Volatility Spillover Effect in

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Volatility Spillover Effect in

23(4) 374–396, 2019
© 2019 MDI
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DOI: 10.1177/0972262919850916

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Generalized Impulse Response Function

Bhabani Sankar Rout1

Nupur Moni Das2
K. Chandrasekhara Rao1

The present work is specifically directed to examine the volatility spillover mechanism in Indian commodity derivatives market. It has
especially focused on comparing the agricultural and metal commodity segment by considering five agri-commodities and five metal
commodities. The study period taken is 2010–2015 for understanding the mechanism between the spot and the futures commod-
ity markets. Generalized impulse response function is mainly used to check the magnitude of volatility spill, pattern of volatility and
lead–lag relationship. The result shows metal commodities are more prominent and investment worthy than agricultural commodities.

Key Words
Volatility Pattern, Lead–Lag Relationship, Influential Direction, Generalized Impulse Response Function, Volatility Spillover

Introduction against the unexpected price movements in cash prices

(Gupta, Choudhary, & Agarwal, 2017). Futures are most
Commodity derivatives market has been receiving momen-
used derivatives instruments in Commodities Derivatives
tum as a separate asset class for investment over the globe.
segment. As defined by (Mahalik, 2014), a future contract
It has also been considered as diversification mechanism
by various investors. However, Indian commodity deriva- is an agreement to deliver a specified quantity of commo-
tives market is still at a nascent stage although it came into dity at a specified future date, at a price (the futures price) to
existence as early in 1875. As per Kapil and Kapil (2010), be paid at the time of delivery. As the prices of future sale
India shares 7 per cent of the global commodity derivatives can be predetermined in advance, it operates as a price risk
market and further stated that Indian commodity market is management tool for volatile prices of commodities in cash
still under development as compared to Chicago Board of market. Malhotra (2015) established that co-movement
Trade and other developed global commodity market. of futures and cash market prices partially or wholly offset
Kumar and Sunil (2004) had too supported this argument the adverse price movements in physical market by gains
by specifically mentioning the agricultural commodities’ in the futures market. Another major utility of futures
futures as immature and inefficient. Derivatives are spe- market is price discovery. Price discovery in futures market
cialized hedging instruments that allow the traders to hedge is defined as the use of futures prices to determine the

The study may be useful for investors for decision-making purpose. The summarized results are directed towards investment in metal commodities.
Though agricultural commodities have mixed pattern of volatility in long-run, the fluctuations are amounts to be more in spot return due to its own
shock. Therefore, the investments futures market in agricultural commodities are not up to the mark, while, metal commodities are somehow safer
investment avenues.
1 Department of Banking Technology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.
2 Department of Commerce, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, India.

Corresponding author:
Bhabani Sankar Rout, Department of Banking Technology, Pondicherry University, Bharat Ratna Dr B. R. Ambedkar Administrative Building, R. V.
Nagar, Kalapet, Puducherry 605014, India.
E-mail: bsrout3@gmail.com
Rout et al. 375

prospect of future cash market price (Yang & Leothan, The remainder of the article is divided into five Sections.
2001). Singh and Singh (2015) held the view that predic- Section ‘Literature Review’ amassed extensive literature
tion of price through futures market provides necessary related to derivatives in general and commodity derivatives
indicators to producers and consumers about the likely in particular. Research methodology used for the work is
future spot prices and demand–supply condition. summarized in Section ‘Data Surfing and Methodology’.
However, the flow of information depends on various The interpretation of results is shown in Section ‘Inter-
factors such as trading platform, the nature and content of pretation of Results’ and the last section concludes.
information flow, volatility, market size, trade volume,
transparency, technology use, and the like (De Boyrie,
Pavlova, & Parhizgari, 2012). Edward and Rao (2013) also Literature Review
stated that nascent stage of futures market may lead to Volatility is a familiar phenomenon in any kind of business.
persistence of volatility in prices of commodities. Thus, in It is considered as a risk factor in financial markets. Volatility
spite of the benefits endowed by the commodity derivatives is defined by Maitra and Dey (2011) as ‘a measure of how
to the traders, it brings in challenges along with. A section far the current prices of an asset deviates from its average
of researchers and regulators claims futures trading past prices’. It is also a common characteristic of commodity
destabilize the spot market that accordingly increases spot markets. It experiences oscillation in the prices of pro-
price volatility. As both spot and futures markets are ducts due to various reasons such as demand-supply gap,
interconnected, apart from price discovery, it is apparent seasonality, and the like; commodity derivatives market is
that if there is volatility in one market, it will transmit to believed to be a saviour to the traders that provides a
the other market too. However, such destabilization of cash mechanism for the price risk management. The commodity
prices due to futures trading is supposed to be prevailing futures market comprises of three different groups, namely,
in agricultural commodities market compared to other commercial consumers, commercial producers and spec-
commodities. Robles, Torero, and Von Barun (2009) stated ulators. The number of producers and consumers are not in
that speculation drives agricultural prices. Edward and Rao equilibrium and thereby there is always a risk of price varia-
(2013) added that farmers are not highly benefitted through tions on part of both the groups. As more stakeholders
existence of futures market. In order to monitor the price require the price risk management and the participants take
movements of several agricultural and essential commo- short-term positions by entering and exiting the market
dities, futures trading were completely banned in 1996 repeatedly, it causes excess volatility (Saranya, 2015).
(Srinivasan, 2011). The financial sector reforms and many Now, in a world of interconnectedness, any new informa-
other factors led the regulators to reinitiated futures trading tion, change or impulse in any unit does not take much time
in some commodities gradually. However, ban was re- to spread to other units. Therefore, any good or bad news in
imposed in some commodities during 2007–2009 due to a unit impacts not only the particular units, but also other
the fear of inflationary pressure (Sendhil, Kar, Mathur, & units too, which are interlinked to each other. This rela-
Jha, 2013). tionship is applicable also in case of commodity derivatives.
Faster growth of commodity derivatives and instances In other words, there is a greater chance of volatility
of price stability in cash market has created considerable spillover between the spot and futures market due to its
interest among researchers to examine the mechanism of interdependence. Sahoo and Kumar (2009) argue that
volatility spillover in Indian commodity derivatives market. futures markets drives up prices as speculators use liquid
Volatility spillover is the process of risk transmission from market to manipulate prices, which works against the
one market to another or one asset to another. Panda and interest of growers and consumers. Volatility spillover
Deo (2014) hold that the volatility spillover across the occurs when changes in price volatility in one market
markets are needed to be studied for explaining the produce a lagged impact on volatility in other markets,
efficiency of the market, determinining the persistence and over and above local effects (Singh, Kumar, & Deepak,
magnitude of the innovation in the financial market over 2015). Edward and Rao (2013) add that the existence of
time and to know how markets are interrelated to develop volatility spillover between two markets suggests important
effective hedging strategies. The other objectives of effect of volatility of returns in one market on the volatility
modelling volatility is to provide good forecasts of it that of returns in the other market. Hoang (2001) explains the
can then be used for a variety of purposes including port- usefulness of studying volatility spillover and said that it
folio allocation, evaluation of portfolio, option pricing, explains about how one large shock increases the volatility
performance measurement, financing decisions, and the not only in its own asset or market but also in other assets
like (Karmakar, 2009). or market as well. Further, according to Panda and Deo
On this backdrop, we intend to investigate the direction (2014), the information about the transformation of
and magnitude of volatility spillover in Indian commodity volatility from one market to another is a part of market
derivatives market. Moreover, one more important empha- efficiency. King and Wadhwani (1990) while providing
sis of the work is to compare the agricultural and metal reasons for volatility spillover expressed in a less than fully
commodity derivatives markets. informative equilibrium, investors and security traders act
376 Vision 23(4)

