Chap 5

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Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

Chapter # 05

Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance


1. Administrative structure of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is based on the:

a. Objective Resolution
b. 1956 Constitution
c. 1962 Constitution
d. 1973 Constitution

2. There are ________ governments working in Pakistan.

a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five

3. ________ list contains the subjects on which only the Federal Parliament can legislate.

a. Federal
b. Concurrent
c. Residuary subjects
d. None of them

4. National Parliament and Provincial Assemblies have an equal jurisdiction regarding

the subjects mentioned in ________ list.

a. Federal
b. Concurrent
c. Residuary subjects
d. None of them

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

5. Governments are comprised of _____________ main organs.

a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five

6. ________ means the law forming body of the state.

a. Legislature
b. Executive
c. Judiciary
d. None of them

7. Federal Legislature of Pakistan has been named ________.

a. National Assembly
b. Senate
c. Parliament
d. Judiciary

8. Our parliament has _______ houses.

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

9. A draft is initiated before ________ first.

a. National Assembly
b. Senate
c. Provincial Assembly
d. None of them

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

10. National Assembly consists of ________ members.

a. 340
b. 342
c. 344
d. 346

11. Each constituency returns _______ to the National Assembly.

a. One member
b. Two members
c. Three members
d. Four members

12. Presiding Officer of the National Assembly is called _________.

a. Deputy speaker
b. Speaker
c. Prime Minister
d. Minister

13. _________ is the most powerful and dignified officer of the Republic.

a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. Minister
d. Speaker

14. _________ is the head of the administrative machinery.

a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. Minister
d. Speaker

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

15. The National Assembly is elected for _______ years.

a. One
b. Three
c. Five
d. Seven

16. The _______ enjoys full control of the financial matters.

a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. National Assembly
d. Senate

17. The Prime Minister is elected by the members of the _________.

a. Provincial Assembly
b. National Assembly
c. Senate
d. All of them

18. Senate represents the ________.

a. Province
b. People
c. Muslim majority
d. All of them

19. Lower age limit for a candidate contesting Senate election is ________ years.

a. 30
b. 35
c. 40
d. 45

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

20. Presiding Officer of the Senate is called ________.

a. Speaker
b. Deputy speaker
c. Chairman
d. Vice Chairman

21. Each senator is elected for a term of _______ years.

a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8

22. The ________ can impose emergency in any province.

a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. Speaker
d. Governor

23. The ________ can dissolve the provincial assembly.

a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. Speaker
d. Governor

24. The ________ can appoint the Attorney General.

a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. Speaker
d. Governor

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

25. The ________ has authority to hold referendum on an issue of national importance.

a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. Minister
d. Governor

26. The Provincial Assembly can legislate on all matters mentioned in the _______ list.

a. Federal
b. Concurrent
c. Residuary subjects
d. Constitution

27. Head of the provincial executive is called _______.

a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. Chief Minister
d. Governor

28. The Chief Minister is elected by the majority of the members of the ________.

a. National Assembly
b. Senate
c. Provincial Assembly
d. All of them

29. Constitutional head of each province is called _______.

a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. Chief Minister
d. Governor

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

30. Provincial Governor is appointed by the ________.

a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. Chief Minister
d. Chief Justice

31. The High Court functions under the supervision of the ________.

a. National Assembly
b. Senate
c. Provincial Assembly
d. Supreme Court

32. Gen. Pervez Musharraf assumed power as Chief Executive on _________.

a. Oct, 2, 1999
b. Oct, 12, 1999
c. Oct, 22, 1999
d. None of them

33. Gen. Musharraf introduced a new system of _______ governments in the year 2000.

a. Federal
b. Local
c. Democratic
d. Parliamentary

34. Devolution Plan gave a _______ tier system of local government.

a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

35. A union council should consist of at least ________ members.

a. 15
b. 21
c. 25
d. 27

36. Senate and National Assembly put together are called ________.

a. Parliament
b. Supreme court
c. Executive
d. None of them

37. ________ should be prohibited in an Islamic State.

