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Website for ICSM Creatives with Custom Package Service and

Event Booking Management System

A Project Proposal Presented to

The Faculty of Computer Studies

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Presented by:

Araque, Janvier Erickson C.

Ignacio, Agie N.

Secuya, Maezelle T.

Mr. Rhoel Sarino

Method of Research Instructor


Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 3

Project Context ................................................................................................................................. 4

Objectives of the Study..................................................................................................................... 5

Purpose and Description .................................................................................................................. 6

Time and Place of the study ............................................................................................................. 8

Scope and Limitation of the Study ................................................................................................... 8

Conceptual Framework .................................................................................................................. 11

Definition of Terms ......................................................................................................................... 13

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES ................................................................... 14

Technical Background .................................................................................................................... 14

Review of Related Studies .............................................................................................................. 14

Synthesis ........................................................................................................................................ 26

METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................... 27

Design of Software, Systems, Product and/or Processes ............................................................. 27

Requirement Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 31

Requirement Documentation .......................................................................................................... 33

System Development ..................................................................................................................... 35

System Testing ............................................................................................................................... 37

System Evaluation .......................................................................................................................... 38

Implementation Plan ....................................................................................................................... 38

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 41


In the digital age, event photography is trendy with the professional skill of

taking high-quality photos at various key occasions such as weddings, birthday

parties, and large public gatherings like corporate events, galas, award ceremonies,

and music festivals. Event production aims to provide a seamless experience for

clients while achieving the event's objectives and capturing memorable moments

that exceed expectations.

ICSM (I Create Sweet Memories) Creatives is a production company

specializing in videography and photography, capturing clients’ special moments.

ICSM Creatives was founded by friends who love to take beautiful pictures until they

plan to form a production team that their families also support. In May 2023, a group

of friends decided to create a production team. The company started by offering to

be a friend’s 18th birthday party photographer for free. At that time, they only had a

borrowed camera and a cellphone to capture videos. Despite the limited equipment,

the video turned out great, and their friend was happy with the results. It quickly

spread among their friends about the quality of their work. More and more friends

started asking them to capture their events. Each new project helped the team gain

experience and improve their skills. They saved the money they earned from these

projects and eventually bought their camera. As they continued to work on different

projects, they decided to promote their services on Facebook and other social media

platforms. Within a year, their production team began to gain popularity. They

received more service requests and started building a reputation in their community.

The team’s hard work and dedication paid off, and their small venture grew into a

recognized and respected production company.

The company is still in a manual booking process and does not have a system

that results in inefficiencies such as writing down reservations on paper calendars

from direct messages on the company's social media account such as Facebook

Messenger about the booking that which causes a lot of scheduling conflicts and

mistakes such as forgetting or overbooking. Furthermore, there are no specific

package ratings to choose from and add service for the perfect package for the

client's event and to know immediately the client complete amount of all costs

service. These issues make it hard for the company to work efficiently and provide

the best service to its clients.

The proponents will implement a custom package service with an event

booking management system. It offers event booking through a user-friendly

interface, packages for clients to choose from, and online payment options. To

reduce inefficiencies in the booking process and increase customer satisfaction. In

addition to these capabilities, an interactive calendar allows clients to check the

availability of the company. By digitizing the event booking process and giving clients

customized package service options, the company seeks to increase productivity

and raise overall service quality. This integrated strategy not only improves

operational efficiency but also greatly promotes customer satisfaction by providing a

more flexible and responsive service.

Project Context

ICSM Creatives offers photography and videography services for events.

The current manual processes at ICSM Creatives are inefficient, resulting in

contradictory timetables, delays, and confusion. Clients must communicate via

Facebook Messenger to book services and inquire about prices, which frequently

results in scheduling issues and misunderstandings. The company is gaining

notoriety and hopes to expand its client base, particularly given that there is a

significant demand for formal and high-quality event photos to preserve more

happy memories with the company.

The proponents want to develop a website for ICSM Creatives that includes

a custom package service and an event booking management system to give the

company a more professional and improve its visibility. This website will improve

the booking process, reduce the likelihood of scheduling problems, and provide

clear and effective communication channels between clients and the organization.

It will also provide an easy-to-use portal where clients can examine available

services, customize client packages based on the event requirements, and obtain

precise price information immediately. This improvement is designed to improve

client satisfaction, increase operational efficiency, and eventually contribute to the

company's growth by recruiting new customers and providing a seamless

experience for all parties involved.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to develop a website with decision support

and an event booking management system to implement the challenges of the

business and to enhance the client experience for the efficiency of ICSM Creatives.

1. To plan. a requirement for the user-friendly website with custom package

event booking system that makes it easier for both production staff and


2. To design. a system that simplifies the booking process, enables efficient

scheduling, the client custom package service, and avoids potential errors

in booking event processes.

3. To develop. Code and finalize modules according to the design, including

the development of the user interface and the integration of the custom

package service and event booking management features.

4. To test. testing the system to ensure it functions correctly and meets all

specified requirements. It aims to identify and fix any bugs or issues,

ensuring a reliable user experience.