in response straight to publicly available information that Lag (ARDL) and VAR are used for estimation. The study
is not available in their local markets and thus information found that, the Malayan stock market and other partner
shocks in one market may have an impact on the pricing exchanges are integrated. A strong relation among the
and volatility of other markets. partner countries matter a lot for such integration.
A wide gamut of literature is available on volatility Meanwhile, trading also to some extent helps in such
spillover with respect to commodities futures market. exchange integration. Kim, Lee, and Kim (2010) have
Srinivasan (2011) tested the direction of volatility spillovers focused on the relationship between the financial crisis of
in Indian spot—future commodity market and established Korean construction firms and macroeconomic fluctuation.
that there is volatility spill from spot to futures commodity The study has employed VECM, IRF and variance decom-
market. Saranya (2015) also found the direction from spot to position. The study found that, the current ratio is highly
futures for the majority of the commodities. He further stated influencing, interest is found to be significant against debt
that volatility has found to be gradually declining. On the ratio and fund raising is focused on highly capable financial
other hand, Sendhil et al. (2013) analysed the Indian agri- intermediaries. Babatunde, Adenikinju, and Adenikinju
cultural commodity derivatives in terms of volatility and the (2013) had investigated the interactive relationship betw-
results reflected existence of volatility in spot market due to een the oil price shocks and the Nigeria stock market. The
futures. Besides, Edward and Rao (2013) did scrutiny of author has applied multivariate vector auto-regression that
volatility spillover using only one commodity, which helped in estimating generalized IRF and forecast variance
illustrated uni-directional causality from futures markets to decomposition error. They found that there is an insignifi-
the spot market. Kumar and Shollapur (2015) assessed cant positive shock by the stock market to oil price shock
volatility spillover between spot and futures prices in agri- but revert to negative shock after a period of time. The
cultural futures market and found spillover from futures to results are also identical of other variables. The work of
spot in the short run for most of the commodities. Kholdy and Sohrabian (2014) have focused to compare
While going through the existing literature on volatility and contrast the effect and individual sentiment of US
stocks during boom period, that is, 1990 and boom bust
spillover, researchers have mainly used cointegration,
period 2000. The study has used VAR, IRF to capture the
causality test, VECM and GARCH models to model
behaviour of stock against the innovative sentiments. The
volatility (Gregory & Michael, 1996; Kumar & Shollapur,
results reflected that the sentiments of individual investors
2015). Koutmos and Tucker (1996) also employed ECM-
are affected when there is a prolonged upward trend in the
EGARC to study volatility spillover between spot and
stock prices. But the sentiments of institutional investors
futures prices of S&P 500. Maitra and Dey (2011) used
affect the stock returns, when market is volatile. Vardhan,
GARCH, EGARCH, CGRACH, MGARCH to study spill- Sinha, and Vij (2015) investigated the usage of sectorial
over. Srinivasan (2011) has also used Bivariate EGARCH in indices where we can avail and pinpoint the strategy on
studying volatility spillover. Edward and Rao (2013), sectorial investment. They also investigated the short-run
Sendhil et al. (2013), Saranya (2015) and Mitra (2017) have and long-run relationship between eight identified sector
employed GARCH to model volatility spillover in their indices with the employment of VECM, generalized
works. Panda and Deo (2014) studied Indian equity and impulse response function (GIRF) and variance decom-
foreign exchange market spillover with the help of GARCH position. The long-run relationship is being captured by
and EGARCH. GARCH-M is used by Grieb (2015) while VECM. Further, the banking sector is found to be playing
examining spillover for commodity futures. predetermined and integrating role in moving other indices.
A few number of researcher’s have estimated and ass- Nasir, Ahmad, Ahmad, and Wu (2015) emphasized different
essed volatility spillover using impulse response function issues of financial stability with reference to economic
(IRF). Krishnamurti, Sevic, and Sevic (2005) had inves- growth and price stability with the help of VECM and IRF
tigated the validity of regression model when high correlation with sample range from 1985 (Q1) to 2008 (Q2). The results
exists in between independent variable and present the showed a strong cointegration between financial and
application of vector auto regression (VAR) as alternative economic stability even in a non-crisis regime.
techniques. The article has sampled the Dow Jones and S&P Review of the existing studies has provided us fascina-
500 stocks. The IRF provides positive responses to the ting latent magnitudes for research. The previous section
innovation, especially, a positive impact to the Dow Jones provides us with bizarre reports of past studies. We have
and S&P volatility. The granger causality also provides found germane research fissure for tracking down further
information that, the Dow Jones has comparatively larger study. The key research gap is found to be the comparative
average, volume and price levels than S&P sample. Abdul study between agriculture and metal. Though the select
Karim and Shabri Abd (2010) have re-examined the stock elements are vibrant and dissimilar in their properties and
market integration and short-run interaction between functionalities, they can be a virtuous competitor for each
the Malaysian stock market and its major trading partner other. The second gap is about the methodological facet.
exchanges, that is, USA, Japan, Singapore, Thailand and The study has employed the GIRF for understanding the
China. Weekly stock indices from January 1992 to May 2008 lead–lag relationship and pattern of volatility that has been
are considered for analysis. Auto Regressive Distributed used only by a few researchers to model volatility spillover.
Rout et al. 377

