, he pay-
ing and settling all my Just debts. Witness my hand and seal the day and date
first above written,
signed sealed and delivered in the presence of -
James REDMOND Lemuel (H) ROUNDTREE (Seal)
In The name of God Amen I Edward VAN DANIEL of Beaufort County and state of North
Carolina being in perfect mind and sound memory do constitute and appoint this to
be my last will and Testament and do Revoke all others, I first recomend my soul
to God that gave it my Body to desently buried and uching my worldly Estate as
follows, first to my son James DANIL I give one bed and furniture next to my son
Arthur DANIL I give one bed and furniture next to my son Edward DANIEL I give five
shillings next to my son Peter DANIEL I give two Hundred acres of Land next to my
Daughter Elisabeth DANIEL I give one bed and furniture one Loom and gear one
horse bridle and Saddle and two wheels one half of my dwelling house during her
singalasity and all of my other property to be Equally divided between Winifred
ROSS James DANIEL Arther DANIL Mary HARRIS Elisabeth DANIEL my children in witness
whereof I Edward DANIL after this my last will and testament set my Hand and seal
this third day - of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and
seven I also leave James DANIEL and Peter DANIL to - - Execute my will,
Hosea GAYLORD Edward _ (X) DANIL

Account sales of all The personable part of the Estate of old ELLISON Decs'd,
sold the 9th July 1808

30 £ S £ S
1 side board Aldison ELLISON 7 10 0 1 Small Look.GlassAld. ELLISON 1 1A -
1 Large table Charles LATHAM 1 5 0 1 Do. Lucretia ELLISON 0 16 0
1 Small do. Lucretea ELLISON - 10 0 1A Chairs Aid ELLISON A 0 0
1 pr. Looking glass Aid. ELL.7 10 0 1 Bead & furnit. DO 8 1A 0
1 Bed & furnit Henry SHAW 7 10 0 1 Bead & beadsted T. ELLISON 1 7 0
1 Do. Do. Lucretia ELLISON1 10 0 1 Trunk Thos. ALDERSON 1 0 0
1 sett knives forks " 0 5 0 1 Lott crockware L ELLISON 0 10 0
1 pr. flat Irons " 0 10 0 1 pr. flat Irons do. 0 10 0
1 duck oven " 0 7 6 1 large Pott do. 0 7 0
1 pott trammel " 0 15 0 1 spider do. 0 00 8
1 lott wooden ware " 0 2 6 1 sett casters Thomas ELLISON 0 15 0
1 Horse " 15 10 0 1 Horse Aid ELLISON 25 00 0
1 Yoak oxen Aid ELLISON 10 0 0 1 Cow & calf Lucretia ELLISON 9 15 0
1 Cow & calf Lucretia ELLIS0N6 0 0 1 Cow & yearling do. 6 1 0
1 Cow Aid ELLISON A 17 6 1 Cow & yearling Wm.B.ELLISON A 17 6
1 Blacksmith tool Wm. B. ELLISON 1 Riding chair Thos. ELLISON 6 11 0
15 10 6 1 Bed James ELLISON 5 0 0
1 Cart Riding chair Thos. ELLISON 1 grind stone Aid ELLISON 1 0 6
A 1 0 1 Ax Aid ELLISON 0 13 0
1 bar plow Thomas McMAH 10 6 1 bar plow Aid ELLISON - 13 -
203 17 8
Negro Hire for six months
Jacob Aid ELLISON 10 5 0
Ned Lucretia ELLISON 3 5 0
Dug Wm. B. ELLISON 3 0 0
Sam do. 1 11 0
simon Thomas ELLISON 2 10 0
Jin and five Children less than 18 10 0 0
sol Lucretia ELLISON 2 1 0
Thos. & Wm. B. ELLISON, Adm. £ 32 12 0

Inventory of the personal part of the estate of Aid ELLISON dec'd taking the
15th June 1808 -

1 side board 3 tables 1A chairs 1 pr lookinglasses 2 small do 2 small tables 1A

chairs 5 beds beadstead & furniture 3 pr. hand Irons some earthen ware 2 sets
knives and folks 1 trunk 3 potts 2 pr pott trams 1 griole 1 spider 1 duch oven
some wooden ware 2 Horses 2 Chairs 1 sett harness & yake oxen 11 head cattle 2
pr. flatt Irons 1 sett casters 1 sett curtens 3 plows 3 axes 1 cart 10 nigroes
and 3 Hundred dollar in notes & fudgments, a number of notes to the Thos. &
Wm. B. ELLISON amt. of 2000 dollars out of dat^ not worth disignating in the
Ingantor Administra

In the name of God Amen, I phereby BOND being very low in state of health but in
perfect mind and memory Knowing that is appointed for persons to die, I do make
and ordain this my last will and testament, Item I give to my Brother Wm. BOND
if Ever Returns home two Notes of hand one on Abraham PRITCHET the other on
Thomas BOWEN if in case he never Return 1 notes to Poly MIXON and Nancy BOND
Item I give and bequeath to Roland MAYO my feather bed furniture, Item I give
my waring apparrel, as follows, one dimity frock to Nancy BOND with my bonnet,
and Earrings one Breast pin in the shape of a key to Betsy PRITCHET and one to
Nancy MAYO and I give my chest to William BOND if Ever Return if never return to
Nancy BOND I apprise my Brother Rolin MAYO my Executor of this my last will and
testament I wish all the best of my waring clothes to be divided amongst MIXONS
Children. )
Phereby (X) BOND(Seal)
witness Sucke ROBERSON )
January 21st 1800

State of North Carolina ) In the name of God Amen I John BOND being through a
Beaufort County ) hindernce of memory and goodness of God though weak
in body, yet of a sound and perfect memory and understanding, praise be God do
make and constitu this my last will and testament and desire it may be Rec’d by
all as such.

Imprimises Item I give unto my loving wife one feather bed and furniture and The
choice of my stock six head of cattle and one mare. Item I also lend her my House
and plantation where I know live and Her choise of my Negroes during her natural
life or widdowhood, Item I give unto my son James three Hundred seventy acres of
land lying on the north side of south dividing Creek to him and his heirs forever
and a priviledge of sipres timber out of my cypress pound and I also unto my son
James one negro man by the name of Cuff to him and his heirs forever and one
feather Bed and furniture and Six head of Cattle, Item I also give unto my son
Jeremiah five Hundred acres of land being a part of the land I now live on after
after my wife loan of house and planks to be included and one feather bed to him
and his heirs forever. Item I also give unto my Daughter Elisabeth MAYO one
negro winch by the name of Crease and one hundred Acres of land in the Borneck to
her and her heirs forever, Item I give unto my Daughter nancy one negro girl by
the name of halland and the remainder of the dead in the boxnick

by Estimation one Hundred acres or some The the rise and six head of Cattle and
one feather bed and furniture and ten pounds in money, to her and her Heirs for-
ever, Item I give Unto my daighter sarah one negro man by the name of Isaac and
one hundred acres of land lying up the swamp permiter Branch and one feather bed
and furniture and six head of Cattle and at the death or marage of her mother the
negro girl hannah and her increase to her and her Heirs forever and I have all
the rest of my property to be sold and Equally divided amongst all my children
and lastly I make and constitute my heirs & Samuel PATE and my loving wife the
whole sole Executrix of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and seal this 6th day of Sept. 1808 - signed sealed in the
present of
Licky (X) JARVES

A true Inventory of The Estate of Isaac WATERS Decs'd Sept. 3, 1808. -

4 Chairs 7 Bee hives
1 Woolen Wheel 2 Barrels
1 safe 1 Chest of trumpery ....
3 tables 1 sow and pigs
1 lot of old brumpry . . 31 Head of Hogs
1 hachet 4 Head of sheap
1 trunk 4 Head of Cattle
2 pair of shears .... " to the stock
2 Jugs 3 Beads and furniture . . .
1 pair saddle bags . . . 1 Gun
1 pair stillyards. . . . 1 pistol
1 spade 4 Hoes
1 Hand Mill 1 Loom
4 Trays 1 prow(?)
I Bell 1 plow
II peaces crockery . . . 3 Reap Hooks
1 pair of harniss. . . . 1 Large saw
1 Lot of trumpery . . . 1 pair of Wedges
1 duch Oven 1 tea kettle
1 pot tramel

Account of sales of The Estate of Isaac Waters Decst taken this day The 23rd of
Sept. 1808. -

4 chairs . Pricilia WATERS 1 5 1 Woollen Wheel . Pricilia WATERSO 5 0
1 safe . . " 0 15 1 pine table " 040
1 Lot of crockery " 0 15 1 Hackle . Thomas ALDESON 0 10 0
1 trunk - Pricilia WARTERS 0 10 1 table . Edward ROBERSON 026
1 table . George BARROW 0 7 2 pair shears . William HARVEY 054
1 Jug . Joel DICKINSON 0 10 1 Jug . Joel DICKINSON 060
1 pair saddle B . Lawson BROCK 6 1 Gun . " 016
1 pair stilyards . Thom's McHORN 1 pistol . Benjamin BRADY 0 12 6
0 12 1 spade . Edward ROBERSON 036
1 broad Ax . Joel DICKINSON 0 5 1 Lot of Hoes . Joel DICKINSON 066
1 Hand Mill . Percella W ARTERS 2 trays . Wm. MAGIMSSEY 0 10 6
2 0 1 srow(?) William NUMANS 050
1 lot of trumpery . Isaac WARTERS 3 Reap Hooks . William HARVEY 036
0 5 1 pr. harnis . Levy STUBS 036
1 Large Saw . Edward ROGERS 2 4 1 Hand Saw . Coventon WOOLLARD 016
1 Lot of trumpery . P. WARTERS 1 pair wedges . Thomas ROBERSON 0 13 0
0 1 1 pot . Isaac WARTERS 080
1 duch oven . James WARTERS 0 3

1 tea Cettle . Jesse WARTERSO 8 6 1 Jug . Isaac WARTERS 046
1 Ax . Jesse WARTERS 0 8 6 2 Trays . James WARTERS 010
1 Pot trammel . Langley RESSASS 1 Pot . Isaac WARTERS 070
0 7 6 1 bee Hive . Alderson ELLISON 200
1 bee Hive . Relah WOOLARD 1 16 0 1 bee Hive . Noah WOOLARD 150

-aronns oi31 0 Ltbrsry
Raieiph, N. C.

1 bee Hive Noah WOOLARD 1 5 0 1 bee Hive . Daniel WOOLARD 1 1 6

1 do. Thomas ROBERSON 1 0 0 1 do. Wm. B. ELLISON 0 15 0
1 do. Wm. B . ELLISON 0 12 6 1 sow an pigs . Percelus WARTERS 0 15 0
2 Barrels . Thomas ROBERSON 0 6 0 1 Chist trumpery . Daniel WOOLARDO 4 0
4 HOgs . Thomas McHORN 8 0 0 1 Cow & Calf . Wm. MAGIMISSING 8 5 6
4 do. do. 8 1 0 2 stears . Edward BONNER 9 1 6
5 do. do. 7 10 6 3 Head of sheap . Wm. HARVEY 3 1 6
5 do. . Tomas ELLISON 5 18 0 2 pigs . Thomas ELLISON 0 1 0
3 Hogs . George BARROW 5 5 0 3 Hogs . Thomas ELLISON 4 10 0
tci the pungo stock . Jonathan WRIGHT . 6 16 0
1 Sow . Wm. B. ELLISON 1 0 6 1 Sow . Wm. B. ELLISON 1 0 6
1 do. . Aid ELLISON 1 2 6 1 do. . James WARTERS 1 2 0
1 do. . James WARTERS 1 2 0

1 Ram and 1 shote . Wm. B.ELLISON. 1 5 6
1 Hog to Aldorson ELLISON. 0 15 0 3 Beds and furniture .Percilia WARTERS
1 0 6

Account of sails of the property of James MCABE Dec't August the 26th 1808 -

1 Horse to . John McCABE 0 17 6 1 mare to . Grace McCABE 17 5 0

1 mare to Joseph TRIP 30 10 0 1 Colt to DOUGHTY, John 5 0 0
1 Colt to Grace McCABE 20 10 0 6 sows and pigs . Grace McCABE 7 10 0
2 first Choice sheep " 0 18 0 2 sheap 2 choicest 0 17 0
I! 0 18 0
2 sheep 3 choice 0 10 0 3 sheep last choice
1 yoak of Oxen to 8 1 0 1 Cow and Calf 3 15 0
2 Cow and Calf 3 5 0 2 do. 7 0 0
2 do. . Henry Smaw h- 10 0 1 do. . Henry Smaw 6 10 0
1 Cow and yearling . Grace McCABE 3 4 0
1 do. do. 7 10 0 3 heifers . Grace McCABE 3 5 0
he Claim of cattle to do. 2 0 0 2 weding plows do. 0 10 0
2 barr plows do. 0 10 0 2 barr plows . Daniel RUFF 0 17 6
1 bar Iron . Grace McCABE 0 17 6

1 Bed & furniture . Gracy McCABE . . 4 6 0
2 Waters . Grace McCABE 0 10 0 1 chest to Grace McCABE 0 10 0
1 Chest to John EVERETT 0 12 0 1 case do. 0 2 6
1 pr. of styiards to Grace McCABE . 0 11 0
do. do. 0 14 0 1 desk do. 4 4 0
1 desk do. 3 5 0 1 gun do. 0 8 6
1 gun to Garn PEAD 1 8 0 1 gun . John McCABE 0 6 1
1 gun . John EVETT 0 1 0 1 Loking glass . Grace McCABE 0 5 0
1 pr. shot moles . John McCABE . 0 6 0
1 set of crockery to Grace McCABE . 2 5 0
1 pr flat Irons do. 0 5 0 1 pr. dog Irons do. 0 11 0
1 table do. 3 1 0 1 table do. 1 5 0
1 pr hand bellows do. 0 8 0 1 case knives & forks do. 0 8 0
1 bed and furnit do. 8 1 0 1 Bed and furnit do. 5 1 0
1 Wheel do. 1 9 0 1 do. do. 10 1 0
1 Bed and furniture W. C0WELL9 0 0 1 Chest . Grace McCABE 1 0 0
1 table . Grace McCABE 0 5 0 1 Chest do. 1 1 6
1 saw . Wm. COWELL 0 3 6 1 pr. spoon moles . Gain PEAD
L 0 7 6

1 Bed . Grace McCABE 5 14 0 1 hackle . Grace McCABE 0 5 0
18 Chears do. 2 5 0 1 Coot of holes . Jesse ROBERSON 6 12 0
1 Reel . do. 0 5 0 1 cotton mispun . do. 410
1 saddle do. 1 10 0 1 Saddle . Grace McCABE 0 15 0
1 Lott of Books do. 1 0 0 3 Candle sticks do. 0 10 6
tongs and shovels do. 0 5 0 1 pr cart wheels . Abslam PRICE 250
1 Lott Hoes do. 0 5 0 1 Lott axes . Grace McCABE 060
2 Reap Hooks do. 0 3 0 1 boseut saw do. 1 11 0
1 plow . Wm. COWELL 0 10 0 1 Loom and Implem do. 100
1 hand mill . Abselam PRICE 0 10 6 1 Lott coopers tools do. 1 10 0
1 Lott trumpery Grace McCABEl 15 6 1 Lott chanes do. It 16 6
1 Curring nip do. 0 6 6 1 broad ax . John McCABE 0 18 6
1 Lott of tools do. 1 7 0 1 pr cart wheels . John EVETT 030
1 cart do. 0 11 0 1 Hide . William COWELL 050
1 Grind stone . Gain PEAD 0 3 6 1 Grind stone . James ARCHIBLE 036
1 Grind stone . Grace McCABEl 7 0 1 Grind stone . Gain PEAD 0 16 0
1 Lott Crockery do. 0 10 0

1 tea Kettle . Wm. COWELL 0 11 0 1 Baking pan . Grace McCABE 0 5 0
1 bason . Grace McCABE 0 5 0 1 pr. wafle Irons do. 0 13 0
1 Lantern do. 0 1 0 1 Butter Pot do. 0 5 0
1 Butter Pot do. 0 5 0 1 Coffee mill do. 0 9 0
1 Lott of cooper ware do. 0 8 0 1 Pott do. 0 10 0
1 Lot of Iron do. 0 1 0 2 Potts do. 0 15 0
2 potts & tramels do. 0 15 0 1 Gridiron do. 0 2 6
1 frying pan do. 0 2 0 1 Duch Oven do. 0 10 0
1 hand mill do. 2 1 0 1 woolen wheel do. 0 5 0
1 duch Oven do. 0 2 6 1 pot tramel do. 0 4 6
1 Canow do. 0 0 1 1 Canow . Absalam PRICE 3 0 0
1 set shaving tools . Joseph Trip . 0 12 0
1 pr. dividers Grace McCABE 0 2 0 1 BUs Grace McCABE 0 10 0
1 Hogshed do. 0 15 0 1 Lot bricks
do. 0 4 6
1 Riding Chair do. 1 10 4 1 Lot Puter do. 0 10 0
A true account of the property that been sold - Grace MCABE
In the name of God Amen I Dempsey HINTON of the County of Beafourt being of sound
and perfect mind and memory, (blesed be God) do this twenty forth day of Septem-
ber in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight, make and pub-
lish This my last Will and Testament in manner and form, following & that is to
1 my Will and desire is that my Executors pay out of the Estate of which I
may die possessed - all my just debts - Item I give and bequeath unto my daugh-
ter Mary EDWARDS a Negro man named Jeffrey, negro Woman Pott and her increase -
one feather Bed and one Mare all of which are in the possessin of her husband
William EDWARDS, to her and her heirs for ever, I also give her a negro which
shall be next to the youngest, whenever my negroes are divided between my Grand
Children after the death of my wife sarah HINTON, Item I lend unto my beloved
wife sarah HINTON during her natural life, all my remaining Estate both real and
personal, after her death I dispose of it as follows. - Item, I give and be-
queath unto my Grandson Joseph B. HINTON my negro man Peter, to him and his Heirs
forever. Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Dempsey Wm. WILLIAMS, James

any one of my negroes they or their survisor or survisors may make choice of
except Nigro woman Celia and those already bequeathed, which negro I give to them
and their heirs forever. Item The one half of the residue of my Estate of both
real and personal, I give and devise unto my grandson Joseph B. HINTON, to him
and his heirs forever and the remaing half I give and devise unto my grand child-
ren, Dempsey H. WILLIAMS, James OK WILLIAMS and John G. WILLIAMS, to be equally
divided between them and their heirs - forever. Item, Negro woman Celia is ex-
cepted from the above bequeath, save that of my Wife after whose death she shall
be at liberty to choose among my relatives with whom she wishes to live and whom
she choses, she may live with as long as she lives. Item I hereby make and or-
dain my son in law James WILLIAMS, and my grandson Joseph B. HINTON, Executors to
this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills made by me. In
witness whereof I the said Dempsey HINTON have this my last will and testament
set my hand
and seal the day & year above written signed sealed published and delivered by
the said Dempsey HINTON the testator, as his last will and testament in presence
of us who were present at the time of signing and sealing thereof.
William GORDEN Dempsey WILLIAMS ?

North Carolina Beaufort County In the name of God amen I nancy MARTIN being very
low in Health but of sound Disposing mind and memory Blessed by God, Knowning it
is appointed unto all men once to die do recommend my soul into the hands of God
who gave it and my Body to the ground to be decently buried at the discretion of
my Executors hereafter named, and as for such worldly goods it has pleased Al-
mighty God to bless me with after my funeral charges Just debts and Legaces are
paid do dispose of in manner following Viz - I lend unto my Mother Elisabeth
MARTIN during her life everything that I possess and after her Decease I give and
bequeath unto William CUTTER son of Moses Cutler one cow calf or heifer - I give
and bequeath unto Anna Whitty daughter of John WHILLY one cow calf or heifer I
give and bequeath unto Edna SQUIRS daughter of Rhoda SESSIONS my smallest bed and
some furniture,

and one heifer I give and bequeath unto Susanna BRICKLE one heifer yearling I
give and bequeath unto Cicero PATE son of Wm. PATE one small chest and one Iron
pot I give and bequeath unto - Barbary SQUIARS my best bed and furniture after my
mothers deceased Elizabeth MARTIN my will and desire is after her death and mind
That all my unmentioned property be Equally divided between my sister Frances
SQUIARS JORDAIN and appoint John CUTLER Sen'r and Moses CUTLER Sen'r Executors
of this my Last will and testament and I do disanue all others, but this to be my
last will an testament this third day of January one Thousand eight hundred and
and nine Ether signed before assigned.
Elisabeth MARTIN Test
Robert CUTLAR Jun'r Nancy (X) Martin (Seal)

An Inventory of the perishable property of John ODEN decs/d taken this 25th
March 1809 -

1 pine table 3 beds & furniture 1 Pott Traml

1 square folding table 1 cradle 1 Gun 2 bar plows
1 sm'l maple table 1 Hand saw 1 Wddeing do.
doz. Knives & forks 1 Crosscut do. 1 Sythe 1 Horse

Crockery ware, Shoe tools carp's do. 5 Head sheep
ig doz. Winsor Chairs Turners Do. 1 Grind 14 hog & 7 pigs
5 Flag bottom do. stone 1 hand mill 2 8 do. 5 sows & pigs
2 disks 1 chest Iron potts, 1 spider 1 1 Riding and Gun
Tea kettle 2 club axes 1 broad do.
3 Weeding Hoes 1 Grubing Do. 5 stocks bees Corn & bacon empty Bbls 3 baskets 2
Tubs 2 pails 2 piggons 4 Bread trays 2 tin buckets 1 Woollon wheel 1 Linen Do. 1
Mans saddle 1 bridle & plow gear Cotton 1 pr. stelyards 1 pr hand Irons 1 Iron
candlstick 2 pr spoon moles 1 Do. snuffers 1 cotton gin 2 bridle bits shaving
tools 1 Cart 1 table cloth char wheel fellows ash timber 1 Tarkiln Ready for
. William VINES. Adm.
March the 24th 1809
Inventory of the movable property of Ammon GILLIKIN Decs'd to 1 mehogany
beaurow, and 4 tables, two dining and one breakfast to 1 pine table to 6 doz.
Chairs to three beads and furniture - two trunks to two chests to 2031b Cotton to
one Loom and Harnis one reel and winding blades to one pr. of waffers Irons one
sive one woolen and Linen wheel to spep glasses one looking glass thee Candle-
stocks to a lot of tubs and parts to tin buckets to one tea kettle one pr. scails
and waits one pr. flat Irons one pair of hand Irons one pr. tongs to one set
crockingware to one set silver table spoons one set tea spoons one set Knives and
forks to set of table and shoe brushes one pr. candlemoles - one coffee Mill one
Coffee pot one tea canister one plow and Gear three hors one ax one hatchet two
hammers two Iron pots oven one skillet one earthen pot and fat one lott of old
Bbls one mehagany plank one sword & Books 1 oat(?) fodder

to forteen barrel Corn three bushels peas 500 wt. port one sow and nine pigs two
shoats to for head of cattle to mares to one quarter of a mullet sein, to 2
Barrels of mullets one Negro woman Page and child to one wench doll to compass.
Sally GILLIKIN, Adm.-

Account of Sales of the remains of the personal Estate of Amnon GILIKIN this
17th day July 1809
1 sding table GILIKIN, sally $8.50
\ doz chairs Abby FASFORD 3.50
1 trunk Sally GILIKIN 1.00
1 H. M. Epitomy Josiah WILLIS 1.12%
1 mariners Compass Elyat PIGOTT 30
1 pepper mill Sally GILIKIN 25
1 pepper box • 10
1 lott bottles 10
1 stone Jug 55
\ part of a Leir II

1 Cow 9.55
1 stear 4.05
1 Bull 5.55
1 Mare
1 Mare Joseph FULPRET 30.00
Acct. Sales January 1, 1812.,
Hire of Girl Peggy & 2 children to Levi BILL $1.00
ii ii M "
l atch to Samuel DAVIS 3.10

48 & 49
An Acct. of sales of the perishable property of John ODEN deceas,d taken this 25
dav march 1809

1 pine Table . • Holland ODEN 0 3 0 1 plough geer . . Holland ODEN 3 2 6

1 square Do. . • Do. Do. 3 11 0 Cotton 2 15 0
^ doz knives forks Do. Do. 0 2 6 1 pr. styllards 0 10 1
Crockery Ware. • Do. Do. 0 10 0 1 pr. hand Irons 0 4 0
1 large glass tumb Do. Do. 0 7 6 1 Candle stick 0 0 6
7 W. chairs. . • Do. Do. 3 1 0 1 Cart 2 5 0
5 flag botton Do. Do. Do. 0 2 6 2 sows & pigs 2 0 0
1 bed & furniture Do. Do. 2 10 0 3 sows & pigs 3 0 0
1 Do. & boulster Do. Do. 7 18 0 1 Hog 0 10 0
1 Cradle . . . Do. Do. 0 00 6 1 Horse . 12 1 0
shoe tools . . Do. Do. 0 6 - 1 box with sundres Jacob DURDEN0 5 6
Riding chear Gear 12 1 0 1 Cross Cut saw .3 0 0
1 Club ax. . . 0 6 0 1 stock bees .1 10 0
1 bar plough . 0 11 0 1 Do .1 10 0
1 Weeding Do. 0 2 0 1 Do .1 9 6
3 Do. Hoes . . 0 3 6 1 Do. .... .1 9 6
1 grubing Do. 0 3 0 1 Do . 1 6 6
1 Iron Pott 0 6 0 1 Do .1 6 6
1 spider . . . 0 1 0 3 Do .3 0 0
1 Tea Kettle . 0 3 0 Cotton gin .0 2 6
2 empty bbls. 0 3 0 1 Sythe . . Thomas ODEN . . . .0 13 6
Tub & piggon . 0 3 6 1 bar plow .0 10 0
Do. Do. 0 3 0 1 Disk . Moses WINDLY. . . .2 6 0
2 pails . . /* 0 2 0 1 Grind stone Charles SMALLW00D3 1 0
2 bread trays. 0 3 0 1 Gun . . . .Jonethan MARSH 2 4 0
1 tin bucket . 0 3 0 1 old Desk. . Samuel HAWKINS 0 10 0
1 Wool Wheel . 0 5 0 ash fellows for Cheer wheels 0 10 0
1 Lott plains 0 11 0 1 smoothing plain . Clem JONES 0 10 0
Ash timber . . Henry ADAMS 0 10 0 1 Chest . . . .Richard ODEN . .0 17 0
1 lot chissels Aldorson, HARVY .0 4 0

1 tin bucket . # # Do. # • • 0 1 0 2 Club axes
. .Thomas FLOYD 0 10 6
1 small m table. . Wm. PERKINS 0 8 0 1 hand Mill
... .0 8 0
1 pot trammel. • • Do. • • 0 2 0 4 head Hogs
. .John McKEEL .2 0 1
2 bred trays . • • Do. • • 0 2 1 4 Do. Do .2 0 0
1 hand saw . Carney McKEEL • • 0 19 0 4 Do. Do .2 0 0
1 smothing plane • William VINE 0 7 0 1 pr. spoon
moles Jonathan WRIGHT
1 square augur • . Do. • . 0 9 0 0 3 6
2 bridle bits &.tasp 0 4 0 1 Do. Exum LINIER .0 5 8
1 bed & boulster a Ann BECKS . 3 11 0 1 Shaving tools .0 6 6
1 saddle . . . Richard BOYD . 1 3 6 5 head sheap. James KENNEDY 5 10 6
2 augurs &c. . James HODGES 0 8 6 3 bench plains .William Perkinsl 1 0
1 basket . . . 0 6 0 Turners tools. William RUFF . . 1 19 0
1 Carpenters adz • Abram ADAMS 0 7 6 1 Linen Wheel Do .0 0 6
1 Iron pott. . Do. • • 0 3 0 Table Cloth . . . Sarah McKEEL 0 3 0
1 Broad ax 0 10 0 Corn, Bacon,7 yr. old Hogs alloted to the

Negro hire to the 1st day of Jan. 1810 - Negro man York, to Holland ODEN $15.00
Negro Woman Cuber Do. 5.00
1 tarkinln ready for banking which made 37 Bbts tar at the Landing at 15/-pr. Bbl

say ^ for banking & burning &c. $27.75
in all -£146.3.5

In The name of God amen I david WATERS of the County of Beaufort and state of
North Carolina being of sound perfet mind and memory (blesed be God for it) do
this twenty seventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hun-
dred and nine make and publish my last will and testament in Manner following
that is to say first, I recomend my soul to God who gave it to me and my Body to
be decently buried by my Executors and tuching my worldly goods I give it in
manner and form following, ITEM, I lend my land and plantation whereon I now
live to my well beloved Wife Mary WATERS to raise my Children on during my Wife
natural life or Widdowhood after that my Will and is, ITEM I give my Land and
plantation Whereon I now live to my son John WATERS and if should die without
heir then the Land, my desire is, to go to my son Frederick WATERS the residue of
my Estate my will

and desire is first that all my Just debts be paid by my Executors out of the
perishable Estate if enough after that my desire is the remaining part of my
Estate be Equally divided between all Children living and I hereby make and
ordain my friends William BOYD, Jesse ROLIN my Executors of this my last Will
and testament in Witness whereof I the said David WATERS have to this my last
will and testament set my hand and seal the day and year first above signed seal-
ed published and delivered by the said David WATERS the testator as his Last will
and testament in the presence of Us.
Jeremah WATERS David (X) WATERS (Seal)
Nehemiah HARISON

A Just and true Inventory of the Estate of David WATERS Dec’d taken the 19th of
Aug’t 1809. . . .

1 horse 20 head of Cattle 12 head of hogs one bed & sted & cord 1 Cattale bed and
sted 2 Chist 2 Chears 1 pot 1 duch oven 1 skillet 1 griddle 1 tub 1 pale 1 tray
1 table one case of Knives and forks 9 plates 4 bowls earthen han two Jugs one
linen Wheel one Woollin wheel one loom and year one pair of cards one plow 2 axes
three hoes one butter pott.

Inventory of the Estate of William GALLAWAY Dec't. taken the 18th of Jan'r, 1809
one negro Woman, three beds and furiture, one naked bed, four bed steads, two
tables, two chests, one case and bottles, one desk, five shairs, one large Wheel,
two Linen Do., one loom. Three sleys, and one set weaving Gear, six pieces wood-
ware, 2 trays,

two mial tubs, five fat do., one salt, and one do. honey do., four Oat casks, one
hand mill, one cart, one Grindstone, Three axes , four hoes, two ploughs, 9 puter
plates, dishes and basons, three tin do. twelve twele puter spoons (large), six
small do. five milk pans thirty seven pieces of earthen Ware, twenty - two Knives
and forks, two Candle sticks 1 do. mould, four Jugs, one coffee pott, one quart
do. three Glass bottles, one decanter, some bouls, stilyards, one shickle, one
hackle, one saw, five pieces pot Iron, one pr. hand Irons, on pr. tongs, one pr.
scissors, one saddle and bridle, two horses, fifty one head hogs, 47 do. Cattle,
some bacon and Lard, half Bbls port, 1341b. Cotton, some flax, \\ bushel of corn,
one Do. peas, 4 cow kids, 2 pieces leather, 2 gun buttes, 3 bells, some uool, 1
pr. flat Irons, 1 pr. Iron wedges, 2 do. Cards, some barrels and 2 hogshead two
sugar boxes, 2 Gimblets, 1 bockt, 1 Coop'r adds, 1 augurs, 1 do. Knife, 1 butter

pott, 6 glasses, one negro boy to hire untill the 4th February next, debts due to
the amount of seventy five pounds twvs shilling twenty one pounds two shillings
of which is - doubtful the further same of thirty four pounds two shillings of it
outstanding debts - one hair shott moles, one Coffee mill, two Candle sticks,
Noath GALLOWAY ) ^
Mary GALLOWAY (X)) ’

In the Name of God amen I William GALLOWAY of the County of Beaufort and State of
North Carolina being weak of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks
be given to Almighty God for it, I do make ordain and constitute this my last
Will and Testament that is to say first I give my soul into the hands of Almightly
God who gave it my body to the dust to be buried at the discretion of my Executors
here after mentioned and as touching such Worldly Estate which it hath pleased God
bless me with in this World my Will and desire is that they be disposed of in the
following manner and form that is to say - First I lend unto my beloved Wife Mary
all my house (?) Land and plantation during Her natural Life and I further give
unto my beloved Wife one Bed and furniture and I also give Her Three cows and
calves and three heifers, one sorrel horse bridle and saddle - one Negro Woman,
and I further Lend unto my beloved Wife all my working tools of every sort and
kind and all my Househould Furniture of every sort and kind, only one Bed, I give
to my daughter Polly, and I further give to my beloved Wife my stock of Hogs of
every sort and Kind and I further lend my Wife one half, of my cattle for the Use
and support of Her and the family to kill and dispose of as she pleases and the
remainder of the stock to be sold and the Money Divided among my nine Oldest
Children and after The after the Decease of my beloved Wife I give to my son
Hoesa GALLOWAY and John GALLOWAY all my Land that is to say all The land on The
West side of Jones branch That I possess I give to my son Hosea GALLOWAY and all
theland That I possess

55 &56
on the Eastard side of sand branch I give to my son John GALLOWAY after the De-
cease of my beloved Wife, and I now appoint my beloved Wife Executrix and my son
Noah GALLOWAY Executor of this my last will and testament revoking all former
Wills by me made ratifying and conforming this only to be my last Will and teeta-
-ment in presence of: December 10th 1808.
Anthony KINNEN ) william (X) GALLOWAY (seal)
Harmon_HILL ±
Account of the sales of the Estate of John MIXON dect.

1 Bed and furniture . May MIX0N1 0 00 2 sows . .William COWELL 2 1 0

1 Do. . . ... Do. 8 10 00 1 Shade. • .Mary MIXON 0 11 6
1 Do. . . ... Do. 7 0 00 5 Do. in the woods.A. Price 3 8 9
1 Cow and Calf . Exum LINYEAR 5 0 00 1 Sow • • .Mary MIXON 0 12 0
1 Do. . . . Lucretia MIX0N4 5 00 1 saddle • • .Thomas CORPEW 3 0 00
1 Whiteback Steer . Jeremiah GAYLORD 1 Chest. • • .Mary MIXON 0 9 00
4 1 00 1 Do. . . .James OBORN 0 15 10
1 Do. . . Do.. 4 1 00 1 Do. . . .Mary MIXON 0 5 0
1 Heifer . .Morris JONES 2 1 6 1 Iron Pott. Do. 0 5 0
1 Steer .Windly WILLIAM 2 9 6 1 Do. . . Do. 0 1 0
1 Heifer . .Morris JONES 3 0 0 1 Large Do. . .Abraham BYNUM 1 15 0
1 Steer .Absolem PRICE 2 8 0 1 Tea Kittle .Mary MIXON 0 1 0
1 Do.. . . .Thomas CULA 3 0 0 1 Duch Oven. Do. 0 1 0
1 Do.. . . .Mary MIXON 2 10 0 1 Chair. • Do. 0 10 0
sow & pigs .William COWELL 2 1 0 1 Linen Wheel Do. 0 10 0

1 Woolen Wheel . .Mary MIXON 0 5 0 2 Sugar Boxes. . Mary MIXON 0 2 00
1 pr. fire dogs . Do. 0 19 0 1 basket .... Do. 0 2 00
1 skillet . . . .Absolum PRICEO 3 0 Crockeryware . . Do. 0 5 00
2 Fat Irons . . .Mary MIXON 0 2 6 1 Loom Do. 0 5 00
1 Jugg Do. 0 5 0 3 sleys Do. 0 5 00
1 Do .A. PRICE 0 5 0 3 puter basons do. 0 5 00
6 Bottles . . . .Mary MIXON 0 3 6 Some empty casks do. 0 3 00
1 Jugg 0 10 6 1 Claw Hammer. . do. 0 1 6
1 cross cut saw. .Abisha PRITCHETT 1 add Jacob DURDEN 0 5 6
.3 10 0 1 Coopers Do. A. PRICE 0 6 0
1 Panil saw . . . A. PRICE 0 16 0 2 trays Mary MIXON 0 2 0
1 Tenaut Do. . . Henry MIXON 0 14 0 1 sive Do. 0 1 0
1 Plow Abam BYNUM 1 15 0 1 Bell A. PRICE 0 5 6
1 Do A. PRICE 0 16 0 2 Iron Wedges. . Stephn KEITH 0 16 6
3 old hors . . . Thos. ALDORSON 3 earthen Potts. Mary MIXON 0 2 0
.0 5 0 1 Bridle .... Sam. SMITH 0 2 6
1 Broad Ax . . . A. PRITCHETT 1 5 0 Carpenters tools A. Bynum 0 15 0
1 Club Do.. . . . Mary MIXON 0 5 0 1 Gun James CORPEW 1 11 0
1 Do Js. EBORN . .0 10 0 2 Lancetts . . . Jacob DURDEN 0 1 0
1 spade Abram KEECH 0 12 6 2 Rasors and box T. ALDORSON 0 6 6
1 Churn Mary MIXON 0 2 6 Compases and gim Exum LINYEAR 0 4 6
2 tubs Do. 0 2 0 1 pot trammel. . Mary MIXON 0 2 0
1 Coffee Mill Do. 0 1 0 hoe makers tools Absl.PRICE 1 17 0
1 pot trammel . . Do. 0 2 0 1 Plow Chain . . A. BYNUM 0 13 00
1 Plow Chain . . A. BYNUM 0 13 00 a negro boy hired till
1 os Yoke . . . . A. PRICE 0 5 00 1 of January - - Mary MIXON 1 10 00
some Scantling. . A. PRICE 0 5 00 cart wheel timberThs. CORPEW 1 0 00
1 pr. wool cards. Wm. PRICE 0 5 00 June 29th 1809 Mary MIXONE120 .15 .2
In the name of God Amen, I Abaham PRITCHETT being weak of body but of sound dis-
posing mind and Memory Thanks be to God for the same do make and ordain this
my last Will and testament in manner and form following hereby
all forms Wills Viz, Item, I give and bequeath to my son William The Land
and plantation Whereon I now live which said Land was given me by me father, to-
gether with my Negro man known by the name of Young Jack also my Bay mare known
by the name of Phoenix, Item I give and bequeth to my son Robert my land and
plantation known by the name of the Shop fields which I purchased from John G.
BLOUNT together with my two negroes Henry and Chloe and my bay mare named Poll,
Item, I give to my son peter and Abraham all my lands on south Dividing Creeks
to be equally divided between them when Peter arrives at the age of twenty one
also I will that all the risidue of my Horses(?) be sold on a Credit of six
months and The money to be equally divided between them. Item I give unto my
daughter Betsey my negro Girl Esther Item, I give and bequeath to my Executor
hereafter hereafter Named my negro, Simon big Jack Rhoda and her increase to be,
hired out for the purpose of raising and Educating my younger Children untill
Abraham arrives at the age of twenty Years and then to be equally divided between
my three Children Peter, Abraham and Betsey, It is not my wish that the money
arrising from the hire of

the said Negroes should be equally divided among my said three Children but that
Abraham & Betsey should be raised and Educated as far at least as I have raised
and Educated Peter, and Then the said hire to be equally divid among them, Item
I leave to my said Executor, my Negroes, Joe, Jeania, Tam and Rily to be hired
out for the benefit of my Children, Robert, Peter, Abraham & Betsey Untill

Abraham arrives at the age of twenty years and Then to be equally divid amongst
them, Item should Jeanie have any More Increase it is my Will That my son Billy
should have one of her said Increase. The rest to be divided amongst my four
Children mentioned in the last Item, Item I give and bequeath all my beds and
furniture to be equally divided amongst my five Children, Item I give Unto my
said Executor all the residue of my personal and Estate to be sold by him on a
Credit of six months and the money arrising thereupon after the payment of all
my Just debts to be equally divided amongst my five Children, Item In case my son
William should die without heirs of his body lawfully begoten It is then my Will
that the Land and plantation should descend to my youngest son Abraham I do not
wish by this Item to entail the said Land and plantation unto my said son Abraham
but should my son William marry and have Children it is my Will that he should be
able to sell and give a lawfull right to the said plantation and land without
waiting Untill his children arrived to the age of maturity. Lastly, I do hereby
Constitue and appoint my trousty and Well beloved son William PRITSHETT sole
Executor of this my last Will and Testament - In testimony Whereof I have hereun-
to set my hand and seal this 6th day February in the year of our Lord 1809.
signed sealed and Delivered In the presence of:
Phereby BOND Abraham PRITCHETT (Seal)
Hanah (X) WOODS

An Inventory of the Perishable Estate of Dempsey HINTON dec'd taken at this

Dwelling house - June 15, 1809 - - -

Cela a negro Woman 1 Large Walnut table 3 Do. stove

sarah Do. 1 Pine Do. 2 Waters
Anna Do. 3 Bed steads 1 Bread Basket
Mary Do. 1 Beaufat 1 Knife box
Dave. . A Man 6 Flag bottom chairs 1 Lott Glass ware
Peter Do. 1 trunk 1 Mans Saddle
Daniel Do. 1 Chest 1 Womans Do.
Jem . . A Boy 2 Woollen Wheels 1 Bridle
Jack. . Do. 1 Linen Do. 2 old chests
Aaron Do. 1 Looking glass 1 Lott Leather (2Hides)
Lewis Do. 1 Lott Books 1 Washing Tubb
Cela. . A Girl 1 Gun 2 Piggins
Penny Do. 1 pair Bullet moles 2 hair cotton Cards
1 Horse 1 Bell 1 Loom and Gear
1 Mair and Colt 1 Lott crockery 2 Flat Irons
2 feather Beds and furn. 1 Do. 1 Tea Kittle
1 Chest of draws 1 Yellow Do. 1 Iron Skillet

1 Dutch Oven 28 small shoats 1 Cotton Gin
4 Cow and Calves 3 Kows (?) 1 Water pitcher
1 Cow and Yearling 3 Hoes 2 Drawing Knives
1 Work stear 4 Axes 1 Jointer
2 Heigers 1 Coopers hatchett 1 Rounding Knife
1 small steer or bull 1 Coopers Adds 1 Crop, 2 Carpen adds.
1 Grin Stone 1 hatchett 1 puter bason
1 stock Bees a,n,Floyd 1 Cross Cut saw 1 pr. fire dogs, 3 sheep
4 sows and pigs 1 Rule 1 Lott Bacon
4 Hogs 1 Churn 1 Augur 1 Lott fish
2 sows 1 Dowel & bit 1 Lott Corn % Bbls
Do. Do. Do. 1 Lott Knives & forks

Washington July 8th, 1809,
We James WILLIAMS and Joseph B. HINTON Executors to the last Will and testament
of Dempsey HINTON dec'd do certify that the above is A faithful Inventory of said
Dec’d Estate - (that is perishable) Witness our hands and this day.
________________________________________ James_WI^LI^§_____________________

State of North Carolina )

Beaufort County ) In the name of God amen I Tabitha GREGORY of the afore-
said County and state being weak in health but of perfect sound mind and memory
thanks be to Almighty God for it Knowing by The Corse of my affiction my stay
Cannot be Long here and calling to mind The Uncertainty of Life Knowing it was
appointed once for all men to die and Woman doe make this my Last Will and test-
ament in manner and form following
principally and first of all I recomend my soul to almighty God who gave it and
my body to buried in a Christian Like manner at the direction of my Execut and as
tuching such Worldly Estate Wherewith it Hath pleased God to Bless me in this
life with I dispose of in manner and form following. Item I give and bequeath
unto my nesue Susanna JONES one shilling stearling I give the before mentioned
property unto my nisue Susana JONES to be her property forever. Item I give one
Looking Glass unto my sister Mary I give and bequeath The before mentioned proper-
ty for ever, Item I give one sugar box and Umbrella I give and Bequeath the before
mentioned property unto my sister Susanna to be her property property forever.
Item I give and bequeath all my property note before mention be Equally Divided
amongst and between my mother and two sisters Susana and Mary. Imprimises I give
and bequeath unto my nesue Tabitha JONES the feather bed and furniture belonging
to the same at bay River and one Cow and calf also one chest all the above men-
tioned Property I give and bequeath as above unto my Nesue Tabitha JONES to be
hers her heirs and assigns for Ever, Item I give Unto my sister Mary EVERETT
one feather bed and one bed quilt one Skillet and Wooling Wheal During her natural
Life and her the Mary I give the before mentioned Wheal unto my nesue Tabitha
JONES I give and bequeath unto Tabitha to be Hers her Heirs and Assigns for Ever,
Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Mary one Basket belonging to Sd. Wheal
to be her property for Ever, Item I give and bequeath unto my Loving mother one
pair of Cotton Cards also five Earthen plates one Water pail
I give and Bequeath the before mentioned property to my Loving Mother to be her
property for Ever, Item I give and bequeath unto my Sister Susana JONES six puter
spoons and one tin bucket also two Water Piggins two baskets one pair of flat
Irons I give and bequeath all the above property unto my sister Susanna to be
her property for Ever, Item I give and bequeath unto Mary EVERETT one sow and
Pigs one sow and shotis, I give the sd. Hogs to Mariah EVERETT to be her proper-
ty for Ever - Item, I give and bequeath unto my Niesue Susana JONES one shilling
stearling money, I give the before mentioned property Unto my Neisue Susana
JONES to be her property forever. Item, I give one Looking glass Unto my sister
Mary I give and bequeath the before mentioned property Unto my sister Mary to be
her property forever, Item I give one Sugar box and Umbrilla, I give and bequeath
the before mentioned property unto my Sister Susanna to be her property forEver,
Item I give and bequeath all my property note before mentioned to be Equally
Divided amongst and between my mother and two sisters, Susanna and Mary,
to be their property for Ever do hereby disallow revoke & disonne all former
Wills and Testaments by me before maid Ratifying and Confirming this & no other
to be and mentain my last Will and testament and Nominate & appoint my Brother

- 26-
Micajah EVERETT Josuay JONES Executors to this my last Will and testament, in
Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day of April 1809.
Signed sealed and Delivered pronounced to be
my Last Will and testament in the presence of:
Benjamin CAMPUN
Tabitha (X) Gregory (Seal)
Susanna ECKOLS

In the name of God Amen I John B. HAMMOND of Beaufort County and state of North
Carolina being Weak in body, but of sound and disposing mind and memory, and
Calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory Life and to provide for a
better, do make declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
following That is say first of all I Bequeath my soul to Almighty God in whom
I hope for salvation and my Body to the Earth to be Buried as to my Executors
hereafter named _, and as to such Worldly goods as the Lord hath been pleased
to send me I dispose of in form following. Item, I give and Bequeath Unto my Wife
Vashty.- HAMMOND all the stock of horned Cattle (with all they have Increased)
that belonged to her before our marriage and also all the household & kitchen
furniture that was hers Before marriage 2 Item I lend unto my Wife Vashty HAMMOND
During her natural life the Land in a plantation Whereon I now
Live one hundred acres of my swamp Land (the middle Lot and seven Negroes, namely,
Aaron Moll, and the Child She is now pregnant with if please god it should come
to perfection) Darcas, morning, Dan, Hannah, and now 3 Item, I give and bequeath
unto my Daughter Margaret HAMMOND one hundred acres of my swamp Land (The Western-
most Lot) one bed and furniture, four head of Cattle, wich has been usually call-
ed hers and four negroes namely, Silvy, Tom, Jin, & Betts. Item, I Give and
Bequeath (after the Death of my wife Vashte HAMMOND) unto my son Aaron Windly
HAMMOND the Land and plantation Whereon I now live, and one hundred Acres of my
swamp Land the middle Lott, and all the negroes = with what they may Increase)
Lent to my Wife Vashti HAMMOND During her natural Life, Item I give and Bequeath
unto my mullatto son Willie Abel one hundred Acres of my swamp Land (The Easter-
most Lott) & two negroes namely Sutton and Press- (He having been freed by the
Court March Term 1801 see the minutes. Item my Will is that my Executors here-
after named Petition to the General Assembly next after my Death, and get an act
passed (in the same manner & form that the Act was Passed, Elisabeth BONNER of
this County for the purpose of Empowering the County Court to appoint Trustees
to take Care of my Daughter Margaret HAMMOND and her property. Item my Will and
is that all such part of my perishable Estate as has not been already given, as
also a negro fellow named Sam, Be sold at six months credit (by Executors here-
after named -and after the discharge of all the debts and Charges of my Estate
the Remaining Part of the money be Equally Divided between or among the four
legtees aforesaid namely Vashi HAMMOND Margaret HAMMOND Aaron Windly HAMMOND &
Wilie Abel, Item and lastly my Will and desire - is that of negro Jin (one of the
negroes Given by Will) should become helpless and a Charge that each of the afore-
mentioned Legties pay yearly their propotionable part towards his support During
her life, N.B. my Will and desire is that In case any of my Three Children namely
— Margaret HAMMOND, Aaron Windly HAMMOND or Wilie Abel - Die under age or not
Capable of making a Will that their part of my Estate go to the surviving Ones or
one. Item I constitue and appoint my worthy friend John Gray BLOUNT, Esq. and
Abraham ADDAMS Sr. Executors of this my last Will and Testament In Witness
Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of October 1809.

Signed sealed & delivered In presence of
Or. COGDELL NB The Word (part) in
Wherreott ORMOND the 5th line in the 8th
Item was Enterlined before
Acct. of Sales of the Property of JohnALDORSON Dec't Sold by Slade PEARCE . 1809
July 8th Robt. S. BONNER lott of maps. Hooks $ .50
1 Grid Iron 2.12
S. M. JOSEPH 1 Grind Stone 4.10
1 Book case 7.90
E. HOELL 1 Gun 3.55
1 Lott pump boxes 2.50
1 Canoe Chain 1.11
Clint BURBAGE 1 Silver Watch 25.25
1 Chair box 25
1 garding post 25
George GRIMES part of a barrel Salt 1.86
2 pr. Brass Candle Sticks 1.70
3 Buckets 1.50
Thomas V. CURTIS 1 qudrant 12.00
Mathew DELANY 1 blunderbuss 2.55
Lewis LEROY 3 Buckets $1.75, 5 Do. $2 3.75
1 Lott truks 1.00
Henry SELBY 1 Bbls Salt 6.50
Wm. NEWMANS 1 pr. Cheer wheels 5.00
1 Whip Saw 3.15
Sundries 75
Thomas ARNOLD 1 Saddle 6.30
Calab EVANS 1 Lott of timber 2.25
Wm. ROSS 1 Handmill 2.25
As ’ e NOBLES 1 Lott old Iron 8.55
1 pr. Scails & Weights 3.00
1 Bell 12.00
1 Jack Screw * 55
1 Lott of ded Eyes 1.55
1 Do. of Scantling 3.00
1 Canoe & Oars 26.10
1 Lott Thimbles 1.00
1 pr. Steelyards 2.15
James REDMOND 1 Crab 2.00
1 pitch Kettle 5.99
1 Do. Do 8.25
1 Sitt blcks 10.20
3 Blocks & Crab 70.00
1 Lott Ship plank 2.55
Wm. GUTHRIE 1 Cot b/ 1 carpet $6 6.60
1 Large lott of blocks 2.11
1 half bushel and buckett 1.10
1 Jug & paint 42
John G. BLOUNT medicine Chest 22.00
1 Jug & Oil 50
John ECKLIN 1 blunder buss 1.20

Joel DICKINSON 1 Sm'll block 1 Lott do. 60th. 1.59
2 Large do 4.00
1 Do 25
1 Lott trumpery .10
2 Hides 10
Trumpery 1.50
1 Brace pistoles 6.10
1 Cross cut saw 5.00
1 Lott Hinges Sundries 4.50
Weights 2.11
1 Lott of Sheaves & sundries .50
1 quadrent 2.00
John HIGSON 1 F Colt 20.00
half of a flatt Owned with RHODES 7.25
1 Lott of trash 2.10
1 poll .65
1 boat 4.00
1 Lott of old Iron 1.10
1 Old Chair Harness .50
1 Lott of Sundries 8.00
Swaping of the Stoop ? 1.00
1 Spy glass 2.00
1 Canister & Lantern .75
Godfrey WILLIAMS 1 Lott trumpery $5.552 ... 4.86
Jos. BAKER 1 pr. Bellows & 1 pr Tongs 1.20
Wm. PARMLEY part of a barrel turpentine - —
Ben. BLOUNT 1 Cross C. saw 3.50
Slade PEARCE 1 Lott Books 20.25
Isaiah WOODARD 1 Clock 16.00
This amt. the hire of the following Negroes up the first
day of Jan 1. Ja's. RESNEL to wm. McKIRK Stepney to Wm37.10
HOLMES 45.00
Jacob to Everard HALL $16.10 Audrey Do 36.00
Deduct Slade PEARCE Commissions on the above Sales & Negro
Hire. 2% per ct.
Washington 4 Dec. 1809 Ls. LEROY
Administrator of Jno. ALDORSON
State of North Carolina, Beaufort County - In the name of God Amen I Ezekeal
LEGGIN of the County and State aforesaid being weak in body but of sound
disposing mind and memory. But calling to mind The mortality of my Body and
knowing that it is ordained for all men want to die do make and Ordain This my
last Will and testament in manner and form following. I lend unto my beloved
Wife-Margarett during her natural life all my Estate Both real and personal my
hogs Cattle sheep and every thing of every discription - which we now have in
possession except that which I hereafter mention. Item. I give Unto Daughter
Lurania & sarah three Bee Hives a piece, Item its my Will 6 desire that at the
death of wife all my estate shall be equally divided between my two Daughters
share and share alike that my Daughter Lurenia shall have that half my land next
to Thomas DIXONS, Item it is my Will & desire that my Daughter Sarah shall one
feather bed & furniture that my other Daughter shall the value of one half the
bed in other articles it is my desire that after the death of my Wife that my
Estate shall be divided by two men such as the Court shall make Choice of.
Lastly I nominate and appoint my WifeSarah and my friend Look ROBERSON Executor

and Executrix of this my last Will and
Disanulling all former Wills by me made For Testimony whereof I hereunto sett my
hand and seal This seven day July 1804 signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Ezecthal (X) LEGGITT


Three Negroes one sett of blacksmith tools Eight hogs

Jas. L. BLOUNT, administrator

Account of Sales of the perishable property of Archible DAVIDSON Decs/t

Washington 8th March 1810 -
1 Trunk of Cloths . Robt. DAVIDS0N1 0 0 12 Books. .Robt. DAVIDSON # # 5 0 0
1 Do Do 1 5 0 1 small pistol. Do. • • 0 2 6
1 Do. Do 2 2 6 1 matrass. Do. • . 1 5 0
1 Case of Rasors Do 0 12 0 1 mans Hat Do. . . 1 0 0
£ 12 .7.0
A True Copy from the original 'List 10
E . HOELL VM? £ 11 .17. 0

A True Inventory of the Perishable part of the Estate of Archible DAVIDSON dec'd
- in Washington County and Also at Washington Beufort County.
1 Bed & furniture 1 negro Venus 1 Do. Annis 1 Trunk Cloth 1 do. 1 do. 1
Case of Rasors 12 Books 1 matres, 1 small pistol 1 Mans Hat,
An Inventory of the Estate of Benjamin GARRETT dec'd taken 28th December 1809.
1 Bed & furniture stead a bag of feathers 1 desk 4 Chests 1 trunk 2 beaufats
Tea Ware glass ware a barsell of books 12 winsor cheers 11 Flag Do. 4 Walnut
tables 1 stand 6 silver tea spoons 2 pine tables 4 waiters 3 smoothing Irons 2
Cases with some bottles 2 pr fire dogs 2 Looking flasses 3 saddles 2 guns 1 pr.
hand bellows 2 pr. stilyards 1 pr. scails, 6 stone pots, 3 Iron pots, 2 pott hooks
a parsel of old Barrels, some broken pots, a sett coopers tools, 5 stone Jugs 4
Tea Kettles, 1 Loom and Geer, 4 woolen Wheels 3 Linen Wheels, 5 candlesticks 14
weeding Hoes, The amount of notes £250.8.2 money of Them desperate £192.5 in act.
a good many of them bad, a Quantity of sawed scantling, a quantity of barrel
timber, 3 turpentine Buckets, 1 ox chain, 1 plow Coutter, in money two Hundred
dollars 32 cents parsel of shoe last 3 bushel fish salt 5 Grubing Hoes, 5 Iron
widges 6 club axes 3 bar plows 2 weeding plows 5 broad axes a parsell of carpen-
ters tools 6 puter plates 6 do. bason 6 do. dishes 2 pr. Candle Moles 1 Lanthorn
2 mouse traps 1 colt 2 coffee mills a parcel of tin ware, 2 Rum cocks, shott
oles pr. spoon moles 2 pr. sheers 4 band boxes money scales Lancet shaving
Utenteals Hand mill Rice mill 2 whip saws 1 + Cut saw parsell of files 2 ox
chains 1 pr. saddle bags 3 canoes 2 pr. Carriage Wheels - 2 Carts 1 steel trap,
a small still 2 sithes 63 head hogs Cattle sheep old frying pan pr. Wafer Irons
5 deer skins a parcel of Earthen plates & dishes with other Crockry 2 sett Knives
6 forks 10 puter spoons Coffee pott 2 sugar boxes 1 Hackell 2 Hammers 1 pr. fire
tongs 4 pr. cards 2 Looking glasses 1 Trumpet powder & shott old Bottles 1 Close
brush Iron several half Bushel 1 Cotton gin 1 Cradle 7 sides of Leather 4 raw
hides warping barrs reele 3 baskets with trumpery old Iron 2 sives 5 baskets 3
art Wheels box a pasell of Wooden Ware 3 Scrap Irons 4 round 2 spades some old
cags a Quantity of Flax 2 bricks Cotton Wool 19 Bee Hives 5 sett Botts 2 pr. pott
Hooks half of a small sein platt 6 head Horses, Pees, Corn, Wheat, Potatoes,

- 30-
An Account of sales of The Estate of Benjamin GARRETT Dec'd December 28th 1809.

1 Bed bedsted & furniture Mrs. GARRETT $ 29.00

1 Do. Do. Walter JONES 30.10
1 Do. Do. ORRELL 30.10
1 Do. Do. Elisabeth GARRETT. . . . 41.00
1 Do. Do. Do. 30.00
1 Do. Do. Mrs. GARRETT 41.00
a parsell of feathers Jesse JONES 5/7 .. .
1 Desk Mrs. GARRETT 6.10
1 Chest Elizabeth GARRETT. ... 1.00
1 Mrs. GARRETT 1.05
Do. ***’*’
1 Do. John WILCOX 1.25
1 Do. . Ladwick REDETT 1.00
1 Trunk Mrs. GARRETT 2.30
Beaufat Do. 1.60
Tea Ware Do. 1.10
Glass Ware Do. 1.10
a lott Books Do. 0.50
a Lott Do. Elisabeth GARRETT ... .50
Do. Lott EVETT 1.00
Winsor Chairs 6 Mrs. GARRETT 4.50
Do. 6 * ’ ’ Elisabeth GARRETT. ... 4.50
6 Flag Thos. COX 3.00
5 Flag Chairs Mrs. GARRETT .65
1 Table Do. 1.00
1 Do. Elisabeth GARRETT ... 4.00
1 Do. Mrs. GARRETT 1.00
a stand Elisabeth GARRETT. ... .25
1 pine table Mrs. GARRETT .25
Do. ’ ' * * * Redding HAWKINS .... .16
1 Water do. Alex'r REDDITT 1.15
1 Do. ...!!! Mrs. GARRETT .05
1 Do. Do. .20
1 Do. Do. ,15
3 smoothing Irons Do. 0.50
1 Case Ladwick DOUGHTY .... .50
1 Do. James MENDITH .32
1 pr. fire dogs Mrs. GARRETT 1.00
1 Do. ....!!! Elisabeth GARRETT. ... 1.75
1 Looking glass Mrs. GARRETT 0.25
1 do. Elisabeth GARRETT ... .10
1 saddle Mrs. GARRETT 5.50
Do. Mary ECKLIN 5.10
1 Do. Willeby MOOPE 4.25
1 Gun Mrs. GARRETT 13.10
1 Do. Joseph SHUTE 13.25
1 pr. hand bellows John WILCOX .78
1 pr. stilyards Mrs. GARRETT .50
1 pr. do. Do. 2.00
1 pr. scales Levi ADAMS 1.30
2 stone potts Mrs. GARRETT 1.00
2 Do. ] Do. 1.00
2 Do. Eden HILL 1.00

1 Iron Pott Mrs. GARRETT $1.00
1 Do Daniel PEELE 1.00
1 Do Mrs. GARRETT 0.50
1 pott Rack Do 1.00
1 Do Thomas ALLEN 2.00
1 Lott of old barreles. Mrs. GARRETT 2.00
old broken potts. . . . Do .10
set of Coopers Tools. . Do 8.00
2 Stone Jugs Do .50
2 Do Abraham MOORE .45
1 Do Cha. D. CROFURD .50
2 Tea Kettles Mrs. GARRETT 1.00
2 Do Henry THOMSON .47
1 Loom & Geer Mrs. GARRETT 3.00
slay & geer Walter JONES 1.10
1 Linen Wheel Mrs. GARRETT 2.50
1 Do Elisabeth GARRETT. . . . 2.10
1 Do Cash .30
1 Beaufat Jbseph SHUTE .20
1 Candle stick Mrs. GARRETT 1.20
2 Do Major HARRISS 1.50
1 Do Thomas DOWLEY .30
5 Weeding Hoes . . . . Mrs. GARRETT .40
5 Do John WILCOX .56
2 Grubing Do Mrs. GARRETT .50
3 Do Joseph SHUTE 2.20
3 Iron Wedges Peter DOWTY 2.10
2 Do Mrs. GARRETT .50
3 Club axes Joseph SHUTE 2.11
4 Do Mrs. GARRETT 2.00
2 Do John WILCOX 2.30
1 Barr plow Levi ADAMS .40
2 Do Mrs. GARRETT 2.80
1 Weeding Do Chas HAGAN 1.40
1 Do William THOMSON . . . . 1.50
72 (2)
1 Broad Ax Cha. D. CRAWFORD . . . . 2.40
1 Do Daniel PEELE 1.25
1 Do Winsor WHITE 3.25
1 Do John WILCOX 1.05
1 Do Alex' REDDITT .20
1 Lott Carpenters tools Mrs. GARRETT 1.40
a Lott Do Thomas COLLINS .66
6 puter plates . . . . Abraham MOORE 1.91
2 do. Basons Mrs. GARRETT 1.80
2 Do Abraham MOORE 1.80
2 Do Mrs. GARRETT 1.12
2 pr. Candle mooles . . Do. .35
1 Lanthorn Cha. D. CRAUFURT . . . . .25
2 mouse Traps John WILCOX .30
1 Cott Nathan ARCHIBLE . . . . 2.00
1 Coffee mill Mrs. GARRETT 1.25
1 Do Evan JONES .10

1 Lott tin ware . Mrs. GARRETT $ .30
1 Do Levi ADAMS 20
2 Rum Cocks . . . Mrs. GARRETT 25
1 pr. Shoth moles John MOORE 65
1 pr. spoon do. . Elisha DOWTY 1.10
1 pr. sheep shiers Mrs. GARRETT 30
1 pr. Cloth do. . Do. 25
2 Band Boxes . . Levi ADAMS .50
2 Do Walter JONES 22
1 pr. money scales Cha. ROACH 80
1 lancet . ... George GERRARD .62
shaving Utentials Mike HILL 2.10
1 Hand Mill . . . . Levi ADAMS 3.10
1 Rice mill . . # Cha DLAUFURD. .$ 1.12 1 Whip saw. . . .Alex. REDDITT. .$ 5.25
1 Do. ... • Cha. DLAUFERD . 5.50 1 Cut saw . . . .Wm. WILLIAMS . . 4.50
1 Lott files. . • Chas. D. Cawferd .56 1 lott files .Alex. REDDITT . .31
2 Ox Chains . . • Winsor WHITE. . 5.20 1 pr. saddle bags.Joseph SHUTE 1.25
1 prCarriage wheels.Joseph SHUTE. 25.50 1 pr. Carriage whls.JohnGUTHERIE. 20.00
1 Cart Thos. ALDORSON 5.25 1 Cart .... .Mrs. GARRETT . . 5.50
1 Steal Trap • Lott EVETT. . . 3.00 1 Still .... .Reading GRIST. . 40.00
1 Sythe .... Alex'rREDDITT . 2.00 1 Do .Mrs. GARRETT . . 2.50
2 Pewter Dishes • Daniel PEELE. . 2.00 2 Do .John COX .... 1.15
2 pewter Dishes • Antoney MOORE . 2.50 1 Old frying pan .John WILCOX. . . .15
1 pr. Wafer Irons Mrs. GARRETT. . 1.00 1 Table .... .Daniel PEELE . . 4.00
5 Deer skins • Alex'r RIDDITT. 2.00 1 lott Earthen plats Mrs. GARRETT 1.50
1 Lot Earthen platsMrs. GARRETT . 1.00 1 Do. Crockery. .Mrs. GARRETT . . .50
1 sett Knives & forks Do. .50 1 sett Knives & forksHenry THOMASON .40
puter spoons. . • Mrs. GARRETT . .25 Coffee potts &c. .Mrs. GARRETT . . .25
2 sugar boxes . Do . 10 1 Book .Alex'r REDDITT . .35
1 Book .... Scott SPIRE . . . 15 1 Hackle.... .Mrs. GARRETT . . .25
Hammer & tongs. . Mrs. GARRETT. . .25 4 pr. Cards . . .Mrs. GARRETT . . .35
2 Chamber potts .Do 10 1 Lott Trumpery .Alex'r RIDDETT . .85
powder & shott . Thos. THOMSON . .75 Bottle & Cork &c .Walter JONES . . .25
1 Close Brush . . Mrs. GARRETT . .05 1 Iron sive . . .Mrs. GARRETT . . .65
1 half Bushell. .Do .65 Cotton Gin. . . .Joseph SHUTE . . .55
1 Cradle .... Alex'r RIDDLE . .25 1 Lott Leather. .John WILCOX. . . 2.05
1 Lott Leather. . Redding HAWKINS 2.25 1 Do .Joseph SHUTE . . 2.15
1 Do Wm. MOORE ... 3.05 3 Raw Hides . . .Mrs. GARRETT . . 2.00
1 Raw Hide. . . . Walter JONES. . 1.30 Warping bars & reel Do. ... .25
1 Basket trumpery John MOORE. . . .25 1 Basket trumperyLd. DOWTY. . . . .80
1 Basket Do. . . Ld. DOWTY ... .30 1 Lott of Iron. .Mrs. GARRETT . . 1.00
2 sives Mrs. GARRETT. . .05 2 Baskets . . . .Do .05
2 Baskets .... Do .55 a Lott Cart boxesWilleby MOORE. . .35
1 Lott Wooden WareDo 55 2 tubs .... .Mrs. GARRETT . . .50
3 scrapers 4 Round sharJ.SHUTE. . 1.10 2 spades. . . . .Mrs. GARRETT . . .50
2 Kegs Joseph SHUTE. . .50 2 Trays .... .John WILCOX. . . .90
1 lott light ware Williby MORE. . 1.10 1 lott Wooden WareJ. SHUTE . . . .60
1 Lot Wooden Ware Alex.REDDETT. . .30 1 Do .John MOORE . . . 1.05
1 Lott earthen wareA. MOORE ... .60 a piggin. . . . .Mrs. GARRETT . . .10
14951b.unbook flax 25cper C 3.75
25 lb. flax . . . Thomas COLLINS. .5.00 5 lb. flax 2/ . .Abram. MOORE . . 1.00

5 lb Flax. . . . Gabe. BLANGE. .$ 1.00 35 lb. Flax . . . .Lot SPEIRE. .$ 5.75
Flax at 8c . . . Abraham COX . . 1.62 parsell tow . . . .Samuel WORD . 4.65
some shott . . . Thomas DOWTY. . .05 Jug & cake of tallowMrs. GARRETT 1.00
Bottle & earthen WareWalter JONES .15 2 flax Brakes . . .Mrs. GARRETT. 1.05
2 Bee Hives. . . Mrs. GARRETT 2.00 15 Bee Hives Gums & beese
Windsor WHITE
2 Bee Hives. . . James MEREDETH. . 1.00 1 sett Bottls. . .Joseph SHUTE . 3.20
2 sett Bottls. . Alex'r REDDITT. . .25 2 sett Bottls. . .Sam'1CHESTER . .80
2 boat hooks . . Mrs. GARRETT. . . .50 1 Canoe Joseph SHUTE .1.00
1 Canoe .... Joseph SHUTE. . . 6.00 1 Canue Mrs. GARRETT .5.00
half of flatt. . Cha. D. Caufurt . 2.00 2 small Hogs . . .Do. . .3.00
4 Hogs Walter JONES. . . 9.05 4 Hogs Terrance DELANY
4 Hogs Lad DOWTY . . . . 6.35 a Lott do Lad DOWTY. . .
2 sows Mrs. GARRETT. . . 2.00 1 sows & pigs. . .Mrs. GARRETT . 6.00
1 sow & 2 shotes Samuel WOOD . . . 5.25 1 shotes Do 4.00
1 sow & pigs . . Lad DOWTY . . . . 2.00 2 Hogs Henry THOMSON. 4.00
3 saddles. . . . Joseph SHUTE. . . 3.751 sow & 5 shotes. .George BARROW. 4.00
3 sow & shotes . George BARROW . . 5.00 1 sorroll Horse. .Mrs. GARRETT . 50.00
1 Horse Mrs. GARRETT . .25.00 1 Mare George BARROW. 60.00
1 Horse Abraham MOORE . .15.00 1 Young mare . . .Wm. BOYD ... 59.50
1 Colt Levi ADAMS. . . .26.50 Yoak of Oxen . . .Wm. WHIDEN . . 35.00
2 Cows & Calves. Mrs. GARRETT. . .14.00 2 Cows & Calves. .Mrs. GARRETT . 14.00
2 Do John W. GUTHERIE. 20.50 2 Do Wm. MOORE. . . 20.00
2 Do John W. GUTHERIE. 16.00 2 Do Wm. NUMANS . . 14.20
2 Do Lodwick DOWTY . .12.30 2 Heifers Gabe BLANGO. . 14.00
2 Heigers. . . . Wm. MOORE Jr. . .11.00 1 Bull George HILL. . 9.75
1 Bull Joseph SHUTE. . . 6.50 1 Bull Mrs. GARRETT . 2.00
1 Steer .... Alex’r REDDITT. . 3.25 1 Steer John WILCOX. . 4.35
4 Yearling . . . Lyle SHUTE. . . .13.50 1 Yearling . . . .Alex'r REDDITT 8.00
4 do Alex'r REDDITT. . 6.00 4 Sheep Mrs. GARRETT . 8.00
4 Sheep Dasky HAGAN ... 7.00 4 Do Mike HILLS . . 5.50
1 Do James MEREDETH . 4.80 1 Do Mike HILLS . . 1.80
5 Bbls. Corn 47/-Levi STILLEY. . .23.00 5 Bbls Corn 47/6 Josua HILLS. . 23.75
5 Do. 46/ . . Abram MOORE . . .23.00 5 Do. 46/6 . . . .John COX . . . 23.25
5 Do. 45/6. . Mathers KELLY . .15.03 5 Do. 46/ William WILLIAMS23.00
5 Do. 44/6. . Antony MOORE. . .22.25 2 Do. 41/6 . . . .Ivey ORRELL. . 8.30
5 Do. 46/6. .Do 23.20 5 Do. 46/- . . . .Thomas WALKER. 23.00
5 Do. 47/-. . Elisha DOWTY. . .23.50 2 Do. Rotton 18/5.Mrs. GARRETT . 3.70
2 Do. 19/. . Walter JONES. . . 3.80 7 1/3 Barrell Rotton Corn 18/6 ....
200#_Peese 5/. . Mrs. GARRETT. . . 1.00 Jesse JONES . .13.57
367# Do Do 11.80 5 Bees White do. Mrs. GARRETT . . 2.50
5 Bees White 8/. George BARROW . . 4.00 5 Do. . . .Wm. MORRIS . . . 4.00
5 Do Abram COX .... 3.75 5 Do. . . .Levi ADAMS . . . 3.50
Remainder. . . Jesse JONES 6 Bus Rice 5/- . .John WILCOX. . . 2.40
2 Bus. Rice 4/6. Sam CHESTER . . . 2.70 2 Do. Wheat 12/- .John WILCOX. . . 2.40
2 Do. 11/- . . . Wm. MOORE .... 2.20 2 Do. 11/-. . .Abram MOORE. . . 2.20
2 Do. 10/6 . . . Terance DELANY. . 2.75 2 Do. 10/8. . .Terance DELANY . 2.13
5 Remainder 10/7 John MORE . . . .5.29 Beenes John JONES . . . 1.77
221b. Wool . . . John MOORE. . . . 4.53 29 lb. Cotton. . .Antony MOORE . . 1.38
200 lb. seed CottonMrs. GARRETT. .10.00 200 lb. seed . . .Joseph SHUTE . .10.00
100 lb. Do. . . John COX . . . . 5.00 2 stacks blade fodderMrs. GARRETT. 3.50

1 Stacks blade fodderMrs.GARRETT . 2.00 1 Stack blade fodder2/Terrance DELANY
1 Stack Do T. DELANY . . 1 Do Wm. MOORE. . 6.25
1252 Do Joseph SHUTE . 1126 Do. 2/- .... Walter JONES 2.25
half of Hogsheads . .Mrs. GARRETT. 5.00 half the Sein .... Alex'rREDDITl1.60
45 Bushels of potatoesD.HAGAN . .11.25 1 bank slips .... Mrs. GARRETT 2.00
1 Stack top fodder. .M. MOORE . . 3 Bushels Irish potatoes
3 ^Bushel I.Potatoes.A. REDDITT. . 1.62 C.CRAWFORD 4.50
3/4 Do Mrs. GARRETT. 1.62 1 Grind Stone . . . Mrs. GARRETT 1.62
1 Grind Stone ... .A. REDDITT. . 5.50 2 Bbls. Herrings. . . Joseph SHUTE 1.60
% Bbl youpon Tea. . .Mrs. GARRETT. .50 Bbl. youpon Tea . . John MOORE . 1.04
hand saw Do 05 10 Bush Oats 5/- . . Cha D CAWF0RT5.00
5 Bush'1 Oats . . . .Mrs. GARRETT. 2.00 5 Do SHUTE__REDDICK2.50
1 Do. flax seed 10/ .Joseph SHUTE. 1.00 Jg Do Mrs. GARRETT. .30
4 Hogs in woods . . .Mrs. GARRETT. .30 1 Cow A. REDDITT . 1.50
2 sheep Isaac ECKLIN 2.00 1 Sheep Isaac ECKLIN 2.25
2 Do Do 1.95
In The Name of God amen I John KEWELL Sen. of the County of Beaufort and state
of North Carolina Being sick and Weak of body but of sound and disposing mind
and memory Calling to mind The mortality of my body and that it is ordained for
all men once to die do recommend my soul to God who Gave it, and my body to be
buried in a desent manner and as touching what Worldly Goods it has pleased God
to bestow on me, I give in The following of manner (Viz) first after my Just
debts are paid I lend Unto my Wife Rosa KEWELL during her natural life all my
Estate both real & personal of whatever Kind I may have at my death, and after
her death the whole of my Estate to be Equally divided among all my Children
share and share alike, Lastly, I nominate Constitue and appoint my son John
KEWELL my Whole and sole executor to this my last Will and testament hereby re-
voking all Wills by me made in Testament hereby revoking all Wills by me made in
testament whereby I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 21st day of December
in presence of
Th the name of God Amen this 4th day of december in the Year of our Lord 1809, I
Thomas CORPREW of State of North Carolina and County of Beaufort being weak in
body but of sound disposing mind and memory blessed be God and Calling to mind
the uncertainty of this tository Life and to provide for a better do publish and
declare this to be my last
Will and Testament in manner and form following In primises, my Will and desire
is that all my Just debts and Funeral Expences be first settled out of my Estate.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my beloved son James CORPEW five dollars to be
paid out of my Estate which five dollars being his full part of my property with
what I have given him heretofore, Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved son
Elias - Ammond CORPERO my plantation where I now live and the Land belonging
There unto to him and his heirs forever, I lend unto my beloved Wife Mary CORPEW
all and singular all the remaining part of my property Except such as hereafter
may be mentioned During her natural life or widdowhood for the benefit of Raising
and schooling of Three Youngest Children to wit. Nancy Elias Ormond and Elisabeth
Corpew. Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son William Corpew my Negro
boy by The name of Hary? to him and his heirs forever also my Will and desire is
that my beloved Wife mary Corpero have the House and one third part of the
land and plantation during Widdowhood for the proper use of raising of my three

three Children before mentioned and after her marriage or Death and raising the
Children at the discretion of my Exec'rs not making of the Estate an heir after
mention, Item, my Will and desire is that my beloved Wife Mary Corprew Death or
marriage that all my Estate that has not been already given In Legesy be Equally
Divided between Three of my children That is to say George, Nancy and Elisabeth
Corpew, I constitue Nominate and appoint my beloved Friend James LATHUM and James
CORPREW Excutors of this my last Will and testament Revoking all other wills or
wills by me heretofore made Confirming this only to be my last Will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal The day and date
above Written signed sealed and delivered In presence of:
William COWELL
In the name of God Amen this ninth day of november in the Year ofour Lord 1807
I Rolend EVERETT of Goose Creek in the County of Beaufort in North Carolina being
very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be given unto
God for The same and Calling to mind the mortality of my body and Knowing that
it is appointed for all men once to die = do make and ordain This my last Will
And Testament that is to say principally, and first of all I give Recomending
my soul to God that gave all and for my body I recomend It to the earth to be
buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors, northing
daunting but at the general resurection I shall Receive the same again by the
mighty power of God, and as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased
od to bless me in this life, I give devise and dispose of the same in manner and
form following that is to say in the first place I give and bequeath to Tabetha
GREGORY Eight head of wet Cattle one puter bason one half doz puter plates, one
Kittle one feather bed whereon I now lie the samel give to her, her Heirs and
assignors forever. I also give my brother James EVRETT one shilling stearling
to be his property for Ever, I give my Hugh EVERITT, one shilling sturling money
to be his property for Ever, I also give Joshua JONES daughter Susanna one heifer
Yearling to be her property for Ever, I also give my land to Micjah EVERETT all
of my cattle and hogs not before mentioned all of my property within doors and
without doors I give to him to be his property forever I also leave a portionable
part of all my property to pay my debts as my Executors seese Cause I leave
Micjah EVERETT and Aaron SPRING my Executors to my last Will and testament In
witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day and year above Written
signed seald delivered In presence of us. Item all other former will made by me
Conforming this be my last will and testament as witness whereof I set my hand
& seal
Rolin EVERETT (Seal)
Zebezee WATSON

An Inventory of the Estate of the late James EVERETT Decs't March 10th 1809

2 Chairs 1 Ducht Oven 1 pr. Cart Wheels

5 Do. 1 Pott trammel 1 Bbl. Tar 4 Bbls
1 Winsor Do. 1 dotto 1 pr. fire Irons 1 slay 1 Curry Comb
1 Trey 1 gun scraper 1 set nitt 1 piggin
2 Do. 1 pr. stilyards 1 saw & pigs. 1 barrow
2 Kealans 1 spice morter 1 dotto do.
1 Washing tub 1 quart pott 1 ditto do.
2 Water poles 1 ditto 1 ditto
2 stands 1 tool Chest 1 ditto
1 sifter 1 ^itto 1 sow & pigs

2 pair of shears 1 flax brake ditto do.
2 Reap Hooks 1 Canoe 1 do. do.
3 books 1 lott of potatoes 1 sow
6 do. 1 do. 4 head Hogs
2 basons 1 ditto 4 do do.
3 mugs 1 Lot of Cotton 1 sow & pigs
1 Dish 1 Basket 1 Sow . a residue of hogs
1 Tub 1 ditto unknown.
1 Dish 1 feather 1 ditto 1 Cow & Calf
2 Barrels 1 fish gig 1 ladder 1 ditto do.
5 Do. 1 bed quilt 1 ditto do
1 bed 1 pair fire tongs 1 Cow 4 Yearling
1 Case 1 bead stead 1 Dry Cow 1 do.
1 Hand mill 1 pair of Oister tongs 1 do. 1 do. 1 Bull
1 Table 1 Horses mare 1 do. 1 steer yearling
1 short gun 1 do. 1 Bbl Cotton 1 do.
1 do. 11 lb. flour 1 lot Flour 1 Bullstaf
1 Chest 1 bush'l flax seed
1 do. 1 of Goats, 3h bshl w. rice 1 Yoak of Oxen
1 peace of Cloth 1 lot corn, 7 fouls 1 Cow Heder
1 frying pan 2 lb. thread 1 grind stone.
1 Bell 1 H.W ?
1 do. H Bus. beans
1 do. 3 necks salt.
Account of The sales of the Cattle of Ja’s EVERETT taken 26th of April 1809. .
1 Cow & Calf John WATSON § B
1 Do. Nathaniel POTTER 5 2
1 Do. Litelton POTTER 5 1
1 Do. Burrages LINTON 5 6
1 Cow & Yearling do do. 5 6
1 Dry Cow Nathaniel POTTER 4 6
1 Do. Clocy DOROTY 3 3
1 Do. Litelton POTTER 2 10
1 Bull William JASPER 1 12 2
1 Do. Meija EVERETT 2
1 steer yearling James DOWTY 2
1 steer Rubin SLADE 6 12 6
1 Do. Micjah EVERETT 9
1 Bull Stag James DOWTY 16
1 Yoke Oxen Litelton POTTER 12 10
1 Cow Hide Do. Do. 15
1 Hhd. / Josph CAMPREW 0 5 6

In the name of God Amen I Henry ADAMS being in a low state of bodily helth but
being in a sound and well disposing mind and memory Thanks be to God for it, do
this day make this as my last Will and testament in manner hereafter mentioned.
Item I give and bequeath Unto my loving Wife Edney ADAMS, Joseph ADAMS, James
ADAMS, Peggy ADAMS, The Negros as follows Juda Silvy Clary and all my Household
furniture and Kitchen furniture to be Equally divided amongst them all, Item
If my beloved Wife Evey ADAMS should be
pregnant The Child or Children that she may be present with is to have an Equal
share with my beloved Wife and the rest of my Children before mentioned, Item

Item I give and bequeath unto my Loving Son Abraham ADAMS one shilling together
with what he has already got in his possession for his share of my Estate, Item
I give and bequeath unto Sarah BOYD one shilling and what she has already got
for her share of my Estate, my Will and desire is that all the Remainding part
of my Estate that is not mentioned, in this my last Will I leave to be sold to
pay my debts I leave this as my last Will and testament and do hereby revoke all
other Wills made by me and do appoint my friend James LATHAM my Executor to
this my Last Will and Testament This 8th day of November 1809. . .Signed sealed
Executed, and delivered in presence of us:
Henry SCOTT Henry ADAMS (Seal)
Henry BERT

In the name of God Amen I James EVERETT of Beaufort County and state of North
Carolina being sick and Weak of body but of perfect mind and memory -. Thanks be
to God for the same therefore Calling to mind the mortality of my body and know-
ing that it is appointed for all men to die Therefore I do make and ordain This
my last Will and testament- - That is to say principally and first of all I give
my soul unto God that gave it, and as for my body I Recomend it to the earth to
be Buried in a Christian Like and decent manner nothing doubting but that at the
general Resurection I shall receive the same again through the Almighty power of
God and as touching such Worldly Estate which it hath pleased God to bless me
with in this Life I give and bequeath in manner and form following (Viz) Item. I
lend my plantation to my Daughter Hannah during her life and then after her death
I give it to my Grandson James POTTER and his heirs and assigns for Ever, Item I
give James POTTER as likely a heifer as any I own. Item I give and bequeath Unto
Robert JONES my Land I bought of Robert EVERETT to him his heirs assigns for
Ever, Item I give to Micjah EVERETT William POTTER and Robert JONES one hundred
Acres of marsh to be Equally Divided amongst them all There Heirs and assigns for-
ever, Item I leave all my Hogs to be sold to pay my Just debts. Item I leave the
rest of my Cattle after Micajah hath fifteen Head which I give him a deed of gift
for, to be Equally divided amongst my five Grand Children Item I give Micjah
EVERETT two Ewes, and the rest of my sheep I leave to be Equally divided Between
William POTTER and Robert JONES Item I give my Daughter Hannah a Chest then all
the rest of my property I leave to be sold and the money to be divided between
William POTTER & Robert JONES Item, I give all my wearing Cloths
To be Divided between my two Brothers Rob't & Hugh and I do hereby ordain consti
-tue and appoint Wm. POTTER Rob't. JONES and Micjah EVERETT my Executors of this
my last Will and Testament and I hereby Utterly Disallow Revoke and disanue all
and every other Will and bequeath and bequeath Ratifying and confirming this and
no other to be last Will and testament. In witness Whereof I hereunto set my
hand and seal this 9th of Oct'r 1800 signed sealed and delivered in presence of
James (X) EVERETT (Seal)

Account of sails of The Estate of the Late James EVERETT Decs't. March 22nd day,
1809 £ S D
2 Chairs Litelton POTTER 6
5 Do Do 10
1 Winsor Do Samuel POTTER 6 6
1 Trey Litelton POTTER 3
2 Do Benjamin CAMPEIGN 2 6
2 Beils Mark BEW , ,

1 Washing Tub Nd. JASPER . . .
2 Water pales John DANIELS . .
2 Stands Benjamin CAMPAIGN
1 sifter Joseph CAMPAIGN
2 pair shears Wm. JASPER . .
2 Reap Hooks William JONES
3 boats Joseph CAMPAIGN, Jr
1 boat Abraham SLADE. .
2 Basons Samuel PATE. . .
3 mugs Huggry EVERETT .
1 Dish Do. Do.
1 dish Huggry EVERETT .
1 Tub Littleton POTTER
1 Dish Do. Do.
2 Bbls Luke LINTON . .
5 Do Do. Do.
1 Big? Littleton POTTER
1 Case John WATSON . .
1 hand mill Littleton POTTER
1 Table Do. Do.
1 short gun James DOWTY. . .
1 Do Littleton POTTER
1 Chest Do. Do.
1 Do Joseph CAMPAIGN
1 peace of Cloth Jonathan JASPER
1 frying par Micah EVERETT. .
1 Bottle Jesse DOWTY. . .
1 Do Littleton POTTER
1 Do Joseph CAMPEIN
1 Duch Oven Micjah EVERETT
1 pot trammel Littleton POTTER
1 pot trammel Samuel LEATH .
1 pr. of fire irons . . . . Do. Do..
1 Gun Scraper Micjah EVERETT
1 pr. Stelyards Joseph CAMPEIN
1 spice morter John LEATH . .
1 fatt pott Micjah EVERETT
1 Do Littleton POTTER
1 tool Chest Micjah EVERETT
1 Do William JASPER
1 flax brake Huggey EVERETT
1 Canoe Cason STIREN .
1 Lott of potatoes obert EVERETT
1 Do David WATSON .
1 Do Littleton POTTER
1 Lot of Cotten Abraham STADE. .
1 Basket. . Aason SPRING . .
1 Do . . Littleton POTTER
1 feather bead John DANIELS .
1 Do Micjah EVERETT
1 fish gig Luke LENTON .
1 Ladder Joseph CAMPEIN
1 Bead Quilt Littleton POTTER 1 11 6
1 pr. fire tongs Do. Do. 10
1 Bead sted John DANIELS . . 2
1 pr. of Oister tongs. . . Joseph CAMPEIN JR 1
1 Horse Littleton POTTER 20 5
1 Mare Jeremiah TOOLY . 26 10
1 Cow & Calf William DAVIDSON 5
1 Do Icabud PRINGLE . 5
I Bb. of Cotton 22/16. . . Micjah EVERETT . 11
II lb. Flax Do. Do. . . . 1 13
1 Lot of flax Littleton POTTER 1 10
1 Bus'l flax seed Frederick NEW. . 5
1 lot of goats Jas. LEATH . . . 3
3h Bsh’l of Rice 6/. . . . Micjah EVERETT . 1 1
The rent of said EVERETT plantation
Littleton POTTER 5
1 Wheat patch. . . . . . . Do. Do. 8
1 Lot of Corn. . . . . . . Micjah EVERETT . 5 11
7 head fouls . . . . . . . Thomas MASON . . 9 3
2 Thread . . . Littleton POTTER 6
1 Grind stone . . . . . . Wm. JASPER . . . 1 2
1 Bell . . . Micjah EVERETT . 9
^ Bus’l beens . . . . . . Do. Do. . . 3
3 pecks of salt . . . . . David WATSON . . 15
1 pr. of Cart Wheels . . . Micjah EVERETT . 1
1 Bar'l tar . . . . . . . Meijah do. . . . 11
4 Bar'l . . . Littleton POTTER 7 6
1 slay . . . Do. Do. 2
1 Curry Comb . . . . . . . David WATSON . . 1 3
1 set nett . . .Do. Do. . . . 4 6
1 piggen . . . James Daniel . . 2 5
1 sow & pigs . . . . . . . Littleton POTTER 1 6
1 Barrow hog . . . . . . . James LINTON . . 3 1
1 Do . . . Do. Do. ... 3
1 Barrow . . . David JONES . . 2 11
1 Do . . . Do. Do. . . . 2 17
1 Do . . . Thos. MASON . . 2 10
1 Do . . . Do. Do. ... 2 11
1 Sow & pigs . . . . . . . David JONES . . 1 5 6
1 Do . . . Micjah EVERETT . 2 11
1 Do . . .Do. Do. . . . 2 5
1 sow . . . John LEATH . . . 11
4 hogs . . . Solomon TOOLEY . 6 1
4 Do . . . John LEATH . . . 4 6
3 Do . . . Littleton POTTER 3 2
1 sow and pigs . . . . . . Jas. DOWDY . . . 7 10
1 sow . . . Reubin SLADE . . 10
TheResidue of hogs . . . . Littleton POTTER 6 12 6
An Acct. of Sales of the perishable Estate of Joseph BLOUNT Dec't sold on Wednes
-day & Thursday the 30th & 31st December 1807 -----
6 Winsor chairs 61 cents eachto Samuel CLARK $ 3.66
12 ditto 91^ditto Robert LINIER 10.86
5 ditto 61 Isaac Smith 3.05

Flag bottom chairs 29 cents ea. Isaac SMITH $ 3.05
1 pr. shovels & Tongs .1. W. GUTHRIE 2.03
1 pr. Do. Do •Elijah N. EDWARDS . . 3.50
1 pr. Do. Do .Elias HOELL .79
1 pr. brassfire Doggs • E. W. EDWARDS 12.50
1 pr. Iron Do .Edward FIELDS .60
1 pr. Do .James REDMOND 1.50
1 pr. Do ,J. SMITH 1.64
1 pr. Smoothing Iron .Do .64
1 Coffee Mill .Do 1.26
1 Iron Pot .Do 2.06
1 Do •George WESTCOAT. . . . 1.50
1 Do .Do. .... .60
1 Duch Oven .S. M. JOSEPH 1.35
1 Do .Edward FIELDS 11
Tin Kittle & spider •J. SMITH 1.27
2 pr. pott Hooks & Tramels. . . • James REDMOND 1.62
1 Copper Kittle .Benj amin BLOUNT.... 2.00
1 pair Wafle Irons .Isaac SMITH 2.75
1 pr. Wafer Do .Do 1.20
1 Lot Tin Ware .Do .25
1 Woolen Wheel .Edward FIELD 1.01
1 Lott Leather • Isaac SMITH 1.75
1 Tub & Bucket • S.M. JOSEPH .40
1 morter .George LANGLY 1.35
1 Bed & Beadsted .Sally HODGES 33.20
1 Do Do .George N. WESTCOAT . . 24.50
3 Roase Blankets • Isaac SMITH 10.00
3 small Do .Do 4.35
1 Boulster & pillar .S. M. JOSEPH 1.15
1 Carpet .J. SMITH 12.40
1 horded Bedsted .John KENNEDY 8.00
1 sack bottom do .Do. Do. 17.50
1 Cotton bag full seed .... .Elias HOELL 3.85
1 Do. b4- 5*5- .Do. Do 3.52
1 Do. 77 5h .Thomas ROBERTSON . . . 4.23^
1 pr. dining tables .Isaac SMITH 1.95
1 tea table.- .Sally HODGES 8.41
1 candle stand .Samuel YOUNG 4.00
1 pr. oil table covers .... .Isaac SMITH .42
1 Do. Do .Do. Do .25
1 Do. Do .Do. Do .50
1 pair dressing glass .Do. Do 12.25
1 Large Looking Do .Nathaniel SMITH. . . . 5.35
1 Bureau .Samuel CLARK 21.25
1 Side Board .James REDMOND 40.00
1 Pine table .Isaac SMITH .80
1 Do .Do. Do .60
1 Do .Do. Do. ...... 1.00
2 Books Cyrus travels .Wm. ROBINSON .55
2 Do. Sidney on Govern't. . . . .William ROSS . . . . . 3.00
1 Do. Haywoods Justice .Willowby KNOWIS. . . . .75
1 Do. Dampers Voyage .Henry K. KEARS . . . . .34

3 Books Mysterius of dolphns Henry K. KEARS .... $ .50
1 Do. Barrow stirbend. . . Henry HARDINgS .... .34
2 Do. Precceplows . . . . S. M. JOSEPH 1.40
3 Do. Youngs Works . . . . Holland JOHNSON . . . .34
1 Do. Johnsons Dictionary. Freeman STANDLY. . . . 9.55
Lott of old Books Joseph B. HINTON . . . .55
1 Lott of Brass Isaac SMITH 2.10
sett of Knives & forks . . . William L. LAVENS. . . 5.37
Do. Do. ... Holland JOHNSON. . . . .55
pr candle sticks & snuffers George W. WACOAT . . . 1.80
pr Do. . . . James REDMOND .... 1.25
1 pitcher Bason Thos. EBON 3.00
15 blue edge plates . . . . Holland JOHNSON. . . . 1.00
22 plates different sizes- . Calab EVENS 1.40
1 sallad Dish Isaac Smith 1.55
1 Lott butter boats George LANGLEY .... .36
1 Tureen Holland JOHNSON. . . . .58
4 sauce Dishes George LANGLEY .... 1.20
3 Bowles William KEUIS . 15*5
3 dishes S. M. JOSEPH .20
3 Do George LANGLEY .... 2.50
4 Do Zachariah EBORN . . . 1.10
6 Do George LANGLEY .... .50
3 pitchers Holland JOHNSON. . . . 1.56
3 cut salt stands S. M. JOSEPH 2.17
1 pair plated do James REDMOND .... 1.61
2 tumblers George LANGLEY .... 1.14
3 Ditto Zac. EBORN 1.65
7 Ditto Thomas EBORN 1.39
12 Wine Glasses Isaac SMITH 1.40
1 Candle Shade Do. 3.35
3 decanters Do. 3.05
1 set of Casters J. W. GUTHRIE 6. oo
1 set flower potts Allen SMITH 6.12
2 Liberty Mugs Samuel YOUNG 2.50
1 Coffee Potts Benj. H. BLOUNT. . . . 1.00
4 Chamber potts S. M. JOSEPH 1.41
1 Waiter & set Chania. . . . George LANGLEY .... 10.00
1 large Warter James REDMOND 3.15
4 Do. George H. JESSUP . . . 1.00
1 Bread tray 1 Knife Do. . . William ROBINSON . . . 1.00
1 Tea Cadda Thomas EBORN 3.80
1 Do. Canister Benjamin BLOUNT. . . . .87
1 Lott tin pans George H. JESSUP . . . 1.15
1 tin Water pott Thomas SMITH 1.00
1 pr. Scails & Weights . . . S. M. JOSEPH 2.85
1 Lot of candle moles. . . . Gilbert D. GERRY(GENNY?) 1.10
1 do. tin Ware Thomas EDDY 1.00
3 stone Jars George GESSUP 1.00
2 small Jugs Holland JOHNSON. . . . .20
2 small Jugs George JESSUP 2.50
3 small Brushes S. M. JOSEPH 1.01
1 Do William ORR .35

1 spade William KEARS $ 1.05
1 Hoe Do. Do .25
1 saw Samuel CLARK 1.35
1 Hoe Allen SMITH .75
1 saw Thomas H. BLOUNT. . . . .13
1 pair hand bellowes Do. Do .35
1 small Looking Glass Comb Thomas EBORN 1.00
1 Lott sundries Allen SMITH 1.33
1 pair cards George GESSUP .25
1 Cloths basket „ William ORR .75
1 half bushel George LANGLEY 1.05
1 Churn Jeremiah CHERRY . . . . 5.00
1 musket T. H. BLOUNT 4.40
2 pr. winding blades S. M. JOSEPH .70
1 Colt George N. WESCOTT . . . 2.50
1 Bottles peas Benjamin BLOUNT. . . . 1.30
1 Lott bottles Alen SMITH .45
1 bed quilt Isaac SMITH 4.85
1 Do Do 4.35
1 Do S. M. JOSEPH 2.00
1 Window Curtain Isaac SMITH 7.25
5 Ditto J. W. GUTHERIE 5.00
1 table cloth 1 pillow bas S. M. JOSEPH .85
1 Bundle of Fringe Elias HOELL 1.20
13 \ Yds bed tick at 104Cpy Isaac SMITH 13.78
1 trunk James REDMOND 3.75
1 Chest Allen SMITH 1.87
1 Barrel B. H. BLOUNT .50
2 Books Farrius ELIAS HOVELL (HOUEL). . 4.11
1 Writing Desk William ORR 4.00
1 Keg Cherry bounce James REDMONDS 8.00
1 Harrow /Yoke Redding GRIST .25
1 Flake plough Thomas WORSLEY 1.00
1 Barr Do. .... Do .50
1 Do. Do Do .80
2 Augers Stephen HARDING . . . . 10.50
1 ax 3 Howes 1 hammer Thomas WORSLEY. . . . . 14.25
1 steer William ROSS 15.50
1 Do Samuel YOUNG 15.50
1 Do. Benjamin COAKLY . . . . 13.95
1 Do Isaac SMITH 16.10
1 Do Benjamin COAKLY . . . . 8.00
1 Do Samuel YOUNG 7.00
1 Bull Thomas WORSLEY 8.00
1 Cow & yearling Benjamin BLOUNT . . . . 13.00
1 Do. calf Henry HARDING 10.10
1 Do. & yearling S. M. JOSEPH 13.00
1 Do James TAYLOR 15.00
1 Do Henry HARDING 10.00
1 Heifer Thomas ALLEN 5.00
1 Do Charles ROBERTS . . . . 4.00
1 do. Do 3.37

1 Bull ( no horns) . William GORHAM . . . .$ 8.50
6 sheep William ORR 6.10
1 horse Cart & Wheels S. M. JOSEPH 15.60
1 Ox Do William SMITH .... 20.00
1 Horse William LANIER .... 80.00
1 Bridle S. M. JOSEPH 2.10
1 saddle Benjamin COAKLY. . . . 5.05
7 Hogs at $5 & 5.06 each Sally HODGES 38.50
13 ditto 3.75 Ditto 48.75
1 sow Isaac SMITH 4.56
1 cradle & sythe S. M. JOSEPH 60
3 Reap Hooks Do 30
2 Frocs Isaac SMITH 19
1 Adze Do 25
1 Cross Cut saw Do 4.25
1 hand do. 1 auger 1 shovel Do 95
1 pr. Iron Traces Do 2.02
1 Drawing Knife James TAYLOR .51
1 chisel Do
1 sive William GORHAM .... 2.00
1 old saddle John WILCOX 1.00
1 Lot old Iron Isaac SMITH 80
1 Funnel . . . Robert GODLEY 15
1 Iron Wedge . Isaac SMITH 85
1 bag Cotton 60 lb. a 5 cts Charles ROBERTS . ... 3.00
10 Bis. Corn @ 2.50 bts. . Sally HODGES 3.20
800 do. 1.00 ... Isaac SMITH 8.00
1 Lot peas (in Hull . . . William ORR 2.20
1 tub Isaac SMITH 25
1 stock bees John WILCOX 1.70
a parcel potatoes Sally HODGES 1.00
$1061.10 cents @ 10/ p. Dollar £533.10.10 Mills, Clara SIMON, Jinny dinah
(2 Children) These Negroes (Viz) Simon, Jinny, Dinah, & her two Children, are
Claimed as the property of the Children of Joseph BLOUNT exclusively of their
being The heirs of the said Joseph BLOUNT Dec't.
William ORR, Adn'r.

