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Hello, Let me introduce myself, my name is Galang Aldirgan Aldirgan Alfa Aditia Saputra.

I was born in
Pemalang Regency, precisely in Central Java, on December 10 2002, I live in Gunung Tiga Village,
Belik District, Pemalang Regency, Central Java Province. I am an only child. My father has passed
away since I was in elementary school and my mother works at home. From elementary school to
high school I was in Pemalang, more precisely at SDN 1 Gunung Tiga, SMPN 1 Belik, and SMAN 1
Belik. What I liked the most was when I was in middle school because it was the first time I joined an
organization and managed to become a member, as well as all the stories that I will never forget from
that time.

My hobbies are sports and playing guitar. Since I was little, I have enjoyed playing sports such as
playing football, running, cycling and etc. Apart from exercising, I also like playing games to fill my
free time. Sometimes I also help the family during free time, such as washing dishes and cleaning the
house. Since I was little, I dreamed of becoming a civil servant and wanted to serve my nation and
state. Why do I want to become a civil servant? Because in my opinion, civil service is a noble
profession. Apart from that, I want to make my parents proud and prove that I can become a civil
servant, but in the end I have not succeeded in becoming a civil servant, but my goal is still the same,
namely to become a person who is useful for the nation and state. Therefore, I chose to continue my
education at the National Land College in order to achieve my goals.

Maybe that's all the essays I can write. Thank You

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