After having an upright aggregate of literature and We can represent Equation (1) as:
research gap, we are now down the track to frame objectives
for the existing study. The first and foremost focus of the     Ft - a - bS t = f t(2)
study is to identify the volatility pattern of agricultural and
metal commodities. Second, to explore the lead and lag where Ft and St are the futures returns and spot returns
relationship between spot and futures market of both of select commodities at time t. The a and b coefficients
agricultural and metal commodities towards equilibrium are treated as intercept and slope, respectively. The ‘White
and last but not the least, to explore the volatility spillover Noise Term’ is estimated with f t. The lagged values of first
among the commodities from one market (asset) to another difference and last lag’s equilibrium error with intercept
market (asset). term complete the ECM process. The lagged values of first
difference explain the short-run equilibrium, that is, fluc-
tuation in current period prices due to previous period’s
Data Surfing and Methodology price change. So it is important and justifiable to estimate
The further down cited section will provide us an easy statistical significance and magnitude of co-efficient of
about the data surfing and embark on methodology for this lagged value and equilibrium error. So ECM can be
study. represented as:
DFt = d f + a f f t - 1 + b f DFt - 1 + c f DS t - 1 + f f, t(3)
Data Employed
The study has focused on individual market’s risk pheno- DS t = d s + a s f t - 1 + b s DS t - 1 + cs DFt - 1 + f s, t(4)
menon and shock buffer towards entire derivatives market.
The study has gathered data from National Commodities where the speed of adjustment of one variable over
and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) and Multi Com- other variable is described by intercept coefficients, af and
modity Exchange (MCX) database from January 2010 to as with a view that at least one coefficient must not be zero.
December 2015 and the data are pigeonholed ‘Near Months’ The equilibrium error, which is a significant part of ECM,
contracts. The focused commodities are chana, chili, jeera, is described by f t - 1.
soyabean and turmeric. The study has confirmed the assort- It is observed that, estimated coefficient from VAR
ment of above commodities after brushing up the endur- models are inadequate in estimating standard errors due to
ance in trading cycle. In derivatives market, the two diverse insignificant statistical values. In such circumstances, the
prices (spot price and futures price) are compared in order impulse response runction (IRF) and variance decom-
to dissect the performance (risk and return) of the underly- position of forecasting error (VDFE) are used to explain
ing asset or contract. The spot and futures prices of select the dynamic effects of shocks to the exogenous variable. In
commodities are extracted from MCX and NCDEX and this study, we observe the pattern of volatility and respons-
the data are used in further analysis after standardization iveness of futures market or asset class to the individual
of sport and futures price. The daily returns are estimated shock generated by each market or asset class, that is, spot
and used for further analysis. The GIRF is formed after and futures. IRF signifies the one unit shock to one of
certain basic analytical criteria, that is, normality test, the innovation on existing and future exogenous variable. The
serial correlation test and optimal lag selection. variance decomposition of forecasting error separates the
variation in an endogenous variable into the component
shocks to the VAR system, while IRF traces the effects of
one unit shock to exogenous variables in the VAR system.
The study focused the VAR for forecasting the market Therefore, the VDFE provides information about the
behaviour. The time we understand, the markets are cointe- relative importance of the innovation in affecting the
grated in long run and have at least cointegrating equation, variables in VAR (Babatunde et al., 2013).
we will allow error correction model (ECM) for estimating The IRF is typically biased by certain ordering of
the speed of adjustment and correction of risk (both futures variables on the main stream. The ordering of variables
and spot) towards equilibrium. The unrestricted VAR, that may change the desired functions and autonomy of the
is, ECM is more vibrant than restricted VAR in forecasting concerned variables. The ordering basically known as
scenario and the performance of ECM and orthogonalised ‘Cholesky ordering’, the orthogonal decomposition of the
IRF are similar. In a VAR system, the endogenous vari- reduced form of innovation is dysfunctional and the
ables are treated as the function of the lagged values of Cholesky decomposition are unaffected by the ordering of
entire exogenous variables in the system. By observing the variables in GIRF (Pesaran & Shin, 1998). The responses
VAR model, we have our basic equation as: are distinctive and comprehensive responses of historical
patterns of correlation that are observed in different isolated
    Ft = a + bS t + f t(1) shocks.
378 Vision 23(4)

