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This chapter focuses on presenting, analysing and interpreting data that was
collected from Black female students of the University of Limpopo. The data is
presented in tables.


The data collection method that was implemented utilised individual questionnaires.
Fifty (50) respondents of University of Limpopo, 13 from Humanities, 15 from
Management and Law, 10 from Health Sciences, and 12 from Science and
Agriculture this means that the majority of participants from this study are from
Management and Law faculty. The findings of the study were analysed and
interpreted according to the research objectives.


4.3.1. Demographic information

The researcher gave out 50 questionnaires to the respondents and 50

questionnaires were received back.

Table 4.1 Demographic information of the respondents

Table 4.1 Sex

Female 100%
Male 0%
Total 100%

The table above indicates the representation sample of the participants in University
of Limpopo. The study consisted of 100% black female students in this study.
Table 4.2 Age

19-21 42%
22-24 44%
25 and older 14%
Total 100%

The table above indicates that 42% of the respondents were between 19-21 years,
while 44% are those who were between 22-24 years. And 14% are those who were
between 25 and older of age. This means that the majority of the participants
involved in this study were 22-24 years (44%).

Table 4.3 Ethnicity

Pedi 42%
Tsonga 6%
Venda 12%
Other (Swati, Zulu, Tswana &Xhosa) 40%
Total 100%

This table shows that 42% of the participants were Pedi, while 40% were participants
that are represented by other ethnicities such as Swati, Zulu, Tswana and Xhosa,
12% of the participants were Venda and 6% were Tsonga. This indicates that most
42% of the participants were Pedi (42%) speakers.

Table 4.4 Faculty

Humanities 26%
Management and Law 28%
Health Science 22%
Science and Agriculture 24%
Total 100%
The researcher found that the 28% of the respondents in this study are Management
and Law students. 26% were Humanities students, while 24% were in the Science
and Agriculture field and 22% were Health Science students. The results indicate
that the majority 28% of the respondents belong to the faculty of Management and

Table 4.5 Level of study

First year 16%
Second year 20%
Third year 36%
Post graduate 28%
Total 100%

The demographic information reveals that 36% of the study respondents are third
year students, 28% were post graduate students, 20% were second year students,
while 16% were first year students. The results in the table above reveals that third
year students dominated this study with 36%.

Table 4.6 Current hairstyle

Natural Hair 44%
Artificial Hair 56%
Total 100%

The results in the table above represent the current hairstyle worn when answering
the questionnaires. The table indicates that 56% of the participants were wearing
artificial hair, while 44% were wearing their natural hair. This means that participants
of this study wear artificial hair more and less natural hair.

4.3.2. I prefer wearing natural hair

The researcher wanted to establish whether black female students from the
University of Limpopo prefer wearing natural hair or artificial hair.

Table 4.7 Preference for natural hair

Strongly Disagree 14%
Disagree 16%
Neutral 26%
Agree 18%
Strongly Agree 26%
Total 100%

The results in the above table indicates that 44% of the participants agree with the
statement above, while 26% of the respondents were neutral regarding the
statement and 30% of the respondents disagree with the statement, which means
that the majority of the respondents in this study prefer wearing their hair natural.
4.3.3 I wear natural hair because it is cheaper to maintain
The purpose of this statement is to find out if people prefer wearing their hair natural
because it’s cheaper to maintain or not.

Table 4.8 maintenance of natural hair

Strongly Disagree 20%
Disagree 26%
Neutral 14%
Agree 24%
Strongly Agree 16%
Total 100%

The results in the above table indicates 46% disagree that they do not wear natural
hair because it cheap, while 40% of the respondents agreed that they wear natural
hair because it cheap. And 14% represents those who were neutral regarding the
statement. This means that the majority (46%) of the participant disagree with the
statement that they wear natural hair because it’s cheap.

