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Do something worksheet

Ephesians 2:1-10

What does this text say?

These verses say that we were all dead in our sins and cannot save ourselves. Then, God who is

full of love and mercy takes us and saves us from all our sins not because we are good or he

wants something from us but because His love for us and He has a purpose for our lives.

What does the text mean?

1. It means that God is full of mercy and love and He loves us not because of our

conditions. He saved us because he wants us to be with Him. Therefore, if anyone says

they were saved because of their good deeds, it is completely wrong for the Bible says

“our righteousnesses are as a polluted garment” Isaiah 64:4. In the other word we are all

dead but only because of His grace we have become saved.

2. These passages mainly say that we were saved only because God grace for each one of us

and he has a good purpose for each of us.

3. In my understanding, we fell into sin at the beginning but for God is love He has forgiven

us both the sins in the past and in the future. He gave us grace. Therefore he might not let

us go by ourselves. We might walk away from Him but His love for us will never be

reduced. He will come after us in any situation by His unique ways that are not been

thought of by us for he has a purpose for each of us.

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The principle that i learned from these verses is I have to always remember that

God has forgiven all my sins not because of my good deeds but because of his grace for

me. Therefore, I have to work on my salvation that has been given to me.

What do you think the text is trying to do?

These verses remind me that I am dead because of the flesh. I can not save myself and God who

is rich in love saved my life. Therefore, I know that I am a weak person who cannot save myself.

I need God to take a part in my life. It also speaks to me to not feel ashamed of my flesh

whenever I do something wrong (sin) and to always know that God is love that loves me

unconditionally. Besides that in verse 10 it says “created in Christ Jesus for good works” so it

means to me that God already has a purpose for my life. What I need to do is ask him in prayers

about his purpose for my life and walk according to his plan for me for in that way his name will

be glorified.

What do you plan to do to respond in obedience to this passage? Plans need to be SMART

(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timebound- see last page for examples)

My respondents as my obedience to this passage is I would like to give huge thanks to God for

what he has done in my life, especially taking me out of death. Besides that, I would like to find

and ask God about the purpose of why He created me in prayers. Then, by knowing His purpose,

I will try to walk according to His plan.

So, to do those things above, I will take time in the morning after waking up and spend

10-15 mins to do morning devotion (listen to the Christian songs and pray).
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How is your plan connected to the meaning of the specific verses in the text? Explain and make

the connection clear to test to see if what you are hearing is in fact related to the passage

So in verse 10 it says that He created us to do good work that has been prepared by God himself

from the beginning. Which is in other words it says that God has a good purpose in our lives.

Therefore, to know the purpose of God creating myself I would listen to some christian songs

and ask for the purpose in prayer.

Part B:

I haven’t worked out on my plan.


Tegi Bagubau

Presented to:

Prof. Jordan Newton

Bible Study Methods

Bi105 01.24am


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