5. To implement. Deploy the website with the custom package service and

event booking management system for ICSM Creatives, ensuring it meets

the needs of the business and enhances client satisfaction.

6. To maintain. Ensure ongoing system quality and functionality by collecting

feedback, making improvements based on client input, and preserving the

overall effectiveness of the website for ICSM Creatives with custom

package service and event booking management system.

Purpose and Description

The major goal of the capstone project is to create a comprehensive digital

platform for managing event photography and videography services, featuring

customizable package services. This system seeks to simplify the booking process,

manage schedules, and allow payments while providing efficient tools for handling

booking requests, customizing service packages, securely processing payments, and

exploiting data-driven insights for strategic planning. The suggested system possesses

the following capabilities:

1. Clients can set up their user accounts and control their personal information,

such as changing their names and profile pictures.

2. Clients can view the company's available dates and fill in their information for

their events.

3. Clients are allowed to pay a 50% down payment or pay the full amount via e-

wallet using GCash.

4. The Clients can customize or select package services for their events, and the

total cost is automatically calculated.

5. Admin can simply view booking requests via the website and receive Gmail

notifications when accepting or declining customer booking requests.

6. The system features a function that allows the administrator to assign staff to

events based on the type of event, with the option for staff to accept or decline

the assigned event.

7. After the event, the admin can upload the client's pictures and videos linked to

cloud storage.

8. Clients may download digital copies of the movies and images and submit

comments on the company's services following the event.

The proposed website for ICSM Creatives with custom package service and

event booking management system is designed to address various business

challenges and enhance the client experience. Once implemented, it will benefit the


1. ICSM Creatives. ICSM Creatives company's custom package service and

event booking management system are designed to address various

business challenges and enhance the client experience. Once implemented,

it will benefit ICSM Creatives by improving the operational efficiency of

booking management, reducing administrative tasks and allowing staff to

focus on creative work optimizing workflow, and enhancing their capacity to

deliver exceptional services.

2. Clients. It brings convenience and accessibility for clients engaging with

ICSM Creatives. Through user-friendly interfaces and enhanced

functionalities, clients experience smoother communication, simplified

booking processes, and boost an overall satisfaction in their interactions with

the organization. This ultimately contributes to stronger client relationships

and increased client retention.

3. Proponents. The system will provide valuable data on client preferences,

booking trends, and operational efficiency, which can be used for research

purposes to further improve the services offered by ICSM Creatives.

4. Future Proponents. The study will serve as a comprehensive blueprint and

repository of insights for upcoming Proponents who would want to conduct

related studies and improve features. By documenting the methodology,

challenges, and innovations incorporated into this system, it provides a basis

framework for future studies. Moreover, it presents an opportunity for

Proponents to improve and enhance the features, paving the way for

continual developments in event management systems.

Time and Place of the Study

The study of ICSM Creatives with Custom Package Service and Event Booking

Management System was conducted to the Cavite State University – Imus

Campus and it starts on July 2023 until January 2024. From developing the

system, collection of data, and interpreting the data was conducted during this


Scope and Limitation of the Study

The Website for ICSM Creatives with Custom Package Service and

Event Booking and Management System, has several modules that help to improve

client interactions. Among these modules are:

Calendar Module. It serves as an important module to ensure that the system

is properly scheduled. It manages booking dates and send to the database of admin

and clients to determine available company dates. Administrators can select dates

on the calendar to mark the company as unavailable due to reasons such as staff

training or emergencies. For clients, these unavailable dates will be visually

distinguished by a color change and will not be clickable for bookings.

Event Booking Management module. This module enables admin, staff,

and clients to manage booking requests efficiently. Clients can fill up booking

details such as the event name, location, time, and description after that, in terms or

payment client allows to down payment first or full payment through Gcash then

await the admin response. Admin that serves as event manager of the company will

receive client booking request these via website and email, with options to accept or

decline based on the provided booking details and payment status if full payment or

not within a week before of event. If the booking is accepted, the client is notified,

and the details are forwarded to the assigned staff member, who can either accept

or decline the assigned event with providing a valid reason for any declination.

Customize Package Service Module. This module allows clients to

customize packages by selecting various services and options that fit specific needs

and preferences. This module automatically calculates the total cost of every specified

service, ensuring accuracy and transparency in budget planning. Clients can select

services available, and the system calculates the entire cost in real time. Furthermore,

the module is intended to assist the client in making own decision regarding the

preferred service for capturing the precious moments for events within a client's


Online Payment module. This module provides a comprehensive solution

for secure and convenient transactions, allowing for smooth financial exchanges

between clients and the company. This module will use GCash platform, which gives

clients the option of making a down payment or paying the full amount for the

bookings. Clients may complete transactions with confidence, knowing that their

payments will be completed safely and swiftly. Furthermore, the module includes

features that streamline the payment process, such as automatic notifications to

remind clients of payment deadlines and receipt issues as proof of transaction


Register Module. It serves as the gateway to a set book event experience

for new clients on the website company's platform. This module provides clients with

a variety of quick account creation options, including registration via Google or

Facebook login to set booking. This shortened registration process makes the book

event experience for clients easier, allowing them to use their existing social media

accounts for seamless access to the site. Clients can build profiles by linking their

Google or Facebook accounts with a few clicks, minimizing the need for manual data

entry and lowering friction during registration. Furthermore, this integration improves

security by employing Google and Facebook's sophisticated authentication methods,

ensuring the protection of user data.

