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(Group-based Project)

(Poor) (Moderate) (Satisfactory) (Good) (Excellent)

Mapping Assessment Criteria
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

The contents are

The contents are The contents are The contents are
excellently stated.
No attempt in writing fairly stated. Very limitedly stated. Very clearly stated. Clear
Clear and well
a. Introduction (5%) the introduction of the moderate explanation brief explanation on explanation on the
explanation on the
project on the introduction of the introduction of the introduction of the
introduction of the
the project. project. project.

The contents are

The contents are The contents are The contents are
excellently stated.
No attempt in writing fairly stated. Very limitedly stated. Very clearly stated. Clear
Clear and well
b. Description of Design/Problems (5%) the description of moderate explanation brief explanation on explanation on the
explanation on the
design and problems on the description of the description of description of design
description of design
design and problems design and problems and problems
and problems

The contents are The contents are The contents are

The contents are
No attempt in writing fairly stated. Very limitedly stated. Very excellently stated.
clearly stated. Clear
c. Objectives of Design (5%) the objectives of moderate explanation brief explanation on Clear and well
explanation on the
design on the objectives of the objectives of explanation on the
objectives of design
design design objectives of design

The machine The machine The machine

The machine
components are fairly components are components are
No attempt in components are
identified and listed. limitedly identified excellently identified
d. Machine elements identification and identifying and listing clearly identified and
Very moderate listing and listed. Very brief and listed. Clear and
selection - List of Components (5%) the machine listed. Clear listing of
of machine listing of machine well listing of machine
components machine components
components are components are components are
are shown.
shown. shown. shown.

The calculation for

The calculation for The calculation for The calculation for
components design is
components design is components design is components design is
No attempt in excellently stated.
e. Calculation, analysis, justification for fairly stated. Very limitedly stated. Very clearly stated. Clear
writing/showing the Clear and well
CO3/PO3/ material and component selection, Design moderate explanation brief explanation on explanation on the
design calculations of explanation on the
WP1/WP3/WP5/ for strength (40%) on the design and the design and design and
the components design and
WK3/WK5 development of the development of the development of the
development of the
30% solution solution solution

The sketches of The sketches of The sketches of The sketches of

No attempt in design are fairly design are limitedly design are clearly design are excellently
sketching/showing the stated. Very moderate stated. Very brief stated. Clear stated. Clear and well
f. Sketch of Design (with dimensions) (5%)
design of the sketches and sketches and sketches and sketches and
components dimensions of dimensions of dimensions of dimensions of
component are shown component are shown component are shown component are shown

The standard or other

The standard or other The standard or other
The standard or other references are
references are fairly references are
No attempt in using references are clearly excellently stated.
g. Standard/code/regulation or other used. Very moderate limitedly stated. Very
the standard or other stated. Clear standard Clear and well
references (5%) standard or other brief standard or other
references or other references standard or other
references are being references are being
are being referred references are being
referred referred

The specifications of
The specifications of The specifications of The specifications of
product are
No attempt in product are fairly product are limitedly product are clearly
excellently stated.
writing/showing the stated. Very moderate stated. Very brief stated. Clear
h. Product Design Specification (PDS) (5%) Clear and well
specification of explanation on the explanation on the explanation on the
explanation on the
product. product design product design product design
product design
specification (PDS). specification (PDS). specification (PDS).
specification (PDS).

Draw poor Draw limited Draw satisfactory Draw good Draw excellent
i. Conclusion - Overall mechanical conclusions regarding conclusions regarding conclusions regarding conclusions regarding conclusions regarding
engineering design (5%) the projects’ the projects’ the projects’ the projects’ the projects’
achievement. achievement. achievement achievement. achievement.

CO4/PO10/ Demonstrate no Demonstrate limited Demonstrate a good Demonstrate the
inadequate interest
EA3 j. Report writing - Content, Format (20%) interest for personal interest for personal interest for personal strong interest for
for personal
10% development development development personal development

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