p dimensional time and series gt

So now the VAR for 6 Similarly, if we can write the equation for GIRF, the
will be like: equation will be like:

  g t = {D t + | i = 1 pg t - 1 + f t(5)

t = 1,… . .,T,
where the jth column is given by YL g (h, v jj , L t - 1).
where gt is covariance stationary, integrated of order d, 1
which is possibly cointegrated. The Dt is a vector with a The diagonal matrix of ~ will be like, } = ~ 2 = R -1.
deterministic variables and last but not least, ft is assumed So now we are about to determine the asymptotic
to be zero mean and positive covariance matrix ~. The covariance matrix for estimating Zh} and in the same time,
equation for h-steps forecast error for gt will be: we are also undergone some assumptions, such as:

g t + h - Q [g t + h | L t] = | j = 0 Z j f t + h - j,(6)
1. The cointegration rank restriction is observed in
VAR model, so Ø does not include cointegration
where the 6 p #6 p are the matrices and Zj is given by vector.
Z 0 = L 6p and Lt is described as an set of past information 2. Ø only includes the parameters on stationary trans-
from the period gs and includes the period t and the entire formation of g.
time path Dt. 3. Zh is depending upon ᾱ dimensional vector, that is,
Qet ar .
   Z j = | i = 1 p i Z j - i j $ 1(7)
min k, j
4. Zh is differentiable with respect to Ø.
5. Ø includes the elements of pi and do not includes
Now, the Zj matrices can be resolute from pi matrices any elements of ℵ or ~.
and further the equation can be formed in GIRF at a 6. In a VAR model, the gt is cointegrated with an order
significant way, which is first derived by Koop et al. in (1, 1), it denotes that, Ø includes all the lagged first
1996. difference parameters of gt.
7. In 0 1 r 1 6 p , the cointegration relation will be
YL g (h, d, L t - 1) = Q [g t + h | f t = d, L t - 1]
   (8) ₰gt–1.
= Q [g t + h | L t - 1,] 8. The estimator Ø can be denoted by ʘ, based on a
sample of R observations.
     YL g (h, d, L t - 1) = Z h d(9)
YL g (h, d, L t - 1) = Q [g t + h | f jt = d j, L t - 1]    R (9 - Q) t ar (0, R Q)(15)
= Q [g t + h | L t - 1,]
where t ar is an ar dimensional Gaussian distribution, d
where d is a vector and it is the measure for time profile will be the convergence to the main distribution and R Q
of any GIRF. The fjt = dj is an alternative to innovative will be the positive semi-definite. The vech is a column
element of ft. Now, let ft is a Gaussian and the standard loading element who only takes the upper side and below
deviation is dj = v jj . side values in the diagonal.
1 Let v = vech(~); and the estimator v can be denoted
  Q [f t | f jt = v jj ] = ~u j v -jj 2 (11) as ή;

where uj is the jth column of L 6p , R (hl - v)

t 6p (6p + 1) (0, R Q)(16)
YL g (h, v jj , L t - 1) = Z h ~u j v -jj 2 (12)
The Q and hl , which are asymptotical and these are free
Now, if we formed a matrix by taking responses in gt+h from all restrictions. Now, we can rewrite the equation by
p #6
from one standard deviation shock to fjt, then the 6 p, adding ⧬ and D 6p , which is Kronecker Product and
matrix will be: Duplication matrix, respectively (Magnus & Neudecker,
1998). D ~6p = and Dl6p is the Moore Penrose inverse of
D 6p (Babatunde et al., 2013).

