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English Fluency – II
Unit 1: In the State
1) Maurice Bernard Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are
2) Right to Information
3) First Information Report (FIR)
4) Consumer Complaint and Complaint about Cutting of Trees

Unit 2: Interface with Technology

1) Elizabeth Kennedy, Breakdown and review of 'Where the Wild Things Are'
2) Dan Brown, Angels and Demons
3) Dan Brown, Book Review and Movie Review: Angels and Demons (2000)

Unit 3: Self-Representation
1) To Jyotiba, from Savitribai Phule: These aren't Love Letters, but Tell You
What Love is All About"
2) Natasha Sharma, Squiggle Takes a Walk: All About Punctuation
3) Audre Lorde, The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action
4) Salman Rushdie, Haroun and the Sea of Stories

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Q 1. Understanding picture book

This story is about one evening in the life of a boy named Max. One fine evening

Max decides to wear his wolf suit and creates all kinds

of mischief. He even chases the family dog with a fork

in the manner of a hunter.

His mother is very annoyed with his behaviour and calls

him a “wild thing”. Since Max is dressed as a wolf he

continues playing the wolf and says, “I`LL EAT YOU UP!”.

The mother decides not to tolerate Max’s wild ways and to teach him a lesson, she
sends him to bed on an empty stomach.

Max is definitely unhappy and perhaps angry at being denied food. Max falls asleep
and in his dreams his room turns into a thick forest, and, as if by magic, an ocean

appears. There is a private boat as well for Max. Max sails off in the boat to find the

“wild things” and in his dream he sails, in what appears to him, for over a year. He

finally reaches the place where the “wild things” are. But they are not happy to see
him. They roar and gnash their teeth, roll their eyes and

display their claws to scare Max away. But Max doesn’t

get scared. He tames them by telling them to be still and

by staring into their eyes without blinking. On the other

hand, the “wild things” are now scared of Max and they

call him the ‘most wild thing of all’ and make him the

king. As the new king, he orders them to start the

‘rumpus’(wild and noisy activities) After a while Max is tired and just like his mother,
orders the ‘wild things’ to go to bed without food. And now he begins to feel lonely.

He wants to get back to home where he is loved. He also smells the aroma of good

food coming from far away. The temptation of love and good food is too much to

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resist. So Max decides to give up being the king and return back home. But the ‘wild

things’ are not happy. They say they love Max and at the

same time threaten to eat him up. But Max says ‘no’ to
the ‘wild things’. The ‘wild things’, once again, roar, bare

their teeth and roll their eyes, but Max steps into his

private boat and sails away. Once again, he sails for over

a year through weeks and days and nights and comes

back home to his own room. On reaching home, he finds his food waiting for him

and it is still hot. He is happy.

1. Write the name of the writer of this story.

2. What is the initial mischief that Max engages in, leading to his mother sending

him to bed without dinner?

3. How does Max become the king of the "wild things," and what does he order

them to do?

4. Why does Max decide to return home from the land of the "wild things," and

how do they react to his decision?

5. What does Max find when he returns home, and how does it make him feel?

Ans –

1. Name of the writer of this story is “Maurice Bernard Sendak”.

2. Max decides to wear his wolf suit and creates mischief, including chasing the family

dog with a fork in the manner of a hunter. His mother, annoyed by his behavior, calls

him a "wild thing" and sends him to bed without dinner to teach him a lesson.

3. Max becomes the king by taming the "wild things" and staring into their eyes

without blinking. As the king, he orders them to start a 'rumpus,' which involves wild
and noisy activities.

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4. Max decides to return home because he feels lonely and is tempted by the love and

aroma of good food. The "wild things" react with a mixture of love and threats,

roaring and baring their teeth, but Max chooses to leave.

5. Upon returning home, Max finds his food waiting for him, still hot. This discovery

makes him happy, providing a sense of comfort and familiarity after his adventurous


Q 2. Write an RTI to MCD of your area asking for information on the funds

provided under various heads to the school in your area for the financial year

Ans - [Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, PIN Code]

[Email Address]

[Contact Number]



The Public Information Officer

Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD)

[Address of the MCD Office]

Subject: Request for Information under the Right to Information Act, 2005

Dear Sir/Madam,

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I am writing to you under the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005, seeking

details on the funds provided under various heads to [Name of the School] located in

[Your Area/Region] for the financial year 2018-19.

I request the following information:

- Detailed information on the total funds allocated to [Name of the School] by the
Municipal Corporation of Delhi for the financial year 2018-19.