Inventory of the Estate of Elisabeth McKEEL Dec't. taken the 10th of June 1808.
1 Cow & Calf 1 note against Ben McKEEL Dec't for one hundred pounds with a
Credit on it to the amt. of thirty dollars.
William McKEEL
Account of sales of The Estate of Elisabeth McKeel Dec't. sold the 21th June
1 Cow 1 Calf To Jesse ELIOT $ 78.10
An Inventory of the property of John BOND - Sen'r. Decst. . . 8 chests 2 tables
2 desks 1 looking glass one do. 1 pr. hand Bellows some crockery - 5 Chunk
bottles 1 pr. stelyards 1 pr. do. 4 tart pans 1 grate Wheel 3 Lining Wheels 4
Reap Hooks, 2 pr. sheep shears, 2 tin Cups 1 real some Books 4 tumblers 6 ats 2
pt. Cotton Cases,
1 pair hand Irons 1 pot tramel 1 pare fire tongs & shovels Bar iron theaters 2

2 flat Irons 12 peuter plates 4 puter bason 3 Dishes do. 1 plate 6 earthen
plates 4 Iron pots 1 dutch Oven grid Iron, flesh forks 2 Trays 1 ax 2 frows 3
Iron Wedges. 1 pr. spoon modes some plank 4 Baskets 1 Loom 1 Cart 2 sows 1 pig
12 shoats - 14 Do. Mark- & Residue 4 head of sheap 1 Horse 1 cot some scantling
8 beehives 1 grind stone 1 pot trammel 3 Bbls ^ bushel 1 butter stand 1 fat tub
1 Keg 2 sives 1 churn 2 Earthen dishes 1 pot 4 oak Bbls 4 cypress do. 1 soap
barrell 2 fat tubs 3 Kegs Jumper tubs 1 cake of tallow KEALERS 2 satting trays
4 rain ? hides 2 flax braks 3 ploughs 3 barrels 2 hand Mills 3 tubs 2 pare horse
hames 1 Kegs 9 hoes cart saddle & sheap skin 1 gun & barrel f,lax seed 5 Barrels
3 guns 1 pare oars Jointer & treshoops 1 canoe 1 tin Coffee Pot 1 decanter 2
Jugs 1 small trunk 1 Bucket 1 sugar box 1 slate 60 Bushels potatoes 1 pr. silver
buckles some awl blades 1 lancet sundry Buckles 1 pocket Compas 1 saw set shot
bag 5 buch’l Wheat 6 Bucl. Rice 2% busl. beans 13 Bbls com.1.5^ lb. Hogs lard 5
300 hogshed staves 1500 Bal. d. Ring of lightwood 16.500 shingles 2 Wash boals
1 funel 9 puter spoons 3 mettle do. 1 tin pan 1 tickler 6 tea spoons 2 Chests 3
old Doores 1 calf skin 1 Keg old Iron 4 Barrels 1 pail 1 bucket 3 spards 1 pr.
Cart Boxes 3 set nets 2 saddles 4 sides of Leather Washingbars. 2 bridles a
remnant of Leather. - -
2 pr. cloth girsts 2 gimblets some tools 1 pair bullet moles 1 pr. shot moles
shaving tools 3 guns 1 pare of candlemoles 2 Candlestocks 1 X bit saw 5 2
bells shoe tool 1 tea Kettle 1 skillet 6 axes knives & forks 1 winsor Chair 4
tubs 3 pails 2 piggins 2 frying pans 1 puter Dish 1 Hackle 54 Bbst. slips 19h
bushels potatoes some peas in Hull 2 Riddles 1 barrel & hogshead 1 Barrel 12 lb.
Bacon some hogs lard. 2 raw hydes 1 Cow & Calfs steer 1 bull 1 ster 1 Calf 2
Yearlings cash twenty three dollars 76 Cents Note fore pounds - This is a true
Samuel PATE Exer.

Sales of five Negroes belonging to the Estate of Joseph BLOUNT decst. sold at
the Court House in the town of Washington on Saturday the 20th January 1810 by
William ORR admr. of the Estate of the said Joseph BLOUNT decst. in presence of
an Order of the Worshipful Court of Beaufort County granted for the same-to WIT.
One old Negro Woman named Milles —
one old ditto do. do. Jenny
one do. Girl do. Clara-
one do. man do. Solomon
one do. do. do. Fred-
and Were purchased by the following persons (Viz)
Milles to James L. BLOUNT for $ 27.00
Jinny Miles BLOUNT 30.50
Clara James LANGLEY 268.00
Solomon William B. NEWMANS 550.00
Fred James REDMOND 490.25
Amounting to the sum of £ 00. 17a 6 D $ 1365.75-
William ORR Admr.
Account sales at Vendue of Sundry Articles belonging to the Estate of Benjamin
BLOUNT Decst. Washington March 29th 1810 - on a credit of Six Months. -
This estate sale list covers pages 100 through 111. The following are some of
the purchasers:bjc
David W. MARSH, Godfrey WILLIAMS, Lewis LEROY, Harris SMITH, D. W. MARSH, Jas.

-45 -
Redding HAWKINS, Robert GODLY, William CHERRY, Thos. ALDORSON Senr., Moses
112ln the Name of God Amen, I Abraham ADAMS the County of-Beaufort-&-stati~oT~No.
Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory (blesed be God do this 26th
day of July one thousand Eight hundred & ten do make & publish this my last Will
and testament in manner and form following. That is to say. First I give and be-
queath unto my Niece Nelly SMAW the beaufat now in the house 2d I give and be-
queath unto Lurana the Daughter of my sister Rejina 2 Cows & calves 3 I give &
begueath unto John Adam Nephew 2 head of Cattle, 4 I give and bequeath Unto
Abraham ADAMS Junr. one Cow & calf 5 I give and bequeath unto Catherine BRITT my
Neice 4 head of cattle, 6th I give and bequeath unto Sarah BOYD one head boul-
ster and two pillows- Joseph ADAMS as above I give and bequeath one Cow & calf
. 8 I give and bequeath unto Jas. ADAMS one cow & calf. 9 I give and bequeath
unto Peggy ADAMS my Niece six chairs one Iron pot & Kettle. Round dressing table
of black Walnut 10th I give and bequeath unto my friend Jonathan MARSH His Heirs
and assigns forever the plantation hereon I now live containing three hundred
and fifteen acres also one other tract of Land adjoining the above plantation
Containing fifty Acres, Also the plantation Known by the point containing two
hundred acres more or less, I give also to my Friend Jonathan MARSH my Negro
Wench Dinah, negro boy moses negro boy Ben negro boy Britton to him His Heirs
Forever, farther I give unto my Friend Jonathan MARSH all my Right and title of
my Yellow Woman, named Racheal and my son Joseph son of Rachiel. 17th I father
give unto my friend af'd Jon*a MARSH the Remaining part of my Estate that is
perishable to be sold at six months credit - I with that to discharge all my
Just debts & the ballance remaining if any the above to contain the Remaining my
part of my Cattle sheep Si hogs Household Si Kitchen furniture Horses Si tools Sic.
and I hereby make and ordain my worthy Friend Jonathan MARSH Si Richard COGDELL
Executors of this my last Will and testament in Witness Whereof I have here unto
set my hand and Seal the day and Year above writen signed sealed and delivered
in presence of.

,, , Abraham ADAMS (Seal)

Abraham BYNUM
WasRington-Juhe~5th~T8TU7 Ah InvehTory“oT Tfie peY?! fiAb:I!=pT:6p:5TT:y=D:f=:SBmB:e:l==~=
- - _ :

WINDLEY Deceased 1 bridle Si bits 24 Small gauges and chisele 4 Tenant saws - 1
hand saw 2 set Table tools 3 bulking thirst,? 1 plow & chisels 14 hollow and
Round Rabit plain 1 set of match plains 2 philisters 12/moulding plains 3 smooth
plains, 4 Jointers & 1 Jack plain 2 spaares and 3 beeds 3 gauges Si 6 plain Irons
18 pieces of tools
1 Reel Si 8 Gimblets 14 Windscot Chisels. 1 spoke shan? Si 2 pr. Nippers 1 hard
rice 12 small setto sett screw tools 1 glue pott 1 sett gouge 1 sett Raisors 1
tool chest Sundry cott. trumperys 1 Sett gouge 1 Lott sundry 1 desk 3 Draft
Books 1 boat.
Inventory and Acct. of sales of the Estate of Thos. CAILA Decs'd taken this 23
Feb, 1810.
Buyers were:
John ADAMS, Wherriott ORMOND, William COWELL, Ab. BYNUM, Abalam PRICE, And.
Inventory & acct. of Sales of Thos. CAILA Dect.
Abraham_BYRUM_Decem^r_4th_181£^__ £_i9^9^9_________________________
Washington June 30th 1810. Acct. of Sales of the property of Samuel WINDLEY
Decs.t. Pages 115, 116, and part of 117. Buyers were:
John ADAMS, Wherriott ORMOND, William COWELL, Al. BYNUM, Abalain
Benjamin MARRINER, William CLARK, John CAMPBELL, Nathaniel SAWYER, Henry WOODARD
117 £126.10
Inventory and Acct. of Sales of the Estate of Thos. CORPREW Decs’t. taken this
30th of Mar'h 1810.1 Loom & Gun, 1 Woolen Wheel, 1 do., 1 Writing desk, 1 Linen
Wheel, 1 Linen Do., 1 bedsted of furniture, 1 ditto, 1 do., 1 do. & bottles, 1
Bed stead, 1 table, 6 chairs, 3 do. 1 Gun, 1 Case & bottles, 1 case & bottles,
1 case & bottles, 1 Chest, 1 Chest, lunk, 1 Trunk, 1 Looking glass, 1 Looking
glass, shep shears, saddle, 2 juggs, 2 juggs, 3 juggs, 1 shad net, 1 mullet net,
1 Hackl-, half bushel, 2 candle moulds, 1 pail & piggin, 1 tubb, 1 pail & tubb,
1 honey tubb, 1 fatt tubb, 2 grubbing hoes 1 hoe, 2 do. 1 pr. stilyards, 1 pr.
ditto, 2 Axes, 1 ditto, 2 Candlesticks, 1 adze, shoemakers tools, 2 Bbls., 2 do.
1 book.,3 cutting thurst., 1 pr. flat Irons, 1 pr. fire dogs, 1 fire tongs, 1
1 slate, 4 ditto, 2 Ewes & Lambs, 3 sheep, 1 sheep, 3 sheep, 4 sheep, 1 Iron pott,
1 do., 1 Ditto, 1 Do., 1 Tea Kittle, 1 duch oven, 1 Kitchen & skillet, 1 pott
Each, 1 stock bees, 1 do. , 1 do., 1 do., 1 do., Augers, 1 spade. Drawing Knife,
1 pr. wedges, 1 hand saw, puter, 1 tray, 1 Riddle? flax brake. Coffee mill,
1 basket, 1 X Cut saw, 1 shaving tools, saw set. Knives forks,1 Yoke Oxen, 1
ow & calf, 1 cow, 1 heifer, 1 Cow, 1 Cow & calf, 1 cow 1 Stear, 1 heifer, 1 cow
& yearling, 1 stear, 1 bull, 1 Do., 1 heifer, 1 horse, 1 cart,2 frows, 1
Canoe, Negro Aaron hired for 16£-’ Mary Do., Lyd, 6000 Bricks, sow & shoats, 7
hogs, 1 Sow, 1 Do., 5 shoats, 3 feet planks, 2 sides of Leather,
1 plow, 1 do., 1 do., plow gear, flax seed, shingles. Cart wheel timber, hand
mill, plank- 1 Hyde, 1 do.. Empty Casks, shingles 1 hogshead, wool & Basket, 1
plow, 2 do.. Currying Knife, Cotton gin & Cards, 12 Bbls. Corn, Rotton Corn,
wheel, Beans, Balance of corn to Isaac Gardner, fodder & stear, 400# Bacon 1 Bbl.
port, 6 galls, molasess, I Jarr, 1 fire Dog, 30 bus'l slips, 10 do. potates, sow
& piggsy Cart timber, 6 Hogs Lard, Jas. LATHAM, Exor.

Washington 20th of March 1810. A Just and true Inventory of the goods and
Chatties belonging to the Estate of Be'n. BLOUNT Dec *t to wit
part box of pipes 10 pains of glass 8 by 10 2 Iron bound Kegs 8# hison Tea 1
gaugeing Rod 1 Shott bag & p. horn, 15 yds hums 20 Do. of Do. 1% do. of do.
do. of do. 3h Do. of do. 10^ do. of do. 7\ Duvants 32 Yds of brown holland 10
cotton Hhiffs 8 do. of Do. 9 do. of do. 8 yds of call Calico hh, do. of do.
1 piece of do. 28 Yds 1 do. of do. 28 do. 7^ yds of vesting 2^ do. of do. 29
yds of plains 1 do. of do. 9 do. of drab Cloth 10^ blue Cloth 2 Cotton - Handker-
chiefs 19 pr. wool Cards 2 do. of Cotton
24# of chocolate 6 large stock Locks 5 small Do. 2 Do. stock smaller Do. 16
tin bombs 7 horse do. 3\ doz of Iron spoons 4 gross white buttons 17 doz. quilt
do. 14 doz coat do. 10 doz large do. 5# cullard Thread 3 \ do. do. 21 skeins of
silk 18 papers of pins 7 pen knives 8 3 Inch chest Locks 7 chest locks 35 nutmegs
1 lb. of cloves % lb. mace % Lennemon 2 papers sail needles 1 Lott of Sail
neadles pump tacks 4 tumblers 25 horn combs 2 sets of Knives & forks 5 oz.
prusan Blue 4 sticks of Blacking 2^ scupper nails 2 small trunk locks 8 papers
Ink powder 1 lb. small brads 20 Log glasses 5 half our glasses 57/12 doz.

mustard bottles 3 bottles camphire 2 do. prusian blue 1% lb. brads 32 Zuiro
letter papers 5 pr. woolan hose 10 cotton Hoses 9 pair patent hoes 9 do. negro
shoes 28% yds white flanen 4 1/8 Green baise 15% Read do. 10 yds of Irish Linnen
13 stripd blankets 3 Rose blankets 3 3/4 hds bath Coating 3 3/8 Do. do. 9%
yds plains 8k yds lb. soap 1 Ream wraping paper 19 Quire log - paper 4%
Reams writing paper 2 set. cart wheel boxes - 1 Lot Do. do. 14% salt pectr 1 lb.
10 Indigo Keg powder 23 lb. 1 doz. half Round files - a flat files 4 X Cut saw
files 23/4 Yds Lion - skin 13% Do. of do. 12 white bowles 4 salts cups & saucers
4 Do. of do. 2 setts of white Dishes 4 green edge Dishes 7 do. do. do. 3 blue
Edge dishes 4 Large white dishes 3 do. green Edge do. 5 5/12 doz.
Chamber potts 8 Cups & saucers 79 white Bowles - 28 cups 17 Blue & green Edge
plates 2 doz. muffins 8 Blue Edge large plates 2 doz. green Edge do. 2 do. of do.
5 plates Do. 1 doz. white plates 20 Blue edge soap Do. 1 doz. breakfast Do. 2 do.
do. 9 white soap Do. % doz breakfast Do. 1 doz tea plates 2 doz. Blue Edge
Breakfast Do. 2 do. do. of do. 2% doz. green Edge Do. do. 8 plates of sorts 1
Large brass cock 1 bag low brister shaft 281b. 4 bags shots 114 3/4, 7 3/4 lb.
botton & Bag 11 % do. 8 do. 1 bone? & shott 12% lb. ginger 15 3/4 Brimstone 19%
Allum 3% alspice 32 % peper & Keg & broad ax 1 pr. Large hinges 1 do. sise Less
1 Do. siss Less 1 Do. Lise Less 5 pr. Hinges 3 Iron wedges gold axes 2 new axes
3 boxes blass 8 by 10. a duch oven do. 1 do. do. no. 21 1 do. do. no. 3. 4 Do.
do. no. 4. 1 do . do. no. 5 1 pott Iron no. 2 2. do. do. no. 2. 1 do. do. no. 3
1 do. no. 4 1 spider No. 1. 1 do. no. 2. 1 Do. no. 3. 1 tea Kittle part Keg of
Yellow Ocre 2 Kegs Yellow Ocre 1 Ox Chain 344 bar Iron 651b. square Iron 122//
Bacon 1 Keg 6# nails 129 lb. 1 Iron bound Kegg 58% lb. 8 nails 59 %# 20d nails
891b. lOd nails 921b. plowings Brads 100 lb. Do. do. 162 % lb. 4d but nails 6
small Kittles 91b. glue 21 lb. ground ginger 13 stone Juggs 20 gallon 97 3/4
brown sugar 113 3/4 Do. do. 1 doz. Empty bottles 201b. leaf tobacco 71 lb. twist
tobacco 18 galls Rum with Bbls. 18 Do. do. do. 4 D: do. do. 6Do vinigar 1 Rod
2 Empty Bbls. 12 loafs sugar 83 lb. 10 oz. 1 _ sifters. 23 felt Hats 2
fine do. 1 silk Do. 6 tin potts 4 Hooks and Thimbles 3 pr. coars Hooks 5 pr. pot
trammels 8 pr. do. Hooks 3 pr. plow chains 1 Lot Do. do. 1 Iron gaugeing Rod 1
Tenent saw 1 Do. do. 9 pad locks 12 do. Do. 5 do. do. 2 saddles 9 Hinges &
staples 2 long Huggs - 1 pair stelyards 1 Lot Whffs? 35 fine salt 29 coarse salt
1 Bbl. Read Acre 354 lb. 1 Bbl. Copras 230 lb. 30 Gallons molasses 1 Bbl. fish
Oils 1 Empty barrel 14 Bundles Nail Rod 9% myst tallon 2 _ 2 half bushel
measures 2 kettles 1 Lot skins 1 buckett- 10 lb. Alum 1 shovel 454 papers Lamp
black 1 Lot staples 1 Trumpet 1 Lanthorn 1 Lot _& gods 6% Bushels flax seed
3 harp poons 13 gallon measures 2 half do. Do. 3 Quart Do. 2 funnels 1 lot
funnels 6 Bushels Onions 1 Choping Block 1 horse collar 7 lb. Candles 1 lot
Trumpery 1 do. do. 1 pair small scales 1 Do. Large do. 7 3/4 Blister steel 1 cart
and Harness 1% Bbl. turpentine 1 lot hoop pools 20 Bbl. Coat 1 sorrel horse 1
pair large scails & weights 1 anvil & tools no. 1 1 Do. do. no. 2 1 bellows 575
staves & heading 1 writing Desk IX cut saw 1 grind stone and crank 1 lot shel
Limel Bol. Lime 2 Empty casks 2 Riding chair 1 duck fan 9 Bbls. pork 400 lb.
pork 100 obs. Beef 101% port 2 hoes 1 old spade 4 old Baskets 700 lb. Tobacco 1
hand mill 1 saddle 2 Bridles 2 Reap hooks 1 spinning wheel 1 wortining can
spider & Duch Oven 1 large pot _____ skillet pot & Kettle 1 Lot Iron ware 1 grid
iron 1 pot 1 dutch Oven 1 Do. & Kettle 1 Lot wooden ware 3 flat 1 wafel Irons 1
pine table,1 Coffee Mill 1 chair harness 1 pine table 4 pictors 1 Likeness of
Washington in frame 1 soffa 2 mahogany chairs 1 flag bottom Do. 2 doz. candle
cushions 1 seat Do. 1 Lot Books 1 backgamon box 1 lot Glass & pitchers 1 pr.
shovel & tongs Bellows & gpit box 2 fire buckets 1% doz. chairs 1 secetary 1
Drissing glass 1 fender shovel & Tongs 1 safe 1 Breakfast table mehogany 1 set
of china 3 brass candlesticks 1 doz Knives & forks 3 tea trays 3 small we*ghters
1 bead & furniture 1 pine Bead stead 1 wash stand & Bowl 1 lot of weaving apparel
1 Cott 4 toilet Cloathe 1 Bead cover 1 Lot sundries Curtain &c. 1 Set bead
curtains 1 Bead spread 1 pr. cotton sheets 1 Blanket 6 window curtains 4 toilet
cloths 1 pair sheets & B. 1 half of 3 ploughs 1 Do. of 3 old Hoes 1 Do. of
plow gear 1 lot crockery 1 candle stand mahogany 1 bundle nail 1 Rod 1 wool Hat
1 sifter 1 Keg Read Ocre 28# Iron Bound Bucket 24 lb. Nails 4 spikes Long Nail
box 3 y do Humums paper Bluing 9 Chest locks 4 Iron shovels 1 Shovel 1 brass Keg
1 Empty barrel Cup & suacers 3 Chumk bottles 1 mad_ing pott The following house-
hold furniture is levied on by Stephen Owens at the Instance of Wms. Lambert &
Co. of New York to wit 1 pine beaufat 1 book Desk 1 mahogana side board 2 glass
shades 2 pr. fire dogs 2 majo>any Dining tables 1 tea table 3 beads & furniture
1 mahogany bead 1 comon Do. do. 12 green chairs 1 Mahogany beauro 2 mutrasses 2
trunks 3 old chairs 1 bat 1 Lot of sundries and glass in Beaufot, The following
articles Laid off for the widdows Year allowance by Edward Quin Esqr. Lewis Leroy
Joel Dickinson & William Ross as per order of Court at March term 1800 to wit
1000 lb. Bacon 2501b. salt port 100 lb. Beef 4 gallons Vinegar 5 do. Molasses 1
Barrel soft soap h Burl, beens 2 garrs with soap greese 2% Bb?l salt 7 Bbls
Corn All the poultry 1 Kegg of Lard 1 garr of pickels 5 galls, brandy 8 lb.
Coffee 2 Cows & 1 Yearling 1 head of hogs: In addition to the Inventory the
house where Benjamin BLOUNT Kept store stands on Land hired of Marriner the
title of which disputed by Gray JUDKINS and which is moreover under Execution of
the United States aft.? B. BLOUNT a few small notes and accounts the most of
which are disputed Desporate. Jos. BAKER Adm'r.
Sales of Sundries belonging to Estate Mathew DELANY decs't. by Walter HANNAHAN
Admr. as per Incentory January 2nd 1810- - -
Purchasers: Walter HANNAHAN, Thos. V. CUSTIS, Gray JUDKINS, Terence DELANY
125, 126, 127, 128, & 132 (following 128).
Fred. BROOKS, William HARELE, William GRIST, Wm. NEWMANS, John CAMPARIO, Henry
James REDMOND, George JESSUP, William CLARK, Isaac PEACOCK, Robert LANIER, Jos.
RANSOM, Caleb EVANS, William ORR, George GRIMES, William BARR, John FERRESS,
Slade PEARCE, Matthew GLEASON, Jere'h CHERRY, Jesse NAIRN, Joseph BAKER, Daniel
130, 131, 132
Jacob COTE, Airiel NOBLES, Elias HOWELL, Jacob BLACKWELL, Cauin COX, Jas. O.K.
WILLIAMS, William ROBINSON, the house & Lot ocupied by Fred BROOKS Rented @
£ 50 The house Rented by Benjamin MARRINER £2.15 The house Rented by Benjamin
COAKLY @ 6. marke thus 0 in the sales £58.15 are wrong of course which he de-
ducted. Total March 10th 1810. £1710.10.4 Walter HANNAHAN Adm'r.
Acct. of sales of the Estate of John Bond Sen. January 27th 1809 - -
Purchasers: Rachel BOND, Canian COX, Hillery WHITERS, Arthur BRUFETH, Charles
LEWIS, Rowland MAYO, Arthur DAVIS, Ransom CAMPBELL, Josiah ROSS, John BOND,
132 thru 140
Benjamin BOWEN, James FLANIKER, Littleton LANDIN, James MAYO, Mary BOSTICK,
Abner NORMON, Jeremiah BOND, Arthur BRUFITT, Wm. H00T0N, David CAMPEIGN,
Michae] EVERETT, David PERSON, Lydia JARVIS, Micajah MIXON, Wm. EKOLS,
Jesse CATEN, Josiah BENNETT, Samuel LEATH, Wm. ROOK, Jesse COTON, Abner NORMON,
George SPRINGLE, Benjamin BR__DY, Kesia FETERSON, Nancy BOND. £323.8.4

The Estate of Jno. BOND Decs'd 1810 In Acct with Jesse ROBINSON Administratrix.

Purchasers and others mintioned: Luke ROBASON, James PATE, Jesse ROBASON, Hugh

Joseph SHUTES Jun'r., Wm. FARRIS, Hen. SCOTT, Caleb MASONS, Thos. BOWENS, George
Hillery WHITHURST, Can. COX, Caleb MASONS, Isiah HEDGTON, Jno. KEWELL, James
MAYO. £197.0.3
142 Agreeable from an order from the County Court of Beaufort to us directed
we the subscribers preceded to settle the Accts. of Jesse ROBINSON Admr. of Jno.
BOND Decst. with the said Estate and find the above balance of seventeen pounds
two shillings 4 pence due to the said Jesse ROBINSON Admr. aforsaid Given under
our hands this 10th day of may 1812. Thos. BOWEN, Ben. BRADY, Jno. KEWELL.

In the name of God Amen I John CLARK of Beaufort County calling to mind that it
is appointed for all men to die and at this time Being blesed with my health and
in my right mind thanks be to God for the same and as touching such worldly Goods
as God hath in mercy blessed me with in first place I have given my Daughter
Mary Ann CLARK one feather bead and furniture and one Chest and the cattle that
I have Given her before I shall give them to her the half of my sheep I do give
to my Daughter Mary Ann MAYO. Item I have given Betsy PIERCE daughter of Jona-
than PIERCE all cattle that was in my Betsey mark. Item I give two wheels. Item
I give my Daughter Nancy SPRINGLE one dollar Item the rest of my property in
doors and out doors I lend to my beloved Wife Marthew CLARK during her natural
Life or widdowhood and at her marie or deceas I give to my son Major CLARK and
if he dies without lawful heir I give it to my Daughter Mary Ann I have hereby
ordained and appointed my Wife Marthew CLARK and Henry MAYO my Executors to this
my last will and testament in witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal
this 22 day of February 1809 - signed sealed and delivered in presence of Us.
An Inventory of property of John CLARK Dec *t 17 head of cattle in different marks
22 head of hogs and 3 stock of bees 10 head sheep 3 beads and furniture 4 wheels
3 Chests 7 chairs 2 pots and 2 Kettles 1 frying pan 1 spider and skillet 2 pot
racks 2 flat Irons 3 axes and two hoes 1 adze 3 chesels 1 auger 3 gimblets 1
hammer and ___ 1 hand saw and 3 saw sets 2 sheep shears 1 pr. Iron wedges 1
144 1 pr. fire tongs Knives and 3 liles 1 grind stone 4 sides of leather one
half 3 Bbls corn \ bush, peas one small stand tub 3 jugs 1 lot of Iron of differ
-ent kinds 1% doz. books 1 hogshead of cotton 3 pr. of Cards 2 set nets 1 tin
canister 14 plates 6 bowls and 6 saucers 1 mug 1 tea pot 1 pitcher 1 dish and
glass 10 glass bottles 1 hone and 2 Raisors 1 puter dish and 3 basons \ dozen
Knives and forks 1 doz. spoons 2 tables 1 loome and warping bars 3 slays 1 hand
mill 1 sive and tray 3 washing tubs 3 piggins 1 water pail 1 half bushel 1
Keelor 2 baskets 2 pots and fat 2 barrels of port and 2 Empty barrels 12 bushels
potatoes and one hill of slips 2 small stand tubs 1 Canoe 1 earthen pan and oil
Jug 1 soap stand 1 pr. stilyards and 1 old pewter dish 2 sugar boxes.
Mar£h_2th_1811z_z_z 1 .^Martha^^X^CLARK-^Exect^
Inventory of the Estate ofJoseph BAKER decst. taken the 1st day of January TE11
to wit - 1 large dining table 2 half cirkle Do. 1 small dining Do. 3 tea tables
1 Card Do. 1 small pine ditto 1 side board 1 secretary 1 Writing desk 4 5/12
doz. Windsor chairs 1 Candle stand 1 small dressing stand Glass & Box 3 ditto
do. & small tables 1 pr large looking glasses 9 beads bead steads & furniture 1
pine beadstead 1 bag feathers 1 Case & some bottles tumblers Decanters &c
1 set tea china and waiter 1 Crockery consisting of plates Dishes &c. 5 pr.
candle sticks & sniffers 4 Iron pots
1 tea Kettle 1 spider 1 frying pan 2 coffee pots tin pans &c. 1 Lanthorn 1 pr.

- 50-
hand Irons tongs shovel & Bellows 2 pr. ditto 2 pr brass do. 1 small sugar
Canaster 6 waiters different sises 1 doz silver spoons 1 do. do. tea spoons 1
Large do. Ladle 2 small do. DO. 2 Candle shades 2 pitchers 1 glass goblet 2
decanters 7 tumblers 1 pair castors 1 map of the state of North Carolina 9
pitchers 1 sett tubs and treys 4 Empty Bbls 1 gun 1 pr. pistols 3 volumes of
Washingtons Life 2 do. Sidney on government 1 Do. Paleys philosophy 1 Do.
Flichers 1 Chair and harness 1 horse 1 saddle 1 stable on leas ground 15001b
fodder 1 perpetual armanack 1 Raisor Case box 4 Rasor 4 table Cloths 1 blank
Ledger 8 Negros do. Martin 1 Do. do. Lewis 1 Do. Boy do. Ellis 1 Do. do Lewis
Junr. 1 Do. woman Rose 1 Do. do. Poll. 1 do. Girl do. Milly the following
property being a part of the before mentioned was alloted and set off to Marg-
aret BAKER widow of Joseph BAKER decst. by a Jury summoned by the Sherriff in
Obedience to an order of Court granted for the same to Wit.
1 dining table 12 half circle Do. 53 Windsor chairs, 1 Case and some bottles
tumblers Decanters &c. 1 Sett tea china & waiter 1 Lott crockery plates dishes
&c. 5 pr. candle sticks & snuffers 4 Empty Bbls 1 secretary 1 side Board 1 small
dressing glass & box 2 do. tea table 1 candle stand 1 Do. sugar canister 6
waiters different sizes 1 pr. And Irons tongs shovels 4 bellows dozen silver
table spoons 1 doz. tea do. 1 large & 2 small silver Ladels 2 pr. and Irons
tongs shovels 1 lot sundry small articles 1 do. tubs & trays 2 pitchers 1 pr.
castors 2 candle shades 2 small dressing glasses & tables 1 bed beadstead &
furniture 1 gun 1 Negro Woman named Rose, 1 do. boy do Ellis 1 do. do. do. Lewis
Junior. William ORR, admin' r .
Acct. Sales of the perishable Estate of Joseph BAKER decs't sold at Public
Auction at six months Credit on thursday January 3rd 1811 - To wit
Purchasers: Jas. REDMOND, Elias HOELL, William ORR, William McKEEL, William
L. LAVENDER, John HOLLAND, Averiel NOBLE. Totals: $184.20 &$834.00.

l^Bertify the foregoing to be the true sales of the Estate of Joseph BAKER
dec'st sold by me by order of William ORR the administrator of the Estate of
said Joseph BAKER decst. Elias HOELL V.M?
A true Inventory of the property Belonging to the Estate of Wm. WHITLEY Decs'd.
taken 16th day of Sep'r. 1810.-
4 feather beads and furniture 2 tables 8 flag chairs 2 stool chairs 2 chests 1
desk 1 chest of Drawers 2 boxes 1 pr. bellows 1 Case and bottles 1 Loom 3 slays
1 pr. warping bars 2 pair hand Irons 1 sive 2 guns shott bag powder horn some
shoe tools 1 sythe 2 woolen wheels 3 do. Linin 1 hand mill some puter some
Earthen ware some tin some carpenters tools some coopers 1 pr. stye and 2 candle-
sticks 2 saddlers 2 bridles sett of cart boxes yoke and bolt 5 pr Cards Cradle
and Jin 2 ploughs 6 hoes 4 axes 1 spoon mool 1 pr shott Do. 2 ink stands 1
satout some books 1/3 of cross saw 1 flax brake 3 nets 1 Canoe some Bay plank
3 Jugs 4 Chunk bottles some Empty barrels & gun 1 plow gear some tobacco some
Laying 1 hide 1 box 1 looking glass 2 Chamber pots 3 Iron pots dutch oven 2
Kittles 3 Earthen pots wooden ware some wool some low g stock of bees some sheep
some Cattle some hogs 1 mair & colt 1 frying pan some knives and forks some
Cotton 100 baskets some Juniper 1 savern & decanter 1 small trunk in notes thirty
seven pound ten
the Estate of Wm. WHITLEY all disputed Laid of for the support of the Widdow &
family agreeable to an order all crop of corn supps to be 12 Bbls all the 3 Bus'1
of wheat 3 head of sheep 12 hogs 2 stears 2 cows and Calves 2 stock of bees 2
gallons of Honey for her year provision
The Acct. of the sales of the property of John P. MOORE decs't sold on the 27th
day of sept'r. 1810 sold by Mary MOORE adm'r. Purchasers: Mary P. MOORE, Betsy
Moore, Stephen MOORE, William MOORE, Betsey BROWN, Mary BROWN, William ADAMS,
Alexander REDDITT, Abraham MOORE, Anthony MOORE, Jno. WILCOX, Walter JONES,
Thos. WALKER, James HARRINGTON, Joseph SH'UTE, Dan'l RUFF,

- 51-
Moses GIDINS, Gabe BLANG, Jonathan MAYO,

Inventory of the Estate of Henry NEWMAN Rec'd by me sep't. 10th 1810- - -

1 Negro Woman Named ELSE, 1 do. Girls do. do. daughter named Lurania
152 Wm. B. NEWMANS
Acct. of Sales of the property of Ebenezor ADAMS Decs't. Washington Octo'r 20th
Purchasers: Leivy ADAMS, Caleb EVANS. Total sales £17.17.0
An Acct. of sales of the parishable part of the Estate of Jno. BRADY decs't.
taken this 22nd day of Sept. 1810
Purchasers: Richard OBOYD, Jno. WARTERS, Jas. BEASLEY, Wm. CUTLER, Thos.
Sam'l. VINES, Polly BRADY, Jasper WOOLARD, Eli'h WHITLEY, Jas. LATHAM, Isaac
WILKERSON, George BARROW, Joseph JONES, Charles ODEN, Wm. Oden, Dempsey MARTIN,
Moses MARTIN, Thomas BOYD, Jno. CUTLER, Axem LANIER, Jno. WHITLEY, Whiriott
Jacob DURDEN, Jonathan MARSH, Godfrey WILLIAMS, Jacob SQUIRE,

In obedience to an order of the court to us directed we have Examined the acct.
of William ORRELL as adm'r. on the Estate of James BARNES decs'd. in the course
of which it appears that the ordinary allowance of commisioners would not be an
equitable compensation for the great trouble that of settling an Estate so much
involved, therefore we have thought it most advisable to allow the adm'r the sum
particular Indentified in the Acct. hereunto annexed for his Heirs - we further
find & report that the whole amt. of the Intestates Estates which fell into the
hands of the Adm'r. was £21.1.5 and the sum by him expended including his acct.
all £233.12.11 which leaves a balance of a complete loss to the adm'r

A True Inventory of the Estate of Jno. BOND taken 27th sepr. 1810
five chairs two chests two tables 2 boxes 1 trunk 2 guns 1 pistol 1 Looking
glass 1 bibel & 4 other books 1 slate 1 pr. stilyards 2 decanters 4 bowles sugar
dis milk pot 2 Earthen mugs 1 earthen dish 1 puter dish 6 pu'r. plates 1 do.
bason 8 earthen plates 1 brass candle stick 1 sugar box 1 funel 1 coffee pot 3
Jugs 1 hand mill 1 loom warping bars 2 pots 1 kittle 1 tea Kittle 3 pot tramils
2 spiders 1 skillet 1 frying pan 1 shovel & tongs 3 plates 5 tubs 1 X saw 2
buckets 1 pr s. moules powder & shot 2 slays 1 harness s. Leather 1 linen wheel
two W. Do. 1 pr. sm. Irons 2 Loof glasses 1 bar plow 1 brubing hoe 2 w. do. 2
set Knives & forks 1 pr. spon moules 18 puter spoons 1 bred tray
Dr. the Estate of Jas. BARNS decs'd. in acct. Curt. W. 0. Cr.
June 10th 1808 thru Sept. 18, 1808 - Expences incured in settling this estate -
£214.1.5 - Court attendance^ working papers_etc_L bjc._

The Remaining part of the Inventory of Jno. BOND from the other side - 1 si.fter
1 fish net 15 hogs 2 pocke books 3 club axes 1 broad ax 2 spades 1 set of Rasors
1 set powder horns 1 stack of fodder 1 set black smith tools 3 planes some car-
penters tools cooper tools 1 grine stone 1 hand saw 5 feather beads & furniture
4^ doz. button moulds 1 Canoe and oars 1 main bridle & saddle
Aprl. 19th 1810. Apparently this is a continuation of the expences listed on
page 158 for the Estate of Jas. BARNS .Following names mentioned in this acct:
DOWTY, Baker F. FLEETWOOD, Wallace NELSON, Thos. BOWEN, Danl. REEL, Samuel SMITH
William ARNOLD, Thos. TOMASON. Total Nov. 15th 1810. £233.12.11.

Sales of the Negroes belonging to the Estate of Elisabeth BONNER decst. sold at
the Court house in the town of Washington on monday The 1st and Saturday 27th
October 1810 by Samuel YOUNG - & William ORR admr. of said Estate in pursuance
an Order of the County Court of Beaufort granted for that purpose, to wit. .
Dick to Samuel YOUNG Isaac to William B. NEWMANS
I! If
Charles Jenny Henry CLARK
Sukey Aggy Mary BONNER
Peg David SMITH Acce Jno. H. HOWARD
Rachel Henry SELBY Poll Thos. TROTTER
Nice Charles SMITH Bettey Samuel YOUNG
Phillis Barbara BOWLER Ginny William ORR
Rachel Jno. H. HOWARD Phillip Thos. TROTTER
Caesar Samuel YOUNG Dick Jolly Thos. TROTTER
Ben Thomas TROTTER miles Joel DICKINSON
Jefferson Godfrey WILLIAMS Hosey William ORR
Stephen Wm. ORR Jack Edward BONNER
’AL $9500. 00 Equal to £4750..6.0 four thousand seven hundred fifty pounds
: shillings. Samuel YOUNG Wm. ORR, Admr.
Acc_t._S a. 1 es_o f^ Jno^_B()MD sj; a^e_t aken_2^7t h day Sept_._ 2.8_ipc_ _. . . . _.
Purchasers: Culling HUDNAL, Patsey BOND, Thos. BOWEN, Bery BOADY, Sally BOND,
obt. BOND, William EKOLS, Batison WHITHURST, Jesse ROBINSON, John EVETT, Robert
BANKS, Jesse ROBASON, Canian COX, Roland MAYO, William ROACH, Wm. CONTUS, Caleb
Thos. BLOWEN, Malvea CATANT, TOTAL: £150.3.6
An Acct. Sales of the Furniture the Equal, undivided property of Jno. FENNEDAY
and his Decs't Brother Willie KENNEDAY This 29th day of Decemr. 1808. . . .
Purchasers: Jno. KENNEDAY, Robert LESTEL, Godfrey WILLIAMS, Ben. MERREL, Joel
$173.25 81.62 Jno. Kenneday MOSELY
86.52 Wm. Kenneday MOSLEY
An Acct. of Sales of the Perishable property of Willie KENNEDAY deceased this 29th
Dece'r. 1808- ---------------------------------
Purchasers: Jno. KENNEDAY, Missur CHERRY, Wm. KENNEDAY, Jno. MOYE, Jno. KENNEDAY
Cabel EVANS, Wm. GRIST, W. HANNAHAN, Humphrey CHERRY, William RUFF, Joel

CHAUNCY, Jacob COX, (169-2)
Hire of Negroes to 11 March 1809 to wit - - pomp to Jas. WILLIAMS, Landon to Jno.
HOLLAND, Jupiter to JNO. KENNEDAY, Wester to G. WILLIAMS, Acheles to Jno.
KENNEDAY, Luke Nan Jude & children Jno. KENNEDAY. Total sales $2639.52^
- = I=i£Ml2S==22 = =SI~I==X= = =Ml££ = = i = = = i§22i = i = = = ===== = = = = = - = = = = = =: = =: = =: = = = =:
Acct. of sales and Inventory of the Estate of Divilla WHITNEY Decs’d sold on 28
day Sept. 1809 - VIZ -
1 half briff Adventure to George LANGLEY Jur., 1 Negro Boy by the name of
sam G. LANDLEY. do. do. by the name of do. Elizabeth WHITNEY TOTAL: $1652.00.
Inventory of the property of William Jasper decst
To 3 beads and furniture 22 head of Cattle one yoke stears to 35 head hogs 4
chests 2 casses of bottles 10 chairs 3 tubs 1 pail 2 piggins to Can 1 set shoe
tools and bench 2 horse bridle and saddle 1 spider 2 Jugs 6 Chunk bottles 2 tea
Kettles 3 pots 2 pot trammels 1 Kittle 2 Wheels 1 ox card hand Mill 4 axes 4
hoes 1 spade 1 grin stone 1 doz Knives and forks 3 bread trays 1 ^ doz. plates
5 dishes 3 basins 1 sive 1 search 1 loom 1 barrel 1 tierce 2 plows 9 bowles 2
sets of cups & saucers 2 pitchers 3 tin cups 3 guns 1 half bushel 1 table 1 set
net 1 flat tub 12 apoons 1 drinking glass \ tea spoons 2 decanters 1 mug 1 Water
bottle 2 baskets sum plains chisels and saw 1 canoe 2 sets 150 acres Land. . .
30th May 1811 Jonathan JASPER
Acct. of sales of the Estate of the 3 Heirs of late Wm. POTTER march 22, 1809.-
Purchasers: Wm. JASPER, Robert EVERETT, Jas. DOWTY, Jno. DOWTY, Littleton POTTER,
Lemuel LINTON, Thos. MASON. Sold by Luke LINTON guardeen to the Heirs of Wm.
Acct of Sales of the Estate of the late Wm. POTTER march 11th 1806
Purchasers: Jeorge DIXON, Arthur DIXON, James EVERETT, Nat POTTER, Labin TULE,
William HARRISS, Joseph CAMPEIN, Littleton POTTER, James EVERETT, Samuel PATE,
William JASPER,
Vanuntine JASPER, Robt. SILVERSHORN, William FARRISS, Burnage LINTON, Robert
James CORPREW, Ba. BELL, Shadrick WILKINSON, Solomon TULY,
William FERRIS, M. EVERETT, Aaron SPRING, Littleton POTTER, Micgah EVERETT,
Hugh EVERETT, Jeremiah WATSON, William EKOLS,
James COFFEE, Nathaniel TULY, Ben BOOTY, Henry CARROW, Simon FORTESQUE, Malekiah
Jas. RIGS, __
An Acct. of sales of the property of Jas. POTTER by his Guardian Luke LINTON
this 1 day Jan. 1811. Purchasers: Jno. WATSON, Jerre WATSON, Littleton POTTER,
Michael LINTON. Total: 17.13 At the same time we hired out for one year three
Eights of Three negroes which belonged to sarah POTTER Jas. POTTER & Will POTTER
The other 5/8 is the property of others which 3/8 amounted to. £6.1. Luke LINTON

In the name of God Amen I James BELL being in a low state of health but sound
mind and memory, Thanks be to Almighty God for his great blessings calling to
mind the uncertain Estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must yeald
to death when it shall please God to call do make and ordain this my last Will
and testament in manner and form following.
Item) I give to my beloved son Major BALL the Land and plantation whereon I now
live to him and his Hears forever.
Item ) I give to my Beloved son Miles BALL my Land and plantation on the North
side of beaver dam swamp that I bought of Jno. CHERRY to him and his hears for-
Item) I give to my Beloved son Miles BALL my Land and plantation on the North
side of beever dam swamp that I bought of Jno. CHERRY, to him and his hears for-
Item) I Lend to my beloved Wife Bethena BALL the Whole of my stock of horses
hogs Cattle and all my house hould furniture. During her Widdowhood and after-
wards to be Equally divided between Major and Miles and I do hereby revoke and
lay avoid all former Wills be me made & I do hereby appoint my dear beloved Wife
and Cha CHERRY my Execr. in Witness Whereof I have set my hand and seal this
22 day of May 1808. In presence of Us
Jno. (X) BALL
Mary (X) KILLINGSWORTH Jas. (X) BALL (seal)
In the Name of God Amen I Elisabeth BARROW being sick in body but of sound mind
and memory thanks be to god for It Calling to mind the frailty of my body and
mind I make this my last Will and Testament being this and first Recomend my
soul to almighty God hoping for Redemption at the day I put it In the hands of
my beloved friend James LATHUM to decently bury my body pay my Just debts my
Funeral Charges Doctors fees and Then give of my logeses?. Item. I give to
Alderson Ellison HARVEY - five shillings Item I give and bequeath to my grand
Child the daughter of said Mary one Cow and Calf to be in the Care of her uncle
John BARROW and her Increase. If the said Nancy N_ Barrow HARVEY should
live to the age of Eighteen years old unmarred It she should die unmared she and
her increase to return back to her uncle and Aunt. Item. I give and bequeath
to my Daughter Elizabeth BARROW the one half of a negro Girl named Tiller by her
given unto & fifty dollars that was to her in her latest Will to her Brother.
Item. I give and bequeath my Right in the Negro named Antoney Moses BECK and
Livey to be divided among my Children Jno. BONNER, Thomas and Bryand BARROW
This all my Estateremaining to be divided among Three boys above.
mentioned before all my clothes to my daughter Betsey I make this my last Will
and testament and leaving my friend James LATHAM to be Executor to the same
signed sealed and del. in presence of this 29th day July 1811 -
Test. Coleman BOYD
Elisabeth BARROW

Acct. sales of the Estate of Mackedich MESSUCH This 20th day - of June 1811 - .
Purchasers: Nathanil POTTER, B. CAMPEIN, W. MISSUCH, W. MISSUCK,
Total sales £21.1.3 Wm. (X) MESSIC Adm:

In the name of God Amen I Lewis REDDITH of the State of North Carolina and County
of Beaufort being sick in body but sound mind and memory thanks be God for the
same and calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing it is appointed
for all men once to die do make and ordain This my last Will and testament that
is tc say and first of all I do Recomend my soul to God who gave it to me and my
body I recomend to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my

Executors and as touching such worldly Estate it hath pleased by God to Bless me
with I do give and dispose of as follows Item) I do give to my loving Wife
Nelly REDDITT all my stock of cattle horses hogs Except my oldest bay mare
named pol to his her Heirs and assigns forever. Item I do lend to my Loving Wife
Nelly REDITT My negro Woman Agness five Years and at the End of five years I do
give the afd negro nigro to be Equally divided among my four Eldest Children
That is to say James Mary Joseph and Elizabeth REDDITT to them their Heirs &
assigns forever.
And I do lend to my loving Wife Nelly REDDITH all the rest of my Negroes during
her Natural life That is to say Charles Jinney Moses Rod and at her deceas I de
give I do give my Boy Moses - to Franklin ORRILL In consideration of what I am
owing him and at the death of my Wife Nelly I do give my other three Young Negroes
viz. Charles Jinney and Rhod to be equally divided among my Three Youngest Child-
ren That is to say Peggy-ann, Thos H. REDDITT, Lewis fathera REDDITT one feather
bead and I also give my Daughter Elizabeth REDDITT - a feather bead and I give
to my loving Wife Nelly - REDDITT all The rest of my house hold and Kitchen furn-
iture and all my plantation tools and my bay mare, I also leave to be sold to-
wards discharging my debts and I do make constitute and ordain my Loving Wife
Nelly REDDITT - and my friend William ORRIL Executrix and Executor of this my
last Will & testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal
the day and Year above Writen signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Us Jno. WATSON Lewis REDDITT (seal)
In the name of God Amen I Fredekiah MIXON Tho Weak in body yet of sound and per-
fect understanding and memory prayed to God do make and Constitute This my last
Will and testament and desire it may be received by all as such, Imprimisses,
Item I lend unto my loving Wife for the term of Widdowhood all my cultivated
Land with houses and the privilege of fire roads and rail timber all for the
Consideration of raising my Children also I lend Her all my personable property
Except Th^se hereafter mentioned I also give her priviledge to the timber out of
The back svamp,
Item. I give unto my son James The 200 acres of land already laid off with Sundry
other - things already given also all my land Lying on the west side of the
cornuel runing south 10 East from where the head of the Corner now is to my said
son his Heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give unto my son micjah the land above pot gut runing up the said swamp
to the road then with the Road to the great pine and 50 poles beyond it then
south to the same pine with some moovable property already given to him my son
his Heirs and assigns forever Item. I give unto my son Zedekiah all my Land
below the pot Gut which is as patented by my Father to him my said son and his
Heirs forever - Item, I give unto Elizabeth all my back land known by the name
of the woolfs pigs to him my said son and his Heirs forever. - ••
Item? - I give Unto my son Jesse one hundread divers, that I bought of Arthur
DAVIS to him my said son and his Heirs forever. Item It either of these my sons
should die under age or without isue then his youngest Brother that survives
shall have his lands. Item I give unto my five Daughters one Cow and Calf &
bead and furniture a peace only my Wife Kept her life and if any - thing re-
mains after her death I leave It to be divided between my Three small sons
? Item I give unto my son Micjah all my Land on the East side of Cornnel to
him my said son his Heirs and assigns forever and last I do make and Constitute
my - son James MIXON Whole and sole Executor of this my last Will and testament
and trustee for my Wife and Children in testimoney I have hereunto set my hand
and seal This 8th day of November in the Year of our Lord 1807 -

signed sealed in presence of us.
Anny MAYS Zedekiah MIXON (seal)

An Inventory of the Estate of James BA11 Decst. two mares and one Colt nine-
teen head of Cattle six sows and thirty pigs sixteen head of Dry hogs thirteen
head of sheep Eight stock of bees three feather beads and furniture three chests
three tables a parcel of crockery ware 2 axes and three hoes two ploughs Three
potts spider and skillet 1 set of coopers tools 1 Iron wedge and fr two carts
and gear 2 tubs pail and piggin six bottles two Jugs one Loom and gear two wheel
and cards two saddles and bridles seven chairs 1 looking glass one gun 1 puter
dish and bason one tin Coffee pott - two honey stands and chirn two fish barrel
and pok barrel a parcel old barrels one candlestick two baskets one tin bason
one hackkle and flat Iron 1 Case of Knives & forks 1 pr. candle mouls a small
parcel of books five sides of Leather 1 grubbing hoe - - -
A True and Just Inventory of the Perishable property of the Estate of Lewis
REDDITT Decst. of all that has come to my hand that is to say five Negroes Agnes
aged near forty & Charle aged Near 15 years Jenney aged near 13 years Moses aged
about seven years Rhoda aged about 5years and 3 head of horses and thirty three
head Cattle and 1 Yoke Oxen and Cart 17 head dry hogs ten sows thirty nine pigs
6 feather beads some furniture Three bead steads & cords 1 disk 5 Chists 4 Cases
some bottles 5 tables 13 chairs
Three wheels 1 pr. cards one loom two pr. gears - three sleys one hand mill three
pots two Kittles one frying pan two pair hand Irons two pot trammels two grind
Stones one soothe board gun one canoe nineteen Stock of bees Some plantation tools
carpenter Do. a Set of coopers tools one Looking glass some old Wooden ware one
case Raisons a parcel puter ware Vz. one dish two basons Six plates a parcel of
crockery and Some glass ware some small articles too vague to mention.- -
May 29th, 1811 Nelly REDDITT-Ex.

An Acct. of Sales 2 of 2 The negroes of Parthena BOYD decst. sold by order of

Court granted to Rotheas LATHAM Adm.- 1 Negro Sam to Wm. McKEEL for $527.00 &
1 Negro Woman named Trece to Do. - 00.25=$527.25. Rotheas LATHAM adm.

An Inventory of the goods & chatties of Berthene BOYD decst. Beaufort County
Novr. 12th 1810 - a due bill of Wm. B. ELLISON 1 other do. Judgt. Jasper WOOLARD,
2 acct. 4 months work Aid E. HARVEYS acct.? 2 beds, 2 blankets, 2 rugs, 2
bouloters, 2 pillows, 8 cases, 8 sheets, 2 sheets, 3 yds white cotton do. No. 2
13 yds blue stripe cotton, 7 yds white do. 7/3 1 white stripe cotton
one Yds blue checked, spun, 4 yds half, three table cloths 1 coat, 11 petticots,
12 habbets, one apron, 4 pair stockings, 5 cases 5 handkerchiefs, 7 pair gloves
1 pillow case, 4 shifts, 1 pillowcase one straw bonnet 1 looking glass 3 pair
Shoes pair Silver buckles 1 pr. Spectacles - barks, 27/ in money, two tea
canisters, coffee 1 large tumbler, 1 tea pot, two decanters, 2 mugs, 1 glass, 1
glass 2 vials in baskets, 6 cups, 7 saucers, 6 spoons, 1 creem Jug, 1 peper box,
bottle in a basket, 1 box 16 dollars and 25 cents in cash, one pair nitting
needles, two pr. cards 2 brushes bible and frame, 1 candle mold 1 basket with
Wool, 2 baskets, 1 bag of remnents, 2 bowles, 1 short goune 1 Yd Cloth and a
pillowcase with bottles, 1 saddle - 3 Earthen pans, 4 do. pots, 1 funnel, 8
puter plates - 3 basons, 2 puter dishes, 1 cask, 1 candle stick, 1 Jug, 1 Linen
Wheel, 2 tables, 2 beadsteads, 2 chests, 1 trunk 1 loom 3 harness, 4 stays, 1
churn, 1 tray & sifter 3 potts and trammels 1 morter, 1 pair flat Irons, 1 pair
tongs and spider, 1 pair Stilyards, 2 pails, spiggin Some cotton, some Wheat, 1
basket with cotton some cattle 1 Ax, 5 forks, 2 Knives - - -
185-6 Thos. JONES
An Acct. Sales of the Estate of Parthena BOYD Deceased the 29th day of December
Purchasers: Ann BECK, Jno. HODGE, Wm. BOYD, Carney McKEEL, Thomas PILLY, Stephen
FATHERE, John McKEEL, Thomas FLOYD, Thomas JONES, James BEASLEY, Stepney, Thos.
CEY, John CUTLER, Fanney LANIER, Axom LANIER, William PERKINS, Colman BOYD,
Jno. L. BOYD,
Fred GERKIN, Richard BOYD, William BOYD, Aid. E. HARVEY, Samuel WARD, William
Samuel WARD. John PELLY,uevem WALACE Lauson BOOCK, Miles CHAUNCEY, Geo. BARROW,
Thomas SMA W , FredWarters,
An Acct. o^ Sales of the perishable property of George MIXON Deceased This 30th
March 1811——————————————————————————————————
Purchasers: Exum LANIER, Dennis CONDRY, Elijah MIXON, Edward ROSS, William
WINDLEY, Jeremiah GAYLAND, John McCABE, Elijah MIXON, Henry MIXON, John McCABE,
Jonathan MARSH, Jacob CORDING,
Barbara McMAHORN, Charity GURGANUS, William THORNTON, James EBORN,
Henry COWELL, Jacob CORDON, Denis CONDRY, & Elijah MIXON admr. Total £ 57.8.3
The Inventory of Grace McCABE Dect. March 1812. 5 beads& furniture, 3 tables,
doz. Wijdsor chairs, 10 flag Do. 2 doz Knives and forks, some table cloths
and knapkins a remment of a bed cover. Some crockery ware, some tray ware, some
stone do. Some Iron do. Some wooden do., some Puter Do. some Empty Casks, some
tin ware, coffee mill, 2 sives, 1 hand mill, 4 wooden wheels, 3 baskets -
2 Reap hooks & sickle, 1 woman saddle, 2 man do., 2 waters 1 bread basket, 2 tea
canisters, % Doz. tea spoons - 3 candle sticks 1 flat Iron 1 hand Iron some gim-
blets 1 lot of books 1 Loom and Impliments
3 pair of cotton cards 1 looking glass 1 Linen Wheel 1 Case and some bottles 1
pair of stilyards some read lead 3 chests 1 Lot of shoe makers tools 1 Riding
Chair and harness some hoes 2 ploughs 4 axes 1 space i+ cuet saw 1 hand Do. 1
Curring Knife 5 bells 1 grind stone, some fat, some bacon & port some Corn some
peas some slips some live hogs 2 years old, & pigs 1 Yoke of Oxen Cart and Chane
1 pair of bellows 1 sand box 1 Lade stone 1 Wheat patch some Cattle some sheap
1 Canoe and Oars 2 mares an horses £58.9. in Notes and Book Acct. -

In the name of God Amen I Derby HAGIN of the County of Beaufort and State of
North Carolina being infirm in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory
do make and ordain this my last Will and testament in manner and form following
that is to say imprimisses I will that all my debts and funeral Charges be paid
and discharged by my Exers. herein after Named, Item I give and bequeath to my
Brother Christopher HAGIN all my Land and plantation Item, my Will and desire is
that all my Estate my Land Excepted before mentioned Consisting of hogs Cattle
sheep horses and household furniture plantation tools and every thing I am poss-
essed with in this world only what has already been Excepted, be sold and the
Money arising from the sales be taken special care of by my Executor until sabra
Lowsy comes to be 21 years old and to be give to her lastly I do appoint my
trusty friend and well beloved Brother Christopher HAGIN my whole and sole Execu-
to this my last Will and testament whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal

this 19th day febry 1812 signed sealed and delivered in presence of Us.
Joshua HILL -
Geo. GERRARD - Derby (X) HAGIN 9seal)

Inventory and Account Sales of the property belonging to the Estate of Henry
SELBY decs d March 25th 1812 by Sally D. SELBY - Administratrix with the Will
Annexed -

Purchasers: William FARRIS, Aaron EBORN, Jno. G. BLOUNT, Eli. HOYT, Emanuel
LOYD, William SHAW, William LAVENDER, Jna. WRIGHT, Gray JUDKINS Wilson B
Reading HAWKINS, Sandy TOMMAS, Benjamin SELBY, Jas. R. HOYLE, Jno. COMPARIS,

FrederickBARROW, Miles BLOUNT, John HODGES, Wiley WOOLARD, Lewis LEROY, Edmond
Jasper WOOLARD, Isiah WOODARD, Abraham RAVEN, Isaac PEACK, Phenius LATHAN,

Henry CLARK, Joseph BLOUNT, Abner P. NEAL,

Wallace NELSON, Jacob A. BLACKWELL, Michael HANNAHAN, Christopher CRANDELL,
Simion COUTHUS, Simon COUTHUS, Thomas H. BLOUNT, William H. RODMAN, Ralph POTTS,

Jno. E. YOUNG, William LANIER, James REDMOND

Jno. G. BLOUNT Junr., Robert LANIER,
Jno. ALLIGOOD, Major I. CLARK, Danl . G. MARSH, Henry SMAW
206 & 207 & 208
Daniel G. MARSH, Isaac OAKLEY, Isaac SMITH junr., Daniel KING, Jacob A. BLACKWELL
Aaron EBORN, Godfrey WILLIAMS, William ACKLIN, Howe WOOLLARD, Alexr. THOMAS,

Joseph B. STICKNEY, Stephen OWENS, William VINES, Robert ELLIS
210 & 2]u
Daniel CAMPBELL, Sally D. SELBY. Total Sales $3364.68

Acct. sales of all the goods in the store at Lumberton one half being the property
of Henry SELBY dec’t. April 1st 1812. -
213, 214, 2JL5, _216
Inventory of the Negroes belongingto the Estate of Henry SELBY dec’d march 25th

old Jim, Johmail, Dunn, Merick, Jack, big Daniel, Little Daniel, Pluto, Wallace,
Sampson, Little Jim, Eli, Dave, Dernes, Polly, Rhoda, Comfort, Louisa, Hannah,
Flora, & child, Silvia, Lyd and Child, (signed) Sally D. SELBY _____
Inventory of the property not disposed of belonging to the Estate of Henry SELBY
dec'd. April 1st 1812 = vz -
a new Vessell at Pungo built by Jas. LEATH. one half of which when sold and old
flat (and his Interest in the new flat Completed since his death the advance ma e
towards building) being made by said H. SELBY-

Acct. Sales of theproperty of Major HAWKINS Dec'd sold by the Executor at publick
sale 17th day of March 1812 - Purchasers: Major HAWKINS,
Lucretia HAWKINS, Rebecca ALLIGOOD, Alligood WOOLARD, Keletia WOOLARD, Willie
Betsey HAWKINS, Jonathan WRIGHT, Isaiah WOODARD, Aaron EBORN, Jasper WOOLARD,
Jno. BROCK, Henry SMAW, Moses CONGLETON, Frances ALLIGOOD, Richard BAYNER, Thos.
Total Zbbo .7-3 .—— — ——

In the name of God Amen I Mildred COAKLY of the town of Washington in the County
of Beaufort and State of North Carolina being in a low state of health but of
sound and disposing mind and memory do make this my last will and Testament and
dispose of my property in the manner following - .T
Imprimis. I give and bequeath to my sons Christopher and Abner Neale my Negro
my Negro Woman June, one bead, bed stead Curtains furniture & Compleat my largest
bureau with dressing glass and all the furniture thereto belonging with all my
wearing apparel also six majogany Chairs all my silver weare - Consisting o
spoons marked with mine and
my~"former husbands name to them & their Heirs forever to be delivered to them
after my deceas by Executors
Item! I give end bequeath to my husband Benjamin COAKLY in trust for my sons
Christopher & Abner BEALE for their seperate and sole use benefit and behalf the
houses and Lott whereon I live authorising and impowenng my said Husband to
manage the said houses & Lott whereon I live during his life as he thinks most
to the benefit of the said Christopher and Abner during the life.o
Husband after which said Christopher & Abner Their heirs and assigns shall be at
liberty to take possession of said houses and Lott for their own proper use &
benefit to dispose of as the said Legetees or their assigns may think Proper,
I give and bequeath to my Husband Benjamin COAKLEY in trust for his Daughters
P. D. Coakly and Mary M. D. Coakly for there own seperate use benefit and be
hoaf all the rest of my Estate real personal and mixed - authorising an
powering my said husband to dispose of the same or Exchange the whole or any ^
part thereof for other property or stock for the use of said Sal y • J
Mary conveyences Thereof to make as Circumstances may render necessary or con-
venient & it is my Will & I do hereby authorise my husband to keep and the sole
management of theproperty Left to him, in trust for his said Daughters Sa ly
and Mary during his Life at his deceas the whole of said property 8= its Increase
to be Equally divided between his Daughters Sally & Mary their heirs and assigns.
It is understood that whatever balance
may be due at this time for the building on the Lott which I have divided in
this Will to Christopher and Abner NEALE shall be paid by them. I do hereby
authorize Nominate and appoint my husband Benjamin COAKLY my friend Jno. G.
BLOUNT Lewis LEROY and my sons Christopher and Abner NEALE Jointly and severly
Executors.of this my Last Will and testament signed sealed publ shed and acknow-
edged this Eleventh day of March the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred
and twele
In presence of: Mary GUYOL.T
Hugh M CULLOUGH Mildred (x) COAKLY (seal)
In the name_of God Amen I Walter DIXON of the County of Beaufort and state of
North Carolina being of sound mind and disposing memory do this 15th of march
and in the.year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twelve do make and
publish this my last Will and testament in manner following that is to say.
ld 1 lend unto
"beloved Wife Fanlove my plantation whereon I now live
with the Land thereunto belonging during her Natural life I also lend her for
the same term of time my bay mare and Young horse Ratter all my stock of Cattle
and hogs all my household and Kitchen furniture I also lend her my Negro woman
Rose and negro man Ambros during her natural life - my Wish is that all outstand-
ing debts be collected and applyed to the payment of my Just dets I also order
that my Lands lying in Pitt County and on PATCHETTS well branch 220 acres be
sold and the money
applyed to the payments of my debts the ballance of my horses to be sold on a
Credit of six months and the amount of sd. sails as well as all other money after
debts be paid be applyed to the support of my children.
3d. the ballance of my Negroes with there Increase to be Equally divided
amongst my Children that each one Draw their shair as they come of age or marry-
,. ProPerty that „ I have lent to my Wife at her death to be Equally
divided amongst my Children or t\eir Lawfull Heirs as the incase may be.
. to this my Last Will and testament I doe ordain my Wife Fanlove Dixon
Executrix and my friend David Smith of Pitt County Executor to this my last Will
and testament In Witness whereof I the said Walter DIXON have hereunto set my
and and affixed my seal the day and date above written signed sealed and execut-
ed m presence of us
Reading GRIST
==^bner_PEARCE Walter DIXON (seal)

Inventory of the personal Estate of Frederick GRIST decst. as taken by his

Administrator on his estate March 1812.
Cash Four hundred & eighteen dollars, Negro men, Tom, Abraham, Sampson, Luke,
David, Charles, James, Prince, Isaac, Collar, Weston, Scott, Simon, Jesse,
ert C rUS
Rose, ^jEdid ’ Av°n’ Celia,
I Lettice, Ezekie
Dolphin, Moses,Silvia,
Ferriby, Primus,Hannah,
Negro Women
Laney, & Rhody. ’
119 Head Cattle 8 Waiter & Tea Trays 2 pan Winding Blades
4 " Horses 7 doz. Plates large & small 1 Harness brush
2 Mulls 7 Box China 1 Washing Screen
26 Grown Sheep 1 1/3 doz. Cups 1^ doz. Sausers2 pair Harness forWeav,
139 Head Hogs 2 China Sugar Dishes 3 Wood Wheels
including pigs 1 Earthen Do. 3 Linnen do.
7 Beds & Furniture 5 Tea Pots 6 Canisters
1 Beastead 2 Sallad Dishes 6 pair Wool & Cotten
1 pair Dining Tables 4 Sauce Dishes 9 Pewter Basons
1 Mahogany do. 3 Vinagar Cruits 5 Tin do. do.
1 Breakfast do. 3 Milkpots 1 large Glass Bottle
1 doz. yellow Windsor
chairs 4 Mustard Pots 3 Irons
\ doz. Blue Do. 2 Pepper Boxes 1 Broken do.
^ doz. Red do. 4 Salt Stands 4 8/12 doz. Small Potter
8 flag bottomed do. 2 Shallow China Plates 2 pr. Snuffers
1 old do. 15 Baroles large & Small 1 Wood Sugar Box.
2 Writing Desks 4 Tin Coffee Pots 1 Loom
1 Mahogany Candle Stand 1 Bread Tray 1 large pine chest
2 Looking Glasses 3 Mugs 1 Spice Morter & pistle
2Dressing do. 13 Dishes difft. kinds 5 Iron Pots
1 Mahogany Bureau 4 Brass Candle Sticks 2 Dutch Ovens
4 Pitchers 9 Large Silver Spoons 2 Kettles
2 Guns 1% doz. do. Small 1 Tea do.
2 Carpets 1 Pair Silver Sugar Tongs 2 Frying pans
2 Maps doz. Knives & Forks 1 Skillet
2 Pine Tables 1 Knife Case 1 Griddle
2 dressing do. 1 Case & Bottles 1 Gridiron
1 Small pine do. 2 do. Broken 4 pair pot Hooks
The following Books are 1 pr. Brass Andirons 3 do. Trammels
1 Sett Washgtn.Life 6 vols " Shovel & Tongs 1 Cheese press
1 Bible&Prayer Book 1 pr Kitchen andirons 2 Binns
1 Laws of North Carolina 1 pine clothes press 1 small Keg
17 different books 7 Jugs 4 Meal Tubs
1 Mahogany Side Board 6 Ink Bottles 1 large Candle Box
& slate 13 Butter pots 7 Augurs
4 Pitchers 1 Safe 1 Tap boaris
12 Tumblers large & small 1 Warping Bar box & Rench 2 Gauges
18 W Glasses 1 Cott 1 Cutting Knife
2 Glass Sugar Dishes 1 Tool Chest 4 Chisels
3 Decanters 1 round Mahogany Table 1 Spike Gimblet
225 3 Small ditto
1 Iron Square 1 Large Glass Bottle 1 Bud plow
1 Wood do. 2 Riding Chairs 6 Trunks
1 Hand Saw 2 pair Chair Seats 1 perpetual almanac
3 Coss Cut do. 2 Setts chair Harness 1 large white pitcher
8 Bells 1 Saddle 1 pr. Saddle Bags
1 House do. 2 Bridles ^ of a Flat
3 Brass Cocks 3 Plow do. 9 Barrels corn
1 Plumb rod & Lead 2 pair Iron Travs. 3h bush Flax Seed
2 round Shaves 1 Chain Some Linseed Oil
2 Tin Seansors 1 pr. Caster Traes Some Lime in Barrels
2 Hammers 3 Barr plows 1 Horse Whip
1 Cotton Gin 5 Flake do. 20 Bushels Slips
1 Sawset 4 Iron Cliveces ? 2 Stacks Blade fodder
7 Wooden Baskets 3 old Spades a Bank Sweet Potatoes
1 Wooden bevil 2 Turpentine Buckets a Cutting Knife Blade
1 Womans Saddle 1 " dipper 3310 feet Scanthing
1 pair Compasses 8 Dry Hydes 1445 feet boards
1 old plain Iron 2 Grindstones 4280 Shingles
1 plane 1 Corn Cradle 75 Coffee
1 Carpenters Adge one half of an old Seive 65 Sugar
1 Spade 1 Iron Seive

2 Candle Moulds 1 yoke Oxen Out of the foregoing
1 Collunder 2 ox Carts were allotted for the
3 Funnels 1 ox Yoke Support of the Widdow
3 Funnels 1 Horse Cart _____ & family the following
5 Wooden Trays 14 Brick Moulds articles viz
3 Knives Some Seine Corks 1497 Bacon
1 Tin Ladle a quantity of peas in Hu s 2 Barrels pork
1 Wooden Bowl a quantity Cotten in _ud 56 dried Beef
1 Churn 2 Bush White peas 600 Beef to be Killed
1 Tin Stewpan 22 Bushels Wheat out the Stock Cattle
3 Mouse Traps 4 Reap Hooks 80 Bbls. corn
1 Tin Watering pot 5 Axes 12 Bus'1 wheat
5 h Hogsheads 1 Hatchett the crop of wheat now
2 " half " 6 Weeding Hoes in the ground
11 Empty Barrels oak 2 Grubbing ditto 20 Bushel Slips
11 " " pine 1 Flax Brake 10 Bush peas
185 pound Lard 1 pr. Tooth drawers 175 Lard
1487 - Bacon 1 Hatchett 150 Sugar
2 Barrels pork 1 pr Waffle Irons 75 Coffee
56 do. Beef 8 Bee Hives the bank of sweet
20 White Lead 1 Sett Coopers Tools potatoes the blade
2 Kegs Mised paint 1 Iron rake fodder
And the use of the following Articles for one year 1 Yoke Oxen a Mare Known
by the name of Martha & 8 Cows & calves.
The following are named in the listing of the debts and note accounts: Thomas
BROOKS, John NOBLES, John ALLEN, William WHITOUR, William GRIST, Henry R. KEAIS,
Caleb EVANS, Freak BROOKS, Peter LAYDEL, Martin TICKET, Zach HADDOCK, Samuel
Jonathan WRIGHT, Thomas V. CURTIS, Jonathan WRIGHT, Jasper WOOLLARD, Aid
ELLINS, Edward S. WHITE, Elijah POTTER, Thomas WORSLEY, David KNOX, John GRIST,
Dempsy GLADSON, Joseph MISSECK, Nathan LONG, Samuel McCAFFERTY, Stephen HARDING,
Richard BLOUNT, Allen CANNON, John REA, Jonathan WRIGHT, William McKEEL, John
June 1, 1812. Elisabeth GRIST, Admx.
An Inventory of the personal Estate of Abraham PRITCHETT deed' as Returned by
his Admx. June 1812.
3 Beds & Furniture 3 Tables 6 Chairs 3 Chests
Lot Crockery 4 Wheels 4 Iron Pots Some pots
Loom & Geer 1 Sett planes 3 Plows 1 Flax Brake
1 Hand Mill 2 Guns 21 Head Hogs 1 Horse
1 Yoke Oxen 1 Cart 1 Hand Saw Flat Irons
2 Saddles 1 pr. Stillyards 1 pr. Cards 3 Jugs
Some Wood Ware Ox Chain Some Cotton Some Flax
25 Head Cattle Some Old Barrels Some Hoes Frow?
1 Grind Stone House Frames 1 drawing knife
Cart Wheels Cash 1 pr. Wedges 1 pr. fire Irons
pair Tongs Some Bees
_ L§gUDd Allis_BINUM

In the Name of God Amen I William HARVEY of Beauford County in the state of North
Carolina being weak in body and in a low state of health and not knowing how
soon it may please God to call me from this earthly tabernacle do make and ordain
this to be my last will and Testament in the following manner and form - and as

touching my worldly estate I have been blest with in this life - Item I give to
my loving wife Mary HARVEY my Negro woman VILES during her life after her death
I give said Negro to my two children. I give to my wife my horse saddle and
bridle also my riding chair and harness one cow and calf one bed and furniture
Item I give to my wife Mary HARVEY all my provision consisting of corn andpeas
four head of sheep also all my hogs that is now in living, also I have agreed in
part for a negroe if said Negroe is sent to give him to my loving wife during
her life and at her death to be equally divided between my two children as before
mentioned and all my money that is as this time in the hands of my firend William
MAHERY HARVEY and all my money that is due him is is my desire is should be
collected and all my just debts payd and all the residue of my money I give to
my wife to dispose of as she may Think proper. Them I give to my wife Mary
HARVEY all my axes and hoes and all my kitchen furniture with all the residue
of my property.
Lastly - I do appoint my loving wife Mary HARVEY and my worthy friend WTlliam
VINES Executors to this my last will and testament in willness I have set my
hand and seal this 6th day of January 1812.
Signed sealed and delivered by the sayd
Testators in The presence of us.
Henry SMAW
William HARVEY (seal)
Rebecca SMAW

In the name of the great & omnipotent architect of the created Universe. - I
William Farrio of Hanson Harrold being in a low State of health but of sound
mind and memory do hereby make my last will & testament. First of all I give to
my wife Mary FARRIO all my lands in Anson County to her and her heirs. I give
her the use of my Hanson Harrolds lands during her life containing thirteen
hundred and ninety acres, with priviledge to cut staves and lightwood - - -
I give her all my flock crop and furniture that I die possess'd of or as much as
she choses to keep. I give her all my Slaves and for her first years maintain-
ance two hundred dollars. and for each year Thereafter one hundred Dollars. If
this shall not be deemed equal to one full childs part, Then as much of my lands
laid of as shall make it so.
To my son George FARRIO I have given all my lands and other property lying near
Bath that I owned jointly with Lewis LE ROY and which I have valued at Three
Thousand Dollars: I now give him all my Lands in Mattamuskeet on the Mulberry
side that I own jointly with Lewis LE ROY. There of value at three thousand
Dollars. To my Daughter Mary I give all my lands joining The Bridges oak tract
containing as of the same two Thousand and five acres which I value at
Three Thousand and five acres which I value at Three thousand Dollars. To my
Decimen I give all my lands at Hanson Harrolds after her mothers decease contain-
ing Thirteen hundred & ninety acres and valued at Three Thousand five hundred
Dohars . All my other landed property that I die possessed of I give to my two
Daughters Mary and Decimus to be equally divided between them. All the other
Effects that I am possess'd of when my Executors have settled their amounts to
be equally divided between my three children George, Mary & Decimas. - I nominate
and appoint my friend Lewis LE ROY & my son George FARRIO to be the joint
Executors to this my last will & Testament. Signed sealed and delivered at
Wysokin in Hyde County this 20th Day of May 1812 in the presence of Willoughby
Wm. FARRIS ( L. J. )?
Warren SEELY

State of North Carolina Beaufort County.
This my last will and Testament I make and declare in The words following.
My real and personal estate are to be divided in the following manner to wit -
I give my mother one Third of my real & personal Estate to her her heirs &
assigns forever. I give unto my son in law John AKENFORD another third of my
real and personal Estate to him his heirs & assigns for ever. To my wife Sally
RANSOM I give the other third to her her heirs and assigns for ever. I
constitute and appoint John Y.? BLOUNT and John AKENFORD my Executors. Before
a division of my Estate as aforesaid my Executors are authorized to pay my just
debts. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this 3'd
Day of November 1812.
RANSOM (seal)

I, William Robinson in sound mind and memory do couse this to be my last will &
testament. - Revoking all other wills or Testaments whatever - after recommending
my soul to God - and all my just debts payd - I cause this my last will - That
is to say my wife Mary ROBINSON I leave all my real and personal property my
books notes and all my Accounts during her natural life - and at her death This
is my will - That she may make such legaciers as she may think proper and that
every year is any conveyance to Burmuda - That she remits anually to my sisters
there from fourty to fifty dollars in such things as she may think they may wans
say Provisions - and if my sister in Bermuda should marry and have children it
is my wish that they with Francis RUSSEL & William ROBINSON LAVENDER that they
divide the remainer of my Property equally & equally alike - and further it is
my wish that my wife, Mary ROBINSON is my Executrix - This to cause to be my
last will - in testimony I have set my hand and seal - This 1st Day of March in
the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and eleven.

I Abigail PEARCE of the County of Beaufort in the State of North Carolina do

make and ordain This my last will and Testament.
First - I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sally Sailer BLOUNT
my Negro - woman called Phillis one Negro boy named Merret, Two feather beds &
furniture one chest one mahogany dining table made sound, my two smallest trunks,
one loom and one half of my wearing apparel.
Secondly - I give & bequeath unto my son James Salter BLOUNT my Negro-boy
named Mike & my Negro - girl named Cherry, all of stock of every kind, two
feather beds & furniture one desk & a Tea - table made round.
Thirdly - I give and bequeath unto my Niece Abbe BLOUNT two large trunks
and one half of my wearing - apparel.
And I wish it to be understood that nothing that I have given to my Daughter
my Grand-daughter nor my Niece is to be considered as being able to be taken to
pay any of my debts, but my meaning & my will is that my son James Salter shall
be liable to pay all of my just Debts with the property that I have now given
him & intend further to give him. - and I hereby wish & injoin him to give unto
my grand-daughter before mentioned at least one years schooling should she arrive
the age of about twelve years. For these reasons I further give and bequeath
unto him my Son James Salter all the property that I have not before mentioned
that I possess, that is, all my household & kitchen furniture Books &c. And
lastly I appoint my Son James Salter BLOUNT Executor to This my last will and
Testament declaring this to be my last will and Testament, in testimony whereof
I hereunto set my hand against my seal this 30th day of Aprill 1813 in the year
1813. Signed and acknowledged in the presence of
Joseph BLOUNT -65- Abigail PEARCE (seal)
In the Name of God Amen I Ann ARCHBELL of the County of Beaufort and State of
North Carolina being weak in body but of sound disposing mind of memory do
make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following viz -
Imprimis I give to my Daughter Peggy SHUSE one dollar to her & her heirs forever.
Item I give unto my Daughter Polley LOVETT one hundred Dollars.
Item I give unto my Son Nathan ARCHBELL my Negroe - girl Silver to him His
heirs & assigns forever.
Item I give unto my Son Magor C. ARCHBELL my Negroes Milly and Frank, my Spie-
glass old woman Belinder and one hundred Dollars to take care and support her
during her life to him his heirs & assigns forever.
Item I give unto my Daughter Sally ARCHBELL my Negroe woman Tup - one riding
mare named Pigeon, Saddle & bridle half dozen Silver Table spoons to her and her
heirs & assigns forever.
Item I give unto my Nieces Salley, Polley, and Nancy OUSLER to each the sum of
thirty Dollars.
Item I give to my last named four children, to wit, Polley, Nancy , Mayor and
Salley ARCHBELL all the remainder & residue of my estate of whatsoever sort or
kind to be equally divided between them share & share alike, to them their heirs
and assigns forever.
Lastly I nominate and appoint my two sons Nathan & Mayor ARCHBELL Executors to
this my last will & Testament, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand
& seal this 20th day of April 1813. signed and delivered in the presence of:

In the Name of God Amen, I Elizabeth HILL do make and ordain this my last will
and Testament in form following that is to say I will and bequeath in the
following manner and form. I bequeath to David H. HORRELL, my beloved grandson
my Negro-boy Luke by him freely to be possessed and disannul all and every other
Testaments and wills by me in any way before named willed and bequeathed ratify-
ing and confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament In
witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty third Day of
November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven.
Elizabeth (X) HILL (seal)
Signed sealed published and pronounced by the said Elizabeth HILL as her last
Will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence and the presence
of each other have hereunto subscribed our names.
William GRIST
In the Name of God Amen I John CONE of the State of North Carolina Beaufort
County on the South side Pamplico River on This nineteenth Day of March one
Thousand eight hundred and five it being the year of our Lord - Being in sound
and perfect mind and memory seeing myself far advanced in years and being brought
to a just revollectiort of the indispensible necessity of distributing what it
hath pleased God to bless me with in this life Among my friends and relations
I do make this my last will and testament and do give anc* bequeath in a manner
following - Item I give to my wife Mary CONE a Negro voman named Patience. Item
I give to my wife Mary a Negro, girl named Finny also a Negroe boy named Simon
during her life, also all my Cattle and hogs and one black mare and Colt and
flock of creatures of every discription with all my household and Kitchen furnit-
ure with my Plantation utensils during her widowhood - Item, at the marriage or
death of my wife Mary I give to my grandson James CLIFFORD the above Negro boy
Simon with two Cows and Calves and one of the best beds and furniture about my
house with all the iron furniture I have, tools and grindstone. Item I give to

my Daughter Lucinda EDWARDS one Negroe girl named Hester during her life and
likewise a Negroe girl by the name of Jinny and at her death to be divided bet-
ween her lawfull children James CLIFFORD excepted - If necessity should require
it I do hereby authorise my wife Mary to sell as the discrission of my Executors
any part of my property for her Support and not otherwise to dispose of it.- VZ
If my Daughter Lucinda EDWARDS should die with out child, or her children die
without lawfull begotten heirs, it is all to go to my Niece Lucinda Vines HILL -
VZ all the personal property that is remaining as my wifes Death is to be equal
-ly divided between all my grand-children - I hereby make appoint and ordain my
worthy Friends Michael HILL and John WILEY as Executors to this my last will and
Testament and do hereby revoke and disallow all wills hitherto made by me in
witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal signed with my hand and sealed
with my seal ninth Day of March one Thousand eight hundred and five.
George HILL
John CONE (seal)
Elizabeth HILL

State of North Carolina

Beauford County
In the Name of God Amen, I Cathern ELAY being weak and low in Body but of
of perfect sound mind and memory thanks be to God for it and Knowing the mortal-
ity of all men that it is appointed for all men wonos to die do make confute
and ordain this my last will and testament this seventeenth of May in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three first I leave my body to the
_____ of my Executors to be buried in a decent manner, my sole I recommend to
the hands of my dear Redemer Nothing doubting as lacking my woley goods at which
it has been pleased god to bless me with. Item I do give to my eldest Daughter
Mary MORE one Cow and yearling Item I do give to my Daughter Philpiny MOORE one
hundred acrs of land on the south side of the round pole branch ajoning the land
of William MOORE and the lands of John ROLOCHS and one Cow and two yearlings.
Then I do give to my youngest Daughter Betsy MORE one hundred acers of land
a oining William WILLIAMS south line and two Cows and one Calf and all my hogs
and household furniture. Item I do give to my granson Hardy MORE one Cow and
yearling and one gun and hatchet. I do cause and ordain my two Daughters
Philpiny and Betsy MOORE my Executors to this my last will and testament,
signed sealed and acknowledge in presents of us:
Geol? Thos. (X) MORIS
Waller JONES Cathron (X) EALEY (seal)

In the Name of god amen, I Thomas ALDERSON of the County of Beaufort and
State of North Carolina being weak in body but of sound disposing mind and
memory do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form
following - Imprimiss - My will and desire is that my Executor which will be
hereafter mentioned take possession of all my property both real and personal,
and apply first to the best advantage in discharging my Debts, then to divide
the balance between all my heirs at his discretion - Also I do authorise and
impower my said Executor with full and ample power to sell and convey and make
a good and Lawfull right and Title to any part or parcel of my property either
real or personal, to sell at private or publick sale as he may think proper, in
short I authorise and impower him the said Exer' with a full power as I
by this or any other Testament of writing and after my Just debts and dues are
paid then my will and desire is that the remaining parts of my property be
divided among my heirs at the discretion of my said Executor and as I have
directed him verbally.