Now, we can replace the Equation (10), the estimator ϐ,

is denoted by λ, and rewrite as:
Rout et al. 379

(18)    (26)

where Now, we can rewrite the VAR model as:

Dg t = "D t + | i = 1 1 i Dg t - 1 + /Ol g t - 1 + f t(27)


where Q = vec (1 1, f, 1 k - 1 / and according to
Johansen (1996), / & Ο are full matrices of
p # r(0 1 r 1 6
6 p ), now the new equation will be:
Now, the matrix form of partial derivative, that is,
will be:    Z = O y (/ly 1O y) -1 /ly(28)
By applying 1 = L ∏p - | i = 1 1 i, the new equation will
dvecR 1
     = - x 6p R 3 xl6p (20) be:
d~ l 2

p 2 #6
where x 6p = = 6 p 0 - 1 and the matrix will be:         (29)


The asymptotic distribution of Z} can easily observed

     (21) from the Equation (30) and such distributions are for the
ML estimator of Z (Paruolo, 1997) and the long-run GIRF
for the associating convergence will be zero and its fully
depends upon the long-run impact matrix Z which converge
to finite matrix.
Now, the differential of dvec} will be:
Let, ϐ = Z}; and estimator ϐ = m and the previous
Equations (18) and (19) will be:
   (22) (31)

We know, dvec~ = D 6p dv

(23) (32)

If r is a cointegrating vector and gt is a cointegration

p # r full rank matrix denoted by O. Now, the matrix form of partial derivative shown in
order (1, 1), then the 6
Here we can dram GIRF for the cointegration relation with dvec}
Equation (20), that is, will be,
an estimator of O denoted by, Ȏ dvl

| - O) v
    R (O 0(24)     (33)

According to Johansen (1996), the ML estimator, that where     matrix and the new
is, O, satisfies all the required assumptions and "v typically
provides the convergence in probability. matrix will be:
Let, the cointegrating relation may be described as,
mt = O'gt, then the GIRF of mt+h for one standard deviation
shock to ft will be:  (34)

On the ground of notorious structural shock, and ~ is
Now, by adding O'ϐh to the Equation (18), the new diagonal, the generalized IRF is similar as structural VAR
equation will be: and dissimilar in other circumstances.
380 Vision 23(4)

Now, we will restructure the ECM equation with GIRF, transmission in the long run so that the results of
the Equations (3) and (4) will be: Johansen’s cointegration test provides at least one cointe-
grating equation exists between two variables, that is,
   Ft = O 0 + | i = 1 O i S t - 1 + f t(35) spot price and futures price. The results of Johansen’s

cointegration test further allow us to perform ECM

   Ft = / 0 + | i = 1 / i S t - 1 + f t(36) (restricted VAR) in lieu of ascertaining the lead–lag rela-

tionship and pattern of volatility by using GIRF.


   S t = O 0 + | i = 1 O i Ft - 1 + f t(35) Influential Direction


The influential direction is otherwise called as cause-and-

   S t = / 0 + | i = 1 / i Ft - 1 + f t(36)
effect relationship. This is an unambiguous measure that
limits the direction of information from one asset to another
where i = 1,… …, 1 or i = 1,… …,U. The 1 and U are asset. The measure of influential direction is directed by
the lag order that are determined by optimal lag selection Granger causality test. Moreover, this test provides us
criteria based on AIC and SIC. influential landmark by one variable to other and
correspondingly, the direction of influence. Now, the
Interpretation of Results estimation for causality portrayed in Table A3 shows the
commodities such as chana, jeera, soybean, aluminium,
The following are the interpretations of the analysis carried lead, nickel and zinc are bidirectional, that is, the impact is
out in the previous section. The study behaves as a slave of two-sided, either spot influence futures or futures influences
the analytical outcomes. spot and commodities such as chili, turmeric and copper
are unidirectional, that is, either of the two variable impact
Stationarity of Data to other variables. The statistics are crucial for estimating
the variable status for further analysis.
The stationarity of data is imperative before certain
technical analysis. The stationarity justifies the randomness
of data points over the research period. In other words, the Pattern of Volatility
stationarity also provides information on the distribution of The GIRF technique is applied in order to visualize the
the data on the normal curve. Greater the stationarity of pattern of volatility. The patterns are essential in order to
data set, lower will be the risk. The variables that contain capture the movement of the volatility trend. Table A4
unit root become stationary after differencing it (Greene, clarifies the periodical responses of one standard deviation
2012). Table A1 presents the most common practice shock to the error term of select agricultural and metal
recommended by Engle and Granger (1987), that is, ADF commodities and if we look at Figure A1 (Agriculture) and
test of a unit root. Table A1 provides detailed statistics of Figure A2 (Metal), we can straightforwardly envisage the
stationarity and we can simply comprehend that both the trend of responses occurred by different exogenous shock
agricultural and metal commodities are found stationary at in different period. The below mentioned section discusses
first difference. Stationarity is also a prerequisite for ana- the pattern of volatility of both agricultural and metal
lysing the cointegration between two asset class or market commodities in detailed manner.
(Johansen, 1996; Johansen & Juselius, 1990).
Agricultural Commodities

Cointegration Test In Table 1, the select agricultural commodities for the study
have shown a radical pattern of volatility over five year’s
The variables are now being a feature of non-stationary horizon. The results of generalized IRF are more obvious
at level and stationary at first difference. According to and practical in nature for hedging decision-making
Johansen (1996), the long-run association must be cap- purpose. When one standard deviation shock is applied to
tured with the raw data subject to, the variables must various commodities, their responses are vibrant enough to
stationary at first difference. The association between two provide the pattern of fluctuation from the day one.
diverse asset class or market provides us the information The study has isolated the time prospect into two different
flow therein (Sehgal, Ahmad, & Deisting, 2011). The null fragments, that is, the first part is short run, which includes
hypothesis for r = 0 states that no cointegration equation the periods up to three days, and second part is long run,
exists in between the variable and for r = 1, there exists at which includes the periods from fourth to nine days. When
least one cointegration equation, which furthermore leads one standard deviation shock is given to the spot return of
to gage the restricted VAR model. Table A2 explains commodity chana, both spot return and futures return
the statistical analysis for the association between two are continuously down trending in short run and the trend
diverse asset class or markets. We can envisage both agri- takes a pick and remains constant in long run. Similarly, we
cultural and metal commodities have an informational have observed the exact pattern of volatility, when we have
Rout et al. 381

