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Families and society should stop / can stop trying to shape young
people's body image through criticism and teasing.

Even if Jane was not very enthusiastic to do, she had to / had better
take charge of the department while their manager was away for a
surgical operation for a month.

You had better think / may think about the job offer carefully, if you
don’t want to be sorry later as you will be far away from your family
for long periods of time every month.

The worker should have weared / might have weared his protective
helmet for safety, but he wasn’t and as a result he was terribly injured.

Today, agricultural technology has advanced dramatically, so machines

operating in the farming fields can / could accomplish necessary task
just in hours.

Nancy may not have worked / can’t have worked overtime, because
Abbie came to help her and they left the office at 6 p.m. as usual.

Men helped women with the farming duties so that women can leave
/ could leave the fields earlier to prepare meals for their families.
Plants needed / need sunlight to photosynthesize, the process that
enables them to store solar energy as sugar molecules, but too much
should / can dehydrate and damage their leaves.

Ancient Egyptians abandoned / has abandoned one of their coastal

cities more than 2000 years ago, when the supply of fresh water dried
up. The cause should have been / may have been a major volcanic
eruption, possibly on the other side of the world, that triggered /
triggers a severe drought.

Smoking is linked to a wide range of serious health problem, but it is

especially harmful during pregnancy as it could / should cut off the
oxygen supply to the fetus.

Paleontologists had to think / used to think that small mammals might

have caused / should have caused the extinction of dinosaurs by
eating their eggs; however, currently they think the rise of mammals
was an effect of the demise of dinosaurs.

Because industrialized countries have been the primary greenhouse

gas emitters, they can / should play a role in helping the world shift to
renewable energy sources.

Taking regular doses of vitamin C will not protect us from catching a

cold, however high doses of vitamin C could / should help to alleviate
symptoms of cold.


Anyone who ---- unusual reactions to antihistamines (medicines that
relieve or prevent the symptoms of some kinds of allergy) in the recent
past ---- his or her physician know before taking the drugs again.

A) used to have / might let

B) had had / must have let
C) was having / could let
D) has had / should let
E) had / might have let

E-YDS 2016
Certain activities, odors and images ---- a stress response that causes
physiological symptoms in asthma patients, so doctors ---- sufferers
not to overreact to things that are harmless.

A) were going to elicit / used to warn

B) may elicit / should warn
C) could elicit / had to warn
D) can elicit / would warn
E) might elicit / must have warned
Ideally, the end of the Cold War between the United States and the
Soviet Union ---- a substantial lessening of security concerns in the
world; however, in practice, the focus ---- to terrorism and subnational
A) might have signified / will have moved
B) would have signified / used to move
C) must have signified / had moved
D) could have signified / had been moving
E) should have signified / moved

Patients with implants or electronic devices put inside their bodies ---
using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) because the machine’s
magnet ---- these objects within the body, causing damage.

A) should not be examined / must move

B) could not be examined / had to move
C) may not be examined / used to move
D) cannot be examined / could move
E) must not be examined / ought to move


Although hurricanes -------- vast distances, they rely on warm ocean
water to sustain them, so a large mass of cold water ------ them in their
A) can travel / might stop
B) should travel / would stop
C) must travel / had to stop
D) would travel / could have stopped
E) may travel / must have stopped
Low-fat, flavored yogurt ------- very high in added sugar and thickeners,
so it ------- better to chose plain, whole-milk yogurt and blend it with
fresh fruit or honey to get natural sweetness.
A) may be / has to be
B) should be / had to be
C) would be / must be
D) used to be / could be
E) can be / might be
2020 YDT
Scientists conducting research to shed light on the possible causes of
several mental disorders --------- a link between lack of normal gut
bacteria and brain development changes that ------- schizophrenia.

A) had observed / used to cause

B) have observed / could cause
C) will observe / should cause
D) observed / should have caused
E) are observing / had to cause

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