The system has several limitations that should be aware to manage

expectations and prepare for any difficulties that may arise with its use and


The system is implemented exclusively for ICSM Creatives to cater the clients’

event photography and videography services. It does not expand its capability to

other types of services or companies than ICSM Creatives. It enables correct

scheduling by handling booking dates and transmitting them to the admin and client

databases, while visually indicating unavailable dates for clients. The admin, staff,

and client efficiently manage booking requests. Accepted bookings notify clients and

are transmitted to the appropriate staff. Allows clients to select and personalize

services while automatically calculating total expenses to stay within their budget.

Transactions using G-Cash, with options for down payments or full payments and

uploading receipt proof. New clients will create accounts using Google or Facebook,

increasing security and minimizing booking steps.

Conceptual Framework

Based on the foregoing concepts, theories and finding studies presented a conceptual

framework was developed as shown below.

Input Process Output

Requirements Planning
• Event Booking • Requirements
system Gathering
• Decision support Designing
system that helps • Wire framing and
client choosing UI Design
service package • Data Flow
• Web Design Developing
• Web Development • Software
• Database System Development
• Database
Website for
Requirements Creation ICSM Creatives
• Visual Studio Testing with Custom
Code • Multiple Testing Package
• Web Browsers • User Evaluation Service and
• XAMPP Preparation
Event Booking
• PHP Deployment
• System management
• Github
Deployment system
• PhpMyAdmin
• User Feedback
• Operating system
Windows 7-11
• Analyzing
Requirements Feedback
• Computer or • System
Laptop Improvement
• At least 1.30GHz Launch
processor or • Deploying the
higher system


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the study

The conceptual framework of the Website for ICSM Creatives with Custom

Service package and Event booking Management System is shown in Figure 1. The

proponents use input - process - output (IPO) to present paradigm of the study that

illustrate the relationship between the input and output. The inputs required to construct

the system are listed in the first box and are categorized into four groups: knowledge

requirements, software requirements, and hardware requirements. The procedures used

by the proponents to create the system come next. Requirement Gathering and Analysis,

system design, system development, testing, system implementation and review are the

six processes. This framework serves as a crucial reference point for understanding the

key components, their roles, and how they contribute to achieving the desired objectives.

Its abstract nature allows for flexibility and adaptability, making it a valuable tool for

conceptualizing, organizing, and analyzing complex systems across diverse domains.

The final output will be proposed Website for ICSM Creatives with Custom

Service package and Event booking Management System. Clients and panelist will

assess and provide minor suggestions for improvement of the system.

Definition of Terms

Decision Support System (DSS) in the ICSM Creatives Event Booking Management

System processes a diverse set of data, encompassing client preferences, resource

availability, and financial limitations. It aids in optimizing the selection and customization

of event packages by recommending the most suitable options based on the client's

requirements and budget. Also, assisting ICSM Creatives clients in efficiently managing

their resources and preventing issues such as overbooking or underutilization.

Cater in the ICSM Creatives they provide services such as photography, videography

and editing. It's also offer of any type event depends of what client’s needs.

E-wallet is a digital payment solution that allows users to store, manage, and use their

money electronically for transactions related to event bookings. It provides a convenient

and secure way for clients to pay for services such as downpayment, full payment, venue

reservations, and other event-related expenses.

Calendar Management in the ICSM Creatives Event Booking Management System is

a feature that helps coordinate and organize all aspects of event scheduling and

planning. The Calendar Management allow both clients and event planners to efficiently

manage dates and times for various events, ensuring that all activities are well organized

and no scheduling conflicts


In this chapter it presents the review of related foreign and local literature and

studies conducted by the Proponents. Topics listed below are about Custom Package

Service and Event Booking Management System - which all serve as guidelines for the

Proponents to come up with their concept and methodology.

Technical Background

Custom Package Service and Event Booking Management Systems are crucial for

businesses in the creative industries. These systems help manage and deliver

personalized services and events more efficiently. They automate the creation and

modification of service packages and provide an easy-to-use platform for booking events.

Important features include flexible pricing, detailed client profiles, calendar management,

and secure payment processing. By using these systems, businesses can improve client

satisfaction with customized services and organized event management, with this

integration, organizations can achieve a streamlined and effective access control

mechanism, contributing to the overall booking process and operational efficiency on the


Review Related Literature


An Exploration of the Effects of Photograph Content, Photograph Source, and Price

on Consumers’ Online Travel Booking Intentions

This research examined how the content and source of photographs affect

consumers' online travel booking intentions and their reactions to price. The study utilized

two experimental designs to explore these relationships. Study 1 assessed the perceived
information value and credibility of product-focused versus experience-focused

photographs. It explored how these perceptions mediate the effect of photograph content

on booking intentions and the moderating role of photograph source on perceived

credibility and Study 2 investigated how photograph content influences the relationship

between price and booking intentions, particularly when prices are higher than the

market average. These findings provide actionable insights for travel marketers.