Table 1. Volatility Pattern of Agricultural Commodities

Responses of SR Responses of FR
Commodities Short Run Long Run Short Run Long Run Result
Chana SR . ­-– . ­-– . &­-–
FR . ­-– . ­-–
Chili SR .- .– .- – .- & –
FR .- .– .-­ –
Jeera SR . .- . .-­ . & .-
FR . .- . .-
Soyabean SR . .-­ . .-­ . & .-­
FR . .- . .-
Turmeric SR . .- . -– . & -–
FR . .- . -–
. = Downside; - = upside; .-­= instabe or fluctuate; – = constant
Source: The above pattern is structured from estimated results of GIRF (Table A4).

Table 2. Volatility Pattern of Metal Commodities

Responses of SR Responses of FR
Commodities Short Run Long Run Short Run Long Run Result
Aluminium SR .- . .- . .-­& .
FR .- . .- .
Copper SR .- . - . .- & .
FR .- . . .
Lead SR .- . -­ . .-­& .
FR .- . .- .
Nickel SR .- . -­ . .-­& .
FR .- . . .
Zinc SR .- .- .- .- .- & .-
FR .- .- .- .-
. = downside; - = upside; .-­= instabe or fluctuate; – = constant
Source: The above pattern is structured from estimated results of GIRF (Table A4).

employed one standard deviation shock to futures return. with agricultural commodities. In Table 2, the metals are
In Table 1, chili provides a fluctuate pattern of volatility likely to be more consistent in the array of return than
of both spot and futures return in the short-run period, agricultural commodities. The select commodities such as
when we have given shock to both spot and futures return aluminium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc has instable res-
and in the long-run period, the volatility pattern is ini- ponses in short run and down trend responses in long run
tially downwards and remains constant afterwards in spot while one standard deviation impulse generated in spot
return innovation or shock and constant in futures return return. But when, shock is employed to futures return,
innovation. mixed responses have been captured in metal commodities.
The commodities such as jeera, soyabean and turmeric, In short run, the commodities such as aluminium and zinc
the pattern of volatility for short run and long run is down have instable pattern of volatility, where as in copper and
trending, once shock is given to both spot return and futures nickel, the sport return goes upward and futures return
return, but the trend becomes instable in long run for both drives towards down. Lead has assorted result in short run,
spot and futures return, while the impulse is generated in the spot return goes upward, however, the futures return
futures return. has uneven pattern of volatility. But the scenario is
consistent in all the select commodities except zinc for
Metal Commodities long-run pattern of volatility, that is, in both spot return and
The study in the other hand has focused the metal com- futures return innovation, there is a downward trend of
modities for measuring and comparing the volatility trend both spot and futures return in long run. But zinc provides
382 Vision 23(4)

a mixed flavour of up and downward trend in long run for return tends to be lower than spot return. So in the above
both spot and futures return (Figure A1). context, the movement to spot is wilder than futures or we
can say the futures return is lagging behind spot return.
Lead Lag Relationship and Volatility Spillover
Table 4 explains the transmission of information from
Table 3 transmits the information into more logical one market (asset) to other market (asset). At this juncture,
approach. The select agricultural commodities are found to we can guesstimate the magnitude of spillover of select
be spot trended. Though there is a spillover effect is gotten metal commodities. Though it is observed that there is a
in both the way, that is, spot to futures and futures to spot, bidirectional volatility spillover effect, the information
the magnitude of volatility spillover is tilted towards flow is headed for spot to futures direction. Consistently, if
futures to spot and the direction is headed for spot. Over we observe, when one standard deviation shock is applied
again, if we focused in Table 3, we can understand, when to futures return, fluctuation shows more in futures return
the shock is applied futures return, spot shows a higher compare to spot return. In the select metal commodities,
fluctuation then futures, but in case of spot, the futures the futures is leading while, spot lagging behind it.

Table 3. Quantum of Variable Responses to Generalized One Conclusion

SD Shock Agricultural Commodities
The study has applied GIRF as a tool for measuring the
Responses pattern of volatility, volatility spillover and lead–lag rela-
One SD Futures Spot Magnitude tionship. The method is found effective; hence, it carried out
Commodities Shock to Return Return of Spillover an evocative inference from the study. The study debates
Chana Futures return Low High Futures to about pattern of volatility and found spot and futures return
Spot return Low High spot of select agricultural commodities are down trended in the
Chili Futures return Low High Futures to short run and instable in long run when generalized one
Spot return Low High spot standard deviation shock is applied to both spot and futures
Jeera Futures return Low High Futures to return; but such scenario is opposite in metal commodities,
Spot return Low High spot the metals are found to be more unstable in the short run
Soyabean Futures return Low High Futures to and remains down trended in long run, when generalized
Spot return Low High spot
one standard deviation shock is applied. As we have wit-
Turmeric Futures return Low High Futures to
Spot return Low High spot nessed the bidirectional volatility spillover in both metal and
agricultural commodities, but the magnitude of volatility
Source: Structured from estimated results of GIRF (Table A4).
transmission is headed for futures to spot in agricultural and
spot to futures in metal commodities. The discovery of price
Table 4. Quantum of Variable Responses to Generalized One and risk mitigation through hedging practices are effective
SD Shock Metal Commodities in case of futures leading situation, but the study shows that
the futures market is fruitless in case of agricultural com-
Generalized Responses modities. Again, in agricultural commodities, the spot return
One SD Futures Spot Magnitude is found to be more unstable due to its own shock but in
Commodities Shock to Return Return of Spillover metal commodities, the futures return shows instability due
Aluminium Futures return High Low Spot to to its own shock in the market.
Spot return High Low futures
Copper Futures return High Low Spot to Declaration of Conflicting Interests
Spot return High Low futures
Lead Futures return High Low Spot to The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
Spot return High Low futures to the research, authorship and/or publication of this article.
Nickel Futures return High Low Spot to
Spot return High Low futures Funding
Zinc Futures return Low High Spot to
The authors received no financial support for the research,
Spot return Low High futures
authorship and/or publication of this article.
Source: Structured from estimated results of GIRF (Table A4).
Rout et al. 383