4.3.4. I wear natural hair because it’s fashionable

The purpose of the statement was to find out if the respondent prefer to were their
hair natural because it fashionable or not.

Table 4.9 natural hair and fashion

Strongly Disagree 20%
Disagree 24%
Neutral 32%
Agree 16%
Strongly Agree 8%
Total 100%

The above table indicates that 44% of the respondents disagreed which means
natural hair is not fashionable, while 24% of the respondents agreed twith the
statement that natural hair is fashionable. And 32% represent those who were
neutral and indecisive if whether they wear their natural hair because it’s fashionable
or not. The majority 44% of the respondents of the study do not think natural hair is

4.3.5. I wear natural hair because this hairstyle looks professional

The researcher wanted to find out if natural is a professional look.

Table 4.10 natural hair and professional

Strongly Disagree 20%
Disagree 32%
Neutral 20%
Agree 28%
Strongly Agree 0%
Total 100%

The above table illustrates that 52% of the participant disagree that natural hair looks
professional, while 28% agreed that natural hair is professional. 20% of the
participants were neutral regarding the statement. This results concludes that the
majority 52% of the participants think that natural hair is noth a professional look
which is why people where artificial hair to look professional.

4.3.6. I wear natural hair because it gives me confidence

The purpose of this statement was to find out if wearing natural hair gives the
respondents confidence.

Table 4.11 natural hair and confidence

Strongly Disagree 6%
Disagree 22%
Neutral 24%
Agree 36%
Strongly Agree 12%
Total 100%

The table above indicates that 48% of the respondents agree that natural hair gives
them confidence, 24% represents those who were neutral about natural hair giving
them confidence. While 28% disagreed that natural hair gives them confidence
which means that whenever they wearing their hair natural they don’t feel
confidence. This results means that the majority (48%) of the respondents in this
study associates natural hair with confidence.

4.3.7. I wear natural hair to seem more attractive

The main aim of this statement was to determine whether the respondents choose to
wear their hair natural to seem more attractive or not.
Table 4.12 natural hair and attractiveness

Strongly Disagree 28%
Disagree 22%
Neutral 22%
Agree 18%
Strongly Agree 10%
Total 100%

The table above illustrates that 50% of the respondents disagree that wearing
natural hair makes them more attractive, while 22% of the respondents were neutral
which means natural hair seems not attractive but its fine. And 28% of the
respondents agreed that wearing natural hair makes them seem more attractive.
These results prove that the majority (50%) of the participants involved in this study
do not see natural hair as an attractive hairstyle.

4.3.8. Wearing natural hair such as an afro, dreadlocks and short hair gives the
impression that I am poor

The purpose of this statement was to find out how the respondents perceive wearing
natural hair if either gives the impression that you poor or not.

Table 4.13 natural hair and economic status

Strongly Disagree 60%
Disagree 18%
Neutral 12%
Agree 2%
Strongly Agree 8%
Total 100%

The results in the table above indicates that that 78% of the respondents disagreed
that wearing natural hair gives people the impression that you are poor, while 12% of
the respondents were neutral. And 10% of the respondents agree that wearing
natural hair will give people the impression that you are poor. This means that the
majority (78%) of participants involved in this study disagree that natural hair gives
the impression that you are poor, this is also supported by 4.1.3 where the results
shows that the respondents do not choose natural hair because it is cheaper to
maintain, so how can you be poor if it is not cheaper to maintain this hairstyle.

4.3.9. Wearing natural hair such as an afro, dreadlocks and short hair gives the
impression that I am ugly

This statement was to determine whether wearing natural hair is perceived as an

ugly person look.

