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NovEMBER 14, 1907] NATURE 31

being required for its measurement. The radium present to enforce discipline. On the occasion of the opening of
in this case was about 1I roo that contained in the sample the new laboratories in February last, I was much
nine years old. impressed by the fact that not only was the principal not
It was not to be supposed that an insufficient degree among the speakers, but that he and his staff were barely
of purity was the cause of the large amount of radium in referred to, and that their names only appeared in the
the old sample, nor is it probable that thorium itself descriptive pamphlet whioh was published for the occasion
slowly decomposes into radium. I therefore considered inside the cover and at the end.
rhat in the te,chnical preparation of thorium an active sub· Such were the conditions under which my friend Dr.
stance is separated with the latter, and in turn deco'Ilposes Mackenzie held the appointment, and it was with no
into radium; it is probably the direct parent substance of astonishment that I heard on my return from India that
radium, for which search has been recently made. In he had sent in his resignation. I may add that though
order to test this view, an attempt was made to show Rs. 1000 per mensem with a residence appears to be a
increase in the amount of radium in a solution of good salary, it must be remembered that there is no
thorium ; roo grams of freshly prepared thorium nitrate security of tenure of the appointment, and that the resi-
was examined, the quantity of radium being ascertained. dence offered to Dr. Mackenzie lay between the dustiest
The amount of emanation collected after four days was road and the busiest railway in the heart of Bombay.
used for calculating the equilibrium amount, which is Should any chemist contemplate applying for the
reached after about a month. On August 17 the flask " chair " of chemistry with the view of carrying out re-
was sealed, and again tested on October ro; the amount search in his spare time and ultimately improving his
was double as great as in the previous test. position, I should like to remind him that he will do
Forty grams of thorium nitrate prepared at the end well to take his library with him. There are no scientific
of April was examined in the same way and left during books in Bombay.
the vacation. In this case also there was a marked Before leaving Bombay I made it clear to some of my
in the amount of radium. friends who are interested in the institute that, in the
Fifty grams of thorium nitrate made in June, I907, event of Dr. Mackenzie's resignation being accepted, I
was precipitated from acid solution with oxalic acid. In should make the facts public, and should warn other scien-
the filtrate the quantity of radium was determined, the tific men against accepting the appointment upon similar
same being also done in October. In each case the same terms. MoRRIS W. TRAVERS.
result was obtained. The parent substance of radium had London, November 9·
therefore been precipitated with the thorium. By mistake,
the precipitated material was mixed with other thorium November Meteors.
preparations, and could not, therefore, be further investi- THOUGH the general conditions under which the Leonid
gated. meteor shower of 1907 takes place are not the most favour-
About I mg. of radio-thorium (activity about Ioo,ooo) able still a display of moderate intensity may be expected.
was freed as far as possible from radium (the small The' shower promises to be most conspicuous on the night
amount retained being determined) and sealed up on of November 16, when moonlight will interfere consider-
August 15. The solution on October I4 gave the same ably with observations, especially in the case of the smaller
amount of radium emanation as before. The radio- meteors. The following are the times of the various
thorium was prepared from thorianite by means of barium maxima as computed by the writer, the results of these
sulphate, and should not, therefore, have contained the
calculations bei'lg expressed in Greenwich mean time;- .
parent substance of radium, as, indeed, was actually found Leonid epoch, November rs, 9h. The shower, which IS
t® be the case. of the third order of magnitude, succeeds the epoch, the
Knowing the proportion of uranium and thorium in principal maxima occurring on November I6, 17h.,
monazite sand, and assuming that all the thorium and the
I7h. 30m. and r8h. 3om. There is also a weak secondary
whole of the parent substance of radium are separated epoch on' November 17, 10h., the shower in this case
during the extraction of thorium, the life of radium can preceding the epoch, and having its principal maxima on
be calculated by determinin15 the quantity of radium in a November r6, 13h. 40m., r8h., and November 17, 2h.
given weight of thorium of known age. I have assumed The intensity of the maxima of a m(!teoric epoch is
the monazite to contain on the average 0·3 per cent. of inversely as the order of magnitude of the shower con-
uranium and about 5 per cent. of thorium oxide. From nected with it. Two showers, though of different intensi-
this it follows that I gram of thorium nitrate in equil- ties, will, as may be seen, take place on the night of
ibrium with radium contains about 2·ro- 8 gram of radium
bromide. From the values I have found with samples of November I6.
Scattered through the rest of the month are several
thorium of different age, the period of decay for radium
interesting minor showers, details of the most remarkable
lies between 2000 and 3000 years. Alterations in the pro-
of which will now be given : -
portions of uranium and thorium would naturally cause Epoch, November 22, 4h. Shower of tenth order of
corresponding deviations in the value of the constant. magnitude. The shower precedes the epoch, the principal
The values given, therefore, only indicate approximately maxima occurring on November 20, 8h., November 21,
the order of magnitude of the period of decay, since I
14h., and November 22, 3h.
am ignorant of the exact composition of the monazite· used Epoch, November 25, 12h. This shower, which is of
as a source of the nitrates investigated. the ninth order of magnitude, has its principal maxima
I hope to publish more accurate details shortly in after the epoch as follows :-November 26, rh. som.,
another place. OTTO HAHN. November 27, 2h. 30m. and 6h. Of these, the latter two
Chemical Institute, Berlin. are the heaviest maxima.
Epoch, November 29, r8h. The shower, which is of
The Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute, Bombay. the fifteenth order of magnitude, follows the epoch, the
I SEE in NATURE of November 7 advertisements for a principal maxima occurring on November 29, 23h.,
principal and professor of chemistry for the Victoria November 30, r8h., and December I, 4h.
Technical College in Bombay. Though I have no con- Closely associated with the last shower is another, which
nection with the institute, and may be charged with un- occurs early in December, is of the fifth order of magni-
warrantable interference, I think that it is only fair to tude, and has its maxima on December 2, IIh,, and
intending competitors that certain facts should be made December 3, 8h. JoHI>; R. HENRY.
I wish to point out, in the first place, that the manage- An Optical Illusion.
ment of this institution is in the hands of a board of
trustees, and that the principal is not a member of this THE optical illusion described by Mr. Douglas Carnegie
board, nor has he the right of communicating with the Jn NATURE of October 18, rgo6, may be explained as
board except through the medium of the honorary secre- follows:-
tarv. The title of principal does not even secure to the The thaumatrope generally reverses its apparent direction
holder of it the exclusive right of caUing meetings of the of rotation when the observer shuts one eye, or,
staff, and, in fact, confers nothing more than the power still, both eyes alternately, according to the physiologieal
NO. 1985, VOL. 77]
© 1907 Nature Publishing Group

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