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GRADE: ___________

Subject: English Concept(s): Narative essays

Teacher: Miguel Tomás

Nombre: Group: 11th Grade Date: 6/20/2024


Narrative statements are literary techniques writers use to grab the reader's attention
and keep them engaged in the story from the beginning. These hooks are crucial in
creating an immediate interest and investment in the narrative, prompting the reader
to continue reading. Here are several common types of narrative hooks, each with
examples to illustrate their use:

1. A Startling Statement: This type of hook involves opening with a bold,

surprising, or shocking statement that captures the reader's curiosity.
o Example: "It was the day everything changed, and nothing would ever be
the same again."
2. A Question: Starting with a question can provoke the reader’s curiosity and
engage them in seeking the answer.
o Example: "What would you do if you found out you had only one day to
3. An Intriguing Mystery: Introducing an unresolved mystery or unusual situation
can hook the reader by creating a need to know what happens next.
o Example: "The door was locked from the inside, but the room was
empty. How did they escape?"
4. A Vivid Description: Using rich, sensory language to paint a vivid scene can
draw the reader into the world of the story.
o Example: "The sun set in a blaze of orange and red, casting long
shadows over the abandoned carnival rides."
5. A Character in Distress: Placing a character in an immediate crisis or
challenging situation can engage the reader’s empathy and interest.
o Example: "She ran through the dark alley, her heart pounding, footsteps
echoing behind her."
6. A Philosophical or Thought-Provoking Statement: Starting with a deep or
reflective statement can engage the reader’s mind and curiosity.
o Example: "Every life is a story, but some stories are worth remembering
more than others."
7. An Action-Packed Scene: Beginning with an action scene can hook the reader
by thrusting them directly into the excitement.
o Example: "Bullets whizzed past his head as he dove for cover, the sound
of explosions ringing in his ears."
8. Dialogue: Opening with a piece of intriguing or dramatic dialogue can immerse
the reader in the moment and raise questions.
o Example: "'You have to leave now,' she whispered urgently, 'before they
find you.'"
9. A Confession or Revelation: Starting with a character's confession or a
surprising revelation can create immediate interest and curiosity.
o Example: "I never meant to steal her purse. It just happened."
10. An Unusual Setting or Scenario: Introducing a unique or unfamiliar setting
can pique the reader’s interest.
o Example: "In the heart of the floating city, where streets were rivers and
houses bobbed like boats, lived a girl who dreamed of land."
ACTIVITY. Develop a narrative statement

1. A Startling Statement:


2. A Question:


An Intriguing Mystery:

A Vivid Description:

A Character in Distress:

A Philosophical or Thought-Provoking Statement:


An Action-Packed Scene:


A Confession or Revelation:

An Unusual Setting or Scenario:


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