Table 4.14 natural hair and appearance

Strongly Disagree 50%
Disagree 30%
Neutral 16%
Agree 4%
Strongly Agree 0%
Total 100%

The results in the above table illustrates that 80% of the respondents disagree with
the statement above, while 16% of the respondents were neutral regarding the
statement and 4% represent those who agreed that wearing natural hair gives the
impression that you are ugly this statement is supported by 4.3.10 results with the
majority (50%) of the respondents disagreeing that natural hair is attractive.
4.3.10. Wearing natural hair such as an afro, dreadlocks and short hair gives
the impression that I am unlovable

The purpose of this statement was to find out if natural hair gives the impression that
you are unlovable or unsociable.

Table 4.15 natural hair and impression

Strongly Disagree 50%
Disagree 30%
Neutral 14%
Agree 6%
Strongly Agree 0%
Total 100%

The results above provided through the table illustrates that 80% of the respondents
disagreed with the statement that wearing natural hair such as an afro, dreadlocks
and short hair gives the impression to people that they are unlovable , while 14% of
the respondents were neutral with the statement. And 6% agrees that wearing
natural hair gives people the impression that you are unlovable or unsociable. These
results prove that wearing natural hair will not determine how people will perceive an

4.3.11. I wear artificial hair because it is cheaper to maintain

The aim of this statement was to determine if the respondents find it cheaper to
maintain artificial hair.

Table 4.16 artificial hair and maintenance

Strongly Disagree 32%
Disagree 40%
Neutral 18%
Agree 10%
Strongly Agree 0%
Total 100%

The results in the table above indicate that 72% of the respondents disagree that
they wear artificial hair because it is cheaper to maintain, while 18% represent those
who were neutral regarding the statement. And 10% of the respondents agree that it
is cheaper to maintain artificial hair. The results conclude that the majority (72%) of
the respondents find it not cheap to maintain artificial hair.

4.3.12. I wear artificial hair to seem more attractive

The researcher wanted to find out if the respondents choose to wear artificial hair to
seem more attractive to others.

Table 4.17 artificial hair and attractiveness

Strongly Disagree 10%
Disagree 20%
Neutral 22%
Agree 28%
Strongly Agree 20%
Total 100%

The above table illustrates that 48% of the respondents agree with the statement
that wearing artificial hair makes an individual more attractive, while 22% represent
those who were neutral regarding the statement. And 30% of the respondents
disagree with the statement. This results proves that the majority (48%) of the
respondents in this study perceive artificial hair more attractive than natural hair

4.3.13. I wear artificial hair because it’s fashionable

The statement was given with the purpose to identify if the respondents wear
artificial hair because it’s fashionable.
Table 4.18 artificial hair and fashion
Strongly Disagree 10%
Disagree 8%
Neutral 18%
Agree 26%
Strongly Agree 38%
Total 100%

The table above illustrates that 64% of the respondents agreed that artificial hair is
fashionable since almost all black female celebrities own more than three wigs or
weaves, while 18% represent those who were neutral regarding the statement. And
18% represent those who disagree that artificial hair is fashionable. The results
above conclude that the most 64% of the respondents find artificial hair fashionable.

4.3.14 I wear artificial hair because this hairstyle looks professional

The researcher gave the above statement to find out if the respondents wear artificial
hair because it looks professional.

Table 4.19 artificial hair and professional

Strongly Disagree 18%
Disagree 14%
Neutral 24%
Agree 24%
Strongly Agree 20%
Total 100%
The above table shows that 44% agreed with the statement that artificial hair gives a
professional look, while 32% of the respondents disagreed that artificial hair looks
professional. And 24% signifies those who are neutral regarding the statement. The
above results conclude that the majority 44% of the respondents believes that
artificial hair is a hairstyle that looks professional.

4.3.15. I wear artificial hair because it gives me confidence

The statement was given to determine if artificial hair gives the respondents

Table 4.20 artificial hair and confidence

Strongly Disagree 10%
Disagree 12%
Neutral 28%
Agree 26%
Strongly Agree 24%
Total 100%

The table above indicates that 50% of the respondents agree with the statement that
artificial hair gives them confidence, with 28% representing those who are neutral
regarding the statement that artificial hair giving them confidence. And 22% of the
respondents disagreed that artificial hair gives them confidence. The finding in this
section proves that the majority (50%) of the respondents wear artificial hair to boost
their confidence.