Lastly I nominate and appoint my Friend William VINES Executor to this my last
will and Testament, with all power or exosing as before mentioned. In witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 1st day of April 1812.
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of
James P. HOTLE .
Tho. ALDERSON (seal)

In the name of God Amen I Coventon SEARLES of the County of Beaufort and
State of North Carolina being sick of body but of sound mind and memory thanks
be to all, mighty god for the same and making to mind the mortality of my body
and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die Do make and ordain this
my last Will and Testament that is to say and first of all I do recommend my soul
unto almighty god who gave it me and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be
decently buried at the discretion of my Executors and as touching such worldly
Estate as it has please god to bless me with I do give and dispose of as follows
= Item I do lend to my loving wife Doreas? SEARLES the use of my Plantation and
Land whereon I now live and all my stock and also all my household and Kitchen
furniture during her natural life or widowhood.
Item I do give and bequeath to my son James SEARLES at the Death of his
mother or at the End of her widowhood the plantation whereon I now live and all
the land on the west side of the round pole swamp that is in the Smith patent
and five acres of Land on the east side of said round pole swamp in the lower
end of the fork encluding the field that is now cleared and all the land that
I purchased of Charles D. CRAWFORD and also all the Land that the old patent con-
tained on the upper side of the Tarkiln branch and on the east side of the round
pole swamp and also one young mare by the name of Pleasure and one Cow & Calf
and feather bed and furniture to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item I do
give to my Daughter Lidea DIXON one Dollar. Item I do give and bequeath all my
land where my son Edward SEARLES now lives to his children to be equally divided
betwist them all the and boundaries as follows That is all the Land
on the east side of the main Branch called the round pole as far as the tar-kiln
branch to be equally divided among all the aforesaid children and their and
assigns forever. Item I do give and bequeath to my Daughter Dorcus SEARLES one
feather bed and furniture and one Cow and Calf - Then I give my three older
Daughters that is to say Mary JONES Nancy EDWARDS and Wineford EDWARDS one
Dollar to Each of them to be paid out of my Estate and I do leave all the rest
of my Estate not before given to be equally divided among all my children at
the death of their mother, Lydia DIXON excepted only that I give to my son
William SEARLES one Dollar before that division and then the Division must take
place as before mentioned then between Edward SEARLES William SEARLES & James
SEARLES & Mary JONES and Nancy EDWARDS & Winneford EDWARDS and I do make con-
stitute and ordain my friend Thomas EVETH my Executor to this my last will re-
voking disannulling and making void all former wills and bequests by me made and
confirming this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have here-
unto set my hand and seal this twentieth Day of April and in the year of our Lord
one Thousand eight and fourteen signed sealed and acknowledged in the presence
of us ) and do also appoint John JONES my other Executor to this my wil.
Test ,
Thomas GASKINS 0 r n
Coventon I SEARLES (seal)
William ORRELL >4
Moses EVERT mark

State of North Carolina )
Beaufort County ) Be it Known to all persons by these present that I
Benjamin NELSON of the State and County afore s'd Do hereby acknowledge myself
in real wise and senses to have viz granted by will to my sister Molly DOWNES
the following property to wit five head of Cattle one mare twelve head of hogs
one feather bed one Cedar Pigin - sheBa land if 50 acres of land which I wish
my sister to hold and dispose of as she sees fit. . . . Not forgetting the money
due to me from the United States to my Sister also due.
Jacob COLE
Benjamin (X) Nelson (seal)
Washington ARNOLD
The Balance Due in Settlement between me and Manuel TAYLOR I wish my sister
Molley to have also be it more or less witnesseth by the above Witnesses this
!2th_Day_of_ Angust_lBlb^.2=__________=_=___________________=____=______=__=____=
In the Name of God Amen I Mary Smaw of the County Beaufort and State of North
Carolina being weak in body but sound disposing mind & memory do make and ordain
this my last will and Testament in manner and form following viz -
Imprimis I give my son William VINES all my flock of whatever sort or kind
except what I shall hereafter mention.
Item I give unto my Daughter Mary SMAW the mortgage I hold against Thomas
FLOYD, half dozen table spoons marked HMS- and two Cows and Yearlings.
Item I give unto my grand Daughter Fanny HARPER one Bed and furniture that
is to say Bedstead, Boulster, two pillows, two sheets, one Blanker & Counterpan
Item I give unto my grand Daughter MERIAM SMAW the Bed and furniture I
generally make use of myself with the Curtains and my Loom.
Item I give all the remaining part of my property to be equally divided be-
tween my son Samuel VINES & son in law Thomas SMAW share & share alike.
Lastly I nominate and appoint my son Samuel VINES & son in law Thomas SMAW
Executors to this my last will and Testament - In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and seal this 10 October 1814.
Signed in the presence of * her*
John VINES /if Jf
Mary SMAW (seal)
Joseph BONNER mai^f
March Term 1815 of the Court of pleas & Quarter Sessions of the County of Beaufort
Then the within last will and Testament of Mary SMAW dec’d was proven in
Court in due form of law by the oath of John VINES a subscribing wittness there-
to and ordered to be recorded - & Thomas SMAW the Exor. named in said will came
into Court and qualified thereto.
Tho. SMAW, Clk.

State of North Carolina Beaufort County In the name of God Amen, I John CUTLER
Senior being very poorly in health but of a sound mind & memory blessed be god -
knowing it is appointed unto all men once to die Do recommend my soul into the
hands of God and my Body to the ground to be decently duried at the discretion
of my Executors hereafter named. And as for such worldly goods as it has been
pleased Almighty God to bless me with after my funeral Charges just debts and
legacies are paid do dispose of in the following manner viz -
Item I give and bequeath to my son John CUTTLER my plantation that I bought
of Edm'd McKEEL beginning on the East side of the Huckleberry Branch at a Swamp
joined a marked corner running easterly with a line of marked trees to the be-
ginning line of the new Entry that McKEEL made and then with said line to the
back lines and then with said back lines to the eastmost prong of goose-Creek
then the various courses of the said swamp and the Huckleberry branch to the Be-
ginning containing seventy five acres.

Item I give and bequeath to my son Nathan CUTLER my Plantation on the Ridge
beginning at a pine my son Johns corner running with his line to the Back line
then westerly with said back line to the Poley-Branch then with said branch to
the beginning containing seventy five acres.
Item I give and bequeath to my son James CUTLER all my home plantation land
only. I reserve one half of the Orchard for my son Robert CUTLER.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Robert CUTLER fifty acres of land lying
on the west side of Goose Creek one hundred and fifty acres of land joining to
the Reedy pond and the rest of my Land my will and desire is for it to be equally
divided between my four sons John Nathan James & Robert.
I give and bequeath to my four Daughters Frances, Sarah, Mary & Anne, Mime
and her increase.
Item I leave to my beloved Wife Elizabeth CUTLER one third
part of all my personal Estate and home plantation during her life time or
Widowhood and my will and desire is that the other two thirds of all my unmention
-ed Estate be equally divided between all my children. I order and appoint you
my sons John CUTLER and Nathan CUTLER Executors of this my last will and Testa-
ment and I do disannul all other Executor Wills and Testaments but this to be my
last will and Testament this 15th day of September one thousand eight hundred
and fourteen.
Signed sealed pronounced and John CUTLER (seal)
declared by John CUTLER senior to be his
last will and testament in the presence of us
who in the presence of each other have subscribed
our names as Wittnesses.
Robert CUTLER junior
June term 1815 of the Court of pleas & Quarter sessions of Beaufort County
Then the within last will and Testament of John CUTLER dec'd was proved in
Court in due form of law by the oath of Rob CUTLER jun. a subscribing witness
thereto & ordered to be recorded, & John CUTLER qualified as Executor thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the Name of God amen I Marcy BRADY being very sick in body but of perfect
mind & memory thanks be given unto God, calling into mind the mortality of my
Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and or-
dain this my last will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all
I give and recommend my Soul into the hand of allmighty god that gave it and my
Body I recomend to the earth to be
buried in decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executors, nothing
doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the
mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleas-
ed God to bless me in this life, after my funeral charges and just debts are paid
I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
Item I give and bequeath to my son John William BRADY and the child that I
am now lusty with as yet unborn all my Cattle Hogs and all my goods & chattels
household & kitchen furniture and every thing that I do possess to be equally
divided between them and if either of them should die under age or without heir
my desire is that the other should have the whole of my Estate and my will and
desire is that William SEXTON should have both of my children to take of them
and raise them and if both of them should die, without heir my desire is that he
should have all of my Estate I do constitute make and appoint William TESTON

my Executor of this my last will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disallow
revoke and disannul all and every other former Testaments, wills, legacies, be-
quests and Executors by me in any wise before named willed and bequeathed ratify-
ing and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament In witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 23rd day of February in the
year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fourteen. Signed sealed publish-
ed and declared by the said Marcy BRADY as her last Will and Testament in
the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our Names
Robert CUTLER junr. & Wm. SILBY Marcy ( X ) BRADY
June Term 1816 Court of pleas & quarter sessions of Beaufort County. Then
the within last Will and Testament of Marcy Brady dec'd was proven in open Court
in due form of Law by the Oath of Robert CUTLER jun. a subscribing witness there-
to and ordered to be recorded - & Wm. SESTON came into Court and qualified as
Executor. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God amen, I Clarissa W. LAVENDER of the town of Washington
ounty of Beaufort & State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and
memory (blessed be God) do this day of February in the year of our Lord 1815 make
and publish this my last Will and Testament in the manner following. That is to
First I lend to my Mother Mary LAVENDER my Negro woman Judah and her increase
hereafter and my boy Martin during the term of her natural life and at her death
I give and bequeath the aforesaid Negroes with the increase (if any) to my three
sisters namely Sally HAWKINS, Margaret M. BAKER & Kitty LAVENDER equally share
& share alike to them and their heirs forever.
Second I give and bequeath my negroe girl Lettice to my sister Margaret M.
BAKER to her and heirs forever.
Thirdly I give and bequeath my Negro boy Ceasar (Fadahs youngest child) to my
Nephew William BAKER, but should he not arrive at the age of twenty one years my
will is the said boy should be divided equally between my three sisters afore-
said .
Fourthly & lastly I give and bequeath my Negro boy Ellis ( Fedahs oldest child)
to my Aunt Mary L. LAVENDER during her natural life and at her death to her son
Benjamin A. LAVENDER and his heirs forever. And I hereby make and ordain my
worthy friend William L. LAVENDER Executor of this my last Will and Tesament
In witness whereof I the said Clarissa W. LAVENDER have to this my last Will
and testament set my hand & seal the day and year above written.
Clarissa W. LAVENDER (seal)
Signed sealed, published and declared by the said Clarissa W. LAVENDER as her
last Will and Testament, in the presence of us who were present at the time of
signing and sealing thereof. John ROSS (seal)
Frances RUSSEL (seal)
June term 1815 Court of pleas & quarter session of Beaufort Then the within
last Will and Testament of Clarissa W. LAVENDER d'd was proven in Court in due
form of Law by the Oath of Frances RUSSEL one of the subscribing Witnesses is
thereto - & ordered to be recorded - & W. L. LAVENDER came into court and qual-
ified by taking the oath of an Executor.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen I Richard COLE of Beaufort County and State of No.
Carolina, being of mind and perfect mind and memory blessed be God do this 5th
day of April in the Year of our Lord 1814 make and publish this my last Will and
Testament in manner following that is to say Then I give unto my son Lamuel COLE
one Gun, then I give unto my beloved Wife Sarah COLE my whole Estate after pay-

ing my just Debts during her native life, then I give unto my two Sons James &
Lamuel COLE all my Land, that is to say my house & Plantation to my Son Lamuel
COLE up to the Indian Branch and the upper part to my Son Jas. COLE and the re-
mainder at the Death of my beloved Wife to be & divided among my Children: this
I give unto them and their heirs forever and hereby nominate my beloved wife and
Mercer CHERRY whole and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and
have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and date before Written.
N. BROWN Richard T7 COLE (seal)
June Term 1815 of the Court of PLeas and Quarter Sessions of the County of Beau-
fort. Then the within last Will and Testament of Rich'd COLE was proven in
Court by Nathan BROWN a witness thereto and ordered to be recorded and Sarah
COLE came into Court and qualified as Exec'x thereto.
Tho. SWAM Clk.
In the name of God Amen, I Jeremiah SLADE of the State of North Carolina and
County of Beaufort, am yet living through the abundant goodness & mercy of God,
though weak in body yet of a Sound memory and understanding do make and consti-
tute this my last Will and Testament and desire it may be received by all.
Imprimis. I recommend my Soul to God and my body to be buried in a Christian
like manner at the discretion of my friends. Item. I give unto my two Sisters
Artimiss and Linner SLADE my Lands to be equally divided between them and to
their heirs forever, and my tools of every kind to be sold and equally divided
between my said two Sisters and lastly I make my loving mother and Icabud PRINGLE
the whole sole Exec’x of this my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I
have hereunto set my hand and Seal This 25th day of Nov'r 1814.
in presence of
Sami. PATE Jeremiah SLADE (seal)
Sarah (X) CARTER June Term 1815 of the Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions of the County of Beaufort. Then the within
last will and Testament of Jeremiah SLADE dec'd was
proven in Court by the Oath of Sam'l PATE a witness
thereto and ordered to be Recorded - and Mary SLADE
the Exec'x came into Court & Qualified thereto.

State of No. Carolina ) In the name of God Amen I Sarah CARTER of the County and
Beaufort County ) State aforesaid being very sick and weak in body but of
perfect mind and memory praised be God do make and constitute this my last Will
and Testament and desire it may be received by all. Imprimis. Item. I give unto
my Daughter Hannah CARTER 100 Acres of Land lying and being in Beaufort County
on the South side of Pamplico River and South side of Campbells Creek as patten
and Deed will show also two beds and furniture & Steads and Six head of Cattle
and two wheels, one chest, one pair Cotton Cards and one Table, one pewter Dish
two Basons do Four plates, do and one small pott. these I give to her and her
heirs and assigns forever, and all the rest of my property I leave to be sold to
the use of Schooling my Daughter Hannah and if money still left after Schooling
said child to be let on Interest untill she comes of age and lastly I do make
and constitute my friend Henry SLADE and David CAMPEN the whole sole Executrix
of this my last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal this 18th day of April 1811.
Signed sealed in presence of us.


JuneUTerm 1815 of the Court of pleas and quarter Sessions of the County of

Beaufort. Then the within last Will and Testament of Sarah CARTER dec’d was
proven in Court in due form of Law by the Oath of Sam'l PATE as subscribing
witness thereto dec’d ordered to be recorded -and David CAMPEN one of the
Executors came into Court and qualified thereto.
Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God Amen, I Israel WINDLEY, Mechanic of the County of Beaufort
State of No. Carolina, being of sound and perfect mind and memory, though weak
in body and low in health calling to mind the mortality of the body and not know-
ing when it will please the Lord in his infinite mercy to call me to himself, do
solemnly and sincerely make this my last Will and Testament and direct it in the
words following. That is to say,
I devise all my real Estate, being the farm and Plantation whereon I now re-
side and which I purchased of John ADAMS to my loving wife Sarah to her and her
heirs forever. I give and bequeath all my personal Estate of every denomina-
tion, that is to say, Negroes Jess, Willis and Jude, all my Stock of every kind,
household Furniture of every description and every other article or thing that
I now own or possess to my loving wife Sarah WINDLEY aforesaid my Execx. to this
my last Will and Testament. In witness whereunto I have this 17th day of Nov'r.
A.D. 1813 Set my hand. Isr’l WINDLEY (seal)
Sign’d sealed and Executed in the Nancy COGSELL
presence of Charles SMALLWOOD.
June Term 1825 Beaufort County, PLeas & Quarter Sessions. Then a Jury was
impanneled and sworn who say upon their oaths that this paper writing does con-
tain the last Will and Testament of Israel WINDLEY dec'd.
Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the Name of God Amen. I James CONGLETON of the State of North Carolina
and County of Beaufort being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be God
do this 11th day of June in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and
fifteen, make this my last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to
say. First I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Julia CONGLETON, One
Bed and Furniture, One Iron Pot One Linen Wheel, and One third part of all my
Earthen Ware, to her and her heirs forever. Item. I give unto my Grand Daugh-
ter Mary CONGLETON One bed and Furniture, One Iron Pot, One Linen Wheel, and
one third part of all my Earthen Ware to her and her heirs forever. Item. I
give unto my Grand Daughter Elizabeth CONGLETON, One Bed and Furniture, One Iron
One wheel, and one third part of all my Earthen Ware to her and her Heirs forever.
My further desire is that my three Grand Daughters, Julia, Mary and Elizabeth
CONGLETON shall remain on the Plantation whereon I now live one Year after my
decease. Item. I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth ROBERSON One frying pan, two
Kettles, and Griddle to be delivered unto her one Year after my decease, the
same to her and her heirs forever. Item. I give unto my Son Moses CONGLETON
my land which lies to the North and Eastward of a line running from my said Son
Moses back line down with old fence to the Marsh Branch to Ricn’d BAYNOTS line
unto him and his heirs forever. Item. I give unto my Son Daniel CONGLETON all
my Land lying to the South and Westerward of the line described as above with
Che Plantation I now live on he the said Daniel to inherit the same at the
expiration of one year after my decease unto him his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give unto my two Sons Daniel & Moses CONGLETON all the residue of my
property to be equally divided between them Share and Share alike to them and
their Heirs forever. Item. I give unto my Grand Daughter Julia CONGLETON One
Chest to her and her heirs forever. Item. I give unto my Grand Daughter Mary
CONGLETON One Chest to her and her heirs forever.

I hereby make and ordain my two Sons Daniel CONGLETON and Moses CONGLETON Execu-
tors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I the said James
CONGLETON have to this my last Will and Testament, set my hand and Seal the day
& Year above written.
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us.
Thos. SMAW James (X) CONGLETON (seal)
September Term 1815 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas
and Quarter Sessions, Then the within last Will and Testament of James CONGLETON
Witnesses thereto - and ordered to be Recorded, and Moses CONGLETON and Dan'l
CONGLETON came into Court and qualified as Exectx. thereto.
Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God Amen. I George TANKARD of the County of Beaufort and
State of North Carolina being in usual health and sound disposing mind and memory
revoking all others do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament and as
touching my worldly goods do dispose of in the following Viz. Imprimis I give
and bequeath unto my loving Wife Martha, Six negroes, namely Old Shad, Dinah,
Lenny, Alfred, Riley and Oxis, I also lend her two other Negroes Young Shad and
Prince during her natural life, further I give unto my Wife Martha TANKERD
all my household and Kitchen Furniture. Plantation and Farming utensils. Crop
Stock and Provisions that is here on this Plantation where I now live and as her
right of Dower of all my Lands I give and bequeath unto her the right and Dower
of the Land whereon I now live.
Secondly, I give and bequeath unto my Nephew John TANKARD all the household
and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation and Farming Utensils, Stock of all kinds that
is on the Plantation where he now lives. I also lend him said John TANKARD my
Plantation and all my Land adjoining where he now lives. I further lend him Six
Negroes, Namely Ben, Jenny, Sarah, Aaron, George and Toney during his natural
life, at his death to be equally divided between all said John TANKARDS children.
If any of said Children Should die before they come to the age Twenty one Years
or Marry, my desire then is that their part of said land and negroes be equally
divided among the Surviving Brothers or Sisters or both as it may be further if
said John TANKARD should be living at the death of my Wife Martha, I also lend
him the two negroes I had and Prince should be divided among all his said Johns
children in the same manner as the Land and Six Negroes are before Willed to be
my desire further is that if none of Said John Tankards Children should live to
the Age of Twenty One or marry that all the before lent Land and Negroes are to
be divided among my Relations in Virginia. I give unto Mary TYRRELL during her
life Twentyfour dollars per Year to be paid her Quarterly to be raised by my
Heirs equally and paid or seen paid by my Exectors who will be named hereafter.
Further, If there should come any debts or demands against me I desire they be
paid or seen paid by me Exectors who will be named hereafter. Further If there
should come any debts or demands against me I desire they be paid out of the
moneys due me if enough, if not enough, I desire they be paid out of the money
due me and if not enough, I desire that John TANKARD pay it out of his part and
after my just debts are paid if there should be any moredue me either by Note,
Account, or otherwise, I then desire it be equally divided between my Wife Martha
and said John TANKARD.
I do hereby nominate and appoint my Wife Martha the aforesaid John TANKARD
and Land. VINES Executors to this my last Will and Testament. In Witness where
-of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the (blank) day of Nov'r 1814
Signed Sealed and Executed in presence of
Thomas VINES George TANKARD (seal)
Jesse FELLERTON December Term 1815 of Beaufort County Court of PLeas
& Quarter Sessions. Then the within last Will and Testament of Geo. TANKARD dec'd
was proven in Court by Thomas VINES a Witness thereto and ordered to be Recorded-

and John TANKARD came into Court and Qualified as Executor thereto.

In the name of our Lord Amen. I Joseph CAMPEN have called to mind this day
the Mortality of men, knowing it being appointed to Man once to die and after
Death to Judgment, I therefore in the first place recommend my Soul in the hands
of an Almighty God from whence it come and Secondly my body to the Earth by a
Christian Burial, and the Property with which it has pleased God to bless me
with I distribute and leave in the following manner. I bequeath and give to my
Daughter Nancy One Bed and Furniture One Negro man Soloman, 1 Negro Girl Susan,
200 Acres of Land lying at Tar Landing Creek 3 Cows and Calves or Yearlins, 2
Heifers of which 2 Cows & Calves and 2 Heifers running at Charity HODGES Pen.
2nd. I bequeath and give to my Son Robert 1 Negro boy Peter, 1 old negro
woman Gin, one Bed and Furniture, one half of the 200 Acres of Land whereon I
live, and likewise the half of 100 acres of Land joining the before mentioned
Land, for my Son Robert to give a rightof the other half of just before named
Land, to Aaron SPRING or his Heirs, 4 Cows & calves run at Jas. DOWDYS Pen -
1 Sow & 4 Young Hogs, 1 Young Bull, 1 Heifer which Jas. DOWDY raised and the one
half of 240 Acre of Land whereon I live, also two Tracts or pieces of Land join-
ing together whereon Joseph CAMPEN JR. now lives, 1 Negro Boy James 1 Young
Negro Girl Gin, two Beds and Furniture, one Grindstone, 4 Cows and Calves or
Yearlings, 3 Heifers and the other half, of about 30 Acres of Land lying between
Ben. CAMPENS and Jas. EASTONS line 4th I bequeath and give to my beloved Wife
Elizabeth all property her life time except those I have given to my Children as
before mentioned and to give it to them when come to the Years of maturity or
married and the rest of the property after her death to be divided equally between
Robert and William my two Sons. 5th. I give and bequeath to Joseph CAMPEN JR.
1 Negro man CEASAR, 2 Cows and Calves and the Cattle which runs at his pen.- I
do hereby Authorize and leave my Wife Elizabeth and Benjamin DAVIS as sole
Executors of this my last Will and Testament.
October 12th, 1815 Joseph (X) CAMPEN (seal)
Charles LOWY Dec. Term 1815. Then was this Will proven
Mary Ann (X) POTTER in open Court in due form of Law, by the Oath
of Mary Ann POTTER one of the subscribing Witnesses
thereto, and Benj'm DAVIS qualified thereto as
Ex’r. Let it be Recorded.

In the name of God Amen. I Richard LANDING of Beaufort County in the State
of North Carolina, planter, being all this time in perfect health and memory do
make and ordain this my Will and Testament in order following that is to say, I
give and recommend my soul into the hand of Almighty God that gave it and my
body I recommend to the Earth to be decently and in a Christian like manner
intered, nothing doubting but I shall receive the same again at the general Re-
surrection through the power of Almighty God and touching such worldly Estate
which it hath pleased God to bless me with I will and bequeath in the manner
following and form. I give and bequeath to my Son Littleton LANDING One heifer
and Calf and one Bull Yearlin, One Canoe and my working Tools and two Sows to
him and his Heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give to my Daughter Elisha
BRUFFETT one Bed, if John BRYAN should pay her Ten dollars then the Bed shall
be deliverd to him again., I give to my Elisha one Cow and Yearlin, One Cow and
Calf,a red and the other brown and one BARROW, one fat Tub, one Barrel to my
daughter Elisha and her Heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give to my Daughter

Rasheba Worner one brown Cow with Calf and two little Stears, one black Stear to
her and her Heirs and assigns forever, my horse I leave to be sold and the money
to be equally divided between Littleton and disha and Basheba to them my said
Heirs and assigns forever. I leave to my said son Littleton LANDING my potts and
Trammels and one pair Steelyard, one Chest, one Case with some bottles some
pewter and a few other articles to tedious to mention, to him my said Son and
his Heirs and assigns forever. And I do hereby Constitute make and ordain my
said Littleton LANDING and Arthur BRUFFETT my Executors of this my last Will and
Testament and I do also hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannull all and
every other former Testament and Will by me in any way before named willed & be-
queathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Test-
ament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day of
December 1814. Richard LANDING (seal)
Micajah MASON
Charloly (X) MIXON Beaufort County Court Dec’r. Term 1815.
Then was the execution and publication of the
within as the last Will and Testament of Rich’d LANDING by the Testator, proved
in due form of Law by the Oath of Micajah MIXON a subscribing Witness thereto
Tho_^_SMAW C_._
In the name of God Amen. I Isaiah WOODARD of the County of Beaufort and
State of North Carolina being weak of body but of sound and disposing mind do
constitute and appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and form follow-
ing that is to say. First. I recommend my soul to my Creator who gave it with
a full assum of a happy change, changing the world for the far better, and as
to these worldly goods which it hath pleased god to bless me with I make the
following distribution. Item. I lend unto my beloved Wife Lucretia WOODARD
during her life or Widowhood the Plantation whereon I now live with privilege of
Rail Timber and fire wood for her own use, also lend her my negro man , Newport,
Ceasar and Mustapher and negro woman Bet. and Phillis, also my black and Grey
mare. Three Cows and Calves and four Ewes and Lambs, two Beds and Furniture with
the Bedstead, with one pair of Dining Tables and one square cherrytree Table,
with all my Silver Ware, with half of all my Kitchen Furniture, with four Hoes
and four Club Axes with two Ploughs and Geer and two Gubbing hoes.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Polly ELLISON the house and lot
whereon she now lives to her and her Heirs forever, with two negroes Henry and
Rachael. Item. I give unto my daughter Louisa WOODARD my Lot in Washington
which I bought at Execution Sale against Michael HANNAHAN reference being had to
the deeds, for the numbers also a negro boy Lewis and negro Girl Jenny also one
Bed and Furniture with the Bedstead and the negro Girl Phillip after the loan
of to my wife expires. Item. I give unto my son Isaiah WOODARD One hundred
acres of Land which I bought of Thomas SMAW lying on the main road from Washing-
ton to Bath and one half of the Beaver Dam Mills. also all the Law Books which
I purchased of Wm. SMAW and the Horse, bridle and Saddle which he had in poss-
ession with one Bed and Furniture and Bedstead. Item. I give unto my Son
Cicero WOODARD the land and Plantation which I bought of Thomas BEASLEY and
ullen HARDISON reference being had to the Deeds for the quantity of acres and
situation, also Three hundred acres of Land in the great Fork adjoining the
Lands of Absolum WOOLARD and the balance of a patent on Town Creek after making
a Deed to George FARRIS for Sixty Acres in conformity to a Bond of mine given to
Wm. FARRIS and Lewis LEROY, reference being thereunto had for the stiputators.
Item. I give unto my two Youngest Sons Wm. & Jno. SMAW WOODARD the Plantation
whereon I now live after the loan to my Wife expires also one hundred and twenty
two Acres which I bought of Nathan BONNER called the Logs place lying about the
Plantation which includes

all the lands which I own on the West side of the Mill Pond, also two hundred
and Sixty Acres of Land which I bought of Nathan BONNER on the East side of the
Mill Pond and joins that before given to Son Cicero. My Will and desire is that
my Mills be leased out until my youngest Son William comes of age, with a
condition that this person rebuild her within the time in a workmanlike manner
and further reserve to my Wife Lucretia One third of all the Grist during her
life or Widowhood. My Will furthermore is that the remainder of the Negroes not
mentioned in this Will remain in an undivided state untill my Eldest Son comes
of age to be hired out yearly & the money therefrom arising to be applied to
the Education of my three youngest Children and as they arrive to age my Will
is that they take off an equal share portion and the rest to remain in common
Hock untill the next comes of age so that as fast as they arrive at age each
may have his dividend or proper Share, my Son Isaiah claiming equally in a
division with my three youngest sons, but not in the hire. Item. I give unto
my daughter Louisa all my Silver ware after my loan to my Wife expires. My Will
and desire is that all the remainder of my perishable Estate not already given
or lent to be sold at Six months Credit and if needed to be applied to the pay-
ment of just debts and the ballance to be appropriated to the Education of my
three youngest Children out of which Mr. Tho. B. HAUGHTONs debt is to come for
the Tuition of my Son Isaiah. Item. I furthermore lend to my Wife my riding
chair and Harness. I hereby constitute and appoint my Son Isaiah WOODARD and Jas
ELLISON Executors to this my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have
hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 11th day of August 1815.
Signed Sealed and in presence of
Maj. Jno. CLARK
I. WOODARD (seal)
This is intended as a codicil to the above Will which I establish as
such and do hereby give and bequeath that part of my property lent to my Wife
which is not before disposed except Mustapher who is to go into a common Stock
and be divided among my boys as above to be equally divided between Louisa
Maj. Jno. CLARK ) Dec’r Term 1815, of Beaufort County, Court of Pleas
Mary SELBY ) and Quarter Sessions, Then the annexed last Will and
Testament of Isaiah WOODARD dec’d was proven in Court by the oath of Maj. Jno.
CLARK a subscribing Witness thereto, and ordered to be Recorded - and James
ELLISON came into Court and qualified as Executor thereto.
Tho. SMAW Clk.
In the name of God Amen, I Ann RICHARDS of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina being of sound and perfect memory blessed be God for it but
calling to mind the mortality of my body and Knowing it is appointed unto all
once to die do make ordain and constitute this to be my last Will and Testament
in manner as follows, that is to say, first, I give and bequeath my soul into
the hands of Almighty God who gave it, nothing doubting but I shall receive the
same again at the general resurrection by the mighty power of God, my body I
commit to the ground to be buried in a decent Christian Burial at the disintion
of my Executors hereafter mentioned, and as touching such Worldly Estate which
it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, my Will and desire is that
they be disposed of in the following manner and form, that is to say, first, I
give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Chloe GALLOWAY two Cows and Calves and
one large Chest with a drawer to the said Chest. I next give unto Winny BLOUNT
BUCK one Heifer andl next give and bequeath to my beloved Son Richard BLACKLEDGE
RICHARDS one Negro woman named Nel and I further give to my Son Richard B. RICH-
ARDS all my household Furniture and all my Kitchen Furniture and all my Planta-

-77 -
tion Tools and all my Hogs and all the residue of my Cattle that is not already
mentioned to others, and I further give to my Son Richard B. RICHARDS and Reading
GRIST Esqr. Executors to this my last Will and Testament revoking all other Wills
by me made ratifying and confirming this only to be my last Will and Testament.
Done the 22nd day of January, 1814.
Signed Sealed and acknowledged by Ann RICHARDS to
be her last Will and Testament in presence of us.
Anthony KENYON
March Term 1816 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and quarter Sessions.
Then was this last Will and Testament of Ann Richards, dec'd proven in Court by
the Oath of Anthony KENYON a subscribing Witness thereto - and ordered to be
Recorded and Read. GRIST came into Court and qualified as Executor thereto.

In the name of God Amen, April 20th and in the Year of our Lord 1815. I
Joseph SHUTE of the County of Beaufort and State of North Carolina being sick of
Body but of sound mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same and call-
ing to mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all
men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to
say and first of all I do bequeath my Soul to Almighty God who gave it me and my
body I commit to the Earth to be decently ried at the discretion of my Execu-
tors, and as touching such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with
I do give and dispose of as follows. Item. I do lend to my Wife Peggy SHUTE
during her natural life my Dwelling Houses and Plantation whereon I now live and
all the Land belonging to it and two other pieces of Land adjoining the afores’d
land, the one patent by Jacob SHUTE containing Ninety five Acres and the other
patent by Jacob SHUTE containing One hundred and twenty eight acres and at her
decease I do give all the aforesaid Land and Plantation to my Son Joseph Brice
SHUTE to him his Heirs and assigns forever. Item. I do also give to my Son
Jon. B. SHUTE one half of my Mill seat on the East prong of Blounts Creek to
him his Heirs and assigns forever and I also give to my Son Jos. R. SHUTE one
half of what I own in a patent in the Wolf Pit neck and also one half a patent
which I patented in the pocoson containing Four hundred acres, to him his Heirs
and assigns forever. Item. I do give to my Son Francis Asbury SHUTE the other
half of my Mill Seat on the East prong of Blounts Creek with all the Land belong-
ing to it that I bought of MORRIS and ADAMS and the and the other half of the
patents in the Wolf pit neck and in the pocoson to him, his Heirs and assigns
forever. Item. I do give and bequeath to Daughter Eunice ARCHBALL all my punch
bowl patent of Land, pattented by Samuel Dun BARR and also all the Land I bought
of John THOMASON and also Fifty acres patented by me adjoining the aforesaid
THOMASONS Land to she, her Heirs and assigns forever. It also understood on a
regualr survey that the divided of the Giles SHUTE Land and the punchhole patent
shall stand as Sami. D. BARR formerly run it and not as SMAW run it. Item. I
do give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Ann VINES SHUTE, all my Giles SHUTE
Land, patented by Jacob SHUTE and also all the Land I bought of Wm. THOMASON and
also Fifty acres of Land where Wm. Sutton MOORE now lives to she her Heirs assigns
forever. Item. I do give and bequeath to my Daughter Caroline Litchfield SHUTE
Four hundred acres of Land patented by myself adjoining the MAUL patent to she
her Heirs and assigns forever and Item I do give and bequeath to my daughter
Sidney SHUTE two hundred acres of Land adjoining
Edwards and William SEARLS and other piece of Land Pattented by myself joining
the Wolf pit neck land containing one hundred Acres and also all the Land I own
in the John PRESCOT patent on the West side of the Easternmost prong of Blounts

Creek, and all my Land I own in the Green Swamp pattented by I. G. BLOUNT to she
her Heirs and assigns forever. Item. I do lend to my loving Wife Peggy SHUTE
all my household and Kitchen furniture during her natural life, and at the Death
of my Wife I do give to my three youngest Daughters to each a feather Bed and
furniture to them their Heirs and assigns forever and all the household and
Kitchen Furniture not before given. I do give at the death of my Wife to be
equally divided between my two Sons Jos. B. SHUTE and Francis A. SHUTE to them
their Heirs and assigns forever. Item I do give to my loving Wife my large
Church Bible to the her Heirs & assigns forever and all my Library Books I do
give to be equally divided between my two youngest Sons to them their Heirs and
assigns forever. Item. I do give two Youngest Sons, Jos. B. SHUTE and Francis
A. SHUTE my large Family Bible Cost Six dollars to him his Heirs and assigns for-
ever. Item. In addition to I have given her befor I do give to my Daughter
Mary PATRICK the feather Bed and furniture now in her possession to she her Heirs
and assigns forever, and the negro Girl now in her possession which I recovered
of Jeremiah BROWN at Law I do lend to her during her natural life and at death I
do give the said Negro Girl Betty and her Increase to be equally divided between
the Heirs lawfully begotten of her body to them their Heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I do give and bequeath to my daughter Eunice ARCHBALL one feather bed and
furniture which is in her possession and one Negro Girl which is in her possession
named Sarah and one negro Woman named Nanncy and one negro boy by the name of
David to she her heirs and assigns forever with their increase and my Island of
Marsh in Trent River in Craven County I leave tobe sold by me Executors towards
discharging my debts and all my Perishable property not before given I do leave
to be sold towards discharging my debts if it should be wanting and if that
should not be enough to discharge all the debts I do leave them in care of my
Executors that the profits arising from them shall go to the benefit of my Wife
and the raising my five youngest Children and Educating of them til each one of
them comes to the age of Seventeen years and then to be sold by my Exec'rs and
to be equally divided between my four youngest daughters and all my Negroes not
before mentioned, I do give to be equally divided between my Wife and her five
young children to them their Heirs and assigns forever and if any property
should be found that has not been mentioned I do leave it to be sold and divided
between my Wife and Six Youngest Children.
and I do Make constitute and ordain my Worthy friends William VINES and John F.
SMITH my Executors of this my last Will and Testament, revoking disannuling and
making Void all former Wills and bequests by me made confirming this to be my
last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal
the day and year above written, Signed Sealed and Acknowledged in the presents
of us.
William ORRELL Joseph SHUTE (seal)
Betsey B. DELANY
March Term 1814 of Beaufort County, Court of Pleas and
quarter Sessions. Them was the within last Will and Testament of Joseph SHUTE
dec’d proven in Court by the Oath of Wm. ORRELL a subscribing Witness thereto
and ordered to be recorded.
Tho1_SMAW Clk.

In the name of God Amen. I Jacob Durden of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina being weak in body but of sound disposing mind and memory do
make constitute and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in writing, and
as for what Goods God has bestowed on me I give them in the manner herein after
mentioned in writing by me. Item. I lend to my well beloved Wife Elizabeth
Durden my Land and Plantation whereon I now live during her natural life. Item.

Give her Five Negroes, Viz. Toney, Violet, Abram, Selbey and Barbary to her and
her Heirs forever. Item. I lend Peter and Mary to Wife during her natural Life
and then to return to my Son Samuel. Item. I give one third part of all my
stock except one young Bay Mare to my Son Samuel, also I give one third part of
all my Furniture to my well beloved Wife and to her Heirs forever, also one third
part of Kitchen Utensils and Farming Utensils to her and her heirs forever as
she may like to give or bestow on Ye. Item. I give my Son Thomas DURDEN One
hundred Acres of Land whereon he now lives. Also one Deed of Eleven Acres also
one of Twenty five acres all joining in front together, to the said Thomas DURDEN
and to his heirs forever. Item. I give to Jacob Durden WINDLEY One hundred
Dollars to be raised out of my Estate for his better support Ye to be paid by
Wife and Son equal to said Jacob, but let it be understood that I give my Wife
the Grey Horse for the purpose of raising her part of the 100 dollars for Jacob.
Item and as for all the balance of my Estate that I have not given before in this
my last Will and Testament I freely and Willingly give to my Son Samuel Jones
DURDEN to him and his heirs forever. Item. My Will is that my Son Sam'l I.
DURDEN make Gersham HOMER a right to all the negroes I bought at Auction by the
said G. HOMER paying up all the arrearage and Fifty Dolls, extra to the said G.
I. DURDEN and to confirm the same I have set my hand this thirteenth day of
December 1815. I leave my Son Sami. I. DURDEN and Henry E.WINDLEY Executors to
this my last Will and Testament.
March Term 18th of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was
the within last Will and Testament of Jacob DURDEN dec'd proven in Court by the
Oath of E. JACKSON a subscribing witness thereto - and ordered to be Recorded -
And Sami. I. DURDEN and Henry E. WINDLEY came into Court and qualified as Exec'rs.
thereto^ ll}oi_SMAW_1_Clki

North Carolina ) In the name of God Amen, I Alexander REDDITT of the County and
Beaufort Coumty ) State aforesaid being somewhat weak and low in body but of per-
fect sound mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God for it and calling to mind
the mortality of allmen knowing that it appointed for allmen once to die to make
constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament this Seventeenth day of
September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and fourteen. First
I leave my body to the discrtion of my Executors to be buried in a decent manner,
my Soul I recommend to the hands of my Redeemer, nothing doubting and as touching
my worldly goods which it hath bee please God to bless me with.
Item I. I give and bequeath unto my Wife Sarah REDDITT two Negro Women Viz.
Sue and Lilley, I also lend unto my Wife Sarah REDDITT two negro men Viz. Bull
and Cesar during her natural life or Widowhood, I also lend her during her natural
life or Widowhood the Plantation and Land whereon I now live, also all my Black-
smiths and Coopers Tools and all my Plantation and Farming Tools. I also lend
my wife three Head of Horses and Mares Viz. Rattrap, Spinnet and Presedent.
Item 2nd. I give and bequeath unto my Son Lodowic REDDITT one negro man named
Arch, One negro boy named Moses, one negro Girl named Else, one horse named Shark,
two Cows and Calves one feather Bed and Furniture. Item 3. I give and bequeath
unto my daughter Peggy McCABE three negroes Viz. Moll, Aaron and Ruth alsoi the
Bed and furniture which I lent her and the two Cows & Calves that I lent her.
Item 4. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sally CRATCH three negroes VIZ.
Dinah Lethes and Abram, also two Cows and Calves that I lent her and the Bed and
Furniture that I lent to her. Item 5. I give and bequeath unto my Son Alex'r.
REDDITT three Negroes Viz. Jack Mary and Hannah and one horse named Burgamos,
two Cows and Calves one feather Bed and furniture and all my Shoe makers Tools
and half my Carpenters and Turners Tools. Item 6. I give and bequeath unto my
daughter Nancy REDDITT Three negroes, little Dinah, Bob and Elijah, two Cows and
Calves, one Feather Bed and Furniture One mare named Mousetrap also Four hundred

acres of Land, called Prince of Wales, two Cows and Calves, one feather Bed and
furniture also one piece of Land bounded as follows, beginning at the mouth of
the first bottom below my landing runing up the bottom to Walnut tree from thence
to three Wild Cherry trees standing at the head of Spring bottom thence up the
bottom to a Cross Fence just above the plumb orchard, about Six Corn Rows to
the North of the bottom then with that row Easterly to the back end of the patent.
Item 7. I give and bequeath unto my Wife Sarah REDDITT one feather Bed and
Furniture her own Choice I also lend her the residue of my cattle with all my
Stock of Sheep and hogs, household and Kitchen Furniture. Item 8. I give and
bequeath unto my Son Lodon REDDITT the Toberson Land and One hundred and seventy
-five acres adjoining it also the John P. MOORE Land and Plantation also one half
of my Carpenters and Turners Tools. Item 9. I give and bequeath unto my Son
Alex'r. REDDITT one piece of Land as follows begining at Jno. REDDITTS begining
before mentioned on the Creek below my landing and runing with Jno. REDDITTs line
to the back line uncluding the North part of the Patent and Plantation also one
half of the residue of the Land called Piney Land that I have not already given
away, the other half of the Piney Land I give and bequeath unto my Son Jno.
Redditt I also give unto my Son Jno REDDITT my Cider Still I also give him negro
man Bull and Blacksmiths Tools and Coopers Tools at the Death or marriage of my
Wife Sarah REDDITT, my Will and desire is that at the death or Marriage of my
Wife Sarah, negro man Cesar should be equally divided between my two Sons Lodowick
and Alexander. I also leave negro Milly to be equally divided between my daugh-
ters Peggy McCABE and Sally CRATCH. I leave negro Judah to be equally divided
between my Wife and Children. I also constitute and ordain my Wife Sarah REDDITT
Executrix and my two Sons Lodowick and Alexander Executors to this my last Will
and Testament in testimony whereof I have hereunto put my hand and Seal, the day
and date within written. Signed Sealed and acknowledged in presence of
Alexander REDDITT (seal)
Present the justices, June Term 1814. Proved in Court
in due form of Law by the Oath of Mary REDDITT a
subscribing Witness thereto - ordered to be Recorded.
Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God amen the 30th day of November 1815 I John HOWREN of the
State of North Carolina and County of Beaufort being very Sick and weak of body
tho of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to Almighty God for the same.
Therefore calling to mind the mortality of the body and knowing that it is
appointed for all men once to die, do constitute and ordain this my last Will
and Testament that is to say first and principally I give and commend my Soul
to God that gave it and for my
body I commend to Earth to be buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion
of my Executors, hereafter, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I
shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God as touching my Worldly
Estate as follows to whom. Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Redmond HOWREN
the just sum of one dollar to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give
and bequeath to my daughter Betsey Rose one dollar to her heirs and assigns for-
ever. Item. I give and bequeath to my Grand Son John ROSE one Cow to him his
heirs and assigns forever. Item. My Will is to have all the remainder of my
property sold or divided between my loving Wife Rebecca HOWREN and my Son REDICKs
Children Shaw and Shain alike one half to my Wife and one half to them and lastly
I do appoint my friend Nathan ARCHBELL my whole and sole Executor to this my last
Will and Testament.
Signed Sealed and delivered in John HOWREN
presence of
Dan'l (X) Ruff June Term 1816 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and
Dec'r 18th 1815 Quarter Sessions. Then was the within last Will and
Testament of John HOWREN dec’d proved in Court by the
Oath of Danl. Ruff a subscribing Witness thereto -
and ordered to be Recorded and Nathan ARCHBELL came
into Court and qualified as Exec'r. thereto
Tho. SMAW C.

The Will of Rebecca HOWREN, Item. I give and bequeath unto my Nephew Gordon
JONES 1 mare Snip one feather Bed and furniture 150 weight of Bacon 2^ Barrels
of Corn to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give and bequeath the re-
mainder of my property to be equally divided between Sally HARVEY and Penny JONES
and Nory BURNUM to them their Heirs and assigns forever. In Witness whereof I
have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 14th March 1816.
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of
Dan'l (X) RUFF Rebecca (X) HOWREN (seal)
June Term 1816 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and
Quarter Sessions. Then was the within last Will and
Testament of Rebecca Howren dec'd proved in Court by
the Oath of Dan’l Ruff a Subscribing Witness thereto -
and ordered to be Recorded - and Nathan ARCHBELL came
into Court and Qualified as Executor thereto.
Tho. SMAW, Clk.
In the name of God Amen I Francis ALLIGOOD of the County of Beaufort and
State of North Carolina, being Weak in body but of sound disposing mind and memory
do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. Imprimis.
I give unto my Son Joseph ALLIGOOD the Plantation whereon I now live and Land
thereunto belonging to him and his Heirs forever and that my Wife Polly Alligood
enjoy every priviledge on the aforesaid plantation and Land during her life or
Widowhood. Item. I give unto Son Francis ALLIGOOD to him and his heirs forever
Item. My wish is that my Wife Polly ALLIGOOD and Children which is now with me
Say Lavinia, Sally, Delila, Edmund, Joseph and Elizabeth and Polly first have an
equal share of my Estate with those of my Children which have left me and after
that the residue of my Estate to be equally divided between Wife and all my Child-
ren Share and Share alike to them and their heirs forever. I nominate and appoint
my two Sons Benjamin ALLIGOOD and Frances ALLIGOOD Executors to this my last and
Testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 19
day of March 1810. Frances ALLIGOOD (seal)
June Term 1816 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and
Quarter Sessions. Then was the within last Will and
Testament of Frances ALLIGOOD dec'd proved in Court by
the Oath of John ALLIGOOD a subscribing Witness there-
to - and ordered to be Recorded - and Benj'n ALLIGOOD
and Frances ALLIGOOD came into Court and qualified as
Executors thereto.
Tho. SMAW, C.

In the name of God, Amen. I Ralph POTTS of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina and Town of Washington, being in a tender state of health but
of sound and disposing mind and memory, calling to mind the uncertainty of life
do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to
say,. Imprimis. I desire with entire resignation to await the Summons of my
Maker, and then resign my Soul into his gracious hands resting in hope and com-
fortable assurance of Eternal Life throueh the merits of my Lord and Savior Jesus

Christ and as to my feeble body, I desire to have it buried in a Christian like
manner being fully pursuaded. I shall receive the same again by the mighty
power of God in the morning of the General Resurrection - and as touching such
worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with I give and dispose of the
same in the following manner and form.
Item 1. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Brother William POTTS who
lately Resided at Elford near Belford County of Northumberland, England, the sum
of Three Hundred
Dollars in money, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item 2. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Sister Ann SCOTT and her Husband
John SCOTT of Holy-Well near Alnwick County of Northumberland England the sum
of two hundred dollars in money to them their heirs and assigns forever.
Item 3. I give and bequeath unto Joseph B. HINTON my Son in Law a certain
tract or parcel of Land, which I bought of John G. BLOUNT and Lemuel CHERRY near
Marten County line containing one hundred and Eigty Six Acres, also another tract
containing about four hundred and Forty Acres, being the balance of a tract of
Land I bought of John WOOLARD lying in Martin County, also I give and bequeath
unto him the sum of two hundred dollars in money to him his heirs and assigns
Item 4. I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved Daughter Sally Blount
HOOKER Wife of James R. HOOKER a tract of Land lying in Beaufort County on the
Southside of Pamplico River containing as per Deed Six hundred and forty acres
which said tract I purchased of Nathan KEARS. also a tract of Land lying on the
same side of the River Containing two hundred and Seventy five Acres, lying on
the East side of the Newbern Road, which said tract I purchased of Jn. BLOUNT,
also another tract containing one hundred Acres which I purchased of Jacob LITTLE
and lying on Tranter Creek also the following Lotts with their improvements in
the Town of Washington VIZ. Lott No. 2 in the old part, also Lott No. 6 in the
same part of the Town, also my Negro Woman Venue and Rachael her Child with their
future Increase and my Negro man Jim, also the following articles of Furniture,
my Mahogany Beaufit and Beaureau together with one Bed and Bedstead and one third
part of my Bed Cloaths, all of which Lands, Lotts, Improvements negroes and
furniture I give to her my said Daughter Sally and her Heirs and assisns forever.
Item 5. I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved Daughter Ann POTTS a tract
of land lying in the County of Beaufort and on the South side of Pamplico River
containing Seven hundred and thirty Seven Acres which tract I purchased of Joseph
BLOUNT also a tract of Land lying on the West side of Blounts Creek which I
purchased of Joseph B. HINTON who purchased of the FLOYDS containing Five hun-
dred and thirty three Acres; also the following Lotts with their Improvements in
the Town of Washington. (Viz) Three Fourths of Lott No. 26 in the old part of the
Town of Washington, also Three fourths of Lott No. 29 in the same part, also my
Negro Woman Mary and her Children Rosetta and Violet, with their future Increase
also I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Ann POTTS my Two large Mahogany
Tables, Two large Looking Glasses and Clock one Bed Bed Furniture and one third
part of my Bed Cloaths. The said Lands Lotts Improvements Negroes and furniture
I give to her, my said Daughter Ann, her Heirs and assigns forever.
Item 6. I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved Son John Wesley POTTS,
the following tract of Land lying in Beaufort County (VIZ) a tract purchased by
me of HENSE PATTEN, containing one Thousand and fifty acres, which tract lies on
Chocowinity Bay, also another tract containing one hundred acres which I purchas-
ed of Herrington WARREN, also the following Town Lotts with their Improvements
(Viz) a lott known and distinguished in the plan of the Town of Washington
and in the New part thereof by Number 13 Thirteen. also a Lott in the same part

No. 43. and also Lott No. 48, and half of Lott No. 53, also the following Negroes
my negro man Titus and Negro boy Jesse and Six Shares of my Stock in the Bank of
Newbern as an equivalent for Negro man Simon whom I sold sometime since, which
said negro had I not have sold him I intended to have given to him, also the re-
sidue of my Stock in said Bank, say Seven Shares of the value of Seven hundred
Dollars (at one hundred Dollars pr. Share) also the following articles of Furni-
ture. my mahogany Side Board, Desk and BookCase, Iron Chest, One Bed Bedstead
and one third part of my Bed Cloaths, the said Lands, Lotts, Improvements, Negroes
Bank Stock and Furniture, I give to my said Son John his heirs and assigns forever.
Item 7. I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved Daughter Sally Blount
HOOKER Seven hundred dollars in money as an equivalant for the Seven Shares of
Stock in the Bank in the last Item given to my Son John Wesley POTTS, to her and
her heirs and assigns forever.
Item 8. I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved daughter Ann POTTS Seven
hundred in money as an equivalent for the Legacies of Stock in this Will to my
son John and the Legacy in the last Item in money to my daughter Sally which
money I give to her and her Heirs and assigns forever.
Item 9. It is my desire that the whole of the Property left me by the last
Will and Testament of John DANN, dec'd, that is to say one Lott No. 47 in the
New part of the Town of Washington with all his personal property including his
negro Woman Molly be disposed of in the following manner (Viz) the whole of the
said property to remain in the use and possession of the said negro woman Molly
during her natural life and at her decease sold by my Executors on a Credit of
six months requiring therefor Bonds in the sufficient Security, and the money a-
rising from said Sale to be equally divided between the Children of the said John
DANN and Molly his Wife. Nevertheless in making a conveyance for the said Lott
my Executors will only warrant and defend the right which I acquired under the
said Will.
Item 10. It is my Will and desire that the whole residue of my Estate both
Real and personal is that I may die possessed of, be sold on a Credit of Six
Months requiring therefor Bonds with sufficient Security which together with the
proceeds of my Notes, Bonds, Judgments, accounts and Demands of every sort and
kind together with the proceeds of my Estate, either by Rent, hire, Interest or
otherwise, till the same shall be delivered over to my Children or for their
use, (as herein after given) after paying all my just Debts and Legacies herein
bequeathed in the Second, third and Seventh and Eighth Items of this Will, all
reasonable Expence for keeping the property herein given to my Children in
necessary repair till the same shall have been delivered over as aforesaid, and
the payments of the Tax thereof and the expences of my Children (Viz) Ann and
John then the whole Ballance be divided among my said Children, Sally B. HOOKER,
Ann POTTS and John Wesley POTTS share and share alike to them their Heirs and
assigns forever, and untill Such payment and delivery by my Executors, it is my
desire that they rest or lend (land?) in some safe hands, discretional with them,
as to the person or party, one Sufficient security upon Interests, whatever
money may be in my possession __ deceases reserving as herein directed a suffi-
ciency thereof, to pay the money Legacies contained in the first. Second, third
and Seventh Items of this Will together with such sums as may come into their
hands from time to time (as the proceeds of my Estate as above detailed, and
can be conveniently spared till the whole business of my Estate is Settled.
Item. My desire is that my son John be put in possession of the Legacies
left to him at the Age of twenty one Years and those of my Daughter Ann when
she arrives at Age or married and therefore my said daughter Sally will be en-
titled to the use and possession of hers so soon as my Estate shall be settled.
Item. I leave discretional with the County Court of Beaufort to appoint
Guardians to my said Daughter Ann and John, not doubting the wishes of my said
Children will be consulted in the said appointment, and as to my son John Wesley
POTTS, I desire that a Good Education shall be given him and I give it particular-
ly in Charge that he should be brought up in the fear and Admonition of the Lord.
Lastly, I nominate, constitute and appoint my trusty friends Thomas IMAN,
Thomas TROTTER and my Step Son Joseph B. HINTON and my Son in Law James R.HOOKER
sole Executors to this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and dis-
annulling and former and other Wills and Testaments by me made and acknowledging
and Ratifying this and no other to be my last last Will and Testament. In Witness
of Testimony whereof I the said Ralph POTTS, have hereunto affixed my Seal and
subscribed my name the 29th of March, and in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand
Eight hundred and Sixteen.
Signed Sealed and published by the Testator to be
his last Will and Testament and subscribed the
same in our presence, who each of us subscribed in the
presence of the other and in the presence of the
William SHAW
Ralph POTTS (seal)
State of No. Carolina) Joseph B. HINTON came before me Benj'n WILLIAMS one of
Beaufort County ) the Justices of the Peace for said County & made Oath
that he was called on by the late Mr. Ralph POTTS dec'd. in his life time to
write his last Will and Testament, that when writing the same, he was directed
to divide the Negro Men of the said Ralph in the manner as follows (Viz) Jim to
Sally, Lewis to Ann, and Titus to John and that the omission of Lowie or Lewis
in Anns Legacy is a mistake of his own that it was the design of the Testator to
have included Lewis in Ann's Legacy and that he the deponent did not know he had
made the mistake above alluded to untill after the death of his Testator.
Benj. Williams JP Jno. B. HINTON
June Term 1816 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was
the within last Will and Testament of Ralph POTTS dec'd proved in Court by the
Oaths of Wm. Shaw and Jas. Avent, subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to
be Recorded - and Thomas Trotter, Jas. R. Hooker and Joseph B. HINTON came into
Court_and_Qualified_as_Executors_thereto^ lh°§^_SMAW C^

State of No. Carolina) This may certify that Sidney KNOWIS of the County afore-
said died seized and possessed of three head of Cattle which Cattle my Will and
desire is that my Daughter Marg't KNOWIS hold the said Cattle to her own eye to
be acted on by her Guardian in such way that the Law directs in that case made
and provided. The above was sworn to before me this 13 May 1816. In witness
whereof I Set my hand and Seal.
Thomas LATHAM J.P. Betsey (X) BENJAMIN
June Term 1816 of Beaufort County, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Then
was the within last Will and Testament of Sidney KNOWIS dec'd. returned into
Court by Thomas LATHAM and ordered to be Recorded.
Thos. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I Mary VAIL of the County of Beaufort and State of
No. Carolina being in a low State of health but of perfect mind and memory, and
calling to mind the unstability of the human Species do make and ordain this my
last Will and Testament and desire it may be received by all as such. Imprimises.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Son David VAIL, a Negro Woman by
the name of Phoebe, and a Negro boy by the name of Amos, and a boy by the name
of Gauqey and the increase. Item. I give unto my Son David VAIL all my Cattle
and hogs, two Beds and Furniture, likewise all of my Household and Kitchen furni-
ture and all that I possess. Item. I give unto my Grand Child William Susanna
Elizabeth VAIL the sum of Twenty Shillings to be paid her at my decease. And
lastly I do make and constitute my son David Vail the sole Executor of this my

last Will and Testament. In Witness hereof I have hereunto affixed my hand and
Seal this 24th May in the Year of our Lord 1816.
Signed Sealed and published in the
presence of
Warren SEELY Mary (X) VAIL (seal)
September Term 1816 of Beaufort County, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.
Then was the within last Will and Testament of Mary VAIL dec’d proved in Court
by the Oath of Warren SEELY a subscribing Witness thereto - and order’d to be
Recorded - and David VAIL came into Court and Qualified as Executor thereto.
____________________________________________Thpmas_SMAW CL
262 ~
In the name of God Amen. I Jane CONGLETON of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind andmemory (blessed by God) do
this 26 day of August in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and
three make and publish this my last Will and Testaments, that is to say. First
I lend unto my Daughter Elizabeth BRITT during her Natural life negro Girl Judah
I also lend her negro woman Rose during her natural life for the purpose of
supporting herself and Educating her Children that is to say she may have a Childs
part of the annual profits of the said negro Rose for Life and after her death I
will and bequeath the aforesaid negroes Rose and Juday and their increase to be
equally divided between the Heirs begotten or that may be begotten of my Daughter
Elizabeth BRITT, my mare and after her Death I give the said Mare to the Heirs
of my said Daughter Elizabeth BRITT and in case of increase of the said mare, I
give the first Colt to David C. BRITT, the second to John L. BRITT and the re-
mainder to be equally divided between them. The residue of my Estate I will to
be sold at twelve Months Credit and the monies arising therefrom to be put to
Interest untill David C. BRITT arrives at the age of Twenty one years which sum
I hereby give and bequeath to him. I nominate and appoint my Daughter Elizabeth
BRITT Executrix and John KENNEDY Executors of this my last Will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I the said Jane CONGLETON have to this my last Will and Testa-
ment set my hand and Seal the day and Year above written.
Signed Sealed, Published and declared Jane CONGLETON (seal)
by the said Jane CONGLETON the Testatrix
as her last Will and Testament in the
presence of us, who were present at the
time of signing and Sealing thereof.
John LESSLIE September Term 1816 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas
and Quarter Sessions. Then was the within last Will and Testa-
ment of Jane CONGLETON dec'd proved in Court by the Oath of
John LESLIE a Subscribing Witness thereto - and ordered to be
Recorded^ Thoi_SMAW Clk^ ============

In the name of God Amen. I Frederic WATSON of Beaufort County of No. Carolina,
being sick and weak of body, but of perfect mind thanks be to God for the same
therefore calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appoint-
edfor all men once to die I therefore do make and ordain this my last Will and
Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give my Soul unto the
hands of Cod that give it and as for my Body I reccommend it to the Earth to be
buried in a Christian like and decent manner, nothing doubting but that at the
general Resurrection, I shall receive the same again through the almighty power
of God to bless me with in this life, I give and Bequeath in manner and form
following. (VIZ)
Item. I give and bequeath to my loving Wife One feather Bed and Furniture.

- 86-
I also give to my Wife Thirty Six head of hogs, also Seven head of Cattle, I
give unto my wife Betsey, being the same Cattle that her Father gave her also I
give my Wife two Stocks of Bees, also I give and bequeath unto my Wife Betsey
Thirty dollars in Cash. I give unto my Daughter Mary One hundred Acres of Land
adjoining Reuben Slade also I give three head of She Cattle to my Daughter Mary,
also one five year old Stear, also one Six Year old Stear to Mary, also one
feather Bed and Furniture, also two Stocks of Bees, also one Linen Wheel to my
Daughter Mary also one Large Chest I give to my Daughter Mary. Item. I give
three head of she Cattle to my Daughter Sally, also one five Year old Stear also
one Seven Year old Stear to my Daughter Sally, also feather Bed and furniture
to my Daughter Sally, also two Stocks of Bees to my Daughter Sally, one Small
Chest, One Woolen Wheel. Item. I lend unto my loving wife my Plantation durine
her Widowhood, then I give the same unto my Daughter Sally, also I give to my
Daughter Sally Twenty five dollars Cash. Item. I give unto my Daughter Mary
Twenty five dollars Cash. Item I give the residue of my Cattle to the Child
that my Wife is in Pregnant with at this time. also one hand Mill to the Same
Child also the residue of my money and Notes not before mentioned I give to the
same Child One Gun and large Canoe to be sold for the same Child. Item. I give
to the same Child one half of a Negro boy named Joe to said Child and One Stock
of Bees, all the above mentioned I give to said Child. Item. I give the other
half of the negro Boy Joe to my two Daughters Mary and Sally, to be theirs for-
ever. Item. I give Mary one Bible. Item. I give One feather Bed, the Child
that my Wife is in Pregnant with at this time. I leave One Plough, Ox Chain,
three Jugs, One Spade, five Barrels, Ox ring and Staple, I leave the before men-
tioned articles to be sold. Item. I give the amount of the same to my two
Daughters Mary and Sally. Item. I give unto my Wife my Plantation Tools. Hoes
and Axes also two Pairs of Cards. Item. I lend my Wife during her Widowhood
all of Beaufet and Table Furniture, then I give said Property to my two Daugh-
ters Mary and Sally. Item. I give all my Pot ware and Pott Trammels I give to
be equally divided between my Wife and Mary and Sally. Item. I give to be equal-
ly divided between my Wife and two Daughters Mary and Sally all of my Flax, Cotton
and Wool, Spun and not Spun, also all the Homspun to be equally divided between
my Wife and Children. Item. I give all my Corn and Bacon to my Wife and Child-
ren, also all my port for the support of my Children and Wife. Item. I lend my
Negro boy Joe to my loving Wife Betsey during her Widowhood. Item. I give my
loving wife two Sifters, also I lend unto my loving wife during her Widowhood a
Woolen Wheel and a Linen Wheel before mentioned to my two Daughters. Item. I
lend all of my Stock of all kind unto my loving Wife during her Widowhood that
is before mentioned to my two Daughters. Item. I lend unto my loving Wife not
before mentioned all of my household furniture in doors and out Doors during
her Widowhood, then I give same to my two Daughters Mary and Sally to be theirs
forever. And I do hereby ordain Constitute and appoint my loving Wife Betsey
and Henry SLADE my Executors of this my last Will and Testament, and I do hereby
utterly disallow and disannull all and every other former Testament and Will by
me in any ways before named, willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this
and no other to be my last Will and Testament, In Witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and Seal this 5th day of April 1816.
Signed, Sealed, published and Pronounced
by the said Fred’k WATSON as his last Will
Testament in the presence of
M. EVERETT Dec. Term 1816 of Beaufort County, Court of Pleas and Quarter
B. CAMPEN Sessions. Then was the within last will and Testament of
Fred’k WATSON dec'd proved in Court by the Oath of B. C.ampen
a subscribing Witness thereto - and ordered to be Recorded -
and Betsey WATSON comes into Court and qualified as Exec’tr

thereto. Thomas SMAW C.

I Nancy BROWN of the County of Beaufort in the State of North Carolina do

make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. First. I give and bequeath
unto my Son Wm. BROWN, my negro Girl Winney and her three Children one called
Harriett, One called Wm. Ann Brown one called Louisa Pilgreen. I want it under-
stood that my Son Wm. Brown is to do his endeavour to Emancipate and set free
said Negroes for the Meritorious Services to me in my long sickness, this is my
last Will and hearty declaring this to be my last Will and Testament. In Test-
imony whereof I hereunto set my hand and Seal this 4th Dec'r 1816.
Signed and acknowledged in the presence of Nancy (X) Brown (seal)
December Term 1816 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will and Testament of Nancy BROWN dec'd proved in Court by
the Oath of Wilie BLOUNT a subscribing Witness thereto - and ordered to be

State of No. Carolina) In the Name of God Amen I John M. ROULHAC of the county
Washington County ) and State aforesaid, being in good health and of sound
deposing mind and memory, thanks be to Almighty God for the same, but calling to
mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once
to de do this 21st day of September in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight
hundred and Fourteen make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner
and form following. Item. I give and bequeath unto Edmund S. BLOUNT, Ann
Jacoline BLOUNT and Levinia BLOUNT, Children of my well beloved Sister Elizabeth
BLOUNT, wife of James BLOUNT, the following property, (viz) old negro Cinder,
Young Negro Cynder, Chance, Cato, Nancy, Moses, Mitchell Chloe, old Cato, Nell,
Toney, Bill, Mingo and Abigail to be equally divided between my Nephew and Nieces
aforesaid, as also the monies arising from the hire of said Negroes, together
with all the money. Bonds and Notes, now in the hands of my Guardian William
ROULHAC; so much of said money Bonds and Notes as may be necessary it is my Will
and desire should be appropriated to the Education of my Nephew Edm'd L. BLOUNT
and my Nieces Ann Jacoline and Levenia BLOUNT and the ballance thereof if any
to be equally divided between them, to them and their Heirs forever. It is to
be understood that all my just Debts are to be first satisfied and paid. Item.
give and bequeath unto my Nephew Francis ELY the following Negroes (VIZ), Cesar,
Jack, Harry, old Ben and Sook to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give and
bequeath unto my much esteemed Relative Wm. ROULHAC, the following property,
that is, Negroes Dempsey and Adam as also my Horse Bridle and Saddle, It is
understood that if Wm. ROULHAC should die without a lawful issue it is my Will
and desire that the property hereby willed to him, should devolve upon and be
equally divided between my Nephews Edmund L. BLOUNT and Francis ELY and my Neices
Ann I. BLOUNT and Lavinia BLOUNT to them and their Heirs forever. In Witness
whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal, the day and date above written.
Interlined before signed. John M. ROULHAC (seal)
Lem'l CLARK I do hereby appoint my much esteemed friend Wm.
Levi FAGAN ROULHOC Executor to this my last Will and Testament
as also Trustee to the Children of my beloved Sister
Elizabeth BLOUNT so far as necessary the property I
rsrr have willed and left them.
Witness my hand and Seal as before written.
Witnesses John M. ROULHAC (seal)
Lem'l CLARK & Levi FAGAN
March Terra 1817 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will and Testament of John M. ROULHAC dec'd proved in Court
by the Oath of Levi FAGAN a subscribing Witness thereto - and ordered to be re-
corded and Wm. ROULHAC the sole Executor named in said Will came into Court and
relinquished his right of qualification to the said Will, and on motion H°race
ELY is appointed Administrator thereto and Qualified.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen, I Elijah MIXON being Weak in body, but of a sound and
disposing memory, calling to mind the uncertainty of Life and theCertainty of
Death do make and commit this my last Will and Testament to writing in manner
and form as follows. Item 1. I commend my Soul to God Who gave it and my body
to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named. Item 2.
My Will is tht all my just Debts be paid. Item 3d. I give and bequeath unto
each of my Grandchildren two dollars a piece to them and their Heirs forever.
Item 4th. I lend unto my beloved Wife Neoma MIXON my houses and one third of
my land, also one Negro woman named Dice during her natural life. I also give
unto her one third of my Estate not yet Legacied, to her and her heirs forever.
Item 5. I give and bequeath unto my Son Henry MIXON two hundred acres of Land
more or less it being all my Land, also I give unto my Son Henry Mixon one negro
Woman named Dice after my Wifes decease. I also give unto my Son Henry MIXON,
all the ballance of my Estate which is not heretofore Legacied in this Will.
Item 6. I appoint and nominate my beloved Wife Naoma MIXON, and my Son Henry
MIXON and my Friend Wm. WINDLEY, Executors to this my last Will and Testament
December 20th 1816. Interlined the Word "third” before signed.
Signed, Sealed and delivered in
presence of us.
James MIXON. Elijah MIXON (seal)
William (X) THORNTON.
Janett BOND
March Term 1817 of Beaufort County, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will and Testament of Elijah Mixon Dec’d proved by the Oath
of Wm. Thornton one of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Re-
corded and Naoma MIXON and Henry MIXON came into Court and Qualified as Executors
l}eretp^r__ £_»
In the name of God Amen I John Jones of the County of Beaufort and State of North
Carolina, Being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be God do this 27th
day of December, in the Year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Sixteen
make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner following, that is to
say. First, I give and bequeath to my loving Wife Sarah JONES the Plantation
whereon I now live during her natural life or Widowhood which shall first happen,
likewise all my personal property during her life or Widowhood. After her Death
or marriage I give and bequeath unto Jesse JONES all the above mentioned
plantation and personal Estate to him his heirs and assigns forever. I give and
bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah JONES the one half of my personal poperty above
mentioned, and I hereby make and ordain my beloved Wife Sarah JONES and my worthy
Friend John CARROW Executor and Executrix of this my last Will and Testament,
In Witness whereof I the said John JONES have to my Last Will and Testament set
my hand Seal the day and Year above Written.
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the
said Jno. JONES the Testator as his last Will and
Testament, in presence of us.
John JONES (seal)
George A BOYD
March Terra 1817 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will and Testament of John JONES, dec'd proved in Court by
the Oath of Wm. G. BOYD a Subscribing Witness thereto - and ordered to be Record-
ed - and Sarah JONES came into Court and Qualified as Executrix thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

State of North Carolina ) In the name of God Amen I Robert SPRING being through
Beaufort County ) the abundant mercy and goodness of God though weak in
body yet of Sound and perfect mind and memory and understanding praised be to
God for the same doth make and constitute this my last Will and Testament and
desire that it may be rec’d by all as such. Imprimus. Item. I give and be-
queath unto my Sister Dolly eight head of Sheep that I had from Tarkilnneck, One
mare, one Chest, one Cow and Yearling one Coffee Mill. I give unto my Brother
James five head of Sheep One Saddle one half Stock Guns. I give unto Aaron
SPRING all my hogs except one I give unto Nancy LINTON one hog. I give unto
George TUNNELL one Gun. And lastly I make and ordain this my last Will and Test-
ament I leave William TUNNEL my whole sole Executor to this my last Will & Test-
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 9th day January 1817.
Signed and Sealed and delivered
in presence of
Benj. DAVIS Robert SPRING (seal)
March Term 1817 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last will and Testament of Rob. SPRING dec'd proved in Court by
the Oath of Wm. CLARK a subscribing Witness thereto - and ordered to be Recorded
and Wm. TUNNELL came into Court and Qualified as Executor thereto.

In the name of God Amen I James MIXON of Beaufort County being weak of body but
of sound and disposing mind do put this my last Will and Testament in writing
as follows. Item. I give unto my beloved Wife Polly MIXON One Feather Bed I
also I lend her all my real and personal Estate during her natural life or widow-
hood for the use of raising and Schooling my Children. Item. I give and be-
queath unto my Son John MIXON One Griss Mill on the south side of Pamplico
River also one Plantation and Tract of Land lying on the North side of the Mill
Pond and north side of the Cause way to him & his Heirs forever. Item. I give
and bequeath unto my Son David MIXON all the Land on the South Side of the Mill
Pond binding on the Canal and Causeway glso one hundred acres of Cypress Swamp
lying up at the head of the Canal to him and his Heirs forever. Item. I give
and bequeath unto my son James MIXON my Plantation where I now live, and all
the Land joining of or belonging to it also my Griss Mill on the North side of
the River, to him and his Heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my
Daughter Mary MIXON Twenty five Acres of Land which I bought of Abm. KEACH to
her and her Heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Linnoar
MIXON one tract of Land lying on the South side of the Canal where Zadoc IVES
formerly lived. Item. I give and bequeath unto my two Daughters all my Perish-
able property after the Death or marriage of their Mother. Item. I appoint
and nominate my beloved Wife Polly MIXON Executrix to this my last Will and
Testament, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal
this 5th day of October 1814.
Signed and Sealed in presence of
Wm. WINDLEY James MIXON (seal)
March Term 1817 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will and Testament of James MIXON dec'd proved in Court by
the Oath of Wm. WINDLEY a subscribing witness and ordered to be Recorded.
Tho. SMAW C.
In the name of God Amen I Nancy HIGSON do make and ordain this my last Will and
Testament in manner and form following, that is to say. Item. I give and be-
queath unto my two Daughters Emaline and Cassander all and every part of my
Property both real and personal after my Debts is paid and my Will and desire is
that the Land whereon my Father and Mother formerly lived, on Slades Creek on
Pungo be sold after all my Household Goods and furniture is sold should there
not be a sufficiency to pay my Debts the ballance to be collected out of the sale
of the above described Land revoking all other Wills heretofore made by me and
I do nominate and appoint my two Friends Wm. BERNARD and Lovett BELL Executors
of this my last Will and Testament, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and Seal this 6th day of March 1817.
Signed Sealed in presence of us.
0 W. CARPENTER Nancy A. HIGSON (seal)
March Term 1817 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will and Testament of Nancy HIGSON proved in Court by the
Oath of 0. W. CARPENTER a subscribing Witness thereto - and ordered to be Re-
corded - and Wm. BERNARD came into Court and Qualified as Executor thereto.
Tho_L_SMAW ^ =_=__==========

In the name of God Amen I Arthur WHITLEY of Beaufort County and State of North
Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory do this 25th day of December
in the Year of our Lord One thousand and Eight hundred and Seven make and publish
this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say. First my
Will and desire is that my Executor hereafter named discharge as soon as possible
after my decease all my just demands against me and Funeral Expences, and also
Collect whatever may be due to me. Secondly, I lend unto my beloved Wife Charity
WHITLEY during her Widowhood all my property whatever and after her decease
or marriage I give and bequeath the same unto my well beloved Cousins Jesse
WHITLEY to him and his heirs forever. Thirdly and lastly. I hereby make and
ordain my Cousin and friend Jesse WHITLY Executor to this my last Will and Testa-
ment. In Witness whereof I the said Arthur WHITLEY have to this my last Will
and Testament whereunto I set my hand and Seal, the day & Year above written.
Signed Sealed Published and declared ) Arthur (X) WHITLEY (seal)
by the said Arthur WHITLEY the Testator as)
June Term 1817. Then was this Will
his last Will and Testament in the )
proven in due form of Law by the Oath
presence of us who were present at the )
of Rich'd ODEN.
time of Signing and Sealing thereof. )
Test. Charles ODEN.
Richard ODEN.

In the Name of God Amen I Benjamin LEWIS being of sound and perfect mind and
memory (blessed be God) do this 11th day of March in the Year of our Lord One
thousand Eight hundred and Seventeen make and publish this my last Will and Test-
ament in manner following that is to say, First My will and desire is that the
land whereon I now live be sold by my Executors hereafter named and the money
arising from the sale to be laid out in the purchase of another piece of Land,
which I lend to my Wife during her Widowhood and after her death or marriage I
give it to my two Sons Roseland and Tillman, Share and Share alike. 2d. My
Will and desire is that my Executors sett as much of my Estate as will paying
my just debts and the balance I lend my Wife during her Widowhood, that is to
say, my Negro Woman with all my Stock household furniture be. 3d. After the
marriage or Death of my Wife, my will and desire is that all my perishable
Estate be divided among my Children Shar and Share alike. I hereby nominate
Constitute and appoint my brother in Law Wm.STAPLEFORD Executor to this my last

Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made in Testimony
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and date first above
written in presence of
Tho. ELLISON Benjamin LEWIS (seal)
Joseph LEWIS
June Term 1817. Then was this Will proven in open
Court in due form of Form of Law by the Oath of Thomas ELLISON a subscribing
Witness thereto and ordered to be Recorded.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I Lazarus HILL of the County of Beaufort and State of
North Carolina being weak of body but of perfect mind and menory blessed be God
for it do make ordain and Constitute this to be my last Will and Testament in
manner as follows, that is to say, first, I give my soul into the hands of al-
mighty God, and body to the Ground, to be buried at the discretion of my Execu-
torshereafter mentioned and as touching such worldly Estate which it hath pleased
God to bless me with, in this life my will and desire is that it be disposed of
in the following manner and form, that is to say. First, I give my Land to my
two sons Joshua HILL and Thomas HILL and my Will and desire is that the rest of
my property sold and my Debts paid and what money there is after my Debts is
paid, that it be given to my Children namely Holland and Christopher and John
and Lazarus and Polly and I give my Wife Sarah One Shilling Sterling. And I do
hereby nominate and appoint my Brother Joshua HILL and Harmon H ILL Executors to
this my last Will and Testament, Ratifying and confirming this oniy to be my
last Will and Testament, February 27th 1817. TTTTT / i\
Lazarus HILL (seal)
Signed Sealed and acknowledged by Lazarus
HILL to be his last Will and Testament in
presence of us.
Test. Anthony KINNIN
Mary (X) HILL
June Term 1817. Then was this last Will and Testament of Lazarus HILL dec'd
proven in Court in due form of Law by the Oath of Anthony KININ a subscribing
witness thereto and ordered to be Recorded.
Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God, Amen, I Margaret WOODLEY being of sound mind and disposing
memory do make this my last Will and Testament. Imprimus. I give and bequeath
to my beloved Son Willis WOODLEY all my real and personal Estate, after the pay-
ment of my just debts, except the part that is coming to me from my Dear Mothers
Estate, one half of which it is my desire and Will shall be given to my Neice,
the daughter of William HOLMES, Susan. I do appoint my Friends Jno. AVENT
Jeremiah MASTIN and Hugh McCULLOUGH the Executors to this my last Will and Test-
ament. This 23d. Apl. 1817. Margaret WOODLEY
Witness L. M. JOSEPH
Wm. L. HOLMES Codicil. It is morover my Will and desire that my
Friend Peggy LOWRY do receive of my Executors, if there
be enough left. One bed and Bedstead, a Blanket and
Sheets, pillow, Boulster and case and Counterpane, a
small table, and all the small loose Waters and a large
Teaboard and half a Dozen of the Green Chairs.
Witness S. M. JOSEPH. Margaret (X) WOODLEY
June Term 1817. Then was the within last Will and Testament of Margaret WOODLEY
dec'd submitted to a Jury, who say that it doth contain the last Will of the
said Margaret and it was duly proven in open Court. And the Executors named in
said Will refused to Qualify - Administration is granted to George FARRIS who

came into Court and Qualified thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God, Amen, I William Oden of the County of Beaufort and State of
North Carolina, being sick and weak in body, but of sound disposing mind and
memory, do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as
follows. First, I resign my soul to Almighty God that gave it, and my body to
be Intered at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned.
Item 1. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Penelope one Bed and
Furniture and all my hogs and Farming Tools, all my provisions of every sort,
alsomy Patch of Wheat growing, also my Negro Captain and Negro Brett, Black
horse & chair.
Item 2. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary ODEN, One bed and Furni-
ture, one trunk, one Negro man Bry and One negro boy by name of Dick and Negro
woman Hannah.
Item 3. I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Wm. Hyman ODEN, One bed and
furniture, and all my Lands which I purchased of John Maul ROULHAC as refer-
ence to the said Deeds will more fully appear also my Negro Rose and boy Sam.
I desire that all my unwilled property be equally divided between my Wife Pene-
lope, my Daughter Mary Oden and my Son Wm. H. ODEN after all my just debts are
paid, I lend to my beloved Wife, all my houses, plantation, for the space of
Ten Years from my decease the above legacies to them and their Heirs forever.
And I do hereby constitute and appoint my friend Asa ODEN Executor to this my
last Will and Testament this 20th day of March 1817.
Signed Sealed and delivered.In presence William (X) ODEN (seal)
of us.
Charles ODEN September Term 1817. Then was the within last Will
and Testament of Wm. ODEN dec'd proven in Court in due form of Law by the Oath
of Charles ODEN a subscribing Witness thereto - and ordered to be Recorded - and
Asa Oden came into Court and Qualified as Executor thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen, I William SPELLINGS of the Town of Washington , County
of Beaufort in the State of North Carolina, being at this time in perfect health
and of sound disposing mind and memory thanks be given to God therefor, calling
to mind the shortness and uncertainty of Human Life, and knowing that it is
appointed unto all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Test-
ament in manner and form following, that is to say. Imprimis. I wish all my
just Debts to be paid by my Executors, as soon after my decease as possible, and
the ballance or residue of such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless
me with in this life, I give and dispose of as follows. Item. I give and be-
queath unto my dearly beloved Wife, Elizabeth SPELLINGS, all the residue of my
Estate both Real and personal to her and her Heirs and assigns forever. Lastly,
I hereby nominate Constitute and appoint my trusty friends Eli HOYT and Joseph
B. HINTON, Executors to this my last Will & Testament, hereby satifying this and
no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I William SPELLINGS
have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Seventh day of September 1816.
Signed Sealed and published by the
Testator in Our presence.
Wm. 0. CAIN William SPELLINGS (seal)
September Term 1817. Then was the within last Will and Testament of William
SPELLINGS dec’d proven in Court by the Oath of Wm. 0. Cain a subscribing witness

- 93-
thereto - and ordered to be Recorded
Tho. SMAW C.

Cape Henry ) In the name of God, Amen, I William ACWORTH of the Town of Washing-
Hayti ) ton, State of North Carolina, U. S. do make this my last Will and
Testament. Considering the uncertainty of life and being in a weak and low condi-
tion of Health, but having the full exercise of my understanding think proper to
make these arrangements as respects my Worldly affairs. I therefore appoint Mr.
John BEESLEY my Consignee as my Executor in this Country, and direct him after
paying all my just Debts, to ship the ballance that may remain of my property or
board my Schooner the William Deane expected here momently from Turks Island,
with orders to the Master of said Schooner to proceed to Washington No.Carolina
U.S. said property to be consigned to Mr. Wm. ROSS, Merch't also of Washington.
And I do further appoint Mr. Thomas ACWORTH my beloved Nephew of said Washington
my Executor and sole Heir of all the property I may possess in the United States
on his fulfilling the following articles.
1st. I give freedom to my two black Servants, named William AIKIN and
Matthew SIMPSON. 2d. That one hundred Dollars a Year be paid annually for the
Term of Five Years after his arriving in the United States to the said William
AIKIN for his support. I do hereby give my said sole Heir and Executor full
power and authority to receive all my property. Personal and real wherever may
be found, and by these presents hereby revoke and annul all other Instruments to
this effect, as witness my hand at Cape Henry, Kingdom of Hayti this fourteenth
day of May, In the Year of OUr Lord 1817.
Signed in presence of
Sam'l COOPER of Boston U.S.
Charles ERWIN of Philidelphia.
State of North Carolina) Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. September Term
Beaufort County ) Then the within paper writing was exhibited in open
Court and offered for probate as Containing the last Will and Testament of Wm.
ACWORTH dec’d and proved by the Oaths of Jas. REDMOND and John AKENFORD. who
swore that they knew Wm. ACWORTH, and his hand writing and that they believe the
signature to the within subscribed is the proper hand writing of said William,
and neither of the subscribing Witnesses being within the jurisdiction of the
said Court. It is adjudged that the same is sufficiently proved and ordered to
be Recorded. and Tho. ACWORTH the Ex'r named in the within Qualified to the
said Will in due form of Law. ___

In the name of God Amen, this seventh day of June in the Year of Our Lord One
thousand Eight hundred and Seventeen. I William REACH of Beaufort County and
State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to
God for the same but calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that
it is appointed for all men to die, for this cause and sundry other causes I
make and consider this my last Will and Testament that is to say, principally
and first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of God who gave it
nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again
by the mighty power of God, and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in
a decent Christian manner at the discretion of my Executor James Bond whom I
have appointed to this my last Will and Testament and touching of such Worldly
Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I have given
and disposed in manner and form as follows.
Item. I give unto my beloved Wife Martha REACH One feather Bed and furni-
ture, One Chest and One Table, wheel and cards and One Linen Wheel at Robt.
PURSERS. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son in Law James BOND and his Wife
Polly BOND, all the money and property that is coming to me on the account of my
Fathers Estate in Worcester County in the State of Maryland on Pocomoke River to
them and their heirs forever, further I also leave all rest of my Estate, both

horses, hogs. Cattle and Sheep and all the remainder of my household Goods and
furniture both out doors and in doors to be sold at the discretion of my Executor
James BOND and after paying of all my just Debts, the balance of the money to be
equally to be divided between my Four Children, Polly BOND and William BOND and
James ROACH and Simon ROACH to them and their heirs forever. I also constitute
this my last Will and Testament and hope it will be received as such revoking all
others. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affix'd my seal this
day and date above written. William ROUCH (seal)
Signed, Sealed and delivered in
presence of us.
Benj'n BRADY September Term 1817. Then was the within last Will
Jesse CATON and Testament of William ROACH dec'd proven in Court
in due form of Law by the Oath of Jesse CATON a Sub-
scribing Witness thereto - and ordered to be recorded
and James BOND came into Court and Qualified as

In the name of God Amen. I Rhoda KNOWIS of the County of Beaufort in the State
of North Carolina, being of sound mind but in infirm health do hereby make my
last Will and Testament in manner and form following. Item. I give and bequeath
unto my beloved Cousins, Benj'n Saunders WORSLEY and Harman McKEEL my plantation
and Land at the Salt house Landing which I purchased from Joel and Louisa DICKIN-
SON and also my right in the two thirds of the Mill Seat and Stream that Willough-
by KNOWIS bought of Joel DICKINSON to them and their heirs forever to be equally
divided between them subject to a legacy from their rent as hereafter mentioned.
Item. I give and bequeath to William KNOWIS and Peggy KNOWIS my land whereon I
now live to be equally divided between them, that is to say, the one half I give
in fee to said Peggy and the other half I give in Trust to William WORSLEY for
the benefit and use of the said William KNOWIS during his life, and at his Death
to his Children, but if he dies without issue then be given in fee to the said
Peggy to her and her heirs forever, subject however to the sale of two or three
hundred pines from said Land to Marshall DICKINSON which he agreed with me for.
Item. I give and bequeath to William WORSLEY all the right which I have to the
House and Lot in the Town of Washington, formerly owned and occupied by Willough-
by KNOWIS to him and his Heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto Richard
LATHUM Son of Alex'r LATHAM, Two hundred and Fifty dollars to be paid out of the
rent of the Land and plantation first named as it shall accrue. Item. I direct
all my personal Estate to be sold and after paying my just Debts, I give and be-
queath the ballance thereof to Peggy Knowis aforesaid for her schooling and
bringing up. 1 hereby constitute and appoint William WORSLEY Esq. my sole Execu-
tor of this my last Will and Testament, as Witness my hand and Seal this 17th
of Augt.
in the Year 1817.
Rhoda (X) KNOWIS
Signed and Sealed in presence of us.
Gideon TAUNT
September Term 1817. Then the within Will of Rhoda KNOWIS dec'd was proven in
due form of Law by Charles HOLLAND as subscribing witness thereto, who swore
that at the time of signing the same she was of sound disposing mind and memory
and that the other subscribing Witness thereto subscribed in her presence and
William WORSLEY the Executor named in the Will came into Court and Qualified by
taking the oath of the Executor. Tho^_SMLAW C_._
In the name of God Amen. I Wm. B. EDWARDS of the County Halifax and State of
North Carolina, being in tolerable health but of sound and disposing memory do
make and ordain this my last Will and Testament revoking all others heretofore

made by me. Item. It is my Will and desire that my Executors hereafter named
pay all my just Debts. Item. I give and bequeath unto John M. EDWARDS Two
Thousand dollars to him and his heirs forever. And the remainder of my Estate
I wish to be divided equally between Pink A. EDWARDS and Alexander F. EDWARDS,
to them and their heirs forever. Lastly I nominate and appoint my friend and
Brother Pink A. Edwards whole and sole Executor to this my last Will and Testa-
ment, revoking all others heretofore made by me. In witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and affix’d my seal this Seventh day of October in the Year
of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and fifteen.
December Term 1817. Then was the last Will and Testament of Wm. B. EDWARDS
dec'd proven in Court in due form of Law by the Oath of I. EDWARDS a subscribing
Witness thereto - and ordered to be Recorded - and Pink A. EDWARDS came into
Court and Qualified as Executor therein.

State of North Carolina, Beaufort County. I Isaac PEACOCK of the town of Washing-
ton, County of Beaufort, and State aforesaid being of sound disposing mind and
memory do make and Constitute this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
as follows. To my beloved Wife Nancy I loan to her all my property both real
and personal during her natural life, except my Negro Nanny and the surplus of
property after complying with this Will, which I give her. At her Death, I give
unto my Niece Rosetta HARRELL the House and Lot now occupied by me, and also negro
man Sampson. To my Neice Betsey BLINN, I give negro Woman Betty and her issue
also negro man Charles - to my Cousin John WILEY One hundred Dollars for his
Education, to my Sister Polly FREEMAN I give one hundred Dollars - In Testamony
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 3d day of November in the Year
of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Seventeen appointing my wife Nancy my
sole Executrix. Isaac PEACOCK
I. W. GUTHRIE ) Before signing and Sealing the above Will, it is my
Edw'd QUINN ) Will and intention, fully so to be understood, that my
D. KING ) negro Woman nanny and the surplus of my property, after
what I have here above bequeathed, I will and bequeath
to my said Wife Nancy to be her property during her
life and at
her death to be disposed of as she may think proper by
Will or otherwise.
We the subscribing Witnesses were also present and saw the annexed Codicil signed
by the said Isaac PEACOCK.
December Term 1817. Then was the within last Will and Testament of Isaac PEACOCK
dec'd with a Codicil thereto annex'd was proven in Court by the Oath of Dan'l
KING and J. W. GUTHRIE subscribing Witnesses thereto - and order'd to be Re-
corded and Nancy PEACOCK came into Court and Qualified as Executrix thereto.