Specifically, using product-focused photographs can enhance the perceived value and

credibility of online content, particularly in higher-priced segments. This strategy can help

marketers develop more cost-effective, photograph-based online content that better

influences consumer booking decisions.


The main elements of academic calendars, such as semester or quarter structures,

course schedules, registration periods, exam periods, and holidays, are covered in the

abstract. It examines how academic calendars can be used to coordinate academic

activities, streamline resource distribution, and enhance learning opportunities in both

conventional and online learning environments. The application will be available to

students, guardians, and staff members of the institution. Everyone can input, modify,

view, and conduct actions on data, but their permissions will vary. The system will be

constructed with tools like Flutter and run on an online server. Compared to current

systems, the suggested system will be easier to operate and will make data administration

tasks easier.

Online Payment

This research aims to explain the relative attitude toward e-payment in an online

shopping situation, based on the perception of the online retailer's ethics. Ethics have not
been previously verified as a factor explaining the e-payment attitude and choice. The

study verifies its indirect impact, via trust and perceived value on the relative attitude

toward e-payment. A survey was carried out using a self-administered questionnaire filled

by 225 Saudi consumers who used to shop online and who have the possibility to use e-

payment tools. One dimension of the perceived ethics is shown to be an indirect

determinant factor of the e-payment attitude: the fulfilment/reliability. Perceived value and

security are also verified as factors enhancing the positive attitude toward the use of e-


Decision Support System

According to Moore and Chang, DSS can be described as a system that can

support the analysis of ad hoc data, and decision model, is decision-oriented, the

orientation of future planning and used in uncommon time. Moreover, according to Keen

and Scoot Morton, describe a Decision Support System as a fusion of various

intelligence sources, enhancing decision quality. It serves as a computer-based

information system aiding semi-structured problem-solving in decision-making

processes. This elucidates that DSS doesn't directly make decisions but rather aids

decision-makers by providing pertinent processed data, thereby expediting and refining

decision-making processes. Hence, it doesn't aim to supplant decision-making but rather

augment it. Individual performance is influenced by factors like skill, motivation,

discipline, work environment, rewards, and organizational relationships, among others.

The performance of an organization hinges on the efficacy of its workforce.


Digital Payment

According to MENCIAS, Chinley 2024. Digital interactions and digital payments are

getting much and more common. Moreover, a numerous range of financial institutions,

which are the non-bank providers and banks, advance ed to digital space. In addition,

more types of financial products and services are now offered on the various social

media platforms. On the other hand, the financial inclusion sector of the Philippines is

still at a very level below that of the other ASEAN countries. FinTech faces issues not

only around the consistency and reliability of the regulations but also of the systems. The

design of the system was evaluated successfully in terms of functionality suitability,

performance efficiency, usability, compatibility, and security. The evaluation results

proved that the system is reliable, consistent, and suitable for sending bills statement,

paying bills with GCash, tracking consumer payment history, managing consumer

concerns, sending disconnection notices, and keeping them up to date on all BOWASA's

important announcements.

Calendar Management System

A Calendar management System allows to display real-time availability of service or

resource. Businesses can efficiently manage their schedules by booking off booked or

reserved slots, preventing overbooking and ensuring optimal recourse utilization.

According to (Pallen 1998), This work has been accounted for in terms of a taxonomy that

is intended to “identify the basic components of calendar work and illustrate the richness

of calendar interaction” (ibid.). Accordingly, the taxonomy highlights how calendar works

1) ‘orients’ users to the temporal order of events, and enables users to 2) ‘record’, 3)

‘remind’, 4) ‘schedule’, 5) ‘track’, and 6) ‘recall’ events within and over that temporal order.

Client Storage

Cloud Storage is a useful tool not only in businesses but also for a variety of use even for

personal use. The advantages of using cloud storage as compared with the traditional

offline storage are the back-ups are easily available with the provider, it can have larger

storage capacity, and files can be mobile and accessible for use in different electronic

devices and locations.