- A breakdown of the funds under various heads, specifying the amounts allocated for

infrastructure development, maintenance, academic programs, and any other

relevant categories.
- Details on any specific grants or schemes disbursed to the school during the

mentioned financial year.

- Information on the utilization of the allocated funds, including any reports or

documents related to the expenditure incurred by the school.

- I kindly request you to provide the information mentioned above at the earliest,

within the statutory period of 30 days, as stipulated by the Right to Information Act,

2005. If any fees are applicable for providing this information, please inform me in


Please send the information in writing to my address mentioned above or via email at

[Your Email Address], as preferred.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to a timely and
comprehensive response.


[Your Full Name]

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Q 3. Your purse has been snatched when walking to the market in your locality. File

an FIR at the local police station. frame similar question like this

Ans - [Your Full Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, PIN Code]

[Email Address]

[Contact Number]



The Officer-in-Charge

[Police Station Name]

[Address of the Police Station]

Subject: Request for Registration of First Information Report (FIR) - Snatching Incident

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to report a criminal incident that occurred on [date] at approximately [time]

in the [location/area] of your jurisdiction. I would like to file a First Information Report
(FIR) regarding the snatching of my purse.

Details of the incident are as follows:

Date and Time: [Specify the date and time of the incident]

Location: [Provide details about the exact location where the incident occurred]

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Description of the Incident: [Briefly describe how the purse was snatched and any

relevant details about the perpetrator(s)]

Details of the Stolen Items: [List the items that were in the purse at the time of the


I kindly request the registration of an FIR based on the information provided above. I
understand the importance of cooperating with the police in such matters and am

willing to provide any further information or assistance necessary for the investigation.

I request a certified copy of the FIR once it has been registered for my records.

Additionally, I would appreciate updates on the progress of the investigation and any

actions taken.

I am available for any further clarification or to provide additional details at the police

station or through the contact information mentioned above.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I trust that the necessary steps will
be taken to ensure a thorough investigation.


[Your Full Name]

Q 4. Write a Consumer complaint about cutting of trees.

Ans –

[Your Full Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, PIN Code]

[Email Address]

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[Contact Number]



[Local Forestry Department/Environmental Agency]

[Address of the Concerned Authority]

Subject: Complaint Regarding Unauthorized Cutting of Trees

Dear [Concerned Authority],

I am writing to express my deep concern and register a formal complaint regarding the
unauthorized cutting of trees in the vicinity of [mention the specific location, including

any landmarks or details].

Over the past [mention the time frame], I have observed a significant number of trees

being felled without apparent authorization or adherence to environmental regulations.

This activity not only raises environmental concerns but also contributes to the loss of
green cover, affecting the local ecosystem and biodiversity.

I request a thorough investigation into this matter to ascertain the responsible party or
parties involved in the unauthorized tree cutting. Additionally, I urge the prompt

enforcement of any penalties or corrective actions deemed necessary to halt further

environmental degradation.

Preserving our green spaces is crucial for maintaining ecological balance, air quality, and

the overall well-being of our community. I trust that the concerned authorities will take
swift and decisive action to address this issue and prevent any further unauthorized tree


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I kindly request updates on the progress of the investigation and any measures taken to

rectify the situation. Your attention to this matter is crucial for the protection of our

environment and the well-being of the community.

Thank you for your prompt action in addressing this complaint.


[Your Full Name]

Q 5. Write an essay on “Stress And Its Effects On Youth Essay” in 100 words.

Ans - “Stress And Its Effects On Youth”

The modern youth faces an unprecedented level of stress, stemming from academic

pressures, societal expectations, and the digital age's constant connectivity. This chronic

stress adversely impacts mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and burnout.
Sleep disturbances and compromised physical well-being further exacerbate the issue.

To address this escalating crisis, fostering open dialogue, promoting mental health

education, and providing accessible support systems are imperative. Prioritizing a

holistic approach to well-being, encompassing mental, emotional, and physical facets, is

essential to mitigate the detrimental effects of stress on the youth and empower them

for a healthier future.

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Q 6. Write a dialogue between two friends discussing their plans for the upcoming


Ans - Rahul: Hey, Mohan! Got any exciting plans for the weekend?

Mohan: Not really, just the usual. Maybe catch up on some sleep and binge-watch a

series. How about you?

Rahul: Same here, but I was thinking we could do something different this time. You

know, break the weekend monotony.

Mohan: That sounds interesting. What do you have in mind?

Rahul: Well, I was thinking of trying out that new cafe downtown. They have this
amazing live music on Saturdays.

Mohan: Oh, I heard about that place! Great idea! I'm in.

