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Exercises for the lecture

Institute for Statistics

Linear Models Daniel Ochieng
MZH, Room 7240
Summer Semester 2024

Exercise 02
Submission by Thursday, 16 May 2024, 8:30 A.M. followed by a tutorial at the same time.
Handwritten/software solutions or electronically by e-mail to
Attempt the tasks in groups of at most three individuals.

4. Programming task I.
(a) Explore the multiple linear regression, i.e., mlm2 for this data by adding (more) inter-
actions that you may think are practically important in predicting life expectancy.
(b) Re-evaluate the residual diagnostics for your selected model to see whether or not you
can identify a better model to model life expectancy.
(c) Refit mlm3 adding quadratic terms into mlm3 and re-evaluate the residuals plots using
residual plots.
5. Likelihood ratio test
Let Yj , j = 1, . . . , n be independent random variables such that Yj ∼ N (λ+β(xj −x̄), σ 2 ); xj , j =
1 Pn
1, . . . , n are known constants, x̄ = xj , and λ, β, σ 2 are parameters.
n j=1
(a) Find the likelihood ratio test for testing the hypothesis H : β = β0 against the alterna-
tive K : β ̸= β0 at level of significance α.
(b) Set up a confidence interval for β with confidence coefficient 1 − α.
6. Estimation of the error variance.
Suppose that Y = Xβ + ε where ε ∼ Nn (0, σ 2 I) and X is n ∗ (p + 1). Let βb be the least
squares estimator of β.
b 2
||Y − X β||
a) Show that S 2 = is unbiased estimator of σ̂ 2 .
b) Suppose the random variable in ε are uncorrelated with common variance σ 2 . Show
that S 2 is an unbiased estimator of σ 2 .

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