State of North Carolina) In the name of God AMen I Littleton POTTER, being
Hyde County ) weak in body but of sound mind and memory, do make
this as my last Will and Testament, revoking all other Wills by me made. I
first commit my Soul to God that gave it, and request my body to be decently
buried in a Christian like manner. As touching those worldly Goods which it
hath pleased kind providence to bestow on me, I dispose of them in the following
manner. I first authorise my Executor to have laid out in a four square, one

hundred acres of Land known by the name of Alston Pond deed to join the widow
PRINGLES Land, and said Land to be sold by said Executor on a Credit of Twelve
Months and the money to be applied to the payment of my Debts, also one Yoke
of Oxen, One Horse, three Heifers to be sold at a Credit of Six Months and the
money appropriated as above to the payment of my Debts.
Secondly, I lend unto my Wife Mary Ann POTTER all the rest of my property,
both real and personal during her Natural life to raise and support my Children
on, and at her death to be equally divided among my several Children, Littleton
Henry POTTER and Susana JONES my Wife’s Child all but fifty Acres of Land which
shall begin at Snoads Creek on the back line of the patent and run so far on
said back line from the Creek Hill a parcel or square line will include said
fifty acres of Land. I give to my Brothers Son William POTTER. I nominate and
appoint my worthy friend Jesse ROBERSON my whole and sole Executor to this my
last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal in presence of us: Littleton (X) POTTER (seal)
John SELBY, Jr.
Jesse LUCAS December Term 1817. Then the within last Will and
Testament of Littleton POTTER dec'd was proved in Court by the Oath of John
SELBY JR. a subscribing Witness thereto and ordered Recorded - and Jesse ROBERSON
came into Court and Qualified as Exor.
Tho: SMAW C.
In the name of God Amen. I William Thoroughgood MARTIN of Beaufort County and
State of North CArolina, being of sound and perfect mind and memory do this the
26th day of August, in the Year of Our Lord 1817 make and publish this my last
Will and Testament, in jnanner following. that is to say. 1st. My will and
desire is that my Executor hereafter named discharge as soon as possible after
my decease all just demands against me and funeral expences and also collect
whatever may be due to me. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth MARTIN
one bed and the furniture belonging thereto. 3d. I give to my Daughter Sarah
MARTIN One bed and Furniture. 4th. I lend unto my beloved Wife Rebecca MARTIN
during her life or Widowhood all my property whatever except the above Legacies.
5th. I also give unto my five Children Delilah, Garritt, Nancy, Gurganus,
Bethany MARTIN and Moses Martin Ten dollars each after the Death or Widowhood
of my beloved Wife Rebecca MARTIN to be paid by my Exec'r. I give to my Son
Will’m MARTIN one Shilling Stlg. 6th. Also after the death or Widowhood of my
Wife Rebecca MARTIN, I do give and bequeath Ten to my beloved Daughter Sarah
MARTIN all the remainder of my property to her & her heirs forever. 7th. and
lastly make and ordain my beloved Wife Rebecca MARTIN and Daughter Sarah MARTIN
Executrixs to this my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I the said
Wm. J. MARTIN have to this my last Will & Testament set my hand and Seal the
day and year above written. Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the said
Wm. J. MARTIN the Testator as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us
who were present at the time of signing and sealing thereof.
Jesse WHATLEY William T.(M) MARTIN (seal)
December Term 1817. Then was the within last Will and Testament of Wm. T. MARTIN
dec'd proved in Court by the Oath of Jesse WHITLEY a subscribing witness thereto
and ordered to be Recorded - and Sarah MARTIN came into Court and Qualified as
Extx. thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

The Nonciepative Will of Stephen HOPKINS dec’d. This day personally came before
me Walter HARNAHAN one of the Justices of the Peace of the County of Beaufort,
to wit. Mr. Peter W. CAMPARIO, who being solemnly sworn on the holy Evangelist
of Almighty God, deposesth and saith that Stephen HOPKINS dec'd who departed
this life on Saturday the first of the present month, in thehouse where he

usually had resided. That about a Week before his Death he sent for this depon-
ent that he had sent for him to bear Witness to the disposition of his property
in case of his Death. And declared it was his wish and intention in
that event, that his clothes, a chest, under the Counter, Bed and Bedding and
then weaving his handto express other poperty, but this deponent is at a loss
how to understand whether he only intended property to the left hand of where he
then was, or whether all his other property was intended by it - he gave and by
that act intended to confirm to Sam'l ABRAMS as a reqard for his Kindness and
attention to him during his last illness. No other person was named to whom he
gave any thing, nor was there any express reservation of anything from the gift
to ABRAMS. That at the interview, alluded to, he the said HOPKINS was of sound
and disposing mindand memory no other white person was present except said
ABRAMS. Sworn to and Subscribed in presence of me. This 4th Nov. 1817.
Dec. Term 1817. Then was the within last Will and Testament of Stephen HOPKINS
dec'd proved in Court and order'd to be Recorded - and Sam'l ABRAMS came into
Court and Qualified as Exor. thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen September the 10th and in the year of our Lord 1815. I
William ORRELL of the County of Beaufort and State of No. Carolina, being sound
mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same, and calling to mind the
mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die
do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that isto to say and first
of all, I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God who gave it me and my body I commit
to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors and as
touching such worldly Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me with I
do give and dispose of as follows. Item. I do give and bequeath to my loving
Daughter Ann EDWARDS One hundred and Sixty Acres of land lying on the North side
of Nutons Run, One hundred of which is in an old Deed and Sixty in a pattent,
pattented by myself adjoining the other to she her heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I do lend to my loving Wife Elizabeth ORRELL all my other property not
before mentioned during her Natural life, that is to say the land and planta-
tion that I now live on and my negro man Miles and all my Stock of all kinds
and everything that I now possess during her natural life and at her decease I
do give and dispose of it as follows and as my Daughter Prusha ADAMS has paid
good attention to us in sickness, I do give to her at the Death of her mother
my land and plantation whereon I now live containing two hundred and Twenty two
acres, to she her heirs and assigns forver and I do give and bequeath to my
loving Wife and not before I do give all my other property as follows. Item.
I do give to my Daughter Prusha ADAMS One feather Bed and furniture and Bed stead
which is to her choice, and my largest Bureau and my largest Chest and blue Table
and half my Chairs to she her Heirs and assigns forever. Item. I do give to my
loving Daughter Ann EDWARDS at the aforesaid time, my smallest Beaureau and her
Mothers Chest and the Barnes Table and my largest folding Table and Three feather
Beds and their furniture and two Steads and two thirds of all my Stock of Cattle,
Sheep and Bees, and my large Bible and Testament and one prayer book and Herveys
Meditations, and I do give to my Daughter Prusha at the afore mentioned time,
the other remaining third of the same aforementioned Stock and my hand Mill and
all the rest of my Books not before given and all the rest of my property not
before given of Stock household and Kitchen furniture, plantation Tools and
Utensils and all other things not before given, I do give to be equally divided
between my two Daughters Ann and Prusha their Heirs and assigns forever, and do
authorise and require my Executors that Wien Margaret MOORE pays all the Debts
that I am bound to for her and all the demands I have against her that they give
her up her Deed for her Land, if it is not proven, and if it is proven for to
give her good Deed and give her up all bills of sale, and if she does not re-
deem said property by discharging said Debts you my Executors are requested to
make the best of said property in the Deed and Bils of sale otherwise if you
should have to pay any part of those Debts, out of the residue of my Estate,
you are to take off what you have to pay out of Margarets property and equally
divide it among yourselves and I do make constitute and ordain my two Sons in
Law Tho. M. ADAMS and Britton EDWARDS my Executors of this my last Will and
Testament, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and
year above written, Signed, Sealed and acknowledged in the presence of us.
Test Thos. GASKINS
William ORRELL (seal)
March Term 1818. Then was the last Will and Testament of Wm. ORRELL dec'd
proven in Court by the Oath of Jas. HERRINGTON a witness thereto - and ordered
to be recorded - and Thomas M* ADAMS came into Court and Qualified as Exor.
thereto. Tho: SMAW C

I, Lucy BLOUNT of the County of Beaufort being of sound disposing mind and
memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. I give to my
Daughter Polly Harvey MYERS should she be living at my death and if not, then to
her Children as may be then Living my Negro boy Osker. I give to my daughter
Caroline Jones BLOUNT my negro boy Stephen and my Gold Watch.
I give to my Grand Children the Daughters of Louisa Ann WORTHINGTON which may be
living at my death my negro Girl Lydia to be divided equally amongst them, and
One hundred Dollars in money to be raised out of my Estate. I give to my Son
Wilie Augustus BLOUNT my negro man Peter his fathers Diploma Rifle and Sword.
I give to my son John Gray Reading Thomas BLOUNT my Negro man Taffy and his
Watch and sleeve Buttons. I give to my two sons W. A. BLOUNT and J. G. R. T.
BLOUNT my negro woman Mourning and her future increase, and each two suits of
bed Cloaths to be divided to them when the Youngest shall arrive at the age of
twenty one years. And lastly I nominate and appoint my two Sons in Law Joseph
W. Worthington and John Myers my Executors to this my last Will and Testament,
and I do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made. In Witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand seal this 24th day of December in the Year of Our Lord 1817.
Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced and
declared to be her last Will and Testament in
presence of us.
Lucy BLOUNT (seal)
March Term 1818. Then was the within last Will and Testament of Mrs. Lucy BLOUNT
dec'd proven in Court by the Oath of I. G. BLOUNT Sen’r. a witness thereto and
ordered to be Recorded and John Myers and Jos. W. WORTHINGTON came into Court
and Qualified as Exor's thereto. Tho. XMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. the 24th day of December 1817, I Stephen LANGLEY Senr.
of the County of Beaufort and State of North Carolina, being in sick and weak
in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for it, therefore calling
unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men
to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say
principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God
that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christ-
ian burial at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the General
Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the almighty power of God, and
as touching such worldly Estate when with it hath pleased God to bless me in
this life, I give, devise, and dispose of the same in the following manner and

- 99-
form. Imprimis. I give and bequeath to Sarah LANGLEY my beloved Wife the
plantation whereon I live and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, so
long as she has a mind to live thereon, and one Bedstead and furniture, two
Cows and Calves and one Cow and Yearlin, four head of Sheep and the horse or
mare which was to be found at my death, also one third of all the hogs and one
third of the household furniture. Item. I give unto my Son Hezikiel LANGLEY
Fifty Cents. Item. I give unto my son John LANGLEY Fifty Cents and unto my
Son Nathaniel fifty Cents, and unto my Daughter Mary HODGES Fifty Cents and
unto my Son Stephen LANGLEY my Plantation whereon I now live after my wife
leaves it Sarah LANGLEY, also to my son Stephen LANGLEY which I leave my
Executor to this my last Will and Testament all my Stock, consisting of hogs
Cattle and Sheep and two thirds of all the house hold and Kitchen furniture, by
him freely to be possessed and enjoyed and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke
disannul all and every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies and bequests
and Executors, by me in any ways, before named, willed and bequeathed. Ratifying
and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament in Witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and Year above written.
Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced and declared by the said Stephen LANGLEY
as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us the subscribers.
Henry WOOLARD Stephen (X) LANGLEY (seal)
Test March Term 1818. Then was the within last Will and
Osborn WOOLARD Testament of Stephen LANGLEY dec'd proved in Court by
the Oath of Henry WOOLARD - and order'd to be Recorded.
Tho. SMAW C.

State of North Carolina Beaufort County. In the name of God Amen. I David VAIL
the County and State aforesaid being very sick and low in body but in perfect
mind and memory calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is
appointed for allmen once to die, and as touching such worldly goods as it has
pleased God to bless me with, I give and dispose of in the following manner,
first, I recommend my soul in the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body
to the Earth to be buried at the discretion of my friend. Item. I give to my
Wife Mary a Negro Girl named Ann and one negro boy named Amos, and one negro boy
named Germonmy and one negro boy named Ganzey, likewise I give her all my house-
hold furniture, I also give her two hundred Acres of Land lying joining on Goose
Creek and South D. Creek, my Horse and Canoe and Tools of all kind. I leave to
be sold to pay my lawful Debts, and the Land and Plantation where Jasper now lives
on, I leave to be sold. Item. I give to Lucy VAIL one negro Woman named Pheobe.
Item. I give to my Cousin Wm. Susanna Elizabeth VAIL One negro Girl named Hannah.
I leave Jesse ROBERSON my Executor.
Test Josiah BENNETT _ . , / \
, David TTATT
VAIL (seal)
Joseph (X) LANE
March Term 1818. Then was the last Will and Testament of David VAIL dec'd proved
in Court by the Oaths of Josiah BENNETT a Witness thereto - and ordered to be
Recorded - and Jesse ROBERSON came into Court and qualified as Executor thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

North Carolina ) In the name of God Amen, I Lydia ROBERSON of the aforesaid
Beaufort County) County and State, being somewhat weak and low in body but of
perfect sound mind and memory do make Constitute & ordain this my last will and
Testament this 14th day of February, in the Year of Our Lord 1818. First. I
leave my body to the discretion of my Executor to be buried in a decent manner,
my soul I recommend to the hands of my Redeemer nothing doubting and as touching

my Worldly Goods which it hath been please God to bless me with. Item. 1st. I
give and bequeath unto Wm. D. ADAMS Three hundred Acres of Land adjoining the
Land of Jesse JONES Item 2d. I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Shade ADAMS
my large Trunk with its contents Item 3d. I give and bequeath unto Susanna
ADAMS my small Trunk with its contents. Item 4th. I give and bequeath unto my
sister Jennel GASKINS One dollar. Item 5th. I give and bequeath unto William
ADAMS Sen’r. One Note on David ADAMS for Ten Dollars. I also constitute and
ordain William ADAMS Sen* and James REDDITT Executors to this my last Will and
Testament the day and date within written.
Signed, Sealed and acknowledged in
presence of
Dan. B. MILLAN Lydia (X) ROBERSON (seal)
March Term 1818. Then was this Will proved in Court by the Oath of Danl. B.
MILLAN a witness thereto - and ordered to be Recorded and Wm. ADAMS came into
Court and Qualified as Executor thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

State of No. Carolina )In the name of God Amen I Aaron SPRING being through the
Beaufort County )abundance of mercy and goodness of God tho weak in body
yet of sound and perfect mind and memory and understanding praised be to God for
the same doth make and constitute this my last Will and Testament and desire that
it may be received by all as such. Imprimis. Item. I lend unto my beloved Wife
Mary SPRING the Land and Plantation and houses whereon I now live during her life
and three feather Beds and furniture also the remainder of my house hold and
Kitchen Furniture during her life, I also leave her all of my Stock of Cattle,
hogs, and Sheep during of her life, also I leave one young mare during her life
I also leave her one hundred acres of Land lying on Springs Creek the Land and
Plantation that Abram SPRING lived on and Fifty Acres of Land being the one half
of the Pattent that was pattented by Joseph CAMPEN and myself name by the name
of the Willow Branch during her life, I also leave three hundred acres of Land
lying on the head of Goose Creek to be sold at the best advantage and after
paying my just and lawful Debts the ballance to be for the Support of my
beloved Wife. Item. I give and bequeath to beloved Daughter Dolly SPRING the
Land and plantation whereon I now live after the Death of her Mother to her and
her Heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughter Nancy LINTON
One hundred Acres of Land lying on Springs Creek the Land and Plantation whereon
Abm. SPRING lived and Fifty acres of land being the one half of the patent that
was patented by Joseph CAMPEN and my self named by the name of the Willow Branch
after the death of her Grand Mother to her and her Heirs forever. Item. I give
and bequeath to Liddy CAMPEN One Bed to be hers and her Heirs forever. Item. I
give unto my beloved Son Jas. SPRING fifteen dollars to him and his Heirs for-
ever. Item. I give & bequeath to my Daughter Dolly SPRING after the death of
her Mother three Beds and all the house hold and Kitchen Furniture and Stock
of all kinds to her and her Heirs forever. Lastly I make and appoint and Con-
stitute Benjamin BRADY Sen. and my beloved Wife Mary SPRING my whole sole Execu-
tors to this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and affixed my seal this the 18th day of Feb'y 1818.
Signed, Sealed and delivered
in presence of us Aaron (X) SPRING (seal)
March Term 1818. Then was the within last Will and
Testament of Aaron SPRING dec'd proved in Court by the
John (X) CLARK
Oath of John Clark a subscribing Witness thereto - and
ordered to be Recorded - and Ben. BRADY came into Court
and Qualified as Executor thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I Lucretia SMITH of the County of Beaufort being weak
in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for the same
doth make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and forms as
follows. Item first, I give unto my Daughter Susanna SMITH One Linen Wheel One
Iron Pot and all my Stock of Cattle and Hogs, excepting two Heifers, one of
which I give to my son Sam'l SMITH and the other to my Daughter Peggy SMITH, and
last I appoint and ordain my Daughter Susanna SMITH Sole Executrix my last Will
and Testament, annulling, disallowing and revoking all other Wills by me hereto-
fore made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal
This _th day of March 1815. Lucretia (X) SMITH (seal)
Signed, Sealed and pronounced
in presence of
June Term 1818. Then was the within last Will and Testament of Lucretia SMITH
dec'd proved in Court by the Oath of Rich'd COZENS, a witness thereto and order'd
to be Recorded. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I James JOHNSTON of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina, being very sick and low in health, but in perfect mind and
memory, thanks be given unto God, calling unto mind the mortality of my body and
knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my
last Will and Testament that is to say principally first of all I give and re-
commend my Soul unto the hands of Almighty God that give it and recommend to the
earth and buriedinDecent Christain burial at the discretion of my Executors,
nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again
by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly Estate, wherewith it
hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give, demise and dispose of
the same in the following manner and form. First I give and bequeath to Eliza-
beth my dearly beloved Wife after paying all my just Debts the remainder of all
my Estate, consisting of Hogs, Cattle, one mare and house hold and Kitchen furni-
ture, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament
in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, this 28th day of Sept-
ember 1817. Signed, Sealed published, pronounced, and declared by the said Jas.
JOHNSTON as my last Will and Testament in his presence and in the presence of
each other have hereunto subscribed our names.
Jas. (X) JOHNSTON (seal)
June Term 1818. Then was the last Will and Testament of Jas. JOHNSTON dec'd
proved in Court in due form of Law by the Oath of Miles CHAUNCEY and ordered to
be recorded. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I Elizabeth JOHNSON of the County of Beaufort State of
North Carolina, being sick, but of sound and disposing mind and memory do make
and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following to
Wit. Imprimis. It is my will and desire that my Executor herein after named,
cause me to be buried in a decent manner and that all my just debts be paid.
Item. I give and bequeath to my friend and Neighbour John HUTCHINS the one half
of the Nett proceeds of my perishable Estate in North Carolina which may be left
after paying my funeral expences and debts and except such articles as are here-
after disposed of by legacies. Item. I give and bequeath to Lucinda CHRISTIAN,
a girl who now lives with me, one bed and furniture. Item. I give and bequeath
to my friend and neighbor
Mrs. Elizabeth OWENS Wife of Stephen OWENS One diamond Ring, with the Name, time
of Death and the age of my mothers Father Christopher STONE, thereon, also a
- 102-
Locket on which is the name and time of death of my Mother. Item. I give and
bequeath to my friend and Neighbour Stephen OWENS all such sums of Money or other
personal property as may be due to me in Ireland from my Uncle and Guardian Henry
WILLIAMS of Dublin, either as the Interest or principal of a sum supposed to be
Fifteen hundred pounds left by my Grand Father Christopher STONE to my mother
during life. Item. I give and bequeath to Mr. Edward FORBES formerly of Dublin
Merch's and in Case he is dead, then to his Executor or Exors in trust that he
will pay over the proceeds thereof to Stephen OWENS or to his order for his sole
and seperate use and that of his Heirs, Executors, administrators and assigns
forever in fee simple, all the Houses, Lotts or parts thereof and all the real
Estate of whatever discription I may be entitled to by Will descent or otherwise
within the City of Dublin or any part of Ireland to be by him or them rented or
sold as he may think proper. And lastly I nominate and appoint my friend Stephen
OWENS, whole and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revok-
ingall former or other Wills by me made - In Witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and seal in the County of Beaufort, State of North Carolina this twenty
fourth day of March A.D. One thousand Eight hundred and Eighteen -
Signed, Sealed, published pronounced and
declared to be her last Will and Testament
in the presence of
J. W. GUTHRIE Elizabeth JOHNSON (seal)
Bran'k OWENS
William HUCHINS June Term 1818. Then was the last Will and Testament
of Elizabeth JOHNSON dec’d proved in Court in due form of Law, by the Oaths of
I. W. GUTHRIE, Brannock OWENS and William HUCHINS, Witnesses thereto - and order
-ed to be Recorded - and Stephen OWENS came into Court and Qualified as Executor
thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

State of North Carolina Beaufort County. In the name of God Amen I Shadrick
WHITEHURST, being in perfect mind and sound memory but weak in body, knowing
that it is appointed for man once to die, and that I do ordain this my last Will
and Testament. I do give and bequeath to my beloved Wife all my Cattle except
three Heifers, also I give to my beloved Wife all my hogs, to go to the benefit
of raising my Son, One cause to be sold, my horse to be sold to pay my Debts. I
give and bequeath to my Son Henry two Stocks of Bees, also one Shot Gun to my Son
Henry, also to my Son Henry three Heifers. I give and bequeath to my Son Henry
the Land and Plantation where I now live. also the Lands that fell to me by the
Death of my two Brothers also I give to my Son Henry One Bed and Furniture, also
One Bed and Furniture to my beloved Wife. I leave the Land I bought of Henry
BANKS to be sold and the money to go to the use of the Estate of BANKS. I
constitute and appoint John WHITEHURST and Roland MAYO Executors to this my last
Will and Testament.
Signed in the presence of us this
27th March 1818. Shadrick WHITEHURST
Test Charlotte Noris COX
September Term 1818. of the County Court of Beaufort. Then was this Will proved
in Court in due form of Law by the Oath of Hilery WHITEHURST, a witness thereto,
and ordered to be Recorded, and John WHITEHURST came into Court and Qualified as
Exor thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

I make this my last Will and Testament, State of North Carolina Beaufort County.
Whereas I make this my last Will and Testimony, being in my good senses and long
memory. Item. I give and bequeath unto Jesse Garrett BRYAN, Viz, Peter, George,
Julia and Hardy his Heirs, Exors, assigns forever. Item. I give and bequeath
unto Frank WRITENHOUSE the following Negroes (Viz, Solomon, Mary, Charles

Patience, his heirs Exors, assigns forever.
March 26th 1818 at Mount Vernum
September Term 1818. of the County Court of Beaufort Then was this Will proven
in Court in due form of Law by Alex'r REDDITT, Thomas BOWEN and Thos. ELLISON
and ordered to be Recorded - and Administration is granted to C. I. BRYAN.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I Sarah H. KEARSE, being in low bodily health, but of
perfect mind and memory, do on this the 19th day of August in the Year of our
Lord 1817. make and ordain this my last Will and Testament In the manner follow-
ing (Viz, First I give to my beloved Daughter Sally Ann EDWARDS my two Negroes
Scipio and Heny. Secondly, I give to my beloved Daughter Marina B. BARNES
a negro boy not to exceed Fifteen Years old or to be less than Eight Years of
age, which may either be assest to her out my Estate or purchased with the
proceeds thereof as she may prefer. Thirdly, I give to my beloved Neice
Harriett, Eliza B. PUGH, my Beaureau, Looking Glass and One hundred Dollars.
Fourthly. I give the ballance of my Estate, both real and personal after my
just debts are paid to my beloved Daughter Sally Ann EDWARDS. Fifthly and last-
ly. I nominate and appoint my Worthy friends John KENNEDY and Whitmell H. PUGH
Executors to this my last Will
this being the day and date above written.
Signed, Sealed and delivered in the
presence of Sally H. KEARSE (seal)
September Term 1818 of the County Court of Beaufort. Then was this Will proved
in Court in due form of Law by the Oath of Peyton R. TUNSTALL, a witness there-
to - and ordered to be Recorded and Edward QUINN came into Court and Qualified
as Adm. thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I William THORINTON of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina, being weak of body, but of sound and disposing mind and memory
blessed be God, do this sixth day of August 1818. make and publish this my last
Will and Testament in manner and form following. Imprimis. My Will and desire
is that allmy just debts and funeral expences be all satisfied and paid. Item.
I give and bequeath unto my beloved brother Jeremiah FOREMAN one half of my land
lying in the County of Beaufort and State aforesaid, the aforesaid Land lying
Major HAWKINS and Absalom PRICE'S Lands. Item. I lend unto my beloved Sister
Letitia CONDRY the remaining part of my Land and her death, I give and bequeath
it to her son Silas CONDRY. Item. My Will and desire is that every part or
parcel of my Estate of whatsoever which has not been already given or bequeathed,
be equally divided between my Sister Letitia CONDRY and Jeremiah FOREMAN my
brother, to them and their Heirs forever. Lastly, I constitute and nominate and
appoint my Brother Jeremiah FOREMAN and Daniel CONDRY, Executors of this my last
Will and Testament, revoking all other Wills or Will heretofore made confirming
this to be my last only Will and Testament in Testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed my seal, the day and date above mentioned.
Signed, Sealed published and pronounced
by the said Wm. THORINTON as his last William (X) THORINTON
Will and Testament in presence of
Attest. Absalom PRICE September Term 1818 of the County Court of
Mel ABLE Beaufort. Then was this Will proven in Court
Major HAWKINS in due form of Law by the Oath of Absalom
PRICE a witness thereto - and ordered to be Recorded - and Daniel CONDRY came
into Court and Qualified as Exor thereto. Tho. SMAW C.
In the name of God Amen. I Levinia Harding of Beaufort County being of sound
and perfect mind and memory, do this 11th day of August in the Year of Our Lord
1818 make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following that
is to say. First. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Polly, the first Choice
of my beds and the furniture that belongs to it. Secondly. I give and bequeath
to my daughter Elizabeth the second choice of my beds and the furniture with it.
Thirdly. I give and bequeath to my daughter Dicey the third choice of my beds
and the furniture with it. Fourthly. I give and bequeath to my Son John the
fourth and last Choice of my beds and the furniture thereunto belonging. Fifthly
I give and bequeath to my son Stephen One hundred dollars out of my right to the
Negroes, belonging to the Estate of Stephen HARDING dec'd and the ballance of my
right to be equally divided amongst the whole and the ballance of my property to
be sold to pay my Debts, if there should be any ballance after paying the Debts
I wish it to be equally divided amongst the whole of my Children and I hereby
make and ordain Henry HARDING Executor of this my last Will and Testament. In
witness whereof I the said Levinia HARDING have to this my last Will and Testa-
ment set me hand and seal the day and Year above written.
Signed, Sealed, published and declared by
the said Levinia HARDING the Testatrix as her
last Will and Testament in the presence of us
who were present at the time of signing and
Sealing thereof.
Benjamin HARDING
Harvey HILL
September Term 1818 of the County Court of Beaufort. Then was this Will proven
in Court in due form of Law by the Oath of Benj’n HARDING, a witness thereto -
and ordered to be Recorded - and Henry HARDING came into Court and Qualified as
Exor. thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen I Ann FLOYD of the County of Beaufort and State of North
Carolina being of sound mind and memory (blessed be God) do this 11th day of
April in the year of our Lord 1818. make and publish this my last Will and Test-
ament, in manner following that is to say after my body is deposited in the
Earth from whence it came with a decent Christian funeral and all expences paid
my Will is as follows. Item 1. All my perishable property to be sold at a
Credit of six months except what I have given by Will as hereafter mentioned.
Item 2. I give to my son Miles S. FLOYD my Desk. Item 3. I give to my Son
James B. FLOYD One Bed and furniture. Item 4. I give to my son Ash Peter
FLOYD the sum of Eight dollars to be collected out of the sales of my personal
property, and paid to him when he arrives at the age of twenty one years
Item 5. I give unto my Daughter Nancy Bonner FLOYD, One bed and furniture, One
dining Table, Six Tea spoons and at the division of the Estate of my late Hus-
bands property, there will be one Negro coming to my Share which negro I give to
my Daughter Nancy B. FLOYD to her and her Heirs forever. Item 6. At the settle-
ment of the Estate of my late Husband Peter FLOYD, I expect a considerable ball-
ance of cash due me for money I have advanced for said Estate, which money when
collected I desire my Exors to lay out in purchasing a negro and when purchased
I desire said negro to be hired out untill all my just Debts are paid, and after
wards I lend said Negro unto my Son James B. FLOYD, during his natural life or
as long as he continues to be sickly, but should he recover his Health, so as he
can maintain himself by his labour, I then give said Negro to my daughter Nancy
B. FLOYD to her and her Heirs forever. And I hereby make and ordain my worthy
friends Thomas TROTTER, Stephen OWENS and Edward QUINN my Executors of this my
last Will and Testament. Set my hand and Seal the day and year above written.

Signed, Sealed, published and declared
Ann FLOYD (seal)
by the said Ann FLOYD the Testatrix as
her last Will and Testament in the presence
of us, who were present at the time of
signing and Sealing thereof.
September Term 1818. of the Courty Court of Beaufort. Then was this Will proven
in Court in due form of Law, by the Oath of Edward BONNER a Witness thereto -
and ordered to be Recorded - and Tho. TROTTER came into Court and Qualified as
Exor. thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen I Manuel DOWDY of the State of North Carolina and County
Beaufort being weak and low in health but of sound mind and memory do make this
my last Will and Testament in manner & form following to wit. Item. I give and
bequeath to my Sister Sally DOWDY of Craven County all of my hogs to her and her
Heirs forever. Item 2d. I give and bequeath to Cousin Jas. DOWDY all of my
Land lying in Craven County on the North side of Bear Creek Run, to him and his
heirs forever and lastly I nominate and appoint my Cousin Jas. DOWDY Executor to
this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and disallowing all former Wills
by me made Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be or contain my last
Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this
5th of June 1818.
Manuel (X) DOWDY
Hillery DOWDY
September Term 1818. of the County Court of Beaufort. There was this Will
proven in Court in due form of Law by the Oath of Benj'n CAMPEN a Witness thereto
- and ordered to be Recorded - and James DOWDY came into Court and Qualified as
Ex’or thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I Elias HOELL of the Town of Washington County of Beau-
fort and State of North Carolina, being at this time weak in body but of sound
disposing mind and Memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, in
manner and form as follows, that is to say, first and principally I recommend my
Soul into the hands of God who gave it, and my body to the Earth from whence it
was taken to be decently interred at the discretion of my beloved Wife - and of
the Worldly Goods of which I may die possessed, my Will and desire is that all
my just and Lawfull Debts be paid as soon after my decease as may be and the
remainder if any to be disposed of as follows, to wit. Imprimis. I give and
bequeath unto my three oldest Children, Viz Edward HOELL, Henry HOELL, and
Elizabeth JUDKINS fifty dollars each to be paid to them severally by my Executrix
herein after mentioned. Item. I lend unto my beloved Wife Delilah HOELL during
her Widowhood, the House and half Lott whereon I now live - also my Negroes,
Richmond, Ben, Lucy and Margaret - also so much of my household and Kitchen furni-
ture as she may think proper to reserve for her use, and all the ballance of my
perishable property to be sold at auction and the proceeds thereof go towards
payments of my just Debts and Legacies aforesaid and the ballance (if any) to
her own proper use and benefit. Item My further Will and desire is that after
thedecease of my beloved Wife, my House and half Lott aforesaid be sold at public
auction and the money arising from the sales thereof together with my Negro Rich-
mond, Ben, Lucy and Margaret be equally divided between my sons Welcome and Silas
C. HOELL, which I them and their heirs forever. Item I nominate and appoint my
beloved Wife Delilah HOELL to be Executrix of this my last Will and Testament
revoking and disannulling all Wills by me heretofore made, ratifying and confirm-

- 106-
ingthis and only this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I
have fixed my hand seal at Washington this 7th day of October 1817. A.D.
Signed Sealed and published to be
the last Will and Testament of E. HOELL (seal)
Elias HOELL in presence of
John A. RENFORD N.B. The word between in the second line on
Henry MIXON this page was interlined before signed.-
Codicil. Be it remembered that in addition to the Legacies to my two oldest
Sons, Edward and Henry HOELL and my daughter Betsey JUDKINS it is my Will and
desire that my beloved Wife Delilah HOELL my sole Executrix to my last Will
and Testament above written, pay unto the said Edward and Henry Hoell and my
daughter Betsey JUDKINS Twenty five dollars each in manner as their Legacies of
fifty dollars each is directed to be paid
in my last Will and Testament above written amounting in all to the sum of
Seventy five Dollars each. In Witness whereof I have to this Codicil to be
annexed to and become part of my above written last Will and Testament in as
complete and ample a manner as if the same was contained in my above written
last Will and Testament of the said Elias Hoell, this day of November 1817.
Before us
E. HOELL (seal)
March Term 1819 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will and Testament of Elias HOELL dec'd proved in Court by
the Oaths of Jno. Akenford and Henry MIXON, Witnesses thereto - and ordered to
be Recorded - and Delilah HOELL came into Court and Qualified as Executrix
thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God I Margaret HUNLEY being of sound mind and memory but in an
infirm State of Health do make this my last Will and Testament in form and
manner following. First I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Lydia GUTHRIE and
her Heirs forever my Lott of Land in the County of Beaufort near Washington, laid
off by Henry & Joseph BONNER with the Dwelling House and all the Improvements
made thereon, being the same I now live on which I purchased of A. P. NEALE, and
formerly the residence of Ben. COAKLEY dec'd. Secondly, I will and bequeath
unto my said Daughter Lydia GUTHRIE my six Negroes namely Bill, James, Lorenzo
Mary, Alin(?) and Laura. Thirdly and lastly, I will and bequeath unto my said
Daughter Lydia GUTHRIE all my household and Kitchen Furniture of every denomina-
tion and kind, and I nominate and appoint my said Daughter Lydia GUTHRIE my
Executrix of this my last Will and Testament. Signed with my name and sealed
with my seal the 24th day of May 1819.
Signed Sealed and declared Margaret (X) HUNLEY (seal)
in presence of us June Term 1819. Then was this Will proved
Stephen OWENS by the Oath of Edw'd QUIN a subscribing Witness thereto
Edward QUIN in due form of Law - and ordered to be recorded.
In the name of God Amen. Being very sick in body, but perfectly induced with
reasons. I make this my latest and last Will and Testament First I give my soul
to God who gave it, and my body to the dust, to be decently buried and my debts
are discharged. I bequeath my remaining property as follows. Item. To my
Daughter Betsey, Mary and Matilda a Cow and Calf and Bed & furniture for each.
Item. My loving Wife Cresia all the property that may be left after discharging
my Debts, I give to her during her natural life I give to her and after her Death
to be equally divided among the Children Only my son Nathaniel provided he pays
all my lawful Debts, to have the whole of the Land that I now possess at his

- 107-
at his mothers death. I wish the Sheep be sold in part payment of the Debts. I
wish that Abner NEALES note may be given to Mr. Jesten EDWARDS in part pay for
the Horse I bought of him and that my son Nathaniel pay the ballance to Mr. Ed-
wards I hereby leave my losing Wife Cresia and my son Nathaniel Executrix and
Executor to this my last Will and Testament, made, signed and sealed on this 25th
day of February, In the year of Our Lord 1819. Witness my hand and seal the day
as above. Stephen LANGLEY (seal)
In presence of
June Term 1819. Then was this Will proved in due form of Law by the Oath of
Jno. F. ASPRAY - a subscribing Witness thereto and ordered to be Recorded.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I Benjamin CAMPEN of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina, being sick and Weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind
and memory thanks be to God for the same, doth make and ordain this my last Will
and Testament, that is to say first I give my Soul to God that gave it, and my
body to the Earth from whence it to be buried in a plain and decent manner at
the discretion of my Executors and as to all such Worldly Goods as it has been
pleased God to endow me with I give and dispose of in manner and form as follows.
Item. First I lend unto my Wife Peggy CAMPEN my Land and Plantation on the head
of Goose Creek with the use of fire wood and rail Timber during her natural life.
Item. I likewise give unto my beloved wife one years provisions to be taken
out of my Estate, also one Cow & Calf and lifewise all the property that came by
her at our marriage to have and to hold all said described property forever.
Item. I give unto my son Alfred CAMPEN five hundred dollars for the purpose of
his education which is to come immediately after his removal from the plantation
and continued untill his Education is compleated or the money for that purpose
exhausted. Item. I give unto my son Benjamin CAMPEN one negro man named Daniel,
to him and his Heirs forever, the said negro to be hired out untill my said son
shall come to the age of Maturity and to be applied to the best advantage for
his Education which I want to commence
about the age of twelve years and continue untill it is compleated or of proper
age, but provided the said Negro should die, or be rendered incapable of service
then an equal sum to be taken out of my property to that of Alfreds and to be
applied for the benefit of his Education. Item. I give unto my four Daughters,
Namely Zorada, Mary, Sally and Betsey CAMPEN One hundred dollars each to be put
for the benefit of their Schooling at the discretion of their Guardian. Item.
I give and bequeath unto my two sons Alfred and Benjamin CAMPEN all my Lands to
be equally divided between them with the Lands already given them by Deed of
Gift to them and their Heirs forever. Item. I likewise leave my Brother in
Law ThomasROBASON as sole Guardian to my Six fore named Children, Alfred, Zorada,
Mary, Sally, Betsey and Benjamin CAMPEN untill they are married or come to the
Years of Maturity. Item. My Will that all my property not mentioned in this
Will be sold at twelve Months Credit from the time of sales and that my Cattle
and Sheep may be sold in the Spring Season of the Year with good securities
according to Law. Item. My Will also is that all the remainder of my property
not given in this Will be equally divided between my Six Alfred, Zorada, Mary,
Sally, Betsey and Benjamin to be delivered to them or their Heirs forever, when
they Marry or come to the age of Maturity. Lastly I nominate and appoint my
Brother in Law Gabriel ROBASON and David LEWIS sole Executors to this my last
Will and Testament, revoking and disallowing all former Wills heretofore by me
made ratifying and confirming this only to be my last Will and Testament. In

In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal this 11th day of August

Signed andic* i J m
Sealed • presence of Benjamin CAMPEN (seal)
Nathaniel (X) WOODARD
September Term 1819. Then was this Will proved in due form of Law by the Oath
of Hugh EVERETT a Subscribing Witness thereto - and ordered to be Recorded.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the Name of God Amen, I make this my last Will and Testament. 1st. My wish
and desire is that James REDMOND be my Executor and Guardian to my Children, his
Neice and Nephews (viz) Alice, James and Francis REDMOND. 2d. My wish is that
all the Negroes and Lands that is now in my possession or that may come into his
possession as Executor and Guardian shall be hired out as he thinks but for the
use and interest of the Children. 3rd. My wish is that all my furniture will
be sold at Six Months Credit 4th. My wish is that my Children shall be well
Educated, and at the age of twenty one years, that each shall have their equal
Share of my Estate say one third to each. 5th. My wish is that my Executor
collect what money may be due me and lay it out to the best advantage as his
opinion for the use and interest of my Children. Lastly I recommend my Children
to his love and affectionate care and in perfect resignation recommend my Soul
to Almighty God whenever it is his holy Will to call me from this transition
. r Eliza M. REDMOND (seal)
Signed m presence of
James REDMIND Jr. Washington 6th May 1818.
September Term 1819. Then w^s this Will proved in due form of Law by the Oath
of John W. GUTHRIE, a subscribing Witness thereto let it be recorded.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I Real EDWARDS of the County of Beaufort State of North
Carolina, being weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to
God, calling to mind the mortality of Body and knowing it is appointed for all
men once to die, do make and constitute this my last Will and Testament that is
to say, first, I commit my Soul into thehands of Almighty God who gave it, noth-
ing doubting, but I shall receive same by the mighty power of God. My body I
commit to the Ground to be buried in a Christian Manner at the discretion of my
Executors hereafter mentioned. as touching such worldly Estate as it hath pleased
God to bless me with in this World my Will and desire is that it be disposed of
in the following manner. Viz. I do lend unto my beloved Wife Lucinda EDWARDS
during her natural life or during her remaining Widow all my lands and Negroes
all my Stock of every Kind all my household and Kitchen furniture and Tools of
every discription. At her decease I desire that my Lands be equally divided be-
tween my three Sons,(Viz) Thompson EDWARDS, Bryan EDWARDS, and Asa EDWARDS and
one negro Girl by the name of Edey be given to my Daughter Lucinda EDWARDS to
equal her with my boys and at the death of my said Wife Lucinda EDWARDS that all
the remaining part of my property not mentioned shall be equally divided between
my four children, namely Thompson EDWARDS, Bryan EDWARDS and Asia EDWARDS and if
either of the said children should die without heir, the property belonging to
said decease Child shall be equally divided among the surviving ones. I do hereby
nominate and appoint my Loving Wife Lucinda EDWARDS my Executrix, Samuel EDWARDS
my Execotor of this my last Will and Testament revoking all former Wills by me
made, ratifying this only be my last Will and Testament done this the 17th
October in the year of Our Lord 1819.
Acknowledged by Real EDWARDS to be Real EDWARDS (seal)
his last will in presence of us.

- 109-
Dec. Term 1819. Then was this last Will and Testament of Real EDWARDS dec'd
proved in Court by the Oath of W. B. TUNSTALL awitness thereto - and ordered to
be Recorded and Lucinda EDWARDS came into Court and Qualified as Executrix thereto
In the name of God Amen. January the Twelvth and in the year of our Lord 1820
I John EVETT Sen'r. of the County of Beauford and State of North Carolina being
of sound mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same and calling to
mind the Mortality of my body and Knowing that it appointed for all men once to
die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say and first
of all I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God who gave it me and my body I commit to
the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors and as touch-
ing such worldly Estate as it hath pleased almighty God to bless me with I do
give and dispose of as follows. Item. I do lend to my loving Wife Francis
EVETT all and singular, that is to say my Land and Plantation whereon I now live
with all my household furniture together with all my Stock of all kinds during
her natural life. Item. I do give to theHeirs of my loving Daughter Delilah
KEEL after the death of my Wife one Dollar. Item. I do give to the Heirs of
my loving Daughter Elizabeth PRESCOTT after the Death of my Wife One Dollar.
Item. I do give to Heirs of my loving Son Lott EVITT after the death of my wife
One Doll'r. Item. I do give to my loving daughter Bethany SMITHWICK after the
Dec'd of my wife one doll'r. Item I do give to my loving Daughter Sarah EVETT
after the death of my Wife One Dollar Item. I do give to my loving daughter
Rachael WARREN after the Death of my Wife One Dollar. Item. I do give to my
loving Son John EVETT after the death of my Wife, the Land and Plantation House
and Kitchen furniture any stock of all kinds and I do make constitute and ordain
my loving Wife Francis EVETT and John EVETT my Executrix and Executor of this my
last Will and Testament, revoking, disannulling and making void all former Wills
and bequests by me made and confirming this to be my last Will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and Year above

. , , , . . , . John EVETT Sen'r. (seal)

Signed Sealed and delivered in presence
of us.
Test Tho: M. ADAMS

Marc^° VBrmTiH). Then was this Will of John EVETT Sen'r. dec'd. proved in
Court by the Oath of Thom. ADAMS a witness thereto and ordered to be Recorded.
- and Francis EVETT qualified as Executrix thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I Thomas BOWEN of the County of Beaufort and State of
North Carolina being sick and weak of body but of sound disposing mind and
memory thanks be to God for the same and as touching my worldly goods I dispose
of in manner and form as follows. First. My Will is that my three Children
Nancy, Nelly and Thomas shall receive out of my personal Estate as much as will
make them equal to the property which fell to Betsey and Polly by the death of
their half Brother and sister John and Polly PALMER. Item. I give to my Daugh-
ter Nancy the Land lying between Gabriel ROBINSON and Brumfield Swamp lying in
the Mary Peyton Patten also two One hundred acre patten bought of Rich'd
Landing and one fifty acre patten bought of Josiah BENNETT, my negro man Tom
and his Wife Rachael and Joe which are to be valued and taken in her dividend
of my Negroes with a half dozen Table Spoons. Item. I give to my two Daugh-
ters Betsey and Polley the land lying between Jarvis's Creek and Baileys Creek
including the Ship Yards to be equally divided between them. I also give to each
of them one bed and furniture and a half dozen Tea spoons. Item. I give to my
Daughter Nelly my Fork Plantation with all the Lands adjoining it with a piece

of land up South Creek out of the Mary Peyton Patten to the south of Porters
line. also my negro man Quack, his wife Jenny, Wig, Hilliard and Meriby which
are to be valued and taken in part of her dividend of my personal Estate also
two Mules Six Cows and Calves twenty head of hogs all the Plantation utensils
at the fork. One bed and furniture and a half Dozen Tea Spoons. Item. I give
to my son Thomas the Plantation whereon I live with the Lands lying within the
following lines begining at a Gum in Jarvis Creek Rowlands two beginings runing
South. 76 West untill it strikes the west line of a piece of Land I purchased
of Thomas ELLISON, then with that line to George WILSONS line, then with his
line to the corner of Patten I purchased of Thomas RESSASS with the several
courses of that patten to the Tar Landing on Porters Creek, then down said Creek
to the Reedy Branch then up said Branch to a new patten of mine then with the
courses of the said Patten untill strikes where the DURHAM and DIXON Pattens
intersects each other, then with the DIXON line untill it strikes the head branch
od Deep Branch now called Buttons Branch so as to include PUTNELLS Neck then up
LEEs Creek to PRITCHETTS back line and with his line to the head of Second Gutt,
then with Robasons line to the Bear Branch then with said Robasons line to Browns
Corner in the edge of the Savannah then with two pattents pattented by John
TRIPPE to or near the Oak Hammock in the great Savannah, then with the back line
of said Pattens to William ROWLANDS Corner near the head of drink Waters then
with his line south forty Pole then with another line of said ROWLANDS untill it
strikes Jacobs Creek then up the Creek to the beginning with the exception of
twenty five acres beloiging to William ROWLAND and a piece belonging to John
BONNER within said lines also my Plantation up south D. Creek known by the name
of Goshan which was pattented by Pinser and Hanakin together with my negro man
old Charles and his Wife Phillis with their two Children also Jack Garrett Reuben
Ben Palmer and little Ben which are to be valued and taken in part of his divid-
end of my Personal Estate I also give him two mules Nance and Jenny REULHAC Six
Cows and Calves Ten head of Sheep three gangs of Hogs distinguished by the turn
of the Road gang, the gang back of Dowtys and the Spanish Oak ridge gang with all
my household and Kitchen furniture not before given away his choice of one sett
of table spoons, soup Spoon and Ladle One Grind Stone, twelve plows and Geer,
one Cart Six Axes, Six weeding Hoes and Six Grubbling Hoes Item. It is my will
that my real Estate not given away be equally divided among my four Daughters
and my negroes to be equally divided after Nancy Nelly & Thomas are made equal
to Betsey & Polley. I lend to Sam'l PHILLPORT a piece of Land known by the name
of the Bennett place during his life with provisions to serve him one Year. I
lend to a free Woman the wife of Jack GARRETT during her life or as long as she
remains the Wife of Jack a piece of Land begining just below Pritchetts bridge
across the branch then up the branch to Pritchetts Road with his road to Robasons
road with Robasons road to his bridge a cross a prong of Lees Creek then down
said prong to the mouth of the branch, then up the branch to the begining. It
is my wish that such of my perishable Estate as I have not given away be sold by
my Executors and the money arising from the sale together with the money that may
be due me be laid off in six equal parts, one sixth to be given for the Education
of Thomas and one hundred dollars to finish Nelly's Education. the ballance to
be equally divided among all my Children. It is my desire that the Guardian
hereafter named for Nelly and Thomas, leave on the Plantations given them such of
their Negroes as he may think proper under his controul and discretion and no
longer than he may think proper. It is my desire that Jesse ROBASON and Thomas
ELLISON divide my real and personal Estate among my Children as directed in this
Will. I nominate constitute and appoint my two friends William VINES and
William W. HILL Executors of this my last Will and Testament and Wm. W. HILL
Guardian to my daughter Nelly and Thomas revoking all other Wills by me made.
In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 27th December 1819.

Thomas BOWEN
Confirming and ratifying all my above Will except that part that appoints Wm. W.
HILL Guardian to my son Thomas BOWEN which said appointment I revoke and appoint
in his place Wm. VINES Guardian to my said Son Thomas, with discretional power
to deliver him up his property at the age of Eighteen if he thinks proper and to
act in all other respects as the former Guardian was authorised. Witness my
hand this 7th day of January 1820.
March Term 1820. Then was this Will proved in Court in due form of Law by the
Oath of Thomas ELLISON a witness thereto - and ordered to be Recorded - and
Wm. VINES and Wm. W. HILL came into Court & qualified as Executors thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen I Thomas FLOYD of the County of Beaufort and State of
North Carolina do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and
form following, to Wit. I give to my sister Fanny ARCHBELL twenty dollars. I
give to my Uncle Thomas JONES and Cousin John BRITT my Plantation and Land, to
them their Heirs and assigns forever. I give all the remaining part of my prop-
erty to be equally divided between my Aunt Nancy BEEK and Uncle Thomas JONES to
their heirs and assigns forever. Lastly, I nominate and appoint my Aunt Nancy
BEEK and Uncle Thomas JONES Executrix and Executor of this my last Will and Test-
ament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 3d. day
of October 1814.
Signed in the presence of Thomas FLOYD (seal)
William VINES
June Term 1820. Then was this Will proved in Court in due form of Law by the
Oath of Wm. VINES and George FARRIS, witnesses thereto - and ordered to be Re-
corded - and Ann BEEK came into Court and Qualified as Executrix thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

Testament de Louis francois Faillade, Ancien Colonel des Marens de la garde de

1' Empereur Napoleon in faverir de Mr. Lewis Leroy habitant in Cette ville et
tenant 1' hotel mansion House. Ye donne de ma propres volonte; it a litre de
reconnaissance, tout se que oj(?) in, a mii appartenant d ans cette ville a*
mon ami Mr. Lewis Leroy, et be prie de oveslvir 1' accepter comme un temoig
nage de mon Saouvenir. Ge desire que Mr. Leroy passe eneadver mon portrait
(qu it trounverd dous man necessaire derriere le mirvir)quependante quarante
yours it soit convert d’ un voile funitre on crepe miv! Ce terns expire’ que le
ovile soit anache, et que mon portrait paraisse, Sans ancune marque de devil,
ave regards de la famille Mr. L. Leroy que defrecis(?) longtems ye considen
comme la mieme! Lnfin(?), et pour close demiere, un bittel de quatre cents
dollars portant interest, devient la propriete de Mr. S. Leroy ces billet sur
James BUYOTT, resident d Halifax Washington le 18 Avril 1820.

June Term 1820. Then was this Will proved in open Court by I. SABAIBE &
I. SAROCHE, and ordered to be Recorded.
Tho. SMAW C.

Beaufort County, In the name of God Amen, I Anna EBORN, being weak in body
but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for it, first of all I give and

recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God which gave it. Secondly, I give
my body into the hands of my Executors to be buried with decence and in a Chris-
tian like manner. As touching such worldly Estate as it has pleased God to
bless me with, first of all I do give and bequeath to my Daughter Margaret DAVIS
a negro Girl by the name of Eliza, also I give my Side Saddle and white chest
and waring Cloaths and one half of my moveable property both in doors and out
forever. also I lend to my Daughter Margaret DAVIS her life time all my land
that I lawfully possess in this world and after her decease I give the said Land
to Hosea Eborn DAVIS for him and his heirs forever. Secondly. I give and be-
queath to my Son William EBORN a negro boy by the name of Elois and one half of
my moveable property both in doors and out I give to him also forever, there-
fore I do acknowledge this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In
Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this 12th day
of July 1820.
Signed Sealed and delivered I do appoint for my Executors Samuel DAVIS
in presence of us. and William EBORN.
Richard DAVIS Anna (X) EBORN (seal)
September Term 1820. Then was this Will proved in Court by the Oath of Richard
DAVIS a Witness thereto and ordered to be Recorded.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen, I William SATTERTHWAITE of Beaufor County and State of
North Carolina being of perfect mind and disposing memory calling to mind the un-
certainty of this transitory life do make and declare this my last Will and Test-
ament in manner and form as follows. I recommend my Soul to God my Creator, my
body to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter to be
named and my Estate I will devise as follows. I giveand bequeath to my Daughter
Mary CLARK all my Land and three Negroes namely Rowlin, Hannah and James to her
and her Heirs forever. I give and bequeath to my two Grandsons Major I. CLARK
and William H. CLARK my Negro Girl Sylvia and her increase to them and their Heirs
forever. I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife Elizabeth SATTERTHWAITE my negro
Girl Nicey, together with all my Estate that I have not already disposed of, to
her and her heirs forever, and lastly I constitute and appoint Thomas I. Latham
Executor to this my last Will and Testament.
Signed, Sealed and published in William SATTERTHWAITE(seal)
the presence of
Jeremiah G. RESPASS September Term 1820. Then was this Will proved in
Ephraim RATLIFF Court in due form of Law by the Oath of Ephram RATLIFF
Wm. RATLIFF a Witness thereto, and ordered to be Recorded and
Thomas I. LATHAM came into Court and qualified as
Executor thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen, I Samuel Young of the Town of Washington County of
Beaufort and State of North Carolina, being now in sound state of mind and
memory but in a declining State of Health do make and ordain this to be my last
Will and Testament. First I recommend my soul to Almighty God and when it is
his pleasure to give me and sincerely hope he will have mercy on me. 2d. I
lend to my beloved Wife Elizabeth YOUNG all my real and personal property during
her natural life with only such exceptions as I now make Viz. That all my
honest and just debts shall be paid by my said Wife Elizabeth YOUNG she having
the choice to sell whatever she best can spare, but should she be obliged to
sell a Negro my wish is that she sell Hardy. 3d. I give to my Relation Fanny
OWENS after the death of my Wife Elizabeth Young a certain negro boy named Juba
now about two years old. 4th. My Will and desire is that my Executors shall

make a Deed to Lewis Leroy of Joseph BONNERS Purchase of the old Ford say One
third of the Lands and Mills as I have received payment of the said Leroy, also
to make Samuel CHAUNCY a Deed to a piece of Land called Griffins old field,
which CHAUNCEY has paid me for. 5th. On account of Rachaels good conduct and
her good behaviour hereafter my will is that she should be free as to my right
to her say one half 6th. My Will is that at the death of my beloved Wife
Elizabeth YOUNG, that all my real and personal property hereafter mentioned
(Viz) My Houses and L tt whereon I now live my Lands adjoining Town purchased
of Joseph and Henry BONNER my Negroes Charles, Ceasar, Mack, Hardy, Dick, Tuck
and her Increase, Betty and her Increase shall descend to Hannah N BONNER
Daughter of Rob’t L. and Mary BONNER. 7th. But should my said Wife Elizabeth
Young survive the said Hannah N. BONNER when my Will and desire is that all the
above named property (Item the 6th) shall at the Death of My said Wife Elizabeth
YOUNG, be equally divided between Stephen OWENS’s present Wifes children and
Jeremiah CHERRY’s Wifes Children. 8th. My Will and desire is that my beloved
Wife Elizabeth YOUNG shall be my Executrix and my friend Jeremi CHERRY Executor
to this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and affixed my Seal. the 25th day of September 1819.
Sitness present

B Samuel YOUNG (seal)

Benjamin PATRICK
September Term 1820. Then was the within Will of Samuel YOUNG dec'd proved in
Court by the Oath of Jno. REDMOND and Benj'n PATRICK Witnesses thereto and order
-ed to be Recorded - and Jere. CHERRY and Elizabeth YOUNG came in Court & Quali-
fied as Ex'r and Ex'rix thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

State of North Carolina Beaufort County. In the name of God Amen, I Joseph
CUTLER Sen'r being far advanced in Years, but of a sound and perfect mind and
memory blessed be God. Knowing it is appointed unto all men once to die, do
recommend my Soul unto the hands of God who gave it and my body to the Ground to
be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named, and as for
such Worldly goods as it has pleased Almighty God to bless me withal after my
Funeral charges, just Debts and Legacies are paid do dispose of the same in the
following manner. Viz. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Cousin Henry CUTLER
all my Land lying on the East side of Goose Creek including the first Island in
the Pocoson, the Grave Yard and thirty feet square excepted. Item. I give and
bequeath unto my Cousin Timethy CUTLER all my Lands lying on the north side of
Christmas Swamp. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Cousin Moses CUTLER son of
Aaron CUTLER dec’d all my Lands on the south side of the Eastmost prong of Goose
Creek. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Cousin Aaron CUTLER my land and
Plantation that I bought of Noel LATHAM. Item. I give and bequeath unto my
Cousin Blaney CUTLER all my Land on the West side of Goose Creek including fifty
acres in the Pocoson. Item. I give and bequeath unto Nathaniel NORTH all my
right of a piece of Land lying near forked Swamp and two Feather Beds and two
Cows and Calves, part of the use of the mare for the space of three Years Fifty
dollars in money. Item. I give unto my Cousin Henry Cutler one half part of
my Cattle, One Yoke of Oxen included, and one half of my Sheep and the other
half of my Sheep I give unto my two Cousins Moses and Blaney CUTLER to be equally
divided between them. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Cousin John EBORN One
Cow, all the rest of my Cattle I give and bequeath unto my three Cousins Moses,
Blaney and Elizabeth CUTLER to be equally divided amongst the three. Item. I
give and bequeath unto my Cousin Henry Cutler, two feather Beds and my Mare, and
all that is in the house that has not been mentioned before and all my hogs.
Item. I give unto Moses CUTLER son of Aaron CUTLER One Bed Item I give and be-
queath unto my Cousin Blaney CUTLER one Bed. ;Item. I give
and bequeath to my two Cousins Mary CUTLER and Anne CUTLER daughters of my

Brother Robert CUTLER the sum of twenty dollars a piece Item. I give and be-
queath to my four Cousins, John, Nathan, James and Robert CUTLER sons of my
Brother John CUTLER dec'd the sum of Five Dollars a piece. Item. I give and be-
queath to my Cousin Robert CUTLER Sen'r son of Robert CUTLER the sum of Ten
Dollars in Cash. Item. I give and bequeath to my Cousin Moses EBORN the sum of
Five Dollars and all the rest of my property be equally divided between Timethy
CUTLER, Henry CUTLER, Elizabeth CUTLER, Moses and Blaney CUTLER the money to re-
main in the hands of the Executors till the Heirs comes of age. I nominate
order and appoint Timothy CUTLER, Nath'l NORTH and Aaron CUTLER Executors of
this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and dis-
annull all and every other former Testament, Will, Legacies, bequeaths and
Executors ratifying and confirming this and
no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and Seal this thirtyeth day of December in the Year of our Lord 1819.
Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced and declared by the said Moses CUTLER Sen'r
as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in
the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our Names.
William CUTLER Jr.
John W. CUTLER Moses CUTLER Sen'r (seal)
September Term 1820. Then was the last Will and Testament of Moses CUTLER dec'd
proved in Court in due form of Law, by the oath of William CUTLER Jr. a Witness
thereto and ordered to be Recorded and Tiothy CUTLER came into Court and Quali-
fied as Executor thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

I Thomas JORDAN of Beaufort County calling to mind theuncertainty of this life

do ordain this my last Will and Testament, I will that my Executors hereafter to
be named to collect my dues and pay my Debts. I give to my Daughter FANNY One
Bed and Furniture. One Cow and Calf having already given her a negro woman and
two Children Patience, Maramda and Ajax to her and her Heirs forever. I have
already given to my Daughter Sally a Cow and Calf bed and furniture. A Negro
Woman and two Children Venus Derry and Tamar, considering that a proportion of
my Estate. I have already given to my Daughter Rhoda all the rest of my Estate
real and personal to pertain to and equally divide the Jewelry of their Mothers.
I give my Miniature picture to my Daughter Rhoda. All the rest of my Estate
real and personal to pertain to and equally divided between my three Sons, ex-
cept one mare which I have already given to my son Zachariah. Each one of my
Sons to have his share when he arrives at the age of twenty one, lastly I consti-
tute and appoint my three sons Zack. William and Thomas Executors to my last
Will and Testament. Signed Sealed and Executed this 18th day of October 1820.
In Presence of
Attess James BACHELLOR
John F. JORDAN Tho. JORDAN (seal)
Benjamin L. (X) BACHELLOR
Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions December Term 1820. Then was
the within Will of Tho. JORDON dec'd proven in open Court in due form of Law by
the Oath of John S. JORDAN, one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto - Ordered
to be Recorded. Tho. SMAW C.

I Sally Bentley of the State of North Carolina and County of Beaufort being of
sound disposing mind and memory do make and acknowledge this my last Will and
Testament in manner and form following (Viz) 1#. I give and bequeath to my
sister Elizabeth (the wife of Joseph PEARCE) all my Wearing apparel and all my

bed Cloaths (except the necessary furniture to a bed that I have) to be disposed
of according to her Will. 2d. I give and bequeath to Joseph PEARCE all the
money I now have on hand. 3d. I give and bequeath to my Sister Elizabeth
PEARCE, her son Peter YATES and her Son Thomas YEATES all the remaining or un-
divided part of my Estate, to be equally divided among the three, Share and
Share Alike. Ath. My Will and desire is that so much of Peter YATES and
Thomas YATES part of my Estate as my Executor may consider necessary shall be
laid out and expended in giving them Education. I constitute and appoint my
friend Joseph PEARCE Exec'tor to this my last Will and Testament - In testimony
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 21 day of October 1820.
Reading TYRE Sally (X) BENTLEY (seal)
Beaufort County December Term 1820. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within Will of Sally BENTLEY proven in open Court in Due forms of Law
by the Oath of Reading TYRE a subscribing witness then ordered to be Recorded.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God &c. &c. T John SATCHWELL of the County of Beaufort do make
this my last Will and Testament revoking all other Wills by me made &c. &c. 1.
I lend unto my Daughter Mary LATHAM one negro boy named Prince during her natural
life, at her Death I give said negro Prince unto five of her children, namely
Sylvester, Matilda and Mary CORDON, John and Samuel LATHAM. 2. I lend unto my
daughter Rebecca SMITH One Negro Girl named Clary during her natural life, at
her death I give said Negro Clary unto all her Children. 3d. I lend unto my
Daughter Ann NAIL One negro Girl named Rhoda, also Land as follows, beginning at
a place known by the name of the River Landing runing cross my field in a Bottom
or Branch to the head of a small Gut near where NAIL now lives thence to include
his buildings where they now stand, from thence to East End of Bee Ridge thence
round or with the Land I sold William CORDON to the back line of the pattens and
down said line to the fork of Creek the beginning of said patten containing Fifty
Acres more or less during her natural life at her death I give said negro and
Land unto her children and their Heirs forever. Ath. I give unto my Daughter
Elizabeth ABLE one negro boy named Wyriott one negro girl named Dol. 5th. I
give unto my Daughter Noisa SATCHWELL One Negro Girl named Sylvia One do Named
Prudence only allowing my wife the use of Prudence during my said Wifes natural
life & also I give unto my said Daughter Noisa two Cows and Calves to her and her
Heirs forever. 7th I give unto my Son Jas. SATCHWELL all the Residue of my Land
also the Negro man Willis said Land and negro to him and his Heirs forever
my wife the use of the Land and Buildings during her natural life. 8th Having
already made a Title to my son John SATCHWELL of a Valuable part of my Estate I
have nothing more to give him &c. 9th I give unto my Grand Son Benjamin PALMER
-LIE one Negro Boy named Moses to him and his Heirs forever 10th. All the
residue of my Estate of every kind I lend unto my Wife Elizabeth SATCHWELL during
her natural life, also I give one Sixth part of said property not already given
hoping my said Wife will at her Death give it to those of her Children or Grand
Children that may most need it be. 11th. At my Wifes Death I give the other
five parts to five of my Daughters namely Rebecca SMITH, Ann NAIL, Elizabeth ABLE,
Noiso SATCHWELL and Sophia SATCHWELL and Heirs forever. 12th. Having already
given and made a Title of part of my Estate unto Aaron EBORN my Son in Law in
behalf of my Grand Daughter Sophia EBORN I have nothing more for them &c.
Lastly I appoint my two Sons Jas. & John Satchwell Executors to this my last
Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal
this 23d. day of March 1820 on said day I am Seventy years of age &c.

Signed, Sealed and delivered
in thepresence of
John SATCHWELL Sen'r. (seal)
Beaufort Co. Pleas and Quarter Sessions Dec'r Term 1820. Then was the within
Will of John SATCHWELL dec'd proven in open Court in due form of Law, by the
Oath of Ben. M. SELBY, One of the Subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to
be Recorded. Tho. SMAW C.
& J s. B. HINTON

In the name of God Amen. I Henry SMAW of Beaufort County and State of North
Carolina being weak in body but of sound disposing mind and memory do make and
ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. Viz.
Imprimis. I give and bequeath unto my loving Wife Rebecca SMAW my Mare Fan,
bridle and Saddle my horse, my riding Chair and Harness all my Stock of Cattle
sheep and hogs, my Yoke of Oxen and Cart all my house hold and Kitchen furniture
of every kind whatever including all my beds and furniture , all my plantation
utensils of every sort or kind also all my Stock of Provisions that is in the
House, and all my Crop that is growing or Standing in the field and my Cause.
Item. I lend my loving wife during her life the following Negroes to Wit.
George, Tom and his Wife Fanny, Ceasar, Ben and Jenny. Item. I give after the
Death of my Wife Rebecca to my three youngest Children namely Nancy Alderson,
Fanny BARROW and William Elison SMAW two of the Negroes I before lent to my wife
namely Ceasar and Jenny be equally divided between them share and share alike in
compensation for the two small Negroes I have already given to my Daughter Polly
HARVEY and the one I have already given to my Daughter Sally McWILLIAMS Child.
Item. I do hereby authorise and empower my Executors as will be hereafter
named to sell and make a good and Lawful right and title thereto my Plantation
and Lands which I purchased of Thomas McMAHONE and the money arising from the
sale thereof after first paying my Degts the balance I give my wife Rebecca
SMAW to her own proper use. Item. I give after the Death of my Wife Rebecca
the following Negroes to Wit. George, Tom and his Wife Fanny and big Ben to
be equally divided between all my Children namely Polly, Sally, Nancy ALDERSON,
Fanny BARROW and William Ellison SMAW, also all the rest of my property that I
have not given already away I give to be equally divided between all my Children
provided nevertheless that if either of my before named Children should contend
for any part of the Land lying on the head of Duck Creek which I sold to Thomas
FLOYD his her and their part of this Legacy of Negroes and Surplus property shall
then and in that case go as forfeited to my Daughter Polly HARVEY in compensa-
tion for the 1 ss she may sustain in making said Land good. Lastly I nominate
and appoint my Wife Rebecca SMAW and my Friend William VINES Executrix and Exec-
utor to this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set
my hand and Seal this 15th October 1818.
Signed, Sealed and delivered
in presence of Henry SMAW (seal)
Carney McKEEL
Simon FARROW Codicil
Having Omitted in the former part of my Will to mention the Land that I sold to
Joel DICKINSON which was left by my Father Hen. SMAW to my son John SMAW and by
me sold to Thomas FLOYD on the head of Duck Creek, that if either of my said
Children should contend for the land sold to Joel DICKINSON they or them should
forfeit their Legacy in same manner as before mentioned and his her or their
part go to my Daughter Polly as before mentioned and I do hereby make and ordain
this Codicil apart of my Will in as full a manner as any other part thereof. In
Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15th October 1815.

March Term 1821. Then was the within last Will and Testament with the Codicil
annex'd of Henry SMAW dec'd proven in Court in due form of Law by the Oath of
Simon FARROW a Witness thereto - and ordered to be Recorded - and Rebecca SMAW
came into Court and Qualified as Executrix thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen I Thomas WALKER °f Beaufort County in the Province of
North Carolina being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory and
considering the uncertainity of this life blessed be Almighty God for the same
do make and Publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following
that is to say, First. My Will and desire is that all my Debts and funeral
Charges be paid and discharged. Secondly. I give and devise to my Son Mark all
my Land and my Gun and Hunting Materials. Thirdly. I give my Daughter Fanny
one Heifer extraordinary from the rest at the Death of my wife. Fourthly I
give and bequeath unto my loving Wife Ansley all the rest of my property until
her Death then if any remaining then to be equally divided among all my Children
except my Son Mark. Sixthly. I nominate Constitute, appoint and ordain my Son
Thomas and my Son John Exor's to this my last Will and Testament by me hereto-
fore made in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 16 th.
day of February in the Year of our Lord 1821.
Signed Sealed published and declared by the above
named Thos. WALKER to be his last Will and Testament
in presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names
as Witnesses in the presence of the Testator.
Lemuel CHERRY Thomas WALKER (seal)
March Term 1821. Then was the last Will and Testament of Thomas WALKER dec'd
proved in Court in due form of Law by the Oath of Jas. McKEEL a Witness thereto
- and ordered to be Recorded - and Thomas WALKER came into Court and Qualified
as Exor. thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

In the Name of God Amen I David EDWARDS °f the County of Beauford and State of
North Carolina being weak of Body but of perfect mind and mamory thanks be given
to god, calling to mind the mortality of body, and knowing it is appointed for
all men once to die do make and constitute this my last Will and Testament that
is to say first I commit my soul unto the hands of Almighty God who gave it,
nothing doubting but that I shall receive the same by the mighty power of God -
my body I commit to ground to be buried in a Christian manner at the discretion
of my Executors hereafter mentioned as touching such worldly Estate as it hath
pleased God to bless me with in this World and my Will and desire is that it be
disposed of in the following manner viz.
First. I give to my beloved wife Nancy EDWARDS all my lands and Plantation,
whereon I now live during her life or remaining my Widow. I further lend to my
beloved Wife Nancy EDWARDS all my other property consisting of Cattle, hogs.
Sheep, Bees, with all my household and Kitchen furniture and plantation utensils,
reserving so much whereof and of said property as will pay all my just Debts.
At the death of my loving Wife NANCY EDWARDS I desire may be equally divided be-
tween all my Children, Namely, Louisa EDWARDS, Arnet EDWARDS, Wynnefred EDWARDS,
Edward EDWARDS, I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved Wife Nancy EDWARDS
and Arnet EDWARDS, Executors to this my last Will and Testament, revoking all
former Wills by me made acknowledging this only to be my last Will and Testament
done this 5th day February 1821.
Acknowledged by me. David (X) EDWARDS (seal)
William 0. EDWARDS

May Term 1821. There was the within last Will and Testament of David EDWARDS
proved in Court in due form of Law, by the Oath of Samuel EDWARDS a Witness
thereto, and ordered to be Recorded - and Nancy EDWARDS came into Court and
Qualified as Executrix thereto. Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God Amen. I Mary WILKINSON of Beaufort County and State of North
Carolina being weak in body but sound in mind and memory, I do put in writing
this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows, that is to say.
Item. I give to my Daughters Huldah WILKINSON one Negro woman named Judah.
Item. I give to my Daughter Elizabeth WILKINSON all my Land on Pantigo Creek,
namely the Land I had by Zach'r McSWAIN and the Land I bought of John McSWAIN
and Samuel VINES and also one Negro Girl named Voilet, and also my Riding Chair
and Harness to her and my Daughter Jane WILKINSON. Item. I give to my said
Daughter Jane WILKINSON One Negro man named George and one bed and bedstead and
furniture, and if either of them should die without a lawful heir or Heirs from
their own body it is my desire the surviving one should be Heir to theother.
Item. I give to Levy and Sarah WILKINSON Three Dollars. I ordain constitute
and appoint my two Brothers William and Ruel WINDLEY, Executors to this my last
Will and Testament. In Witness thereof I have set my hand and affix'd my seal
this 25th day of March in the Year of our Lord Christ 1821.
Signed, Sealed, published and TTTT T^T
, , , . , . Mary WILKINSON (seal)
pronounced and delivered m
presence of us.
Test. A. L. GIBSON
May Term 1821. Then was the last Will and Testament of Mary WILKINSON decV
proved in Court in due form of Law by the Oath of L. WINDLEY a Witness thereto -
and ordered to be Recorded - and Ruel WINDLEY came into Court and qualified as
Executor thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen I Worden WOOLARD in Beaufort County and in the Province
of North Carolina being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory
and considering the uncertainty of this life, blessed the Almighty God for the
same do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
following that is to say First. My will and desire is that all my Debts and
funeral charges shall be paid and discharged. Secondly. I give and devise to
my Father and Mother half of my bees, two head of cattle and Four dollars in Cash
and Twenty dolls, that I lent Simson CRUTHERS, my Tarkilus to be divided between
my Father, and Brother Thomas Woolard. Thirdly, I give and devise to Brother
Thomas WOOLARD my Gun also my largest Bed and all my Geese my spelling book and
a wire mouse trap, also one fourth of my Bees, one new axe, and all my wearing
apparel. Fourthly. I give and devise my Sister Nancy CRUTHERS the ouher fourth
of my Bees and I give and devise unto my Sister Nancy’s Daughter Emaline CRUTHERS
my other Bed. Fifthly. I give and devise to my Father the part of Land that
falls to me by the death of my brother Reading WOOLARD and my Sister Nancy
CRUTHERS all the rest of the property that falls to me by the death of my brother
Reading WOOLARD to be equally divided between Thomas and Nancy. Seventhly. I
nominate and appoint and ordain my Father and Brother Thomas WOOLARD my Executors
to this my last Will and Testament as Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand
and Seal this 29th day of May 1817.
Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the
above named Worden WOOLARD to be his last Will
and Testament in the presence of us who have
hereunto subscribed our names as Witness of the

Worden (X) WOOLARD (seal)
I the Testator in mylast weakness but sound in mind thanks be to God for it, and
in consideration on my bed, it was my Will and desire to alter my Will and give
to my other two brothers Wm. WOOLARD and Samuel WOOLARD Children the Children
that they have had by their Lawful wives I want my Brother 1 nomas and Sister
Nancy to let my Brother Williams four Children have five apiece also my Brother
Samuel's Children have five dollars a piece that he had by his wife out of what
I left to them for I want for my Brother Thomas to see that they have it out of
my property. I had it a so for the lack of paper June the 9th day in 1817.
Signed and Sealed in presence of us. Wooden (X) WOOLARD (seal)
May Term 1821. Then was this Will proved in due form of Law by the Oath of
Lem'l CHERRY - and ordered to be Recorded - and Thomas WOOLLARD Qualified as
Exor. thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I Benjamin WORSLEY of the State of North Carolina and
County of Beaufort, after consigning my Son to *God have made choise of the
following method of disposing of those worldly Goods which God has been pleased
to bless me. Item. My Will and desire is that my Executors apply to the County
Court of Beaufort and obtain an order that my old negro Woman Amey be emancipated
in consideration of the Meritorious services performed by her to me. Item, my
Will and desire further is that my Executor retain a sufficience of property in
his hands to afford my old negro Woman an aforesaid a decent maintenance say two
hundred dolls, pr Year during her Life. Item. My Will and desire further is
that my Uncle Wm. WORSELY have all the rest of my property, provided he attends
to emancipation of my old Negro Woman aforesaid and her support. Item. I nomin-
ate appoint my uncle Wm. WORSLEY aforesaid my Executor to this my last Will and
Testament. April 12th 1821.
Signed and Sealed in presence of
Benjamin (X) WORSLEY (seal)
Test Ack'd.
Geo. de FARRIS )
May Term 1821. Then was this last Will and Testament of Benjamin WORSLEY dec'd
proved in Court in due form of Law by the Oath of Geo. de. FARRIS Witness there-
to and ordered to be Recorded - and Wm. WORSLEY came into Court and qualified as
Exor. thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. This 5th day of February 1820 I Robert PURSER of Beau-
fort County and State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and
memory thanks be to God for the same, but calling to mind the mortality of my
body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die for this cause and
Sundry other Causes I make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is
to say, principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul to God that
first gave it, nothing doubting but at the Genreal Resurrection I shall receive
the same again by the mighty power of God, and my body I recommend to the Earth
to be buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my beloved Wife
Linnah PURSUR whom I appoint my whole and sole Executor to this my last will and
Testament and touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless
me with in this life, I give and dispose of in manner and ofrm as follows. Item.
I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife Linnah PURSER all my household and Kitchen
furniture consisting of everything that is about my house to be hers and her
Heirs forever. Item. I also give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Linnah PURSER
all my hogs and Stock of all kind. Bees and all my farming Tools to be hers and
her Heirs forever. I also leave it in my Wife's power to sell such property of

my Estate as she thinks proper for the use of paying of my just Debts. Item. I
also give unto my beloved Wife my useing mare and Cause to be hers and her Heirs
forever, and in Witness that this is my last Will and Testament I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed my seal this day and
Year first written.
Signed, Sealed and delivered in Robert PURSER (seal)
presence of us.
Benjamin BRADDY
May Term 1821. Then was the within last Will and Testament of Robert PURSER,
dec’d proved in Court in due form of Law, by the Oath of Benjamin BRADDY as
witness thereto. and ordered to be Recorded - and Linnah PURSER came into Court
and Qualified as Executrix thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

Slade PEARCE of the County of Beaufort, State of North Carolina, do make and ack-
nowledge this my last Will and Testament in the following manner and form. First
I do empower and authorise my Executors to sell such of my Estate, as shall be
sufficient to discharge all my just Debts and to make such Sale, in any manner
and on such terms as to them shall appear most advantageous to my devisees. -
Secondly, My Will and desire is that after my debts are paid and all my Estate
of every demonination should be divided between my wife Barbara Low PEARCE and
Olivia Ann BRICKELL that is to say three quarters to my Wife Barbara Low PEARCE
and one quarter to Olivia Ann BRICKELL. To my Barbara Low PEARCE I give full
power and authority to dispose of all or any part of my Estate ( that is devised
to her) in her last Will and Testament, but if she should die die without such
disposition as above mentioned then and in that event, whatever of the above
three quarters of my Estate remains undevised by my Wife Barbara, my Will and
desire is should be equally divided between Olivia Ann BRICKELL and her sister
Marina BUCKELL to rest in them and their heairs forever - and the one quarter of
my Estate above given to Olivia Ann BRICKELL to vest in her and her heirs for-
ever. I hereby constitute my beloved Wife Barbara Low PEARCE and my friend
Richard GRIST and do appoint them my Exectorix and Executor to this my last Will
and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal February
8th 1820.
Slade PEARCE (seal)
May Term 1821. Then was the last Will and Testament of Slade PEARCE dec’d prov-
ed in Court by the Oaths of Wm. WORSLEY, Jas. H. K. WILLIAMS and Allen GRIST -
and ordered to be Recorded - and Rich'd GRIST came into Court and Qualified as
Executor thereto. THO. S MAW

In the Name of God Amen I William EBORN of Beaufort County and Province of North
Carolina being sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to
Almighty God calling to mind the uncertainty of death and it once appointed for
all men to die, I devise make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in the
manner and form following. First and principally I give my Soul into the hand
of Almighty God that giveth it nothing doubting but at the great day of the
Resurrection at the last to receive the same again hoping thro the merits of
death and passions of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, to have full and free
pardon of all my Sins and my body I leave to the Earth to be buried in a Christ-
ian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned and as
touching such worldly Esta e as it has pleased Almighty God to bless me with in

this life I leave and dispose of in manner and form following, my will and de-
sire is that all my just debts and Funeral expences be satisfied and paid.
First. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son William EBORN my manor plant-
tation and the one half of the land with ail the appurtenances thereunto belong
-ing to him and his heirs and assigns forever and one half of a negro boy named
Eli to him and his heirs and assigns forever to receive the same at the death
of my Wife. 2d. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Polly Ann EBORN
the plantation where my Mother lived and one half of the Land belonging to my
manner plantation belonging to her and her heirs and assigns forever, and I
give bequeath one half of a Negro boy named Elis to her and her heirs and
assignsforever to receive the same at the death of my Wife. 3d. I give and be-
queath to my beloved Wife all of my Stock and Farming utensils and Horse and
Household and Kitchen furniture to me belonging to her heirs forever to receive
the same at my death. Namely all the property that I should obtain from the
death of my Grandmother I leave it to be equally divided between my son Wm.
EBORN and my Daughter Pollias Ann ABORN at the death of my Grand Mother to re-
eive the same and their Heirs and assigns forever. 4th. I give and bequeath
to my beloved Son Wm. EBORN my small Gun to him and his heirs to receive the
same at my death. 5th. I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife all of Goods
and Chattels in House and out doors articles too tecious to mention singularly
to her her heirs and assigns forever to receive the same at my Death. Lastly
I nominate and constitute and appoint my trusty and well beloved friend William
L. BELL and my beloved Wife my Executors of this my last Will and Testament, re
-volvin all other Wills heretofore by me made allowing this only to be my last
Will and Testament. I Witness whereof I the said Wm. EBORN have hereunto set
my hand and Seal this March 15th day 1821.
Signed, Sealed and pronounced William EBORN (seal)
by the said Wm. EBORN to be his last
Will and Testament in the presence of us.
August Term 1821. Then was the within last Will and Testament of William EBORN
dec'd proved in Court by the Oath of Henry SMITH a Witness thereto and ordered
to be Recorded. Tho. SMAW C.

The State of North Carolina Beaufort County. In the name of God Amen. I
Robert CUTLER Sen'r. being in misery in body but of a sound and disposing mind
and memory, blessed be God, knowing it is appointed unto all men once to die do
recommend my soul unto the hands of God who gave it, and my body to the Ground
to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and as
for s-uch worldly goods as it has been pleased almighty God to bless me with as,
after my Funeral Charges, Doctors Fees, Just Debts, and Legacies are paid, do
dispose of in the manner following (Viz) Item. I give and bequeath to my Son
Robert CUTLER one half of my Land including the manor Plantation containing One
hundred and twenty Acres be the same more or less, bounded as follows, begining
at a Poplar standing on the Westmost prong of Goose Creek and on the North
side of my bridge that leads over the Drinking hole, runing East, across the
upper end of my Plantation to a mulberry tree marked, then to a Persimon and
a White Oak all three Standing within the plantation and then to a Dogwood tree
standing by a Tarkiln bed that old John McKEEL and his Son Edmund burnt and
then to the whortleberry Branch to the run then down said Branch joining John
CUTLER Sen'r Land to a Laurel standing on the south side of the Laurel Pond
and then with my own line Westerly to a Gum standing on the West prong of Goose
Creek with the various courses of the Run to the begining of the aforesaid

and above bounded Land I give unto my Son Robert CUTLER after my decease. Item.
I give & bequeath unto my son William CUTLER the remaining part of my Plantation
Land, the upper part of said Land joining the line of my son Robert and bounded
by the whortleberry Branch and my brother John CUTLERS Land on the westmost
prong of Goose Creek only I reserve a small slip joining my Brother John CUTLERS
Land for the use of his Plantation so far as to clear his orchard begining on
the West prong of Goose Creek runing with a little branch the south side of his
Orchard a direct course to the Whortleberry Branch as far southerly as to clear
all his fencing lying on and joining the Whortleberry Branch on the West. Item.
I give and bequeath to my sons Moses CUTLER One hundred Acres of Land joining
the Land where he now lives. Item. I lend unto my loving Wife Nancy CUTLER
one third part of my Estate all but the Land excepted during her life and
Widowhood without selling or making any waste and rny Will and desire is, that
my loving Wife Nancy CUTLER may live quietly on the Plantation where she now
lives during her life or widowhood. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son Aaron
CUTLER One Bed and some furniture. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son Will-
iam CUTLER One Bed and some furniture. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daugh-
Mary CUTLER one Bed and Furniture. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter
Ann CUTLER one Bed and Furniture: Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter
Rebecca CUTLER One Bed and Furniture. And it is my will and desire that my
three Daughters Mary, Ann and Rebecca live with their Mother on my plantation as
long as they live single. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son Robert CUTLER
my Desk and all the rest of my Estate. Cattle, hogs and Sheep that are in my
mark. Bees, Household and Kitchen Furniture, and Tools, after I have deceased
and my wife Nancy CUTLERS decease to be equally divided amongst all my Children,
Viz, Rob't., John, Moses, Aaron and William, Mary, Lucy, Ann and Rebecca. I
order and appoint you my Son Robert CUTLER and you my Brother John CUTLER
Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do disannul all other Wills
and Testaments but this, and this only to be my last Will and Testament this 5th
day of October 1804.
Signed Sealed and pronounced in the Robert CUTLER (seal)
presence of us for the use of the
above written.
Witness November Term 1821. Then was the within last Will
Henry EBORN and Testament of Robt. CUTLER Senr. dec'd proved in
John BOYD Court in due form of Law by the oath of John BOYD a
Moses EBORN Witness thereto, and ordered to be Recorded and Robt.
CUTLER Jr. came into Court and qualified as Exor
thereto. Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God Amen. I John WINFIELD of the County of Beaufort and State
of No. Carolina being weak of body but of sound mind and memory do make this my
last Will and Testament. First. I give unto my Son James WINDFIELD all my
land. 2d. I give unto my Daughter Harriet Amanda WINDFIELD my Negro man Jacob
3d. I give unto my beloved Wife Nancy WINFIELD the one half of all my perish-
able property both in doors and out the other half I leave to pay my just Debt
and if there should be any more than to pay my just Debts my Will is that the
ballance should be equally divided between my beloved Wife Nancy WINFIELD and
my two Children James and Harriet Amanda WINFIELD Lastly I nominate my Loving
Brother Thomas B. WINFIELD^/hole and sole Executor to this my Will revoking all
other Wills by me made this 20th day of October 1821.
Sealed and delivered in , , .
’ , John WINFIELD (seal)
presence of us. '

November Term 1821. Then was the within last Will and Testament of John WIN-
FIELD dec'd proved in Court in due due form of Law by the Oath of Henry
WINFIELD and ordered to be Recorded - and Thomas B. WINDIELD came into Court
and_Qualif ied_as_ExorJL_theretoi ThoA_SMAW ClkA_

In the name of God Amen. I Charles D. L. WOOLFORD of the County of Beaufort
and State of North Carolina, being Sick and in a low State of Health, but of a
sound and disposing mind and memory do make and ordain my last Will and Test-
ament in the manner and form following that is to say. I give and bequeath un-
to my Friend Joseph B. HINTON all my Estate, as well real. Personal as mixed,
and all manner and Kind of claims both of a legal and equitable kind, which I
have against the former Guardians of my Infantile years or their Securities for
sums due to me for property of mine which went into their hands and never paid
over to me, and also which I have against the Executors or Exectors of the late
Colo. Robert SALTER dec’d in right of my mother Theresa, as well for property
of various kinds never delivered over as for residum of said Estate: and for
Sales of Property at different periods and also which I have ona/c my right of
Inheritance as heir at Law of such of the children of the said Colo. SALTER as
dec'd intestate and leaving no issue -
And I do hereby appoint, nominate and constitute my said friend Joseph B. HINTON
Executor to this my last Will and Testament and hereby revoke all other other
Wills by me made ratifying and confirming this and no other. IN Witness whereof
I have set my hand and seal this 1. October 1821.
Signed, Sealed and published by the Testator as his
will before me.
Witness. Charles D. L. WOOLFORD (seal)
Nov. Term 1821. Then was the last Will and Testament of Charles WOOLFORD dec'd
proved in Court in due form of Law by the Oaths of Jas. L. BLOUNT and E. HOELL,
and ordered to be Recorded - and Joseph B. HINTON came itito Court & qualified
as Exor. thereto. Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God Amen, this 31 day of May 1814, I Henry BAKER being very Sick
in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God Almighty for the same
calling to mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed for all men
to die, I do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in the manner and
form following. First of all I do reccommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty
God who giveth all then my body to the earth, to be buried in a decent Christian
like manner at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the gener
-alresurrection I shall receive the same by the mighty power of Almighty God,
and as touching such worldly goods as it hath pleased God to bless me with in
this life, I give and dispose of in the manner and form following. Item 1. I
give unto my Daughter Polly SLADE one Heifer known by the name of Crumple horns
to her and her Heirs and assigns
Item 2. I give unto my Daughter Sally KIRK One Heifer known by the name of
White face to her and her Heirs and assigns. Item 3. I give unto my Daughter
Prissy BAKER one Heifer known by the name of pidey to her and her Heirs and
assigns. Item 4. I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth BAKER one Cow and Calf
known by the name of Starr to her and her Heirs and assigns. Item 5. I lend
unto my Wife my House and Plantation and the remaining part of my Stock, Cattle
Hogs and Bees, and all my household furniture and my working Tools to her dur-
ing her life or Widowhood and after her death or Marriage I leave the said prop
-erty as follows. Item 6. I give unto my Son Nathan BAKER my House and Planta
-tion Containing Fifty acres of Land to him and his Heirs and assigns. Item 7.
I give unto my three other sons Wm., Henry, Abraham One hundred and Seventy Six
Acres of Land to be equally divided between them, to them & their Heirs and as-
signs. Item 8. I give unto my three DaughtersPolly, Peggy and Ruthe one Feath
-er Bed a piece to them and their Heirs and assigns. Item 9. One unborn not
knowing whether a boy or Girl but if it should be a son I give a equal share of
Land in with the other sons, if a Daughter an equal share with the three young-
est Daughters to them and their Heirs and assigns. Item 10. I give unto my
son Abraham BAKER my Gun to him and his Heirs assigns. Item 11. After the de-
cease of my wife I leave my large Canoe to be equally divided amongst my sons
to them and their Heirs and assigns. Item 12. I leave the remaining part of
my stock and household furniture and my working Tools after my wifes decease to
be equally divided amongst my Eight Children to them and their Heirs and assign
I ordain my wife Rushe BAKER and my sons Wm. BAKER my Executors to manage my
affair revoking all other Wills by made allowing this and no other Wills to be
my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
Seal the day and date first mentioned.
Henry BAKER (seal)
Signed Sealed in the presence of
Test Wm. BAKER
Nov. Term 1821. Then was the within last Will and Testament of Henry BAKER
dec'd proved'in Court by the Oath of Wm. BAKER a witness thereto - and ordered
to be Recorded - and Rushe BAKER and Wm. BAKER qualified as Exec’r Exor thereto.

