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1- Main submarine parts

-Hull :
A submarine5 is a huge, tightly closed container, cylindrical in shape,
with tapering ends, consisting of a single hull or two hulls, internal and

Single structure or (internal structure)

Also called the pressure structure, it protects sailors and sensitive

submarine equipment from water pressure in the depths of the ocean
and from low temperatures. The hull pressurizes from virtually zero,
with high resistance and a strong design to withstand a large nail in the
depths. One of the problems with submarine design is when there is a
need to achieve a large diving depth, then it requires an increase in the
thickness of the hull, and this is a large amount of submersion in the
weight of the submarine, and thus this increase affects the size of the
equipment and weapons. Which the submarine can carry due to the
limited weight.

Outer hull

The apparent general shape of the submarine is composed of diving or

ballast tanks, which are responsible for the process of buoyancy and
diving. They are placed between the external and internal hulls.
-Command tower :
The submarine has a large metal tower that rises outside the hull of the
submarine. This tower contains a periscope, a radar receiver, a radio
antenna, and sensors, in addition to various devices and equipment, in
addition to an exit hatch for sailors. Previously, the control and
command room was placed in this tower, but later the room was moved.
Driving into the structure, the tower still contains important equipment
for guidance operations.

-Underwater control and guidance :

When a submarine is underwater, there are two means of guidance

The first method is the (rudder)

It works to direct the submarine right and left.

the second method is (diving wings)

It controls the submarine's ascent and descent or stability.

In modern submarines, there are two sets of diving wings:

(Stern planes) : located at the stern and connected to the rudder and

(sail planes) : are in the front and are attached to the tower.

2-Design steps
Main hull design:
- The main hull is made in a cylindrical shape with closed ends. This is
because the cylindrical shape is the ideal shape for resisting high water
pressures. Therefore, this hull is also called the pressure hull.

- This body is made of high-strength structural steel, and the alloy

symbolized by HY-80 is usually used, which is a steel whose shear
strength reaches 900 Newton/mm^2.

- The thickness of this hull was chosen to be 25 mm and it was then

designed to withstand a depth of up to 250 meters under the surface of
the water.

- Based on the design requirements, all equipment and materials that

can be available with certainty to the submarine are studied, including
generators, batteries, devices, and weapons, their dimensions, technical
specifications, and the space it needs inside the submarine, in addition
to auxiliary materials for it, such as stabilization and foundation
materials, wires, and connecting pipes, and the space required for
navigation systems is calculated. Control, air conditioning, ventilation,
water purification, and food storage space, where all the basic
equipment and materials are placed to operate the submarine and in a
way that facilitates the life of the crew inside the main hull, in addition
to the ability of the crew members to move and access that equipment
easily for maintenance purposes. All of this is done in order to calculate
the size of the main hull required to contain all of that. Stuff with a
relaxed atmosphere for the crew members.

In the design, the dimensions of some equipment are obtained, and

each design differs from the other according to the actual dimensions
of the equipment that is installed inside the hull.

Shape and dimensions of the main hull from the outside

The main hull shape from the inside

- The cylindrical body is closed with spherical ends because it has the
best resistance to pressure.

- The total volume of the main hull is calculated as a solid mass with a
density dependence of the hull of 1025, the density of seawater.
Design of the external parts of the submarine :
The rest of the submarine parts are added as follows :

- (Submarine introduction)

This part is carefully calculated in order to place the sonar device (which
detects mines and ships) in it (therefore, the type of sonar device must
be determined and its dimensions and technical specifications known) in
addition to the front diving tanks.

- The submarine carries this part of the tail assembly, which includes the
steering rudder and rear fins, in addition to the rear diving tanks and
listening and detection devices for submarine tracking.

- (The design of the submarine tower): which contains the main

entrance gate, surveillance, reconnaissance and communication devices,
breathing tube, radar, side eavesdropping devices, and hydraulic lifting

- (The design of the tail assembly): must be done according to

hydrodynamic and mechanical engineering calculations to design its
movement mechanism.

- (Design of the front wings and front


- (The design of the bridge): is the part of the outer hull that extends
over the back of the submarine. It is characterized by a horizontal
surface through which individuals can move outside the submarine
easily for the purposes of supply and maintenance. It includes an
emergency hatch. It also includes a section of compressed air tanks and
a lifeboat. It also hides some necessary equipment, which is
characterized by not being affected by water or water pressure.
Therefore, the bridge is made of thin metal, and its interior is immersed
in water during diving. The design of the body is also made after the
design of the main body.