Event Management System

An event Management System is a system that assists the organizers plan. creating a

report on events and guarantee a successful business. Having a flawless event

management system means handling the access of the user and the admin to the event

process this includes the registration, marketing, engagement, physical planning, and

preparation, and lastly reports and analysis for event improvements (EMS Software,


Review of Related Studies

Foreign Studies

A Tale of Wedding Pictures A Study Case of Youth Entrepreneurs in the Creative

Economy in Makassar, Indonesia

A study conducted by Haydhar Muhammad Bachtiar (2020), Many young people is seeing

this as an opportunity, and try becoming an entrepreneur. This paper tries to identify which

conditions enable youth entrepreneurship development in the photography sub-sector of

the creative economy in Makassar, Indonesia. This paper also tries to identify what is the

roles of the government to promoting the youth entrepreneur in the creative economy,

identify in what ways do market structures contribute to the emerge of an entrepreneur,

and what is the growth trajectory of these entrepreneurs. The study is conducted in

Makassar where both local government and central government had not to intervene the

sub-sector photography. The methodology used in this study is qualitative interview and

case study; with government officials, youth entrepreneur in photography, and ex-

customer as the primary respondent. The study also uses government documents as

secondary data. The results of the study are first, the government still has a small role in

the development and growth of youth entrepreneurs. Second, the moment of the

advancement of technologies, modern social interaction, and the increase in living

standards (economy growth) in Makassar are perfectly matched with the appearance of

the creative economy. Also, third, the youth entrepreneur in the creative economy is

growth-oriented, who are graduate from the survival entrepreneur because of the support

from the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

An Overview of Clinical Decision Support Systems: Benefits, Risks, and Strategies

for Success

According to Sutton R., Pincock D., and Baugmart, D. (2020) Computerized clinical

decision support systems, or CDSS, represent a paradigm shift in healthcare today. CDSS

is used to augment clinicians in their complex decision-making processes. Since their first

use in the 1980s, CDSS has seen a rapid evolution. They are now commonly administered

through electronic medical records and other computerized clinical workflows, which has

been facilitated by increasing global adoption of electronic medical records with advanced

capabilities. Despite these advances, there remain unknowns regarding the effect CDSS

has on the providers who use them, patient outcomes, and costs. There have been

numerous published examples in the past decade(s) of CDSS success stories, but notable

setbacks have also shown us that CDSS is not without risks. In this paper, we provide a
state-of-the-art overview on the use of clinical decision support systems in medicine,

including the different types, current use cases with proven efficacy, common pitfalls, and

potential harms. We conclude with evidence-based recommendations for minimizing risk

in CDSS design, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance.

A Recommendation System for Customizable Items

A study conducted by Group of Dhananjai Sharma (2021) The amount of data on the

Internet is growing rapidly. This information overload has increased the popularity of

recommendation systems over the past few years. Recommendation systems are software

tools that help users by providing them suggestions for items or products according to their

preferences. They have been around for decades, over which time a strong community of

researchers and industry practitioners have risen. Recommendation systems generate

product recommendations that are mainly useful for users who lack adequate proficiency

in the respective product domain. The generated recommendations may be personalized

or non-personalized (in magazines or in newspapers) depending upon the requirement.

There are several techniques involved in building a recommendation system. This work

mainly emphasizes content-based filtering and constraint-based filtering approaches, and

how they are used for recommending descriptive items that are customized to user’s taste.

Creating Optimal Cloud Storage Systems

According to Spillner J., Muller., and Schill A. (2020) Effortless data storage “in the cloud”

is gaining popularity for personal, enterprise and institutional data backups and

synchronization as well as for highly scalable access from software applications running

on attached computer servers. The data is usually access-protected, encrypted and

replicated depending on the security and scalability needs. Despite the advances in

technology, the practical usefulness and longevity of cloud storage is limited in today’s
systems, which severely impacts the acceptance and adoption rates. Therefore, we

introduce a novel cloud storage management system which optimally combines storage

resources from multiple providers so that redundancy, security and other non-functional

properties can be adjusted adequately to the needs of the storage service consumer. The

system covers the entire storage service lifecycle from the consumer perspective. Hence,

a definition of optimality is first contributed which is bound to both the architecture and the

lifecycle phases. Next, an ontology for cloud storage services is presented as a

prerequisite for optimality. Furthermore, we present NubiSave, a user-friendly storage

controller implementation with adaptable overhead which runs on and integrates into

typical consumer environments as a central part of an overall storage system. Its optimality

claims are validated in real-world scenarios with several commercial online and cloud

storage providers.

Development of a Mobile-based Application for RJ Studio's Administration and

Booking using an object-oriented approach

An online booking system is a software solution and reservation system which

makes it easy for customers to reserve and pay for their activities (Liu, N., Van De Ven, P.

M., & Zhang, B., 2019). An online booking system will allow users to book without getting

stressed. Through the online booking system, customers will be able to see the bookings

and other customers’ bookings in real-time. There will be no more manually updating

spreadsheets, only effortlessly synced data. A booking system offers customers more than

just the ability to passively accept online bookings and payments (Hu Huang, H., Liu, S.

Q., Kandampully, J., & Bujisic,,2020). One of the most significant benefits of an online

booking system is that as a business administrator, we can remain open to the business

24 hours a day. Everything is more accessible when it is online. Moreover, manual data

entry of customers might take a lot of time. In addition, from booking to checkout,

reservation technology expedites the entire process.