Rahul: Awesome! And maybe we could do something active on Sunday, like hiking or
biking? Get some fresh air.

Mohan: Yeah, that sounds refreshing. I could use a break from the screen. Where were

you thinking of going?

Rahul: There's a trail I've been wanting to check out. It leads to this beautiful viewpoint.

Perfect for some photos, you know?

Mohan: Count me in for that too. It's been ages since I went on a good hike.

Rahul: Perfect! Saturday night for music, Sunday morning for the great outdoors. We've

got ourselves a weekend plan.

Mohan: Couldn't agree more. It's about time we mix things up a bit. Looking forward to

it, buddy!

Rahul: Same here, Mohan. It's going to be a weekend to remember!

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Q 7. Write a paragraph on “The importance of following your dreams” in 300


Ans - The importance of following your dreams

Following your dreams is essential for personal fulfillment, growth, and a meaningful life.

Dreams are the driving force that propels individuals to strive for something greater,
pushing boundaries and unlocking untapped potential. When you pursue your dreams,

you embark on a journey of self-discovery, learning more about your passions, strengths,

and values. Moreover, following your dreams allows you to break free from the confines

of societal expectations and norms. It empowers you to carve your unique path, guided
by your aspirations and desires. This pursuit often leads to a deeper sense of purpose, as

aligning your actions with your dreams brings a profound satisfaction that transcends

external validation. Setting and pursuing dreams also fosters resilience and determination.

Challenges and setbacks become stepping stones rather than obstacles, as the pursuit of
a dream instills the courage to face adversity and persevere. The journey itself becomes a

source of growth, resilience, and valuable life lessons.

Furthermore, following your dreams can contribute to the betterment of society. Many

groundbreaking innovations and positive societal changes have been driven by

individuals who dared to dream big. By pursuing your dreams, you may contribute unique

ideas, perspectives, and solutions that have the potential to make a positive impact on
both your life and the world around you.

The importance of following your dreams lies in the fulfillment of personal potential, the

discovery of purpose, resilience in the face of challenges, and the potential to contribute

positively to society. It is a journey that not only shapes your individual narrative but also

has the power to inspire and influence those around you.

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Q 8. Change Active voice into Passive voice.

Active into Passive Voice:

1) Sita loves Savitri.

2) The mason is building the wall.

3) The Peon opened the gate.

4) Some boys were helping the wounded man.

5) He will finish the work in a fortnight.

Ans –

1) Savitri is loved by Sita.

2) The wall is being built by the mason.
3) The gate was opened by the peon.

4) The wounded man was being helped by some boys.

5) The work will be finished by him in a fortnight.

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Q 9. Write a letter to the Editor about a road that needs repair.

Ans -

25, SS Street,

Nirankari colony,

Delhi – 110009

8th September, 2019

The Editor,

The Hindu


Subject: Repair of the road in Nirankari colony


I would like to bring to your notice that the people in and around Nirankari have been
facing difficulties in travelling back and forth because of the bad condition of the roads

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there. We have appealed to the Municipality, but there has not been any response on

the issue so far.

As our appeals to their office have had no effect, we believe that perhaps a mention in

the media would be of great help. Since the beginning of the last month, the roads in
Nirankari have been almost impassable. The surface is badly broken up by the heavy

rains, and on a dark night, it is positively dangerous for vehicles to pass that way.

Moreover, there are heaps of road metal on both sides of the road, which leave very

little room in the middle. The residents of the area have been inconvenienced in this way
for weeks.

The situation is becoming worse. There have been multiple accidents happening due to

this condition. I request you to highlight the seriousness of the matter in your

newspaper so that the road may be properly repaired without further delay.

Thanking You

Yours sincerely,




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Q 10. Write a C .V.

Ans -

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Q11. Write a review by Elizabeth Kennedy on ‘WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE’.


Write a review of any other book that you have read recently.

Answer - Introduction

"Where the Wild Things Are" is a beloved children's

book written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak. It tells

the story of a young boy named Max who, after being

sent to bed without dinner for misbehaving, imagines a

magical journey to an island inhabited by wild creatures

known as the Wild Things. Max becomes their king and

enjoys a playful and rambunctious time with them

before feeling the pull to return home, where he finds his

dinner waiting for him, still hot. The book has been

cherished for its imaginative storytelling and Sendak's "Where the Wild Things Are"
iconic illustrations that capture the essence of childhood
emotions and fantasies.

