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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of the Degree of

Master of Management Studies (MMS)

Under University of Mumbai

BATCH 2022-23

ROLL NO: 211122



Dr. Betty Sibil


NEW PANVEL - 410206



Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of the Degree of

Master of Management Studies (MMS)

(Under University of Mumbai)

BATCH 2022-23

ROLL NO: 211122



Dr. Betty Sibil


NEW PANVEL - 410206


I hereby declare that this Project Report titled “TO STUDY THE ROLE OF DIGITAL
bonafide work undertaken by me and it is not submitted to any other University or Institution for
the award of any degree diploma or certificate or published any time before.


Roll No.: 211122

Signature of the Student

NEW PANVEL - 410206


This is to certify that project titled “Study on role of digital marketing in growing businesses” is
successfully completed by Mr. Om Vichare during the III Semester, in partial fulfillment of the
Master's Degree in Management Studies recognized by the University of Mumbai for the
academic year 2021–23 through PILLAI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT

STUDIES AND RESEARCH, NEW PANVEL – 410206. This project work is

original and not submitted earlier for the award of any degree / diploma or associate ship of any
other University / Institution.

Name of Guide: [ Dr. Betty Sibil]

(Signature of the
Date: ______________________ Guide)


The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from
many people and I am extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of my project
work. Whatever I have done is only due such guidance and assistance and I would not forget to
thank them.

I would like to thank YRSK MARKETING LTD to complete my internship in this organization
and supporting me in all the ways to complete my summer internship training.

I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide
MRS.BETTY SIBIL for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement
throughout the course of this project. The blessing, help and guidance given by his time to time
shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on which I am about to embark.

I would like to express my gratitude and indebtedness to the management and staff of PIMSR–
Pillai’s Institute of Management Studies Research for providing me this wonderful opportunity
to gain practical industrial exposure in the field of marketing and sales by including this summer
internship as part of my curriculum.

The Indian pharmaceutical industry in India is one filled with many twists and turns. In a highly
politically controlled country like India it is important for the industry and the companies in it to
be on their toes all the time with regards to the constant changes. This industry has risen to be
one of the most important ones for the country and it is expected to grow even further in the next
decade. The report also focuses on the pharmaceutical industry as a whole by focusing on
political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors. The industry analysis
conducted also focuses on the Porter’s five forces and the forces that can prove important for
new players looking to enter the market.

Sun Pharma India chosen for the company analysis part of this report. The company in this
report has been analyzed according to SWOT, BCG, ANSOFF and the MCKINSEY 7S
Framework. The company has been analyzed according to the models mentioned and the
findings has been discussed on a wide range. These analytical models highlight the internal and
external environment of the company and how the company manages the opportunities and
challenges it faces during its day-to-day activities. Study has also been conducted to see how the
company has established itself as one of the major players in the country and how it has come to
produce products that is on top in their respective segments.

This report looks to find the behavior of consumers towards the products of Sunfarma India ltd.
Primary research has been conducted by the questionnaire method to find results to the problem
from a sample size of respondents which represents the larger pool of prospective or actual
customers. The findings and the data are then represented in a table format and appropriate
recommendations has been made.


1. CHAPTER – 1 11 - 14

















4. CHAPTER – 4 26 – 35








5. CHAPTER – 5 36 - 56






The first part of this study focuses on the Digital Marketing industry are increasingly adopting
location-based ad services to interact with consumers by offering them tailored updates on
discounts, offers, and products, which is considerably driving the digital marketing industry
growth. of India and how it is affected by the environment it operates in. Industry analysis
framework like porter’s five forces and PESTEL analysis is used to understand the factors at
play and how it affects the industry as a whole. Analysis of the pharmaceutical industry through
porter’s five forces helps to measure the competition intensity, attractiveness, and profitability in
the industry. PESTEL analysis done on the industry shows how the external forces of its
environment has an effect on the industry itself. Factors of political, economic, social,
technological, environmental and legal factors are analyzed to see how it impacts the working of
the industry.