In the name of God Amen. I Thomas DEALE being now in sound mind and in good
health thanks be to God but knowing the uncertainty of life do now make and or-
dain this my last Will and Testament, Viz First. I lend to my beloved Wife
Fanny DEALE all my real & personal Estate during her natural life. Second my
will is that after the death of my beloved Wife Fanny DEALE all my real and
personal Estate shall be equally divided between the Children
of Isam MARRINER that he now has or hereafter may have by his present wife Caty
MARRINER. In testimony of which I hereunto set my hand and seal this 10th day
of March 1820.
T. D. (seal)
Signed and Sealed in presence of
February Term 1822 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will and Testament of Thomas DEALE proved in Court by the
Oath of Jno. F. MEDER and ordered to be Recorded and Fanny DEALE came into Court
and Qualified as Administratrix thereto. Tho. SMAW

In the name of God Amen. I Benjamin HODGES of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina being at this present time in an infirm state of health but
of sound mind and memory and knowing the uncertainty of human life, do make and
ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following to Wit.
In the first place my Will is that my Executors herein after named pay all my
lawful debts by the sale of all that part of my perishable property which is not
herein & otherwise disposed of. Secondly. I lend unto my beloved Wife Rebecca
HODGES during her natural life, the tract of Land and Plantation whereon I now
live with all the Household and Kitchen furniture and Farming utensils belonging
to the said Plantation also a horse called Bob and the Riding Chair and Harness
four Cows and Calves to be chosen out of my Stock by herself, all my Stock of
Hogs, one Yoke of Oxen & oxcart also a negro man named Tom and his Wife Sail a
negro woman named Lid with her two Children named Andrew and Rose and the in-
crease of said Negroes during the life of my said Wife. Thirdly, I lend unto
my Son Hansel HODGES during his natural life, or so long as he may live on it
and no longer, the Land whereon he now lives being one half of the Simon JONES
patent. Fourthly. To my Son John HODGES I give and bequeath the other half of
the Simon JONES patent together with Seventy three acres of River Pocoson, be-
ing that tract on which the Fishery is. I also give and bequeath to my said
Son John after the death or removal of my said Son Hansel that half of the
Simon JONES Patent, which is herein before lent to the said Hansel as aforesaid
all the foregoing bequeststo my third son John his heirs and assigns forever.
I also give to my said Son John his heirs and assigns forever, the Land I own
adjoining the Plantation on which I live, being part of several tracts, say be-
ginning at a white oak on the South Side of of the Gum Swamp runing up the Swamp
to a drain then with the said drain and a line of marked trees to the back line
of the Thomas DANIEL patent. also One hundred acres on the north side of Gum
Swamp pattented by Matthew HODGES, also after the death of my wife the tract of
Land and Plantation, on which I now live. Fifthly. I desire that negroes,
Solomon and his wife Easter should be sold by my Executors on a credit of Twelve
months the payment to be
secured in such a manner as my Executors shall think but, I desire also that all
my land not herein otherwise disposed of be sold by my Executor as soon as
practicable in such Lots or parcels as they may think best on Credit of one and
two years, the purchase money to be secured by good Bonds and Mortgages on the
Land and the amount arising from the sale of said negroes and Land so soon as
sold or Collected to be divided into five equal shares or parts of which I give
one Share to each of my Daughters herein named. Viz. Jane HODGES, Wife of
James HODGES, Ann PERKINS, wife of Wm. PERKINS, Holland REDDICK, wife of Ebeni-
zar REDDICK, and Sophia HODGES, and the remaining share to be divided equally
between my Grand Children Joel LANIER and John H. LANIER, Sixthly I give my
son John and to my daughter Sophia each one Bed and furniture each respectively
to be delivered them on the day of Marriage, or attaining the age of Twenty one
Years, whichever may first happen. I also give to each of my Grand Children,
Joel LANIER and John H. LANIER, One Bed and Furniture to be received by them
respectively after the death of my Wife. Sixthly, It is my Will and desire that
all my Negroes not herein otherwise disposed of together with their increase be
hired out annually in the County of Beaufort, by Executors in the usual manner
of hiring negroes out annually untill the death of my Wife, at which time I de-
sire that the said Negroes, together with the negroes loaned my Wife be divided
between my Sons, Daughters and Grand Children, herein before named and no others,
my aforesiad Sons daughters each to have one share and each of my aforesaid
Grand Children half a share, at which time also I desire that the stock and
other perishable property and Furniture loaned my Wife which may remain at her
death be sold and the money arising therefrom, together with the accumilated
from the hire of the negroes aforesaid and all other undisposed surplus of my
property be divided Between my Sons and Daughters before named and Grand Children
aforesaid in the manner and proportion before expressed in this article. Seven-
thly. I give unto my Sons and Daughters and Grand Children herein before named
all articles and property and Debts due me from them which I may at any time
have advanced or loaned to them respectively in my life time. Eighthly. I
give unto my beloved wife in addition to the foregoing bequests one years pro-
visions sufficient for herself and family and if a sufficiency should be on hand
at mv death I desire my Executors to purchase the same for her or make up the
value thereof in money. Ninthly. My Will is that if either of my Grand Children
before named should die before arriving at the age of twenty one and without
leaving lawful issue, that then and in that case, the share or part of my prop-
erty herein given to such a child so dying be given to the survivor of the said
Grand Children and if both should die within age and within leaving lawful issue
as aforesaid then the share or part of my property herein given to both of them
respectively to be given to and divided equally between my children before named
and no others.
Tenthly and lastly. I nominate and appoint as Executors of this my last Will
and Testament my friend John MYERS of the County of Beaufort and my Son John
HODGES, and if either of them should die before the full execution and perfor-
mance of this Will, I hereby empower the survivor of them to act in all cases
whatever, and furthermore I hereby declare that the foregoing several bequests
and legacies to my Wife are intended to be in lien and satisfaction for all claim
or right of dower in and to any part of my property dated this 21 day of January
in the year of our Lord 1822.
Benjamin HODGES (seal)
Signed, Sealed published and declared
to be the last Will and Testament of the
said Benjamin HODGES in the presence of us,
who have signed in presence of the Testator
and of each other.
Samuel LATHAM.
Feb y Term 1822 of Beaufort County, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last will and Testament of Benjamin HODGES dec’d proved in Court
by the Oath of Sam’l Latham, and ordered to be recorded and Jno. Myers and Jno.
HODGES came into court and qualified as Exors thereto.
Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God Amen I Jacob WILKINS of the County of Beaufort, being sick and
weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be God, do this
21 day of January in the year of our Lord 1822 make and publish this my last
Will and Testament in the following manner and form to Wit. Item first. I give
and bequeath I lend to my Wife Susanna WILKINS one hundred acres of Land to be
the plantation to be split from the division line between Jacob CONNER & me, I
lend it to her her life and then I give it to my Son Benjamin WILKINS. I also
lend her my Still till my son Benjamin WILKINS comes to the age of Twenty one.
I give her my mare, I also lend her my negro man Bill, her life and after her
death I give him to my Son Benjamin WILKINS, I give her eleven of two year old
Hogs and a Sow and Pigs and a pair of fire irons and Tongs and Shovel and Thir-
teen Gallons of Molasses and two Cows and yearlings and one pot and trammel and
one Bed and furniture and all the meat and corn that I have now laid in and two
hogs that is now in the pen and one pair of small Steelyears. Item. I give to
my son Benjamin WILKINS One Bed and Furniture. Item. I give and bequeath to my
Daughter Julia WILKINS Fifty acres of Land to be laid off out of my other hundred
acres that I have not give to my Son. I give her one negro man by the name of
Sam and one Bed and Furniture and one Hackell.
Item. I give and bequeath to my two daughters Mary WILKINS and Nancy WILKINS
one negro man by the name of Joseph and one Bed and Furniture a piece for each
of them and the other Fifty acres of Land I have not mentioned to be equally
divided between the two. Mary and Nancy WILKINS and all my on mentioned proper-
ty to be sold and equally divided between my Wife and four Children and I hereby
make and ordain my worthy friends Jacob CONNER and Ann WILKINSON Executors of
this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I the said Jacob WILKINS

have to this my last Will and Testament 1 set my hand and Seal the day and Year
above written. , , . .
c- i
Signed, c n ,
Sealed, i -» . -i j and, declared
published j , j by
, Jacob (X) WILKINS
the said Jacob WILKINS the Testator as his
last Will and Testament in the presence of
us who were present at the time of signing
and sealing thereof.
Test.Jesse (X) BEECHAM ^ m £ „
Febr y Term 1822
Robert (X) KIPPS °f Beaufort County Court
of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the last
Will and Testament of Jacob WILKINS dec’d proved in Court by the Oath of Robert
KIPPS subscribing Witness thereto - and ordered to be Recorded - and Jacob CONNER
came into Court and Qualified as Exor thereto.
Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God Amen. I Benjamin BEADY Jr. of the State of North Carolina
and Beaufort County, being weak of body but of perfect mind and memory blessed
be god for the same do this 18th day of November in the Year of our Lord 1821.
I make and constitute this my last Will and Testament in form and manner as
follows, that is to say, first of all I recommend my Soul to God who gave it
and my body to be buried in a decent manner at the discretion of my Executor and
as for my worldly Goods I give and dispose of as follows. Item. I give to my
brother John BRADY and three Sisters, Betsy ROGASON, Sally and Nancy BRADY all
my Interest I have in the negroes and ther increase that Francis JONES by Deed
of gift gave to the Heirs of Benjamin BRADY Senr. I also give my brother John
all my notes. Watch and Clouthing after paying all my' Just Debts. I also here-
by appoint and constitute my brother John BRADY Executor of this my last Will
and Testament. In Witness whereof I have unto set my hand and seal in the

32! W. M. BOND Benjamm BRADY Jr. (seal)

February Term 1822. Then was the last Will and Testament of Benjamin BRADY Jr.
proved in Court by the Oath of W. M. BOND a Witness thereto and ordered to be
Recorded and John BRADY canTe into Court and Qualified as Executor thereto.
Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God Amen. I Henry SLADE of the County of Beaufort and State of
North Carolina being Weak of body but of sound mind and memory do make and or-
dain this and no other to be and contain my last Will and Testament, and I de-
sire it may be rec'd by all as such. Imprimiese. Item. Now as touching such
worldly Goods as it hath pleased God to bless me with I give and bequeath in
the manner & form following. Item. I give to my Son Henry SLADE Thirty Acres
of Land containing my house and Plantation and two Feather Beds and Furniture.
Item. I lend to my beloved Wife Fanny SLADE my House and Plantation and two
beds and Furniture during her widowhood and one bed and Furniture I give her
during life and at her decease to go to my son Henry SLADE. Item. I give to my
beloved Wife Fanny SLADE her choice of four cows and calves out of my Stock dur-
ing her Widowhood and the same at her marriage to return to my Son Henry SLADE.
I give her one Stear to her own disposal to make use of. Item. The residue of
my Cattle I leave to be sold for the purpose of breading my family during widow-
hood. Item. I give to my Wife Fanny SLADE one Linen Wheel and one woollen wheel
and all my Cards, I lend to my Wife the whole of my Table Furniture and give her
one third after marriage. I lend to my Wife Fanny SLADE during Widowhood the
whole of my Iron ware and if she dont used it all to dispose of such as she
thinks best, I also give her four Chairs and one large Chest Loom and all my
Weaving utensils. Item. I give to my son Henry SLADE my hand mill and lendthe
same to my wife during Widowhood. Item. I give unto my Wife Fanny SLADE all
my own wheat that is now agrowing and one third of the other, and what Corn,
wheat and meal I have in the House. I give to my Wife Fanny SLADE all my Spining
truck. I also give her all my Hogs and Sheep, and my Bees I leave to be sold
with all articles not mentioned concluding the whole which I have not willed I
wish to be put to the use of Schooling and raising my child. Item. I give to
my Daughter Betsey RICHARDS three dollars to be paid her in money after my decease
with the Cattle she now has. And lastly I constitute my friend Jesse ROBASON
the sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and Trustee for my wife and
Child. In testimony hereof I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal this 7th
day of March 1818.
Henry (X) SLADE (seal)
Attest: Warren SEELY
Jno. (X) CLARK
February Term 1822. Then was the within last Will and Testament of Henry SLADE
dec'd proved in Court by the oath of Warren SEELY a Witness thereto and ordered
to be Recorded. Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God Amen. I Dorcas CHAPMAN of the County of Craven and State of
North Carolina being afflicted and low in Health but in sound mind and memory
do make this my last Will and Testament in form following. I give to my Husband
John CHAPMAN my Household Furniture and my live Stock of every discription, my
Reading Books, 1 Side Saddle 1 Bed and Furniture and what money I left in the
House. Item. I give to my Sister Laney GATLIN one hundred dollars. Item. I
give to Dorcas GATLIN Daughter of Levi GATLIN one Negro Girl Fanny. Item. I
give to Zach GATLIN Son of Levi GATLIN negro boy Jacob. Item. I give to
Stephen GATLIN son of Shade GATLIN Negro boy Edmund. Item. I give to Sally
GATLIN Shade GATLINS Daughter negro boy Abraham. Item. I give to Maryann
WORSLEY Daughter of Stephen WORSLEY after she arrives to the age of Twenty years
and has lawful issue of her body one negro boy Jesse. to be to the disposal of
my brother Wm. WORSLEY untill then and if the said Mary Ann should die without
lawful issue the said Negro boy to return to my family. Item. I give to my bro-
ther John WORSLEY's Eldest child one negro man Adam free. I also leave Caty her
Youngest Child Martin, also give to Caty and Adam the sum of three hundred
dollars to be laid out in Land, Stock & Provision to the best advantage. Item.
I give to my brother Wm. WORSLEY a Mortgage that I hold on his property. also
I give to my brother Wm. WORSLEY all my right, title and Interest that I have to
the property that fell to me, by the Death of my Nephew Benj'n Saunders WORSLEY.
I also constitute and appoint my Brother Wm. WORSLEY & Jonathan HAVENS Executors
to this my last Will and Testament, given under my hand at Washington, Beaufort
County this 7th day of December 1821. ^
Signed m the presence of us.
Jesse B. BRYAN
February Term 1822. Then was the within last Will and Testament of Dorcas
CHAPMAN dec'd proved in Court by the oath of W. HOELL a Witness thereto - and
ordered to be Recorded, and Wm. WORSLEY came into Court and Qualified as Exor
thereto. Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God Amen. I William Barrow ADAMS of the State of North Carolina
and in the County of Beaufort, being in a low side of health but of sound mind
and memory and knowing that it appointed for all men to die do make and publish
this my last Will and Testament in writing as follows. Item. I give devise and
bequeath unto my beloved Father John ADAMS all mv Estate both real and personal
of every description whatever unto him and his Heirs forever. And lastly I do
hereby nominate and appoint my aforesaid Father John ADAMS Executor to this my
last Will and Testament in testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
Seal this 14th day of August 1821.
W. B. ADAMS (seal)
Signed, Sealed and delivered in
presence of us.
May Term 1822. Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then the
within purporting to contain the last Will and Testiment of Wm. B. ADAMS dec'd.
was proved in open Court by the oaths of Lewis BLOUNT and Thomas BARROW the
subscribing Witnesses thereto, in due form of Law and John ADAMS the Exor named
therein came into Court and Qualified by taking the usual Oath and ordered to
be recorded. Thomas SMAW c.

In the name of God Amen. I Thomas WALKER Sen'r. of the County of Beaufort
being in ordinary health and of a sound mind and usual Judgment thanks be to God
for this it is appointed for all men once to die. I now in this my last Will
and Testament in manner and form as follows. Viz: I to I give and queath unto
my son William WALKER my Blacksmiths Tools. I I give and bequeath unto my
Grand Daughter Penny STILLEY my Bed and furniture and Stead. Item. I give and
bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Betsy RIDDILL one Bed and Furniture. Item. I
give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Peggy STILLEY one Linen wheel and also
one Cow. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Rachael STILLEY all
Land lying on the South Side of the main road. Item. I ordain the next of
my Land and property to be sold to pay my debts at my decease. Item. I give
and bequeath all the overplus money to my Daughters Com STILLEY if she is
living, but if dead then to her Heirs. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daugh-
ter Betsey PEED one dollar for her part of the Estate. I have appoint my daugh-
ter Confort STILLEY and Alexa REDDITT my Executors to this my last Will and
Testament. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal. May 6th
Test. Windsor WHITE Thomas WALKER (seal)
February Term 1822. Then was the within last Will and Testament of Thomas WALKER
dec'd proved in Court by the Oath of Windsor WHITEa Witness thereto and ordered
to be Recorded, and Comfort STILLEY the Ex'x. came into Court & Qualified as
Ex'x. thereto. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. I Jesse DAVIS of the County of Beaufort & State
of North Carolina do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in form
and manner following. 1st. I lend unto my beloved Wife, Sylvia DAVIS, all my
negroes. Stock and Household Furniture & all my Movable property of every
description during her natural life or widowhood and after her death or marriage
to be equally divided amongst my children then living or their Heirs lawfully be-
gotten of their body. My Wife on her part is to raise and School the Children
for the benefit and _____ of the above property and to pay all my lawful
Debts and to pay at the coming of age or Marriage of each child the sum of Fifty
dollars out of my perishable or Movable property. I also lend my Wife the use
of my Plantation on where I now live during her natural life. 2d. I give to my
Son Samuel DAVIS the Oak ridge Patent lying on Hyde County, also 50 acres lying
near Rich'd DAVIS in the Muny Pattent with 35 Acres that I purchased of Hezekiah
STILLEY. 3d. I give to my two Sons Hardy and Doyle DAVIS the plantation and
and Lands after the Death of my said WifeSylvia DAVIS to be divided and valued
between them by three discrete persons, and if the said Samuels lots should not
be valued to one third of the whole then the two boys Hardy and Doyle to make up
to Samuel a sum sufficient to be equal to them. It is further my wish that if
my wife should die before my Children come to the Years of Twenty one or Marry
that my Executor to be hereafter appointed to dispose of the said Estate at his
their discretion for the aforesaid Purpose of raising and Educating the
Children and to hire out my Slaves at private Sale to the best advantage in add-
ition to the Fifty dollars spoken of there shall be a farther sum of one hundred
Dollars paid over by me Executors at their aforesaid age or Marriage. And it is
also my wish that at the close or final distribution of my Estate that my
Daughters or their representatives in the way hereto for _____ should be made
equal with the boys giving them an additional to cover the valuation of my
lands, so that each Child shall their equal portion of my Estate. I nomin-
ate and appoint my worthy friends John McWILLIAMS, and my Wife Sylvia DAVIS and
my worthy friends mes SATCHELL Senr. my whole and Sole Executors and Executrix
of this my last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand
Seal this 14th day of April in the Year of our Lord Christ 1822.
& Sealed and Executed in the N
, Jesse DAVIS (seal)
presence of us who hereunto annex our
names. Thomas ALLEN
August Term 1822 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.
Then was the last Will and Testament of Jesse DAVIS dec'd proved in Court by the
Oath of Sam'l CLARK a subscribing Witness thereto and ordered to be Recorded and
John McWILLIAMS of Pungo came into Court and qualified as Exer. thereto.
Tho. SMAW c.

State of North Carolina Beaufort County. In the name of God Amen, I Aaron
GURGANUS of the State and County aforesaid being weak in body but of sound mind
and disposing Judgment do make this my last Will and Testament as follows. Item.
give to my beloved Wife Susan GURGANUS, whom I nominate sole Executrix of this
my last Testament two Young Cows marked Cross and under bit the right and cross
and under Slit the left and two stears Eight head of hogs and Ten head of Sheep
one Horse, her choice and Chair and Harness all the household and Kitchen Furni-
ture all the Cattle and hogs in the Plantation mark whereon we now live and one
hand mill and all Debts due me and the Crop. Item. I give to my dear brother
Richard GARGANUS, Sixty acres of Land joining John SISCUM and Isaac WILKERSON
and Thirty acres Joining Noah PARETREE and Isaac WILKINSON, but I except my moth-
ers life right in said Land and I also give to my Brother Richard my Feather Bed
when he marries, my wife to have the same until he marries and I give him one
Safe and one Gun and half the price of one Horse after the Sale of said Horse,
the remainder to pay my Debts. I give to my Dear Sister Margaret GURGANUS one
chest. I give to my beloved Wife Susan GURGANUS one Iron Morter and two Hogs to
pay for some Sows & Pigs and I give to my wife all my farming utensils. In wit-
ness whereof I hreunto set my hand and seal this 8th of November 1822.
In presence of
Wm. M. SEARS Aaron GURGANUS (seal)
November Term 1822 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will & testament of Aaron GURGANUS dec'd proved in Court by
the Oath of Wm. M. SEARS a subscribing Witness thereto and ordered tobe Recorded
and Susan GURGANUS came into Court and qualified as Ex'x thereto.

Tho. SMAW c.

In the name of God Amen, I Thomas BOYD of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina, being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be God, do
this 1st day of April in the Year of our Lord One Thousand and Eight nundred and
Nineteen make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following,
that is to say. First, I give and bequeath to my Wife Ann BOYD my negro man
Solomon my negro Woman Mimah, my negro Woman Time to her her Heirs and assigns
forever. I lend to my Wife all that part of the Plantation I purchased
of BOWEN on the North side of the Main Road with a priviledge of Timber and any-
thing for the use of the plantation during her life or Widowhood. I likewise lend
her all the Negroes and Stock of every kind and all the household and Kitchen
Furniture during her life or Widowhood, the Negroes lent is what is left after
the legacies are paid. Item. I give to my Son William G. BOYD all the Land I
hold in the fork of Bath Town Creek binding with the various courses of the main
run of each prong of Said Creek to him his Heirs and assigns forever, I also
give my Son William G. BOYD my Negro man Levi and my Negro man Sam to him his
Heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my Son George BOYD the
Land begining at his own corner opposite the new Field runing down themain Creek
or run opposite a branch by a place known by the name of Robbins stand then a
direct course to the branch then up the branch a direct course to the begining
of my Fifty acre patent on Chinquepin ridge so as to include that patten, to his
own line, together with one half of the Griss and Saw Mills and half the Dam and
materials belonging to said Mill to him his Heirs and assigns forever, I also
give my Son George BOYD all the Land I hold on the east side of the Ditch leading
to Lathams Mill pond binding with South side of the Main Road leading to Bath
to Dixons branch to him his Heirs and assigns forever proveded that he gives
Thomas K. BOYD a Deed for one hundred and Fifty Acres of Land he holds on the
West side of said Ditch. Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Carey BOYD two
hundred acres of Land I hold on the ridge of Long Acre, binding with the East
Dismal and Wm. BOYD Senrs. lines to the West to him his Heirs and assigns forever.
I also give to my Son Carey BOYD the Land that I hold to the south of Robbins
Stand branch & Wm. BOYDS lines to him his Heirs and assigns forever. I also
give my Son Carey BOYD my negro man York and my Negro boy Harry to him his Heirs
and assigns forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Thomas K. BOYD all my
Land on the south side of the main run or Creek of Pungo Swamp not already given
away, together with one half of the Griss and Saw Mills and one half of the Dam
and materials belonging to the said Mills to him his Heirs and assigns forever.
I also give my Son Thomas King BOYD the Plantation I had of BOWEN after his
Mothers Death or Marriage to him his Heirs and assigns forever. It is my Will
after my Wife Ann BOYDS Death or Marriage that my personal property after my
just Debts are paid shall be equally divided between all my Seven Children if
living. Share and Share alike, that is to say Wm.G., George, Carey & Thomas K.
BOYD all the Lands I hold in the East Dismalto be equally divided between them
Share and Share alike to them their Heirs and assigns forever. And I hereby
makeand ordain my Son George BOYD, Executor of this my Will and Testament in
Witness whereof I the Said Thomas BOYD have to this my last Will & Testament set
mv hand and Seal the day and Year above written.
Thomas BOYD (seal)
Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Thomas K. BOYD one negro boy Anthony, one
negro boy named Jordan, and one negro Girl named Rebekkah to him his Heirs and
assigns forever. In witness whereof I hereunto Set my hand and seal to this

under Legacy as there may be no dispute as the Legacy was forgot in the Will a-
bove. Thomas BOYD (seal)
November Term 1822. Beaufort County Court of Pleas & quarter Sessions. Then
was the last Will and Testament of Thomas BOYD dec'd proved in Court by the Oaths
of Wm. BOYD, James LATHAM and John WINDLEY - and ordered to be Recorded, and
George BOYD came into Court and qualified as Exor. thereto.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen. This 23d day of October in the Year of our Lord
1822. I Appleton SQUIRES being of sound mind and perfect memory do make and
publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son Jacob SQUIRES all of my Land and I also
give unto my Son Jacob SQUIRES my Cart and I also give him my Hackell to him his
Heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my three daughters
Barbara, Amey and Nancy GRADELESS all of my property not willed above to them
their Heirs and assigns forever, and I lastly appoint and ordain my son Jacob
SQUIRES my Executor to this my last Will and Testament, and I have hereunto
affixed my Seal and Signed the same the date & year above written.
John HABORN Test. . , .
Worden SQUIRES test Appleton (X) SQUIRES (seal)
November Term 1822. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the last
Will and Testament of Appleton SQUIRES dec'd proved in Court by the Oath of Wor-
den SQUIRES, and ordered to be Recorded, and Jacob SQUIRES came into Court and
qualified as Exor. thereto.
‘ Tho. SMAW, Clk.

In the name of God Amen I William GURGUNIS of the County of Beaufort and
state of North Carolina being at this time in a low state of Health though of
sound mind and memory as ever, am disposed to settle my time business in the
following manner. After remembering my soul to God who gave it and my body to
the earth from whence it came, I give unto my Wife Agnes GURGANUS all my property
Land, Stock and householding Furniture to do as she pleases with her life time
to raise my Children and if after her death to give and Will to who she pleases
by settling my just debts. Naming my beloved Wife Agness GURGANUS as my whole
Sole Executrix to this my last Will and Testament, hereby me an revoking all
others by me heretofore made as Witness my hand and Seal this 28th day of 1822.
Wm. GURGANUS (seal)
Jno. K. DAVIS, Jacob PAUL
February Term 1823, of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will & Testament of Wm. GURGANUS dec’d proven in Court by
the Oath of John R. DAVIS -and ordered to be Recorded.
Tho. SMAW Clk.

In the name of God Amen I Walter HANRAHAN of the County of Beaufort and
State of North Carolina being weak of body but of sound disposing mind do make
and Constitute this my last Will and Testament. The payment of Debts and manner
thereof I submit to my Executors. I give and bequeath to my son Jas. W. HANRAHAN
the sum of One hundred dollars only. I give and devise to my Son William K.
HANRAHAN a half lot with improvements in old Town No. 13. also a half acre with
improvements where I now reside containing part lot no. 44 & 38 also two lots in
Van Noorden Town with improvements including the distillery and a small distill
at the bridge and adjoining the lot of Jas. O.K. WILLIAMS, likewise three lots
in Bonner Town now enclosed. Also one third of two fifths of a piece of Land
where Wilie KENNEDY formerly resided containing exclusive of Marsh about 26&2/3ds

- 133-
Acres. Likewise all my right title and interest of about five hundred acres of
Piney Land adjoining Allen GRIST purchased of Thomas ORMOND also about Eighty
acres of Land in the County of Washington near the Court House. I give and be-
queath to my Son William K. HANRAHAN the following Negroes to Wit: Sharper a
man Charles a man Daniel a man Syphax a man, Jim Cank a man little Davie a boy
Morris a boy, John a boy. Rose a woman, Gloster a woman, Hetty a woman, Hannah
a Woman, Amelia a Girl, Judah a Child.
I give and devise to my Son Joseph R. HANRAHAN half Lot No. 7 in old Town
with improvements also half lot no. 38. with improvements in old Town likewise
all my posessions on Blounts Creek left me by my friend Moses MAUL, all the
lands I purchased of Rob. LANIER known by the names of the Fatheree Lands and
also the Lands I purchased of Theophilus BRADDY and Wife all situate on Blounts
Creek. I give and bequeath unto my Son Joseph R. HANRAHAN the following Negroes
to Wit Bob a man Fed a man, Holloway a man Careles a man Simon a man Bill a boy
Brutol a boy Betty a Woman Cate a woman Amy a woman Celia a Girl The lots previous-
ly devised my two Sons are situate in the Town of Washington and County of Beau-
fort. The residue of my property real or personal in action or possession or
will hereafter be either in action or possession I give to my two Sons Wm. K.
HANRAHAN and Joseph R. HANRAHAN to be equally divided between them except my
Clock which I give solely to my Son Wm. K. HANRAHAN In case my Son Jos. R.
HANRAHAN should have no issue at the time of his death I then devise the afore-
said Lands already given him to my Son Wm. K. HANRAHAN. I nominate and appoint
Edward QUIN, and John KENNEDY & Wm. K. Hanrahan Executors of this my last Will
and Testament and appoint John KENNEDY Guardian to my Son Ja. R. HANRAHAN.
Given under my hand and seal this third day of Apl. 1823.
Signed Sealed and acknowledged in presence „alter HANRAHAN (seal)

of us this last Will and Testament.

000 Benj’n PATRICK
May Term 1823 Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Beaufort County. Then the
execution of the within last Will and Testament of Walter HANRAHAN dec’d was
proven in Court by the Oath of Wm. SHAW & Benj'n PATRICK the subscribing Witness-
es in due form of Law. Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen, I Jonas BAILEY of the County of Beaufort being sick
and weak body but of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be to God this 27-
th day of November in the Year of our Lord 1822. I make and publish this my
last Will and Testament in the following manner and form to it, it I give and
bequeath to Rebecca PARETREE fifty dollars of my property and four killable hogs.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Sister Mary BAYLEY two Cows and Calves. Item.
I give to my brother Samuel BAILEY the residue of my Sheep and Hogs. Item. I
give and bequeath to my sister Elizabeth HERETON mair Colt, and if any thing
more than the Legacies that I have mentioned I also leave it to my Sister Mary
and I hereby make and ordain my worthy friends Thomas BAYLEY and Elijah ROSS
Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I the said
Josias Bay have to this my last Will and Testator I set my hand and seal this

$i^ned^e§eaYI^anci’published and delivered Jonias (X) BAILEY (seal)

by the said Josias Bay. tested this his last will
and Testament in the presents of us wher Wear
present at the time of Signing and Sealing thereof.
Attest. John PARETREE
Curtis (X) FOREMAN
May Term 1823, of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was
the Execution of the within last Will and Testament of Jonas BAILEY dec'd proved

in Court by the Oath of John PARETREE - and ordered to be recorded, and Thomas
BAILEY One of the Exors named in Said Will came into Court & Qualified.
Tho. SMAW C.

In the name of God Amen, I Jeremiah GAYLARD of the State of North Carolina
and Beaufort County being weak of body, but of sound sense & and a disposing
memory calling to mind the uncertainty of life and the Certainty of death do
make and commit to writing this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
as follows. Item 1. I commend my Soul to God who gave it me and my body to be
decently buried according to the dis of my Executors hereafter named also for
my just debts to be paid. Item 2. I give and bequeath unto my Son Jeremiah W.
GAYLARD all my tract of Land to the Eastward of my middle ditch which runs near
the chimney at the westward end of my dwelling House and with the Course of said
ditch to the Creek and also to the back line, I also give him the old womans and
Celia and her child Lewis and her increase, I give him also all my
perishable Estate out of which with the income thereof he is to furnish his
mother with support during her natural life or widowhood also he is to give his
brother Richard GAYLARD one Years Schooling provided he continues with him as
one of the family untill he is twenty one Years of age, if he does not, then he
is not entitled to the said Years Schooling and he is to give his Brother James
GAYLARD two Years Schooling. Item 3. I give and bequeath unto my Son Richard
GAYLARD one hundred acres of land more or less near the head of Broad Creek in-
cluding all the tract which I hold there which lies above Richard RESSASSES Mills
also I give him a claim which I hold against Dan11 CAMPBELL for about two hundred
dollars be the same more or less which said claim I give him to make up the de-
ficiency of his Legacy of Land with the others. I give him also one negro boy
named Martin, and Negro girl named Marthy about 18 months old and her increase
to him and his Heirs forever. Item 4th. I give and bequeath unto my son James
GAYLARD all my tract of Land to the Westward of the said Ditch described in the
legacy to Jeremiah W. GAYLARD is to run to the back line of a Fifty acre patent
granted to me which lies directly back of this front tract, also I give my Son
James GAYLARD negro Woman Hannah and her increase and also her two Children, name-
ly Amanda and Jacob to him and his Heirs. Item 5. My Will is that if either
of my three Sons named as Legatees in this Will should die under the age of
twenty one years old that the legacy left to him by this Will shall be equally
divided between the surviving two, or one if two of them should not arrive to
the age of one and twenty years to Heir the whole of the said legacies. Item 6.
I appoint ordain and nominate to this my last Will and testament my Son Jeremiah
W. GAYLARD and my friend William WINDLEY my Executors in testimony whereof I do
hereunto set my hand and seal this 25 day of December 1822. in presence of the
subscribing witnesses . Ar>TA ,
„. , 71ATTTrTiac Jeremiah GAYLARD (seal)
May Term 1823. of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was
the within last Will and Testament of Jeremiah GAYLARD dec'd proved in Court by
the Oath of Major HAWKINS - and ordered to be Recorded - and Jeremiah GAYLARD
^^^==4^9= ========================
North Carolina ) In the name of God Amen. I Willoughby MOORE of the County and
Beaufort County) State aforesaid being some what weak and low in body but of
perfect sound mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God for it, calling to mind
the mortality of all men knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die to
make constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament this the 25th day of
August in the Year of our Lord 1823. first I leave my body to the discretion of

my Executors to be buried in a decent manner, my soul I recommend to the hands
of my Redeemer astouching my worldly Goods which it hath been pleased God to
bless me with. Item 1. I give and bequeath unto my Wife Amey MOORE Fifty acres
of Land where my House sets at this time and all of my moveable property. Item
2. I leave unto my daughter Mary Ann REARS the residue of my Land. Item. 3.
I leave unto my Mother Lucy MOORE one Item. 4. I leave unto my Brother John
MOORE one dollar Item 5. I leave unto my Sister Peggy MOORE one dollar. Item
6. I leave unto my Brother William MOORE one dollar. Item the 7. I leave unto
my brother Giles MOORE one dollar. I also constitute and ordain my Wife Amey
MOORE Executrix to this my last Will and Testament in Testimony whereof I have
hereunto put my hand and seal the day and date within written.
Signed, Sealed and acknowledged
Willoughby (X) MOORE (seal)
in presence of
Thomas (X) MORRIS
February Term 1824. Court of PLeas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the last Will
and Testament of Willoughby MOORE dec’d proved in Court by the Oath of Lodo.
REDDITT, and ordered to be Recorded - and Amey came into Court and qualified
as Extx. thereto. Jos. B. HINTON C.

In the name of God Amen. I James CRANDELL of the County of Beaufort and
State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be
God do this 4th day of December in the Year of our Lord 1821 make and publish
this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say. Item. I
lend unto my beloved wife one third part of the Land deeded to my two Sons Enoch
& Christopher CRANDELL during her life also two Negroes Jerry and Celia during
her life and after her death to be equally divided between all my children. I
also lend unto my beloved Wife Mary CRANDELL one third part of my household and
Kitchen furniture and after her death to be equally divided between my Children,
the remainder part of my house hold and Kitchen Furniture to be equally divided
between my Children after my decase. Item. I give unto my five Sons Nicholas,
Enoch, Christopher, Matthia and Bryant CRANDELL all the remainder of my Lands
not before deeded to them by me to them and their Heirs forever.
Item. I give unto my Daughter Thirze BALL fifty five dollars. Item. I give
unto my daughter Louisa CRANDELL fifty five dollars. Item. I give unto my five
Sons my Blacksmiths Tools. Item. I lend the use and labour of my Negro Girl
Cate unto my daughter Thirza BAIR during her life and after her death I give the
Negro Girl Cate and increase if any to the heirs of her body, if any, if none,
to the other heirs at Law. Item. Lend the use and labour of my Negro Girl
Easter unto my Daughter Louisa CRANDELL during her lifetime and after her death
I give the said Negro Girl Easter and increase if any, to the Heirs of her body
if any if none to any other heirs at Law. Item. I give unto my five Sons and
two daughters the remainder of my Negroes to be equally divided and it is my
further desire that my negro man Sam fall in the division to my Sons Christopher
CRANDELL not meaning thereby that he should have him clear but to fall to him in
a division by Valuation. It is my further Will and desire that the remainder of
my Estate within and without doors be equally divided between my Wife and
Children. I do hereby revoke all former Wills by me heretofore made and hereby
nominate my two sons Nicholas CRANDELL and Enoch CRANDELL my whole and sole Execu-
tors of this my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and Seal the day and date before written.
Signed Sealed and acknowledged in
presence of us. James (X) CRANDELL (seal)
Gideon TAUNT & James LATHAM
May Term 1824. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the within last
Will & Testament of James CRANDELL dec'd proved in Court by the Oath of Gideon
TAUNT, and ordered to be Recorded and Enoch CRANDELL came into Court and Quali-
fied as Exer thereto.

In the name of God Amen. I Israel HARDING Sen’r of the County of Beaufort
and State of North Carolina, being of sound mind and memory do make and ordain
this my last Will and Testament in manner following, revoking and annulling all
former Wills. Item first. My Will and desire is that all my Just debts and
funeral Expences be paid out of my personal & perishable Estate. Item. I give
and bequeath unto Agness my Wife my Negro Woman Sylvia and one feather Bed and
furniture during her natural life. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Henry
HARDING his Heirs and assigns, my Negro Woman Sylvia and one feather Bed and
furniture given as above to my Wife at her Death. Item. I give and bequeath
unto my Son Israel HARDING part of the Tract of Land whereon I now live begining
at the mouth of a Small branch that enpties into the maple branch near the north
West Corner of my plantation fence, from thence a direct line with the course of
the said small branch to a-Gxxxxx-xxxx the line of a Tract pattented by Thomas
DANIELS and now owned by the Heirs of Fred'K GRIST
from thence up the said small branch to a Cart road runing from the Newbern Road
near my house to Shad’K DOWNS thence with the road to the next branch, thence
with the last mentioned branch to my nearest line hence with the boundries of
the Land to the begining, also my negro man Matthew and one feather Bed and
Furniture. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel HARDING my Planta-
tion and Lands adjoining whereon I now live except that part given and bequeath-
ed to my Son Israel also one feather Bed and furniture. Item. All my other
property of whatever discription, after the payment of my Debts, I give and be-
queath to be equally divided between my three Sons Henry, Israel and Nathaniel
in that way that they may prefer, by or without a Sale thereof. Lastly, I con-
stitute and appoint my three Sons, Henry, Israel and Nathaniel HARDING Executors
of this my last Will and Testament, and have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the
25th day of March in the Year of our Lord 1815.
Signed, Sealed and Executed in
presence of Israel HARDING (seal)
Rich'd GRIST
Rachael (X) GINN
May Term 1824. Beaufort County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions. Then the ex-
ecution of the within last Will and Testament of Israel HARDING Sen'r. dec’d.
was proven in due form of Law by the Oath of Rich'd GRIST Esqr. one of the sub-
scribing Witnesses thereto and Israel HARDING Jr. one of the Exors came into
Court and took the Oath of an Exor. Jos. B. HINTON C.

In the name of God Amen. I Major HAWKINS being weak of body but of a sound
mind and a disposing memory thanks be to God for the same, calling to mind the
uncertainity of life and the certainty of death I do make and commit to writing
this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows towit. I commend
my Soul to God who gave it and my body to the Earth from whence it came to be de-
cently buried in a christianlike manner and for my just debts to be paid. Item
2. I lend unto my beloved wife Susanna HAWKINS all my property of every discrip-
tion during her natural life or widowhood and if she should marry again or after
her decease if she continues to live single my Will is that the Land and Planta-
tion be divided between my two Sons Jesse HAWKINS and Major HAWKINS in the follow-
ing manner. Item 3. I give to my son Jesse Hawkins after the death or marriage
of his mother the one half of the above named tract of Land beginning on the

creek and from thence runing a north courseto the back line his portion of said
Land to be the West Side of said Tract or dividing line to him and his heirs for-
ever. Item 4. I give and bequeath to my Son Major HAWKINS the other half of
said tract of Land from said dividing line Easterly to him and his heirs for-
ever. Item 5. I give and bequeath unto my daughters Mary HAWKINS and
Eliza Hawkins one negro man named Benjamin after the decease of marriage of their
mother to them and their heirs forever, if either of my two daughters named in
the above Item the 5th should die unmarried my will is that the surviving one
shall be sole heir to the other. Item 6. I give and bequeath unto my daughter
Elizabeth HAWKINS one Negro woman named Rose with her Increase forever and if
the said Elizabeth should die before marriage then I will that said Rose after
the marriage or death of my Wife be equally divided between my two Sons Jesse
HAWKINS and Major HAWKINS. Item 7. I give and bequeath unto my three Daughters
as above named one feather bed after the loan to their mother is out. I do ack-
nowledge this to be my last Will and Testament, in Testimony whereof I have here-
unto set my Land and Seal this 6th day of September 1823. In presence of us
Witnessed by
Major HAWKINS (seal)
May Term 6. Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then the
execution of the within last Will and Testament of Major HAWKINS dec'd was proven
here in Court in due form of Law of the Oath of William WINDLEY one of the Sub-
scribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded.

In the name of God Amen, I Mary BRYAN of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina, being of sound mind and memory do make & publish this my last
Will and Testament, hereby Revoking all others. Item. I give and bequeath unto
Mary B. WILLIAMS, daughter of James 0. WILLIAMS, her heirs and assigns, my negro
Girl Mary. Item, my half with the improvements thereon in the Town of Washing-
ton, and personal property of every description, except Negroes). I direct to
be sold by my Executors in such manner as they think proper, hereby vesting them
with authority for that purpose and the proceeds thereof after the payment of
Debts, together with the whole ballance of my Estate of what hature or kind so
ever I give and bequeath to my three Sisters, Ann GRIMES of the County of Pitt,
Jennett DAWSON of the County of Craven, and Elizabeth GRIST of the county of
Beaufort to be equally divided between them or their representatives hereby con-
veying and confirming the negroes or other Estate hereby bequeasted to the said
Anne, Jennett, and Elizabeth their heirs and assigns - my Nephew Bryan GRIMES
and Richard GRIST, Executors to this my last Will and Testament. In testimony
whereof I have hereinto set my hand and Seal the 23rd day of March 1824.
Signed, Sealed and published
in the presence of Eli HOYT Mary BRYAN (seal)
Edw’d QUIN
May Term 1824. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the within last
Will and Testament of Mary BRYAN dec’d proved in Court by the Oaths of Eli HOYT
& Edward QUIN - and ordered to be Recorded and Rich'd GRIST & Bryan GRIMES came
into Court & Qualified as Executors thereto.

State of North Carolina, Beaufort County. In the name of God Amen. I Christo-
pher HAGAN of the County and state aforesaid being sick and weak of body but
sound mind and memory, caling the mortality of my body. Knowing it is appointed
for all men to die, do acknowledge and ordain this my last Will and Testament
-138 -
and first of all I give and reccommend my soul into the hands of God that gave
it. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Ganet HAGAN one hundred and thirty nine
acres where he lives also part of a piece of Land pattented by Beekam CAFFEY.
I also give him my large Canoe, Hand Mill and Grind Stone and Cart. Item. I
give whereon I now live to my two Daughters Patsey and Delijah and each of them
a feather bed. Item. I give to my two daughters, Mary and Lucia HAGAN my old
place in the neck, I also give each of them a feather Bed apiece. Item. I
give my daughter Penny the Land known by the Taylor place. I wish she should
have money enough out of my Estate to buy her a Bed. Item. I give my Desk, one
Cow and Yearlin to my Daughter Delia. Item. I give the residue of my cattle to
my Sons & five Daughters. Mary, Patsey, Lucy, Penny and my Son Ganard, and also
my Horses in the same way to my son & five daughters I leave about the amount of
fifty dollars in notes which I want to be collected and pay what I owe also the
papers that I have put in the hands of Mr. RODMAN for Collection. Item. I leave
all my Hogs and tools of all description and my Years provision to be sold and
divided among my Heirs. Whereof I ordain this my last Will and Testament and
leave my Son Garrad and Hary HAGAN my lawful Executors. In Witness I here set
my hand and Seal, this February in the Year of our Lord 1824.
In presence of
Christopher HAGAN (seal)
Johu GRAT Cn
Wm. 0. ADAMS
May Term 1824. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the within last
Will and Testament of Chr. HAGAN dec’d proved in Court by the Oath of John CRATCH
and ordered to be Recorded, and Garrad HAGANS came into Court and qualified as
Ex§£UlQ£_lb§E§£Si______________________ Jos_._B_._HINT0N
In the name of God Amen, I, John HARRISS of the County of BEAUFORT and
State of North Carolina, being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be
God for it, do this 14. day of February in the Year of our Lord 1820, have made
and published this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say
first I lend to my beloved Wife Mary HARRISS my land and Plantation whereon I
now live during her life and after her death I give it to my Son William HARRISS
to him and his Heirs forever. Item. I give to my Wife Mary HARRISS one Bed and
furniture and one Woolen Wheel and one Linen wheel to her and her Heirs forever
I lend to my Wife one Mare or Horse which ever I shall have at the time and after
her death to my Son William. I also lend her two Cows and Calves during her life
and after her death to be sold and divided among all my Children, except Nancy
GURGANUS. Item. I give to my Son William HARRISS one Cow & Calf and one Cross
Cut Saw to him and his Heirs forever. Item. I give to my Son John HARRISS Two
hundred acres of Land adjoining of Georges Land by his paying Seventy dollars to
be equally divided between my Wife, my daughters Mary and Elizabeth and Sarah
HARRISS. Item. I give to my Son Ransom HARRISS, One hundred and forty acres
of Land adjoining of Johns Land by his paying Forty dollars to be divided between
my three daughters Mary, Elizabeth and Sarah. Item. I give to my Grand Son
Daniel HARRISS the field known by the name of the Tom field to him and his Heirs
forever. Item. I give to my daughter Mary one Cow and Calf, also One to Eliza-
beth, also one to Sarah, my will and desire is that all the rest of my property
be sold and equally divided among all my Children except Nancy. My Will desire
is that my daughter Nancy have no part of my property, all my cash, that I leave
I desire that it may be divided between my three daughters Mary, Elizabeth &
Sarah. I do appoint Wm. BOYD, & Thomas BOYD Jr. my Executors In witness whereof
I have hereunto set my hand and seal.
Signed Sealed and delivered
John (X) HARRISS (seal)
in presence of us.
Zach. BOYD
“ 1 Jy —
August Term 1824. Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will and Testament of John Harriss dec'd proved in Court by
the Oath of Zach. BOYLES and ordered to be Recorded - and Wm. BOYD Sen'r came
into Court and Qualified as Exox thereto. Jo. B. HINTON C.

In the name of God Amen, I Caleb CHAMBERS in the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina being in sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be then given
to Almighty God, I do make and ordain this my present and last Will and Testament
in manner and form as follows. First. I give to my beloved Wife three beds &
furniture. Item, to her also two chests and seven flag bottom Chairs one Table
and one Loom, three pots, one Canoe and all the rest of my household furniture
that is unmentioned and I give to my Wife all my Stock of Cattle which contains
Ten head and all their increase and all my Stock of Hogs and all my Stock of
Sheep and mark and all my working Tools. I give all the above mentioned articles
to my beloved Wife Lovia CHAMBERS to her forever. Item. I give to Nathan BAKER
one dollar. Item. I give to Fanny BAKER one dollar. Item. I give to Lucretia
BAKER one dollar Item. I give to Fanny Baker one dollar. these three daughters
of my Sister Nancy D. Item. I give to Zachariah CORDING one Gun. Loveda CHAM_
BERS & Wm. ROSS to be my Executors to this my last Will and Testament in witness
whereof I have set my hand and affixed my Seal this 12th day of July in the Year
of our Lord 1823.
In presence of us Caleb (X) CHAMBERS (seal)
August Term 1824. Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
A/as the within last will and Testament of Caleb CHAMBERS dec'd proved in court
by the Oath of Martin D. ROSS - and ordered to be Recorded and Lovisa CHAMBERS
came into Court and Qualified as Ex'x thereto.

In the name of God Amen, I Rhoda PECKAM of the State of North Carolina and County
of Beaufort being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of
human life do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
following (viz) Imprimis. I recommend my Soul to God my Creator, and my body
I leave to be buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter to be named.
Item. If I should depart this life previous to my Examination on a deed for one
hundred Acres of Land lying on the West side of Pungo River and Eh st side of
Pantigo Creek in the County and State aforesaid and bounded as follows, be-
ginning at Enoch FLINS line or Corner runing Northwardly with the said FLINS to
Pantigo Road, thence the same course a cross the Road ten poles thence a West
Course so far that a South line between my land and Samuel J. DURDEN will contain
one hundred acres of Land exclusive of the House and all the Ground now enclosed,
thence with that line
to the first Station which Deed was delivered by me and D. Manson PECKAM to my
Son in Law Henry DAVIS on the 7th September 1820.and alloted by John WINDFIELD
and Daniel LATHAM. It is my Will and desire that the said Henry DAVIS may hold
the Land deeded as aforesaid to himself and his Heirs forever. Item. I give to
my two Sons John WINFIELD and Nathan WINFIELD all the ballance of my real estate
not included in the Deed and bequest above written and mentioned to them and
their Heirs forever. Lastly. I constitute and appoint my Son in Law Henry DAVIS
and my two Sons John and Nahum WINFIELD all the ballance of my real Estate not
included in the Deed and bequest above written and mentioned to them and their
Heirs forever. Lastly. I constitute and appoint my Son in Law Henry DAVIS and
my two Sons John and Nahum WINFIELD Executors to this my last Will and Testament,
hereby revoking former Will or Wills by me made. In Witness of which I have here

unto set my hand and Seal, the 27th December in the Year of our Lord 1820.
Signed, Sealed published
and declared in presence of us
Thomas I. LATHAM Rhoda PECKAM (seal)
August Term 1824. of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will and Testament of Rhoda PICKAM dec'd. proved in Court
by the oath of Thomas I. LATHAM and ordered to be Recorded.

State of North Carolina ) Know all men by these presents that I, Sam’l I. DURDEN
Beaufort County ) of my own free Will and accord do Execute and ordain
this to be my last Will and Testament in writing and as for what Goods and prop-
erty I own and prssess through the mercy and goodness of God I freely and will-
ingly give and bestow in the like and following manner Viz. I give and bestow
to my Friend and Relation Sally A. ANDERSON two Negroes Orrison & Moses and my
Rope Walk Plantation field during her natural life, after her death I leave them
to be divided among my Sisters Children with all the rest of my property perish-
able, personal and real Estate, I leave it all to them to be equally divided
except Samuel WINDLEY, I give him my Bath Ferry Plantation, should it amount to
more than the rest of the Children, by five hundred Dollars, my Will is that he
pay back as much as may be over the sum of five hundred Dollars but not other-
wise. I will that he has that sum more than the rest, my negro woman Susan or
Suckey I leave to be freed but to be under the care of Sally ANDERSON for protec-
tion during her life &c. My will further is that the Catholic Society suffer me
or my Executors for me to fit prepare a pew expressly for me & my friend who may
then attend to my Church after my Death, I want the Pew to be fitted
the expence of Two hundred dollars with Mahogany finishing and elegant door Locks
and my name and number on the door. I further will that my Executors send to New
York for two Elegant Tomb Stones for my Father and Mother Graves. should I never
return and place them over the respective Graves &c. I leave for my Executors
Henry E. WINDLEY & Dardin H. McCABE. Witness my hand and seal this 29th day of
Witness. Sami. I. DURDEN
August Term 1824. of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.
Then was the within last Will and Testament of Sami. I. DURDEN proved in Court
by the Oaths of Allen GRIST and Sami. SMALLWOOD - and ordered to be Recorded and
Henry E. WINDLEY came into Court & Qualified as Executor thereto.

In the name of God, Amen, I Joshua ECHLIN Senr. of the County of Beaufort and
State of North Carolina, being this time of a sound & disposing mind and memory
do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, my soul I recommend unto
The hands of Almighty God who gave it hoping for Salvation through the merits
and Mediations of Christ my Saviour and my Redeemer and my body to the Earth to
be buried in a Christain like manner, my worldly goods I bequeath and dispose
of in a manner as follows.
I give and bequeath unto my beloving Wife Sarah ECKLIN the use of my Planta-
tion Land and Tenements, the use of all my household and Kitchen Furniture and
Plantation Tools during her natural life or Widowhood, also I give unto my loving
Wife Sarah ECKLIN the use of hujar & Frank and also all the negroes except Zeek
and Frank during of her natural life or widowhood, also Eight Cows. I give and
bequeath unto my Son Joshua ECKLIN Jr. the Land that I bought of Benjamin BARTLET
also the Land that I bought Edward BLOUNT 76 acres that Mrs. PATTEN also my Negro

man Zeek to him his Heirs and assigns forever. I give and bequeath unto my Son
Robert ECKLIN my Plantation where I now live with all the Land that belongs to
me except what I have give unto my Son Joshua also my Negro boy Jack to him his
Heirs and assigns forever. I give and bequeath Daughters Mary ARNOLD, Elizabeth
ALLEN and Penelope GALLOWAY and Subrina PATRICK at the death of my wife or
widowhood and equal division of all my negro Stock and household and Kitchen
furniture and Plantation Tools also all the property that and heretofore mention-
ed to be equal divided between my daughters above mentioned and their Heirs for-
ever. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 26th day of
June 1822.
In presence of
Robt. Godley Sen. Joshua (X) ECKLIN Sr. (seal)
August Term 1824. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the within
last Will and Testament of Joshua ECKLIN Sen'r. dec’d. proved in Court by the
Oath of Robert GADLEY Senr. - and ordered to be Recorded.
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen. I Charles ODEN in the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina being weak of body but of sound disposing mind and memory and
knowing that all men is once do die do make this my last Will and Testament in
manner and form as follows. I resign my soul to almighty God that gave it and
my body to be intered at the discretion of my Exors hereafter mentioned. Item.
I lend to my beloved wife the Land and Plantation on the North side of Sevaint
whereon I now live during her life or Widowhood, also one Negro Woman Bettey and
give her my best bed & Furniture one walnut Ihble & Chest all my Farming Tools
all my Crop on the ground and all the provisions in the Houses my Mare and Colt
bridle and Saddle my hogs Sheep and half of Cattle, oxen excepted Kitchen furni-
ture, Crockery ware, I lend her my Griss Mill during her Widowhood, wheels. Loom
& Geer. Item. I give to my Son Asa ODEN Negro boy Ned and the lands which he
has already had by Deed, and otherwise I give him my Negro Girl Dealer and Desk,
Book Case by his Keeping the Mill in repair untill Orriss comes of age. Item.
I give to my son Chas. ODEN Jr. boy Nat, two hundred acres of Land in the head
of the Fork I bought of John BOYD my bag Kotrse Bed & Furniture one Gun, one hund-
red and Seventy five dollars one Bed and Furniture and the Warrant for six hund-
red Acres of Tennessee Land. Item. I give my Son Caswell ODEN one Negro boy
Fed and one half of the Land and Plantation on the North side of the Swamp and
upper end of the Plantation from a small branch that divides and runs between
the fields across the Land to the Bell pocoson all that end whereon Wm. ODEN
lived the upper end of said Patten also fifty four acres of Land purchased of
Tho. McMAHON & wife by Deed and Cow & Calf and Bed & Furniture. Item. I give
and bequeath unto my son Orriss ODEN balance of the land and Plantation that
was given to Caswell, Orriss to have the low end of the said land that was left
on side of the said Swamp to the lower end of the pattent, one Negro boy Allen,
One Heifer two years old and twenty five acres of Land on the South side of the
Swamp which was purchased of John BARROW Esqr. by my Father, I except two acres
for the use of the Mill and give the Griss Mill to my four sons after their
Mothers decease. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth EVERETT
one Negro Girl Maria bed and Furniture and Six Silver Teaspoon. I give her two
sons Robert and Oden two Cows & Calves and lend her such other property
out of my unwilled part of my Estate as my Wife may think proper. Item. I give
and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Oden my Negro Girl Silvey and Negro boy Sam
one bed and Furniture. One small table and trunk one Cow & Calf. Item. I give

and bequeath unto my Daughter Fanny Oden my Negro Girl Matilda One Negro boy
Sylvester and Twenty dollars in money when she arrives of age. first my will is
that if any one of my Sons die without heir lawfully begotten by them for the
surviving ones to have their Land between them further my will is that all my
just debts should be paid out of unwilled property. I desire that my younger
children should be schooled out of it also untill they get their learning which
I leave to the discretion of my Exors. Further my will is that if any one of my
Children should be unfortunate by unavoidable accidents before the death of
their Mother that they should be restored out of my unwilled property at the
discretion of my Executors the balance of the income to be given to my Wife to
raise the two Younger Children and at her death to be divided between my four
Sons and two youngest daughters. In witness whereof I have to this my last Will
and Testament set my hand and seal the 12th day of March 1824. I constitute and
appoint my two sons Asa & Charles ODEN my Executors.
Charles ODEN (seal)
August Term 1824. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then the within
last Will and Testament of Charles ODEN dec'd proved in Court by the Oaths of
Harry E. WINDLEY & Jesse WHITLEY and ordered to be Recorded - and Asa ODEN came
into Court and qualified as Executor thereto.

In the name of Almighty mighty God Amen. After directing my Soul to the
hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body to be buried I make this my last
Will & Testament. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son Martin Luther EBORN my
three Negroes one by the name Clem, Negro man Ausley, the name of Judy, Child by
the name of Harry forever and if my Son Martin Luther EBORN should die without
lawful Heir then the said Negroes to descend to my friend James CORPRIEW forever,
also I leave my Bynum Land to be sold at the discretion of my Executors also I
leave Ten head of Cattle to be sold and twenty Hogs, one Yoke of Oxen and Cart,
One Chair and Harness, Thirteen head of Sheep also all my crop after taking out
my Wifes Years provision also all of my Household and Kitchen Furniture. Item.
I give unto my wife two head of Horses, Mare and Colt, also the money which will
arise from the sale of the aforesaid mentioned property shall go to the discharge
of the debts which is against my Estate and the balance to go to my Son Martin
Luther EBORN, and if he die without Heir, then to my Friend James CORPRIEW for-
ever. Given under my hand and Seal this the 29th day of October 1823.
Test. William SMAW
Tho. H. HAWKINS (seal)
I do nominate and appoint my friend James CARPRIEW Executor to my last Will and
Testament, Given under my hand
Test William SMAW
Tho. H. HAWKINS (X) (seal)

State of North Carolina) In the name of God Amen. Being in low State of Health,
Beaufort County ) But in sound disposing mind & memory, I make this my
last Will and Testament. First. I desire that all my just debts to be paid.
Second. I desire that the balance of all my Estate, real and personal in the
United States of America, and in the Island of Gaudaloupe be equally divided
between my beloved Wife Ann LAROCHE, my Son Peter LAROCHE and my Daughter Mary
Ann LAROCHE share and share alike. Third. I constitute and appoint by these
presents my Friend John G. BLOUNT Esqr. my sole Executor to this my last Will
and Testament and in the event of my decease, before my Estate be finally settled
and closed, it is my wish the Executors of my friend I. G. BLOUNT shall have the
power to act and settle the same. In Witness whereof I have affixed my hand and
seal at Washington 12th day of December 1822.

Signed Sealed and delivered to
I. G.
BLOUNT Esqr. in presence of
James REDMOND John LAROCHE (seal)
August Term 1824 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.
Then was the within last Will and Testament of John LAROCHE dec'd proved in
Court in due form of law by the Oath of D. H. McCABE and ordered to be Record-
ed. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

State of North Carolina ) In the name of God Amen. Know all persons that I
Beaufort County ) Henry MOORE of the State & County aforesaid being
weak in body but of Sound mind and disposing Judgement do make this my last Will
and Testament as follows. I give to my Son Edmund MOORE all my Land with the
Improvements thereon. I give to my Wife Mary MOORE all my Household Furniture,
Goods & Chattels without & within whom I leave sole Executrix to this my last
Will and Testament. I give to my son Henry MOORE
One Shilling Sterling. I give to Mourning HARDISON all my property now in her
possession. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 3d day
of March 1824.
November Term 1824. Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.
Then was the within last Will and TEstament of Henry MOORE dec'd proved in Court
in due form of Law by the Oath of Henry HARDISON and ordered to be Recorded -
and Mary MOORE came into Court and qualified as Excx thereto.
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen. I Lewis BLOUNT of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina being weak of body but of sound mind and memory, thanks be to
God for the same knowing the uncertainty of this mortal life and that it is
appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Test-
ament in manner and form as follows. Viz. First. I give and bequeath unto my
daughter Ann Eliza Selby BLOUNT One negro boy named Lewis to her and her Heirs
forever to be given into her possession at her marriage arriving at the age of
21 Years, or the division of the rest of my Negroes as herein after provided,
whichever event shall first happen. But should the said negro boy Lewis die be-
fore being given into possession as aforesaid, then my Will is that she my said
Daughter Ann Eliza Selby BLOUNT shall instead of the said negro boy Lewis, have
a negro boy named Tom, under the same restrictions as the said negro boy s here-
in bequeathed to her and her Heirs forever. And I hereby constitute and appoint
my well beloved Wife Sarah Louraine BLOUNT Guardian to my said Daughter Ann Eliza
Selby BLOUNT to raise support & Educate her in like manner with my other children.
And my will is that my well beloved wife Sarah Lorraine BLOUNT shall be paid for
the maintenance of my said daughter Ann Eliza Selby BLOUNT such a sum annually
as shall equal and not exceed the annual rent of the Plantation on which I now
live untill her, my said daughters marriage or attaining the age of 21 Years.
Likewise I give and bequeath the rest of my Estate which shall remain after the
payment of my just debts and funeral expences in manner following Viz. to my
well beloved wife Sarah Louraine BLOUNT all my Household and Kitchen furniture
and stock of whatever kind and all my Negroes not herein before
mentioned and disposed of, to her during her Widowhood, or untill the marriage
or Attainment of Lawful age of any one of my other children not herein named.
And in the event my wife's marrying or on the marriage or attainment of lawful
age of any one of my Children not herein named, my will is that all my Negroes,

and their increase, if any, exclusive of the one which may be set of for my
daughter Ann Eliza Selby BLOUNT, in manner as is herein before provided, should
be equally divided between my well beloved wife Sarah Louraine BLOUNT and the
rest of my Children which may be then living and not herein named. And my child-
ren aforesaid are to be supported and Educated out of my Estate untill the
division aforesaid shall have taken place at the discretion of my well beloved
Wife. I hereby nominate constitute & appoint my beloved brother Henry BLOUNT and
my friend Henry N. JASPER Exec’tors of this my last Will and Testament. Given
under my hand and seal this 24 day of April in the Year of our Lord 1823.
Signed, Sealed, published and Lewis BLOUNT (seal)
declared to be his last Will and Testa-
ment by the testator in presence of us.
Court of Pleas and quarter Sessions November Term 1824. Then was the within
last Will and Testament of Lewis BLOUNT dec'd proved in Court by the Oath of
Cicero S. WOODARD and ordered to be recorded - and H'y. N. JASPER came into
Court and qualified as Exe’r thereto Jos. B. HINTON CK.

In the name of our Lord Amen. I Joseph LEWIS being weak in body but of a
perfect mind, have called to mind the mortality of man knowing it being appoint-
ed to man once to die and after death to Judgment I in the first place therefore
recommend my Soul into the hand of Almighty God from whence it came and the pro-
perty where has blessed me with I dispose of in the manner following 1. I give
and bequeath unto my three Children Polly ROE, Joseph LEWIS Fanny WARRNE one
negro man named Bannen to be equally divided among them. 2d. I give and bequeath
unto my Daughter Fanny fifty acres of Land on the north line runing from the Creek
to the back line being part of the Land whereon I now live.
I give and bequeath unto my daughter Liddy one negro Girl named Lettice and
the remainder of my Land and my Plantation whereon I now live and one bed and
furniture and one black chest whith her Mothers cloaths. 4th. And the rest of
all my property equally divided among all my children. I do hereby ordain John
PEED and Joseph LEWIS as Executors to this my last Will and Testament. In witness
thereof I have signed and sealed this the 19th of January 1825, in the presence
of. -
Charles LEWIS Jos. LEWIS (seal)
February Term 1825. Beaufort Co. Pleas and Qr. Sessions. Then the execu-
tion and Publication in due form of Law of the within Will, was proved inCourt
by the Oath of Peter DOWTY one of the subscribing Witnesses and ordered to be
Recorded and Joseph LEWIS Jr. came and qualified as Exir.
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God amen. I Julia BEACHAM of the County of Beaufort and
State of North Carolina, being weak of body but of a sound mind and disposing
memory thanks be to God for the same and calling to mind the uncertainty of life
and the certainty of death do make and commit to writing this my last will and
testament in manner and form as follows. Item first. I commend my Soul to God
who gave it me and my body to the earth to be decently buried in a plain and
decent Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named,
as for all earthly good and property which it hath pleased God to bless me with
I give and bequeath in manner and form as follows. Item. I give and bequeath
unto my beloved husband Woodhous BEACHAM all the Land I possessed by the Will of
my Father Jacob WILKINS and also all my right in the portion of Land which I heir

- 145-
by the death of my Sister Mary WILKINS also all my right in the Land and property
of every description, which I heir by the death of my Brother Benjamin WILKINS.
If I should die without a lawful heir of my own body, and if my heir should die
before his or her Father then I will that my said Husband shall hold the said
described Land and property, that is if such heir should die leaving no lawful
issue of their own body, to him the said Woodhous BEACHAM and his Heirs forever.
lastly, I constitute and appoint to this my last Will and Testament my husband
Woodhous BEACHAM the sole Executor, disannuling, disallowing and revoking all
other wills heretofore by me made, ratifying and confirming this only to be my
last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal
this 2d. day of September 1824.
Attest 0. S. WILKINS Julia (X) BEACHAM (seal)
Witness Jno. B. EBORN
February Term 1825. Then the within Will of Julia BEACHAM was duly proven
in open Court by the Oath of Jno. B. EBORN let it be Recorded.
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

State of North Carolina Beaufort County. In the name of God Amen I Elizabeth
SATTERTHWAITE of the State and County aforesaid being of sound mind and memory,
do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. Impirmis. I give and be-
queath unto my daughter Margaret I. W. BURGES One bed and furniture. I have al-
ready given her Negroes Lewis, Aritta and part of Lydia which I consider as all
that she reasonably expect out of my Estate. Item. I give and bequeath unto my
Son Thomas J. LATHAM one negro boy named Cicero to him and his Heirs forever.
ITem. I give and bequeath unto my Son Thomas J. Latham all the right which I
derive from the Will and Testament of my Sister Ann TYSON dec'd in and to a
certain negro Girl Edah together with her increase to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my _Son Daniel LATHAM after the payment of my
debts, all the ballance of my Estate to him and his heirs forever, provided that
in the division of the tract of Land on which I now live he will permit his Broth-
er Thomas J. LATHAM to take one Third of said Land at that end of the tract
which contains his house and improvements. Lastly, I constitute and appoint my
two sons Thomas J. LATHAM and Daniel LATHAM Executors to this my last Will &
Testament. In Witness of which I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 12th
of September A.D. 1823.
Signed, sealed and published in
presence of us. Eliz. SATTERTHWAITE (seal)
Thomas B. JORDAN
Rhoda . JORDAN
February Term 1825. Beaufort Co. of Pleas and quarter Sessions. Then the
execution and publication of the within Will was proven in open Court in due
form of Law by the Oath of Thomas B. JORDAN a subscribing witness thereto -
and Thomas J. LATHAM qualified as Exer. Let it be Recorded.

North Carolina ) Know ye that I Henry CLARK of the County and State aforesaid
Beaufort County) do make this my last Will and Testament in the following way.
Viz. To my Son David Elsbre CLARK, I give to him a note given by him to me for
the sum of Ninety two dollars payable in May 1819. and nothing more. To my Son
Jos. Hencock CLARK I give him all the personal and perishable that I put him in
possession of during my life and all my Land lying to the East of Pantigo Creek
except the Land joining of Samuel CLARK and Dan’l CMPBELL it being the balance
of the Land unsold by me to Sami. Clark CAMPBELL &c. to him the said Joseph H.

- 146-
CLARK his Heirs &c. forever. To my Son Will'm Vines CLARK I give one half of
my Land on the North side of Woodstock Savannah and joining EBORN, Fred BARROW
and others. One good bed and good furniture to him and his heirs forever. The
Land reserved joining Sam'l Clark CAMPBELL and others I wish to be sold to pay
my Debts, and to be sold at auction giving b. g. and 12 months Credit, and if
any remain after my Debts is paid, to be used for the benefit of my three young-
est children I had by my Wife Sally. To my wife Sally I lend to her during her
life all the property to me belonging of any name and nature for to School and
raise my three Children which I had by her the said Sally Viz. Henry Joseph
Blount CLARK, Sam'l Augustus CLARK and Francis Louisa CLARK and after her the
said Sally is done with it,I give what then may remain of the same to be equally
divided between my three Youngest Children as above described, to them and their
heirs forever, nevertheless I wish and so design it to be that if either of my
three youngest children as before described die under twenty one, or having law-
ful children of my sons Jos. H. & Wm. V(?) CLARK to them the said Henry, Samuel
and Louisa to them and as above described forever. lastly I nominate to this
my last Will and Testament my Son in law Wilson B. HODGES and my Son Joseph H.
CLARK Exors and also as Guardians to my three Youngest Children above described
Henry, Samuel & Louisa. In confirmation thereof I have put my hand with my seal
this June A.D. 1824. Henry CLARK (seal)
N.B. As my hand is well known I thought it unnecessary to seek any other witness.
N.B. My father Major CLARK in his last will gave to me five hundred acres of
Land, part of the tract whereon he lived and died and then to my Bro. Samuel
four more, part of mine I did convey to Samuel and at the time of my selling to
Dan'l CAMPBELL we the said Henry and Samuel make a line between us as a division
line, saying a certain pine stump was Jones's corner and Brights begining so on
that principle it was made, but by the Widow Penelope WINFIELD & others it is
contended not to be Jones's Corner, but his corner is further to the East at or
near Jones's Creek which if that should prove to be the case, the line was not
a correct line, and instead of Henry geting his five as p. Will Samuel will get
the greater part and Henry the lesser, then in that case I the said Henry protest
the said line made and I do in that case authorise my Exors. to go against the
line, as I do protest the legality of it, and if possible to establish one agree-
able to the true meaning and intent of our dec'd Father M. Clark as his Will will
fully shew. In witness of this being my wish as annexed to my last Will and
Testament it doth Stand and appear I have in like manner hereto affixed my hand
and Seal the day and Year to my Will written.
P.L.D. CAMPBELL & J. H. CLARK present
when made & run. Henry CLARK (seal)
May Term 1825. Then was the last Will and Testament of H. CLARK dec'd
proved in Court by the Oath of Stephen OWENS, WILSON B. HODGE, Benj'n. WILLIAMS
and Joseph B. HINTON - and ordered to be recorded, and W. B. HODGES came into
Court and qualified as Exor. thereto. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

State of North Carolina Beaufort County. This Indenture made August the 24th
1821. Whereas Richard ALBERT is now in his proper senses and Wills away my
property in certain Legacies. I now gave unto my wife Eady all my property and
possessions her life time or Widowhood. I now give unto my Son William Albert
fifty Acres of Land lying on Campbells creek on the point also one English Musket
and one bed also that I lent to him and I also gave to him after the decease of
my wife one Killable Stear. I now gave unto my Daughter Mary Albert Three
hundred and seventeen Acres of Land, containing Horse, Plantation &c. and I also
gave unto my daughter all the cattle that belonged to my son Solomon, after the
decease of my beloved wife Eady I equally divide my Stock of Cattle between my
two children William and Mary Albert. I also gave my Stock of Hogs and Bees to
my Daughter Mary after decease of my Wife - After the decease of my beloved wife

irwo children William and Mary Albert. I also gave my Stock of Hogs and Bees to
my Daughter Mary after decease of my Wife - After the decease of my beloved wife
I give unto my Daughter Mary all my furniture within my House.
Test Zach. LINTON Richard (X) ALBERT last Will
Test John (X) SLADE and test.
May Term 1825. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the within last
Will and Testament of Richard ALBERT dec’d proved in Court by the Oath Zacheus
LINTON, John SLADE and ordered to be ?,ecorded - and
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen. I John DOWTY being weak of body but of disposing mind
and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
following, to wit. Item. I give to my Daughter Nelly EASTER my young Oxen and
one Cow & Calf one chest, one writing Desk, one bed and pair of sheets, the re-
mainder of my property after paying my Just Debts to be equally divided amongst
the rest of my children and Wife. I appoint my loving wife Hannah DOWTY and my
and my brother Thomas DOWTY Ex'ors to this my last will and testament. In wit-
ness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 5 day of February 1825.
Peter DOWTY _ ,
J n T
Teagle DOWTY ° ° ^Sea ^
May Term 1825. Court of Pleas and quarter SEssions. Then was the within last
Will and Testament of John DOWTY proved in court by the Oath of Peter DOWTY,
and ordered to be recorded and Hannah DOWTY came into Court & qualified as Ex'x
thereto Jo. B. HINTON CK.

In the name of God Amen. I Daniel CAMPBELL of the County of Beaufort, now being
of sound mind and disposing memory do make this my last Will and Testament in
manner and form following to wit. I give unto my Son Andrew Jackson CAMPBELL One
hundred and twenty five Acres of Land, it being the one half of the tract on
which I live also two Negroes Sam and Phillis. one bedstead, bed and furniture
one Desk, one Horse, bridle and Saddle. I give to my Son Henry A. CAMPBELL One
hundred and twenty five acres of Land being the balance of the tract whereon I
now live, also two Negroes Simon and Judy. one bedstead, bed and furniture. One
Beaureau, Horse, Saddle and bridle. I give to my daughter Elizabeth CAMPBELL
one Mahogany bedstead, bed and all its necessary furniture, to the value of $65
I give to my wife Margaret CAMPBELL, Gabe, Merrick and Easter, also one third
part of my Plantation or as much as she may want to tend during her natural life,
her choice of my Horses, chair and harness, together with all my farming tools,
one Yoke of Oxen and cart and the Horse Cart, all my household and kitchen furni-
ture that is not already given away, also all my Stock of Cattle sheep and hogs.
It is further my Will and desire that my Nephew Wm. GOLDING should be liberally
Educated & that for his Education, board, cloathing &c. shall all be paid for
out of my Estate, each of my Heirs bearing an equal proportion of the expence in-
cluding my Widow, and now my last Will and desire is for the benefit of the child-
ren in raising and Educating them that all the negroes and other property given
to them should be and remain on the plantation with my wife and at her service
during her widowhood or untill they shall arrive at age - I nominate and appoint
my Wife and my friend James SATCHWELL Sen' Executors to this my last will and
testament. In witness whereof I have this day the 12th day of September 1824
setmy hand and affixed my Seal.
acknowledged in presence of us. Dan'1 CAMPBELL (seal)
May Term 1825. of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Q’r Sessions. There was
the within last Will and Testament of Dan'l CAMPBELL dec'd proved in Court by
the Oaths of Thomas J. LATHAM Esq'r. and Jas. B. MARSH who swore that the said

Will and every part thereof is in the proper hand writing of the said Decease.
It is therefore
adjudged by the Court that said Will is proven agreeable to law and ordered to
be Recorded. Jos. B. HINTON CK.

In the name of God Amen. I Richard ODEN of the County of Beaufort and State of
No. Carolina being sick and weakin body, but of sound in disposing mind and
memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as
follows. I give and recommend my soul to almighty God who gave it and my body
to be buried at the discretion of my Exors hereafter mentioned. Item. I lend
to my wife Dorothy ODEN the house and Plantation whereon I now live during her
natural life, then to my brother Thomas ODEN, I also lend to my beloved wife all
my household and kitchen furntire, and farming tools of every description and
lend my negro Girl Louisa to do as she pleases, I also lend to my wife my negroes
herein mentioned Abram, Dinah, Tom, Lydia and Jim during her life and after her
death. I give my negro Dinah to my brother Charles ODEN and his heirs forever.
Item. I give to Asa ODEN my boy Jacob. Item. I give to Robt. BOYD my Negro Flora
Item. I give to my Brother Thomas ODEN my negro Girl Mary to him and his Heirs
forever and further lend to my beloved wife my two horses and chair and all my
Stock of every description during her life and after her death to be equally
divided between my brothers Thomas ODEN, Charles ODEN and Anna BOYD and Penny
WINDLEY to them and their heirs forever. And I do hereby constitute and appoint
my brother Thomas ODEN and my friend Asa ODEN my Exors. to this my last Will and
Testament this 17th day of April 1819.
In presence of us
George CORPRIEW , . , ,
T ITTTTmTT„r Rich d (X) ODEN (seal)
May Term 1825. Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was
the within last Will and Testament of Richard ODEN dec'd proved in Court by the
Oath of Jesse Whitley and ordered to be Recorded-
_3ps^_B_^_HINT0N CK^_
In the name of God Amen, I Richard ODEN of the County of Beaufort and State of
North Carolina being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind memory and under-
standing, blessed be almighty God for the same I do make and publish this my last
Will and testament in manner and form as follows, viz. I give and bequeath unto
my affectionate brother Thomas ODEN a negro Girl named Mary and after the death
of my wife, the Plantaiton whereon I now live, and after the death of my my wife
I give unto Robert BOYD a negro Girl named Flora. I also I give unto my wife
a negro Girl named Louisa, and the remainder of my Negroes not herein mentioned.
I loan to my wife during her natural life, and after her death I wish a negro
boy by the name of Jim to go to my Nephew Charles ODEN and a negro boy named
Jacob to my Nephew Asa ODEN & the ballance of my Negroes to be equally divided
among the other children of my brother Charles Thomas ODEN and Daniel WINDLEY
and all my Stock farming utensils household and kitchen furniture &c. I give unto
my loving wife during her natural life and after her death to be sold and the
proceeds to go to Thomas ODEN, David WINDLEY, John 0. BOYD and the children of
my Brother Charles ODEN and I desire my riding Chair also to go to my wife.
And I wish and desire my brotner Thomas ODEN to act as my Exor In witness where-
of I have hereunto made my mark this 7th day of April 1825. in the presence of
Witness James B. MARSH _. , , „„„„
Richard (X) ODEN
May Term 1825. Beaufort Co. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Richard ODEM dec'd proved in Court by the Oath
of James B. MARSH and ordered to be Recorded. Jos. B. HINTON CK.

— 149—
State of North Carolina Beaufort County March 18th 1825.
1st. My House and lot in the town of Newbern lying opposite the lots of Eli
SMALLWOOD and Moses JARVIS, I give to my Son Jesse G. BRYAN. Item 2d. My
Plantation near Washington and on the east side of Inodes Creek containing one
hundred and fifty acres also all the lands I purchased of the MORIS' S I give to
my Son Wm. T. BRYAN. Item the 3d. I give to my Son Jesse G. Bryan, the follow-
ing negroes, to wit, Aaron, Susy, John, Ben, Horris, Harriet. Item the 4th. I
give to my Son Wm. T. Bryan the following Negroes Peter, George, Julia, Hardy,
all the remainder of my property I wish to be equally divided between my loving
wife and my two sons Jesse and William, It is my desire and wish for my brother
Jesse B. Bryan to be Guardian to my two Sons Jesse and William T. Bryan. I re-
voke all former Wills. In witness whereof I set my hand and Seal this 20th of
March 1825. _ ,
rp T D -j,T,\TA"NT C. - BRYAN (seal)
Test Jesse B. BRYAN
I also appoint my brother Jesse B. BRYAN my hole and sole executor to this my
last will and Testament.
August Term 1825. Beaufort Co. Pleas and quarter Sessions. Then the Execution
of the within Will was proved in Court as a Will for the personalty, by the Oath
of Jesse also came into Court and qualified as Exor. - Ordered to be Recorded.
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen. I Sally DAVIS being of perfect mind and memory thanks
be to almighty God and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that
it is appointed for all women once to die, I do make and ordain this my last Will
and Testament first of all my body to be buried in Christian like manner and my
Soul to God who gave it viz. I give and bequeath to Arthur DAVIS mY Nephew to
four head of Cattle and their increase. One bed and furniture and Loom and two
Slays and one linen wheel and one Gin and chest and Hackell, one Case of Bottles
one bedstead. March the 21. 1825.
Witness John G. DAVIS
Sally (X) DAVIS
Benj'n Davis
November Term 1825. Beaufort Co. Pleas and qr. Sessions. Then was the within
last Will and Testament of Sally DAVIS proved in court by the Oath of Jno. G.
DAVIS and ordered to be Recorded. T „ ITTXTrr,^>T
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen, I Margaret EBORN of Pungo Creek, Beaufort County do make
and declare this my last Will and Testament in following manner and form. 1st. I
give and devise unto my Grand daughter Margaret DAVIS one Negro Girl named Gin,
to her and her Heirs forever, also one negro man named Tom after the death of my
daughter Penelope BOYD. 2d. I give and devise unto my Grand Son William Hynian
ODEN one negro Named Hannah, also one Negro man named George to him and his Heirs
forever. 3d. I give and devise unto each of my Grand Children One dollar a
piece. 4th I give and devise unto my daughter Penelope BOYD all the rest of my
property both in doors and out to her and heirs &c. my Will and desire is further
that all the property which I have given my daughter Penelope BOYD should be en-
tirely at her disposal and not to be changed in no Shape nor manner without her
consent and my Will and desire is further that my daughters husband shall not
have any thing to do with the property that I have given her without her consent.
I do further appoint my daughter Penelope BOYD and Grand daughter Marg't DAVIS
Ex'x to this my last Will and Testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and Seal this 24 October 1825.
In presence of Marg't (X) EBORN (seal)
Benj'n EBORN
Richard EBORN
November Term 1825. Beaufort Co. of Pleas and quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Marg't EBORN dec'd proved in Court by the Oath
of Benj'n F. EBORN and ordered to be Recorded.
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen I Henry H. SELBY being in perfect sense and mind do make
this my last Will and Testament. Item I do give and bequeath unto Mary SELBY
the daughter of Henry SELBY dec'd all of my Negroes that I heired from my father
consisting of four, namely Bet, Peter, Nance and Washington, these I give to her
and her Heirs and assigns forever. I also give to her the negroes which I heir-
ed from my Brother if he does not come back by the time prescribed by law, name-
ly Hannah, Mary, Sarah, and Caroline - I also give to her all the property I
heired from my uncle James by law. I also give her one Bay mare bridle and
Saddel I do leave with uncle B. M. SELBY my lawful Executor three notes, one
against Henry S. LATHAM for Sixty dollars and one against I. C. GREEN for seven-
teen dollars for this to go to pay my lawful debts
I do hereunto set my hand and Seal this the 10th day of October in the Year of
our Lord 1819.
In the presence of us L. W. LUCAS Henry H. SELBY (seal)
February Term 1826. Beaufort Co. Pleas and qr. Sessions. Then this Will was
offered in Open Court by Benj'n. M. SELBY the Exor. named in the same for probate,
and was duly proven - in the solemn forms of the law by the Oath of Sami. W.
LUCUS, the subscribing witness thereto who swore that he saw the Testator sign
and seal the same and heard him publish and declare it to be his last Will and
Testament, and that he was of sound disposing mind and memory and did subscribe
the same as Witness in the presence of the Testator and Benjamin M. SELBY, the
Exor. qualified thereto - let the same be Recorded.
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

State of North Carolina, Beaufort County. In the Name of God Amen this sixth
day of January 1826. I John WATSON being very sick in body but of perfect mind
and memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same calling to mind the mortality
of my body and that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain
this my last Will and Testament in the manner and form following, that is to say
first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of almighty God who
giveth all, then my body to the Earth to be buried in a decent manner at the dis-
cretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall
receive the same by the mighty power of Almighty God. As touching worldly Goods
as it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me with in this life, I give devise and
dispose of in the manner following. Item 1st. I give unto my Son David WATSON
the plantation that I live on containing fifty acres of Land, except one half
acre concluding the grave Yard and I give unto my Son David WATSON and unto my
Daughter Elizabeth and Miriam WATSON a piece of Land beginning at Easternmost
Creek runing North 40 East 96 pole to a pine, 30 East 78 pole to a black Gum
containing ten feet wide the two courses back to the begining, I lend to my
loving wife the House and plantation that I live on during her widowhood - I lend
her the choice one of my beds and furniture during of her widowhood, then I give
the bed unto my Daughter Sally DANIELS and to her heirs forever. Item 2. I give
unto my beloved Daughter Nancy WATSON one bed and furniture. I give unto her one
Cow and her increase known by the
name of Pink, one Ewe or Ewe and Lamb. Item 3d. I give unto my beloved daughter
Elizabeth WATSON a piece of Land containing fifty acres of Land pattented by John
WATSON known by the name of David ECHOLS's ridge. I empower my Execr. to sell a
piece of Land begining on the road on Malichi LINTONS line runing South 45 Wt.
with said Lintons line to his corner, the same Course to SMONDS second corner in
the Marsh then North 45 Wt. 45 pole. North 45 Et. to the Road then with the Road
to the begining containing 50 acres more or less. Item 4th. I give unto my be-
loved daughter Miriam WATSON a piece of Land lying and adjoining the above said
Land and Jeremiah W. WATSONS pattented by me, containing 50 Acres more or less.
I give her a heifer that I had given before to her and heirs forever. Item. I
give unto my daughter Elizabeth WATSON a heifer that I give her before to her
and her heirs forever. Item 5. I give unto my Son David WATSON one hand saw,
one augur, one chissel, one Hammer to him and his heirs. I lend unto my beloved
wife Sally all the Bees her Widowhood. I leave all my property and Stock of all
kinds not before mentioned to be sold to discharge my debts and if there then be
enough without my beds to pay my debts, I want them equally divided to my Child-
ren that has not one left in the above. Revoking all other Wills by me made,
allowing this and no other Will to be my last Will and Testament. I appoint David
WATSON Sen'r to be my Exor to manage my affairs. In witness whereof I have here-
unto set my hand and Seal this the day and date above mentioned.
Signed Sealed in the presence of T , n.r
Natel POTTER ^TSON(seal)
February Term 1826. Beaufort Co. Pleas and quarter Sessions. Then the within
last Will and Testament of John WATSON dec'd was proven here in Court by the
Oath of Wm. C. WATSON a subscribing Witness thereto - in due form of Law - and
David WATSON the Exor named in said will qualified .thereto in due form of Law -
ordered to be Recorded. Jos. B. HINTON CK.

