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Final Term Exams 2023-2024

Name Class: Subject: Marks: Date: Time:
2nd year Eng T2

Q.No.1: Choice the correct answer:

1.seeing the hours of school stretching ahead ,was a "dismal" experience.
A) dreary B) depressed/sad C) Happy D) delightful
2) The maid servant would climb each morning with "grim" steps up
A) happy B) serious C) hard/cruel D)heavy
3) It is sometimes difficult to find a "scaffold" for the worthless books.
A)grave B) Gallows C)haven D) death
4)The only "malady" I had not got was house maid's knee.
A)degree B) disease C) pharmacology D) gout
5)I had been reading a patent liver -pill "circular".
A)paper B) Book C) advertisment D) notebook
6)shaw had the most "reprehensible" opinions.
A) applicable B)condemnable C) practicable D)loveable
7)chips had a "vague" notion.
A)new B) clear C) obscure D) open
8)he re saw the glorious "hump" of the gable.
A) mound B) place C) ditch D) working
9)The deligate abstained _____ voting.
A)to B)off C)from D) with
10) I cannot object ___ what you do.
A)over B) for C)of D)to
11) Ten miles are not a long distance.
A) Ten miles, not long distance. B) Ten miles were not a long distance.
C) Ten miles is not a long distance. D)Ten miles may not be long distance.
12)Here comes he and his brother.
A)here come he and his brother. B)here will come he and his brother.
C)Here came he and his brother. D)here come him and his brother write short answrr:-
1)what was his general view of school life? 2)how did he spend his summer holidays?
3)why should bad books be destroyed? 4)what was the disease he discovered he didn't have?
5)what was the prescription given to him by doctor? 6)how did he manage to get a seat in weapon carrier?
7) Give an account of little town named El golea?
8) when,how and where did Mr chips encounter Katherine? 9)why did modern women repel Mr chips?
10)why was Katherine glad thinking that Mr chips was a School master?
11)what changes did Katherine bring in chips?
12)what difficulties did chips face when he started writing down his memories?
Q no.3:- Essays: (marks:15)
.My hero in history women place in society why I love Pakistan?
Pair of words: Any five. (Marks :5)
.to break out .to bring up .by and large .to carry on .
check by jowl to come off .by way of .to call at

Translation into English. (Marks:15)

‫یہ کائنات بہت بڑی ہے ۔اس میں بے شمار ستارے ہیں ۔ یہ ستارے دیکھنے میں بہت قریب لگتے ہیں ۔ لیکن‬

‫ان کے درمیان کروڑوں میل کا فا صلہ ہے ۔ یہ ستارے گروہ کی صورت میں بھی حر کت کرتے ہیں اور الگ الگ‬

‫بھی ۔حرکت کرتے ہوئے یہ ستارے ایک دوسرے سے نہیں ٹکراتے ۔دو ہزار ملین سال پہلے ایک ستارہ سورج‬

‫کے بالکل قریب آگیا جس کی وجہ سے سورج ٹوٹ گیا ۔اور اس کے ٹکڑے خال میں بکھر گئے ۔ان ٹکڑوں کو‬

‫سیارے کہتے ہیں ۔‬

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