- (Design of the front wings and propeller for maneuvering): The front
wings are designed according to precise hydrodynamic calculations to
obtain the most efficiency. They were placed in the bridge instead of the
tower to obtain greater control and better efficiency. This design is
characterized by a front side propeller for maneuvering that allows the
submarine to rotate in place, which enables the submarine to maneuver
quickly or escape quickly.

- (Diving tank design): Diving tanks are part of the submarine's outer
hull, but their design is after designing the main part of it to make the
submarine dive underwater. The diving tanks are completely filled with
water to make the total weight of the submarine greater than the
weight of the displaced water, so it floats.

The submarine has two weights.

- (The empty weight): is the fixed weight of the submarine and cannot
be increased or decreased.

- (The filled weight): is the weight of the submarine when it is loaded

with weapons. It is fuel, water, food and any other materials that the
submarine needs as consumables that are consumed while the
submarine is sailing.

Careful design stage :

After designing the external shape of the submarine and establishing
the general shape of the submarine, the precise details of the
submarine’s interior are carefully designed. This is done using three-
dimensional computer design programs. At this stage, the parts and
equipment of the submarine are settled and selected. After that, each
piece of equipment is drawn according to its specifications and the maps
attached to it in a three-dimensional form and placed. In its place on the
submarine in a way that does not conflict with the location and function
of other parts and in a way that allows the crew to move freely and
facilitates their access to it, taking into account the ease of maintenance
work and changing old or faulty parts.

How to calculate the energy required for

propulsion :
The largest cross-section of the submarine is taken, which is where the
area of the cross-section shown in the figure is 14.75 square metres.

The largest cross-section of a submarine determines the force required

for propulsion.
How to calculate the energy required to propel a submarine and its
endurance to remain underwater:

(F): It is the force needed to push, and it is in newton.

(C): It is a coefficient with a value of 0.2

)𝝆(:The density of sea water is 1025 kg/m^2

(A): The largest cross-sectional area of the submarine's hull is in square


The maximum speed assumed for the design is 30 km/hour, equal to one

V= 30000/3600 = 8.3m/s

F= 0.2*0.5*14.75*1025*(8.30)^2 = 110.427 N

The force required to propel the submarine at a speed of 30 km/h is

110.427 Newton. To find the energy, we multiply the force by the speed
of the submarine.

P= 110.427*8.3 = 916.547 watt =917KW

Since the main energy for underwater sailing is derived from batteries, if
we used 60 batteries, the capacity of each unit on average is equivalent
to 30 kilowatts per hour, meaning that the total energy of the battery is
equal to:

60*30 = 1800 kw/hour

By dividing the actual capacity of the batteries by the power required for
sailing, it becomes clear that the power provided by the batteries allows
the submarine to sail under the sea at a speed of 30 km/hour for a
period of time.

1800/917 = 1.96 hour

The submarine is then forced to float and recharge the batteries via the

While if the submarine was traveling at a speed of 20 km/h, the ability to

survive would be longer, and we can calculate this using the above
equations after changing the speed value to:

V= 20000/3600 = 5.6 m/s

After applying the above equations, it becomes clear that the required
power is equal to 265,509 watts = 266 kilowatts.

That is, the diver's time will be 1800/266 = 6.8/hour, which is

approximately seven hours.

How to choose the motor

since the total power to propel the submarine at its maximum speed is
approximately 1800 kilowatts. Therefore, we will need an electric motor
with a power rating of about 1800 kilowatts, and its maximum power is
usually greater. In the current design, it was decided to use a motor with
a power of about 2000 kilowatt.

How to choose a generator

It is estimated that a generator the size of one cubic meter can produce
approximately 150 kilowatts. Therefore, the size of the generator will be
related to the size of the space allocated to it. Two marine diesel
generators were chosen, each with a capacity of 500 kilowatts, so that
their total power becomes 1000 kilowatts whenever the amount of
power of the generators is large (up to a certain limit linked to the
specifications Batteries) This allowed the submarine to charge the
batteries faster and safer, but the size of the dimensions required for the
submarine limits the possibility of choosing larger generators, while
trying to obtain larger power generators in a smaller size.

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