In the name of God Amen I Sally ANDERSON of the County of Beaufort and State of
North Carolina being at this time in a low state of health but of sound and dis-
posing mind and memory, calling to mind the shortness and uncertainty of life
and that it is appointed unto all once to die, I do make ordain and publish this
my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say. Imprimis
I desire that my body may be decently interred in a Christian like manner,hoping
to receive the same again in the Last day by the Mighty power of God, and my
immortal Spirit I commend to God who gave it in hope of Eternal life and happiness
through our Lord Jessus Christ. Item. I desire that all my Just debts and ex-
pences be paid and then that my Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me
in this life I dispose of in the manner and form following that is to say. Item.
I give and bequeath unto Eli HOYT in special trust and confindence for the use
and towards the finishing of the new Episcopal Church in the Town of Washington
two years labor of my man Andrew, in token of my attachment for the Church of my
ancestors. Item. I loan to Betsey LOWREY and her sister Peggy TAYLOR as a token
of my love and affection for them, my negro woman Trecy & her issue, if any she
have during the Natural life of the said Betsey and Peggy and during the Natural
life of the surviving one. Item. Wishing to make a friend, as well to see to
the comforts of my last Hours, as to see that decent attention be paid to my Re-
mains, as also to accomplish and fulfil my kind purposes and wishes towards my
poor slaves, who have served me faithfully and to prevent their being ill treated
by persons who have no claims on them or on me, and tney the said slaves and my-
self having made choice of Joseph B. HINTON of the Town of Washington, I do here-
by give and bequeath unto the said Joseph B. HINTON and his Heirs the Lot whereon
I now reside and wish him to suffer the female Negroes and their Children of my
Estate not particularly and already mentioned to reside thereon, so long as their
residence is admissible. And I also give and bequeath unto the said Joseph B.
HINTON and his Heirs all my Negroes and their Increase including Negro Andrew
after the two years shall have ended, and also my Negro woman Trecy and her in-
crease after the death of the said Betsey LOWREY and Peggy TAYLOR. And my wish
is that my Negro Man Hutt shall pay to the said Joseph B. HINTON, the sum of two
hundred Dollars to be incorporated with my Estate, and when he shall also have
paid to him the said Joseph B. HINTON the sum of One hundred and fifty dollars
in addition to the first named sum, for the resque and trouble he may be at in
the premises, it is my wish that he the said Joseph B. HINTON his heirs or Ex-
ecutors shall take such steps in Law, as will free and Emancipate the said Hull
and whenever the other Negroes
shall have each paid and compensated him in the like sums that he the said Jos.
B. HINTON or his Heirs or Executors will endevour to procure for them so paying
and compensating, their liberty and that he the said Joseph B. HINTON and his
Heirs and Executors thenceforward will be the friend and protector of the said
Negroes thus Emancipated - and with regard to my old woman Hannah it is my wish
that she may be allowed to remain upon the Lot, and that the said Joseph B.
HINTON and his Heirs and Executors see that she be not only protected but that
she never need any Comfort in health or in sickness, as long as she may live.
I also give and bequeath unto my said friend Joseph B. HINTON and his Heirs all
the residue of my Estate both real and personal and mixed of whatever kind it
may be. And to the end that my intention may be entirely futfilled, I do hereby
make constitute and appoint my said friend Jos. B. HINTON, sole Executor to this
my last Will and Testament: hereby revoking all other Wills by me heretofore
made and publishing and declaring this and no other to be my last Will and Testa-
ment. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 19th day
of August 1824. „ ,, \
c- JO-IJ
Signed, Sealed, JJT
published and J
declared Sally ANDERSON (seal)
by the Testatrix to be her last Will &
Testament in presence of
Edw’d QUIN
February 19th 1826 (?). I Sally ANDERSON the Testatrix of the above Will & Test-
ament, being of sound mind and memory do hereby make add and confirm this as a
Codicil to the above named Will, that is to say, it is my wish and desire that
the clause or Item in the said Will which gives Negro Andrew in trust and con-
fidence to Eli HOYT be revoked and I do hereby revoke the same. And it is my
wish and desire that the said Negro Andrew be loaned with Negro woman Trecey
(named in the said Will) to my friends Betsey LOWREY and her sister Peggy TAYLOR
during the natural lives of the said Betsey and Peggy and after their Death that
the said negro man Andrew be entitled to the same kindness and friendship of my
Executor, as are mentioned for my other negroes, he complying with the terms
prescribed for said Negroes in the body of this Will. Furthermore it is my wish
and desire that Negro Hull pay the sum of one hundred Dollars to my Executor to
go into the fund of my Estate, instead of two hundred Dollars as is mentioned in
the body of this Will. Furthermore it is my wish that my Executor give assent
to such disposition of the articles of Furniture about my House; and things about
my lot as I may think proper to make in presents to my negroes, or my friends be-
fore I die. Signed, Sealed and published by me Sally Anderson as my last Will
and Testament and the Codicil thereto. „ ,, x . ,
in the presence of us. Signed, Sealed
and published by the Testatrix in the
presence of
Elizabeth ROSS
February Term 1826. Beaufort Co. Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then the within
Will and the Codicil was proven in Court in due form of Law, by the Oaths of
Edward QUIN and James AVENT as to the Will, and James AVENT as to the Codicil -

- 153-
- and ordered to be recorded - and Jos. B. HINTON the Exor. qualified thereto.
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

State of North Carolina ) In the name of God Amen, I William ADAMS of the State
Beaufort County ) and County aforesaid being somewhat weak and low in
body but of perfect sound mind and memory thanks to Almighty God for it, but
calling to mind the mortality of all men and that it is appointed for all to die,
do make constitute and ordain this my last will and Testament this 25th March in
the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and twenty five. First I leave
my body to the discretion of my Executors to be buried in a decent manner, my
Soul I recommend to the hands of my Redeemer nothing doubting and as touching my
worldly Goods which it hath pleased God to bless me with. Item 1st. I give and
bequeath to my son William D. ADAMS one Dollar. I also at his marriage leave him
the Plantation and Land whereon I now live during his natural life and at his
death should he have any lawful Heirs the Land and plantation to be equally divid-
ed among them. should he have no lawful Heirs at his Death and his sister Betsey
OSBORN, should my will and desire is it should be divided in manner and form as
to be rented out by me Executors or their assigns and the money to continue in
their hands untill the Youngest Child comes of age, then the said Land and money
to be equally divided among them. Item 2d. I give and bequeath to my daughter
Elizabeth S.(L.?) Osborn one Dollar. Item 3d. I give and bequeathe unto my
Sister Celia Thirty Six dollars
per Year during her natural life. Item 4th. I lend unto my friend Sarah Reddit
my negro man Charles during her natural life and at her death should Charles
survive her my will and desire is that he and Tom should be hired out at the
discretion of my Executors or their assigns for life, and the money arising from
the hire of said boys named Charles and Tom to be kept in the hands of my Executors
or their assigns untill the heirs of William D. ADAMS and Elizabeth L. OSBORN
come of age, then to draw their proportionable part agreable to the number of
Heirs at the time of each draw, all the rest of my property both person and
perishable except the above named 1 leave to my Exectors to be sold on a credit
of Twelve months after paying my Just Debts out of the amount of these sales if
enough, the ballance to remain in the hands of my Exectors to be appropriated as
aforesaid. I also name in all my worth and trusty friends viz. Dan'l. H. McCABE
and Nathan ARCHBELL as Executors to this my last Will and Testament. Signed,
Sealed and acknowledged, the day and date above written in presence of
(blank) (blank) (seal)
The Deposition of Hansil HODGES who sayeth that he was at the house of Mr. Wm.
ADAMS before and at his Death and believes that he the said ADAMS was in his
proper mind and of perfect mind and memory and that he the said ADAMS requested
him the said HODGE to look in a certain Box and there he would find his Will with
$250 worth in Notes and between 12 & 20 dollars in Cash and deliver the same to
Dan'l H. McBE one of his Executors and that he the said McCABE would know what
to do with them, the above Deposition taken before us the 1st of August 1825.
February Term 1826. Beaufort County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will and Testament of Wm. ADAMS Dec’d submitted to a Jury,
who say upon their Oaths that it is the last Will of the deceased - and Dan’l
McCABE come into Court and Qualified as an Exor. thereto and ordered to be Re-
corded. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen, I Mary MARTIN of the State of North Carolina and County
of Hyde being of perfect sound mind and memory, Calling to mind the uncertainty
of this life do make this my last Will and Testament, in manner as follows. First

I will that my Just Debts be paid my body decently buried at the discretion of
Executors hereafter to be Constituted. I will that all the Land that lies in
Hollowells Patent, given to me by me Father Rotheas LATHAM
be the property of my Son He sea MARTIN to him and his Heirs forever And all the
residue of Land that my Father give to me by his Will give to my two sons William
and John MARTIN equally between them, and if either William or John should die
without lawful issue or in their nonage I will and desire the survivor of two
sons should have and Intrust the whole of the Land last mentioned to them and
their Heirs forever. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Betsey One Bed and
furniture. I give to Daughter Peggy One bed and furniture. I will that my
Daughter Sally have at the discretion of my Executor the use of one bed and Furn
-iture for the comfort of my said daughter and no other. I give to my daughter
Polly one bed and furniture. I give to my daughter Nancy one bed and furniture.
I will and desire that my Exer. out of the residue of Estate procure for my daugh-
ter Prusia One bed and Furniture. I give all the residue of my Estate to all my
sons and Daughters to be equally divided between them after my death my daughter
Sally excepted. In faith and testimony of which I hereunto set my hand and affix
my seal this 12th day of Dec’r. 1817.
Mary MARTIN (seal)
Signed Sealed and delivered In
presence of
Feby. Term 1826. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then the Execu-
tion and publication of the within Will was proved in due form of Law in Court,
by the Oath of Wm. I. MARTIN one of the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be
Recorded. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen, I Nelly FULLERTON of the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina, being weak in body but of a sound and perfect mind and memory
& understanding blessed be almighty God for the same, I do make and publish this
my last will and Testament in manner and form following Viz. I give and bequeathe
unto my Nephew James William Hill, the son of my Sister Wynnefred all my right,
title and claim in an undivided tract of Land whereon my Father lived and died
and I desire my Executor to pay all my Just Debts out of the notes I shall leave
and the ballance I wish to be appropriated by my Executor to the Education of my
said Nephew James and if there should be found more than sufficient for that pur-
pose I wish it to be paid him at the age of Nineteen.
And I desire W. James B. MARSH to become my Executor and attend to my desire as
above mentioned, as witness this my mark the 17 Deer. 1825.
In presence of
William MIXON
May Term 1826. Beaufort Court of Pleas and qr. Sessions. Then was the within
last Will and Testament of Nelly FULLERTON proved in Court by the Oath of William
MIXON and ordered to be Recorded - and James B. MARSH came into Court and qualified
as Exor. thereto. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen. I Mary Jane WILKENSON being of sound and perfect mind
and memory blessed be God do this day of April 13th in the Year of our Lord 1826,
make and publish this my last Will and Testament. 1st. I give and bequeathe unto
my well beloved Brother Israil WILKENSON of County and State aforesaid One Negro
boy by the name of Sam. I also wish the said Negro Sam after my Brothers Death
to come back to my sisters child Mary Elizabeth LANIER. 2. I give and bequeathe
unto my beloved Sister Elizabeth LANIER one negro woman by the name of Dorcas

also a negro Child by the name of Nelly also one half of a riding Chair which I
heired at my Mothers death. 3rd. I give unto my neice Mary Elizabeth LANIER
One negro man by the name of George I also give my well beloved neice one bed
and furniture. 4th. I give unto my Sister Elizabeth LANIER also all the perish
-able part of my Estate. 5th. And I hereby make and order my beloved Sister
Elizabeth LANIER Executrix of this my last Will and Testament in Witness whereof
I the said Mary Jane WILKESON have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand
and seal the day and Year above written. Mary I. WILKINSON (seal)
Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the
said Mary J. WILKERSON the Testatrix as her last
Will and Testament in the presence of me
May Term 1826. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the within
last Will and Testament of Mary Jane Wilkerson dec’d proved in Court by the Oath
of Wm. HARVEY and ordered be Recorded. Jos. B. HINTON CK

In the name of God Amen. I Jasper LATHAM of Beaufort County in the State of
North Carolina being of sound and berefect mind and memory blessed be God but
weak in body and Health and knowing it is appointed for all men to die blessed
be God do this 18th day of July in the year of our Lord 1826 make and publish
this my last Will and Testament. first. I order all my just debts to be paid
and then I lend all my Estate to my Mother during her lifetime and at her death
it is my will and Desire and I give then unto my Sister Wynnefred SMITH I give
the whole unto her and her Heirs forever. I hereby make my friend A. E. HARVEY
Executor of this my last Will and Testament. in witness whereof I the said
Jasper LATHAM have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal, Sign-
ed, sealed and published and declared by the said Jasper LATHAM, the testator as
his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who were present at the time
of signing and sealing thereof.
Jasper (X) LATHAM (seal)
August Term 1826. of Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Jasper LATHAM proved in Court by the Oath of
Ransom TANKARD and ordered to be Recorded. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen I John KENNEDY being sick and weak of body but of sound
disposing mind and memory calling to mind the uncertainty of this life and that
it is appointed for all men to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Test
-ament in manner and form following. In Primis. I give and bequeathe unto my
beloved wife Elizabeth H. L. KENNEDY during her natural life that part of the
plantation whereon I now live with the dwelling House and other improvements
thereon agreeable to the bounds as here after conveyed to my Son John KENNEDY.
I will and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth H. L. KENNEDY the following Negro
men Elisha, Jim & Robin SMITH and a negro boy by the name of Phill also the follow-
ing women. Aary, Celia, Ann and Nelly likewise Hellen the Child of Ann and Mary
the Child of Nelly, old Jim and his wife Judah, Robin & his wife Phillis all of
whom I give to her her Executors, Administrators and assigns forever. I also
give and bequeathe to her my Horse & Gig, my Hamakan and Telfair Mules and the
Cream Colored Mule the stock of provisions on hand and the poultry and my farming
I will and devise unto my Son John L. KENNEDY to take effect upon the death of
my wife that part of my plantation whereon I now live with the Houses and other
improvements thereon bounded as follows begining at the Cross fence on the Cypress
branch runing thence with the path or roadway to the Gate at or near the Marsh
thence with the path or roadway to the Gate at or near the marsh then a direct
line to a cypress on the gut that terminates at the island, thence from the
cypress to the Eastwardmost branch of a Gut that lies near to and westward of a
Canal cut for getting off a Vesel then down the Gut to the River or Creek and
with the river and Creek to the mouth of Floyds Creek then with Floyds Creek to
the mouth of Cypress branch, then with the Cypress branch to the begining. I
likewise will and devise to him my land north of the old Chapel road lying between
deep run and Trotters line and extending to Cherrys line and I will and bequeath
to him my book Case and side Board together with my liquor case lined with lead
and one bed and bedstead with bed furniture the cream colored mule I purchased
of C. HOLLAND and the Gun I bought for him also all of my bridge Stock all of
which both real and personal to him his Heirs and assigns forever. I will and
devise to my Son Warren E. KENNEDY the following tract or parcel of land bounded
as follows begining at John L. KENNEDY'S line at the mouth of a gut lying to the
westward of the said Canal runing with the said line or lines to the cypress
branch thence up the cypress branch to the deep run thence up the deep run to the
old Chapel or main road thence with the old Chapel road to TROTTERs line, thence
with TROTTERS line to my corner in the Thoroughfare thence with HAMAHANS and
William KENNEDYS line to mount pleasant marsh thence so as to include all my land
and marsh lying to the Eastward of John L. KENNEDYs land, also fifty acres of
Land being part of the plantation or land formerly owned by William CHERRY all
of which I give to him his heirs and assigns forever. I also give to my son
Warren E. KENNEDY the Grey Mule I purchased of C. HOLLAND the Gun I purchased for
him my other liquor Case, one bed and bedstead and bed furniture to him his
Executor, Administrators and assigns. I will and devise to my daughter Anne
Eliza KENNEDY all the Land I purchased of Bazel FLOYD and others lying between
the deep run Williams's Mill run and the cypress branch to her her heirs and
assigns forever, and I will and bequeathe to her one small Beaurear, one bed and
bedstead with bed furniture and a small work stand to her and her Executors, ad-
ministrators & assigns forever. I will and devise to my daughters Susan L.
KENNEDY and Mary L. KENNEDY all the all the remainder of my Land, and three Lots
of Land in Town of Washington, number 27 Ressas Place and number 55 & 59 in
Gladdens plan to them their Heirs and assigns forever and will and bequeath to
each of them a bed and bedstead and bed
Furniture to them their Executors and administrators and assigns I will and be-
queath to my wife all the remainder of my furniture not already given away to
her her Executors administrators and assigns and I give her in the same manner
all my Hogs. 1 give and bequeath unto my five Children John, Warren, Ann Eliza,
Susan and Mary all the remainder of my Negroes not already given away equally to
be divided, to them their exectors. Administrators and assigns respectively, and
it is my will anc desire that the said Negroes shall not be divided untill some
of my Children arrives at the age of twenty one Years, or marries his or her part
then being taken off the others to remain in common stock untill another event
of the same kind occurs, when his or her part will be taken off and so in sections
untill they all arrive at the age of twenty one Years or marries the hiring for
their benefit respectively. It is my will and desire that my Stock of cattle
and Sheep , my Cotton on hand and my Cotton Crop and part of my Corn Crop be sold
to pay my Debts and to raise a fund to maintain & educate my children and I do
hereby empower my Executors to convey to William HAMAHAN the Bank Stock I pur-
chased of Joseph Ross HANRAHAN for him. I give and bequeath to my wife out of
the crop now growing on the land Land one hundred Barrels of corn to support her
and her family and also four Cows 6 Calves and Ten head of sheep and I do here-
by constitute and appoint my friend Bryan GRIMES testamentary Guardian to my five
Children and do nominate constitute and appoint my Brother William KENNEDY and
my friend Richard GRIST Executors to this my last Will and Testament, hereby re-
voking all others by me heretofore made acknowledging this to be my Last, the

Guardianship to remain untill my children respectively arrives to the age of
Twenty One Years or marries.
Signed sealed and published in
presence of. This 1 day of July 1826. J. KENNEDY (seal)
William GORDON
I John KENNEDY being desirous of making some small alterations in the disposition
of my property from what is contained in the above Will do hereby add the follow-
ing as a codical thereto, with an intention that it shall be taken and consider-
ed as a part of my Will and to not affect the above in any manner otherwise than
what is herein expressly mentioned that is to say, I do revoke that part of my
Will which gives to my wife the negro boy by the name of Phill, and in liew there-
of I do give and bequeathe unto her a negro boy by the name of John ROBINS, to
her her Executors, administrators and assigns forever and I do hereby give and
bequeath unto my five children, John Warren, Ann Eliza, Susan and Mary the said
boy Phill to them their executors administrators and assigns respectively to be
managed in the same manner for their benefit and subject to the same division in
every respect as the other negroes given to them in the above Will. I give and
bequeath unto my Son John KENNEDY my new family Bible, his choice out of my stock
of four head of cattle, and it is my will that the Desk on which the book case
Stands should go to him with the Case and when he arrives at the age of twenty
one Years, I give and bequeath to him my Cotton Gin, the House and shed where it
is worked, and the precise spot of Land on which it stands for the use of the Gin
together with my wheat fan, but untill he arrives at the age of twenty one Years
I give the use of the Gin House shed and Ground on which the House stands, with
the wheat Fan to my wife. I give and bequeath to my Son Warren four head of Cattle
out of my Stock and I will and bequeath unto my sons John and Warren my Library
equally to be divided in value between them, to them their Heirs, Executors, Ad-
ministrators and assigns respectively. I will and bequeath to my Wife her prayer
Book. I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Eliza my Mare and her prayer
book to her her executors Administrators and assigns. It is my Will and desire
that if either of my three Daughters should die before they arrive at the age of
twenty one Years or marries that then their respective parts of the negroes I
have given them should go to the survivors or survivor of them my said Daughters
their executors Administrators and assigns respectively.
N.B. The words "desirous" and those J. KENNEDY (seal)
words "of my property" and the word "not" in
different lines of the codicil were interlined
before it was signed. Signed and published in
presence of us with the seal annexed this 5. day of July 1826.
August Term 1826 of Beaufort County Court of Pleas and quarter Sessions. Then
was the within last Will and Testament of John KENNEDY dec'd proved in Court by
the Oaths of Wm. GORDON and Charles HOLLAND and also the Codicil there was proven
by the Oaths of Bazil FLOYD and James W. HAMAHAN, and ordered to be Recorded -
and Richard GRIST came into Court and qualified as Exor. thereto.

State of North Carolina ) In the name of God Amen. I Custis KELLY of the
Beaufort County ) County and State aforesaid being in low state of
health, but thanks be to God in sound disposing mind and memory but knowing that
it is appointed for all men once to die I do make and ordain this my last Will
and Testament, first of all I give and recommend my Soul to God who gave it me
and as touching my worldly Goods that it has been pleased God to bestow on me I
dispose of them in the manner following. Viz. I give to my beloved wife Mary

Kelly one fourth part of all my perishable property to her and her heirs forever.
Also I lend to my wife Mary Kelly all my Land on the side of themain road where
I now live during her life or Widowhood and after the death or marriage of my
wife my will and desire is the Land lent to my wife be equally divided and the
one half of it I lend to my daughter Sarah MOORE during her life and after that
to her heirs lawfully befotten of her body the other part I give to Mary KELLY
to her and her he forever. Item. Give my Land on the East side of the main
road to the heir or heirs of Lydia POWELL, my will and desire is that my Daughter
Lydia POWELL have the use of it her life time. also the other three parts of
my personal property that I have not given away it be equally divided the one
part to the heir or Heirs of Sarah MOORE forever the other part to the heir or
heirs of Lydia POWELL, my will and desire is that Sarah MOORE and Lydia POWELL
have the use of the said property during their lives the other part give to my
Daughter Mary KELLY to her and her Heirs forever my Will and desire is that Mary
KELLYs part shall not be sold but taken care of by my Executors. My will and
desire is that my Estate be divided by me Executors. I do hereby appoint William
BOYD and Thomas BOYD my Executors to this my last Will and Testament revoking all
others, I ordain this my last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have here-
unto set my hand and seal this 19th day of February 1807.
Signed Sealed and delivered in Custis (X) Kelly (seal)
presence of us.
Test. William BOYD
Sarah BOYD
August Term 1826. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Custis KELLY dec’d proved in Court by the Oath
of William BOYD and ordered to be Recorded - and Wm. BOYD the Exor came into
Court and qualified thereto. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen. I Abraham RAVEN of the County of Beaufort and State of
North Carolina being in a low state of health and not knowing how soon it may
please God to call me from this Earthly Tabernacle do make make and ordain this
my last Will and Testament in the the following words and form. Viz. 1st. My
Soul I give to God and my body to the Grave. 2d. I give my wife Nancy all the
property I got by her that is now in our possession. 3d. I give my watch and
hat to my Son Abraham. 4th. I give my Son William one bed. 5th. I give one
bed to my Daughter Sarah. 6th. The rest of my property I leave after paying my
Just Debts to be equally divided between my wife Nancy, my son William and my
daughter Sarah. Lastly I appoint my brother John McWILLIAMS and John TYLER my
Executors of this my last Will. Witness my hand and Seal this 24th of June A.D.
1826. Abraham (X) RAVEN
In presence of us.
Rebecca SMAW
August Term 1826. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last will and Testament of Abraham RAVEN dec'd proved in Court by the Oath
of John W. HAMMOND and ordered to be Recorded - and John McWILLIAMS came into
Court and Qualified as Exor. thereto. Jos. B. HINTON CK.

I Ezekiel CHAMBERS of the County of Beaufort being in perfect mind and memory do
make this my last Will and Testament revoking all other Wills and declaring this
my last Will to be in full force agreeable to the following Legacies. I give
and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth CHAMBERS every thing that I have any
right, title or Interest in consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture all of
my Stock a horse, hogs. Cattle & ch. I also give and bequeathe unto my wife
Elizabeth CHAMBERS in right, title and Interest in the following Negroes, Namely

- 158-
Sucky, Voilet, Flora, Piute, Peter, Jame and Edny, which negroes I heired from
her I also gave and bequeathe unto my wife Elizabeth CHAMBERS my right title
and Interest in the following Negroes, Samuel, Elizabeth, Riley, Rillar, York,
Willis and George, the last named Negroes I heired from my Father John CHAMBERS.
Item. I gave and bequeathe unto my beloved Wife Elizabeth CHAMBERS the following
Notes and Judgments to pay my Debts, namely one Judgment against John WILKER90N
Sen'r. for about thirty dollars. One Judgment against James BEASLEY for about
Sixteen dollars. one Note against Wm. SHAVENER for about forty five Dollars.
Item. I leave my beloved wife Elizabeth CHAMBERS and Lucretia GAYLARD Executrix
to this my last Will and Testament, in testimony I have hereunto set my hand and
seal in presence of.
Jeremiah G. RESPESS Ezekial (X) CHAMBERS
James I. QUINS (?)
Augt. Term 1826. Beaufort Court of Pleas and quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Ezekiel CHAMBERS proved in Court by the Oath
of Jeremiah G. RESPESS and ordered to be Recorded and Elizabeth CHAMBERS came
into Court and qualified as Executrix thereto.

In the name of God Amen I Rebecca ALLIGOOD if the County of Beaufort and State
of North Carolina, being in an advanced age and knowing that it is appointed for
all living once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in
manner & form following, that is to say. First and principally, I desire all my
Just Debts to be paid with as little delay as possible. Item. I give and be-
queath unto my children, towit, Winney, Rebecca, Nell, Talitha, John, Absalom,
and Jacob in addition, to the advances and assistance I have heretofor given
them, to say the sum of one half dollar each, to them and their Heirs, Executors,
Administrators and assigns forever. Item. I give and bequeathe unto my Son Wm.
Alligood the whole residue of my Estate, as well all of a Real as of a Personal
nature to him, his Heirs and assigns forever. Lastly I nominate constitute and
appoint my son William Alligood my sole Executor to this my last Will and Testa-
ment, hereby revoking and annulling all former and other Wills and Testaments by
me heretofore made, ratifying publishing and declaring this and no other as my
last Will and Testament.
Signed sealed and published by the testator Rebecca (X) ALLIGOOD (seal)
her last Will and Testament is presence of us
who saw the testator sign & seal and ourselves
subscribed in her presence and in the presence
of each other this 12 day of March 1819.
August Term 1826. Beaufort Court of PLeas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and TEstament of Rebecca ALLIGOOD dec'd proved in Court by the
Oath of Jos. B. HINTON, and ordered to be Recorded, and William ALLIGOOD came
into Court and Qualified thereto.
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen I, Ivey FLOYD of Beaufort County in the State of North
Carolina being sick and weak in body and not knowing how soon it may please God
to call me from this Earthly Tabernacle do make and ordain this my last Will and
Testament in the following manner and form. First I beseech Almighty God who
gave me my being to receive my Soul whensoever it shall please him to call me
into his blessed and Glorious Kingdom, and touching my worldly Estate wherewith
I have been blessed with in this life after all my Just Debts are paid, I give

and Bequeath unto my beloved Brother Bazil FLOYD my Land and Plantation whereon
I now live as will be hereafter described, begining at a poplar on the North
side of the Cypress branch runing up the said branch to the Deep run, thence up
the said run to a Chinquipin thence a West Course by a line of marked trees to
the begining, also twelve acres over the Deep run lying between I. KENNEDY and
W. WILLIAMS to him and his heirs forever. I also give him one bed, one horse,
my hogs. Cattle, House hold furniture with my farming utensils and one Gun to
him and his Heirs forever, and lastly I constitute and appoint my brother Bazil
FLOYD Executor to this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby revoke all
former Wills made by me. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this 8th day of August 1825.
Ivy FLOYD (seal)
signed sealed and delivered in the
presence of us
Elizabeth W. FLOYD
November Terml826 Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Ivy FLOYD dec'd proven Court by the Oath of
Sam'l COLLINS and ordered to be Recorded and Bazil FLOYD came in Court and quali-
fied as Exor thereto. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen, I Bryan KEECH of the County of Beaufort in the State
of North Carolina, being weak and low in body but a sound and disposing mind
and memory thanks be to God for the same, do make and ordain this my last Will
and Testament in the following manner and form. I recommend my Soul in the
hands of Almighty God who gave it me and my body to be buried in a decent and
Christain like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named as to my
Estate what God has bestowed on me in this life I give Dispose and bequeath in
the following manner and to Wit
Item. I give and bequeath unto my three sisters, that is to say Rhoda KEECH,
Nancy SCOTT and Sarah KEECH, seventy five acres of Land that I bought of Jasper
KEECH. Item. I give unto Sarah KEECH all of my House hold furniture. Item.
I give and bequeath unto my three Sisters, that is to say Rhoda KEECH, Nancy
SCOTT and Sarah KEECH, all of my Cattle and Blacksmiths Tools, if either of
them die without a lawful Heir or their body then I give it to the surviving
ones or one and all of my unmentionable property. I appoint Sarah WILKERSON and
Stephen KEECH, Wyriel KEECH and Henry KEECH Executors to this my last Will and
Testament in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my Seal
this 23d day of September 1826.
Bryan KEECH (seal)
Signed and sealed and published and
pronounced by me Brian KEECH his last
Will and Testament in the presence of us.
test, Jasper KEECH
November Term 1826. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Bryan KEECH dec'd proved in Court by the Oath
of Jasper KEECH and ordered to be recorded and Wyt. KEECH came into Court and
qualified as Exer. thereto.

In the name of God Amen I, John DAVIS Senr. being weak in body but of sound mind
and memory do give and dispose of what worldly Goods it hath been pleased God to
bestow on me in manner & form as follows. Item. I give unto my Son Richard
DAVIS a piece of Land begining at his own Corner at a red Oak near the back swamp
runing 18 pole West, thence South 80 pole thence South 9 degrees West to Jones
line, thence with Joness line to his corner thence with his own line to the first

station to him and his Heirs forever. I also give him all the Land and Stock
which I have given him a right for. Item. I give unto my Son William DAVIS all
the Land and stock which I have previously given him by Deed &c. to him and his
heirs forever. Item. I lend unto my Daughter Susannah HOWARD during her natural
life, fifty acres of land adjoining William SATTERTHWAITE's Heirs where my said
Daughter now lives, at her death I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter
Susannah HOWARD’S children the above mentioned Land to them and their Heirs for-
ever. Item. I give unto my three Daughters namely Mary RATLIFF, Sarah WINFIELD
and Martha WINFIELD all of my Land on the East side of Pungo River in Hyde Co
to them and their heirs forever. I lend unto my beloved wife Mary DAVIS during
her natural life all my manor Plantation whereon I now live I also lend unto my
Wife all of my Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs House hold and Kitchen Furniture
and one negro boy by the name of Jacob and all my perishable property during her
natural life or widowhood. Item. At my wife’s death my will and desire is as
follows,first that all of my single daughters should have the privilege of the
west end of my dwelling House where I now live that is to say, two rooms below
and one above, also the loom House to their own use, while they remain single.
I also give them liberty to use as much of my cleared Land near the house as
they can work themselves, to raise Cotton, Corn or potatoes on upon the same
condition as above that is to say my wish is that they should have a home of
their own as long as they have a mind to occupy it but not to have it in their
power to dispose of it should they leave it. Item. I lend unto my Son Henry
DAVIS after my wifes Death the manor plantation whereon I now live and all my
adjoining Lands, except the privileges I have given my daughters during his natur-
al life, at his death and when my daughters should think proper to leave it or
die I give said Plantation and Lands to Henry Major DAVIS to him and his heirs
forever. Item. At my wifes death or marriage I give unto my two Youngest daugh-
ters namely Peggy DAVIS and Hester DAVIS my Negro boy Jacob and a two year old
Heifer apiece, to them and their heirs forever. I give unto my four Daughters
namely Nancy, Elizabeth, Lydia and Frances DAVIS, all of Lands which I have not
given away to them and their heirs forever also all of my perishable Estate that
I have not disposed of at my wifes Death to them and their Heirs forever. Lastly
I nominate and appoint my Son William DAVIS and my friend John McWILLIAMS Executor
to this my last Will and Testament In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand
and Seal this 28 day of August 1826.
In presence of John DAVIS (seal)
Charles JONES
November Term 1826. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Joan DAVIS dec'd proved in Court by the Oath
of Charles JONES and ordered to be Recorded.
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.
= = == = === = = == = = == ======== = ===
373 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~
State of North Carolina ) I Seth WILSON, make and publish this my last
Beaufort County ) Will and Testament in manner and form following that
is to say, 1st. I give to my beloved wife Ruth all the Interest that I have in
the Plantation whereon Jacob MOORE formerly resided together with all the Crop
growing or remaining on the premises, also all the stock of Cattle, Sheep, Hogs,
Horses, and Mules, Household and Kitchen Furniture, all of the working Tools of
every discription also all the Interest I have in the negroes given or lent by
the Will of Jacob MOORE dec'd to my said wife Ruth, the foregoing articles are
those I got by intermarriage with said Ruth and if there is any article which I
got by my intermarriage aforesaid that I have not specifically named, that I also
give her, to her, her heirs forever, I also give to my said Wife Ruth out of my

own property one hundred Dollars and my Gig, and I lend her six Table spoons,
that is marked with the two first letters of my name also my Sugar Tongs, the
spoons and sugar tongs to be returned to my Executors after her Death. 2d. I
give to my Son Marshal WILSON the plantation whereon he now lives and all of my
land attached to that plantation lying South of a line of marked trees, begining
at HOWELS Corner and runing with said line of Marked trees to the run of Tranters
Creek also one half of my land lying on the South side of Horsepen branch to him
and his heirs forever. 3th. I give to my Son McGilborn WILSON, the Plantation
whereon I now live and all theland attached to it lying North of a line of marked
trees begining at HOWELS Corner and runing with said line of marked trees to the
run of Tranters Creek, also the other half of my Land lying on the South side of
horsepen branch, also thirteen acres I bought of Thomas Williams the boundaries
of which will appear by refering to the Deed of conveyance, also Seventy five
acres of Land that I bought of Kennedy joining Rotheas LATHAM line above the white
place to him and his heirs forever. 4th. I give to my two Sons Marshal and
McGilborn my grist old field to them and their heirs forever. 5th. I give to
Son Messer WILSON one hundred acres of Land more or less which I bought of Samuel
HULL, lying below Thomas WILLIAMS which was granted me by the State, also another
tract I bought of Wm. CRAWFORD containing three hundred acres adjoining Thomas
WILLIAMS also another tract I bought of Body BARD or Body MARTIN not now recollect
-ed which containing two hundred acres lying on the pine log Swamp to him and his
heirs forever. 5. I give to my Son Albert G. WILSON the Land that I bought of
Wilie ELEMONS lying on the pine log Swamp containing four hundred and fifty acres
also one hundred acres of Land lying near it granted to me by the State to him
and his heirs forever. 6th. My Executors are directed to sell a tract of Land
lying on tranters Creek near John CLEMONS containing sixty acres more or less,
to give Six months Credit, and the proceeds equally to divide between Robert T.
DANIELS and Amariah BIGGS. 7. I lend my Son Seth WILSON the plantation whereon
he now lives and the land attached to it during his natural life and at his death
I give it to the heirs of his body to them and their heirs forever. 8. I give
to my Daughter Wincey BIGGS two quarter sections of Land lying on the Missouri
patents for which are now in my Desk to her and her heirs forever. 9th. My Will
is that my Negroes be divided into nine equal parts and one ninth of them I lend
to my Son Seth during his natural life, and at his death to be equally divided
between the heirs of his body to them and their heirs forever. 10th. The ball-
ance of my Negroes are to be equally divided between my other eight Children to
them and their heirs forever. 11th. In making the above allotment and division
amongst my heirs the negroes that I have given off to my married Children are to
be valued at what they were worth at the time they were carried home except the
one given to Susan DANIELS her negro Woman had a Child or Children when she
carried them home. It is my Will that only her negro woman be valued and that
she have the child or Children in without a valuation and them enough of those
now in my possession to be added thereto to make one ninth, or make all of my
children equal as to Negroes, some of the females given or sent home with my
married Children has had Children, and the male negroes has increased in value
as they have increased in age or size, it is not my wish or intention that either
the accumulated value or increase of said negroes should be valued as it has a-
risen from the Induestry of my said Children. 12. My interest in the Newbern
Bank amounting to Six hundred dollars I give to my two sons Albert G. and Mc-
Gilberry WILSON, the dividends on which is to be applied to their Education. 13th
I give to my two sons Albert G. and Messer WILSON One hundred and fifty dollars
each and to each of my daughters three hundred dollars to them and their heirs
forever. 14th. The ballance of my property not already disposed of is to be sold
by my Executors at six months Credit and after the payment of all of my Just debts

and the legacies given in notes, the residue is to be equally divided between all
of my Children, and lastly I nominate and appoint James DANIELS and Messer WILSON
Exors to this my last Will and Testament in Testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my seal this the 21 August 1826.
Signed, Sealed and published in the
presence of us Seth WILSON Senr. (seal)
Elizabeth (X) PERKINS
3?5 William CLARK
A--Codicil to this my last Will and Testament. My Executors are directed to pro-
cure from New York a white Marble Toumbstone for my Grave and one for my Wife
Milley with suitable inscriptions on them. 21 Augt. 1826.
Signed Sealed and published in presence Seth WILSON (seal)
of us.
Elizabeth (X) PERKINS
William CLARK
November Term 1826. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Seth WILSON Senr. proved in Court by the Oaths
of James DANIELS and Wm. CLARK and ordered to be recorded, and James DANIELS came
into Court and qualified as Exor thereto. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen. I Daniel CONGLETON of the County of Beaufort and State
of NORTH Carolina being very low in health but of perfect mind andmemory thanks
be given unto God, calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that
it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and
Testament that is to say principally and first of all, I give and recommend my
Soul unto the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the
Earth to be buried in a decent Christain burial at the discretion of my Executors
nothing doubting but at the General resurrection I shall receive the same again
by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly Estate whewith it has
pleased God to bless me in this I give demise and dispose of the same in the
following manner and form. First. I give and bequeathe to my beloved wife
Wynnefred CONGLETON my Sorrel Horse and bridle and also as much of Land and
Plantation including my dwelling House as will support her during her natural
life and then to be equally divided between Jacob CONGLETON and Hardy D. CONGLETON
and I also give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Wynnefred one bed bedstead and
furniture and also all my household and Kitchen furniture during her natural life,
then to be equally divided between my four daughters namely Patty CONGLETON, Lois
CONGLETON, Apsley CONGLETON, and Reanna CONGLETON to them and their heirs. Item.
I also give to my son William CONGLETON one gun, and I also give to my son Jesse
CONGLETON one Desk. Item. I also give and bequeathe unto my Daughter Rebecca
LATHAM five Shillings State Currency to her and her heirs forever. Item. I
also give and bequeath unto my son James CONGLETON a tract of Land including all
the Marsh, that is to say runing from his Corner on the Beaver Dam around on the
edge of the Hill so as include all of said Marsh that lays to the South of my
Plantation. Item. I also give and bequeath all of my Cattle, sheep and hogs
after my Death to be equally divided between my four Daughters namely Polly
their heirs forever. Item. I also give and bequeath all of my Tools of every
dimention to be equally divided between my Six Sons namely Jacob CONGLETON,
CONGLETON to them and their heirs forever. Item. I also give and bequeathe all
the rest of my Lands not describe before to be equally divided between my five
Sons namely Jacob CONGLETON, Hardy D. CONGLETON, Jesse CONGLETON, William CONGLE-
TON, & John John CONGLETON to them and their heirs forever. It urn. It is also
my wish and desire that all the rest of my beds, bedsteads and beding furniture

not before described to be equally divided between my four Daughters namely
and their heirs forever, and I also appoint Jacob CONGLETON and Hardy D.
CONGLETON as Executors to this my last Will and Testament. In witness where-
of I have hereunto fixed my hand seal this 4th day of September in the Year of
our Lord 1826.
Signed & sealed in presence of us. Daniel C. CONGLETON (seal)
November Term 1826. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will & Testament of Danl. C. CONGLETON dec’d proved in Court by
the Oath of Moses CONGLETON and ordered to be recorded and Jacob CONGLETON and
Hardy CONGLETON came in Court and qualified as Exors. thereto.

In the name of God Amen. I Henry HARVEY of Beaufort County State of North Caro-
line being weak in body but in sound mind and memory do put in writing this my
last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say. Item. I
lend to my beloved wife Huldah all my manor Plantation and three Negroes, namely
Abram, Inde and Doll during her life and widowhood, I also give her one Feather
bed and Furniture and bedstead and my mare bridle and Saddle. I also lend her
all the property I have left to my Son Samuel untill he marries or comes of age
the law requires 21. I also lend her all the peoperty I have given to my Daugh-
ter Mary Ann on the same conditions. Item. I give and bequeathe unto my Son
William two Negroes namely Jack and Moranda and one bed and bedstead and furni-
ture and all my land on the South side of Odens Swamp. Item. I give and bequeath
unto my Son Samuel one half of all my Land on the North side of the said Oden
Swamp to be divided by a line begining at themain run of the said Oden Swamp and
runing North a cross my Land his part will be the west End and after the death
of my said wife or Widowhood all the residue of the Lands on the north side said
Odens Swamp I give to my Son Samuel. I also give him one of the rooms of my
house during the life of his Mother his mother having the first choice. I also
give him two Negroes namely Homer and Eli and my Young Horse and one bed and
bedstead and furniture. Item. My desire is that Abram and Dol and her increase
and all my unwilled property after the Death of my wife be equally divided among
my three children, William, Samuel and Mary Ann. I order and constitute and
appoint my wife Huldah and my two Sons William and Samuel Executors to this my
last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixt
my seal this 15th day of January in the Year of our Lord Christ 1823.
Henry HARVEY (seal)
Wilson ODEN
February Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Henry HARVEY dec’d proved in Court by the Oath
of Ruel WINDLEY and ordered to be Recorded. Jos. B. HINTON CK.

In the name of God Amen. I Olive FOREMAN being weak of body but of sound dispos-
ing mind and memory do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner
and form following to wit. Item. 1st. My will desire is that Temp and three of
her Youngest Children that she had with now and Lucinda and her child be sold by
my Executor at private Sale altogether and my Will and desire is further, that
the money arising from the Sale of the above mentioned negroes be equally divid-
ed between Benjamin F. EBORN and his four children, Eliza Ann Louisa, John
Robert, Harriett Ann Elizabeth, and Lydia Alivia to them and their Heirs &c. for-
ever. Item 2d. My will and desire is further that the ballance of my Negroes
not already disposed of be divided between Arrina SCOTT, Jeremiah FOREMAN and my
Aunt Hummiety PRICES children to them and their Heirs &c. forever. Item 3d. I
leave my notes for my Executor to pay my Just Debts out of and the ballance if
any I give unto Benjamin F. EBORN and all the rest of my property of every kind
not already disposed of this my last Will unto the said Benjamin F. EBORN his
Heirs forever. I do further constitute and appoint Benjamin F. EBORN Executor
to this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand
and seal this 10th day of January 1827 in presence of
Beazer BARROW __ .
T, Olive (X) FOREMAN (seal)
February Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was
the within last Will and Testament of Olive FOREMAN dec’d proved in Court by
the Oath of Thomas JORDAN and ordered to be recorded and Benjamin F. EBORN came
into Court and Qualified as Executor thereto.
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen. I Henry Harrison McCABE of the County of Beaufort and
State of North Carolina being infirm in body but of sound and disposing mind and
memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in order following that
is to say, I give and recommend my soul into the hand of Almighty God that gave
it, and my bodyl recommend to the Earth to be decently Interred at the discretion
of my Executrix whom I shall hereafter name and touching such worldly Estate
which it has pleased God to bless me with, I will and bequeathe in the following
manner and form. I give and bequeathe to my Wife Peggy McCABE liberty to clear
and cultivate as much of my lands that I am now possessed of as she feels herself
at any time disposed to do. I give and bequeath
to my said Wife Peggy McCABE liberty to build as many houses on said Land as she
may from time to time have a wish to do. My Will and desire is that my said Wife
Peggy McCABE keep our Children with her during her Widowhood or untill the said
Children namely Bryan Harrison McCABE and Sally McCABE shall come to the full
Years of twenty one, and then to be equally divided between my said Wife Peggy
McCABE, Bryan H. McCABE and Sally McCABE, and further should my said wife Peggy
McCABE marry before the said Bryan H. McCABE and Sally McCABE shall come to the
full Years of twenty one years then for the said Property to be equally divided
between my said Wife Peggy and the said Bryan H. and Sally McCABE & it is further
to be understood that I do here by virtue of this my last Will and Testament
lend to my Wife Peggy McCABE all my lands Household and Kitchen Furniture all my
plantation and Mechanical tools with all my Stock of every description during
her Widowhood or marriage or untill the said Children Bryan H. and Sally McCABE
shall arrive at the full age of twenty one Years and then to be equally divide
between the three before mentioned persons and my said wife has liberty to sell
and dispose of such property as she can best spare to discharge my Debts. I also
lend unto my wife Peggy McCABE all my Negro Slaves on the same conditions that
I have lent her the property before mentioned further my Will and desire is that
if the said two children Bryan Harrison McCABE and Sally McCABE should die before
they come to the full age of twenty One Years then for my said Wife Peggy McCABE
to have the whole of the property and should my said wife Peggy die leaving no
Heir of her own body lawfully begotten then the said property to be equally
divided between Danl. H. McCABE, Darden H. McCABE. I also give unto wife Peggy
McCABE liberty to tend all my Turpentine boxes or as many of them as she pleases.
I also give unto my said wife Peggy McCABE to make as much Tar at any time she
may any time feel herself disposed do on said Land. My Will and desire is that
when my son Bryan Harrison McCABE shall arrive at the age of thirteen Years that

he be sent to the Northward and bound to the Taylors trade untill he is twenty
one Years of Age. I do hereby constitute make and ordain my Wife Peggy McCABE
the sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament all and singular my Lands,
messuages and tenements and all other of my property by her to be freely possess-
ed and enjoyed agreeable to the form before mentioned and I do hereby utterly
disallow and disannul all and every other former testament and Wills by me in
any ways before named willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and
no other to be my last Will and testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th of April 1826.
Signed, sealed, published and pronounced by the said Henry H. McCABE as his last
Will and Testament in the presence of each of us who in the presence of him and
presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names.
H. H. McCABE (seal)
February Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Henry McCABE dec'd proved in Court by the Oaths
of Geo. GERRARD and B. Witherington, & ordered to be recorded, and Peggy McCABE
came into Court & qualified AS Ex'x thereto .
Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen. I Mary GARRAWAY of County of Beauford and State of
North Carolina, being in poor state of body by health but of perfect mind and
sound memory and calling to mind that it is appointed, once for men and men and
woman kind to die, I do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
followith. First of all I commit my body to the Earth of which it was made and
my soul I resign to God that gave it and as for those worldly Good that God hath
blesses me with I give as follows to wit first of. I give my daughter Julia LATHAM
my large Mahogany Dining Table, my brass hand Irons, Shovel and tongs and half
a dozen silver Table Spoons and the furniture belong to that Table And I give my
daughter Penny Ann RUSSEL half a dozen Tea spoons and my Grand daughter Susan
Russellmy bed bedstead & furniture and my small dining Table. I lend my Daughter
Mary D. BURBANK my Negro Woman Mealey four Years and after that time for her Meal-
ey to have her own time. I give Son William NEWMANS one Dollar. I give my Grand
Daughter Henrietta AKINFORD one Dollar. I give two Daughters Mary BURBANK and
Julia LETHAM and Grand Daughter Susan RUSSELL my three Cows to them & their Heirs
forever. And lastly my will and desire is that my Brother in Law Thomas TROTTER
my Executor, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and
Testament. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this 1st day of
June 1826.
Test. Joseph TRIPPE CARRAWAY (s al)
February Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas ancr Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Mary CARRAWAY dec'd proved in Court by the Oath
of Joseph TRIPPE & ordered to be Recorded. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen. I Southey B. REW of the Town of Washington County of
Beauford and State of North Carolina being in a low state of Health, but in sound
mind andmemory, maketh this my last Will and testament. first. after my decease
I request to be decently interred into the Episcopalian burying ground. Second-
ly. I request of my Executors to pay all my just Debts as speedily as possible,
expecially the claim of Mess'rs Procter and Swift, and desire my friend John Y.
GONNER to close the concerns of Rew & BONNER in the manner provided by my act of
Copailnery with hiir, and the ballance which may appear due or coming to me from
said firm together with the reside of my Estate I desire to be divided in the
following manner. Fourthly T give and bequeath to my Mother Jerusha GARDNOR and

- 165 -
her Heirs four hundred dollars to be paid out of my Estate by installments of
one hundred dollars in advance yearly for four years. I gave and bequeathe to
Margaret REW, Rhoda REW, and Thomas REW the Children of my deceased Brother John
J. Rew and their heirs the residue or fallance of my Estate real and personal
which I estimate at Seven hundred or more Dollars to be equally divided amongst
them, and paid in Yearly payments for four Years, and in proportion of their
distributive shares as will pay their schooling, and provide them with plain
wholesome cloathing and in as much they are infants and no Guardian, I request
of my Executors for to distribute their legacies and use their endeavors to have
it applied in the manner I have desired and in no other way. Fifthly. I name
appoint and constitute, my friends John Y. BONNER and Lewis LERRY Sr. my Executors
to this my last Will and Testament revoking all others made previously. Witness
my hand and seal Washington the 20th day of December 1826.
Signed sealed inpresence of „ , ,.
* _ Southey B. REW (seal)
attest. Thomas T. HAGGARD
February Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Smithey B.REW dec’d proved in Court by the Oath
of Thomas T. HAGGART and ordered to be Recorded, and John Y. BONNER came into
Court and Qualified as Executor thereto.

State of North Carolina, Beaufort County. In the Name of God Amen that I,
Thomas WINDLEY now being sick and weak in body, but of a sound and perfect memory
and a disposing mind thanks be to almighty God for the same, and do make this my
last Will and testament in the following manner and form, to it first of all I
commit my body to the Earth to be decently buried and I also commit and commend
my Soul into the hands of the God that gave it &c. also my Estate I give and be-
queathe in the following manner to it &c. I lend to my beloved Wife Susa WINDLEY
the plantation whereon I now live also I lend to her One fifth part of fourteen
Negroes named as follows, Ben, Mason, Bing, Lewis, Jack, Pat, Lettice, Gin, Eady,
Tempe, Sal, Harriet, Luce, Ellen, also one sixth part of all my stock House hold
and Kitchen furniture during her natural life. I give and bequeathe unto my Son
John L. WINDLEY the Land that I pattented begining at Wyriott ORMONDS Corner also
give him the privilege of drawing the said Land through my field that is into my
leading ditch for ninety nine Years also One fifth part of Fourteen Negroes the
above mentioned also one fifth part of my perishable Estate &c. I give and be-
queathe unto my Daughters Mary Ann BOYD one negro woman named Nelly and her in-
crease also one sixth part of my perishable Estate. I give unto my Son Joseph
B. WINDLEY the Land where William Green lived, also one Sixth part of my perish-
able Estate, also one fifth part of Fourteen Negroes as before mentioned. I
give and bequeath unto my Daughter Susannah WINDLEY one fifth part of Fourteen
Negroes the above mentioned also one Sixth part of my perishable Estate. I give
unto my Son Lorenzo Dowe WINDLEY, the plantation where I now live after his mothers
Death also my Swamp Land adjoining the said Plantation and Bez. BARROWS also the
Land pattented by my Father called the Abram pond Land and the privlege of drain-
ing it into my leading Ditch also one fifth part of Fourteen Negroes which is
above mentioned also one sixth part of my perishable Estate, also that if either
of my Sons should die without a lawful begotten Heir of their body then in such
case the Land shall return back to my sons then living also at the death of my
Wife the Negroes together with all that I have lent to her to be equally divided
between all my children then living and lastly I nominate and appoint John WINDLEY
Jr. and Brazer BOYD as my Exors to this my last Will and Testament. Witness I
have hereunto set my hand and seal this 26th day of June 1827.
Thomas WINDLEY (seal)
Thomas BARROW -166-
February Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
within last Will and Testament of Thomas WINDLEY dec’d proved in Court by the
Oath of Thomas BARROW, and ordered to be Recorded and Bizer BOYD came into
Court and qualified as Exor. thereto. Jos. B. HINTON Clk.

State of North Carolina Beaufort County. In the name of God I William RUFF be-
ing in a sound mind and memory have thought proper to make this my last Will and
Testament begining as follows first I give unto my wife Sarah RUFF all the property
that I die possessed with during her widowhood or life time to dispose of as she
sees proper and after the Death or marriage of my Wife I give this piece of Land
whereon I now live to my Sister Tempey RUFF and her Heirs if she will come and
live on the Land and if she nor her Heirs will not live on the Land then I give
the said tract of Land to the use of the Baptist Church - and I give unto my
mother fifty dollars if she needs it, as soon as she calls for it and then after
the death or marriage of my Wife Sarah Ruff I give the rest of my property to be
equally divided between my Brother Reading RUFF and my Sister Tempey RUFF and
their Heirs and I leave my wife Sarah RUFF as an Executor and I also leave John
B. ARCHBELL as an Executor to this my last Will and Testament, I have here-
unto set my hand and seal this the 5th day of August 1826.
Signed in the presents of us
Witness Jesse (X) TETTERTON ( ^\
Wllllam RDFF <Seal)
Elizabeth (X) TETTERTON
February Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the
last Will and Testament of William RUFF dec’d proved in Court in due form of Law
by the Oath of Eliz. TETTERTON and ordered to be Recorded and Sarah RUFF came
into Court and qualified as Ex'x thereto. Jos. B. HINTON CK.

In the name of God Amen, that I Frederic BARROW of the County of Beaufort and
State of North Carolina am now sick in body but am of a sound mind and memory
thanks be to God for it and do make this my last Will and Testament in the follow-
ing manner to it, I first of all commit my body to the Earth to be decently
buried also commit and commend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it &c. &c.
I give and bequeathe unto my Son Henry BARROW, one half of my Plantation the East-
ward end it a lying along the new Road that runs between my plantation and Hugh
McCULLOUGH and from the said Road up to a double Ditch that runs through my plan-
tation the course the Ditch runs the course to continue to the back line of the
patten so as to include all the Land within them boundries also one Negro man
named Ned, and one negro man named Louis, and one Negro man named Sign, also one
feather Bed and Furniture. I give and bequeathe unto my Son William T. BARROW
the other half of my plantation where I now live which is the westward End from
the double Ditch that runs through my field also if I should in the division of
the Clark Land get it adjoining my Plantation then the begining at Cockel shell
branch runing from thence such a course to the Savannah as will include twenty
acres between that and my old Land, also one negro man named Reuben and one
negro Woman named Agg and One feather bed and Furniture. I give and bequeathe
unto my Son Seth L. BARROW the Land that I bought of Wm. CLARK formerly owned by
Henry CLARK with an exception of twenty acres if it should it be laid off ad-
joining my plantation, if not laif off adjoining me then in that case to have
the whole of my right in said Land, also two Negro men one by the name of Derry
and one named Lewis. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Margaret DAVIS three
negro Girls One named Hetty one named Elenor and one named Splhia, which I have
put in her possession of. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Nancy BOYD
One Negro man by the name of Ellis and one Girl named Matilda and one named Dina
which I have put two of them in her possession. I give and bequeath unto my Son

-167 -
Zachariah BARROW One Negro man by the name of Green also one Negro Woman Named
Flora and three Children named as follows, one named Hannah, one named Charity,
one named Matilda and one negro boy named Amos. I lend unto Mary E. JONES One
negro Girl named Louisa and that if the said Mary E. JONES shall live to have a
Child then the negro Girl and increase to return to my Estate again &c.
I also leave Mary E. JONES in the hand of my Executors to see and take care of
her and that I wish them to send her to School two Years so that she can read
and wright and that shall pay the expence of it out of my Estate say not to ex-
ceed four, or four and a half or five dollars per month for her and I wish Miss
BUFFENTON to have her if not then I wish Miss John SELBY. I also that my Estate
shall keep and raise the negro Girl Louisa given to Margaret E. JONES untill it
may get big enough to hire out for something and then to continue to hire it out
Yearly with the rest untill the said M. E. JONES may be authorised to take her
from the words of my Will and they shall pay out the hire of said negro Girl when
she shall bring anything to get the support of sd. M. E. JONES. I also leave the
residue of my property that is to say my house hold and Kitchen furniture. Crop
and stock and farming Utensils of every kind to be sold by my Executors to pay
my Debts and then sold not be enough to pay my Debts, I then in that case leave
six negroes by name Jacob, James, Sam, Lewis, Annis, Hymon, as many of them to
be sold by my Executors to the best advantage as they may think best beginning
at Jacob first and then if there should be a ballance of them of them or any
ballance of any sum may be left after the payment of my Debts from the sale of
them to be equally divided between my two Sons Seth and Zachariah BARROWS to be
divided as they may arrive at the age of twenty one Years old. I also constitute
and appoint Henry BARROW and William T. BARROW my Executors to this my last Will
and Testament, I also appoint my two Sons Henry BARROW and Wm. Troop BARROWS as
Guardian to my two Youngest Sons Seth L. BARROW and Zach’r BARROW. In Witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and ix’d my seal to this my last Will and
Testament this 17th of January 1827.
Signed in presence of us
Test. Jesse BARROW Fred'k BARROW (seal)
May Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and quarter Sessions. This Will was then
contested and Established before a Jury see Verdict upon trial Docket - and
Henry BARROW then qualified as Exor. and ordered to be Recorded.
Jos. B. HINTON elk.

North Carolina, Beaufort County. In the name of God Amen I Joseph PEARCE of the
County and State aforesaid being somewhat weak and low in body but of perfect
sound mind and memory thanks be to almighty God for it calling to mind the mort-
ality of all men knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die to make
constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament this October the 6th in
the Year of our Lord 1826. first. I leave my body to the discretion of my
Executors to be buried in a decent manner, my Soul I recommend to the hands of
my Redeemer nothing Doubting, and as touching my worldly Goods which it hath been
pleased God to bless me with. Item. I give and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth
PEARCE one negro man by the name of Primus, I also give my black Horse by the
name of Bradock and my Sorrel Mare by the name of Sonora and Oxen and Cart and
three Cows & Calves and two three Year old Heifers her own choice. I give her
all of my hogs. I give her three feather beds and furniture. I give my wife all
of my Crop now on the ground and my wheat in the barn, and my Cotten and Flax
and all my house hold and Kitchen furniture, and all of my plantation Tools and
I give all of my Coopers tools and Cross cut Saw and twenty five dollar note of
Auros TUTON now on demand. I also lend unto my wife Elizabeth PEARCE three negros

by the names Adam, Lew, Penny and If my Debts cannot be paid without Lew must be
sold for the payment of my Debts. 1 lend my Lands unto my wife with all of boxes
that is cut with liberty of cutting more if she wants and with all privilege on
said Land and after her Death I give unto my Laughter Holland SALTER all of my
Lands, and ifshe is Dead I give all of my Lands unto her son Joseph Pearce SALTER,
I give unto my Daughter Sally TYRE One Dollar. I give my Daughter Apsley PEARCE
one Dollar. I give unto my Daughter Polly GERRARDs Children One Dollar, and I
leave all of my unchanged property to be sold to pay my debts, there is One bed
at Reading TYREs I leave to be sold. If my wife should be with Child I give
the three lent negroes unto the Child and all of my lands and if there should be
a child in time for mine then I give Holland SALTER one dollar brought over this
6th day of October 1826. I also constitute and appoint my Wife Elizabeth PEARCE
Executrix to this my last Will and Testament. In testimoney whereof I have here-
unto set my hand and seal
Joseph (X) PEARCE (seal)
Signed sealed & acknowledged in presence of
Lodowick REDDITT
May May Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. This Will was
then contested and established before a Jury, see Verdict upon trial Docket. &
ordered to be Recorded & Eliza PEARCE qualified as Execx. thereto.
Jos. B. HINTON Clk.
State of North Carolina, Beaufort County. In the name of God amen. Know all
men by these presents that I Richard HODGES being of sound mind and memory and
in a low state of Health make this my last will and Testament. It 1st. I lend
to my beloved Wife Rebecca HODGES One third part of my property during life. It
2nd. I also lend the residue of my property to my beloved Daughter Mahitable
GORHAM during life. It 3d. And after the Death of my wife 6 Daughter I give to
the heirs of my Daughter all and singularly my property forever. 4th. I also
appoint my Son in Law Edwin GORHAM my Executor. In witness whereof I have here-
unto set my hand and seal this the 13th day of February 1827.
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Thomas LATHAM . / i \
„ i Richard HODGES (seal)
May Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the with-
in last Will and Testament of Rich'd HODGES dec'd proved in Court by the Oath of
Robert HARDISON and ordered to be recorded, and Edwin GORHAM came into Court and
Qualified as Exex. thereto. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

State of North Carolina, Beaufort County. I Frederick REW being in sound mind
and memory, make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. I give to my loving
brother John REW all the Land I have lying and being in the County of Hyde also
a Judgement I hold against John SELBY in the County Court of Beaufort this Judg-
ment is entitled to a credit of $30 paid to me by said SELBY for which the Judg-
ment has not been creditted, also a note of my brother Johns for one hundred &
fifty dollars I give to him, then all other sums due to me after paying all my
Just Debts, I give to my brother John. In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and seal this 8th day of February 1827.
Sitness - Thomas H. SMITH Frederick REW (seal)
Msy Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Qr. Sessions. Then was the within
last Will and Testament of Fred. REW dec’d proved in Court by the Oath of Tho.
H. SMITH and ordered to be Recorded. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen I Rachael HAWKINS being weak of body but of sound dispos-
ing mind and memory do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner
and form following, to Wit. Item 1st. I give and demise unto my Nephew Jesse
GODLEY one House and Lot in the Town of Swanborough, Onslow County with all the
back rents due for said House and lot to him & his heirs &c. forever. Item 2d.
I give and demise unto my Neice Lucilla E. EBORN one pair of bed valiants and
the money due me for Schooling Elizabeth L. EBORN and James T. McSWAIN to her
and her heirs &c. forver. Item 3. I give and demise unto my beloved Nephew
Robt. F. LANIER one feather bed, two pillows, one bolster and matress, three bed
Quilts, four pair of pillow cases, one pair of sheets to him & his heirs &c. for-
ever. Item 5. I give and demise unto my Neice Lucinda R. LANIER one Counter-
pane and Blanket, one Looking Glass Wash Bowie & Pitcher toher and her heirs &c.
forever. Item 6th. I give and demise unto my Neice Marthy A. LANIER my large
trunk to her & her heirs &c. forever. Item 7. I give and demise unto my neice
Harriet A. L. LANIER my small Trunk to her and her heirs &c. forever. Item 8.
I give and bequeathe unto my Nephew William A. L. LANIER my Bible and Questions
on the Bible Dictionary and Hymn Book to him and his Heirs &c. forever. Item 9.
My will and desire is that my Sister Edy LANIER have her choice of as many of my
cloaths as she wants thats not already disposed of before in this my last Will
and the ballance if any to be divided between Lucilla E. EBORN, Lydia E. HARTMAS,
Lucinda R. LANIER, Martha Ann LANIER and Harriet A. L. LANIER to them & their
Heirs &c. forever. I do hereby constitute and appoint my beloved Nephew Robt.F.
LANIER, Exor. to this my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have here-
unto set my hand and seal this 27th day of January 1827.
Signed Sealed inpresence of
Robt. LANIER Rachael HAWKINS (seal)
Rebecca LITTLE
MayTerm 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the within
last Will and Testament of Rachael HAWKINS dec'd proved in Court by the Oath of
Rebecca LITTLE and ordered to be Recorded, and Robt. LANIER came into Court and
qualified as Exor thereto. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen. I Levi WINDLEY of Beaufort County and State of North
Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be God do this 6th
day of December in the Year of our Lord 1826 make and publish this my last Will
and Testament in manner following that is to say. First. I lend unto my Daugh-
ter Anna WILKERSON One hundred and twenty five acres of Land that I bought of my
brother Israel WINDLEY on the other side of the Swamp, after the Death of my
daughter Anna I give the foresaid Land unto my said Daughter Anna's children,
also I lend unto my said daughter Anna one half of my Cypress Swamp during life
then to be divided between her children as above also I lend unto my daughter Anna
two Negroes, to wit, Moses and Ha-nnah during her life, after her death I give
the two negroes unto her Children to be equally divided between them. Item. I
give unto my Grandson Jesse WILKERSON one bed and some furniture also I give him
one Buckaneer Gun. Item. I lend unto my Wife Carolina KEECH my plantation where
-on I now live and all the Land thereunto belonging except the half of the Cypress
Swamp that I give to my Daughter Anna during her natural life after the death of
my daughter Caroline I give the foresaid Land to my two Grandsons Levi Silvester
KEECH and Bryan Henry KEECH to be divided between them by a branch known by the
name of the Rice Patch branch, all the Land on the East side of the Branch I give
unto Levi, and all the Land on the West side of the Branch I give unto Benjamin
to them and their Heirs forever. also I lend unto my Daughter Carolina two Negroes
to wit, Lewis and Esther Jane during her natural life after her Death I give the
foresaid two Negroes unto her two Children to be equally divided between them.
Item. I give unto my Grand Son Levi L. KEECH one bed and some furniture also one
french Musket. Item. I give unto my friend Leonard KEECH one hand mill also one
Gun to him his heirs &c. Item. all the rest of my Goods and Chattels not named
in this Will, I leave to be equally divided between my two Daughters Anna WILK-
ERSON and Caroline KEECH and I hereby make and ordain my two sons in Law, John
WILKERSON and Henry KEECH Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In
witness whereof I the said Levi WINDLEY have hereunto set my hand and seal the
day & Year above written.
Signed, sealed, published & declared by Levi WINDLEY (seal)
the said Levi WINDLEY the Testator as his
last Will and Testament in the presence of us
who were present at the time of signing and
sealing thereof.
May Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Then was the with-
in last Will and Testament of Levi WINDLEY dec'd proved in Court by the Oath of
Seth WINDLEY and ordered to be Recorded and John WILKERSON came into Court and
Qualified as Exor thereto. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

State of North Carolina Beaufort County. In the name of God Amen. I Elisabeth
Wesley FLOYD of the State and County aforesaid being sick and weak in body and
not knowing how soon it may pleas God to call me from this Earthly Tabernacle,
though in perfect mind and memory, do make and ordain this my last Will and Test
-ament in the following manner and form, first I beseech almighty God, who gave
me my being, to receive my Soul and as to my worldly Estate wherewith I have been
blessed in this life after paying all my Just Debts, I give and bequeathe unto
my beloved Brother Bazzel FLOYD all the negroes and their increase left me by my
Fathers Will to him and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath unto my beloved
Sister Lucretia my bed and bedstead and bed Cloaths. I also give and bequeathe
unto my beloved sister Julia Coke COLLINS my Desk which was left me by my Aunt
Sally PEARCE's Will. I give and bequeathe unto my beloved Sister Sarah MILTY my
new bed Quilt with the remainder of my Estate not disposed of in this Will, and
lastly I constitute and appoint my beloved Brother Bazzel FLOYD Executor to this
my last Will and TEstament and I do hereby revoke all other former Wills. In
Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19 day of February in
the Year of our Lord 1827.
Signed Sealed and delivered Elizabeth W. FLOYD (seal)
in presence of
May Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and quarter Sessions. Then was the with-
in last Will and Testament of Eliz'a. W. FLOYD dec'd proved in Court by the Oath
of J. W. Williams and ordered to be Recorded and Bazzel FLOYD came into Court
and Qualified as Exer thereto. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

In the name of God Amen. I, Terrence DELANY of the district of Blounts Creek in
Beaufort County and State of North Carolina being of perfect mind andmemory do
make this my last Will & Testament. Viz. After my Just Debts are satisfied my
Estate I bequeathe and dispose of in manner and form following, to wit, first I
lend to my well beloved Wife my Houses and two lots in the Town No 16. & 17. also
my lands on Blounts Creek formerly known by the name of the Moore place being 600
acres, also a tract of Land purchased from Covention SEARLS. also 50 acres of
Land joining the mill and Robason Land, I also lend to my Wife all my Negroes to
Wit. negro man Philip, negro man Anthony, negro Woman Cate, Mariah, Syphas, Fanny
and Sally. I also lend to my Wife all my house hold and Kitchen Furniture, the
one half of the Store house and trying Kiln at the Mills at Blounts Creek. I
also do give to my Wife $500 against the Estate of Richard Blackledge, the house
hold and Kitchen Furniture lent is as follows 5 feather beds and furniture, one

mahogany Beaureau, one ditto Table, 1 China press, one Clock, 2 large Chest, 3
large trunks, ^ doz. Silver table Spoons, half do. small ditto. One large Silver
Ladle, One side Board, Glass and China.ware, I also will the Land purchased from
William WILLIAMS to be sold in payment of my debts. I also leave my Flat now in
possession of Wm. WORSLEY Esqr. to be sold in payment of my debts. I also leave
all my stock Cattle and hogs to be sold in payment of my Debts if needed. it is
my Will also as Mr. Alex’r. REDDITT has a claim on my Girl Sally provided he is
willing to give up that claim to come in with the rest of my children share &
share alike. Item I give and bequeathe to my Son William K. DELANY the old Patten
called Wm. MOORE Patten and the Land joining the said Patten, purchased of
Covington SEARLES also a marked line from the Coopers Shop to Peels place to him
his heirs and assigns forever. Item. After my Wife's decease the remainder of
my Estate to be equally divided between my Children, to wit, Mary B. REDDITT, Jane
Apsley DELANY, Wm. K. DELANY, Betsey G. DELANY, Catharine B. DELANY, Harriet Grist
DELANY , Ellen L. DELANY, Ann B. DELANY, Lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint
my friend Richard GRIST and Alex'r. REDDITT sole Exors to this my last and Testa-
ment declaring, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and
Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal
this 5th January 1825.
Terrence DELANY (seal)
Signed, Sealed and acknowledged by the
said testator to be his last Will & Testa-
ment in presence of us.
92 T
Term 1827. Beaufort Court of Pleas and nuarter Sessions. hen ’-'as the with-
in last Will and Testament of Terrence DELANY dec'd proved in Court by the Oath
of 0. M. OWENS & ordered to be recorded. Jos. B. HINTON Ck.

February Term 1824

Inventory and Acct. Sales of the Perishable property of Jasper R0BAS0N dec'd sold
on the 9th day of Dec'r. 1823.
Purchasers at Sale: Hen. CHERRY, Hen. PEEL, Tho. PEEL, I. W. WILLIAMS,
Viz. 6 head of Cattle, 21 head of Hogs, 1 Sheep, 2 stock of bees, 6 Turkeys
6 Geese, 30 Chickens, 2 plows, 1 plow harness, 1 Cart do 6 Hoes, 2 Club axes, 1
pr Iron Wedges, 1 Coopers Vice, 1 Grindstone, 1 Reap Hook, 1 File, 1 Wire mouse
trap, 1 round shave, 2 turpentine Buckets, 1 Iron dipper, 1 Turp't scraper, 1
scraping box, 3 feather beds, one of them with a stead & 2 sheets, 1 blanket, 2
Bed Quilts, 2 pillows, 1 bolster & 1 other of them a stead and two sheets, one
blanket, 2 bed quilts, & 2 pillows boulster, the other of them with a stead, 2
sheets, 1 blanket, 2 bed Quilts, 2 pillows 1 sack of new feathers, some Cotten,
& wool & flax, 1 Sword, 1 looking Glass, 2 shests, 1 trunk, 2 woolen wheels, 2
linen wheels, 2 tables, 8 chairs, 2 bar boses, 1 wooden Bucket, 1 tin do. 13 books
1 Ink Stand and some paper. 1 Slate & pencil, two pocket books, 2 pr. Cotten
Cards, 1 pr. Wool Cards, 1 pr. Winding blades, 1 Reel, 1 Cradle, 5 baskets, 1 shot
bag and powder Horn & some annumination, 3 Washing tubs, 2 pales, 2 piggins, 2
trays, 1 pr. Scissors, 1 Shoe Hammer 6 1 shoe Knife, 2 pr. pinchers, 1 shoe box
& some awls & tax & some Leather, 1 Loom & Harness, 2 Slays, 4 Shuttles, 1 pr.
Temples, 1 pr. of warping bars, & screws, 5 Jugs, 6 Glass bottles, 2 Decanters,
4 Glass tumblers, 2 wine Glasses, 1 Salt Seller, 2 pewter plates, 13 Earthen
plates, 3 Bowls, 1 Pitcher, 1 Earthen Coffee pot, 1 tin do. 26 tea Cups & Saucers,
4 tea spoons, 12 Table spoons, 1 Razor & Strop & shaving box, 1 pr. of spoon

some Knives & forks, 1 tin Cullender, 1 Earthen butter pot, 1 Tummel, 1 Coffee
1 Mill, 1 tin Salver, 1 tin Candle stock, 2 Smooth Irons, 1 Dutch Oven, 1 Fry-
ing pan, 2 Skillets, 3 Iron pots, 3 pr. pot hooks, 1 Iton pot trammel. Iron
Shovil 1 bridle bitt, 3 Stirrup Irons, 1 meal stand & some meal some Corn, i
Honey tub, 1 barrel partly full of Pork, 1 barrel partly full of Fish, 20# of
Lard, 1 meal Sifter, 1 barrel of Soap, 1 lot of barrels, some plank and some
barrel timber. Thomas WALKER Exor.

A Just and perfect Inventory of the Goods and Chatties of Will'm CUTLER
late of Beaufot County dec'd as hath come to my hands or knowledge taken 10th
day of December 1823.
3 Feather Beds & Furniture, 2 Bed steads, 1 Chest, 1 Woolen Wheel, 1 Linen Wheel,
1 Table, 1 Iron pot and one pair of Hooks, 1 Candle stock, 2 Aces, 3 Hoes, 1 Spade
Some sheep, 3 head of Cattle, some Potatoes, some Fodder, 2 stocks of Bees, 1
Plow - some Cypress timber, some poultry, 1 Curry Comb; some pease, some trumpery,
the ear mark, the acct. allowed by Elisha CUTLER for One Ox $10.25. Ballance of
note against John EBORN 80 cts. Robert STEWARTS note for $4.80. doubtful.
1 Kettle, 1 Spider, 1 Skillet, 4 Chairs, 1 Lanthern, 1 Reap Hook, 1 Wooden box,
some Crockery ware, 1 Sausage Stuffer, some Books, 1 Slate, 2 Guns, 2 Jugs, 1
powder Horn & shot pouch. Some Knives & forks, some pewter spoons, 1 pr. of
Cotten Cards, some Wooden ware, 1 Horse, 1 bridle & saddle. 14 head of hogs some
Rye, some Corn some wheat, 2 slay, some Wool some Coopers tools, some shoemakers
tools, some Flax, 2 meal bags, 1 old dutch oven, 2 Razors, 1 Gimblet, 1 Claw
Hammer, 1 Round shave, some Empty Barrels, 3 head of Cattle to the Widows Years
allowance, 13 head of Hogs, 6 Head of sheep, 3 Bis. of Corn, 2 Stock of Bees,
4^ bux. Rye. Moses CUTLER
Acct. of Sales of the property of Will'm. CUTLER Dec'd late of the County
sold 10th of December 1823.
Purchasers at Sale: Widow, John ALLIGOOD, Rob. BOYD, Chas. CUTLER, Asa
WHITLEY, Richard BOYD, Js. DANIELS, Jno. HODGES, Timo. CUTLER, I. Pilley Jr.,
Moses CUTLER sr., Blany CUTLER, Foreman PILLEY, Elisha CUTLER.

Inventory of the Perishable property of Gilbert GARRY dec'd November 22d.

1823. 1 Large Table, 1 Tea Table, 1 bed & bedstead, 1 Tub, 1 Warter, ^ doz.
Silver Table Spoons, \ doz. Silver Tea do. 1 pr. Sad Irons.
Stancel BOYNOR.

Sales of the Perishable property of Gilbert GARRY Dec'd commenced the 22nd
December 1823.
Purchasers: Lavinia A. GARRY , Alligood BOYNOR, $14.10.

Acct. of Sales of the Negro Slave Merrick, the property of John RESSASS,
dec'd sold by order of Court, Sale took place on the 1820.
Negro Merrick, after due Advertisement, sold to John LATHAM at $404.00
I have paid to George HARRISS & Wife, this sum being the amount of the
Widows share of the said Sales, say. $135.67
February 18th 1824. Langley RESSASS, Adm. & Guard'n
A true Acct. of Sales and Inventory of the property of Joseph GAINOR dec'd
taken by the Executor November 14th 1823.

Purchasers: David WOOLARD, Wallace ANDREWS, Edmund GAINOR, Wm. LATHAM,

Jona^=CARRAWAY=========;============ = Jo§_L_GAINOR__

A Just and true Inventory of the property of John SLADE Dec’d of Beaufort
County taken the 12th day of March 1824 by Jesse WHITLEY Adm.

Some Corn, some Bacon, some Hogs, some Crockery ware, 1 Table, 1 Bed and
stead & furniture, 3 Chairs, 1 Flour Tub, 1 meal do. 1 Case & some bottles, 2
Jugs, 1 Lot Medicine, 1 Book, 1 Pair Cards, some wooden ware, 1 pot, 1 Spider,
1 pot trammel, 1 Club Axe, 2 Hoes, 1 spade, 1 Punt, 1 Grind Stone, 1 Well Frame,
some plank, some Carpenters and Joiners Tools, 1 Half Hogshead, 6 Silver Tea
Spoons, some Knives & forks, some Iron Table spoons, 1 Basket Window Glass, 1 pr.
spectacles, 1 Razor Box & Glass, 1 bottle with some linseed Oil, 1 lot Cypress
Shingles, some Oyster shells, some Lime, 1 Keg Vinegar, some Beans, some Foddey,
1 Cow, some Sheep, 1 pocket Book, 1 Work bench, 1 Window frame and Sashes, 1 Rake,
2 Mitre boxes, 30 acres Land, by Deed more or less, 1 negro boy, 1 note against
Jas. SATTERTHWAITE for $100. dated the 31 day of August 1816. with alfred LANIER
Witness, with the following Credits, one the 7. May 1820 for $50 second 12 June
1820 for $20. One note against Jas. SATTERTHWAITE for $30.75, dated the first
day of July 1820. One note against John McWILLIAMS, assigns to John DAVIS Senr.
for $200. dated the 12 day of March 1818. John CLARK witness,with the following
Credits, first dated the 27 day of December 1820 for $26.60 second 30 Dec'r. 1822
for $22.20., third 22d. May 1818 for $28.20. fourth, first of June 1818 for $4.
fifth 17 May 1821 for $4.10 Sixth 20 January
1823 - $10 Seventh, 1 st. of April 1823. for $11.40. John McWILLIAMS note the
above desperate. One note against Robt. SATTERTHWAITE one day after date for $14.
dated 16 March 1822 with Jas SATTERTHWAITE witness. One note against Manin CARROW
& Valuntine SWINDELL for $125. dated the 10th day of February 1821 with a credit
dated 26 August 1823 for $25 James SATTERTHWAITE Witness. One note against Daniel
and Marvel WILKERSON for $134.70 dated 28 Deer. 1821 with a Credit dated 2d. March
1823 for $70.80. David HARVEY Witness the above Danl. & Marvel WILKERS0NS note
desperate. One note against Rotheas MARTIN of no value whatever.
Jesse WHITLEY Adm.
Acct. of Sales of the Property of John SLADE dec'd sold by Jesse WHITLEY Adm.
the 12th day of March 1824.
399 Purchasers: Widow, Hen. DAVIS, Jas. L. WILKINS, Jesse WHITLEY, Jas. GAYLORD,
T. J. LATHAM, Jas. LEE, B. HENRY,Jas. LEE, Tho. J. LATHAM, Tho. MASON, Cullen
A supplimentary Sale of John HOLLAND Dec’d perishable Estate made 22d. November
Purchasers: Stephen OWENS, Thos. CONGLETON, N. J. OLIVER, John L. WOODARD,
CRAVEN. Ben. GHERKIN. $113.20.
Sale of Stock belonging to John HOLLARD dec’d made 19 Feb’y 1824. Purchasers:
John BOYNOR, Haus HARDIgONA_John_LA_WOODARD^__$ 157^.86

an Acct. of the Sale of the perishable Estate of John SATCHWELL Sen’r. on the 24th
April 1823. Conditions as usual.
- 174-
40l_2 Purchasers: Am L. S. EBORN, Mel ABLE, Jas. BEASLEY, Jos. SATCHWELL, Jordan
An Inventory of the Estate of John HARRISS dec'd taken by the Executor June
21 1824.
7 Cows & Calves, 6 head dry Cattle, 4 hogs, 1 Mare, 9 Stock of bees, 3 beds
and Furniture & steads, 3 Chests, Some pewter, 4 Jugs, 2 Pots, 2 Plows, 6 Hoes,
1 Spade, 2 pr. of Iron Wedges, 1 Froc, 3 drawing Knives, slay Tools, 1 Tea Pot,
1 shoe Hammer & Pinchers, 3 Chissels & 1 file. 4 reap Hooks, 1 Barrel & Keg.
14 Books, 2 Addzs, IX Saw, 1 Hand Saw, 1 Grind Stone, 1 Cart & Geer, 1 pr. Traces,
1 Hand Mill, 1 Hackel, some old Lumberment, 1 Ox Yoke, 1 Hide, 6 sides of half
tanned Leather, 1 pr. of fire Tongs, 1 Fire Dog, 1 Saddle, 1 Quart pot, 1 Looking
Glass, 1 pr. Steelyears. William BOYD, Ex.r.
Acct. of Sale of the Estate of John HARRISS dec'd taken 21 June 1824 by the
Purchasers: Wm. HARRISS, Ransom HARRISS, Jona. WALLIS, Geo. HARRISS, Hen.

Acct. of Sales of Negro Pheribee and her Child named BETTY sold by An order
of Court as the property of Wm. WILKINS dec’d sold the 10th June 1823.
1 Negro Woman Pherbee to Eliza K. WILKINS $200.00
1 " Girl Betty, Julia WILKINS 81.25
1 Cause Jacob CONNER 1.00
An Acct. of Sales of the Negroes of Wm. WILKINS dec'd sold by an order of
Court this 19th June 1824. to wit.
1 Negro Girl Amey to John H. WILKINS $158.00
1 " Hannah Eliza R. WILKINS 131.00

Acct. of Sales of the Long Acre Stock of Cattle, the Estate of Thomas BOYD
dec'd sold the 27th day of May 1823 by Geo. BOYD Exor.
Purchasers: Rich'd GHERKIN, Elisha GURGANUS, Jona. WATERS, John GURGANUS,
Elisha ROLEN, Fred. BOYD, Rodney BA'7N0R, John WINDLEY, G. BOYD, Wm. BOYD, Jas.
Inventory of the property of Mary BRYAN dec'd May 1824 and Sales of the
Perishable part thereof Augt. 9. 1824. by Bryan GRIMES & Rich'd GRIST Exors.

Purchasers: Ann GRIMES, R. GRIST, J. B. DAWSON, L. M. JOSEPH, Tho. H.

Total Sales $624.55
Division of Negroes determined by lot & agreed on between Heirs.
lot No. 1 to Elizabeth GRIST.
Primis $375.00
Rhoda 50.00
Mariah 325.00 $750.00
Receive of No. 3 2.00 $752.00
lot no. 2 to Jennet DAWSON.
Archillis $416.00
Dorcus 20.00
Hannah 310.00 $746.00
Receive of No. 3 6.00 $752.00
lot No. 3. to Ann GRIMES
Jim $410.00
Cherry 350.00 $760.00
Pay to no. 1 2.00
Pay to no. 2 6.00 8.00 $752.00
Total Value $2250.00
List of evidences of debt due Mary BRYAN found by Executors May 1924. Amt. and
bal'ce of Principal.
Abst'd - Name & Amt. R. GRIST, 1815 $337.28
Jno. B. DAWSON 1821 59.99
M. KELLY & Read GRIST 1822 59.99
Wm. GALLOWAY & B. HARDING 1817 $112.00
Jas. O.K. WILLIAMS & A. GRIST 1819
$ 81.00
Bryan GRIMES 1819 $645.47-
Ter. DELANY & F. GRIST 1807 $ 58.70
Jno. ELKS & Unas ELKS 1823 $ 70.00
$ 78.00
Calvin BOYD & BUCK 1825 $ 86.25
Thomas TELFAIRO $ 43.00
Evidences of Desperate Debts
Judgt . Asiel NOBLES, J. DICKINSON and T. BROOKS $ 34.70
Wm. B. NEWIN 10.85
J. W. GUTHRIE 24.60
I. James & Wm. TAYLOR 15.26

$ 68.18
The following open Accts.
John HOPKINS bal'ce $ 8.50
Thos. BROOKS for hire Negro Jim (One Year) 99.00
Elizabeth Youngs Estate 4.83
Bryan GRIMES 45.00
Rich'd WEST for hire Kelles (One Year) 86.25
Jas. L. BLOUNT subject to offset
F. BROOKS " 22.00
Negro Hull for hire subject to offset. 40.00
Errors Excepted.
Beaufort County Augt. Term 1824. Richard GRIST)
Bryan GRIMES )
A just and true Inventory of the property of Christopher HAGANS dec'd taken the
6th day of April 1824.
2 Horses, 5 Cows, 4 dry Cattle, 42 head of Hogs, 4 Wheels, 10 Chairs, 3 Tables
5 Chests, 1 Beaufet, 3 Dishes, 11 Plates, 6 forks & Knives, 12 Cups, 9 Saucers;
10 Small spoons, 15 large ones, 7 Gares, 2 Salt sets, 1 pewter Dish, 2 Decanters,
2 vinegar Cruits, 1 pepper box, 2 wine Glasses, 3 Mugs, 3 Pitchers, 3 Bowls, 2
Coffee pots, 1 Canister, 2 Sugar boxes, 4 pans, 1 bason, 1 Candle Stick, 1 look-
ing Glass, lpr. Steelyards, 7 Jugs, 2 butter pots, 1 Fat pot, 1 Jar, 3 Cases and
bottles, 1 Loom & Harness, 4 pots, 1 Oven, 3 Kettles, 1 Skillet, 4 Tubs, 3 Pails,
1 Honey Tub, 1 Kezler, 2 Hackels, 2 flat Irons, 2 pr. and Irons, 2 Saddles, 2
Guns, 4 beds, 1 lot of Books, 1 Hown, 3 pr. of Cards, 2 Canoes, Cotten, Wool, 5
Baskets 13 Bis. 1 half Bush'l, Leather, 1 Chest of Tools, 4 plows & Geer. 3
Grubbing hoes, 6 weeding Do., 4 axes, 1 set of Coopers Tools, 3 Round Shaves, 1
Set of shoe Tools, 1 Spade, 3 Grindstones, 3 Canoes, 1 Cart Harness, 1 Hhd, 1
Cross Cut Saw, some nets, 1 Fish Gig, 1 pr. Wedges, 1 Frow, 1 trumpet, 1 Funnel,
2 pr. Scissors, 2 trays, 7 Bells, 2 Ink Stands, some pease & Beans, some Corn,
some Bacon & Pork, Fish, some Fat, Some Tallon, and Salt.Blade Fodder 1 Chain,
Coffee Mill, 1 pr. of cards, 1 Keg, 2 Horse whips, 1 Desk, 1 Cow & Yearlin, 2
Real Hooks.
A true Inventory of the unwilled property of Christopher HAGAN dec'd taken
this 1st day of April 1824. Consisting of Horses hogs Cattle, Corn, Bacon,
Plantation Tools, household and Kitchen Furniture, too tedious to mention, and
also two Canoes Small ones, also some Lard, some Cotten, some Pease, some blade
Fodder, some old Mels, some Potatoe Plantings, also tanned Leather and some Hides
April the 1st day 1824.
Anthony MOORE Jr. Penny HAGAN then orders said Anthony MOORE from tending
of the boxes on her Land under thepenality of the law, before Witness
Jos. B. HINTON ===============s===Jirret=(X) HAGANS

Acct. of Sales of the Estate of Christopher HAGAN Dec’d. April 20th day 1824.
Purchasers: Garret HAGANS, Levi ADAMS, Jno. DUNN,
Wiley BENNET, Lodv. RIDDELL, John CRATCH, Pelly HAGAN, Thomas LONG, Mich'l KERMAN
Wm. 0. ADAMS, Jos. RIDDELL, John JONES, Henry T0MS0N, A. HOLBROOK, Wm. 0. ADAMS,
Aw: MOORE, Jno. DUNN, Fred. DOWNS,

Inventory and Acct. Sales of the Estate of N. CRANDELL, dec'd.

Purchasers: Mary CRANDELL, Matthias CRANDELL, Mrs. CRANDELL, Jno. W.

Acct. Sales of the Estate of Wm. WARREN dec'd sold this 18th Sept. 1824.
Purchasers: Leml. PEED, Benj. KEEL, Benj. BROWNLOW, Miles WARREN, Azariah
Hardy KEEL Jr., Read' WARREN, Drew WARREN, Henry DIXON, Thomas Blann, Willis
Jenny WARREN, John DIXON, Dan'l Ruff, Miles WARREN, Joseph ROSS, Elijah DUM,
William TUTON, Danl. SCOTT, Jasper SMITH, Wm. DIXON. Jasper SMITH,
Thomas_BLANDJ__Tgtal ^r_=,4T.^_=. &£§ding_WARREN_

A just and true Inventory of Mary Ann POTTER Dec'd.

2 Pots, 1 Table, 1 Tea Kettle, 1 Spider, 1 pr. Fire Dogs, 1 pr Fire Tongs,
1 Pitcher, 1 set of Tea Cups & Saucers, 1 Dish, 2 Bowls, 3 plates, 1 land Saw,
1 Linen wheel, 1 Woolen Wheel, 1 Case K. & Forks, 1 tray, 1 Sifter, 1 pot trammel
1 tub, 4 pails, 3 Baskets, 2 Brls. 2 Axes, 1 lot Leather, 1 pr Iron Wedges 1 Hide,
2 fat pots, 3 Chairs, 2 JUGS, 2 PLANES, 1 Grind Stone, 2 Boxes, 1 lot of Bacon,
1 lot Salt, 1 Reap Hook, 1 Veal, 8 head of Cattle, 22 head of hogs, 1 lot of Corn,
1 Chest, 1 Gin, 1 loom, 1 pr. Warping Bars, 3 Slays, 2 pepper Castors, 4 Tubs,
1 Coopers Adze, 1 pr. Sheep Shears, 2 Hors, 3 pr. Cards, 1 lot of Wool, 1 Hackel,
2 bottles, 1 Looking Glass, 4 Books, 1 Hammer, 12 Spoons, 1 Wheel, 1 Drawing Knife,
7 head of Sheep, Wheat on the Ground. „ , ,
Bartlet (X) DANIELS Adm.

A true return of the Acct. Sales of the Estate of Mary Ann POTTER.
Purchasers: Bartlet DANIELS, James POTTER, Will, HUDNELL, Salth'l LAREY,
Oliver DAVIS, Sally POTTER, Hardy LAREY, James POTTER Jno. DANIELS 2nd.,
Wilson DANIELS, Benj. LEWIS, Hard BAILEY, & John CLARK.
Bartlet (X) ANIELS Adm.

A true Inventory of the Estate of Joseph SERMAN dec'd sold by his wife Nancy
SERMAN Admr. to said Estate.
1 Mare, 1 Cross Cut Saw, 1 Gun, 3 Chests, 1 Beaufet, 1 Steel trap, 9 Cows &
Calves, 1 Steer, 5 Heiffers, 2 Cows, 1 Bull, 2 Linen Wheels, 1 Woolen Wheel, 1
Drum Net, 2 Set Nets, 3 Bedsteads, 4 Beds, 1 Reel, 1 Jug, 1 lot of Jugs. I Hand
Mill, 1 lot of Flax in the Straw, 2 Hoes, 2 Spades, 1 Sow & Pigs, 1 sow & shoats,
Residue sold, 6 stocks of Bees, 1 lot Barrels, 1 pr. Hinges, 1 Bason bricks, 1
lot shoe Tools, 2 Tables, 1 pr. Flat Irons, 1 lot tuicks, 1 Reap Hook 1 lot Bottles
1 plough, 2 Books, 2 pr. of SteelYards, 1 lot of Leather, 2 Sides Leather, 4 Sheep
1 lot wood ware, 1 fat tub, 1 Hackel, 2 Tubs, 1 pr. of Warping Bars, 1 bag, 1 pr
of shoe Leathers, 1 doze & plane, 1 Hand Saw, 2 pr. of Stirrups, Flax and Wool,
Cotten, 1 lot of Wax, 1 Earthen pot, 4 pales, 1 Powder Horn, 1 Drawing Knife, 2
pewter Dishes, 1 lot of tricks, 1 pot trammel. Amt. of Notes on hand $28.75, Amt.
of Cast in hand 28.72. Nancy (X) SERMON
Witness Jos. B. HINTON C.
The Acct. Sales of Joseph SERMAN Dec'd sold by Nancy SERMAN Adm. on September
15th 1824.
Purchasers: John JONES, Sami. LEITH, Biggs SIMPSON, Nancy SERMAN, John
Joshuah SPAIN, David SPAIN, James SHAW, Wash'g CARROWAN,
John RIGGS, Will WATSON, Oliver DAVIS, Fred. SPAIN, Salathiel LEARY, John BARNET,

A true Inventory of the Estate of Dan’l IRELAND dec'd sold by John IRELAND
Adm. March 5th 1824.
Cash on hand $15.75. 3 beds & furniture, 3 bedsteads, 3 Chests, 1 Woolen
Wheel, 1 Linen Wheel, 2 Tables, 8 Chairs, 1 Cotten Gin, 1 Tub, 1 half Bush'l, 1
Lot Wood ware, 1 pale, 1 Fat Tub, 5 Brls. 1 Brls & some Pork, 1 Cradle, 3 pr. of
pot Iron, 1 pot, 2 pr. pot Hooks, 2 pot hamels, 2 flat Irons, 1 Ring Maul, 2 Axes
1 Skillet, 1 axe, 3 Hoes, 1 plow, 1 pr. Steelyeards, 3 Books, 3 Slays, 1 pr. Geer,
1 Jug, 1 Gun, 1 Drum net, 1 Drawing Knife, 1 Lot augers, 1 Lot Iron, 2 Adzs, 1
hand Saw, 1 Loom, 1 Lot Bottles, 1 Lot Vials, K & Forks, 1 Pitcher, 1 Sawset, 1
do., 1 Dish, 1 Lot Brls. 1 do. 2 Lots of spoons, 1 bread tray, 1 Sieve, 1 Square,
Cart wheel Timber, 1 Lot Nails Fire Tongs, 1 pr. Cornpaper, 1 Lot of Gourds, 1
Coffee Mill, Candle Sticks, 1 Shaving Glass, 1 Looking do. 1 Lot Flax, 2 Hammers,
1 Spade, 1 Bell, Potatoes, 2 bags, 1 Jug, 1 Lot Cotten, 20# Cotten, Salt, 1 Brl
Yeopon, 1 Lot flax, 2 plow, one spindle, 1 Lot Corn, 2 Brls. Corn, 1 lot pease,
2 pr. Cards, 1 Mat, 1 Canoe Sail, 4 Sows & pigs, 2 lots of Hogs, 1 fat Hog, 1
Horse, 4 Cows & 1 Yearlin, the Plantation, 1 Saddle, Flaxseed, spun thread, 1 lot
of wheat, 1 pr. of Rakes, 1 lot of Planes, 1 Lot of Property, money on hand $15.75.

The Ant. of the Acct. Sales of Dan’l Ireland Dec'd sold by John IRELAND Adm.
March 5th 1824.

Acct. Sales of the Property of Jas. EBORN dec’d sold the 18th day of September
Hire of the Negroes from Sept. 18 untill New Years day 1825
1 Negro man Clem to Ben. EBORN $ 9.00
1 boy to the lowest bidder to Jas. CORPREW at $1 less than nothing.

An Inventory and Acct. Sales of the Property of Chas. ODEN taken this 16 day
of September 1824 by Asa ODEN Exor.
Purchasers: Widow, Chas. ODEN, E. GURGANUS, W. SEXTON, C. Oden, A. ODEN,
A_!__LANIERJ._Bi_B0YD_1 Total_84i52 _ Asa_Oden_Ex^r^__ _____________
The Acct. of Sales of the Property of Jas. CRANDELL dec'd.
Purchasers: E. CRANDELL, Allen GRIST, Jas. BALL, Jno. SWANNER, Lem'l CHERRY
Matthias CRANDELL, Leml. COLE, Maj . BALL, Hew. CHERRY, Mat. CRANDELL, Miles BALL.

Inventory & account of Sales of theperishable property of the Estate of

Richard HODGES Deceased Made April the 7th 1827.
Purchasers: Edwin GORHAM, J. O.K. WILLIAMS, Widow HODGES, William LATHAM,
James HODGES, John HODGES Jun'r, Cherry BALL, Benj'm CHERRY, Jacob CHERRY, Mrs.
HODGES, Spencer LEGGITT. Total$473.70. E. GORHAM
Accounts Sales of the perishable Estate of W. W. RODMAN deceased Sold in the
Town of Washington on the 30th October 1827 after due Notice. On A credit of Six
Purchasers: J. G. BLOUNT, Sam'l L. THOMAS, John MYERS, W. A. BLOUNT, T. H.
J. S. HAWKS, T. A. DEMILL, Jno. POTTS, J. H. MeCL ZE (?)
W. Hanty, D. C. FREEMAN, A. TELFAIR, P. LABRIBE, R. F. HAVINS, Total $550.13
y§ f .h 18 2J_. _ _ J o h n_ MY E R S
In the name of God Amen I Christopher MALLISON of Beaufort CountyNorth Carolina
bearing in mind that its appointed for all men once to die, the shortness of this
Life & uncertainty of the time when death May Approach, Being at this time through
the mercy of A Kind Benevolent Providence blessed with good health & a sound Dis-
posing mind & memory Do think proper to dispose of What Worldly goods it hath
pleased the great Donor of all good things to bless me with in manner following-
Imprimis I give unto my Loving Wife Mary MALLISON Two her choice of my beds steads
& furniture my Gig & harness all the mony in the house, my Side board. One Dining
& One Breakfast Table & Candle Stand her choice, 2ndly I lend unto her my Loving
Wife Mary my plantation whereon I now Live & as much ground in the south West side
of my Woodyard farm as will make thirty thousand Corn Hills laid of five feet to
Extend quith across the farm on said South West Side with priviliage of Rail
Timber on said Woodyard farm to keep up the fence on said thirty thousand during
her natural Life, as her part, or dower of all my Lands - - - I also Lend her my
Loving Wife Mary MALLISON my Clock that is now in the & Looking glasses & my
negro man Plutoe During her natural L^-fe and 3rdly As a division Line Between my
Land & plantation whereon I now live my woodyard land & plantation, I Establish
the following - Begining at a marked Black Jack on the East side of Mordicks
Savannah - Running to the main Branch of Jordans Crek where the Edward MOSELY
Pattent in its course of North forth East Eighty pole to a hickery Intercepts
said main Branch of Jordans Creek - 4thly I Lend unto my son Henry C(?) MALLISON my
woodyard Land & plantation (Except the thirty thousand & priviledge of Rail
Timber before Lent to his mother) untill the twenty sixth of October Eighteen
Hundred and forty, &at that period I give him said Land & plantation or should
he die sooner leaving lawfull children or child the gift it to them if none to
be Equally Divided between all my other Surviving children or their lawful
children. 5thly at the death of my wife Mary I give unto my son George Washing-
ton MALLISON all the lands & plantations before loaned unto her my Said Wife
Mary, also I give him said George priviledge on any part of said Woodyard land

- 180-
to get Rails to Keep up the fence on said thirty thousand before Lent to his
mother & now given to him at her Death, I also give unto him my son George the
clock & Looking glasses at his mothers death - Which were before lent unto her -
6thly, I lend unto my daughter Fanny Thomas MALLISSON my Laurel (?) Swamp land
whereon Enoch ROBBINS lives untill the 26 if October Eighteen hundred & forty
nd at that period I give it unto her or her
Lawfull children. Should She die Sooner, leaving A legitimate child or children,
but, Should She die, before that time leaving no legitimate child or children
then said Land Shall be Equally Divided, between my then surviving child or
children or their Legitimate Children. 7.
I Lend unto my Daughter Jaque Jane MALLISSON my Land & plantation on the Tarkiln
neck Road, Known as the William Right or William HOOTEN place until the Twenty
sixth of October AD One Thousand Eight Hundred & forty & at said period, I give
her Said Land and plantation, or Shoud She die Sooner Leaving Legitimate Child
or Children the gift is to them or if none to my then Surviving Children or their
Legitimate children My Executors hereafter Named are Authorised and directed
to make Sale of my North Creek Land Whereon Thomas TOULSTON Lives, Known as
RYFORDS point and the money arising from the sale of said Land I give unto my
daughter Jaque Jane I also give unto her my Daughter I agreeJane A Negroe boy
by name Edwin.
8thly My Executors are Authorised & Directed to sell in the most advatagious way
Either at public or private Sale on credits the following pieces of Land - viz
one piece on the East Side North Creek where Margaret CHAMBERS Lived & Died
Deeded to me by said Margaret CHAMBERS - Another piece on the opposite side of
said Crek Deeded to me by Birden CHAMBERS. Another piece in Hyde County Known
as Durants Point adjoining Fishing Creek - 9th I wish the rest of my Negroes
should be hired out by my Executors & the benefits or monies arising from Said
hire, should be Equally Divided among my Wife & Children Annually untile the
Twenty Sixth of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred & forty
& that my Executors are authorised & directed to save such of my female Slaves
as may be thought capable of child bearing from going into the hands of persons
who may be thought likely to abase them or imjure them or their children, & when
the twenty Sixty of October One thousand Eight Hundred & forty shall arrive - my
Desire is that all my Negroes there then may be, should be Equally Divided between
my beloved Wife Mary & all my children if Living.
If my Wife or any of my children Should Depart this Life before that time arrives
then Said Stock of Negroes that may then be Except those given away by or disposed
of by bequeath in the wills, be Equally Divided between the Then Surviving Ones,
or if any of my children that may Depart before that time their Ligitimate child
or children shall havein every case as the parent would If Living - lOthly On
this 19th of July 1823 T entered into Covnant to deliver at a Convenient Landing
on North Creek Twenty five thousands of Pitch pine scanthing for the benefit of
Now my will and Desire is that should they through any Stratagum after neglecting
to come & Receive the Lumber When it was Ready I say should they yet recover I
will that It should not in any wise effect my Son Henrys Inheritance in any way
whatever that my other hires pay all said Expences & that my son Henry H. MALLISON
heir his proportionable part of my property thus as thosaid contract never Existed
II I give unto my son Henry the bed bedstead & furniture that he has in possession
- To my Daughter Jaque Jane & son George the two Philadelphia bedsteads a good
bed & furniture Each - 12 My Will that all my unmentioned property be sold at
six months credit & the money arising therefrom together with any & all other un-
appropriated mony after paying my Just Debts be Equally Divided between my afore-
said Discribed heirs.
12thly And lastly I ordain and Appoint my worthy friends Thomas J. LATHAM and
Thomas B. JORDAN Executors to this my last will and Testament In Witness thereof
I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 2nd of March 1827.
Signed Sealed & Executed
In Presence of
Sam'l. VINES C. MALLISSON (seal)
Christopher (X) D. MALLISON
November Term 1827 Beaufort Co. Pleas & Qr. Sessions. Then the Execution of the
within Last will& Testament of Chr. MALLISON dec'd was exhibited proven in Court
in due form of Law by the Oath of Sami. VINES a subscribing witness thereto &
ordered to be recorded & Thomas J. LATHAM Esqr. the Exor. therein named came into
court & Qualified as Executor. Jos. B. HINTON C.