Table A1. ADF Unit Root Test

Spot Price Futures Price

Agriculture Level First Difference Level First Difference

Commodities T-stats Prob* T-stats Prob* T-stats Prob* T-stats Prob*
Chana –0.871 0.798 –36.095 0.000 –0.885 0.793 –37.750 0.000
Chili –0.125 0.945 –23.326 0.000 –0.705 0.843 –28.295 0.000
Jeera –1.937 0.316 –17.825 0.000 –2.729 0.069 –37.268 0.000
Soyabean –1.333 0.616 –29.715 0.000 –1.556 0.505 –35.238 0.000
Turmeric –1.373 0.597 –25.893 0.000 –1.476 0.546 –29.159 0.000

Metal Level First Difference Level First Difference

Commodities T-stats Prob* T-stats Prob* T-stats Prob* T-stats Prob*
Aluminium –3.521 0.008 –43.906 0.000 –3.321 0.014 –43.927 0.000
Cupper –2.242 0.192 –25.999 0.000 –2.033 0.273 –25.753 0.000
Lead –2.766 0.063 –42.891 0.000 –2.658 0.082 –41.114 0.000
Nickel –1.710 0.426 –41.050 0.000 –1.527 0.520 –39.016 0.000
Zinc –2.297 0.173 –44.054 0.000 –2.155 0.223 –42.093 0.000
Source: The authors.

Table A2. Cointegration Test

Johansen’s Cointegration Test

Agricultural No. of Cointegrating 0.5

Commodities Equations Max Eigen Statistic Trace Statistic Critical Value Prob. **
Chana r=0 58.943 59.663 15.495 0.000*
r#0 0.720 0.720 3.841 0.396
Chili r=0 22.011 22.061 15.495 0.000*
r#0 0.050 0.050 3.841 0.824
Jeera r=0 148.321 152.929 15.495 0.000*
r#0 4.608 4.608 3.841 0.032
Soyabean r=0 153.137 155.128 15.495 0.000*
r#0 1.990 1.990 3.841 0.158
Turmeric r=0 43.222 45.441 15.495 0.000*
r#0 2.219 2.219 3.841 0.136
No. of Cointegrating 0.5
Metal Commodities Equations Max Eigen Statistic Trace Statistic Critical Value Prob. **
Aluminium r=0 291.693 302.353 15.495 0.000*
r#0 10.661 10.661 3.841 0.131
Copper r=0 207.412 212.461 15.495 0.000*
r#0 5.049 5.049 3.841 0.025
Lead r=0 359.592 367.097 15.495 0.000*
r#0 7.505 7.505 3.841 0.006
Nickel r=0 412.390 414.833 15.495 0.000*
r#0 2.443 2.443 3.841 0.118
Zinc r=0 407.419 412.103 15.495 0.000*
r#0 4.684 4.684 3.841 0.030
Source: The authors.
Notes: Max-eigenvalue test indicates two cointegrating equations at the 0.05 level. * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level.
**MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values.
384 Vision 23(4)

Table A3. Granger Causality Test

Commodities Null Hypotheses F-Statistic Probability Decision
Chana Ft price does not Granger-Cause St price 201.310 0.000 Bi-directional
St price does not Granger-Cause Ft price 13.649 0.000
Chili Ft price does not Granger-Cause St price 2.885 0.056 Uni-directional
St price does not Granger-Cause Ft price 4.919 0.008
Jeera Ft price does not Granger-Cause St price 135.433 0.000 Bi-directional
St price does not Granger-Cause Ft price 4.815 0.008
Soyabean Ft price does not Granger-Cause St price 71.296 0.000 Bi-directional
St price does not Granger-Cause Ft price 12.277 0.000
Turmeric Ft price does not Granger-Cause St price 21.192 0.000 Uni-directional
St price does not Granger-Cause Ft price 0.531 0.588
Commodities Null Hypotheses F-Statistic Prob. Decision
Aluminium Ft price does not Granger-Cause St price 383.571 0.000 Bi-directional
St price does not Granger-Cause Ft price 9.243 0.000
Copper Ft price does not Granger-Cause St price 306.764 0.000 Uni-directional
St price does not Granger-Cause Ft price 0.201 0.818
Lead Ft price does not Granger-Cause St price 534.130 0.000 Bi-directional
St price does not Granger-Cause Ft price 3.302 0.037
Nickel Ft price does not Granger-Cause St price 492.559 0.000 Bi-directional
St price does not Granger-Cause Ft price 4.741 0.009
Zinc Ft price does not Granger-Cause St price 385.390 0.000 Bi-directional
St price does not Granger-Cause Ft price 4.934 0.007
Source: The authors.
Note: ‘Ft’ denotes futures price and ‘St’ denotes spot price.

