VacAI Presentation

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your vacation
The Journey Begins Now
VacAI: your
VacAI says:
“The Problem: • You can now balance your desire for luxury
with your wallet.
• You can now monitor global conflicts,

planning disasters and health advisories while

exploring new horizons.
• You can now take a disabled child on the

vacations is vacation of their dreams virtually.

and risky”
“Meet Sarah"
Sarah, a busy professional, dreams of exploring
exotic destinations. But she faces challenges:
Time constraints: Juggling work and family
leaves little time for vacation planning.
Budget worries: She wants memorable
experiences without breaking the bank.
Safety concerns: Global conflicts make choosing
destinations nerve-wracking.
VacAI understands Sarah’s struggles and aims to
transform her travel experience. With
personalized recommendations, budget-friendly
options, and real-time safety updates, VacAI
empowers Sarah to explore the world
Travelling with VacAI

Back to Sarah
Sarah envisions herself strolling through ancient temples
in Kyoto, savouring street food in Bangkok, and gazing at
the Northern Lights in Iceland. But how does she turn
these dreams into reality?

Travel without limits with

Personalized Insights: VacAI analyzes Sarah’s
preferences, past trips, and interests. It suggests
tailored itineraries, from hidden gems to popular
Budget Optimization: VacAI balances Sarah’s desire
for luxury with her wallet. It recommends cost-effective
accommodations, flights, and activities.
Safety First: VacAI monitors global conflicts, natural
disasters, and health advisories. It ensures Sarah’s
safety while exploring new horizons.
VacAI doesn’t stop at
planning. It offers
VR/AR tours—Sarah
can now virtually walk
the Great Wall of
China or snorkel in the
Maldives from her
living room.
And so can Jessica.
“Meet Jessica”
Jessica, with boundless
curiosity, dreams of distant lands.
But her physical limitations pose
Wheelchair-bound: Jessica’s
mobility is restricted.
First-time traveller: She’s never
stepped beyond her home.
VacAI is her beacon of hope—a
bridge to uncharted territories.

Imagine Jessica’s delight as she virtually paraglides over the Swiss Alps, her wheelchair forgotten. VacAI’s
immersive experiences ignite her spirit.
A World unfolds with VacAI
Virtual Reality Tours: Jessica explores the Great Wall of China, Amazon
rainforests, and Aurora Borealis from her room.
Accessible Routes: VacAI maps wheelchair-friendly paths to ancient ruins
and bustling markets.
Safety Alerts: Real-time updates ensure Jessica’s well-being.

Technology's Augmented
Impact Reality
The power of technology VacAI’s AR overlays transform
in expanding horizons mundane streets into enchanted
alleys. Jessica’s laughter echoes in
virtual piazzas
VacAI in action
VacAI in action
“Our Landing page”

Check out our sleek landing page at It is designed to captivate
wanderlust, dreamy souls like Sarah and Jessica.
Why VacAI?
Tailored Experience: VacAI understands Sarah’s unique needs.
Safety Assurance: Real-time updates keep her informed.
Immersive Exploration: VR/AR tours bring destinations to life.

Inclusivity: VacAI embraces Jessica’s uniqueness.

Empowerment: It turns limitations into limitless horizons.
Joyful Discovery: Jessica’s smile fuels our mission.
VacAI is available in 70+ languages
Thankyou VacAI for putting
smiles on all our faces

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