Inventory of the property of Huldah HARVEY Dec'd taken this the 10th day of
April, 1827. 1 Feather bed & stead, 1 Mare, 1 side saddle. Cash $21 Accts. which
are collectable 20.75. Accts. which are considered Desperate $17.60.

Acct. Sales of the property of Huldah HARVY dec'd Made April 10th - 1827. Six
months credit. Purchasers: John WINDLY sen'r., Jeremiah RESSESS, William HARVY.
Total $49.35

A True Account of the Sale of the perishable property belonging to the Estate of
Henry MAYO dec'd Sold by Maryann MAYO his Administratrix on the 20 day of Sept-
ember, 1827. Purchasers: Balden SMITHWICK, Henry EVRITT, James DANIELS, David
Charles TETTERTON, John DANIELS, Henry MAYS, Mary BOSTICK, Henry EVRITT, Mary Ann
MAYO, Major CLARK, William BOND, Falbin ECKOLS, Arthur BRUFFET, William BAKER,
William BOND, Charles LEWIS, Major CLARK, John WARNER, Littleton LANDING, Robert
This is a true Inventory of the perishable Estate belonging to Henry MAYO dec'd
as far as has come to hand of Mary Ann MAYO his Administratrix August 20, 1827.

To Cash on hand found $116.60. Hillery WHITEHURST, Thomas B. ORMOND, William

CAMPIN, John G. DAVIS, Wm. ROLAND, Littleton LANDING & CHANEY have notes. Major
CLARK, Zadock IVES, Whitmill HUDNET, Jesse MIXON, Wm COMPEN, John MIXON & John
Noah PURSERS, David CANPEN, John WARNER, Nathaniel WOODARD, Ben BENNET, Benj.
BROWNLLOW, James MAYO also have notes or owe the estate. List of note not very
good: Wm. HUDNELL, Thos. B. ORMOND, Oliver J. DAVIS, Ben LEWIS, Jesse PURSER,
William HUDNELL, Charity HODGE, John DANIELS, owe the Estate.
(This item is followed by an inventory and then more sales)
1 House frame to Wml POTTER 20£
Purchasers: Mary Ann MAYO, Wm. POTTER, John CLARK, Zedeke MIXON, David
Jonat'n SWINDLE, Jesse ROBASON, William TETTERTON, William BOND, Benj'n BROWNLOW,
Henry POTTER, Zadok IVES, Mary Ann MAYO, Adm.

Inventory of the Estate of William PERKINS Senr. dec'd
7 flag Chairs, 1 Bed & furniture, 3 Tables, 2 Cases & Bottles, 3 Chests, 1 Desk,
1 Safe, 3 Saddles, 3 wheels, 1 Churn, 2 meal Tubs, 1 honey Tub, 6 Emty barrels,
15 Wood Shoe Tools, some cotton, some Miss, 2 Shovels, 3 Jugs, 2 butter potts,
Some Carpenters Tools, 6 Set nets, shackle, 3 guns, 5 Slays & some harness, 1
hone, 1 Looking glass, some Shaving Tools, 1 Canue, two pr Spoon moulds, 3 Bells
some trumping, 2 Spice mortors. Candle sticks, 1 sheep Shears, 4 Stock Locks, 1
saw set, some peuter, 2 Kegs, 15 plates. Some cups Saucers & Boats, some Tin
Some glassware, some Knives & forks, Tongs & shovel, one pare of Andirons, 2
pair Stilliards, 2 Far Tubs, 1 Cart, 1 grindstone, 3 iron wedges, 2 Stock Locks,
1 Phries, & bung Cover, 1 Flax loom, 2 Rawhides, 1 Mare, 1 Colt, 1 pr. cart wheels,
1 hand mill, 1 Loom, 1 Cross cut Saw, 1 Emty Hogshead, 1 Tray & Sifter, 1 Pot
trammel, some wooden ware, 1 Basket, Some Kitchen furniture, 15 head of hogs, 16
head of Sheep, some peas, some Rice, some salt, some Leather, 1 pr. sharp Shears,
Some Irish Potatoes, 11 head of Cattle, some old hoes & plows, 2 Chear frames.
One Note against John VINES for Twenty Six dollars, 1 Judgment against Abram
ADAMS & Charles ODEN for six dollars, 1 Do. against Wm. RILLEY & John RILLEY
four dollars & Eighty cents, 1 proved Acc't against Robert CUTLER, for fifteen
Dollars, Cash Two dollars 25/100 William PERKINS Executor. This is a True
Inventory of the Estate of Wm. PERKINS Sen'r dec’d taken by me Wm. PERKINS Exor.

The Remainder of the perishable Estate of Wm. PERKINS Sen'r deceased by the death
of the widow. Sold 1 October 1827. Purchasers: John PILLEY, Nathan CUTLER, A.

Account of the Sales of the perishable & movable property of William DAVIS Junr.
deceased September 5 - 1827. Purchasers: Nancy DAVIS, Luther EBRON, Jesse
Jacob PAUL, Zachariah ADAMS, Jno. W. RONNINS, John ALLEN, Christopher KINN (HINN)
Reddin BISHOP, Henry DAVIS, Senr., James G. EVERETT, Epps. EVERITT, James F.
CLARK, Cullen SMITH, Jesse Wilkenson Adm'r.
Judgment against Fred ALLEN & John DAVIS for 25.10. Note John DAVIS & Everit
DAVIS date feby 1823, 34.98. Note Jno P. STOKESBERRY & RICH'd HOLLOWELL $40.
date 26 July 1826. Note James GAYLORD and John WINFIELD date 25 Nov. 1825.
$23.80. Test Jos. B. HINTON. Jesse Wilkenson Adm'r.

Inventory of the property of Henry GARVY Dec'd taken this 10 April 1827.
1 Desk, 1 choice of Tables, 2nd Do, 1 Lot of Books, 1 Do, ^ Dozen flag Chairs,
1 Linen Wheel, 1 choice of Woollen Wheel, 2 Do, 1 Bed & cot & covering, 1 chest,
1 do, 1 case of Bottles, 1 pr. stilliards, 1 Spice mortar, 1st choice lot of
crockery, 2nd Do, 3rd Do, 4th Do, 5 Do, 6 Do, 7 Do, 1 Lot of glassware. Knives
& forks. Looking glass, 1 Server & pepper box, 2 pewter basons,
1 Lot of Pewter, 1 Do, 2 Tin Coffe Pots, 1 Lot of Tin, 1 Musket, 1 Shot gun, pr
flat Irons, 1 pr. fire Irons, 1 Do, 1 pr Tongs & Shovel, 1 pr Bullet moulds, 1
pr. Shot moulds. Spoon moulds, spoons, two Jugs, Shoe Tools, 1 Lot of Augers,
Ballance of Tools, 1 Cotton Umbrella, 1 Candle Stick, 1 Lot of Shaving Tools, 2
Drawing Knives, 1 Coffee Mill, 1 plain Stock & Gage, 1 pr. Candle moulds. Carving
Knife, 1 Broad Ax, 1 pr Sheep Shears, 1 Bag & trumpery, 5 lbs. of machined
Cotton, 11 lbs seed cotton, 3 mullet nets, 4 shad nets, 1 Dip Net, 1 mans Saddle,
1 Hackle, 1 Lot of Leather, 1 Riddle, 1 whip Saw, 1 X Saw, 1 Grind stone, 1 new
plow, 34 lbs. Iron, 1 cotton Gin, 1 bed & cord, 1 Reel, 1 Do. 1 Lot of trumpery
2 Club Axes, 2 Weeding, 1 Plow Stock & Takel, 1 Do, 1 Do, 1 Phrow, 1 Lot of hoes
2 Spades, 2 Do, 1 box of Trumpery, 1 Lot emty barrels, 1 bread Tray, 2 Do, 2
barrels yopon, 1 pare Plow Traces, 1 pr. Do Rope, 1 Riding Chair, 1 Ox cart,
1 Ox, 4 Hogs 1 choice, 5 Do. 4 of this 1st Choice of pigs, 4, 2nd choice, 6
head of 1st choice 2nd Lot, 7 Do. 4 Pigs, 1 young horse, 100 lbs. of bacon, 50
do. 50 do. 50 do. 135% lbs. of bacon, 1 barrel of pork, 1 Do. herring, 154% Lard,
26 Do, 30 Do, 1 Lard Tub, 1 Lard Pail, Iron Lard Pot, 1 barrel with salt, 1 Tub
& barrel, 1 Jug, 1 side saddle, 1 st choice of cow & Calf 1 Cow & yearling, 1
bull, 1st of Steers, 2 Do, 1 choice of heifers, 2 do, 3 heifers as they Run, 1
Canoe, % Dozen cider barrels, 1 Lot of Iron 1 Large Pot, 1 Small do, 1 Dutch
Oven, 1 Pot & Kettle, 1 head tray, 1 Tub & Piggin, 1 Lot of Tubs, 2 raw hides,
1 Chest & cradle 1 Cask with wheat, 1 Lot of feathers, 1 Loom, 1 Stock of Bees,
9 bushels of potatoes, 7 plants, 4 lbs Spun Yarn, 1 Lot of Slays & geers, 1 pr.
warping bars, 5 barrels of corn, 1 Do, 3 barrels of corn, 3 1/3 barrels the Resi-
due, 1 Tub of peas, 2 Emty casks, 1 Lot of oyster shells, 1 Tanned sheep skin,
1 Jug and Keg, % bushel & pale, 2 Kegs, 1 Table, 7 Fouls & one Turky, 7 Geese,
3 Wees Lambs, 3 do, 5 head dry sheep, 2 bells, 1 Do, 1 Stack of Fodder, 1 Tan
Trough, 1 cider do 1 lot of Trumpery, 1 Do, 1 cask of Rice, 1 Do, 1 Lot of candles,
1 Lot of Trumpery, 1 pot trammel, lDo, 1 Iron Pot, 1 Lot of wooden ware, 1
Large gun, 1 lot of barrels, 1 Lot of Baskets, 2 pr. of compasses, 1 pr. of Iron
Wedges, 1 Jointer, 1 Mah, 3 Shuttles 26 lb. of bacon, 1 water pale & 2 basons,
1 Sive & Some wool, 1 Kettle & Skillet, 1 bolster, 1 flour Sarch, 1 barrel of
Soap, 1 Scythe blade, 1 bottle of caster oil, 1 Silk Umbrella, 1 pail of Trumpery,
1 Hatchet, 1 Jug & Iron, 1 Table cloth 354% lbs. of Iron, 1 Tin Quark Pot, 3
Bushels of Wheat, 3 Do, 3 Do, 3 Do, 3 Do, 3 Do, 5 bushels the residue, 3 nib, 1
pr. cotton cards, 1 carpentors adze, 1 pueter Dish Inventory of the Negroes
belonging to the Said Estate — Man Abram, Boy Mark, Girl Dol, Jude & Child,
Acct of the of the property of Henry HARVY Dec’d made this 10th day of April 1827
Terms Six Months credit will be given, Notes with Approved Security will be Re-
quired before the property is Charged
Purchasers: William HARVEY, Samuel HARVY, Stephen WHITLY, Thomas B. WINDFIELD,
Sen'r., John WINDLEY, James MARSH, Richard GAYLORD, Aron CUTLER, Thos. C. BARROW,
Jesse WHITLEY, Robert STEWART, John SATCHILL Sen’r, Asa HAWKINS, Jonathan WARD,
Aron EBORN, Wallace NELSON, Charles ODEN,
Alderson E. HARVEY, Miles EVERITT, Sam’l WINDFIELD, Jesse BRYAN, Thomas PHILIPS,
Acct of Sales Aug't 1827. Henry E. WINDLY, William HARVY, Samuel HARVY, James
Acct. of the Sales of Negroes belonging to the Estate of Henry HARVY Dec'd for
their hire for the ballance of the present year April 10th, 1827 until Dec'r 24
By William HARVY Exor.
Man ABRAM To Richard GAYLORD $33.40
boy MARK William H. PRICE 25.25
Girl Dol William HARVY 8.35
Jude & Child Sam'l Harvy 5.25
William HARVY Exor. $72.25

State of North Carolina Beaufort County July 29th 1827
I, Brian SERMON being in a Low State of health but in perfect mind & Sound memory
After paying my Lawfull Debts & funeral charges I Dispose of my property as
follows. It is my will that my Land be Equally Divided between my brother David
Aamas SERMON and my Brother Green Ireland SERMON, if one die without an heir, it
is my will that the other shall have the Land, it is also my will, that my wife
child Shall have two Dollars, and it is my will, that my mamma shall have all
the rest of my personal Estate, I Leave John Ireland & Noah GASKILL Executors
to this my last will & Testament.
Manuel (X) DIXON
November Term 1827 Beaufot Court of pleas & Quarter Sessions then was the within
last will & Testament of Brian SERMON proved in court by the Oath of Noah GASKILL
& ordered to be recorded & Noah GASKILL came into court & Qualified as Executor
thereto. Jos. B. HINTON C.

In the Name of God Amen I John MAYS tho weak of body yet of Sound & pen understand-
ing & memory praises to god, do make & constitute this my last will and Testament
& desire it may be received by all as Such - Imprisnis - Item I give unto my lov-
ing wife all of my Stock of cattle hogs & Sheep, & all of my property both Real &
personal, after paying all of Just Debts, for & in consideration of raising my
small children. To her my said wife forever, and lastly, I constitue my Loving
wife whole & sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament & Trustee for my
children where unto I have here Set my hand & Affixed my seal Signed in presence
of us this 3rd day of October 1827.
Jesse MIXON T ,
John X Y0
171 • U
T\T T'NTNT ( ) ^

November Term 1827 Beaufort County Court of pleas & Quarter Sessions then was the
within last will & Testament of John MAYO proved in Court by the Oath of Jesse
MIXON & ordered to be Recorded & Betsy MAYO came into court & Qualified as Execu-
trix thereto. Jos. B. HINTON Clk.

Inventory of a note belonging to the Estate of John PEED dec'd which was not
Returned in the former Inventory. One note against Richard GRIST to Two hundred
Dollars. Gain PEED
Sales at Public Auction N. J. OLIVER by order of Doct'r Hugh McCULLOUGH Adm'r to
the Estate of A. C. CHRISTIE dec'd Oct. 13th 1827. Purchasers: Wm. AUSTIN, J. B.
Wm. BARROW, S. M. JOSEPH, William MOCTON, John GLOVER, William MOLTON, Sam’l LAW-
TON, Isaiah WOODARD, Jos. MORSE, Frank KEAIS, James H. SMITH, Charges:
Advertising pr. Bill $1.00. No. 49 Commisions at 2^ per cts. 200 3.08
Total, $80.09^. E. E. Nell Sales, Washington N.Ca. October 13, 1827. Nath'l J.
A List & Inventory of the Notes & Accounts belonging to the Estate of And
CHRISTIE dec’d. The following a/c & notes are bad or have been set off by the
Several Debtors viz. David E. CLARK, William BARROS, Chs. BENNETT, Lamb MOORE,

HOPKINS, Elijah ROSS, March ROLPH, Lamb CHERRY, Wiiliam JORDAN, Edn. ROSS, Mrs.
Stephen WALKOR, Capt’n A. P. NEALE, William SEARS,Edward HOELL, Thomas RICKS,
James SMITH, Brinson HOLLOWELL, Fredrick VALE, John GOTUR, Sam LATHAM, Jim WOOL-
ARD, John BAYNOR, Isaac CHANEY, Jas. LATHAM, William PRICE, Jabob CONNORS, John
L. JORDAN. Amount of good notes & Acots 28.74. Amt. of Acct of Sales by special
Administration as pr inventory filed in office & sold on Oct. 13 last. $83.17-
House Sold for one hundred & fifty four dollars $154.00. Negro man bob $55.00.
Good Debts 320.24. Constables fees on Seventy seven warrents which the debts
were bad, $30.00. Amount in hands of Adm'r $299.57^.
N B In Addition to the above there are Some Small receipts of Sears the Constable
with which for want of Time nothinghas been done 18 February 1828 Hugh McCullough.
Adnu --_Balance_$270^71^
An Inventory of the Goods & chatties of David RUNNELLS deceased taken by Arden
BLOUNT adm’r viz 1 Horse 1 cart 1 gun 9 pr shoe Leathers, 3 sides of Leather 2
Plows 1 pr traces 1 Set book lasts 1 grind Stone 1 Pad Lock - 1 Stack fodder -1
Lot crockery - 1 Looking glass - 1 set of Knives & forks = 1 set of Scales - 1
set of weights - 1 Bible - 1 Hymn Book, 1 Tin Waiter - 1 - 1 coffee mill - 1
pr. Candle molds - 1 raiszcr & case - 1 handy barrel - 1 Hoe - 1 ax - 1 Lot of
poultry - Wearing Cloths - 1 Side of leather - 3 sheep skins - 27 shoe Tools -
2 bottles Varnish - 1 brass Lock - 1 Hammer - 1 pr pincers - 2 Knives - 1 box
Acol blades - 1 shoe bench - 1 trowell, 1 Lot of Trumperry - 1 Barrel of corn,
400 lbs. of pork - 20 baskets Potatoes, An A/C against Arden BLOUNT for $18-25^
One against Jesse GODLEY $_4.65 & one Against George HILL for $9.35 One Note
against Daniel HOPKINS for $10 dated Augt. 8 - 1826 One note against Daniel HOP-
KINS for $49.75 - 1 Lot Disputed property - I have warranted on all the claims
against & was cash - of the other Accts I Know nothing Except that they so stand
on the book of deceased - as to the Ac't against me it is more than ballanced by
my A/C as Exect. of deceased, the Lot of disputed property I return because found
in possession but Know that Benj'n BLOUNT had a bill of Sale from constable of
Pit t^ ^lden_ (X) _BL0UNT, _Admr_1_

Account of Sale of the Estate of David RUNNELLS deceased Sold on Saturday 5th of
January & thursday 7 of February 1828 by Arden BLOUNT with the amount given to
the Widow Nancy REYNOLDS for her years allowance. Purchasers: Nancy RUMMILLS,
John D. BAR, Thomas REAL, Wm. R. ORRELL, Arthur EDWARDS, Covington SEARLS, GABE
Willah DOXONS;, William ROBERTS, Limud EDWARDS, Jesse GODLY. Total. 78.15.

Account Sales of the perishable Estate of Richard HARVY dec'd sold at public
Auction At the dwelling of Said HARVY on the 16 of June 1825 by Axem LANIER
Administr"r. Purchasers: Thomas J. LATHAM, John ROBBINS,
Jesse WILKINSON, Aron GURGANUS , Major J. CLARK, Zachariah MASON, James SATCH-
Ressess, Mrs Priscilla HARVY, Thomas B. HOUGHTON, Henry SMITH,
James GAYLORD, Jackson STUAPS. Lark HODGES, Hosia TYSON, Christ'r R. KIN, Thomas
SATCHW, Davis WINFIELD, Jeremiah RESPESS, Joseph SAWYER, Thos. CARROW, Zach.
IER, Jordon WINFIELD, Charles JONES, Rich'd BAYNOR, Moses MARTIN, Thos. PHILIPS &
Seth HARVY. Account of the hire of the negroes belonging to Estate of Richard
HARVY dec'd for year 1820.
Jim to Jackson STURGES $60.25
Tom Do 50.00
Kiah James GAYLARD 30.00
Sam Priscilla HARVY 15.00
Barbara & child Do 1.00
Jess Nancy WINFIELD 6.00
Dick Do .10
Jack William GALLAWAY 30.00
for Keeping Hetty & child
Joshua MUSE 19.25
for Keeping for 1825 Priscilla HARVY 14.25
zar 1827
Tom To Jackson STURGES 40.05
Jim John WINFIELD 45.51
Sam Axem LANIER 15.00
Jesse Nancy WINFIELD 4.00
for Keeping Priscilla HARVY
Alex Luther EBORN 5.32
Hetty & child Henry SMITH 1.00
for Keeping Henry Do. 2.50
for Keeping Ciah 13 days Axem LANIER 5.10
for Keeping do 6 days 2.00
Ciah John WINFIELD 35.00
NB the hire of Negiors for 1827 for an indifinite Term.
Rent of Land for 1827
Axem LANIER Plantation for 24™ $16.75
deduct for 10 laid in widows dower 6.77
Hire of Negroes $343-48
for keeping Negroes 28.85
add for 1825 14.25
John Satchwells Will
State of North Carolina Beaufort County, In the Name of God Amen I John SATCHWELL
of the county Aforesaid Being in Sound mind and memory do make this my last will
& Testament.
Item I lend unto my beloved wife Mary SATCHWELL all my Lands whereon I now Live
During her Life or widowhood also one bed, bedstead & furniture, also I Lend unto
my wife Mary (SATCHWELL) one negro man by the name of Wilson during her natural
Life or Widowhood - also I Give unto her my Sorrel Horse also one cow & calf also
some hogs namely Two Sows & pigs also the use of my Kitchen furniture also my
farming Tools. I having Given my Daughter Arcady EBORN "One bed, bedstead &
furniture I consider her part of the furniture — Item in like manner all the
Rest of my children to have One bed, bedstead & furniture when they arive at the
age to Receive it, - Item I give unto my son John SATCHWELL my Negro man Philip
also I give unto my son my bay horse. Item I Give unto my beloved wife Mary my
negro woman by the of Gin my parashoral property I wish to be Divided equally
among all my children - my Lands which I Leave to my wife Mary SATCHWELL her life-
time or widowhood I Leave to be equally Divided between my Youngest Children,
named my son Benjamin SATCHWELL & William SATCHWELL and Amariah B. SATCHWELL &
Dupree SATCHWELL my sons. My wish is my four sons last named Should be Equal in
Land & I wish my son Benjamin SATCHWELL & William SATCHWELL to resind back some
money to Amarith B. SATCHWELL & to Dupree SATCHWELL in order to make them equal
in the Land by their having Land Elsewhere - I Leave this my last Will & Testament
and do leave my beloved Brother James SATCHWELL my Executor this 27 Day 1827.
456 John SATCHWELL (seal)
State of North Carolina ) Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions the February Term
Beaufort County ) 1828 then the last Will & Testament of John SATCHWELL
dec'd was Exhibited here into Court for probate when Thomas J. LATHAM swore that
An Inventory and Acct of Sales of the property of Christopher MALLISON dec'd on
the 11th of December 1827 at 6 mo credit. Purchasers: Fred D. BARROW, F. D.
Thos. JOHNSON, Jacob CONNER, W. ROSS, Wm. HOOTEN, An ACCT of Negroe hire from
this 12th December 1827 to 25th December 1828
Susan to Widow $ 4.10
Pluto Do 20.00
Lewis j. MCWILLIAMS 40.50
Anthony H. S. LATHAM 59.99
Jim John SELBY 6.05
Milley H.H. MALLISON .01
Aron Jno McWILLIAMS .01
Jacob T. B. JORDAN 2
Amt. neg hire due Dec 25 - 1828 $132.66
Expensive Negroes
Rose & children
Widow 19.50
Amy & child Do. 1.7.50
Edwin Do. 6
Signed Thomas J. LATHAM, Exor. $43.00
An Inventory of Accts as pr Books &c of Christopher MALLISON Sen'r dec'd. Also
Notes and Judgments: A. C. CHRISTIE, Sally MALLISON, William LATHAM, William
Sam'l VINES, Simpson MACKAY, B. M. SELBY, Phinias WINDLY, H. H. MALLISON, Ceciro
N. B. A part of the above notes & Judgments it is presumed will prove disperate
The amt cash found in the house Seven dollars 75/100 left to the Widow also 1
side board 2 beds and steads and furniture Gig & harness dining Table - break-
fast Table & Candle Stand given to the widow - One Clock & three looking glasses
given to George W. MALLISON after the death of the widow - two Bedsteads & Beds
& furniture given to Jaque Jane & George W. MALLISON One bed Stead & furniture
given to Fanny McWILLIAMS wife of John McWILLIAMS Cash received of Wm. JEFFERSON
Constable four dollars 60/100 Some cattle & hogs in the woods 1 pan unsold and
perhaps other other articles to be sold in future.
Feby Term 1828 Thomas J. LATHAM Exor of
Chr. MOLLISON dec'd
Also one Judgment in Court vs Walter STEWART for One hundred and Eleven dollars
& fifth cents Int from August Term 1827 - cash for benefit of Christ'r MALLISON
for the sum of thirty dollars twenty Eight cents and a half.
Return of the negroe hire of the Estate of Major HAWKINS dec'd for the year of
1828 due 1st of Jany 1829
Negro man Benjamin to Bryan BARROW 30
Negro woman Rose to Richard BAILEY 15.80
William WINDLEY adm'r DBN $45.80

Returns on the Estate of Alfred LANIER hire of the Negroes for the Year 1828,
if sold before the year is out payment to be in proportion to the time elapsed
with Interest from that time Namely Mark to Elizabeth LANIER $10.00 Anthony to
itto $29 Patt & child Ditto $1-00 Income $40- on Expence for Keeping Vilet & 2
children to Ditto $15 - Abram to ditto $8 Expence $23. In favour of the Estate
Ballance_^l 7 William_WINDLY_Admj_ri

Negroes belonging to the heirs at law of the Estate of Israel WINDLY deceased
part of the right thereof I hold as guardian to John & Wm. D. WINDLY and the
ballance of Right as adm'r to the said Estates negroes as follows to - for keep-
ing Cate & 2 children to Gideon HAWKINS $12 Silvy & 2 children to GAYLARD for
Keeping $16-50 Expence for support $28-58. Wm WINDLY
John WINDLY amount of property as returned May Term 1826 to the amt of compound
Interest untill Febry Term 1828 $290.77, with interest and expences taken from
|§lD§_z_^207i27^ Qther_expences_total_$23^48_L WTni_WINDLYA_Guard^n

Returns on the Estate of the late Timothy POLMERLY Dec'd now in the hands of Wm
WINDLY Adm'r dbn as follows pr note of hand given by Zachariah BOYD due the 10th
of Octo'r 1827 for $56-76 already returned. Wm. WINDLY 1828
pr negro hired out on 2nd of Jany
James To Jeremiah WARNER $27.50
Milby to Richard RESSESS 29.00
Reuben to Fred'k VAIL 6.45
Sealy to James R. DUKES 8.30
Hannah to Wm. PRICE 6.00
Marshall & 2 children to C. E. MALLISON
for keeping. Expence on negro hire $23.00
Ballance over the Expence $54.25
Wm WINDLY Adm'r-&c_.
Wm. WINDLY as adm'r to the Estate of Israil WINDLY dec'd have in hand the proper-
ty of Henry WINDLY dec'd who was an heir at Law of the Said Israel WINDLY to the
Amt of as pr return made May Term 1826 to the amt of $337.28^. No 5 paid GAY-
Lard for Expence of Negroes. Gid HAWKINS for Expence 1827...1828...Bal due Estate
$382-04^ ^j._WIN5LY_Adm^r_
Wm WINDLY Guard’n to Wm D. WINDLY, Dr. Income and receipts. Bal. $323.00.
No 5 pd Clerk, No. 6 paid to G. HAWKINS 1st June 1828, No 7 pd to Jeremiah GAY-
An Inventory of the personal property of M. CHANNEY
One Loom & Warping bars one w wheel one Linen Do Two Pots one Spider one
Skillet one pot trammel one pr and Irons one Coffee Mill one pine Table, one writ-
ing Desk Two washing tubs, one Lott Jugs, two Spades, & coopers, one Lot hoes,
1 Wheel Barrow, one pr Cash wheels, one do - one yoke Stears - One Heifer - Two
saddles two pr harness. Two desks, 8 Chairs, one Table, two Looking glasses - two
beds & furniture, two club Axes, Two bed steads One pine Table, Lot of crockery,
five knives & forks, one Lot books, one Gun, one Surving compass & Two chains.
Two boxes Surveying Instruments, One box Tipes, One Do paints, one do I Ink, one
Watch one nib, one Lot Sheets & p paper - one grist Stone One pr fire Brasses
One Hunting Horn, One Shot bog Two plows. Wally CHANNCY
An Account Sales of the Perishable Estate of Miles CIIAUNCY dec’d Returnable to
Feb'y Term 1828 as follows viz Purchasers: Ransom CHANCY, Harriet CHANCY,
Wally CHANCY. Total $194.45. Walley CHANCY. A true copy of the account Sales

Fealicia LITTLE Guard'n To Jacob VINES LITTLE & Louisa LITTLE 1826 Febry
By this Sum Received of Jesse LITTLE former Guardian $15. By one note of hand
for $30. By 2/6 parts of the hire of Negroe man Frank for the year of 1827 who
fired for $55 the year making in all to their credit$63.32 Said Wards Jacob &
Louisa Dr. 1827 to articles of Dress furnished said Louisa $6.00 Articles furn-
ished Jacob one hat $2 6 Six month Schooling - - - 5.00 one Quarter schooling
30/1 do a 25 - Leaves in my hands a ballance in favour of said Jacob & Louisa
of_this_Sum_say_$44^82^ Witness_Sam_VINES^ F§by_22nd_1828_Fealicia_£X2_LITTLE

Miss Lavina GARY to Alligood BAYNER dr

1828 Amt Bill of Sundries from HOGH & LABART $ 4.62
" " R. H. BONNER 12.85
Shoes S. R. FOULE 1.75
Shoes Jno. JONES 1.75
Feby 21 1 pr Shoes 1.50
Paid for board & Tuition 8.00
Taxes on house & Lott 4.35
By the Rent of House & Lot 30.00
Alligood BAYNOR 4.82
1822 August Term, Benj’n F.. EBORN in Account with his ward James Thomas McSWAIN
Aug. 21 No.l Wm. RODMANS Receipt 2.00 1823 Received $12 the Difference in
2 Thomas SMAW Do .60 Division of Negroes $12.00
1823 Feby 20 No.3 John BROWNS rec't Negro Hire $55 55.00
Negroes Expens , 20.00 1824 Negro hire $56 56.00
1824 Feby 20 My act for b & clothing 1825 Negro hire $62.60 62.60
7 mo & 9 days 21.90 1826 Negroe hire $68— 68
4 Sally ROBBINS'es Receipt 2.00 1827 Negroe hire 65
5 Clerks fees for Division &c. 1.00 318.70

My a/c for Keeping & children 12.00
7 John BROWNS Receipt board &c 68.00 Debit $343-30
8 John H. WILKINS receipt 3.50 commisions 17. 00
1825, May2 No.9 John BROWNS receipt 15.00 360.30
Nov. 22 10 James GAYLARDS Do. 1.50 Credit 318.70
11 John BROWNS Receipt 5.00 Due the 41.60 Guard" from his ward
12 John BROWNS Do. 15.00
My A/C for keeping Kip & children 8.50
This is to certify that we have
1826 Sept, No. 13 James H. HARTNUES 1.00
Eamined the Accounts between Benja-
Aug. 31, 14 Hoyt & Labarb Receipt 1.00
min F. EBORN and his ward James
15 John BROWN Do. 15.00
Thomas McSWAIN and find the vouchers
1827 Jany 1-16 John BROWN Do. 40.50
to correspond with the above state-
3-17 William CLARK Do. 9.00
ment And Also find due said Guardian
A/c for Schooling 3.00
the sum of forty one Dollars 30/100
6-18 Alexander JAMES receipt 1.00
Feby 19 - 1828
July 1 Joseph MORGANS Receipts 3.00
20 Joseph MORGANS Receipt 3.00
June 13 James H. HARTNUSS Do. 1.20
Nov.21 22 John BROWN: Do. 15.00
Board & cloathing the year 1824
Dec. 29 23 Sally ROBBINS Do. 2.00
24 Arcada EBORN Do for keeping
Int to 2 Jany 1826 is 2.16
pigs(?) 25.00
bo & cloathing for the Year
Nov.14 My A/c for 10^ board $3 pr month
1825 12 mo at 30/ 36.00
my A/c 1 wool hat 10/ 1
By this sum supposed to be the amount
Omited John BAYNORS receipt 4.00
of your negroe hire up to 2nd Jany
1826 after deducting $38 which I
Harriet Amandy WINFIELD infant in A/c with received of Tho WINFIELD
Nancy WINFIELD her Guard11
Exor of John WINFIELD Dd 212, 00
For board & cloathing for the year 1822
Ballance Harriet A. WINFIELD 55. 10
36 00
2 Jany 1826 --------
Int to 2nd Jany 1826 is 48
Int to 2 Jany 1827 is 3.30
board & cloathes the year 1823 is 12
Neg"o Jacobs hire for 1826
mo and3 days 36.00
due Jany 2 - 1827 $ 48..00
Int on that Sum to 2nd Jany 1826 4.32
For your board & cloathes for 1826 is 12 Months at 30/ pr month 36,,00
due the ward Jany 2 1826 $ 70.,40
By negroe Jacobs hire for 1827, due Jany 2nd 1828 50..00
Int on $70-40 for 12 months up to 2nd Jany 1828 4..20
$ 124,.60
By Ballance due Harret Amandy WINFIELD - brot over 124,,60
For your board & clothing for the year of 1827 36..00

$ .60

James Henry WINFIELD Infant In Account with Nancy WINFIELD his Guard Cr.
for board & cloathing for the year 1822 - 12 mos at 30/ pr. 36.00
Int to 2 Jany 1826 6.48
Board & clothing for this year 1823 - is 12 mo at 30 pr mo. 36.00
Int to 2 Jany 1826 4.32
Board & clothing for the year 1824 is 12 mos 30/ 36.00
Int to 2nd Jany 1826 2.16
Board & clothing for 1825 is 12 mos at 30/ pr mo 36.00
By this Sum the amt of your Land rent up to the 2nd Jany 1826 to be
deducted from $245.06 which I received of Tho. B. WINFIELD Exor of
Jno WINFIELD dec'd. $ 33.,00
Ballance due Nancy WINIELD Jany 2nd 1826 $123.,96
for your board & clothes 1826 36.,00
Int on bal due for 1825 - 12 mos is 7..42
By Blls rent Corn for 1826 a 25/ 20..00
For your board & clothing for year 1827 36.,00
Int on ball for 1826 is 8.,80
By 3 bbls _ink corn for 1827 9..00
Int on bill due for 1827 is 11.,08
Ball due Nancy WINFIELD 31 Dec'r 1827 $194..26

Jany 17 day 1828 we the commisioners agreeable to an order of court have met this
day and have Audited & Settled the Estate of Daniel CUTLER deceased.
No 1 Judgment in favour of Jno W. ROBBINS for $ 1.41
No 2 A/c in favour of Jno W. CUTLER for 3.10
3 note in favour of Asa ADEN for 1.62
4 note in favour of the Exor of Sam'l _ DURDEN 30.90
5 Tax Receipt paid OWENS .45
6 the clerks receipt for court charges 1.05
7 A/c allowed by Elisha CUTLER for 3.78
8 do do in favour of Jesse WHITLEY for - - 2.14
Amount brot up 44.46
To my Commisions on the whole amt. 6.00
Leaves a ballance of $38.46
Credits To amt of A/c Sales 11.61
By Cash 11.70
To A/c Allowed by Joseph BONNER for .85
Note against Wm. HARDISON 2.30
Note on Ben HAWKINS for .75
Henry E. WINDLY ( ) Jesse WHITLEY ( ) $97.11
The following is a true A/c of What I have Received as Guar 'n to HuIdah WILKENSON
17 Sept'r 1827 Received of Rush WINDLY as adm.
to Levy & Jane WILKINSON $100.00
24:Nov - received of Ditto 4.00
7 of Dec'r received of Do 60.00
for hire of negroes due 1 JANY 1848 81.45
Also three negroes as follows. negro man Lunden about 55 years old
Negro Woman Judith about 55 years old Girl Hannah about 16 years old. for
Said Negroes hire for the present year due 1st of Jany 1829 $69.25 making in all
$304.50 paid out by William HARVY Guard'n to Huldah WILKENSON his ward as follows
16th of Sept'r 1827 no 1 pr receipt to Elizabeth LANIER $60.00 Jany lst-1828
No. 2 pr receipt to Ditto $17.50 1827 - 29 Sept'r paid for Clothing to BONNER &
BRYAN $5.00 Nov 24 to necessary Expences. When attending court 4 days $4 pr
§ttorneys_fee_40/_Jany_to_l_gr_shoes_l7/6^ William_HARVY_Guar^n

In the name of God Amen I mary BLOUNT now being in a low state of health but
sound mind & memory & knowing that it is appointed for all to die do make &
publish this my last Will & Testament in writing as follows
Item I Give devise and bequeath unto my Son William Smaw BLOUNT the following
land begining on the creek side near the Landing at the mouth of a Ditch Runing
a direct corse through the Plantation to a cart Road thence with the Cart Road
to the back line of said and adjoining John ADAMS and including the Buildings
where I now Live & fifty Acres at head of Pasture Branch that Lies in Thomas

BARROWS Pattent which Land I give unto my said Provided that if he should die
without lawfull heir of his body then I Give the same unto my son James Henry
BLOUNT & his heirs forever - Item, I Give devise & bequeath unto my Son James
Henry BLOUNT the ballance of my Land from the division Line to EBORNS Line
provided that my Son Wm. Smaw BLOUNT should die without Lawfull heir and James
Henry Should heir his land then I Give the land of James Henry BLOUNT unto my
Daughter Sarah Jane BLOUNT and her heirs but if in case James Henry Should die
without heir then I Give the land aforesaid to my Said Daughter this will was
made and Executed In the Absince of Henry BLOUNT.
Given under my hand & seal this 19th of February 1826
Signed Sealed in presence of Us Mary BLOUNT (seal)
This the last Will and Testament of Mary BLOUNT was Exhibited in court and here
aproved in due form of Law by the Oath of John VINES a Subscribing witness there-
to let it be Recorded Feby Term 1828 Jos. B. HINTON Clk.

In the name of God Amen I Henry G. COWELL of the State of North Carolina Beaufort
County being weak of Body but of a Sound mind and disposing memory thanks be to
God for the Same calling to mind the certainty of death & the uncertainty of
Life Do make & commit to writing this my last will and Testament in manner &
form as follows first I commend my Soul to God who gave it to me and my body to
be buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter
named after paying my Just Debts Item 1st. I Give & bequeath unto Mary Louisa
ABEL one Feather bed & furniture to her & her heirs forever - Item 2nd I Give
& bequeath unto Elizabeth Ann ABEL one Feather bed & furniture to her & her heirs
forever - Item 3rd I Give & bequeath unto Nancy ABEL One Feather bed & furniture
to her & her heirs forever - Item 4 I Give & bequeath unto AelABEL two feather
beds & furniture and also all my other property which I lent to Robert B. EBORN
also twenty Seven head of Sheep and forty one head of Geese ranging at Whiryoth
H. EBORNS also three head of young Cattle ranging Rumcey Marsh also all my house-
hold furniture & Stock unjustly & wrongfully taken in possession by the heirs of
Jehu EBORN Deceased & by them retained from me to him & his heirs forever I do
acknowledge this to be my last Will & Testament Revoking and disallowing all
other Wills made by me previous to this - Item 5 I do appoint Constitute & ordain
my friend Uel ABEL Executor to this my last Will & Testament Signed Sealed & Acknow
-ledged in presence of us the 12 Day of November 1827 Witness
William WINDLY - Barbara (X) GARDNER Henry G. COWELL (seal)
February Term 1828 Beaufort Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Then was the with-
in last Will & Testament of Henry G. COWELL Deceased proved in court by the Oath
of Wm. WINDLY A Subscribing Witness thereto and ordered to be Recorded

Additional Account Sales of the cattle sold by Walley CHANCY Adm'r of Miles CHANCY
Dec'd 17th May 1828 - Purchasers: Ransom CHAUNCY Jeremiah CHAUNCY Wally CHAUNCY
J6James CHAUNCY. Total $26.10 Wally CHAUNCY Adm-

May Term 1827 Levy REU guard'n to Johnson REECE & Feddy Ann Mehaly REECE
Dr. the Sum one hundred & Sixty three dollars & ninty threg cents $163.90
The above is returned by me Levi REECE (To 3 month b at School 20/ 12.00
as Guard'n of Johnson REECE & Feddy Ann (Schooling this sum 40/- 4.00
Mahaly REECE for my return is for the year(Clerks fees this sum 9/ .90
1827. Levey REECE $16.90
Net_Amt^ $.L 47_^03

Inventory of thepersonal property of Daniel CAMPBELL deceased which came to the

hands of Richard GRIST his Administrator debonis None and Sales of the Same
16th March 1829(?) Purchasers: Jonathan SATTERWAITE, Robt LANIOR, Col. Thos.
gwj, M. J. CLARK, Wm. DAVIS, Timothy BURGES, Jesse WINFIELD, John DAVIS, Sr.,
Axem LANIER, Ch. R. FLINN, A. LANIER, Hosea TYSON, Bryan WINFIELD, Prescella
HARVY, R. GUSH, Total, $1421.49. Rich'd GRIST Adm de B N. Doubtful Debts:
HARRIS, Margret CAMPBELL, Exor. balance $28.12. Errors Excepted Rich'd GRIST

The estate of Warren SEALY To Jesse ROBASON Adm'r of Valentine JASPER Dr To

this Sum it being one fourth of the amount of the acct of Sales of Valentine
JASPER dec'd. $224.32*4
Int. on the same 2 years & 2 months 42.62
Agreeable to an order from the county court of Beaufort May Term 1827 we have
Examined the above A/c and find the balance as above Stated which is the ballance
due from the said Warren SEALLY dec'd as administrator of Valentine JASPER to
James JASPER as heir to said Valentine Given under our hands this 11th day of
I do Constitute Nathaniel J. OLLIVER my Sole Executor and take charge of all my
papers Books money furniture &c with all 6 every thing to me now belonging in
Every Respect Immediately after my Departure from this world Given under my hand
& seal the tenth day of April 1828. J. WHEELER (seal)
In presence of us May Term 1828 court of pleas & Quarter
Cornelius FLYNN Sessions Beaufort County then the within
Hezekiah FARROW was proved as the last Will & Testament of
Jacob WHEELER by the Oath of Hezekiah FARROW a witness
thereto & ordered to be Recorded & Nathaniel F OLLIVER the Executor named therein
came_into_court_6_Qualified_as_Executor_thereto_^ Jos^B^IttNTO^ ____________

Inventory & A/c Sales of the Estate of Jacob WHEELER dec'd May 6th-1828 Sold by
Nathan J. OLLIVER his Executor. Purchasers: G. H. CONGLETON, Howard WISWOLD,
Jacob COLE, Capt'n SCHANK, Daniel PAUL, Sam L THOMAS, Wm. S. HOLMES, John HOPKINS,
Capt'n FREEMAN, Edward QUIN, Samuel LAWTON, Capt'n MORTAN, William BROWN, Jesse
Silas HOELL, William LONG, Elisha Johnston, Will RUSS, Rufus WOOLARD, Capt'n
Total $174.62 Returned in court at May Term 1828 Nath'l J. OLLIVER
472, through 490
Estate of Reading BLOUNT To John G. BLOUNT Dr— Purchasers: Lanier, Swindell,
Francis XAVIERS,, Willie BLOUNT, Jas. GOSHAM, Ralph POTTS, Parson BLOUNT, ALDER-
( Total on page 485 £12,352 6 3.)John PINKET, Jennet SWINDALE, Major HODGES,
Jr., Ballance due J. G. BLOUNT, Exor. £977-1-8
In obedience to an order from the Worshipfull court of pleas & Quarter Sessions
of Beaufort County to us directed to Audit the Account of John G. BLOUNT Esqr.
Adm'r of Gen'l Reading BLOUNT deceased & to Report the Same we have carefully
Examined the debit side by comparing the same with the Voucher exhibited to us
Numbered from one to 130 other Items for which no Vouchers were produced we have
examined the Original entries in the books of J. G. BLOUNT & marked the Initials
of the name of those who made the entries & delivered the articles most of the
charges thus designated Appear credited to other persons by the debit of the
Estate and we have also examinded Accounts Settled by the Adm'r in which most of
those Items are found on the credit part we find the Lumber & naval store &c
credited by the Adm'r at prices which (to our recollection of the time they were
received the highest that was given. We have dispensed stating an Interest Acct
impressed with a belief it would be very lengthy and in favour of the Adm'r
- we have allowed him 2^ per cent commissions on debit & credit side in all 5
pr cent for paying & settling the Estate and a ballance of nine hundred & Seventy
Seven pounds one Shilling & eight pence due the said Administrator All which we
respectfully Submit to
Given under Our hands & seals this 21st day of May 1827 at Washington N.C.
Signed W. L. LAVENDER (seal)
L. LEROY (seal)
Order of Court James ELLISON (seal)
August Term 1824 Beaufort Co. of pleas & Qr. Sessions. Then it was ordered that
James ELLISON Lewis LEROY and Wm. L. LAVENDER be appointed to audit & settle the
Accounts of Jn. G. BLOUNT Adm'r of Read'g BLOUNT dec'd
(The above estate has been abstracted from 18 pages down to one typed page. Copies
of the original may be obtained from the N.C. State Archives for a fee. bjc)

Washington N.C. 10th May 1828

In the Name of God Amen I Jonathan HAVENS being in a low State of bodily health
but of Sound mind & memory disposing memory do make this my last Will & Testament
and first I give my soul to God who gave it & my body to the earth whence it came
to be decently Burried - Item second my will & desire is that all my Just debts
be paid. Item third I will & bequeath to my kind & loving wife the half Lot where
-on I now Live together with the Improvements thereon. Negro man named Ganny,
Negro woman named Celia & Negro Girl named Mary during my said wife Sally M.
HAVENS natural life or widowhood & after that to be divided Equally Among my
Children. Item fourth, my will & desire is that all the rest of my property be
equally divided between my wife Sally M. HAVENS and children to wit Benjamin
Franklin HAVENS Fanny Matilda HAVENS Jonathan HAVENS and Sally Smith HAVENS. I
hereby nominate and appoint my wife Sally M. HAVENS to be my Sole Executrix. In
testimony whereof I have Set my hand and Affixed my Seal the day & year above
written Signed in presence of
Hugh McCULLOUGH Jonathan HAVEN (seal)
May Term 1828 Beaufort Court then was the within last will & Testament of Jona-
than HAVENS deceased proved in court in due form of Law by the oath of William
L. HOLMES a Subscribing Witness thereto & ordered to be Recorded & Sally HAVENS
came into court & Qualified as Executrix thereto.

Sinclears Creek April 8th 1828 Inventory of Ezra PAUL deceased property taken
by me George P. PAUL Special Adm'r viz one Boafat & crockery ware Six chairs,
one Two Barrel Gun, one chest, one woollen wheel, one Linen do, two tables, one
bed & furniture, one Loom, Six pieces old wooden ware, one pair fire tongs, 1 pr
Smoothing Irons, three Potts and 1 trammel, 1 Lot Coopers Tools, three Club Axes
two ploughs & 1 harness 1 grind stone, one Canoe - Some bacon & Lard, potatoes,
one horse, one Cow & Calf, one Cow & yearling, three head of dry Cattle three
Sows & pigs five head of Year old hogs, four ewes & Lambs some dry Sheep one hors
cart, one bridle & Saddle, half cord Juniper Timber One Sheep Skin.

Sinclears Creek April 8th 1828 - Ac/ct of the Sales of the property belonging to
the Estate of Ezra PAUL deceased. Purchaser: George PAUL, Rena PAUL, Stephen
Sold by me George P. PAUL Special Adm'r Returnable to the county court of Beaufort

Account of the Sale of John SATCHWELL dec'd Perishable property sold on the 7th
day of March 1828 at Six Months Credit. Purchasers: Thomas BARROW Jun'r, Mary
CONDEN, James ROBBINS, William MARSH, Thomas FLYNN, William RATLIFF, Henry
ROWLAND, Charles GHERKIN, Bethel GHERKIN, Ransom HARRIS, Christ'r FLINN, Richard

Account of the hire of the negroes belonging to the Estate of John SATCHELL from
the 7th day of March 1828 untill the 25th day of December 1828. Purchasers:
Zachariah F. EBORN, John WILKINSON, Thos. JORDAN, Mary SATCHELL, & Lemuel ROSS.
The Estate of Major BALL dec'd in Acct. currant with Miles BALL Administrator Dr
J. 0. K. WILLIAMS, Sam '1 LATHAM, Jordan WALKER, - with Miles BALL Administrator
May 21st - 1828 Miles Ball. Total 449.48
The Estate of Major BALL in a/c with Miles BALL Cr.. Ballance due the adm'r the
22nd of Feby 1828, 19.83. Total $449.48.

In Obedience to an order from the Worshipfull Court of Beaufort County to us

directed to audit & Settle the a/c of Miles Ball Adm'r to the estate of Major Ball
dec'd we have in pursuance of said order carefully examined all the Several
charges & vouchers in Support thereof & find them correctly Stated we have examin-
ed the returns made & credits given by the adm'r & find a ballance due him of
Ninteen Dollars Eighty three & half cents the 22nd day Feby 1828. Given under
our hands & seals this 21 day of May 1828.
Signed J. O.K. WILLIAMS (seal)
William GORDON (seal)
Allen GRIST (seal)
August Term 1827 Beaufort Co. ordered that James O.K. WILLIAMS Allen GRIST &
William GORDON Esqrs are appointed to audite & Settle the A/cs of Miles BALL
Adm'r of Major BALL& Report to next Court. Jos. B. HINTON C

The estate of Benja'n GARRETT deceased To Thos BOWEN Adm'r in right of his wife.
GILLICANS» William Edwards, William PERKINS, Scott SPEARS, Isaac EDWARDS, James
ALDERSON, H. SCOTT, Moses GIDEN, 1811 Ballance due the estate 2,254.10.
Pursuant to an order of the Worshipfull the Court of pleas & Quarter Sessions
of the County of Beaufort hereto annexed we have examinded the within Stated
Account with the Vouchers produced to us - & find the above ballance of Two
thousand two hundred and fifty four dollars and 10/100 due from the estate of
Thos. BOWEN deceased and which said Ballance is carried into his Guardian Acct
with hers of Benjamin GARRETT dec'd Given under our hands the 23rd day of May
1828. Signed Ben. WILLIAMS
ordered that Benjamin WILLIAMS Esqr. William L. LAVENDER and William S. HOLMES
be appointed to Audite & Settle the Accounts of Thomas BOWEN as adm'r with the
estate of Benj'n GARRETT Sen'r dec'd and make report thereof to Court. May Term
1828. Jos. B. HINTON C
Benjamin GARRETT Dr. Thomas BOWEN his Guard'n. Names mentioned in the acct.
SMITHS, MAULES, Merridith, Slade PEARCE, Jer. MASTERS, James ELLISON, Abner
In pursuance of an order issuing from the court of pleas & quarter Sessions for
the county of Beaufort to us directed, we have examined the above stated Account
with the vouchers to & find the above ballance of Seven hundred & Thirty
five dollars & 36/100 due from Thomas BOWEN his Guard'n to Ben GARRETT which said
ballance is accounted for in Settlement with C. J. BRYAN in right of his wife
Elizabeth heir to the s'd Ben GARRETT. Given under our hands & seals this 23 of
May 1828. Ben. WILLIAMS, W. L. LAVENDER, William L. HOLMES.
Dr. CARNEY J. BRYAN in Acct. current with Thomas BOWEN Adm'r of Benj. GARRET dec'd
1811 For amt Miss Elizabeth GARRETs Acct. as pr Statement $178.15
Amt your accts & receipts herewith as pr Statement 893.80
this Sum as pr William ORRELS receipt 4.11
Amt your acct for negro hire & cents as pr Statement 113.00
1818 - 1 Jany this sum ballance due C. J. BRYAN from the estate
of Thos. BOWEN dec'd 608.90
by William VINES one of the executors 1797.96
By your proportion of the ballance due the Estate of Ben GARRET
deceased being 1/3 of $2254.11 is 751.37
this Sum bring the Amt of Notes returned to me as pr my act
which were included in the list of notes charged Your acct. as pr
rect dated Sept. 9th 1812 - - - 177.05
this Sum amt A. MORRIS W. MOORE & Wm. ADAMS Note included in the
above Receipt of Sept'r 9th 1822 also returned this Sum as
pr recit in Your hands- - - 60.80
this Sum Balance due Ben GARRET Jr. from Thos. BOWEN his Guard'n
now brought forward 735.36
In pursuance of an order issueing from the court of pleas & Quarter Sessions for
the County of Beaufort to us directed we have examined the within Stated Acct.
and find a ballance due Carney J. BRYAN in right of his wife Elizabeth (heir to
Benj'n GARRET Jr.) from Thos BOWEN adm'r of Benj'n GARRET Senr. dec'd of the sum
of Six hundred & eight 90/100 Dollars - on this 1 January 1818 Given under Our
hands this 23rd day of May 1828. Benj'n WILLIAMS, W. L. LAVENDER, William L.
Ordered that Benjamin Williams Esqr. William L. Lavender and William S.
HOLMES be appointed to audite & Settle the accts of Thomas BOWEN Adm'r of Benj'n
GARRAT Sen'r dec'd with Carney J. BRYAN in right of his wife Elizabeth and make
report thereof to court May Term 1828 Jos. B. HINTON C

William ROWLAND in Acct Current with Thomas BOWEN his Guardian

1805, Sept. 27th. To this Sum 1/3 of £34-0-8 ballance due Thomas BOWEN Adm'r
of John ROWLAND dec'd see Act. $ 22.69
Board & cloathes &c from Apl 7th - 1798 to 27 of Feb'y
1805, 6 years & 10 months at $60 per year 410.00
Receipt for taxes 3.63
Commissions n $615.19 at 5 pr ct 30.75
Board from the 27th of Feb'y 1805 to 27 of February 1826 80.00
Contra ball (Princaple only) 68.12
To board from 27th Feby to 27 Augt. 1806 Six months at $80
pr. year 40.00
Board from 27th August 1806 to 27th August 1807 ..... 80.00
Commisions on $124.50 amt of Negro hire for 1806 at 5 prq 126.22
Contra Account 124.50
Ballance due T. BOWEN 1.72
To board cloathes &c from 27 Augt. 1808 to 27 Aug. 1808 90.00
2 Quarters Schooling to WAKELY 5.00
Commissions on $133.80 and of negro hire for 1807. . . . 6.69
To ballance due T. BOWEN Last year 1.72
Contra bal Prin'l 30.39
$ 133.80
To Board 6 cloathing from 27th August 1808 to 27 August 180990.00
commissions on $101.00 amt of negro hire for 1808 5.05
Contra Ballance (principle) 5.95
Total Debits shown after 1810, $98.15.
Now comes in the credits. Names mentioned in this account: PALMER, Wm. ROWLAND,
T. BOWEN, ending with an entry, "due Wm. ROWLAND 1 Oct. 1821, $123.83."
Settled this Account by mutual consent with William VINES one of the exors of
Thomas BOWEN dec'd who was my Guardian as Stated above & acknowledge myself
ully Satisfied & contented therewith & have received the full amount of said
account of One thousand four hundred & thirty dollars and ninety one cents it
being in full of all my claims against Thomas BOWEN deceased who was my
Guardian this 29th November 1823 Signed William ROWLAND
Continuation of the William ROWLAND Acct. (bjc).
The Estate of Thomas BOWEN to William VINES one of the executors Dr. : John HALL,
Lemuel ROSS, BRADDY, Edwd QUIN, Humphery WOOD, William CRUTHORS, Peter PRITCHETT,
Dr. H. McCULLOUGH, Gain PEED, Nancy COX, James CROSS, Thomas ELLISON, Hillery
R. H. BONNER, Mr. HILL, & WM. S. ROWLAND Total $3678.70%
Dr. the estate of Thos. BOWEN deceased in act currant with William VINES one of
the Exors. 1822, Jany 1st. To ball remaining due William VINES one of the
Executors brot over, $3678.70%, plus commisions at 5 pr c on $3199.45, plus
Int. from 1822 to 1827 Totals $4942.28%.
In Pursuance of the annexed order Issued from the court of pleas and Quarter
Sessions for the county of Beaufort to us directed we have examined the above
and foregoing amount & compared the Same with the Vouchers to us produce & find
a ballance as above Stated of Eight Hundred and eighty five dollars and 28%/100
due William VINES one of the executors of Thomas BOWEN deceased on the 1st of
January 1827. Given under our hands the 23 of May 1828. Benj. WILLIAMS
Ordered that Benj’n WILLIAMS Esq’r Wm L LAVENDER & ' L' L^VRNDRR
T TTr\T■Kx-r-'r> , . Wm. L. HOLMES
Wm. L. HOLMES be appointed to audite & Settle the
Accounts of Wm. VINES Exor of Thos. BOWEN Esqr dec’d & make report to court May
Term 1828. Jos. B. HINTON c

An Inventory & Account of the Sale of the perishable property of Mathers KELLY
deceased Sold by Thomas ALLEN adm'r on Thursday March 13th 1828. Purchasers:
William PATRICK, Henry WARREN, Joshua ECKLIN, Willey DOWNS, John BUCK, Obediah
Joan KELLY, John BUCK, Lewis McKAY, John D. BAR, Jas. EDWARDS Jun'r,
Luke NOBLES, Wm. N. EDWARDS, Isac BUCK, Peter YATES, Fredk DOWNS, Britain
BUCK, James BROWN, Abner HARTLEY, Nathaniel HARDING, David EDWARDS Sen'r, Wm.
E. EDWARDS, James EDWARDS Jun’r, Isac NOBLES, Peter DOWTY, Harvy HILL, Reading
Ransom BUCK, Thomas SEARLS, Covington SEARLS, BURBANK & POTTS, Arthur EDWARD,
William E. EDWARDS, Sam’l DEMBY, Noah GALLOWAY. May the 23rd 1828 EE
Thos. ALLEN Adm’r
The Estate of Thos. BOWEN Dec'd To Wm. W. HILL Co executon with William VINES Dr.
Names mentioned: Reubin BURRIS, W. C. STANLY, Thomas BOWEN, Jos. MASTEN, Thos.
Thomas BLACKLEDGE, Thomas TELFAIR, R. H. BONNER, Sam. W. LUCAS, Total $2152.06
with Wm. W. HILL Co executor With Wm. VINES. BONNER. Hire of Negro Acct.
In the Name of God Amen I Alfred BAYNOR of the county of Beaufort being of sound
& disposing mind & memory do make & ordain this my last Will and Testament - Item
I Give unto God my Soul who Gave it & my body to my hereafter Named executors to
be Decently Buried as touching my worldly Substance I dispose of as follows —
Item, I Give unto my two brothers Richard & Southy Two dollars each - I Give
unto my Sister Mahala two dollars each one of the above Legacies I direct my

hereafter named executor to pay.
Item, I Give unto my Brother Wiley the Land and Plantation Whereon I now Live
with all the Improvements thereon together with all my other Lands and Improve-
ments which I now own. Also four negroes viz - Phillis Emeline Sam & Lewis to
him & his heirs forever the Remainder of my property of every discription I direct
my hereafter named executor to sell at Six months credit the proceeds of which
I wish all my Just Debts to be paid out of & Should there be any ballance in
hand after paying of my Debts as aforesaid I Give the said ballance be the same
more or less unto my Brother Wiley - I do hereby Nominate & appoint my Brother
Wilah my Sole Executor to this my last Will & Testament in Witness whereof I do
hereunto set my hand & seal this 2nd day of July, 1827.
Witness Sal’l R. FOWL Alfred BAYNOR (seal)
Richard H. BONNER
May Term 1828 Then was the within last Will & Testament of Alfred BAYNOR proved
in court in due form of Law By the Oath of Samuel R. F0W1 & Richard H. BONNER
witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded & Wilah BAYNOR came into Court &
Qualified as Executor there unto. Jos. B. HINTON C

In the Name of God Amen I Charles HERRINGTON of the county of Beaufort & State
of North Carolina being Old & weak in body but of Sound & disposing mind & memory
thanks be to God for the same do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament in
manner & form as Follows, First I Give my Soul to God that Gave it me & my body
to the earth from whence it came to be buried in plain & decent manner at the
discretion of my executors & as for all my earthly Goods which it hath been
pleased God to endow me with I Give and dispose in manner & form as follows -
First- I Give & bequeath unto the heirs of my Daughter Casey MOORE one Shilling -
Item - I Give to the heirs of my son Nathan HERRINGTON one Shilling - Item - I
Give also to my son Hosea HERRINGTON all my cooper Tools. Item - I Give & be-
queath unto my son Charles HERRINGTON one hundred acres of Land where he now lives
Begining on the River & Running out to the back line it being the land I bought
of Robert EBORN on the East side of the tract of Land. I Give also to my son
Charles HERRINGTONone half of my Canoe & all my carpenters tools. Item. I Give
to my Daughter Linia ABRAMS one hundred Acres of Land Adjoining my Son Charles
HERRINGTONS Begining on the River & Runing to the back line. Item. I Give and
bequeath to my two younger Daughters together Sarah & Mary - HERRINGTON my House
and Plantation & Land Whereon I now Live and all the remainder of my Land to-
gether with all my Household Furniture & Stock not mentioned in this Schedule to
be equally divided between them after my decease & all the rest of my property
which I have not named in the above writings. Lastly, I constitute & appoint my
Son Charles HERRINGTON Sole executor to this my last Will and Testament Disannul-
ing & Disallowing all other will or wills heretofore by me made Ratifying & Con-
firming this only to be my last Will & _Testament Signed & Sealed in the presence
Ellibird FOREMAN
Charles (X) HERRINGTON (seal)
Christopher FAR
May Term 1828 Beaufort Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions. Then was the within
Last will & Testament of Charles HERRINGTON Sen'r - deceased proved in court in
due form of Law by the oath of Christopher FAR a witness thereunto & ordered to
be Recorded & Charles HERRINGTON came into court & Qualified as executor thereunto

I HUGH McCULLOUGH do make this my last Will & Testament Viz All my estate both
real & personal I Give and devise to my son Montgomery Hugh McCULLOUGH to him &
his heirs The aforesaid gift & evise is upon the express condition that if the
said Montgomery Hugh shall die before he arrives at the age of Twenty eight years
& without any child or children living at the time of his death then & in that
case I Give and devise all my estate real & personal aforesaid to Robert F.J.J.
WILLIAMS of Pitt in trust to sell the same & pay the proceeds thereof to my
brothers John, William and Robert or in case of the death of any or all of them
to their children I do hereby constitute and appoint Robert F. J. H. WILLIAMS
Guardian to my son Montgomery Hugh till he shall arrive at the age of twenty one
and I hereby Authorise & empower the Guardian aforesaid to take into his charge
& possession all the property herein divised & to preserve the same for the
benefit of my said son.
I do hereby constitute & appoint my friend Jeremiah CHERRY executor of this
my last Will & Testament and I do hereby request, authorize and empower my said
executor to use the funds of my estate which may come into his hands so far as
may be necessary to finish the buildings commenced by me in the Town of Washing-
Signed, Sealed published & declared by said Hugh McCULLOUGH to be his last
will & Testament May 23, 1828 In presence of
Test W. S. WOODLEY (seal)
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Beaufort County August Session 1828 Then was
the above last Will & Testament of Hugh McCULLOUGH proved in due form of Law by
the Oath of John SINGLETARY a Subscribing Witness thereto it be Recorded.
Jos. B. HINTON- Ck.
Jeremiah CHERRY the executor in the Will appointed was dulv Qualified & took the

In the name of God Amen I Emanuel EDWARDS of the State of North Carolina & County
of Beaufort being of sound disposing mind & memory & calling to mind that it is
appointed unto man once to die do this 19th day of July in the Year of Lord 1828
make & Publish this my last Will& Testament in manner following that is to say-
First) I Lend my wife Elizabeth all my property after paying my Just Debts dur-
ing her life after her death) I Give & bequeath unto my Eli EDWARDS my plan-
tation where I now live and the Land Adjoining as far as Thomas EDWARDSes line
as far as his line goes then this same course across the Land) I Give the
ballance of my Land after my wifes death to my sons Thomas EDWARDS & John EDWARDS
to be equally divided between them I Give unto my Daughter Polly BOYD one Shill-
ing. I Give the ballance of my property not mentioned after my wifes death to
my son Elid EDWARDS my son Thomas EDWARDS my Son John EDWARDS & my daughter Eliza-
beth WALLS to be equally divided between them - and I hereby make & ordain my son
John EDWARDS Executor to this my last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I the
said Emanuel EDWARDS have to this my last will& Testament set my hand & seal the
J & year within written. „ ,
Emanuel (X) EDWARDS
Signed Sealed Published & declared by the said Emanuel EDWARDS the Testator as
his last Will & Testament in the presence of us, Henry HARDING
^Qg Robert D. BARR
Beaufort County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions August Term 1828 Then was the
Will, over theother line on page 507, last Will & Testament of Emanuel EDWARDS
proven in due form of Law by the oath of Henry KARDING a Subscribing Witness
thereto let it be Recorded. Jos. B. HINTON Clk.
John EDWARDS the executor in this Will appointed was duly Qualified & took the
Oath_as_Prescribed_by_Law^ J2§^_5JL_MINTON Clk ^

Account of Sales of the property of Peter McWILLIAMS deceased this 13th of June
1828. Purchasers: Jesse WILKINSON, Henry FORTESCUE, Fenner B. SATTERTHW.,

Negroes named Hoyle, Patt, & Lettis to Jesse WILKINSON, adm’r. Total Sale$174„70
Whole ant. of property & negroes $201.20. Jesse WILKINSON Adm’r

The Last Will & Testament of Moses WINDLY Esqr.
State of North Carolina) In the name of God Amen I Moses WINDLY of the County
Beaufort County ) & State aforesaid being Weak in body, but thank God of
sound disposing mind & memory Revoking all others do make & ordain this my last
Will & Testament in manner & form following Viz
Imprimis I lend to my Loving Wife Mary WINDLY during her natural life or widow-
hood the Southern part of my plantation where on I now live Begining at a white
Oak at my Landing runing Westwardly, so as to include my Dwelling & all other
out Houses and well on Said Southern part of my plantation lent to my wife then
a direct line to a Pear tree Standling at my cider press then South 45 West to
the little creek that Divides my Land and plantation from the Old LANIER Land
hen down Said Little Creek to Bath Creek then up Bath Creek to the white oak at
my Landing together with free priviledge of all my Wood Land for fire wood &
plantation uses.
I Give unto my Loving wife Mary WINDLY all the property that I Got by her in
marriage that may be in being at my death also one cow & calf & heifer Seven
head of hogs the one fourth of all my crop that may be Growing on my plantation
at the time of my death.
Item. I lend my son James R. WINDLY the ballance of my Plantation not before
lent my Wife and at the death or marriage of my wife which ever may first happen
I lend the whole of my plantation & Lands to him during his natural life with
free priviledge of my wood land for fire wood & Plantation uses only.
Item at the death of my son James R. WINDLY & death or marriage of my wife Mary
I Give the whole of my Plantation & Lands to my two sons Aron and Daniel WINDLY
to be equally divided between them & to them their heirs and assigns forever-
item I Give to my Grand son Moses WINDLY the first choice of my beds & furniture
my smallest chest & my Iron wedges.
Lastly I nominate my two sons Aron & Daniel WINDLY executors to this my last Will
& Testament In Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand & seal this 28th
day of April 1828 Signed Sealed and Acknowledged
in the presence of
Moses WINDLY (seal)
StateSjf'lXrfe Xffigina )
Beaufort County ) Court of pleas & Quarter Sessions August Term 1828
Then the within last Will & Testament of Moses WINDLY was produced in court
& duly proved by William VINES the Subscribing Witness thereto Let it be Re-
corded at the Same time Aron WINDLY & Daniel WINDLY the executors therein named
took the Oath Required by Law & Qualified thereto Jos. B. HINTON Clk.

Will of John H. BOYD

In the Name of God Amen I John H. BOYD of the county of Beaufort State of North
Carolina being weak of Body but of Sound mind & memory do make & ordain this my
last Will and Testament in manner & form following. Viz. Item first of all I
want my Just Debts to be paid & after that I Give and bequeath unto my beloved
wife Nancy BOYD all the remainders of my property with the exception of Fifty
Dollars which I Give & bequeath to my Sister Penny WARREN provided there is that
much over & above the vlaue of my negro man Ellis. If not I hereby Give & be-
queath the whole of my property to my Wife her & her heirs for ever & I hereby
constitute & appoint Henry BARROW Executor to this my lsat Will & Testament, in
Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & seal this 30th day of May 1828.
James BONNER , nnvn
John H. BOYD
Beaufor? 8ounty Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions. Then was the within last Will
& Testament of John H. BOYD proved in court by the Oath of James BONNER a Sub-
scribing Witness thereto in due form of Law & ordered to be Recorded.
Will of Edward COLE
In the Name of God Amen I Edward COLE of the Town of Washington State of North
Carolina Beaufort County being infirm in body but of sound mind & memory do make
& ordain this my last will & Testament in manner following revoking all others.
Viz I Give & bequeath to my beloved Brother William G. COLE the half Lot of
Ground in Vannorden Town Known in the plat of said Town adjoining the Town of
Washington Number forth three together with all the Houses thereon Namely one
Dwelling House Kitchen & Smoakhouse & all the other out Houses -also I Give to
said Brother three beds & furniture
One Dozen Windsor chairs one Bureau two Tables and one pair of Iron Shovel &
Tongs one Looking Glass In Testimony whereof I have here unto Set my Hand & seal
Washington April 30th 1828.
Witness G. H. CONGLETON Edward COLE (seal)
Beaufort County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions August Term 1828. Then the
within last Will & Testament of Edward COLE was proved in court by the oath of
G. H. CONGLETON a witness thereto in due form of Law & ordered to be recorded.
Jos. B. HINTON Clk.

Wm. WINDLY Adm’r in A/C with the Estate of Susanah HAWKINS Deceased.
1826, $146.93 Income. 1826 Expences $140.93. Pursuant to an order from the
county court of Beaufort We the under signed have examined the Accts & Vouchers
of Wm. WINDLY Adm'r to Susannah HAWKINS dec'd and find a ballance due from said
Adm’r to said Estate of thirteen dollars 66/100 Including Int. to the 21st Aug.
1828 as will appear upon examination of the statement here unto annexed. All
which is respectfully Submitted. Aug. 22, 1828. Thomas J. LATHAM & Zachariah
BOYD, Comm. Names Mentioned: Joseph BONNER, Benj. BROWN, Richard GRIST, James
CAMPAIGN, Joseph GANTIER, Edmond WINDLY, Turner & Long, Richard BAILEY, Henry
Ordered that Thos. J. LATHAM Esqr. and Zach. BOYD be appointed to audite & Settle
the accounts of Wm. WINDLY Adm’r with the Will annexed of Major HAWKINS deceased
& also Said Wm. WINDLY Adm'r Accts. with the estate of Susannah HAWKINS, dec’d
August Term 1828. Jos. B. HINTON Clk.

William WINDLY Adm’r with the Will annexed In Acct with the Estate of Major
HAWKINS. Persons Mentioned in Accts (bjc): Mary HAWKINS, Luky HAWKINS, Elizabeth
E. HAWKINS. $194.47. Pursuant to an order from the county court of Beaufort
We the under signed have examined the Acts & Vouchers of Wm. WINDLY Adm'r cum
Test_ Annin_ of Major HAWKINS dec’d & find ballance due Mary HAWKINS Legetee of
sd HAWKINS of twenty nine dollars 6 fifty stven cents - due Lucretia HAWKINS
another Legatee of Said HAWKINS and (look up on next page)
a further ballance of five Dollars and fifty one cents due Elizabeth HAWKINS
also a legatee of Said Hawkins As will more fully appear by examination the
Statement of Accts which is herewith respectfully Submitted August 22nd 1828.
Thomas J, LATHAM & Zachariah BOYD, Commis'ers.

Account of Sales of the property perishable estate of John H. BOYD dec'd Sold
21st of June 1828 by Henry BARROW as executor by will. Purchasers: Hosea
WOOLLARD, Osborn WOOLLARD, Anthony BARROW, Charles ODEN, Nath’l LANDLEY, Obediah
JEFFERSON, Beth'l GURKIN, Richard 0. BOYD, Nathan WOOLLARD, Nancy L. BOYD,
Reuben WELLS, Noah ASPRAY, Samuel HARVY, Robert STEWART, Nathaniel NORTH, Little-
Beth GERKIN, A.E. HARVY, Ranson TANKARD, Henry G. SNELL, Thomas BARROW, Aid E.
RILEY, Richard 0. BOYD, Clem JONES, William E. SMAW, Samuel CAREY, Thos. C.
A List of Note belonging to John H. BOYDs estate deceased that is thought at this
time to be good one against Aid E. HARVY for three hundred dolls. $300.00 & one
agst. Zachariah BOYD for $26.00 = $326.00. This is a True Inventory of all the
perishable Property that came into my hands belonging to the estate of John H.
BOYD deceased both of personal & real Estate & the amount of the perishable
Property Sold at Six months credit According to Act of Assembly this 24 of June
1828. Henry BARROW Exor to John H. BOYD.

Account of Sale of the property of Wallace ANDREWS 9th August 1828. Purchasers:
William OUTLAW, Jos. GAINOR, Spencer LEGGETT, Willie DANIELS, Joseph GAIN0R, Ed-
mond GAINOR, Ormond SPARROW, Joseph HOLLIDAY, James LITTLE, John WHITAKER, Godfrey

Division of the Estate of Cornelius PATRICK according to will among his Lawfull
heirs: Mrs. Ann PATRICK,, William PATRICK, Joseph W. PATRICK, Benjamin PATRICK,
Nath'1 HARDING, Betty HARDING, Thomas W. PATRICK, Martha W. PATRICK. We the
undersigned Heirs of Cornelius PATRICK deceased do agree to the above division
that is to say Ann PATRICK William PATRICK, Joseph W. PATRICK, Benjamin PATRICK
Thomas W. PATRICK - Martha W. PATRICK & Nathaniel HARDING in right of of his
wife Betsy Given under our hand & seals this 26th day of August 1828. Attest:
Jesse GODLY. Ann PATRICK, William PATRICK, Joseph W. PATRICK, Benj.'n PATRICK,
Natha’l HARDING, Thos. W. PATRICK, Martha W. PATRICK. (All signed & sealed.bjc)
An Additional Account of Sale of the property of Seth WILSON Sold on the 7th of
April 1827 By James McDANIELS Executor. Purchasers: Mercer WILSON, James M
\NIELS, Marshal WILSON, Mercer WILSON, Willie CLEMENTS, Sam'l HOLLIDAY,Spencer
LIGGET, Rachel DUDLY, Elizabeth LATHAM, Luke SHORT & W. GASTON. Total $981.75

Inventory and Account of Sales of the Estate of Ann GRIMES deceased taken by the
Administrator June 1828. Notes on: John & Noah BUCK, Garrison TUCKER, Joel
TUCKER, William BRIGHT, Hosea BUCK, Toel TUCKER, Archbell CAMPBELL, Hosea BUCK,
DIXON, Willie BOYD, E. & A. TAFT, Edmond EVANS, Wm. MAYO, Joseph WALLS, James
Holloway MILLS, HarryMILLS, Richard GRIST, Joel & Garrison TUCKER, Uriah EDWARDS,
John BOYD, Dempsey GLADSON & Everard HALL. Acct. of Sales June 17th 1828.
Purchasers: Bryan GRIMES, D.M.M.CABE, Charles J. NELSON, Jas. H. SMITH, Rich'd
GRIST, Thomas BRAGG, Charles F. NELSON, James WEATHERBY, James ELLISON, Capt'u
& Eliz. GRIST.

Jacob ELKS, Allen GRIST, Thomas H. SMITH, John HOLLAND, Thomas ALLEN, Lemuel
LATHAM, James L. BLOUNT, Joshua ECKLEN, H. WISWALL,Nathaniel HARDING, William
Chs. ODEN, Thomas BRAGG, Seth CHAPMAN,
Hire of the following negroes untill 4 February next. Jemy, Aimy, Aron, Jim,
GAbe, Caesar, Africa, Jinny, Nicey, Tenor, Tiller, Amy, Catharine, Rany, Martin,
JinnyA_Richmondi_DinahA_EdyA_JohnA_Eraanuel^ Arnos^ BlYSU-GRIMES-Adm^r^
Mary E. CORDEN in Account Current with her Guardian James LATHAM. 1816 through
1920. Thos. J. LATHAM, John CORDON, Sarah CHANCE, Wm. SEARS,
S. NEWPORT, Thos. LATHAM, HOYT & LABARB, Thos. BARROW, Sarah NEWPORT.Total $793.64.
Add Commissions etc. Total $832.04. J. SATCHWELL, Wm. CORDEN, T. J. LATHAM,
Ballance 31st Dec'r 1827. $832.64.
We the undersigned pursuant to an order of court having examined the Accounts of
James LATHAM deceased former Guardian to Mary E. CORDEN Against said M.E. CARDEN
(alias Mary E. BLOUNT) find a ballance due said James LATHAM of fifty five dollars
and eight cents withlnterest from Dec'r 31st 1827 Which said ballance we say Thos.
J. LATHAM Guardian to said M. E. CORDEN now M. E. BLOUNT Should pay Zach BOYD
Adm'r to said James LATHAM In witness Our hands & seals August 20th 1828.
Wm. BOYD (seal)
Henry BLOUNT (seal)
Inventory & Acct. Sales of the Estate of Jacob WHEELER dec'd Washington May 6thl828
Purchasers: Geo H. CONGLETON, McCABE & SMITH, H. WISWALL, Sam'l L. THOMAS, Jacob
1828. Nath'1 J. OLLIVER.
In the name of God Amen I Charles CHERRY Senior of Beaufort County and State of
North Carolina Being in perfect sound disposing mind and memory hath caused this
my last will and testament to be put in writing in manner & form following. Impre-
mis I give and bequeath to my Son John CHERRY the land whereon he now lives be-
ginning at a gum, Samuel BOUTWELLs Corner thence up the said branch to a small
branch which divides the plantation then up the same branch to the back line then
running noth seventy seven west to Williams line thence sd Williams line to Congle-
tons line with Congletons line to the corner pine thence a direct line to the be-
ginning to him and his heirs I give and bequeath to my son Charles CHERRY a certain
tract of Land which I bought of John CHERRY where Charles CHERRY now lives to
him and his heirs, I give and bequeath to my Son Jeremiah CHERRY a certain tract
of Land begining on Cherrys & run at a branch below, the old mill then up the
said branch to its seperation into two branches then with the eastermost prong
to the first xine of the old patent with said line to the corner and from thence
to a gum Samuel b Corner Including all the land to BOUTWELLS and KENNEDYs to
the run and with the run to the beginning and half the privilege of the mill I
also give him one piece of land Joining of OWENs and KENNEDYs and CHANCEYs to
him & his heirs I give and bequeath to my son Mercer CHERRY a certain piece of

Land on the North side of CHERRY Run begining at the same place Jeremiah CHERRYS
running the same course of his line to the Green then with John CHERRYS line to
Congletons Corner with Congletons line to the Cowhead then with said Cowhead and
the edge of the hills to CHERRYS Run then up said run to the beginning I also
give him one featherbed and furniture I also give him one negro boy named Dub,
I also give him one Iron pot to him and his heirs, I give and bequeath to my
Daughter Winifred CHERRY a certain tract of land near or joining LAWTONS bridge
on the main Road containing one hundred and thirty five acres be the same more
or less, I also give her one feather bed and furniture, I also give her one Iron
pot to her and heirs - I also give her the cows and calves and one two year old
heifer I also give the new Desk to her also give her one negro boy named Simon
to her and her heirs I lend to my son Mercer CHERRY Simon and the boxes I have
for two years to pay the Debts which I owe to Ezekiel HAMPT the two year will
commence the first of Jany 1806“
I give and bequeath to my son William CHERRY a. certain tract of land on the
south side of CHERRYS run, Including the plantation and all the land which is on
the south side of CHERRYS Run and half the privilege of the mill I also give him
one feather Bed and furniture and I also give him two cows and calves, I also
give him one Iron pot to him and his heirs, I give and bequeath to my Daughter
Elizabeth CHERRY my old plantation where I formerly lived begining at a gum Samuel
BOUTWELLS corner running up said branch to a small one which Divides the planta-
tion therewith said Branch to the back line then easterly so as to include all
the land joining John CHERRYS Millie KENNEDY, Samuel BOUTWELL and so to the first
station I also give her one Negro boy named Peter I also give her one feather Bed
and furniture, I also give her one desk and I also give her one chest I also give
her four head of cattle cow & calf and two heifers I also give her one Iron pot
to her and her heirs I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah CHERRY a certain
piece of land containing three hundred and seventy five acres joining Henry CHERRY
lines I also give her one hundred acres of land in Martin County which I got from
John KENNEDY I also give her one Negro Boy named Gabe I also give her one feather
bed and furniture I also give her two cows and calves I also give her one Iron
pot I also give her one mare Colt - I also give her one poplar chest to her and
her heirs. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Ruth CHERRY a certain piece of
Land containing one hundred acres I also give her fifty acres which I have join-
ing of it be the same more or less I also give her one Negro Girl named Amy and
I also give her two cows and calves I also give her one chest I also give her one
feather bed and furniture, I also give her one Iron pot to her and her heirs.
I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah CHERRY one folding table I give and be-
queath to my son Charles CHERRY a part of the land which I Bought from HUNPHRIES
to the Deep Bottom so as to contain the part where the old house is to him and
his heirs. - I give and bequeath to my son John CHERRY one hundred dollars. I
give and bequeath to my son William CHERRY a certain Negro man named Simon to
be in his possession at the end of two years from Jany 1806 - to him and his heirs
for ever the crop and hogs is for the families use which lives here I desire the
chairs to be divided amongst the Girls I also give the cow that I bought from
HUMPHREY for the use of the family I give and bequeath to my son Murcer CHERRY
the shop and things thereunto belonging and the fields adjoining the Bridge for
the term of ten years the other field is to be rented out on the Mill pond I give
and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah CHERRY one hundred Dollars, Interlined in five
places before signed lastly I appoint my two sons Jeremiah and Mercer CHERRY
Executors to this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and seal this the 12th day of September 1805. Signed Sealed and de-
livered to be and contain the last will and testament. In presence of all my
property property which is not willed is to

be sold the land at the discretion of the executors.
Test Godfrey WILLIAMS Charles CHERRY (seal)
See minutes of December Term 1854 for order to record this will.