Table A4. Generalized Impulse Response Function

Agricultural Commodities
Period 1 Period 4 Period 10
Response of FR Response of SR Response of FR Response of SR Response of FR Response of SR
Futures Spot Futures Spot Futures Spot Futures Spot Futures Spot Futures Spot
Commodities Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return
Chana 0.0193 0.0146 0.0110 0.0146 0.0091 0.0090 0.0088 0.0093 0.0099 0.0100 0.0098 0.0100
Chili 0.0347 0.0231 0.0136 0.0166 0.0065 0.0084 0.0070 0.0108 0.0053 0.0078 0.0066 0.0096
Jeera 0.0174 0.0115 0.0052 0.0079 0.0020 0.0025 0.0016 0.0020 0.0020 0.0024 0.0017 0.0021
Soyabean 0.0195 0.0155 0.0115 0.0145 0.0095 0.0105 0.0103 0.0106 0.0102 0.0110 0.0102 0.0095
Turmeric 0.0344 0.0246 0.0177 0.0248 0.0116 0.0143 0.0120 0.0150 0.0104 0.0123 0.0112 0.0132
Metal Commodities
Period 1 Period 4 Period 10
Response of FR Response of SR Response of FR Response of SR Response of FR Response of SR
Futures Spot Futures Spot Futures Spot Futures Spot Futures Spot Futures Spot
Commodities Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return
Aluminium 0.0143 0.0101 0.0089 0.0125 0.0099 0.0094 0.0106 0.0103 0.0090 0.0083 0.0086 0.0078
Copper 0.0241 0.0191 0.0149 0.0188 0.0164 0.0161 0.0162 0.0168 0.0137 0.0126 0.0136 0.0123
Lead 0.0191 0.0137 0.0111 0.0155 0.0129 0.0125 0.0138 0.0134 0.0099 0.0085 0.0081 0.0066
Nickel 0.0209 0.0163 0.0136 0.0175 0.0136 0.0133 0.0136 0.0140 0.0101 0.0094 0.0087 0.0077
Zinc 0.0154 0.0106 0.0094 0.0136 0.0078 0.0069 0.0073 0.0069 0.0071 0.0058 0.0071 0.0057
Source: The authors.
Note: FR: futures return; SR: spot return.
Rout et al. 385


(Figure A1 continued)
386 Vision 23(4)

(Figure A1 continued)

(Figure A1 continued)
Rout et al. 387

(Figure A1 continued)

(Figure A1 continued)
388 Vision 23(4)

(Figure A1 continued)


(Figure A1 continued)
Rout et al. 389

(Figure A1 continued)


Figure A1. Generalized Impulse Response Function (Agricultural)

Source: Authors’ own estimation.
390 Vision 23(4)


(Figure A2 continued)
Rout et al. 391

(Figure A2 continued)


(Figure A2 continued)
392 Vision 23(4)

(Figure A2 continued)


(Figure A2 continued)
Rout et al. 393

(Figure A2 continued)


(Figure A2 continued)
394 Vision 23(4)

(Figure A2 continued)


Figure A2. Generalized Impulse Response Function (Metal)

Source: Authors’ own estimation.
Rout et al. 395

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396 Vision 23(4)

Srinivasan, P. (2011). Price discovery and volatility spillovers in and finance. He has published around 10 papers in various
Indian spot-futures commodity market. The IUP Journal of UGC listed journals and recently one paper is accepted for
Behavioral Finance, 9(1), 70–85. publishing by IIMB Management Review, Elsevier.
Vardhan, H., Sinha, H., & Vij, M. (2015). Behavior of Indian
sectoral stock price indices in the post subprime crisis Nupur Moni Das (nupurmoni@outlook.com) is a Senior
period. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 12(1),
Research Fellow in the Department of Commerce, Assam
Warne, A. (2008, February 27). Generalized impulse responses. University, Silchar working under the supervision of Dr
Retrieved from http://www.texlips.net/download/generalized- Joyeeta Deb. Her broad area of research is Banking and
impulse-response.pdf Finance. She especially deals with risk management,
efficiency, capital adequacy and insolvency of the banking
sector. She also enjoys working in the area of derivatives.
About the Authors She has published two papers in indexed journals and
one paper is recently accepted for publication in IIMB
Bhabani Sankar Rout (bsrout3@gmail.com) is a PhD Management Review, Elsevier.
scholar in the Department of Banking Technology,
Pondicherry University working under the supervision of K. Chandrasekhara Rao (kcsrao9894255526@gmail.
Professor K. Chandrasekhara Rao. His broad research com) is a Senior Professor in the Department of Banking
interest lies in the field of financial economics. Inter alia, Technology, Pondicherry University. His areas of special-
he enjoys working on price risk management, spillover ization are financial economics, derivatives market,
effects, information asymmetry, contango and normal financial management, security analysis and portfolio
backwardation, efficiency of commodity derivatives. Apart management, global financial markets and international
from pure finance, he is also interested to work in banking banking. He has as many as 40 publications to his credit.

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