4.3.16. Wearing artificial hair such as weaves, wigs hair gives the impression
that I am beautiful

The researcher gave the above statement with the purpose of finding out if wearing
artificial hair gives people the impression that an individual is beautiful.

Table 4.21 artificial hair and beauty

Strongly Disagree 26%
Disagree 24%
Neutral 10%
Agree 32%
Strongly Agree 8%
Total 100%

The table above indicates that 40% of the respondents agree with the statement that
artificial hair gives the impressive that an individual is beautiful; while 50% represent
those who disagree with statement. And 10% symbolizes those who are neutral
about the statement. The results above proves that the majority (50%) of the
respondents do not think that wearing artificial hair such as weaves, wigs hair will
give people the impression that they are beautiful.

4.3.17. Wearing artificial hair such as weaves, wigs hair gives the impression
that I am rich

The researcher gave the above statement with the purpose of finding out if wearing
artificial hair gives people the impression that an individual is rich.

Table 4.22 artificial hair and economical statues

Strongly Disagree 42%
Disagree 26%
Neutral 20%
Agree 4%
Strongly Agree 8%
Total 100%

The table above indicate 68% of the participants disagreed that wearing artificial hair
gives people the impression that an individual is rich; while 20% symbolizes those
who are neutral regarding the statement 12% signifies those who agreed with the
statement that wearing artificial hair gives people the impression that an individual is
rich. This results means that the majority of 68% of the participants do not believe
that artificial symbolise wealth.

4.3.18. Wearing artificial hair such as weaves, wigs hair gives the impression
that I am sociable

The statement above was given with the purpose to determine that if an individual
wear artificial hair that will give the impression that they are sociable.

Table 4.23 artificial hair and relationships

Strongly Disagree 28%
Disagree 32%
Neutral 26%
Agree 14%
Strongly Agree 0%
Total 100%

The above table indicates that 60% of the respondents disagreed that artificial hair
gives the impression that an individual is sociable, while 14% are respondents that
agreed with the statement that wearing artificial hair gives people the impression that
an individual is sociable or lovable. Furthermore 26% signifies those who are neutral
regarding the statement. The results proves that 60% of the respondents involved in
this study believe that been sociable this not determined by hair.

4.3.19. My hairstyle says something about who I am

The researcher intended to find out if the respondent hairstyle choice says
something about who they are.

Table 4.24 hairstyle and personality

Strongly Disagree 16%
Disagree 8%
Neutral 26%
Agree 34%
Strongly Agree 16%
Total 100%

The table above shows that 50% of the respondents agreed with the statement that
your hairstyle choice says something about who you are. Furthermore, 26% is for
those who were neutral regarding the statement. Thus 24% represent those who
disagreed with the statement. The results above shows that the majority 50% of the
respondents believe that the hairstyle they wear represent who they are.

4.3.20. My identity is portrayed through the hairstyle I wear

The aim of this statement is to find out if an individual identity is portrayed through
the hairstyle worn.
Table 4.25 hairstyle and identity


Strongly Disagree 18%

Disagree 36%
Neutral 16%
Agree 14%
Strongly Agree 16%
Total 100%

The table above indicates that 52% of the respondents disagree with the statement
that an individual’s identity is portrayed through their hairstyle choice. While 16% is
for those who are neutral regarding the statement above and 30% signifies those
who agreed that an individual identity is portrayed through the hairstyle worn.

4.3.21. I wear natural hair to stay close to my African identity

The researcher’s aim is to investigate whether hair and African identity share an
interdependent relationship, and if either a black female wear natural hair to stay
close to their African identity or wearing artificial hair to change their African identity.