Review of Elizabeth Kennedy on "Where the Wild Things Are":

 Maurice Sendak's "Where the Wild Things Are" is a timeless masterpiece that has

captivated readers for over 50 years. Kennedy's insightful breakdown of this classic

delves into its narrative richness and artistic brilliance, highlighting why it remains a

cherished piece of children's literature.

 The book opens with an introduction to Sendak's groundbreaking work, emphasizing

its significance in challenging the norms of children's literature by exploring themes of

dark emotions, a rarity at the time of its publication in 1963. Kennedy's summary

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beautifully encapsulates the tale of Max, a mischievous boy whose wild antics lead to

confrontation with his mother, triggering a fantastical journey into a world of his own

 Max's transformation from a misbehaving child to a king among the "wild things" is

vividly portrayed through Sendak's exquisite illustrations. The seamless synergy

between text and artistry creates a visually enchanting experience, as Max navigates

his imagination, transforming his bedroom into a realm teeming with forests, oceans,
and untamed creatures.

 Kennedy astutely points out the book's enduring appeal, attributing it to Max's

relatable character and emotions. Max's realistic responses, from anger to

reconciliation, resonate with young readers aged 3 to 6, who often grapple with similar
feelings. The narrative beautifully showcases Max's emotional journey, from

recklessness to understanding the importance of love and connection.

 The brilliance of "Where the Wild Things Are" lies not only in its storytelling but also

in Sendak's ability to infuse humor and a hint of scariness into the illustrations,
mirroring Max's imagination and turbulent emotions. The book's universal themes of

conflict, reconciliation, and the need for love make it a captivating read for readers of

all ages, an aspect eloquently highlighted by Kennedy.


"Where the Wild Things Are" stands as a timeless masterpiece, celebrated for Maurice

Sendak's ingenious blend of narrative depth and captivating artistry. Elizabeth Kennedy's

review eloquently underscores the book's enduring allure, showcasing its ability to
resonate with readers of all ages through Max's relatable emotional journey. Sendak's

illustrations and storytelling prowess brilliantly capture childhood's tumultuous emotions,

offering a rich, universally resonant narrative.

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Q 12. Sophia wants to create a social media profile, what steps should she take to

create her profile?

Answer - Introduction

Social media refers to online platforms and websites that

enable users to create and share content, communicate,

and interact with others globally or within specific

communities. It's a digital space where people connect,

share information, ideas, and media content such as photos,

videos, and messages.

Here are steps Sophia can follow to create her social media profile:

1. Choose a Platform: Decide on the social media platform that best aligns with her
interests or goals. Examples include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok,

Pinterest, and many more. Each platform has its unique features and audience.

2. Sign Up or Register: Visit the chosen social media platform's website or download its
mobile app. Click on the "Sign Up" or "Register" button and follow the prompts to create

an account. Sophia will likely need to provide her name, email address, or phone number

to register.

3. Create a Username and Password: Choose a unique username that represents her or
her brand (if applicable). Create a strong password to secure her account. It's essential to

use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to enhance security.

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4. Complete Profile Information: After signing up, fill in her profile details. This might

include a profile picture, bio (a brief description about herself), location, interests, and

other relevant information. Make sure the information is accurate and represents her well.

5. Customize Privacy Settings: Adjust privacy settings according to her preferences.

These settings control who can see her posts, who can follow her, and who can send her
friend requests or messages.

6. Connect with Friends or Follow Accounts: Search for friends, family, colleagues, or

accounts related to her interests to connect with or follow. Interacting with others on the

platform helps build her network and makes the experience more engaging.

7. Start Sharing Content: Begin posting content that aligns with her interests, passions,

or objectives. This content can include text posts, photos, videos, articles, or links to

relevant content. Engaging content can attract followers and spark conversations.

8. Engage with the Community: Interact with other users by commenting on their posts,

liking, sharing, or retweeting content. Engaging with others helps build relationships and

grow her presence on the platform.

9. Start Sharing Content: Begin posting content that aligns with her interests, passions,

or objectives. This content can include text posts, photos, videos, articles, or links to

relevant content. Engaging content can attract followers and spark conversations.
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10. Stay Active and Consistent: Regularly update her profile with new content to keep

her audience engaged and interested. Consistency in posting helps maintain and grow

her follower base.

11. Be Mindful of Online Conduct: Always practice responsible and respectful behavior

online. Avoid sharing sensitive or personal information that could compromise her privacy

and security.


Thus By following these steps and understanding the chosen platform's features, Sophia
can create a social media profile that reflects her personality, interests, and goals while

participating responsibly within the online community.

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Q 13. Write a brief summary on the novel “Angels and Demons” by Dan Brown.


