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10/18/23, 5:08 PM Review Test Submission: Task 6 Quiz 2 – Pricing of services &...

Duy Phuoc Le 12
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BUSM2040 (Vietnam Session 3 2023) The Service Enterprise Assessment 1 (40%) Learning Portfolio - Task 6
Review Test Submission: Task 6 Quiz 2 – Pricing of services

Review Test Submission: Task 6 Quiz 2 – Pricing of services

User Duy Phuoc Le

Subject BUSM2040 (Vietnam Session 3 2023) The Service Enterprise
Test Task 6 Quiz 2 – Pricing of services
Started 18/10/23 9:00 PM LATE

Submitted 18/10/23 9:07 PM LATE

Due Date 29/06/23 11:00 AM

Status Needs Grading
Attempt Score Grade not available.
Time Elapsed 7 minutes out of 10 minutes
Results Displayed All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers

Question 1 0.5 out of 0.5 points

A cost management system that provides a structured way of thinking about the relationship between activities and the resources they
consume is known as:

Selected Answer: a. activity-based costing

Answers: a. activity-based costing

b. volume-based costing

c. product-based costing

d. yield-based costing

e. margin-based costing

Question 2 0.5 out of 0.5 points

To provide a simple and effective way for consumers to pay for the service they require it is possible to use intermediaries such as:

Selected Answer: e. a and c

Answers: a. travel agents for booking hotels

b. banks for accepting deposits

c. ticket agents for selling concert hall seats

d. all of the above

e. a and c

Question 3 0.5 out of 0.5 points

When price is set and used with the aim of maximising sales, cash flow and/or profits, we may say that the pricing objective is primarily:

Selected Answer: c. revenue-oriented

Answers: a. operations-oriented

b. patronage-oriented

c. revenue-oriented

d. production-oriented

e. consumption-oriented… 1/3
10/18/23, 5:08 PM Review Test Submission: Task 6 Quiz 2 – Pricing of services &...

Question 4 0.5 out of 0.5 points

For a passenger railroad company, the cost incurred to sell an additional ticket for a seat in a train is an example of:

Selected Answer: d. marginal cost

Answers: a. variable cost

b. semi-variable cost

c. fixed cost

d. marginal cost

e. none of the above

Question 5 0.5 out of 0.5 points

Variations in demand relative to capacity can result in all of the following scenarios EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: All of the above scenarios can result from variations in demand relative to capacity.

Answers: Demand that exceeds maximum capacity

Demand that exceeds optimum capacity

Supply and demand balanced at the level of optimum capacity

Demand that is below optimum capacity

All of the above scenarios can result from variations in demand relative to capacity.

Question 6 0.5 out of 0.5 points

Research by Zeithaml suggests four broad expressions of value. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

Selected Answer: c. Value is benefits minus costs.

Answers: a. Value is low price.

b. Value is what I want in a product.

c. Value is benefits minus costs.

d. Value is the quality I get for the price I pay.

e. Value is what I get for what I give.

Question 7 0.5 out of 0.5 points

A customer who perceives high levels of __________worries that their choice of service provider may not meet with the approval of family or

Selected Answer: d. social cost

Answers: a. time and effort cost

b. performance risk

c. psychological risk

d. social cost

e. financial cost

Question 8 0.5 out of 0.5 points

Customer education is beneficial for closing provider gap 4 when:

Selected Answer: The supply and demand of the service are not synchronized
Answers: The supply and demand of the service are not synchronized
Customers are experienced users of the service… 2/3
10/18/23, 5:08 PM Review Test Submission: Task 6 Quiz 2 – Pricing of services &...

The services are low in credence qualities

The services are classified as low-involvement

The services are high priced

Question 9 0.5 out of 0.5 points

Deana and Rod Li went on a one-week vacation at the Club Med Turkoise village, located in Turks and Caicos, a chain of islands in the
Caribbean. Club Med's per person price of $1499 included round-trip air travel from New York, one-week accommodations, all meals,
sports, activities and nightly entertainment. Club Med is using a _____ strategy.

Selected Answer: Price bundling

Answers: Market segmentation pricing

Price framing

Complementary pricing

Price bundling
Contingency pricing

Question 10 0.5 out of 0.5 points

Price competition intensifies with each of the following except:

Selected Answer: b. when switching costs are high

Answers: a. increased number of competitors

b. when switching costs are high

c. wider distribution of competitors

d. increased surplus capacity in the industry

e. wider distribution of substitute offers

Wednesday, 18 October 2023 9:07:37 PM AEDT

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