Table 4.26 natural hair and identity

Strongly Disagree 28%
Disagree 24%
Neutral 14%
Agree 20%
Strongly Agree 14%
Total 100%

The table above indicates that 52% of the respondents disagree that an individual
wear natural hair to stay close to their African identity, while 34% represents those
who agreed that they wear natural hair to stay close to their African culture. And 14%
of the respondents are those who are neutral regarding the statement.

4.3.22. I wear artificial hair to change my African identity

The purpose of this statement was to determine that wearing artificial hair means
that an individual is changing their African identity.

Table 4.27 artificial hair and identity


Strongly Disagree 48%

Disagree 34%
Neutral 16%
Agree 2%
Strongly Agree 0%
Total 100%

The results in the table above indicates that 82% of the respondents disagree that
just by wearing their artificial hair, that means they want to change their African
identity. While 6% signifies those who are neutral regarding the statement. And 2%
of the respondents agree with the statement that wearing artificial hair is to change
their African identity. These results prove that identity is not related to any hairstyle.

4.3.23. I don’t care much for what others think about my hairstyle choice

The statement was given with the purpose to determine if the respondents care
about what others think about their hairstyle choices.

Table 4.28 hairstyle choice and impression

Strongly Disagree 0%
Disagree 8%
Neutral 18%
Agree 36%
Strongly Agree 38%
Total 100%

The table above indicates that 74% of the respondents agreed that they don’t care
much for what others think about the hairstyle choice they wear. Furthermore 18%
represent those who are neutral regarding the statement, while 8% of the
respondents disagreed with the statement which means that they care for what
others think about their hairstyle choice. The majority 74% of the respondents do not
care what others think about their hairstyle choice.

4.3.24. I wear whatever hairstyle, I want to wear

The purpose of this statement is to find out if the respondents wear a certain
hairstyle because they want to, or if they are influence by something else.

Table 4.29 hairstyle and being yourself


Strongly Disagree 0%
Disagree 2%
Neutral 12%
Agree 40%
Strongly Agree 46%
Total 100%

The above table illustrates that 86% of the respondents agreed that they wear
whatever hairstyle they want to wear. Twelve percent (12%) of the respondents were
neutral with regard to the statement, while 2% represent those who disagreed which
means that they do not wear any hairstyle they want because their hairstyle choice is
influenced by others.

4.3.25. My hairstyle influences the way people perceive me

The researcher intended to find out if the respondents hairstyle choice influence the
way people perceive them.

Table 4.30 hairstyle perceptions


Strongly Disagree 8%
Disagree 26%
Neutral 32%
Agree 24%
Strongly Agree 10%
Total 100%

The results in table above indicate that 32% of the respondents were neutral about
whether the type of hairstyle they wear will influence the way other people perceive
them. Thus 34% signifies those who disagreed, which means that they do not think a
hairstyle will influence the way people will perceive an individual. And 34% of the
respondents agreed that a certain hairstyle choice will affect the way people perceive
them. These results show that the respondents in this study are unsure if people
perceiving them will be influenced by their hairstyle choices or not.
4.3.26. I wear artificial hair to be accepted by others

The researcher intended to find out if the respondents wear artificial hair to be
accepted by others or not.

Table 4.31 artificial hair and acceptance


Strongly Disagree 54%

Disagree 24%
Neutral 12%
Agree 6%
Strongly Agree 4%
Total 100%

The results in the table above indicates that 78% of the respondents disagreed that
they wear artificial hair to be accepted by others, while 12% represent those who are
neutral towards the statement. And 10% of the respondents agreed that they wear
artificial hair to be accepted by others. These results proved that hair and
acceptance by a society or group is not interdependent.

4.3.27. I wear natural hair to be accepted by others

The researcher intended to find out if the respondents wear natural hair to be
accepted by others.