Write a movie review of “Angels and Demons”.

Answer - Introduction

"Angels and Demons" is a novel by Dan Brown, published in 2000. It's the first book in the

Robert Langdon series, preceding "The Da Vinci Code." It was highly successful and set

the stage for Dan Brown's subsequent novels featuring Robert Langdon, including "The

Da Vinci Code," "The Lost Symbol," "Inferno," and "Origin." The book was also adapted
into a film in 2009, directed by Ron Howard and starring Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon.

Summary of “Angels and Demons”

 In Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons," symbologist Robert Langdon is summoned to

CERN in Switzerland after a physicist is found murdered with an ancient symbol

branded on his chest. Langdon discovers that the Illuminati, a long-feared secret

society, has resurfaced and plans to destroy the Vatican using stolen antimatter.

Langdon teams up with Vittoria Vetra, the daughter of the murdered physicist, as they
race against time to stop the Illuminati's plot. Their quest takes them through Rome,

following cryptic clues left behind by the Illuminati, all while evading danger and facing

numerous twists and challenges.

 As Langdon and Vittoria decode the Illuminati's intricate path, they uncover the
society's ancient vendetta against the Catholic Church. Along the way, they encounter

historical landmarks and artworks that hold hidden meanings, all crucial to unraveling

the mystery. The novel delves into the conflict between science and religion, exploring

themes of power, secrecy, and the battle between enlightenment and faith. It
introduces complex characters, each with their motivations and allegiances, adding

layers of suspense and intrigue to the narrative.

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 The tension escalates as Langdon and Vittoria race against time, facing moral

dilemmas and unexpected revelations. They confront betrayals from unexpected

quarters and must navigate a web of deceit and danger to prevent catastrophic
destruction. Ultimately, the story climaxes in a dramatic showdown at the Vatican,

where Langdon confronts the mastermind behind the scheme. Through intellect,

courage, and quick thinking, Langdon manages to thwart the Illuminati's plan and

avert disaster, preserving the Vatican and potentially altering the course of history.
"Angels and Demons" is a thrilling blend of mystery, history, and suspense, keeping

readers on the edge with its fast-paced plot and thought-provoking exploration of

age-old conflicts.

Adaptation of Dan Brown's novel,

“Angels and Demons” as a “Movie”

 "Angels and Demons," the cinematic adaptation of Dan Brown's novel, is a captivating
thriller that sweeps viewers into a whirlwind adventure through Rome's intricate

streets. Ron Howard's direction skillfully translates the essence of the book to the

screen, infusing it with tension, suspense, and an immersive visual experience.

 Tom Hanks shines as Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, flawlessly embodying his
intelligence and resourcefulness. His portrayal crafts a believable protagonist, drawing

audiences into his quest to foil a diabolical plot against the Catholic Church. Ayelet

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Zurer's portrayal of Vittoria Vetra, a strong and capable character, matches Hanks's

performance, adding depth and intrigue to the narrative.

 The movie's visuals, particularly the depiction of Rome and the Vatican, are stunning.
Ron Howard's direction adeptly captures the beauty and grandeur of these historical

locations, bringing their architecture and art to vibrant life. The film's cinematography

seamlessly intertwines with Hans Zimmer's gripping soundtrack, intensifying the

suspense throughout the storyline.

 For fans of the novel, the film stays true to the plot, successfully translating the

characters and story onto the screen. However, the movie's treatment of the Catholic

Church has sparked controversy, and some viewers may find the plot slightly

meandering, echoing criticisms found in the book.

 Despite these shortcomings, "Angels and Demons" remains a gripping and enthralling

watch, appealing especially to enthusiasts of the thriller genre. It maintains a steady

pace, keeping the audience engaged from start to finish, culminating in a satisfying

conclusion. The movie's ability to captivate both readers of the book and newcomers
to the story is commendable, making it a solid adaptation that retains the essence of

Dan Brown's work. "Angels and Demons" stands as an excellent cinematic adaptation,

boasting stellar direction, performances, and visuals. It's a compelling thriller that

promises an engaging journey through history and adventure, making it a worthwhile

choice for an entertaining movie night.


"Angels and Demons" is a riveting tale of intellect, danger, and moral conflicts. Through a
thrilling race against time, Robert Langdon and Vittoria Vetra uncover the Illuminati's

vendetta against the Catholic Church, decoding ancient symbols and facing betrayals. The

story culminates in a gripping showdown at the Vatican, where Langdon's courage and

wit ultimately thwart catastrophe, delivering a gripping blend of history, suspense, and
thought-provoking revelations.
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