a. Riba
b. Democracy
c. Literacy
d. All of them

38. It should be the duty of the ________ to collect Ushr, Zakat and Sadaqaat from wealthy

a. People
b. President
c. State
d. Nazim

39. Hazrat Omer (R.A) ruled from the year 634 to ______.

a. 639
b. 644
c. 649
d. 654

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

40. Hazrat Omer (R.A) ruled for the _______ years.

a. Five
b. Ten
c. Fifteen
d. Twenty

41. A Turkish horse was a symbol of vanity and ________ in Hazrat Omer’s era.

a. Beauty
b. Pride
c. Modesty
d. Ego

42. Divan (secretariat) was established to maintain the _________.

a. Law & Order

b. Account
c. Defense
d. Education & Health

43. Income Tax department was established by _________.

a. Gen. Zia-Ul-Haq
b. Gen. Pervez Musharaf
c. Hazrat Omer (R.A)
d. Quaid-e-Azam

44. ________ launched the devolution of Power and Responsibility Plan.

a. Gen. Zia-Ul-Haq
b. Gen. Pervez Musharaf
c. Hazrat Omer (R.A)
d. Quaid-e-Azam

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

45. Good governance is directly related to the good _______.

a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. Citizenship
d. Government

46. Good governance can be established only in a strong and stable ________ culture.

a. Social
b. Administrative
c. Political
d. Historical

47. _______ is the mother of all evils.

a. Poverty
b. Political System
c. Social System
d. Ignorance

48. The Prime Minister is bound to select at least _______ of the members of his cabinet
from the Senate.

a. 1/5
b. 1/4
c. 1/3
d. 1/2

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

Short Qs/Ans
Q 1: Enlist the areas of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as per Constitutional division.

Ans: The Constitution says that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan will be a federal state
constituted of the areas falling in four categories:

1) Four provinces; the Punjab, Sindh, the KPK and Baluchistan.

2) Federal Capital (Islamabad) and the areas adjoining it.
3) Federally Administrated Tribal Agencies (FATA) and the Northern Areas.
4) Tribal Areas adjoining the KPK and Baluchistan.

Q 2: Enumerate the subjects enlisted in the Federal list.

Ans: This list contains the subject on which only the Federal Parliament can legislate. Important
matters enumerated in this list are the following:

1) Armed Forces
2) Covenants
3) Banking
4) Currency
5) Foreign Exchange
6) Nuclear Energy
7) Planning
8) Citizenship
9) Foreign Affairs
10) Communications

Q 3: Enumerate the important subjects included in the Concurrent List.

Ans: National Parliament and Provisional Assemblies have an equal jurisdiction regarding the
subjects mentioned in this list. Following are their important matters enumerated in this list:

1) Health

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

2) Education
3) Criminal and Civil Law
4) Armament
5) Family planning
6) Irrigation
7) Newspapers
8) Zakat
9) Tourism
10) Archives

Q 4: Write a note on the Federal Judiciary (the Supreme Court).


1) A Supreme Court had been established, at the federal level, under the 1973 Constitution. All
the persons and institutions operating within state of Pakistan fall within the jurisdiction of
the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is composed of one Chief Justice and a number of
2) The Chief Justice is appointed by the President, rests of the Judges are appointed by the
President with the consultation of Chief Justice. Judges of the Supreme Court have full
security of the service.
3) Only supreme Judicial Council can make recommendations about the removal of a judge on
the basis of serious disability. Order of the removal is passed by the President, but he cannot
remove a judge, on his own, without the recommendation of the Supreme Judicial Council.

Q 5: When and why was the Devolution Plan introduced?

Ans: In the year 2000, Gen. Pervez Musharaf introduced a new system of local governments
which he named “Devolution of Power and Responsibility Plan”. Main philosophy underlying
this system, as its title shows, was to devolve powers and responsibilities, regarding
governmental affairs, to the “grass-root-level”.

Q 6: Enlist five significant obstacles in the way of good governance.

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

Ans: Following are the major obstacles interposed in the way of establishing good Governance.

1) Bad citizenship.
2) Illiteracy and ignorance.
3) Poverty
4) Culture based on war and terrorism.
5) Oppressive political system.
6) Social system based on corruption and dishonest practices.