Table 4.32 natural hair and acceptance

Strongly Disagree 60%
Disagree 30%
Neutral 6%
Agree 4%
Strongly Agree 0%
Total 100%
The table above indicates that 90% of the participants disagreed that they wear
natural hair to be accepted by others, while 6% represent those who were neutral
about the statement. Four percent (4%) agreed that they wear natural hair to be
accepted by others.


The aim of the study was to investigate and to explore black female’s perceptions
towards the use of natural hair and artificial hair. The research findings prove that
hair plays an important role among black female students. The results prove that an
ideal image does affect some black female students, while other students are not
really concerned about perfecting their image.

Factors that influence the hairstyle choices among black females.

The first objective of this study was to understanding the factors that influence the
hairstyle choices among black females. There are a lot of factors influencing black
female’s hairstyle choices which is money (economic status), fashion, attractiveness,
confidence, professionalism and beauty .The current hairstyle of most 56% of the
participants was artificial hair this could be because 50% of the participants think that
natural hair is not attractive, even though the majority 44% of the participants prefers
wearing natural hair this is because 72% of the respondents believe that it is not
cheaper to maintain artificial hair. The reason why the majority 56% of the
participants were currently wearing artificial hair is because 48% of the participants
said that artificial hair makes an individual seems more attractive. Confidence is also
a factor, so which hairstyle choice gives an individual confidence between natural
hair with the majority of 48% and artificial hair with the majority of 50%, so this
results gives the conclusion that the majority 50% of the respondents are more
confidence when they are wearing artificial hair.

And even though natural hair is found not to be attractive it’s doesn’t mean that is
ugly table 4.14 natural hair and appearance results of 80% proves that wearing
natural hair do not give the impression that an individual is ugly, with the support
from table 4.21 artificial hair and beauty results of 50% proves that wearing artificial
hair do not give the impression that you are beautiful. And the factors above prove
that artificial hair is worn to help an individual self-esteem.
The relationship between the female’s hairstyle and her personal identity.
The second objective was to determine the relationship between the female’s
hairstyle and her personal identity. Is an individual hairstyle says something about
their personality 50% of the respondents thinks that an hairstyle says more about
your personality, so we can conclude that a hairstyle choice will say what kind of
personality an individual has, even though 52% of the respondents said that their
identity is not portrayed through their hairstyle. This means that even is a hairstyle
will show your personality, but it will not portray your identity.

There is a debate if whether black females wear their natural hair to say close to
their African identity and if they wear artificial hair to change their African identity,
well the majority 52% of the respondents said that they do not wear natural hair to
stay close to their African identity and 82% of the respondents said that they do not
wear artificial hair to change their African identity this results are available in table
4.26 and table 4.27. This means that there is no relationship between hairstyle
choices and African identity.

The female thinks the way she wears her hair has an influence on the way she
is perceived by others.
The third and final objective was to determine whether the female thinks the way she
wears her hair has an influence on the way she is perceived by others. Does the way
you look important to you or not, 74% of the participants said that they don’t care
much for what other people think about their hairstyle with the support of 86% of the
participants who said that they wear whatever hairstyle they want. The results above
proved that the majority of the participants are not influenced by the way others
perceive them through their hairstyle choices, even though the participants are
unsure if whether their hairstyle choices influences the way people perceive them
because 34% of the participants agreed and 34% of the participants disagreed that
people perceive through their hairstyle.

Everyone wants to have a sense of belonging in a community or group, so does a

person choice either to wear natural hair or artificial hair to be accepted by the group
they want to belong to. 78% of the respondents said that they do not wear artificial
hair to be accepted by others and 90% of the respondents said that they do not wear
natural hair to be accepted by others. This means that a community or group do not
influences an individual hairstyle choice.

This chapter provides the research findings which are the core of the study in order
to determine the perceptions that black female students of University of Limpopo has
towards the use of natural hair and artificial hair. The chapter presented the findings
in tables and pie charts. The results indicated that artificial hair is perceived as the
most attractive hairstyle than natural hair.

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