Local Studies

iReserve: An Online Event Reservation for Lipa City Cultural with SMS Notification

A study conducted by Capuno, Benigno et. el (2021) The study proposed a web-based

research iReserve: An Online Event Reservation for Lipa City Cultural, to integrate SMS

Notification. In the existing manual system of reservation, the major challenge on the

administration was conflicts of schedule with the event reservation. Thus, iReserve: An

Online Event Reservation for Lipa City Cultural was proposed to serve as a useful tool for

booking events and sending updated notifications about the status of the request event

details by integrating SMS technology. iReserve is designed to process the booking request

and search for client's available target event schedules from the system database. The

study used the software development life cycle in developing the proposed application. The

web application structure was designed using workflow, entity-relationship, context, and

use case diagrams. The web application was developed using different open sources such

as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL. iReserve was evaluated using ISO 9126

software evaluation tool assessing the web applications functionality, reliability, usability,

efficiency, portability, and maintainability. The study concluded that using several diagrams

and a combination of open-source technologies, the web application designed and

developed would meet the specified functionalities.

A Decision Support System for Optimizing Nutrient in Daily Lunch Intake among

College Students in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines using Linear Programming

A DSS is developed to provide for daily diet planning to optimize nutrients in daily lunch
intake among college students. The study is aimed to aid students in choosing lunch that

are more nutritious yet are within the current budget normally spent by these students. The

study shall be limited to the food available within the school area. Furthermore, an excel-

based DSS is developed in this study to provide students with a user-friendly platform for

deciding which food choices for lunch to take.

Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Payment Technology: A Study among Foodservice

Consumers in Selected Cities in the Province of Cavite

A study conducted by the Group of Hans Darrel M. Gabriel (2022) Mobile Payment

Technology is a critical determinant in consumers satisfaction. Foodservices often utilize

technology as a value-added amenity to help promote differentiation and enhance

consumers satisfaction. In these studies, researchers sufficed as confederates in this field

of experiment. Numerous studies have focused on how different mobile payment

technology acts when consumers experience this kind of amenity. This research focuses

on finding out if there is convenience among Filipino consumers experience among

Foodservices in selected cities in the province of Cavite by measuring how it would be

useful. With the information from the data of the researchers’ online survey, the researchers

were able to find out what factors are affecting the receptiveness of males and females.

The respondents of said research will be the Filipino consumers located in the selected

cities in the province of Cavite. The researchers will be using a statistical descriptive

method of research to gather the data necessary for said research. The collected data will

then be processed by finding the standard deviation of each numerical value collected from

the respondents so that the researchers may conclude on the data collected. The data

collected will determine what factors contribute to the usefulness of an individual towards

mobile payment technology. The data collected will also show what factors or situations

may hinder from engaging in mobile payment technology.

Event Management System with SMS Notification for Mindanao People’s Care

Foundation, Inc.

A study conducted by the Group of Fahad Reyes (2022) Event management in offices,

firms, businesses, and other types of organizations is not an easy task. To ensure that the

appropriate individuals receive the appropriate message at the appropriate moment,

effective communication is required at every stage. This criterion is readily satisfied when

utilizing SMS on mobile phones. The goal of this study was to solve the issues that come

up while handling events manually, provide a practical solution, and hasten the

transmission of information about the client's meetings and activities, the Mindanao

People's Care Foundation Inc. (MPCFI). The main objective of the project is to design and

develop an Event Management System with SMS notification to notify the employees of

the clients about important and/or urgent events and announcements. The system was

deployed using the framework - dependent deployment with Microsoft Visual Studio. While

the database was deployed using SQL Server. This research provides significant

contributions in promoting productivity since it is easy to use and is timesaving. It also

provides safety and security of records since it’s free from the flaws of using traditional

paper and verbal announcements. With its SMS notification feature, the employees and

volunteers can quickly receive important messages without the need for an internet

connection. It therefore promotes a good flow of communication between superiors and

subordinates within the office/organization.

Occidental Mindoro's emerging photography and videography services: The role of

social media marketing as a promotional tool

According to (Galay- Limos J., 2023). Photographers and videographers in Occidental

Mindoro relied heavily on social media marketing to spread the word about their work. Due

to the province's remote location, social media was used as the primary means of
promotion. This research, which used a qualitative case study approach, looked into the

challenges faced by new photography and videography businesses in the province. The

research was conducted with the express objective of learning more about social media

marketing and its potential as a promotional tool


YEAR 2021 2020 2022 2021 2021 2023

METHODOLOGY Waterfall Waterfall AGILE AGILE Waterfall AGILE


Event Booking ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ x ✓

Customize Package x ✓ x x x ✓

Online Payment ✓ x ✓ X ✓ ✓

Portfolio Gallery x ✓ x x ✓ ✓

Table 1. Table of Comparison in Local Studies


iR: AOERFLCCWSN – iReserve: An Online Event Reservation for Lipa City Cultural with

SMS Notification

ADSSFONDLIACSCDOCPULP – A Decision Support System for Optimizing Nutrient in

Daily Lunch Intake among College Students in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines using

Linear Programming

CAOMPT: ASAFCSCPC– Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Payment Technology: A

Study among Foodservice Consumers in Selected Cities in the Province of Cavite

EMSSNMPCFI – Event Management System with SMS Notification for Mindanao People’s

Care Foundation, Inc.