Q7: Give an account of the system of accountability adopted in Hazrat Omer’s (R.A)

Ans: Vigilance and Accountability

1) Hazrat Omer (R.A) was all time ready and willing to answer any question that anybody
would rise about his public decisions or personal life.
2) He inflicted double punishment for drinking wine on his own son, he was extremely vigilant
and harsh about the governors he appointed. Every important office holder in the state had to
submit a list of his property, at the time of his appointment.
3) Commonest of the citizens were free to make complaints against the highest of the
government functionaries. If the charges were proved, the functionaries were given
exemplary punishment and even removed from office if the charges were serious in nature.

Q 8: What measures were taken by Hazrat Omer (R.A) to ensure social security?

Ans: Omer said,

“Omer (RA) will be held accountable if a dog at the bank of Dajlah

dies of hunger”.

He established a system of permanent financial support for the widows, orphans and the destitute
to be paid from the Bait-ul-Maal (public exchequer). An amount for the purchase of milk was
fixed right at the time a baby was born in the state.

Q9: Enlist the four tiers of the District Government.

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

Ans: Devolution Plan gave four-tier system of local government i.e.

1) Union Council
2) City District
3) Tehsil Council
4) District Council.

Q10: What is Citizen Community Board?


1) Citizens Community Board shall be established with a purpose of creating an environment of

citizen’s participation in government affairs at grass-root-level.
2) These Boards shall be formed for managing government hospitals, basic health units,
educational and other important service institutions.
3) Community Boards shall be formed by the monitoring committees of the Union Councils and
their opinion shall be given a high weightage by the government.

Q11: Write a short note on National Assembly?

Ans: National Assembly the lower house of the Parliament consists of 342 members. The
country has been divided into constituencies demarcated on the basis of nearly equal number of
voters in each constituency. Each constituency returns one member to the National Assembly,
elected on the basis of universal adult franchise. Minority voters elect their representatives from
among themselves. Any citizen of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan who has attained to the age
of 25 is eligible for the membership of the National Assembly.

Presiding officer of National Assembly is called “Speaker”. “Deputy Speaker” is also elected to
perform duties in the absence of the Speaker. Prime Minister is the most powerful and dignified
of the Republic. He is the head of the administrative machinery and the Chief Executive as well
as the leader of the majority party in the National Assembly.

The National Assembly is elected for five years, but President can dissolve the National
Assembly on Prime Minister’s advice during its term.

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

Q12: What are the Legislation powers of National Assembly?

Ans: The National Assembly has wide-ranging powers of legislation. The National Assembly
enjoys full control of the financial matters. No tax in the country can be levied without the
approval of the National Assembly.

Q13: Write a short note on Senate?

Ans: Senate is the upper house of the Parliament. This house represents the provinces and not
the people. All the four provinces, large and small, have equal representation in the Senate. Any
registered voter, at least 30 years of age, is eligible to contest for a seat of the Senate, allocated
for his province of domicile. The Senate sessions are presided over by a Chairman, he is assisted
by by a Vice- Chairman. Both these officials are elected by the Senators from among themselves.

Senate is a permanent house and cannot be dissolved en bloc (as a whole), each Senator is
elected for a term of six years: half of the total number of Senators retires every three years. No
law in the Republic can be promulgated unless it has been passed by the Senate.

Q14: Write a short note on Prime Minister?

Ans: The Prime Minister is elected by the National Assembly (legislative). The Prime Minister
is legally bound to select three fourths of the members of his cabinet from the National Assembly
members. Every minister acts as the executive head of one or more of the government
departments. Prime Minister is the Chief Executive. Office of the President, though more
prestigious than the Prime Minister, is less powerful in practice. All the orders passed by the
President should be countersigned by the Prime Minister. The National Assembly can force the
Prime Minister and his Cabinet to resign office by passing a no-confidence motion against the

Q15: Write a short note on President?

Ans: The President enjoys the protocol of being the highest office bearer of the Islamic Republic
of Pakistan. Constitutionally his discretion is limited by the binding advice of the Prime Minister.
The President is elected by the two Houses of the Parliament and the four Provincial Assemblies.

