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The line graph compares consumptions on cell phone and residential phone services over a period of

10 years.

It is clear that expenditures on residential phones increased to the level of almost seven hundred
dollars, whereas spending on cell phones did not even reach two hundred dollars during 2001.
Residential phone service rapidly decreased their level while cell phone dramatically grew between
2001 and 2006. Both of services leveled out their level during 2006.

Between 2007 and 2010, average annual expanses on cell phone services have exceeded
consumptions on residential phones and reach more than seven hundred fifty dollars USA. During
that period, residential phone services reached their lowest point of four hundred dollars.

To sum up, the consumption of cell phone services went up to their highest level of seven hundred
fifty dollar and residential phone on the contrary fell to the point of four hundred dollars during the
period from 2001 until 2010.

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