OMEPVS: TRSMMPT – Occidental Mindoro's emerging photography and

videography services: The role of social media marketing as a promotional tool.


The collection of related literature and studies provided the proponents with

valuable insight into ICSM Creatives' current manual booking procedure, both locally and

internationally. These resources provided a deeper understanding and alternate

techniques to addressing the current system's inefficiencies, such as competing

timetables, delays, and misunderstanding. The primary purpose of creating a new system

is to streamline operations and increase client relations by launching a website with a

Custom Package Service and an Event Booking Management System. This synthesis

underscores the necessity of a structured and automated solution to enhance operational

efficiency, ensure seamless communication, and provide a professional platform for

clients to manage bookings, customize service packages, and process payments

securely. By integrating these insights, the proposed system aims to transform ICSM

Creatives' processes, supporting the company's growth and success.


In this chapter, the proponent’s approach, methodology, requirements analysis,

system requirements, software design, methods and technique in developing the system

are thoroughly explained, provides an in-depth look at the research methods employed in

the development and implementation of the proposed system. The presentation includes

an in-depth review of the research methods used, illuminating the systematic processes

followed to ensure the proposed solution is effective and relevant. Additionally, the chapter

provides a comprehensive analysis of the requirements, both functional and non-

functional, offering a structured foundation for the ensuing system development. By

explaining the complexities of the research approach and methodology, this chapter

serves as a guide to understanding the systematic and meticulous procedures undertaken

in the creation and deployment of the envisioned system. s

Design of Software, Systems, Product and/or Processes

After identifying the company needs and gathering data through observations,

interviews, and suggestions, the proponents have designed a system tailored to meet

these requirements. The collected data served as the foundation for developing a website

for ICSM Creatives, which includes a Custom Package Service and Event Booking

Management System.

The proposed system is designed for use by both the admin and staff of ICSM

Creatives. The formulated design and features address the needs of the target clients,

ensuring an organized booking process and allowing clients to choose and customize their

own service packages. This approach aims to streamline operations, enhance user

experience, and improve overall efficiency.

Figure 2. Context Diagram

Figure 3. Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 4. Use Case Diagram

Website for ICSM Creatives with Custom
Package Service and Event Booking
Management System

Figure 5. System Software Flowchart

Requirement Analysis

Figure 6. Current Booking Process Situation

The figure 6 shows the current situation in ICSM Creatives wherein they use a

manual process. The process begins with the Client making an inquiry or setting up a

booking through messenger. After the initial inquiry or booking, the client is required to

make an on-hand down payment or full payment, Once the payment is received on the

Event Planner or Admin. The admin will manually log the reserved dates and admin will

assign who the photographers will capture in that event. The photographers will wait and

prepare for the scheduled event. After the successfully event, they will upload the event-

files or materials into the client’s flash drive and give it back to the client.

Figure 7. Conceptual Diagram of the proposed system

The figure 7 shows the system process of the proposed system, it allows users to

set a book and manage booking for the special events Initially, the client must either

register for a user account or log in to the website. Upon logging in, the client will set

booking to request services by filling out a booking form the company have a fixed

package service rating, but the clients can customize or choose a package service that is

suited to their event demands and budget the client is required to make a down payment

or full payment via e-wallet (GCash). The admin can accept or decline booking requests.

If a booking request is accepted the client will receive invoice via email and SMS, if

booking request is declined the client will receive a message with valid reason. The admin

assigns a photographer to the event, and the photographer has an option of accepting or

declining the event. After the event, the admin will upload the event-files or materials into

the client’s gallery. The admin can manage other modules within the system such as

expenses, staff, client user, and calendar that can set specific dates as unaccessible.

Requirement Documentation

After consulting with the client, we agreed to include these features in the project.

We discussed and decided together, identifying these qualities as critical to the outcome.

Main Features Detailed Features

Register • The clients should have the option to

create an account using Facebook
or Google for easier registration and
booking setup on the website.

Event Booking Management • The Event Booking Management

system allows clients to request
services by filling out a booking
form. The admin can accept or
decline booking requests. If a
booking request is accepted, the
admin assigns a photographer to
the event, and the photographer
has an option of accepting or
declining the event.
• The admin can easily collect and
store all booking requests, allowing
for convenient access and
Customize Package Service • Although the company's package
service ratings are fixed, clients can
customize or choose a package
service that is suited to their event
demands and budget.
• Each selected service is assigned a
value, and the overall cost is
calculated automatically based on
the client's preferences.
Calendar Management • Calendar management is crucial
since it ensures that clients cannot
select dates within 7 days of the
present date, preventing scheduling
conflicts and providing adequate
preparation time for both the firm
and the client.
• The admin may set specific dates
as inaccessible. These dates will
be displayed to clients as
unavailable turned grayed out or
not clickable.
Portfolio Gallery • The admin can upload videos and
pictures captured by the company
after the event.
• Clients can see and download
videos and pictures stored in their

Table 2. Features of the proposed system

Quality Attributes Description

Usability The system should be user-friendly with
uniform design elements.