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

If he is found guilty of serious misconduct or suffers from mental or physical disability, he can
be removed from office through impeachment. A Muslim, who qualifies for the membership of
the National Assembly and has attained to the age of 45, is eligible to contest elections for the
office of the President.

Q16: What are the powers of the President?


1) The president can impose emergency in any province and can dissolve the Provincial
2) He is authorized to appoint judges of the Supreme Court and the judges of all the four High
3) He can also appoint the Attorney General, four Provincial Governors, members for the
Council of Islamic Ideology, the three Army Chiefs and the number of other important
government functionaries of the Government.
4) The President can, on the advice of the Prime Minister, promulgate ordinances having the
force of law, if the National Assembly is not in session.

Q17: Write a short note on High Courts?

Ans: Four High Courts have been established under the Constitution in all the four provinces.
The High Court functions under the supervision of the Supreme Court. Each High Court consists
of one Chief Justice and a number of Judges. The High Court has original jurisdiction as well as
appellate Jurisdiction. High court also hear cases regarding contempt of court and also tender
expert legal advice to their respective Governors and Provincial Assemblies. The Supreme Court
has the power to hear appeals against the decisions passed by the High Courts.

Q18: What are the functions of Union Council?

Ans: Union Council shall perform following functions:

1) To undertake development projects at local level

2) To levy taxes in order to raise funds

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance

3) To prepare annual development plans to be carried out in its jurisdiction

4) To act as a conciliatory body to resolve civil, criminal and family disputes

Q19: What are the functions of Tehsil Council?

Ans: Tehsil Council shall perform following functions:

1) Provision of municipal services within the Tehsil area

2) Co-ordination between and the monitoring of the district government officials
3) Development through land control and master planning in all towns and villages of the Tehsil
4) Reversing the process of serialization of the urban areas and urbanization of the rural areas

Q20: What is a City District?


1) If a Tehsil area is unable to perform its functions smoothly due to its urbanization, it shall be
raised to the status of a City District
2) The City District shall be divided into a number of towns. Divisions will be made on
population basis.
3) The newly formed towns of the City District shall have the powers and authority to perform
municipal functions and provide civic civil facilities to the residents of the area.

Q21: What measures were taken under the District judicial system 2000?

Ans: The Devolution Plan 2000 speaks about new judicial principles;

1) Quick and effective dispensation of justice

2) Provision of justice at the doorstep
3) Pre-emption of litigation
4) Decentralization of judiciary
5) Establishment of special courts for women
6) Horizontal expansion of judiciary by establishing new cause courts at the Tehsil level

Q22: How the public’s services were restructured according to Devolution Plan 2000?

Chapter 5: Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good Governance


1) Office of the Divisional Commissioner has no place in the present setup

2) Deputy Commissioner’s office has been replaced by a District Co-ordination officer (DCO).
Each department of the district government shall be headed by an Executive Officer, These
departments shall not exceed 12 in member.
3) Revenue and Magistracy departments have been separated and shall be headed by two
different Executive Officers, the change marks a departure from the centuries old British
tradition under which both these powers were exercised by the Deputy Commissioner alone,
he was the D.M (District Magistrate) and the Revenue Collector in one.

Q23: Enlist any six systems innovated or started by Hazrat Omer.


1) Appointment of Governors and functionaries and their accountability to the head of the state
2) Division of the country into provinces and administrative divisions
3) Posting of the Tax Collectors (Sahib-ul-Khiraj) in each province
4) Appointment of the Police Chief (Sahib-ul-Ahdath)
5) Appointment of the Secretary (Katib)
6) Appointment of the Finance Minister (Sahib-e-Bait-ul-Maal)

Q24: What were the targets and expectations of Devolution plan, 2000?


1) To build confidence of the nation

2) To devolve governmental authority at grass-root level
3) To build the confidence of the nation
4) To ensure speedy and transparent accountability
5) To strengthen the federation and remove disparities existing among different provinces
6) To establish peace, upheld the rule of law and ensure speedy justice.


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