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Streetcar Revision Lecture

 Refer to Plastic Theatre

o Williams’ use of different dramatic techniques.
o Use of Natrualistic and expressionistic…


 He uses elements of the city to explore what are truths about New Orleans.
o Alchoholism
o Sounds of the Street Cars
o Sounds of Music
 These features become increasingly expressiontic
o E.g The music becomes increasingly expressionistic like when it is Blanche’s
mind. Varsuviana…

“Attempting to find a closer approach, a more penetrating and vivid expression of things as
they are”

In introductions- open with a piont with William’s craft and style OR genre

ASND may be a tradgity

 Unities outlined by Aristotle

o There is Unity of place in Streetcar.
 Unity of time – The whole events have to happen in 24 hours, this doesn’t happen in
the play. Williams conforms to some aspects of tradgedy but not all.
 If you use terminology relating to tradgedy explain WHY
o Eg say “Williams is using conventions of tradgedy/ manipulating aspects of
the genre of trdgedy”
o Show that you understand it isn’t really a tradgdy.

ASND is a Gothic play

 Blanche is the ‘returning past’ aspect of the play.

 Blanche is an outsider- incourgrous.
o Dresses and behaves out of step from the city.
 Mix of familiar and unfamiliar
o Blanche is ‘familiar’ bc she is a southern belle.
o But yet ‘unfamiliar’ bc she is an invade and rocks the boat. Stella surfurs
uncertanty and Stanly is disturbed by her.
 Discriptions of Bell Reeve
o Very Gothic
o Death of relations

Southern Gothic

 Why??? Williams wants to express unease at what is happening in post WWII

o Post WWII its obvious that America will dominate global affairs. He rejecte
the idea that people were celebrating this

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