Performance The system should have fast response time,

with pages loading within 6 seconds.

Security The system should have encryption of

sensitive data and secure authentication


Scalability The system should be able to handle increased

traffic during peak periods.

Compliance The Website for ICSM Creatives with

Custom Package Service and Event
Booking Management System meet the
client’s needs and standard

Table 3. Non-functional requirements of the system

System Development

In developing the Website for ICSM Creatives with Event Booking and

Management System the proponents employ the Agile Methodology. The Proponents

chose this methodology it will identify the problems encountered by the client and staff of

the ICSM Creatives in the business particularly in the visualization on the design offer of

the company and facilitating continuous improvement throughout the development

process. This methodology encompasses seven essential stages that guide the system's

development, with the flexibility to revisit previous stages as needed.

Figure 8. Agile Methodology

Planning Phase. The Requirements part is the planning phase where the project

team would work with ICSM Creatives team and other stakeholders to talk about the parts

of the system to be developed in the current iteration. This will determine the requirements

of the developing project include identifying the features and funtionality needed also the

time and resources required for the system as well as assess possible risks.

Designing Phase. The Design phase is the creation of the outlined requirements

in the first phase. The proponents can create prototypes of how the expected user

interface and system will work. They can also meet up with the client to show them the

plan outline as well as the various functions of the system.

Development Phase. In the development phase, the proponents start thousand

build the hardware components of the system. The proponents start to writing the code

and converting the design documentation into the actual system, the proponents used

Visual Studio Code and Arduino IDE for the coding environment of the system using PHP,

JavaScript, as the programming language. The proponents also used MySQL for the

database of the system to store information in the system. This phase produces the

functionality of each module based on the diagrams in the designing phase

Testing Phase. Before the user evaluation, the proponents will conduct a series

of tests to ensure the system's functionality and to fix all the bugs that will appear during

the process. After ensuring that the system works properly and there’s no bugs, the

proponents start to conduct a user evaluation to the client that helps the proponents to

know what are the different problems or errors they encountered when they test the

system so that can resolve and fix them immediately.

Deployment Phase. In the deployment stage, after completing the system building

and testing phase, the system should be now available for the clients of ICSM Creatives

and the team will provide support to the deployment. This step allows for the collection of

feedback from the client regarding the system's performance and functionality.

Reviewing Phase. In this stage, the proponents conduct a test within the end

users and gather feedbacks from them to analyze if the developed system meets the

expected requirements. If there are features that needs to improve the proponents will go

back to the development stage to make changes in the system.

Launching Phase. Once the system is already meet the expected requirements,

the proponents will implement the developed system to the ICSM (I Create Sweet

Memories) Creatives. The proponents need to deploy and configure the system, and train

the administrator, and staff to ensure they can properly use the developed system. The

proponents need to make sure that the system is well – maintained by conducting a

maintenance stage where in they will gather some feedbacks from the client on how well

the system works and improve it to preserve its quality and functionality.

System Testing

In the testing phase, the software system goes through comprehensive testing

from initial checks to final evaluations. This detailed testing is done to ensure that the

software will be able to perform properly as planned, it should be tested thoroughly through

different categories such as usability, functionality, security, scalability, reliability, and

maintainability. In the beta testing and final testing stages, the software systems are tested

on the target users or the clients. This includes testing with the admin/event manager and

staff members.

System Evaluation

After the completion of the system, the proponents surveyed to evaluate the

proposed system. The proponents used convenience sampling. Convenience sampling is

popular because it is not costly, not as time-consuming as other sampling strategies, and

simplistic. When used to generate a potential hypothesis or study objective, convenience

sampling is useful. (Stratton, 2021).

Quantitative research is chosen to gain knowledge from the target respondents

that will transform into numerical data using a survey questionnaire in a Likert Scale form.

Implementation Plan

The phase begins after the system has been tested and accepted by the user. The

proponents plan to develop a website for ICSM Creatives with Custom Package Service

and Event Booking Management System. The system is a website that allows the clients

to set a booking event and customize their event service preferences and the admin will

respond to the booking status.

If the proposed system is to be used and acquire by the client, the proponents must

submit all of the necessary documents. If the system is implemented, the proponents

conduct several strategies. Those strategies are presented below


Planning Requirement Agie N. Ignacio June - July

Analysis and Client Janvier Erickson C.

Interview Maezelle T. Secuya

Documentation Chapter 1 - 3 Maezelle T. Secuya September -

first Janvier Erickson C. November


Agie N. Ignacio

Software System Layout, Prototype, Maezelle T. Secuya July - January

Development Coding, Testing, Janvier Erickson C.

and Maintenance Agie N. Ignacio

Documentation Chapter 4 – 5, Maezelle T. Secuya December -

Conducting a Janvier Erickson C. January

survey Agie N. Ignacio

Table 4. Implementation Plan

If any problems occur while using the system, the proponents immediately address

and resolve them. The proponents aim to create user-friendly and well-structured

system software is functioning well, and will improve based on user feedback and
















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