The numbers listed here refer to those at the bottom of each page
The page
numbers marked * or + are to indicate a will.
Wm. D. 101 Francis 82
Wm. 0. 139, 177 Hardy 204
Wm. Sr. 101 Jacob 60
Zach'h 183 Jno. 59, 60
Addams John 82, 173
Mch. 138
Abraham Sr. 27 Joseph 82
Abel Aden Lavinia 82
Ael 193 Asa 93, 149, 192 Polly 82
Elizabeth A. 193 Ai ki n Rebecca 60, 159*
Mary Louisa 193 William 94 Sally 82
Nancy 193 Akenford Wm. 159
Uel 193 John 65, 94, 107 Al1ison
Able Akinford Wm. 186
Elizabeth 116 Henrietta 165 Anderson
Ewel 175 Al bert
Mel 104, 175 Eady 147 Jo. 53
Abrams Mary 147, 148 Sally 141, 153*"
James 188 Richard 147, 148 Andrews
Linia 200 Solomon 147 Arden 204
Sam'l 98 W. 179 Grey 204
Ackl i n Wi11iam 147, 148 Wallace 174, 204
William 59 Alderson Archball
Betsey 91 Eunice 78
Thos. 185 J. 195 Archbel1
Acworth John 63 A. 177
Thomas 94 Joseph 194 Ann 66*
Wi 11 iam 94* Nancy 117 Elizabeth 10
Adam Tho. 68 Eunice 79
John 46 Thomas 6, 7, 14, 16, 67* Fanny 112
Adams Thos. 197 Francis 10
Abraham 1, 38, 46* 194 John 10
Abram 21, 183 Aldeson John B. 167
Barrow 129 Thomas 16 Magor C. 66
David 101 Aldorson, John Mary 10
Ebenezor 52
N. 154, 172
Edney 37 28 1 Nathan 66, 82, 154, 199
El izabeth S. 101 Aldorson Natnan 81
Henry 21, 37* 38
Harvy 21 Richard 10*
James 37, 46 Jno. 29 Sally 66
John l. 46, 47, 73. 129, 130. T. 24 Samuel 10
188, 192, 193 Thos 24 Wm. 204
Joseph 37, 4b Thos. 33, 52 Archible
Leivy 52 Thos. Sr. 46 James 18
Levi 31, 33, 34, 177, 197 Al len Nathan 32
M. 110 Elizabeth 142 Armstrong
Mr. Wm. 154 Fred 183 Caswell 1
Nancy 2 John 63, 183, 196 Patsey 1
Peggy 37, 46 Thomas 32, 43, 131, 199, 205 Arnold
Prusha 98 Alii food Mary 142
Samuel 1 Frances 60 Thomas 28
Susanna 101 Al1igood Wash'n 69
Tho. M. 99 Benj'n 82 Wi11iam 53
W. B. 130 * Deli la 82 4sberry
Wi11iam 3, 51, 154 Edmund 82 John H. 205
William D. 154 * Elizabeth 82 Aspray
Wm. 81, 197 Frances 204 I. F. 59


John F. 108 Maj. 180 Wm. 179, 185

Noah 204 Major 55, 177, 196, 197 Z. W. 180
Austin Miles 55, 180, 196, 197 Zach'h 168
Wm. 185 Thirze 136 Barrows
Auxley Ballance Henry 196
James 204 Caleb 182 Thomas 193
Avent Banks Bartlet
James 85, 153 Henry 50, 53, 103 Benj'n 141
Jas. 93, 199 Bar Bayley
Jno. 92 John D. 186, 199 Mary 134
Bard Bayner
Body 161 Alii good 190
Barnck Richard 60
Ben 182 3aynor
Barnes Alfred 199^ 200
J. 179 Alii good 190
Benj'n L. 115
James 52 John 186
James 115
Marina B. 104 Mahal a 199
Barnet Rich'd 187
Hard 178
John 178 Richard 199
Jonas 134 +
Barns Southy 199
Richard 189, 203
Jas. 52, 53 Wiley 200
Sam'l 7
Barr Baynot
Samuel 134
John D. 199 Rodney 175
Simon 188
Robert D. 201 Beacham
Thomas 134, 135
Samuel Dun 78 Julia 145, 146
Wm. 1
William 49 Woodhous 145, 146
Bai r
Barros Beachem
Thirza 136
William 185 W. 188
Barrow Beachum
Abraham 125
Anthony 203 Jesse 196
Ann 102
Beazer 164 Beasley
Elizabeth 124
Bez. 166 James 6, 58, 159, 184
Fanny 140
Brian 186 Jas. 12, 52, 175
Henry 124f 125
Bryan 189 Thomas 76
Jos. 29, 49
Bryand 55 Beck
Joseph 49, 50, 51
Elisabeth 55"^ Ann 58
Lucretia 140
Fanny 117 Becks
Margaret 51
Fred D. 188 Ann 21
Margaret M. 71
Fred'k 59, 168 Becton
Nathan 125, 140
Frederic 1 67+ Fred'k E. 1
Peggy 125
Geo. 58 Beecham
Polly 125
George 16, 17, 34, 52 Jesse 128
Prissy 124
Henry 167, 168, 138, 202, 203, Seek
Rushe 125
204 Ann 112
Ruthe 125
uno. 60 Nancy 112
W. 179, 180
John 55, 142 Bees ley
William 71, 125, 182
Seth 168 John 94
Seth L. 167 Bel 1
Thurny 196
Thojmas 203 Ba. 54
Bal ey
Thomas 55, 130, 166, 167, 168, James 55*#*
R. 203
191, 204, 155B Jos. 205
Thomas Jr. 196 Joshua 194
Bethena 55
Thos. 173, 187, 194, 205 Lovett 91
Cherry 179, 180
Thos. C. 184 M. 179
James 57
W. 188 William L. 122
Jas 179
William T. 167, 168 Benjamin
Jas. 55


Betsy 85 Benj. H. 42
Wm. Smaw 192, 193
Bennet Benjamin 30
Ben 182 Blowen
Bryan 10, 12
Wiley 177 Thos. 5"?
Carolina J. 98 Bomer
Bennett Edmund L. 88 Wm. 175
Johniah 6 Edmund S. 88 Bond
Josiah 49, 100, 110 Edward 141
Luke 204 Elizabeth 38
Bennetts James 15, 95
Gen'l Reading 195
Josiah 50 Janett 89
Harvy 194
Bentley Jeremiah 15, 49
Hen. 175
Sally 115*116 Jno. 49, 50, 52, 53
Henry 193, 205
Bernard John 15? 49
I. G. 79, 143
Wm. 91 John Sr. 49
I. G. Jr. 99
Bert Jon. 16
I. L. 124
Henry 38 Nancy 15, 49
I. S. 9
Bew Patsey 53
J. G. 180, 195
Mark 38 Phereby 15^ 25
J. G. Jr. 195
Biggs Polly 95
Jacob 174 Rachel 49
Amariah 161
James 88 Robt. 53
Wincey 161
James Henry 193 Sally 53
Bi num
James L. 45, 176, 204, 205
Allis 63 Sarah 15
James S. 65
Bishop William 15, 95, 182
Jas. L. 30, 124 Wm. 50
Henry 187
Jesse 9 Bonds
Reddin 183
Jn. 83
Blackledge Wm. 199
Jn. G. 195
Richard 171 Bonner & Bryan 192
Jno G. 59 Bonner & Rew 165
Thomas 199
Jno. G. 59, 61
Thos. W. 199 Bonner
John 65
W. 194 Edward 17, 53, 106
John G. R. T. 99
Wm. Elisabeth 27, 53
John G. 11, 28, 83, 143, 194
199 1 Hannah N. 114
John Gray 27
Blackwel1 Henry 13, 107, 114
Jacob 49
Jacob A. 59
Jos. 194
Jocpnh 11, 12
6b, 83
, 40, 44, 45, 59,
James 202
Jno. 55
Bland John Y. 112, 166
Levinia 88 Joseph 13, 69, 107, 114, 192,
Thomas 178
Lewis 130, 144*145 203
Lucy 99*194 Mary 53, 114
Gabe 52
Mary 192+193 Nathan 13, 76, 77
Mary E. 205 R. H. 190, 197, 199
Gabe 34
Miles 11, 45, 59 Richard H. 200
Nath'1 11 Rob't L. 114
Gabe 34
Parson 194 Robert S. 28
Reading 11, 194 Bonners
Gabe 186
Sally S. 65 Joseph 114
Bl ann
Sarah Jane 193 Bonnor
Thomas 177
Sarah L. 144, 145 I. 186
T. H. 65, 180 Boock
Abbe 65
Tho. H. 174 Lauson 58
Ann Eliza S. 144, 145
Thomas 43 Booty
Ann J. 88
Thomas H. 59 Ben 54
Arden 186, 199
W. A. 99, 180 Bostick
Be'n 47, 49
Wilie 88 Mary 49, 182
Ben. 29
Wi1ie A. 99 Bourgounes
Benj’n 41, 43, 45, 186
Willie 12, 194


George 50 Thomas K. 132 Brickel1

Boutwel1 Thomas King 132 James 97
Samuel 206 Thos. 47 01ivia Ann 121
Boutwel1s W. 179 Brickie
Samuel 205 W. J. 186 James 52
Bowen William 22, 58, 158, 175 Susanna 19
Benj'n 49 Wi11iam G. 132 Bright
Betsey 110 Willie 204 William 204
Nancy 110 Wm 34 Brinkley
Nelly 110 Wm. 58, 133, 139, 175, 205 _ 194
Polly 110 Wm. G. 89, 90 Bri nkly
R. 179 Wm. Sr. 132, 140 John 186
Robt. 175 Z. 180 Britt
Thoas. 197 Zach'h 203 Catherine 46
Thomas 15, 104, 110. U2, 197, Zach. 139, 203 David C. 86
198, 199, 204 Zachariah 203, 204 Elizabeth 86
Thos. 50, 53, 199 Boyenton John 112
Bowens Samuel 46, 47 John L. 86
Thos. 50 Boyles Broadwaters
Bowl Zach. 140 Wm. 178
Sal'1 R. 200 Boynor Brock
Bowler Alii good 173 Jno. 60
Barbara 53 John 174 Lawson 16, 60
Boyd Stancel 173 01iver S. 204
Mary Ann 166 Braddy Brooks
Ann 132, 149 Benj F. 176
B. 179 Theophilus 134 Frank 63
Berthene 57 Willi am 58 Fred 49, 63
Betsy 55 Wm. 52, 173 Fred. 49
Bizer 167, 196 _ 199 T. 176
Brazer 166 Brady Thomas 63
Calvin 176 B. 50 Thos. 176, 186
Carey 132 Ben 53 3rown
Coleman 55 t 58 Ben. 50 Benj. 203
Exom 194 Bcnj'n 49, 95 Betsey 51
Fred. 175 Benj'n Jr. 128 James 199
G. 89, 175 Benj1n Sr. 101 John 190, 191
George 132 , 133, 175 Benj. 199 Mary 51
James 184 _ Benj.n 199 Nancy 88
Jno. 52 Benjamin 16 Nathan 72
Jno. L. 58 Elisabeth 52 W. 205
John 93, 123, 204 Jno. 52 Will 205
John H. 202, 203, 204 John 128 William 194
John 0. 2, 149, 196 John Wm. 70 Wm. 88
Nancy 167, 202 Marcy 70, 71 Brownlow
Nancy L. 203 Nancy 128 Ben 182
Parthena 58 Polly 52 Benj'n 182
Polly 201 Sally 128 Benj. 177, 182
R. 0. 179 Bragg Brufeth
Richard 21 , 58, 173 Thomas 204, 205 Arthur 49
Richard 0. 203, 204 Brandy Bruffet
Robt. 149, 173 Benjamin 4 Arthur 182
Sarah 46, 158 Branton Bruffett
Thomas 46, 52, 132, 133, 158, _ 5 A 8
175 Brewen Arthur 4, 5, 6
Thomas Jr. 139 John 3 Elisha 75


Bruffit Butery
Joseph 54
Arthur 4 Stork 204 Joseph Jr. 40
Brufitt Butler Campen,
A. 49 Tobias 45 David 6
Arthur 49 Buyott Campen
Bruton James 112 Alfred 108
Joseph 7 Bynum B. 87
Bryan & Bonner 192 Ab. 46 Ben. 75
Bryan Abam 24
Benj'n 106, 108? 109
C. I. 104 Abraham 23, 46
Benjamin 27
C. J. 150, 197, 199 Al. 47
Betsey 108
Carney J. 197, 198
Elizabeth 197, 198 David 73, 182
Jesse 184 Elizabeth 6, 75
Jesse B. 129, 150 James 6, 7
Jesse G. 103, 150 Joseph 4, 75* 101
John 75 Cai 1 a Joseph Jr. 75
Mrs . 46, 47 Liddy 101
Lucretia 205
Mary 175, 176
Thomas 13
, &
13 Thos. 46
Mary 108
Peggy 108
Wm. T. 150 Wm. 0. 93 Rob't 101
Buck Cal i a Robert 75
Aris 204 J. M. 196 Sally 108
Fredrick 204 John M. 296 Zorada 108
Hosea 204 Campaign Campin
Isac 199 Benj'n 39 William 182
John 199, 204 James 203 Camprew
Morgan 53 Joseph 39 Joseph 37
Noah 204 Joseph Jr. 39 Canady
Campain Sarah 186
Ransom 199
Joseph 199 Candy
Thomas 199
Campario Robt. 60
Winny Blount 77
John 49 Cannon
Peter W. 97 Allen 63
Marina 121 Capp
Buffenton Camparis
Levi 186
Miss 168 Jno. 59
Burbage Campbel1
Cade 188
Clint 28 Andrew J. 148
Jesse 188 Arch 204
Samuel 204
Burbank & Potts 199 Archbell 204
Burbank Dan11 135, 146, 147
0. W. 91
Abner 197 Daniel 49, 53, 59, 1487 193
Mary D. 165 Danl. 53, 54
Jon'a. 174
Burges Elizabeth 148
Mary 165**’
Margaret I.W. 146 Henry A. 148
Timothy 194 John 47
Henry 54
Burgois Margaret 148
Margret 194 John 89, 183
J. G. 205
Ransom 49 Manin 174
Sam'l Clark 146, 147 Tho. 175
Daniel 49
Campeign Thos. 52, 187
J. 1777 Benjamin 38 Carrowan
Burnum David 49, 57 Green 178
Nory 82 Campein Wash'n 178
Burrel1 B. 55 Carter
Jas. 173 David 53 Hannah 182


Henry 177, 186 Sam'l Jr. 102 Jas. F. 196

Sarah 72*f 73 Chauncy Jno. 59, 129
Cary James 193 John 4, 5CfT 101, 174, 178
Thos. 60 Jeremiah 193 Joseph H. 146, 147, 187
Catant Miles 54, 190 Lem'l 88
Malvea 53 Ransom 193 Maj . Jno. 77
Caten Samuel 53, 114 Major 50, 147, 182
Jesse 49, 121 Wally 193 Major I. 59, 113
Caton Cherry Major J. 186
Jesse 95 Benj'n. 180 Martha 50
Cawferd Cha. 55 Marthew 50
Chas. D. 33 Charles 205f 206,_ 207 Mary 113
Cawfort Elizabeth 206 Sally 147
Cha. D. 35 Hen. 172, 179 Sam'l 131
Chamberlings Henry 190, 206 Sam'l A. 147
Ann 194 Hew. 180 Sami. 174
Chambers Humphrey 53 Samuel 40, 41, 43, 147
Birden 181 Jacob 180 Will'm V. 147
Caleb 140“^ Jere'h 49, 53 William 47, 49, 162, 191
Elizabeth 158, 159 Jere. 54, 206 Wi11iam H. 113
Ezekial 159 Jeremiah 114, 190, 201, 205 Wm. 90, 167
Ezekiel 158*’ Jno. 55 Wm. V. 147
Lovia 140 John 205, 206 Clay
Margaret 181 L. 196 Mr. 194
Mrs. 186 Lam. 179 Clements
Chance Lem'l 179 Wilie 204
Jno. Jr. 182 Lemuel 83, 118, 120 Willie 204
Sarah 205 Mercer 72, 205 Clemons
Chancy Murcer 206 John 161
Harriet 190 Ruth 206 Clifford
Humphrey 190 Sarah 206 James 66, 67
Isaac 190 Wi11iam 46, 156, 206 Coakely
Mercer 190 Winifred 206 B. 194
Miles 193 Wm. 54 Coakley
Mimssey 190 _ 53 Ben. 107
Ransom 190 Chester Coakly
Sam 190 Sam 34 Benj'n 43, 44, 60
Samuel 180 Sam'l 34 Mary M. D. 60
Walley 193 Christian Mi 1 dred 60^" 61
Wally 190 Lucinda 102 P. 0. 60
Chaney Christie Sally D. 60
Isaac 186 A. C. 185, 138, 196 Coal
182 And 185 Richard 46
Chanmbers Clark Coffee
Love 188 David E. 185 James 54
Channcy David Elsbre 146 Cogdele
M. 190 Francis L. 147 R'd 46
Channey Hencock 146 R. 47
M. 190 Henry 53, 146f 147, 167 Cogdel1
Chapman Henry J. B. 147 Richard 46
Dorcas 129*V J. 174 Cogsel1
John 129 J. F. 194 Nancy 73
Seth 205 J. H. 175 Cole
Chauncey James 172 Edward 203^
M. 102, 163 James F. 183 J. 205
Miles 58 James H. 147 Jacob 69, 194, 205


James 72 Jabob 186 Cowel1

Lamuel 71, 72 Contus Henry 58
Leml. 180 Wm. 53 Henry G. 193+*
Richard 71^ Cooper W. 17, 179
Sarah 72 Sam'l 94 William 23, 36, 46 47
William G. 203 Coopering Wm. 18, 47, 179
Coleston Frank 194 Cowi n
Jno. 59 Corden H. G. 186
Collins Aden 186 Cox
Julia C. 171 Jacob 188 Aaron 177
Samuel 160A John 188 Abraham 34
Thomas 32, 33 Mary E. 205 Batson 177
Compen Sam 186 Canian 49, 53
Wm. 182 W. L. 188 Cauin 49
Conden William 205 Charlotte N. 103
Wm. 196 Cording Jacob 54
Condry Jacob 58 John 33, 34
Daniel 104 Cordon Nancy 199
Denis 58 Jacob 58 Thomas 63
Dennis 58 John 205 Thos. 31
James 186 Mary 116 Cozens
Letitia 104 Matilda 116 Rich'd 102
Levinia 58 Sylvester 116 Crakleys
Silas 104 William 116 Ben 49
Cone Zach. 187 Crandel1
John 66”t“ 67
Corpero B. 179
Mary 66 Elias-Ammond 35 Bryan 177
Congleton Corpew Bryant 136
Apsley 162, 163
Elisabeth 35, 36 C. W. 177
Daniel 73, 162'*'
George 36 Ch. 179
Daniel C. 163
James 24, 35, 36 Chris'r 59
Elizabeth 73 Mary 35 Christ'r 136
G. H. 186, 194, 203
Nancy 36 E. 179
Geo. H. 205
■S’Ths. 24 Enoch 136, 137, 180 196
Hardy D. 162, 163 William 35 James 136 + 137
Jacob 162, 163 Corpiew Jas. 179
James 73+ 74, 162 J. 179 Louisa 136
Jane 86+ Corprew Lucy 179
Jesse 162 James 54 M. 179
Jno. 46 Jas. 46, 47, 179 Mary 136
John 162, 186, 194
Thomas 35f 36 177 1
Julia 73
Thos. 47 Mat. 180
Lois 162, 163
Corpriew Matt. 177
Mary 73
George 149 Matthia 136
Moses 46, 60, 73, 163, 174
James 143 Matthias 177, 180
Patty 162
Cote Mrs. 177, 179
Polly 162, 163
Jacob 49 N. 177
Reanna 162, 163
Coton Nicholas 136
Thomas 74
Jesse 49 Cratch
Thos. 52, 174 Cotton John 139, 177
William 162 Sp. D. 45 Sally 80, 81
Wynnefred 162 Craven
Jane 53 Am. 174
Jacob 127, 128, 175, 188, 196, Crawford
186, 203 C. 35
Si mi on
Connors Cha. D. 32, 52
Simon 59


Charles D. 68 Moses Jr. 10 Averet 194

Wm. 161 Moses Sr. 10, 19, 115, 173 Benj1n 75, 150, 196
Crawfurd Nancy 123 Benj. 90
C. D. 197 Nathan 70, 115, 183, 173 Doyle 130, 131
Cha. D. 53 Rebecca 123 Elizabeth 160B
Creamer Robert 70, 115, 122* 123, 183 Everit 183
Jas. 78 Robert Jr. 19, 70, 71 Frances 160B
Crofurd Robert Sr. 10, 122 Hardy 130, 131
Cha. D. 32 Sarah 70 Hen. 174
Cross Timethy 114, 115 Henry 140, 196
James 199 Timo. 173 Henry M. 160B
Crowel1 William 123, 52, 173 Henry Sr. 183
Capt. 186 Wi11iam Jr. 115 Hester 160B
Cruthers Cutrel1 Hosea Eborn 113
Emaline 119 Will 177 I. G. 86
Sim 185 Cutter Jesse 130+ 131
Simeion 185 William 19 Jno. 59
Cruthors Jno. K. 133
Elijah 186 D John 183, 194, 16OJT, 160B
William 199 John G. 150, 182
Culler Daniel John R. 133
John 66 Edward 14 Kenny Sr. 194
Curtis Elisabeth 14 Lydia 160B
Thomas V. 28, 63 James 40 Margaret 113, 150, 167
Custis Peter 14 Nancy 183, 160B
Thos. V. 49 Thomas 126 Oliver 178
Cutler Daniels Oliver J. 182
Aaron 114, 115, 123 A. 179 Peggy 160B
Ann 123 Bart. 178 Rich'd 130
Anne 70, 114 Bartlet 178 Richard 113, 160A
Aron 184 Bartlett 178 Sally 113, 150^
183 1 J. 173, 179 Samuel 20, 113, 130, 131
Asa 173 J. Sr. 179 Sylvia 130, 131
Blaney 114, 115 James 162, 182 W. 179
Blany 173 James M. 204 William 160B
Charles 203 Jno. 2nd 178 William Jr. 183
Chas. 173 John 39, 40, 182 Wm. 175, 194
Dan'l 174 Jsh. 173 Wm. 3rd 174, 175
Daniel 173, 192 Robert T. 161 Davison
Elisha 173, 192 Sally 151 W. 129
Elizabeth 70, 114, 115 Susan 161 Daw
Frances 70 Thomas 137 Smith 196
Francis 10 Willie 204 Dawson
Henry 114, 115 Wilson 178 J. B. 175
J. W. 173, 179 Dani 1 Jennet 176
James 70, 115 Arthur 14 Jennett 138
Jno. 52 Dann Jno. B. 176
John 58, 70, 115, 123, 183 John 84 de Farris
John Jr. 69+ Davidson Geo. 120
John Sr, 10 Archible 30 Deale
John Sr. 19, 69, 122 Robt. 30 Fanny 125
John W. 115 William 16, 40 Thomas 125*1'
Joseph 1144 Wm. 101 Del any
Lucy 123 Davis Ann B. 172
Mary 70, 114, 123 A. 8 Betsey G. 172
Moses 19, 114, 123, 173 Arthur 6, 7, 49, 56, 150 Betsy B. 79


Catharine B. 172 Jno 54

Ellen L. 172 Manuel 106 f- E
Harriet G. 172 Sally 106
Jane A. 172 Sami. 174
M. 53, 54 W. 179 Ealey
Mathew 28, 49 Downes Cathern 67
T. 35 Molly 69 Easter
Ter. 176 Downs Nelly 148
Terance 34 Fred. 177 Easton
Terence 49 Fredk 199 Jas. 75
Terrance 34 Shad1k 137 John L. 204
Terrence 171, 172 Wiley 199 Ebern
William K. 172 Willey 199 Zach Jr. 188
Wm. K. 172 Dowty Ebon
Demby Elisha 33 Thos. 42
Sam'l 199 Hannah 147 Eborn
Demi 11 James 37, 39 A. M. 175
T. A. 180 Jas. 54 A. M. S. 175
Demi 11s Jesse 39 Aaron 59, 116
Thos. 182 Jno. 54 Am L. S. 175
Dickinson John 148 Anna 112 +
J. 176 Lad 34 Arcada 191
Joel 16, 29, 49, 53, 95, 1 Ld. 33 Arcady 188
Louisa 95 Ludwig 34 Aron 184
Marshall 95 Peter 32, 53, 145, 148, B. 179
T. 65 Teagle 148 B. F. 175
Dinkins Thomas 34, 148 Benj1n 150, 151
Fred 46 Thos. 53 Benj'n F. 164, 190, 191
Di xon Doxons Benjamin F. 163
Arthur 54 Willah 186 E. 179
Fanlove 61 Dudl y Eliza A. L. 163
Geo. 175 Rachel 204 Elizabeth 179
Henry 177 Dukes
Elizabeth L. 170
Jas. 175 James R. 189 Hardy 186
Jeorge 54 Dum
Harriett A. E. 163
John 82, 178, 199 Elijah 178 Henry 123
Lidea 68 Dundew Israel 196
Lydia 68 Jacob 47 James 58
Manuel 185 Dunn 185 Jas. 179
Robt. 204 Jno. 177 Jehu 193
Thomas 29 Durden Jno. B. 146
Walter 61+ Elizabeth 79 John 114, 173
Wm. 178 G. I. 80 John B. 196
DI auferd Jacob 21, 24, 46, 49, 52, John R. 163
Cha. 33
80 Js. 24
L. J. 199 L. Jr. 175
Thomas 32
Sam'l 141, 192 Lucilla 170
Samuel 80 Luther 187
Clocy 37
Samuel J. 140 Luther S. 201
Thomas 80 Lydia Alivia 163
John 17
M. 179
Ladwick 31
Marg't 151
Margaret 150^
C. 179
Martin Luther 143
Hi 1lery 106
Moses 115, 123
Jas. 75, 106
Polly Ann 122


R. 179 Edmond 199 Aid 14

Richard 150 Edmund 186 Aid. 60
Riley 173 Edward 118 Alderson 16
Robert 200 El id 201 Aldison 14
Robert B. 193, 196 Elijah 49 James 14, 59, 195, 197, 204
Robt. 186 Elijah N. 41 Jas. 77
Robt. B. 203 Elizabeth 201 Julia 30
Sophia 116 El i 201 Lucretea 14
Thomas 42, 43 Emanuel 201+” Polly 76, 77
Thos. 53 I. M. D. 96 T. 14
Whiryoth H. 193 Isaac 3, 197 Tho. 92, 177
William 113, 12lt 122 Jas. . 199 Thomas 17, 30, 111, 112, 199
Z. 175 John 201 Thos. 35, 104, 194, 199
Zach 188 John M. 96 W. B. 14
Zach Jr. 188 Lem 199 Wm. 199
Zach'h 42 Limud 186 Wm. B. 17, 57
Zach'h F. 196 Louisa 118 Ely
Ebron Lucinda 66, 109 Francis 88
Luther 183 Mary 18 Horace 89
Echl i n Nancy 68, 118, 119 Erwi n
Joshua 141*f Pink A. 96 Charles 94
Echols Real 109*1’ 110 Esters
David 151 Sally Ann 104 Wm. 49
Falbin 182 Samuel 109, 118, 119 Etheridges
Ecklen Thomas 201 Jno. 50
Joshua 205 Thompson 109 Evans
Ecklin Uriah 204
Isaac 35 William 18, 197 Cabel 53
John 28 William E. 199 Caleb 28, 49, 52, 63
Joshua 142, 199 Wineford 68 Edmond 204
Joshua Jr. 141 Wm. B. 95*f* Evens
Joshua Sr. 142 Wm. N. 199 Caleb 42
Mary 31 Wm. 0. 118 Everett
Robert 142 Wynnefred 118 Elizabeth 142
Sarah 141 Ekol s H. 179
Eckols William 53, 54 Hannah 38
Falbin 182 Henry 178
Jas. 182 la??#***'•*«''» + Huggry 39
Susanna 27 186 Hugh 38, 50, 54, 109
Eddy Elemons Ja's 37
Thomas 42 Wi1ie 161 James 38,. 54
tdward Eliot James G. 183
Arthur 199 Jesse 44 John 17
Edwards Peter 10 M. 54, 87
Alex Elks Mari ah 26
Amariah 199 Jacob 205 Mary 26
Ann 98 Jno. 176 Meija 37
Arnet 118 Unas 176 Micagah 54
Arthur 177, 136 Ellins Micah 39
Asa 109 Aid 63 Micajah 27, 36, 40
Britain 199 Elliot Michael 49
Britton 99, 177 Jessee 12 Micjah 38, 40
Bryan 109 Ellis Oden 142
David 118* 119 Edw'd 196 Robert 38 54. 112
David Sr. 199 Robert 59
E. W. 41 El 1ison Epps. 183


Hugh 36 Simon 117, 118 Nancy B. 105

James 4 Fasford Peter 105
Miles 184 Abby 20 Thomas 21, 69, 11 117
_ 186 Fathere Flynn
Evert • Stephen 58 Cornelius 194
Moses 68 Faulkner Isom 194
Every John 5 Thomas 196
Z. 179 Feek Forbes
Evet William 9 Edward 103
James 6 Fellerton Foreman
Evett Jesse 74 Curtis 134
Francis 110 Ferress Elibird 188
John 18, 53, 110, 177 John 49 Ellibird 200
John Sr. 110* Ferrio Jeremiah 104, 164
Lott 31, 33, 53, 110 Decimas 64 Olive 163*164
Sarah 110 Mary 64 Fortescue
Thomas 68 'Tok'tH Ferris Henry 201
Evetts John 49 Wm. 166
Lott 50 William 54 Fortesque
Evi tt Feterson Simon 54
Lot 53 Kesia 49 Fosque
Evrett Fetterton William 7
James 36 Jesse 58 Foul e
Rolend 364 Nancy 88 S. R 186
Evritt Fields S. R. 190
Henry 182 Edward 41 Fowl e
Fisher J. C. 188
Capt. 194 Sam11 R. 185
F i sk Francis
Captain 9 Pelege 173
Flaniker Franks
Fagan James 49 W. 179
Levi 88, 89 Fleetwood Freeman
Failey Baker F. 53 Capt'n 205
Rich'd 196 Jas. 53, 54 Capt.194
Fai1 lade Fletwood D. C. 180
Louis Francois 112 Nelly 177 Polly 96
Far FI i n Fugher
Christopher 200 Mr. 194 John 177
Farrio FI i nn Fullerton
George 64 Ch. R. 194 And. 46
Mary 64 Christ'r 196 Nelly 155A
William 64+ Enoch 140 P. 194
Farris Mr. 205 _ 47
G. A. 186 Floyd Fullertone
Geo. 112 Ann 1054 106 Ann 36
Geo. de 120 Ash Peter 105 Fulpret
George 76, 92 Bazel 156 Joseph 20
William 6, 7, 8, 59 Bazil 157, 160B Funnel
Wm. 50, 59, 64 + Bazzel 171 William 4
Farriss El isabeth W. 171-+ Furford
William 54 Elizabeth 160A Joseph 178
Farrow Ivey 159
E. 186 Ivy 160A
Fred 147 James B. 105
Hezekiah 194 Miles S. 105


Gilbert 173 B. 179

G Lavinia A. 173 Ben. 174
Garvy Bethel 196
Henry 183 Charles 196
Gadley Gary Gherkins
Robert Sr. 142 Lavina 190 Rich'd 175
Gainor Gaski11 Gi bson
Edmond 204 Noah 185 A. L. 119
Edmund 174 W- 185 Gi den
Jos. 174, 204 Gaskin Moses 197
Joseph 173, 174, 204 N. 179 Gidins
Galaway Gaskins Moses 52
William 63 Jennel 101 Gi11icans
Gallagher Thomas 68
John 63, 199 Thos. 99
Gi 11iki n
Gal 1 away Gaston
Ammon 20
John 63 W. 204
Sally 20
Wi11iam 22, 63 William 199
Gal 1oway Gatlin Rachael 137
Chloe 77 Dorcus 129 Givson
Hesea 176 Laney 129 A. S. 188
Hoesa 23 Levi 129 Gladson
Hosea 204 Sally 129 Dempsey 63, 204
Jno. 176 Shade 129 GI eason
John 23, 204, 205 Stephen 129 Matthew 49
Mary 23 Zach 129 GIover
Noah 23, 199 Gaylard J. 205
Noath 23 James 135, 187 Jno. 194
Penelope 142 Jeremiah 135 John 185
Polly 23 Richard 135 Godley
Wi11iam 23, 187 Gaylord Jesse 170, 186
Wm. 176, 204 Fred'k 187
Robert 44
Gantier Henry 187, 196
Robt. Sr. 142
Joseph 188, 203 Hosea 14
_ 194
Ganties J. W. 175 Godly
Joseph 188 James 183, 187, 191 I. W. 63
Gardner Jas. 174 Jesse 186, 204
Barbara 193 Jeremiah 58 Robert 46
Isaac 58 Polly 14 Golding
Gardnor Richard 184 Wm. 148
Jerusha 165 Zach. 174, 187 Gonner
Garret Gerard John V. 165
Ben 197 Wm. 177 Gordon
Benj Gerkin Jas. 179
Elizabeth 197 Beth 204 William 19, 157, 196, 197,
Garrett Fred 58 179, 196 , 204, 205
Ben 197 Richard 60 Gorham
Benj'n 104, 197 Gerrard E. 180
Benja'n 197 Geo. 59, 165 Edwin 169, 180
Benjamin 30, 31 George 3, 33 Mabitable 169
Elisabeth 31, 32 Polly 169 William 44
Gen 197 Gerry Gosham
Jack 111 Gilbert D. 42 Jas. 194
Mrs 33 Gessup Gosley
Mrs. 31, 32, 34, 35 George 42, 43 Hilen 142
Garry Gherkin Goti s


H. 194 Hosea 46, 203 Lucia 139

Gotur J. 179 Mary 139
John 186 John 175, 184 Patsey 139
Grace Major 174 Patsy 177
W. 205 Margaret 131 Pelly 177
Will 194 Oden 204 Penny 139, 177
Gradeless R. 179 Peter 182
Amey 133 Rich'd 131 Haggard
Barbara 133 Simon 174 Thomas T. 166
Green Susan 131 Hagi n
I. C. 151 William 133-^ Chris. 58
Gregory Gurken Derby 58"^ 59
Tabetha 36 C. 179 Hall
Tabitha 26f 27 Gurkin Doct. 194
Grimes Beth'1 203 Everard 29, 204
Ann 138, 175, 176, 204 Gush John 199
Bryan 138, 156, 175, 176, 204, R. 194 Tho’s H. 12
205 Gutherie Hal 1ison
George 45, 49 John W. 34 H. H. 188
James 3 Guthrie Hamahan
John 2, 63 I. W. 41, 96 Jas. W. 157
Grist J. W. 42, 43, 65, 96, 103, Walter 194
Allen 121, 134, 141, -176, 179j 176, 197 Hammond
179, 19::, 199, 204, 205 Jno. 53 Aaron Windley 27
E. 175 John 33 C. W. 203
Elisabeth 63 John W. 63, 109 Jno. B. 28
Eliz. 204 Lydia 107 John B. 27-Y
Elizabeth 138, 176 W. 194 John W. 158, 185
F. 176 Wm 28 Margaret 27
Fred'k 61, 137 Wm. 194 Vashty 27
James 43 Guyolt Willie Abel 27
John 63 Marv 61 Hannahan
R. 175, 176 Michael 49, 59
Read. 176 H W. 53
Reading 33, 61, 78, 199 Walr. 54
Red. 49 Haborn Walter 49
Rich d 137, 175, 138, 155, 172 John 133 Hanrahan
176, 185, 194, 203, 204 Haddock Ja. R. 134
Wi11iam 49, 63, 66 Hall 204 Jas. W. 133
Wm. 53 Zach 63 Joseph R. 134, 156
Grymre Hafsel Walter 133f 134
Geo. 53 Isaac 188 William K. 133, 134
Gui1 ford Hagan Hanty
Noah W. 199 W. 180
Gurganis Chas. 32 Harden
E. 175 Chris'r 177 Nathaniel 204
Gurganur Christ'r 13^ 139 Harding
Hosea 60 D. 35 Agnes 137
Gurganus Dasky 34 B. 176
Aaron 131-f Delijah 139 Benj'n 105
Agnes 133 Evett 182 Betty 204
Aron 186 Ganard 139 Henry 43, 105, 137, 201

Charity 58 Ganet 139 Israel 137

Clark 196 Garrad 139 Israel Jr. 137
E. 179 Hary 139 John 105
Elisha 175 Jarret 177 Levinia 105


Nath11 204 Hartmas Haveres

Nathanial 205 Lydia E. 170 Jno. 59
Nathaniel 137, 199 Hartnues Hawiahan
Stephen 43, 63, 105 James H. 191 194
Hardings Hartnuss Hawkins
Henry 42 James H. 191 Asa 184
Hardison Harvey Ben 192
Hans 196, 204 A. 187 Ben. 173
Haus 174 A. E. 155B Benj'n 204
Mourning 144 Aid E. 57 Betsey 60
Robert 169 Aid. E. 58, 60, 184 E. 203
Sullen 76 Aid. Ell. 55 Eliza 138
Willi am 204 Ale 12 Elizabeth 138, 203
Wm. 173, 192 Hen. 52 G. 179
Hardson Henry 163^184 Gid 190
Hans 180 Huldah 163, 182 Gideon 135, 189
Hardy Jno. 52 Jesse 137
Wi11iam 6, 8 Mary 64 Jessee 138
Harele Mary Ann 163 Littleton 60, 204
William 49 Nancy B. 55 Lucretia 60, 203
Harison Polly 117 Luky 203
Nehemiah 22 Richard 187 M. 45
Harnahan Sally 82 Major 58, 60, 104, 135, 137f
Walter 97 Samuel 163 138, 189, 203
Harper Seth 175 Mary 138, 203
Fanny 69 William 16, 63f 64, 163 Rachael 170
Harrel1 Wm. 17, 155B Rachel 169
Edwin 174 Harvy Reading 33
Rosetta 96 A. C. 191 Readling 59
Willi am 46 A. E. 183 Redding 31, 46
Harrington Reding 60
Aid E. 204
James 51 Aid. E. 184 Sally 71
Harris Henry 184 Sami. 82
John 194 Mrs Priscilla 187 Samuel 21, 186
Mary 14 Prescella 194 Susanah 203
Ransom 196 Priscilla 187 Susanna 137
Harrison Richard 186 Tho. 179
Elisha 204 S. E. 204 Tho. H. 143
Harriss Sam‘1 184 Hawks
Daniel 139 Samuel 184, 204 J. S. 180
Elizabeth 139 Seth 187 Hedgton
Geo. 175 William 182, 184, 192 Isiah 50
George 175 Wm. 184 Henry
Jas. .175 Hassel B. 174
John 139^140, 175 Mary 179 Ben. 174
Major 32 Haurahan Heollawi11
Mary 139, 175 Walter 9 R. 188
Nancy 139 Havens & Smith 196 Hereton
Ransom 139, 175 Havens Elizabeth 134
Sarah 139, 175 Benj'n F. 195 Herrington
Wi11iam 54, 139 Fanny M. 195 Charles 200 +
Wm. 175 Jona'n 195 Hosea 186, 200
Harry Jonathan 129, 195+ J. D. 174
A. E. 204 R. F. 180 James 99, 197
Hartley Sally M. 195 Mary 200
Abner 199 Sally Smith 195 Nathan 200


Sarah 200 John 59, 126, 177 honur

Higson John Jr. 180 N. D. 205
Cassander 91 Lark 187, 194 Hooker
Emaline 91 Major 195 J. R. 186
John 29 Mary 100 James R. 83, 85
Nancy 91*f" Matthew 126 Sally B. 83, 84
W. 64 Mrs. 180 Hooten
Hill Rebecca 125, 169 C. 8
Eden 31 Richard 169+180 Caleb 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Elizabeth 66^ 67 Sally 41, 44 John 9
George 34, 67, 186 Sophia 126 Joseph 5, 6, 8, 9
Harmon 23, 92 Widow 180 Salley 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Harvey 105 Wilson B. 59, 147, 204 Sarah 5, 6, 8
James Wm. 155A Hodgeton Wi11iam 6, 7, 8, 9, 181
Joshua 59 Isaiah 50 Wm. 188
Josuah 92 Hoell Hooton
Lazarus 92-f Delilah 106, 107 Wm. 49
Lucinda V. 67 E. 28, 30, 124 Hopkins
Mary 92 Edward 106, 107, 186 Capt. 186
Michael 67 Elias 41, 43, 51, 1067 107 Daniel 186
Mike 33 Henry 106 John 176, 194, 205
Mr. 199 Silas 194 Stephen 97
Sarah 92 Silas C. 106 Horrel1
Thomas 92 Siles 205 David H. 66
W. W. 112 W. 129 Hotl e
William W. Ill Welcome 106 James P. 68
Wm. W. Co. 199 Hogh & Labart 190 Houel1
Hills Holbrook Elias 43
Josua 34 A 177 Houghton
Mike 34 A. 177 Thomas B. 187
Hinton Holland Thos. 194
Dempsey 18/ 19, 25, 26 C. 156 Howard
I. B. 115 Charles 95, 157, 205 J. H. 194
I. R. 116 Chas. 179 Jno. H. 53
J. B. 59 Jno. 53, 54 Mrs. 186
Jos. B. 154, 159, 177, 183 John 51, 174, 205 Susannah 160B
Joseph B. 18, 19, 26, 42, 83, Hoi 1iday William 183
85, 93, 124, 147, 152, 153, Joseph 174, 204 Howel1
178, 199 Sam'l 204 Elias 49 -
Mrs. 194 Hoi 1oway Howren
Sarah 18 Dinson 46 John 8lf* 82
Hodge Hoilowel1 Rebecca 81, 82'f
Charity 182 Brinson 186 Redick 81
Isaiah 49 Rich'd 183 Redmond 81
Jno. 58 Richard 196 Shain 81
Larkin 183 Holmes Hoyl e
Major 187 Susan 92 Jas. R. 59
Hodges W. E. 205 Hoyt & Labarb 205
Benj1n 125* 127 William 29, 92 Hoyt
Charity 75 Wi11iam L. 198 Eli 9, 59, 138, 152, 153, 196,
Grist A. 195 Wm. L. 92, 195, 197, 199 197
Hansel 126 Wm. S. 194 Ely 197^
Hansil 154 Homer James 9
James 21, 126, 180 Elazar 199 Mr. 197
Jane 126 Gerham 199 Hubbs
Jno. 173
James 196

I ndex

Huchins David 40
William 103 Evan 32
Hudmi11 J Gordon 82
Cullen 182 James 204
Hudnal Jesse 31, 63, 89, 101
Cullen 7 Jackson Jno 190
Culling 53 Ben. 172 John 68, 8?t 90, 177, 178, 203
Hudnel E. 80 Joseph 52
Cullen 6 Eleazar 10 Joshua 36
W. 179 James Josuay 27
Hudnel1 Alexander 191 Margaret E. 168
Amos 178 Jarves Mary 68
Cullen 53, 178 Licky 16 Mary E. 168
Robert 182 Jarvis Morris 23
Will. 178 Lydia 49 Penny 82
William 182 Moses 150 Robert 38
Wm. 50, 182 Jasper Sarah 89, 90
Hudnet A. N. 180 Simon 126
Whitmill 182 H. N. 180 Susana 26, 97
Hudson Henry N. 145 Susanna 36
John 204 James 194 Thomas 58, 112
Hudwel1 John 186 Thos. 58
W. 179 John B. 187 Wal1er 67
Hull Jona. 39 Walter 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 51,
H. 194 Jonathan 54 199
Humphreys Nd. 39
Willi am 39
Jacob 207 Valentine 54, 194
Zi1 pah 67
Hunley Vanuntine 54
Margaret 107-f William 37, 54
Frances Squiars 19
Hurd Wm. 39, 40
Lamuel 202 Jefferson Dan'1 188
Hurton Obd'h 52 Fanny 115
J. B. 199 Obediah 203 John F. 115
Wm. 189 John L. 186
Jessup John S. 115
George 49 Rhoda 115, 146
I George H. 42 Sally 115
_____ 194 T. B. 188
Johnson Thomas 7, 115*164, 188, 196
Iman E. 205
Thomas B. 146, 182
Thomas 85 Elizabeth 103 —^
Thos. 196, 205
Ireland Holland 42
Thp. 155A
Dan'1 179 Thos. 188
William 115, 186, 188
J. 179 Johnston
Zach'h 115
J. W. 179 Elisha 194 Josdan
Jno. 178 Elizabeth 102 Thomas 8
Jno. W. 178 James 102 4 Joseph
John 179 Margaret 131 L. M. 92, 175, 179
Ives Jones S. M. 28, 41, 42, 43, 44, 59,
Zadoc 90 Azariah 177 92, 185, 194
Zadock 178, 182 Charles 187, 160B Solomon M. 59
Zodok 182 Clem 21, 204 Jowren
Shaw 81

I ndex

Judkins Kelly Ki ng
Betsy 107 Custis 157, 158 Daniel 59, 96
Edmond 59 Ivan 199 Ki nn
Edward 54 James 59 Chris'r 183
Elizabeth 106 Joah 199 Ki nnen
Gray 49, 54, 59 M Anthony 23
Zach 185 176 1 Kinnin
Mary 157, 158 Anthony 92
Mathers 34, 199 Kipps
K Kenley Robert 128
John 10 Kirk
Kenneday Sally 124
Kassel Jno. 53, 54 Knowes
Isaac 188, 196 Willie 53 Rhody 12
KcKeel Wm. 53 Knowis
William 44 Kennedy Marg't 85
Keach Ann Eliza 156, 157 Peggy 95
Adam 90 E. H. S. 19 -j-Rhoda 95 +
Stephen 196 Elizabeth H. L. 155B Sidney 85+
Keai s I. 160B William 95
Frank 185 J. 19, 157 Wi11oughby 95
Henry K. 49 James 21 Willowby 41
Henry R. 63 Jno. 49 Knox
Kears John 41, 86, 104, 134, 157, David 63
Henry K. 42 206, 155B-V
Henry R. 13 John L. 156, 155B
Mary Ann 136 Mary 157
Nathan 83 Mary L. 156
Sal ley H. 13 Millie 206
William 13^ 43 Susan 157
Kearse L
Susan L. 156
Sarah H. 104 + Warren 157
Keech Warren E. 156
Abram 24 Labarb & Hoyt 205
Wilie 133
Benjamin 170 William 156 Labart & Hogh 190
Bryan 160A + Kenyon Labribe
Bryan H. 170 Anthony 78 P. 180
Carolina 170, 171 Kerman Lacey
Henry 171, 160A John 38
Mich *1 177
Jasper 160A Laham
Leonard 170 J. 175
Henry 3
Levi 170 Lamore
Mary 3
Rhoda 160A I. M. 186
Nancy 3
Sarah 160A Landen
Keu i s
Silvester 170 Littleton 6
William 42
Stephen 160A Richard 4
Wyriel 160A Landin
Jno. 50
Keel John 35+ Littleton 49
Benj. 177 Landing
Risa 35
Benjamin W. 12 Ki 11ingsworth Littleton 75f* 1
Delilah 110 Mary 55 Rich'd 4
Hardy 174, 204 Kilpatrick, Richard 75, 76
Hardy Jr. 177 Worry 1 Landley
Keith Ki n Nath'1 60, 203
Stephen 24 Christ'r R. 187 Setphen 60


Landon Mary Ann 143 Mary 71

Littleton 4 Peter 143 W. L. 59, 195, 197, 198, 199
Lane Latham 194 William 59
Joel 53 Alex1r 95 Wi11iam L. 51
Joseph 100 Arnette 59 Wm. L. 71, 186
Langley Brian 141 Lavens
Betsy 107 Charles 14 William L. 42
Creasea 108 Col. Thos. 194 .awance
George 42, 43 Dan'l 188 J. D. 188
George Jr. 54 Daniel 140, 146 Lawton
Godfrey 204 Elizabeth 204 S. 205
Hezikiel 100 F. J. 188 Sam 196
James 45 Hen. S. 188 Sam'l 185
John 100 Henry S. 151 Samuel 194
Nath'1 100 J. 179 Laydel
Nathaniel 107, 108 James 1, 38, 70, 133, 136, 205 Peter 63
No1h 186 Jas. 47, 52, 186 Leary
Sarah 100 Jasper 155B-J^ Hardy 179
Stephen 99, 100, 107, \08f Jesse 45 Salth'l 178
Langly John 116, 173 Leath
George 41 Julia 165 James 59
Lanier L. 179 Jas. 40, 59, 60
Lemuel 205 John 40
A. 179 Mary 116 Samuel 39, 49
Alf. 173, 175, 155A Noel 114 Leddith
Alfred 174, 189 Rebecca 162 L. 197
Axem 52, 183, 186, 187, 194 Rob. 173 Lee
Axom 58, 204 Rotheas 57, 161, 155A Jas. 174
Axum 7, 187 Sam 186 Leggett
Edy 170 Sam'l 188, 204 Joseph 174
Elizabeth 189, 192, 155A, 155B Samuel 116, 127 Spencer 204
Exum 21, 58 T. J. 174, 205 Leggin
Fanney 58 Tho. J. 174 Ezekeal 29*
Harriet A. L. 170 Thomas 85, 169 Lurania 29
Joel 126 Thomas I. 113, 141 Margarett 29
John H. 126 Thomas J. 146, 148, 182, 186, Sarah 29
Lucinda R. 170 Thos. 205,188, 189, 196, 203 Leggitt
Marthy A. 170 Thos. J. 184 Ezeatha 30
Mary Eliza. 155A William 180, 188 Spencer 180
Mary Elizabeth 155B Wm. 174 Leith
Rob. 134 Lathan Sam 188
Robert 49, 59 Phenius 59 Sami. 178
Robt. 186 Lathing Lenire
Robt. F. 170 Garret 177 Axen 12
William 44 Lathum Leroy
William A. L. 170 James 55 L. 195
Wm. 59 Richard 95 Lewis 28, 45, 49, 50, 59, 61,
194 Sam'l 196 63, 64, 76, 112
Lanior Lattimer S. 112
Robert 194 Mr. 199 Lerroy
Larey Lavende Lewis 9
Hardy 178 W. 46 Lerry
Salth'l 178 Lavender Lewis Sr. 166
Laroche Benj'n A. 71 Lesslee
Ann 143 Clarissa W. 71 <4* Jno. 54
John 1444( Kitty 71 Lessl ie
John 86


Robt. 53 Long F. D. 188

Lestel Thomas 177 Fanny T. 181
Robert 53 W. 205 Geo.Wash'n 180
Lewis 179 William 194 George W. 189
B. 179 Lorton H. 186
Ben 182 Sam’l 185 H. H. 175
Benj'n 92 Lovett Henry C. 180
Benj. 178 Polley 66 Henry H. 181
Benjamin 9lf Lowndens Jaque Jane 189
Charles 4, 49, 145, 182 Jno. 50 John 188
Dan11 178 Lowrey Mary 180, 181
David 108 Betsy 153 Mr. 188
-^Joseph 92, 145 Lowry Sally 188
Joseph Jr. 145 Betsey 152 Mallisson
Leroy 114 Charles 75 Jaque J. 181
Liddy 145 Peggy 92 Manning
Roseland 91 Loyd Nicey 131
Tillman 91 Emanuel 59 Marriner
Libby Loysel1 Benj'n 47
Henry 197 P. 194, 195 Benjamin 49
Ligget Lucas Caty 125
Spencer 204 J. B. 185, 205 Isam 125
Wm. 204 Jesse 97 Marsh
Linier Jesse B. 194 D. W. 45
Robert 40 L. W. 151 Daniel G. 59
Linton Sam.. W. 199 David W. 45
Burage 6 Luch G. 59
Buredge 49 Sam 188 J. B. 179
Burnage 54 Luton James 184
Burrage 37 L. 179 Jas. B. 148
Burrel 6 John 46, 58
J. 179 Jonathan 1, 52
James 40 M Jonethan 21
L. 175, 179 W. James B. 155A
Lemuel 54 William 196
Luke 39, 54 Mackay Martin
Malekiah 54 Simpson 188 Bethany 97
Malichi 152, 178 MacKayo Betsey 155A
Michael 54 Willie 50 Body 161
Nancy 90, 101 Magimissing Deli1 ah 97
Zac 194 Wm. 17 Dempsey 52
Zach. 148 Magimssey Elizabeth 19, 97
Lintow Wm 16 Garganus 97
Lem. 175 Wm. 16, 53 Garritt 97
Linyear Magunssey Hosea 188, 155A
Exum 23, 24 Wm. 127 John 155A
Little Mai 1ison Mary 154^ 155A
Crandell 195 B. E. 188 Moses 52, 97, 187
Fealicia 190 Ben’Ellis 188 Nancy 19^ 97
Jacob 83 C. 182 Peggy 155A
Jacob Vines 190 C. E. 189 Polly 155A
James 204 C. Sr. 145 \ Rebecca 97
Jesse 190 Chris'r 1807 189 Rotheas 174
Louisa 190 Chris'r D. 182 Sally 155A
Rebecca L70 Christ'r 188 Sarah 97
Long & Turner 203 D. 186 Wi11iam 97. 155A


William Sr. 188 McCabe Wm 29

William T. 974 Bryan H. 164 McKmahorn
Wm. Jn. 155A D. H. 144, 169 Thos. 45
Mason Dan 1 McMah
Caleb 50, 53 Danl. H. 164
Thomas 14
Christopher 6, 7 Darden H. 164 McMahon
Gideon 5 Dardin H. 141 Tho. 142
James 7, 8, 182 Grace 17, 18, 58 McMahone
L. 179 Harrison 164 Thomas 117
Micajah 76 Henry 165 McMahorn
Salley 5 Henry H. 164? 165 Barbara 58
Tho. 174 James Thos. 60
Thomas 40 17 1 McSwain
Thos. 40, 54 John 17, 58 James T. 170
Zach'h 186 Peggy 80, 81, 164, 165 James Thomas 191
Masons Sally 164 John 119
Caleb 50 McCafferty
Thomas 190
Masten Samuel 63
Zach'r 119
Jos. 199 McClure
McWilliams 131, 158
Masters J .H. 180
Fanny 189
Jer. 197 McCue
Jno. 188.160B
Ma s tin Edward 197 John 174, 187, 189, 191, 201,
I. 120 McCulloch Peter 59, 201
Jere'h 92 Hugh 167 Sally 117
_ 194 McCullough _ 199
Maul H. 199 Meckleroy
Moses 134 Hugh 61, 92, 185, 186, 194, William 199
Maules 195, 197, 200? 201 Meder
197 Hugh M. 65 Jno. F. 125
Maxwel1 John 201 Mendith
Jas. Mont'y H. 200 James 31
194 1 Mont'y Hugh 201 Meredeth
May Robert 201 James 34
Captain 9 Willi am 201 Meridith
Mayo McC_ze Jas. 101
Betsy 185 J. H. 180 Merrel
Elizabeth 15 McDaniels Ben. 53
Henry 50, 182 James 204 Merridith
James 49, 50, 182, 199 Me Horn James 197
Jno 52 Thom's 16 197
John 185 Thomas 17 Messic
Mary Ann 50, 182 McKay Wm. 55
Maryann 182 Lewis 199 Messuch
Nancy 15 MeKeel W. 55
Roland 15, 53, 103 Ben 44 Midzett
Rowland 49, 50 Carney 1, 2, 12, 21, 58, 117 Levi 178
Wm. 204, 205 Edm'd 69 Mi 11 an
Mays Edmund 122 Dan. B. 101
Anny 57 Elisabeth 44 Mills
Henry 182 Harman 95 Fred 63
John 185y. Jas. 118 Harry 204
Mc.Cabe John 21, 58, 122 Hoi 1oway 204
0. M. 204 Mary 12 Mi 1 ty
McBe Sarah 21 Sarah 171
Dan'l H. 154 Willi am 51, 63 Misseck
McCabe & Smith 194, 205 Wm. 57 Joseph 63


M. 35
W. 55
Margaret 98
Mary 51, 144 N
R. 179
Mary P. 51
Mi xon
Peggy 136
Charlody 76 Nail
Philpiny 67
David 90 Ann 116
Sarah 158
E. 199 Neal
Stephen 51, 194, 205
Elijah 1, 58, 89^ Abner 59
W. 197
Fredekiah 56^
Will1by 135 Abner P. 59
George 58 Neale
Wi1leby 31, 33
H. 179
Wi11iam 33, 34, 51, 67, 136 A. P. 174
Henry 24, 89, 107 Abner 60, 108
Wi 1 loughby 136>*
J. 179 C. 195
Wm. 35, 172, 186
James 56, 89, 90V
Wm. Jr. 34 Capt. A. P. 186
Jesse 56, 182, 185, 194 Chris1r 60, 61
Wm. Sutton 78
John 23, 90
More Nell
Linnoar 90
Betsy 67 E. E. Sales 185
Lucretia 23 Nelson
Hardy 67
Mary 23, 24, 90
John 34 ^enj'n 69^
May 23
Morgan Charles F. 204
Micajah 49 Charles J. 204
Joseph 191
Micjah 56 Garret 199
Mori s
Neoma 89 Wallace 53, 59, 184
Thos. 67
Polly 90 Newlin
Poly 15 Wm. B. 176
A. 197
William 155A Newman
Thomas 136
Zedeke 182 Wm. 34 Henry 52
Zedekiah 56, 57 Wi11iam B. 53
Mocton Newmans
Jos. 185, 186
William 185 William 165
Molasser Wm. 28, 49, 54
Capt'n 194
194 Wm. B. 45, 52
Mol 1ison
Capt'n 205 Newport
Ben 186
Mosely S. 205
Chr. 189
Edward 180 Sarah 205
Mol ton Noble
John Kenneday 53
William 185 Averiel 51
Moore Nobles
Wm. Kenneday 53
Abraham 32, 34, 51 Moye Aeriel 45
Abram 34 Airiel 49
Jno. 53, 54
Amey 136 As'e 28
Anthony 51, 177 Asiel 176
Luke 49
Anthony Jr. 177 Isac 199
Antoney 33 John 63
William 187
Aw. 177 Luke 199
Betsy 51 Norman
J. 180, 195
Casey 200 Abner 7
John 99, 127, 180
Edmund 144 Ls. 205
Polly J. 99
Giles 136 Normon
Henry 144 4 Abner 49
Jacob 160B North
James 188 N. 173
John 33, 35, 136 Nath'1 114, 115
John P. 51, 81 Nathaniel 204
Lucy 136 Novi be


Obediah 199 Whiriott 52

Numans Wy. 184 P
William 16 Wyriott 2, 166
Wm 34 Orr
William 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 51* Pairtree
Wm 194, 53 John 188
0 Orrel Palmer
Jno. 199 John 110
William 197 Polly 110
Oakley Orrel1 198
Isaac 59 Elizabeth 98 Palmerlie
Oden Frank 177 Benj'n 116
A. 179 Ivey 34 Paretree
Asa 143, 179, 204 John 110 John 134, 135
C. 179 William 52, 68, 79, 98?*99 Noah 131
Caswell 142 Wm. R. 186 Rebecca 134
Charles 52, 91, 93, 142"T 143, 31 Thos. 58
149, 183, 184, 203 Orri11 Parker
Charles T. 149 Franklin 56 Simon 185
Chas. 142, 179 Willi am 56 Parmley
Dorothy 149 Osborn Wm 29.
Fanny 143 Elizabeth 154 Parmlie
Holland 21 John 199 F. 175
John 2, 19, 21 Ousler Pate
Mary 93 Nancy 66 Cicero 19
Orriss 142 Pol 1ey 66 James 49
Penelope 93 Salley 66 L. 199
Rich'd 91 Outlaw Sam'l 72, 73, 54
Richard 2* 149 William 204 Samuel 4, 5, 7, 8, 39, 45, 49
Sarah 142 Wm. 174 William 19
Schs. 205 Overse Patrick
Thomas 21, 149 J. M. 59 Benj'n 114, 134
Thos. 179 Jno. M. 59 Benjamin 204
William 93** 142 Owen Cornelius 204
William H. 150 Stephen 114 Joseph W. 204
Wilson 163 Owens Martha W. 204
Wm. 52 Brannock 103
Mary 79
Fanny 113
Wm. Hyman 93 Mrs. Ann 204
Mrs.Eliza. 102
01 iver Subrina 142
0. M. 205
N. I. 174 Thomas W. 204
Owen M. 172
N. J. 174, 185 William 199, 204
Stephen 59, 102, 103, 105, 147, Patten
Nath'1 J. 185
174 Hense 83
J. J. 205 Owi ne Mrs. 141
N. I. 205 S. 194 Paul
N. J. 194 Owi ns D. 205
Nath'1 F. 194 Stephen 63 Dan11 205
Nath11 J. 194, 205 Owne Daniel 194
Nathan J. 194 Stephen 107 Ezra 196
Ormond George 203
H. 179 George P. 196
Henry 203 Hosea 175
Nancy Elias 35 Jacob 183
Thomas 134 Rena 196
Thomas 8. 182 William H. 196
Thos. B. 182 Peack
Wherriott 46, 47


Isaac 59 Abishae 8 William 83

Peacock Pierce Powel1
I. 45 Betsy 50 Daniel 5
Isaac 13, 49, 96-t- Jas. 50 L. 179
Nancy 96 Jonathan 50 Lydia 158
Pead Piers Powers
Gain 18 David 6 Jas. 186
Garn 17 Pigott Prescot
Pearce Elyat 20 John 78
Abigail 65+ Pi 1lery Prescott
Abner 61 Hillery 52 Elizabeth 110
Apsley 169 Pi 11ey Price
Barbara L. 121 Foreman 173 A. 23
Elizabeth 115, 116, 168, 169 I. Jr. 173 Abalain 47
James 53 Jno. Jr. 173 Abalam 46
Joseph 115, 116, 16$ 169 John 183, 187 Absalom 104
Sally 171 Pilly Abslam 18
Slade 28, 29, 49, 121* 194 Thomas 58 Absolum 24
Peckam Thos. 58 Hummiety 164
D. Manson 140 Pinket William 24, 186
Rhoda 14of 141 John 195 William H. 184
Peed Pinkham Willima H. 184
Betsey 130 Wm 196 Wm. 189
Gain 185, 199 Poiner Prinee
John 145, 177, 185 S. W. 179 186
Leml 177 Polmerly Pringle
Peel Timothy 189 Icabud 40, 72
D. 197 Potter Widow 97
Hen. 172 Elijah 63 Pritchet
Tho. 172 Henry 182 Betsy 15
Peel e J. 179 Pritchett
Daniel 32, 33 James 38, 178 Abaham 24+
Pel 1ey
Jas. 54 , Abisha 24, 59
Mr. 12
Li tel ton 37, 38 , 96, 97 Abishae 7, 8
Pe 11 y Littleton 4, 6, 7, 39, 40, 54 Abraham 15, 24, 25, 63
John 58 Mary Ann 75, 97, 178 Betsy 24
Perkins N. 178 Billy 25
Ann 126 Nat 54 Peter 15, 24, 53, 199
Elizabeth 162 Natel 152 Robert 24
Lem. 204 Nath'1 37, 178 W. 112
W. 179 Nath'1. 55 William 24, 25, 199
William 58, 126, 183, 197 Nathaniel 6 Wm 35
Wm. 12, 21, 173 S. 179 Pritchetts
Person Sally 178 Peter 50
David 49 Samuel 38 Wm. 50
Peyton Sarah 54 Procter
Mary 111 Will 54 Mr. 165
Philips Willi am 38, 97 Pucket
Thomas 184 Wm. 54, 178, 182 Thos. C. 204
Phillips Potts & Burbank 199 Pugh
Thos. 187 Potts Eliza B. 104
Phi 1lport Ann 83, 84 Whitmell H. 104
Sam'l 111 Burbank U. 186 _ 180
Pickering Jno. 180 Pumperton
Wm. 188 John W. 83, 84 Zach W. 194
P i c k i 11 Ralph 59, 82^85, 194 Purkens

I ndex

Wm. 52 Wi 11 iam 94-f" Respass

Purser Real Jeremiah G. 113
David 53 Thomas 186 Respess
Jesse 182 Reddick Isaiah 187
Linnah 120, 121 Ebenizar 126 Jeremiah 187
Robert 120^*121 Shute 35 Jeremiah G. 159
Susan 178 Reddith Ressass
Pursers Lewis 55-f* John 173
Noah 182 Nelly 56 Langley 16, 173
Robert 50 Redditt Rich'd 175
Purtick A. 35 Richard 135
Thos. W. 185 Alex'r 31, 32, 51, 80^ 81, 104, Thomas 111
Alex. 33, 172 Ressess
Alexa 130 Isaiah 196
Q Elizabeth 56 J. G. 194
James 56, 101 Jeremiah 182
Jno. 81 Richard 187, 189
Qui n Joseph 56 Reu
Edw'd 153, 205 L. 197 Levy 193
Edw,d 199 Lewis 57 Reulac
Edward 49, 107, 134, 138, 194 Lewis F. 56 Jenny 111
Qui nn Lod 197 Reulhac
Edward 104, 105 Lodo 154 Nance 111
Quinnn Lodon 81 Rew & Bonner 165
Edw'd 96 Lodowic 80 Rew
Quins Lodowick 81, 169 Fredr'k 169-/*
James I. 159 Lodwick 59 John 169
Mary 56, 81, 169 John J. 166
Nell 57 Margaret 166
R Peggy-Ann 56 Rhoda 166
Sarah 80, 81 Southey B. 165f"
Thos. H. 56 Thomas 166
Racock Redett Rich
Isaac 59 Ladwick 31 Josselen 199
Raney Redmond Richards
Ed. 54 Alice 109 Ann 77^78
Ransom 65 Eliza M. 109-p Betsey 129
Jos. 49 Francis 109 Richard 187
Sally 65 James 13, 28, 41, 42, 43, 45, 49 Richard B. 77, 71
Ratiiff James Jr. 109 Richardson
Ephraim 113 Jas. 45, 51, 94, 59, 109, 114, 205
Mary 160B 144, 194 Richi son
William 196 Reece _ 185
Wm. 113 Ann Mehaly 193 Ricks
Raulston Feddy Ann 193 Thomas 186
195 Johnson 193 Riddel1
Raven Levey 193 Alex 177
A. 199 Reel Jos. 177
Abraham 59, 158 Danl. 53 Lodv. 177
Nancy 158 Renford Riddi11
Sarah 158 John A. 107 Betsy 130
William 158 Repess Ridditt
Rea Richard 1 Lodo. 177
John 63 Resass Riff
Reach Thos. 60 Del. 53
Martha 95 Resnel Sec. 53
Ja's 29

I ndex

Riggs Thomas 41 Elizabeth 153

James 54 Robins John 71
John 178, 182 John 157 Joseph 178
Right Thos. 185 Josiah 49
W. 186 Robinson Leml. 173
William 181 Duke 60 Lemuel 196, 199
Ri 1 ey Jesse 5, 8, 49, 50, 53 Martin 177
Sullivan 204 Mary 65 Martin D. 140
Rilley William 42, 49, 65+ W. 188
John 183 Wm 41 William 3, 41, 43, 49, 94
Wm. 183 Wm. R. 65-j- Winifred 14
Roach Robionson Wm 28
Cha. 33 Gabriel 110 Wm. 59, 140
James 95 Rodman Rouch
Simon 95 Mr. 139 William 95
Willi am 53 W. W. 180 Roulhac
Wm. 50 Wm. 190 John M. 88"f*89
Robason Wm. H. 59 John Maul 93
Gabriel 108 Rodmon William 88
Israel 174 Wm. W. 59 Rountree
Jasper 172 Roe Lenuel H. 13*f*
Jesse 49, 53, 182, 194 Polly 145 Rovason
Jessee 111 Rogason Jesse 199
Luke 49 Betsy 128 Rowland
Thomas 108 Rogers Elisha 188, 196
Robbin Alf 204 William 111, 178, 198
Sally 190 Edward 16 Wm. L. 199
Robbins Humph 204 Wm. S. 199
Enoch 181 Roland Rue
Jas. 188 Elisha 184 William 186
Jno. W. 192 Wm. 182 Ruff
John 186 Rolen D. 197
Sally 191 Elisha 175 Dan11 51, 82, 178
Thomas Jr. 196 Roler Daniel 17
Robbons William 6 Reading 167
James 196 Rol i n Sarah 167
Robers Jesse 22 Tempey 167
Edward 16 Rolls W. 205
Roberson Wi Ilia 178 William 21, 53, 167 X
Creara 10 Roloch Wm. 53
Edward 10, 16 John 67 Rummi11s
Edwrd 16 Rol ph Nancy 186
Elizabeth 73 March 186 Runnel 1s
J. 8 Ronnins David 186
James 10 Jno. W. 183 Runyon
Jesse 7, 8, 9, 18, 97 Rook B. 180
Look 29 Wm. 49 Russ
Lottie 10 Rose Will 194
Lydia 100^101 Betsy 81 Russel
Sucke 15 John 81 Frances 71
Thomas 16, 17 Roses Francis 65
Roberts Capt'n 197 Penny Ann 165
Charles 43, 44 Ross Russel 1
John 199 Edn. 186 Susan 165
William 186 Edward 58 Russess
Robertson Elijah 134 Ormond 199


R. Jr. 188 Wm. 59 Sears

Satterthwaite William 186
Edwd. 174 Wm. 144, 174, 185, 205
S Elizabeth 113, 146 Wm. M. 131
James 186 Seely
Jas. 174, 183, 194 Warren 64, 86, 129
Sabaibe Jon 187 Selby
I. 112 Robt. 174 B. M. 151, 188
Sabarbe William 113+ 160B Ben. M. 117
I. 112 Zach. 187 Benj'n 59
Sadler Satterthwaithe H. 45
A. 179 Abraham 187 Henry 28, 53, 59, 60
C. 179 Satterwaite Henry H. 151+-
E. 179 Jona'n 194 Jno. 194
Tho. 179 Satterwaithe John 169, 188, 194, 204
197 Wm. K. 140 John Jr. 97
Salter Saunders Mary 77, 151
Holland 169 Hen. 175 Miss John 168
Joseph P. 169 Sawer Salley D. 59
Robert 124 Nath'1 47 Sally D. 59, 60
Sanders Sawyer Serman
Wm. 196 Joseph 187 Brian 178+•
Sanford Nathaniel 47 Joseph 178
Capt'n 194 Schank Nancy 178
Saroche Camp'n 194 Sermon
John 112 Schench Brian 185
Satchel 1 Capt'n 205 David A. 185
Jno. E. 196 Schinch Green I. 185
Mary 196 Capt'n 204 Sessions
131 R. 180 Rhoda 19
Satchi11 Scott Seston
John Sr. 184 Ann 83 Wm. 71
Satchwel1 Arrina 164 Sexton
Danl. 178 W. 179
Amariah B. 188 H. 197 Willi am 70
Benjamin 188 Hen. 50 Shavener
Dupree 188 Henry 38 Wm. 159
Elizabeth 116 John 83 Shaw
J. 205 Nancy 160A Henry 14
J. D. 175 Ralph 46 J. 179
J. Sr. 194 Seabrook James 178
James 59, 186, 188, 196 Thomas 194 M. 180
James Sr. 148 Sealy Wi11iam 59, 85
Jas. 116, 124, 175, 160B Warren 194 Wm. 134
John 116+' 187^ 188, 196 Searles Shearman
John Sr. 117, :174, 184 Covention 171 J. 179
Jos. 175 Coventon 68 + Shelby
Mary 187, 188, 196 Covington 172 John 205
Noi sa 116 Dorcus 68 Sheperd
Sop. 175 Edward 68 James 1
Sophia 116 James 68 Reading 1
Satherwaite William 68 Shingleton
Robert 187 Searls William 120, 180
Satterthw. Covington 186, 199 Short
Fenner B. 201 Thomas 199 Henry 174
Satterthwait William 78 Luke 174, 186, 204


Shuse Eli 150

Wm. R. 194
Peggy 66 M. W. 196
Wynnefred 155B
Shute Sami. 141
53, 197
Caroline L. 78 Samuel 203 Smithwick
Frances A. 79 Smaw
Balden 182
Francis A. 78 H. 174
Bethany 110
Giles 78 Henry 17, 59, 60, 64, 117, 118 Davis 177
Jacob 78 John 117 Eden'r 49
Jon. B. 78 Mary 69 Snel 1
Jos. B. 79 Meriam 69 Henry G. 204
Joseph 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 51, Nelly 46 Snith & Havens 196
78, 79 Rebecca 64, 117, 118, 158 Snoad
Joseph B. 78 Tho. 115, 116 Capt'n 205
Joseph R. 78 Thomas 58, 60, 69, 190 Snowd
Lyle 34 Thos. 50 Capt'n 194
Mary A. V. 78 Wi11iam 143 Spa i n
Peggy 78, 79 Willi am E. 117, 204 David 178
Sidney 78 Wm. 76
Davis 178
Shutes Wm. E. 204 Fed. 178
Joseph 50 Smith & McCabe 194, 205 Fred. 178
Si 1 by Smi th
Joshua 182
Wm. 71 Allen 42, 43 Joshuah 178
Si 1vershorn Charles 53 Sparrow
Robt. 54 Cullen 174, 183, 186
Ormond 204
Si 1verthorn David 53, 61 Speares
Simpson 187 Eliza 197 Noah 199
Simmo n s Harris 45 Spears
Enoch 199 Harriss 53 Scott 197
Simon Henry 122, 186, 187 Speire
Clara 44 Isaac 41, 42, 43, 44 Lot 34
Simpson Isaac Jr. 59 Spel1ings
A. B. 179 J. 41 Wi11iam 49, 93
Biggs 178 James 186 Wm. 59
D. 179 James H. 185 Spier
Isaac 187 James R. 194 Roger 180
Matthew 94 Jas. H. 185, 205 Wm. 204
12 Jasper 178 Spi re
Singletary John F. 79 Scott 33
J. 180, 201 Lucretia 102 Spring
John 201 Nath11 41 A 49
Si scum Peggy 102 Aaron 36, 54, 75, 90, 101
John 131 R. 175 Aason 39
Slade Reb. 175 Abm. 101
Abraham 39 Rebecca 116 Abraham 3, 4
Artimiss 72 Sam 102 Abram 101
B. 179 Sami. 174 Aron 4, 5
Fanny 128 Samuel 53 Dolly 101
Henry 4, 128 Stephen 194 James 90, 101
Jere'h 72 Sullen 59 Mary 101
John 148, 174 Susanna 102 Robert 90
Linner 72 Tho. H. 1?5 Springle
Polly 124 Thomas 42 George 49
Reuben 87 Thomas H. 169 Ikabud 72
Reubin 40 Thomas S. 205 Mary 182
Smallwood W. 180 Nancy 50
Cha. 65 William 44 Squiars
Charles 21, 73


Barbary 19 Swi ft Stephen 182

Squire Mr. 165 William 182
Jacob 52 Swindale Wm. 178
Squires Jennet 195 Thomas
Appleton 133^* Swindel Alexr. 59
Jacob 133 J. 194 S. L. 205
Wor. 173 Swindel1 Sam 205
Worden 133 Valuntine 174 Sam L. 194
Squirs _ 194 Sam11 L. 180
Edna 19 Swindle Thomason
Standly Jonat'n 182 Henry 33, 177
Freeman 42 John 78
Stanly Wm. 78
W. 180 T Thompson
W. C. 199 Mr. 194
Stapleford Thomson
Wm. 91 Taft Henry 32, 34
Steder A. 204 William 32
John 178 E. 204 Thorinton
Stewart Tai1 lade William 104 j-
Alex’r 186 Thornton
Rob. 173 Tankanr J. 179
Robert 184, 204 Ransom 155B William 58, 89
Walter 189 Tankard. Thoroughgood
Stewert George 73-V William 160A
Robert 173 John 74, 75 Ticket
Stickney Martha 74 Martin 63
Joseph B. 59 Ranson 204 Tiel
Sti1 ley Taunt Hardy 204
Comfort 130 Gideon 95, 136, 137 Titterton
Com 130 Mason 204 Asa 182
Hezekiah 130 Taylor James 182
Levi 34 Eml. 78 Wm. 182
Peggy 130 I. James 176 Toleson
Penny 130 James 43, 44, 174 William 197
Rachel 130 Manuel 69 Tolston
Stiner Peggy 152, 153 Thos. 188
Mr. 194 Samuel 63 Tomason
Stiren Wm. 176 Thos. 53
Cason 39 Telfair Tommas
Stokesberry A. 180 Sandy 59
Jno. P. 183 D. H. 196 Tomson
Stone Thomas 199 Henry 177
Chris'r 102 Thos. 195 Tooley
Stuaps Telfairo Solomon 40
Jackson 187 Thomas 176 Tooly
Stubs Teomanes Jeremiah 40
Levy 16 W. L. 180 Toulston
Sturges Teterton Thomas 181
J. 186, 194 Wm. '52 Tratur
Jackson 187 Tetterton Thomas 188
Sullivan Asa 178 Trip
Riley 204 Charles 182 Joseph 17, 18
Swanner Elizabeth 167 Tri pp
Jesse 46, 172 Jesse 167 Joseph 165
Jno. 179 Jos. 179 Trotter


Thomas 85, 105, 106, 165, 195 Van Daniel Wallis

Thos. 53 Edward 14+ Jnoa 175
Tucker James 14 Leven 58
Garrison 204 Van Pelt Walls
Joel 204 John 188 Joseph 204
Tule Veale Ward
Labin 54 186 Jona'n 184
Tuly Ventors Samuel 58
Nath‘1 54 E. 186 Warner
Solomon 54 Vi ne Jeremiah 189
Tunnel William 21 Jo. 50
Wm. 125 Vi nes John 182
Tunnel 1 George 74 Joseph 6
George 90 John 69, 193 Warren
Willi am 90
Land. 74 Dred 177
Mrs. 197 Drew 177
Pey. R. 104 Sam 190 Henry 199
Rebecca 104 Sam'1 52, 182, 188 Herr'n 83
W. B. 109, 110 Samuel 58, 69, 119 Miles 177, 178
Turner & Long 203 Sidney C. 202 Penny 202
Turuan Thomas 74 Rachel 110
W. J. 180 Thos. 60 Read' 177
Tuton W. 66 Read'y 177
Auros 168 William 20, 22, 59, 64, 68, 69, Reading 178
William 178
79, 111, 112, 117, 197, 198 Wm. 177
Wm. 177
Wm. 112, 199, 202 186
Tyl er
Vonner Warrne
John 158 Fanny 145
R. H. 196
Tyre Warters
Reading 116, 169 Pressila 10
Sally 169 Fanny 10
Tyrrel1 Fred 58
Mary 74 Wacoat
Isaac 10?*16
Tyson George W. 42
James 10, 16, 17
Ann 146 Wakely
Jesse 16
H. 194 _ 198 Jno. 52
Hosea 187 Walace
Percelus 17
Hosea 194 Leven 58
Prissella 10
Lewis 187, 194 Walker
Ransom 10
Ansley 118
Thomas 10
Fanny 118
Went 46
V J. 179
John 118
David 22-f
Jordan 177, 196
Frederick 22
Vai 1 Mark 118, 172
Thomas 34, 118f173 Isaac 16
David 85, 100+
Jeremah 22
E. 175 Thomas Sr. 130-^
John 22
Thos. 51, 188
Elizabeth 85, 100 Jona. 175
Fed. 175 Wi11iam 130
Walkor Mary 22
Fred'k 189, 196
Preculla 16
Lucy 100 Stephen 186
Mary 85? 86, 100 Wal1 ace
Betsy 87
Susanna 85, 100 Benj. 45
D. 180, 152, 178
Wi11iam 85, 100 Cha. 175
David 4, 39, 40, 49, 87, 151
Vale Jno. 175
David Sr. 152
Fredrick 186 184, 185
Elisabeth 151

I ndex

Elizabeth 152 Henry 53 Anna 170, 171

Fred'k 87 Hillery 7, 103, 182, 199 Daniel 174
Frederi c 86 + J. 199 Isaac 52, 131
J. 179 John 103, 177 Jesse 170, 174
Jeremiah 54 Shadrick 103 + John 159, 171
Jeremiah W. 152 Zach'h 177, 182 Laban 183
Jerre 54 Whiters Marvel 174
Jno 36 Hi 1lery 49 Sarah 160A
Jno. 54, 56 Whithurst 195
John 37, 39, 15it*152, 178 Bat 50 Wi1keson
Mary 87 Batison 53 Mary Jane 155B
Miriam 151, 152 Hi 1lery 50 Wi 1kins
Nancy 151 Shad 50 Benj'n 127
Sally 87, 152 Wattery 53 Eliza K. 175
Will 178 Whitley Jacob 127#“ 128, 145
Wm.C. 152 A. 179 Jas. L. 174
Zebezee 36 Arthur 52, 91+■ John H. 175, 191
Weatherby Charity 91 Julia 127, 175
James 204 Daniel 184 Mary 127, 146
Welch Danl. 174 Nancy 127
J. 179 Eli'h 52 0. 175
John 203 Jesse 91, 97, 143, 149, 174, 0. S. 146
William 46 184, 192 Susanna 127
Wm. 47 Jno. 52 Wm. 175
Wei 1 s Robt. 173 Wi1kinson
Reuben 204 Wm. 51 Abr'm 196
Wendley Whitly Ann 127
Jonn Jr. 166 Elizabeth 119
Stephen 184
Wescott Huldah 119
George N. 43 Isaac 131
Di vi11 a 54
West Israil 155A
Elizabeth 54
Ric h1d 176 J. 194
Westal1 Jacob 196
William 63 Jane 119, 192
Howard 185
Whitty Jesse 201, 1286
George 41 Anna 19 John 196
Wiggins Laben 201
Howard 185 Jesse 196 Levy 119, 192
Wi ki ns Mary 119 +*
John H. 187 Mary J. 155B
B. 165
Wheeler Wi1 cox Mary Jane 155A <+
J. 194+ Jno. 51 Sarah 119 '
J. Jr. 175 John 31, 32, 33, 44, 197 Shadrick 54
Jacob 194 Wi 1 ey Williams
Mrs. 194, 205 John 67, 96 Ben 186
Whiden W i 1 ins Ben. 59, 197
Wm 34 John H. 187 Benj'n 85, 147, 198
Whi1ly Wi 1kenson Benj. 199
John 19 D. H. 172
Whitaker 183 1 Dempsey 19
John 204 Aron 196 Dempsey H. 19
Whi te Dan'l 194 Dempsey Wm. 18
Edward L. 194 Huldah 192
Francis 188
Edward S. 63 Jesse 133 G. 53, 54, 194
Windsor 34, 130 Oden 186
God. 54, 207
Winsor 32, 33 Wi 1kerson
Godfrey 29, 45, 49, 52, 53, 59
A. 175
Whitehurst H. K. 121


Henry 54, 103 Henry E. 80, 141, 184, 192

Penelope 147
1 . LJ
W 179
. lie
Israel 1, 2, 46, 73** 170, 189 Sam 188
J .0. K. 180, 196 J. 179 Sam'l 196
J. N. 171
Jacob 0. 80 Sarah 160B
J. 0. K. 171, 179, 194, 204 Jno. 175 Tho. 174, 191
J. W. 196 John 1, 133, 171, 175, 189 Thomas B. 123,
James 26 John L. 119, 166 Winter
James 0. 138 Joseph B. 166 G. 180
James 0. K. 18, 46:, 59, 197 Levi 170^ 171 Wiswal1
Jas. 54 Lorenze D. 166 H. 204, 205
Jas. 0. K. 49 Penny 149 Wiswold
Jno. W. 177 Reul 163 H. 186, 196
John G. 18, 19 Ruel 119, 179 Howard 194
John W. 180
Samuel 46, 47 Witherington
Mary B. 138 Sarah 73 Adm. 53
0. K. 176 Seth 171 Francis 0. 5
R. 205 Susan 166 Wood
Robert F. J. J. 201 Susannah 166 Samuel 34
Thomas 161 Thomas 166^ 167 Woodard
W. 204 C. L. 145
Thos. 46, 47
William 34, 67 W. 179 Ceciro S. 188
Wm 33 Cicero 76, 77
William 58, 119, 138, 189
Williamson Henry 47
Wi 11 i arn D. 189
Peter 9 Wm. 89 I. 77
Wm. 204 Wi ndly Isaiah 29, 53,
Wi 11iiams Aron 202 Isarah 46
J. 194 Daniel 202 Isiah 59
Willis Edmond 203 J. S. 180
Josiah ?n Henry 204 Jno. Smaw 76
Wi1 son Henry E. 196 John L. 174
Albert G. 161 James R. 202 John S. 185
George 111 John Sr. 182 Louisa 76, 77
Marsh' 204 Mary 70, 202 Lucretia 77
Marshal 204 Moses 21, 68, 202 ^ N. 179
Marshall 161, 204 Moses Esqr. 202 Nath'1 178, 182
McGilborn 161 Phinias 188 Nathaniel 109
Mercer 204 Ruel 190 William 77
Messer 161, 162 Rush 192 Wm. 76
Ruth 160 William 23, 193, 203 Isaiah 185
Seth 49, 161, 162, 160B«f Win. 190, 196, 203 Woodley
Windfield Winfield W. S. 201
Jessy 196 Bryan 59, 194 Willis 92
John 140 Davis 187 Margaret 92-\
Nathan 140 Harriet A. 191 Woods
Sam'l 184 Harriett A. 123 Hanah 25
Thomas B. 184 Henry 124, 174 John 63
Windield J. 194 Woodward
Jordan 175 James 123 Lucretia 76
Windley James Henry 191 Woolard
Daniel 149 Jesse 124, 186 Absolum 76
David 149 Jno. 192 A11igood 60
E. 179 John 123/ 183, 187, 191 Daniel 17
H. 175 Jordon 187 David 174
H. E. 173 Lam'l 187 Henry 100
Harry E. 143 Martha 160 Jasper 52, 57, I
Henry 189 Nancy 123, 187, 191, 192 Jim 186


Kalita 159 Jon'a 3

Keletia 60 Jonathan 17, 21
Mary 121 Jono. 12
Nancy 120 Nancy 175
Noah 16, 17 Writenhouse
Osborn 100 Frank 103
R. 205
Reading 119
Relah 16
Riley 203 X
Rufus 194, 205
Samuel 120
Thomas 119, 120 Xaviers
Thos. 186 Francis 194
Wiley 59
Willie 60
Wm. 53, 120 Y
Worden 119+ 120
Wool ford
Chas.D. L. 124 f Yates
Wool lard Peter 116, 186, 199
Coventon 16, 60 Thomas 116, 186, 199
Covington 16 Yeates
Henry 108 Peter 177
Howe 59 Yeoman
Jasper 63 Wm. T. 185
John 204 Young
Nathan 203, 204 Elizabeth 113, 114, 176
Noah 203 J. E. 194
011iver 203 Jno. E. 59
Osborn 203 John E. 197
Thos. 185 Samuel 41, 42, 43, 53, 1137’ 114
Samuel 34
Rasheba 76
Benj ' n 120 -/*
Benj'n S. 95, 129
John 129
Law W. 190
Maryann 129
Stephen 129
Thomas 43, 63
William 3, 95, 129
Wm. 121, 129, 172, 199
William 66
Joseph W. 99
Louisa A. 99
David 196
Jno. 59
John 63

Place Names


East Dismal 132

Alnwick County 83 Eastermost Creek 151 Lathams Mill 132
Alston Pond 97 El ford 83 Lees Creek 111
Anson County 64
Little Creek 202
Long Acre 132
F Lumberton 59

Fishing Creek 181 M

Baileys Creek 110 Floyds Creek 156.
Bath 76
Bath Creek 202
Martien County 83
Bath Ferry Plantation 141 G Martin County 206
Bath Town Creek 132
Maryland 94
Bear Branch 111
Mattamuskeet 64
Bear Creek Run 106 Gaudaloupe 143 Missouri Patents 161
Bel ford County 83 Gladdens Plan 156 Moore Place 181
Bell Pocoson 142
Goose Creek 108, 114, 122, 123 Mount Vernum 104
Bennett Place 111 Goshan 111
Blounts Creek 78, 83, 134, 181 Green Swamp 79
Broad Creek 135
Griffins Old Field 114 N
Brumfield Swamp 110 Gum Swamp 126
Burmuda 65
Buttons Branch 111
Newbern Road 83, 137
H North Creek 181
Northumberland,England 83
Nutons Run 98
Halifax County 95
Hanson Harrold 64
Campbells Creek 72
Hollowing Point Creek 11 0
Charleston, S.C. 9
Holy-Well 83
Cherry Run 206
Horsepen Branch 161
Chinquepin Ridge 132
Huckleberry Branch 69 Oak Ridge 130
Chocowinity Bay 83
Hyde Co. 10 Odens Swamp 163
Craven County 106, 129, 138
Hyde County 130, 169, 181, 160B Old Chapel Road 156
Creek Hill 97
Old Ford 114
Cypress Branch 156
Cypress Swamp 170 1

Indian Branch 72
Ireland 103 Pamlico River 72, 90
Pamplico River 66, 83
David Echols Ridge 151 Pantigo Creek 119
Deep Branch 111 Pantigo Road 140
Dixon Branch 132 Patigo Creek 146
Duck Creek 117 Piney Land 81
Duplin 103 Pitt County 138
Jacobs Creek 111
Durants Point 181 Pocomoke River 94
Jarvis Creek 110, 111
Jones Branch 23 Porters Creek 111
Jones Creek 147 Pritchetts Bridge 111
June Beach 11 Pungo 60, 131

Place Names

Pungo Creek 150

Pungo River 140, 1606
Pungo Swamp 10
Putnells Neck 111
Washington 60, 76, 83, 84
Washington, N.C. 9
R Whortleberry Branch 122, 123
William Hooten Place 181
William Right Place 181
Reedy Branch 111 Wolf Pit Neck 78
Reedy Pond 70 Woodstock Savannah 147
Ressas Place 156 Worcester County 94
Rice Patch Branch 170
River Pocoson 126
Robbins Stand 132
Robbins Stand Branch 132
Rope Walk Plantation 141
Ryfords Point 181

Slades Creek 91
Snoads Creek 97
South Creek 111
Springs Creek 101

Tar Landing Creek 75

Tarkiln Neck Road 181
Tom Field 139
Town Creek 76
Tranter Creek 83
Tranters Creek 161

United States 69
United States of America 143

Van Noorden Town 133

Vannorden Town 203
Virginia 74

Slave Index

Britton 45 Dick 93, 114

Brutol 134 Dina 167
A Bry 93 Dinah 46, 74, 80, 149, 205
Bug 14 Dol 116, 163
Bull 80, 81 Dolphin 61
Aaron 3, 25, 74, 80, 150
Dorcas 27, 155A
Aary 155B
Dorcus 176
Abigail 88 C Dub 206
Abraham 61, 129 Dunn 60
Abram 11, 80, 149, 163
Adam 88, 129, 169 Caesar 205
Africa 205 Careles 134 E
Agg 167 Carolina 151
Agnes 57 Cate 134, 136, 171
Agness 56 Catharine 205 Eady 1, 166
Aimy 205 Cato 88 Easter 136
Ajax 115 Caty 129 Edah 146
Albert 61 Ceasar 71, 76, 114, 117 Edid 61
Alfred 74 Cel a 25 Edmund 129
Alin 107 Celia 20, 61, 134, 135, 136, Edny 159
Amanda 135 195, 155B Edwin 181
Ambros 61
Cesar 80, 81, 88 Edy 205
Amelia 134 Elenor 167
Chance 88
Amey 120, 175 Eli 60, 122, 163
Charity 168
Amos 3, 85, 100, 168, 205 Elijah 80
Charle 57
Amy 134, 205, 206
Charles 56, 61, 96, 103, 111, Elis 122
Andrew 126, 152, 153 Elisha 155B
114, 134, 154
Ann 100, 155B
Charlotte 3 Elizabeth 159
Anna 25 Ellen 166
Cherry 65, 176
Annis 1, 30 Ellis 71, 167, 202
Chloe 24, 88
Annnis 168
Cinder 88 Elois 113
Anthony 132
Clara 45 Else 52, 80
Arch 80
Clary 37, 115, 116 Emanuel 205
Archillis 176 Eneline 200
Clem 179
Aritta 146 Esther 24, 61
Collar 61
Aron 61, 205 Esther Jane 170
Comfort 60
Ary 1 Ezekiel 61
Crease 15
Cuber 21
Cuff 15
Cynder 88
Cyrus 61

Bannen 145 Fadah 71

Barbary 80 Fanny 61, 117, 129, 171
Belinder 66 Fed 134, 142
Ben 74, 106, 117, 150, 166 Ferriby 61
Benjamin 138 Finny 66
Dan 27
Bet 76, 151 Floid 11
Daniel 25, 108, 134
Betts 27 Flora 60, 149, 159
Dave 25, 60
Betty 79, 96, 134, 175 Flore 168
David 61, 79
Big Daniel 60 Frank 66, 141
Davie 134
Big Jack 24 Fred 45
Dealer 142
Bill 88, 107, 127, 134
Delia 61
Binah 3
Dempsey 88
Bing 166
Dernes 60
Bob 80, 134 Derry 115, 167
Brett 93 Dice 89

Slave Index

Jenney 57 M

G Jenny 45, 74, 76, 111, 117

Jerry 136
Jess 73 Mack 114
Gabe 205, 206
Ganny 195 Jesse 61, 84, 129 Maramda 115
Jim 85, 149, 176, 205, 155B Margaret 106
Ganzey 100
Jim Cank 134 Maria 142
Gauqey 85
Jin 27 Mariah 171, 176
George 74, 103, 117, 119, 150,
Jin and Chi 1dren 14 Marthy 135
159, 155B
Germonmy 100 Jinney 56 Martin 71, 129, 135, 205
Gin 75, 166 Jinny 205 Mary 25, 80, 83, 103, 107, 138,
Joe 24, 87 149, 151, 195, 155B
Gloster 134
Green 168 Johmail 60 Mason 166
John 134, 150, 205 Matilda 143, 167, 168
H John Robins 157 Matthew Simpson 94
Jordan 3, 132 Mealey 165
Joseph 127 Meriby 111
Hannah 27, 60, 61, Go, 93, 100,
Juba 113 Merick 60
113, 134, 135, 151, 168, 170,
Juda 37 Merret 65
175, 176
Judah 71, 81, 86, 119, 134, 155B Merrick 173
Hardy 103, 113, 114, 150
Juday 86 Mike 65
Harriet 150, 166
Jude 73 Miles 98
Harriett 88
Julia 103, 150 Mi 11es 45
Harry 3, 88, 132
Mi 11is 3
Hary 35
Hellen 155B Mi 11y 66, 81
Mimah 134
Henry 24, 76
Mime 70
Heny 104
Mingo 88
Hetty 134, 167
Kelles 176 Mitchell 88
Hilliard 111
Moll 80
Hoi 1oway 134
Homer 163 Moranda 163
L Morris 134
Horris 150
Hugar 141 Moses 46, 56, 57, 61, 30, 88,
Laney 61 116, 141, 170
Hutt 153
Hymon 168 Laura 107 Mourning 99
Lenny 74 Mustapher 76

I Lethes 80
Lettice 61, 71, 145, 166
Inde 163 Levi 132 N
Isaac 15, 61 Lew 169
Lewis 3, 25, 76, 85, 135, 144,
J 146, 166, 167, 170, 200 Nance 151
Lid 126 Nancy 88
Little Ben 111 Nanncy 79
Jack 25, 60, 80, 88, 142, 153,
Little Daniel 60 Nanny 96
Little Jim 60 Ned 14, 142, 167
Jack Garrett 111
Lorenzo 107 Nel 79
Jacob 1, 14, 129, 135, 149,
Louisa 60, 149, 168 Nell 88
168, 160B
Louisa PiIgreen 88 Nelly 166, 155B
Jame 159
Luce 166 Newport 76
James 61, 75, 107, 113, 168
Lucinda & Child 163 Nicey 113, 205
Jeania 24
Lucy 106
Jeffrey 18
Luke 61, 66
Jem 25
Lurania 52
Jerny 205
Lyd and Child 60
Lydia 99, 146, 149

Slave Index

Richmond 106, 205 T
Riley 74, 159
Rillar 159
Old Ben 88
Rily 24 Taffy 99
Old Cato 88
Robin 155B Tam 24
Old Jim 60
Rod 56 Tamar 115
Old Shad 74
Rose 1, 61, 86, 93, 126, 134, Temp & Children 163
Orrison 141
138 Temp & Child. 163
Osker 99
Rosetta 83 Tempe 166
Oxis 74
Rowlin 113 Tenor 205
Ruth 80 Till ah 61
'filler 55, 205
Time 134
S Titus 84, 85
Tom 27, 61, 117, 126, 149, 154
Page 20
Toney 74, 80, 88
Pat 166
Sal 166 Trecey 153
Patience 66, 104, 115
Sail 126 Trecy 152
Peggy 20
Sally 171, 172 Tuck 114
Penny 25, 169
Sam 14, 27, 93, 127, 132, 136, Tup *6
Peter 18, 25, 75, 80, 99, 103,
142, 168, 200, 155A
150, 151, 159 V
Sampson 60, 61, 96
Pheribee 175
Samuel 159
Philip 171 Venue 3
Sarah 25, 74, 79, 151
Phi 1 1 157, 155BT Venus 30, 115
Scipio 104
Phillis 11, 65, 76, 111, 200, Venus Derry 115
Scott 61
155B Viles 64
Phoebe 85, 100 Selbey 80
Violet 80, 83, 119
Pi 11 is 11 Sellah 61
Voilet 159
Sharper 134
Piute 159
Sign 167 W
Pluto 60
Silby 37
Polly 60
Pott 18 Silver 66
Wallace 60
Press 27 Si 1vey 142 Washington 151
Primis 176 Silvia 60, 61 Weston 61
Primus 61, 168 Silvy 27
Wig 111
Prince 61, 74, 115, 116 Simon 14. 24, 61, 66, 84, 134,
William Ai ki n 94
Prudence 116 Willie Abel 27
Sol 1H
Willis 73, 116, 159
Solomon 45, 75, 103, 134
Winney 88
Sook 88
Q Wm. Ann Brown 88
Splhia 167
Wyriott 116
Stephen 99
Suckey 141
Quack 111
Sucky 159
Susan 75, 141
Susy 150
Sutton 27
York 21, 132, 159
Sylvester 143
Young Jack 24
Sylvia 113, 116, 137
Rachael 76 Young Shad 74
Syphas 171
Racheal 46
Syphax 134
Rany 205 Z
Rebekkah 132
Reuben 167
Reuben Ben Palmer 111
Zeek 141, 142
Rhoda 24, 57, 60, 115, 116, 176
hody 61 Library
North Ca r
GR 929.3 N8b C183b
Bk A
Camin, Betty J.
Beaufort orphans: wills and estate reco

3 3091 00067 4341


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