The firm chosen for the company analysis is has grown to be one of the major players in the
pharmaceutical industry in the last decade. Extensive comparative tools like SWOT, BCG,
ANSOFF and Mckinsey 7S framework has been used to showcase how the company has seized
the opportunity to stake its claim in the ever-growing industry. The analysis also shows how well
defined is the strategy of the company and YRSK ltd has used various strategic tools to facilitate
and guide itself in decisions relating to commercial growth.

The crux of the study focuses on the management concept of Consumer Behavior. Extensive
primary data analysis is conducted to study consumer behavior towards the products of the
company in a quantitative manner. Respondents were asked to state their opinion on several
questions pertaining to the products of ltd which then were interpreted to reach a conclusion.


1. To study the digital marketing industry using industry analysis tools

2. To Study YRSK Marketing Ltd. using company analysis tools
3. To Study on Role of Digital Marketing in growing businesses.

Digital Marketing gives fair chance to all kinds of businesses that prefer to go with online
branding and advertising. It is not anymore like the days of yore situation when only the
multinationals and top business houses, for the most part, grasped Digital Marketing.

Presently, the role of digital marketing in SMEs is equally important and effective for small and
new businesses as it is for well-established businesses.

Small and medium-scale organizations or new businesses now have the advantage to perform
online advertising and lead generations. While thinking about the role of Digital Media
Marketing, the most detectable advantage is its capacity to connect with different clients without
utilizing call centers.

The lead generations and conversions related to Digital Marketing is comparatively way better
than different other methods of marketing and advertising.

The Scope of Digital Marketing in Digital marketing trends evolve each year as more companies
enter the space and new technologies emerge. Looking ahead to 2023, here are some trends that
will help continue to shape this space.


Digital marketing analysis is typically done after the fact. Marketers will publish a piece of
content, for instance, and then check to see how effective it was after a few weeks. This is
certainly helpful, but real-time analytics is beginning to shake up the world of digital marketing.
Conducting real-time analysis allows marketers to both individualize content for smaller subsets
of consumers and respond much more quickly to their performance.


Explosive growth of Internet has changed the ways for all type of business functions including
marketing. Day by day, digital or internet marketing is becoming popular. While there are
several advantages such as cost, rapid penetration, convenience, etc., there are a few limitations
as well such as trust, negative feedback, internet penetration etc. In order to circumvent the
limitations, a blended marketing approach needs to be chosen. A combination of digital and
traditional approaches is the best way forward.


Digital marketing is the new method of marketing commodities using-digital technology, mostly
through internet. Digital marketing is built on the internet that can create and convert brand value
from producer to the potential customer by various digital networks. The development of digital
marketing has altered the method companies use technology for promotion, as digital podiums
are progressively changed into advertising plans, as individuals use digit campaigns like mobile,
computer/laptop and tablet instead of visiting physical market. Digital-marketing elements like
searchengine-optimizing is also called as organic method of ranking the website, pay per click or
SEM, content-marketing, email-marketing, social media, social-media optimization, show
promotion besides e-commerce marketing are becoming more common in advertising
technology. CONCEPT OF DIGITAL MARKETING It involves sum total of marketing work
that usage of an electric componentand internet, -Businesses leverages various digital-ways-like-
search engine, -social medias, -e-mail, website in addition offline marketing such as SMS and
MMS to attach with present and potential customers. Digital marketing is also stated as online-or
internet-marketing. In simple taking business online. DM is the-promotion of-business
organization or Tbrand by means of various channelsTsuch like theTInternet, mobileTdevices,
tvTradio in addition to consuming different onlineTadvertising, podcasts, videoTand other such
approaches to communicate message. Internet promotion in specific plays a vital share in
somewhat promotional plan and it is fetching the basis of numerous establishments complete
promotional policies.


A PESTEL analysis is an acronym for a tool used to identify the macro
(external) forces facing an organization. The letters stand for Political, Economic, Social,
Technological, Environmental and Legal. Depending on the organization, it can be reduced to
PEST or some areas can be added (e.g., Ethical). In business, before any kind of strategy or
tactical plan can be implemented, it is essential to conduct a situational analysis, and PESTEL
analysis forms part of that and should be repeated at regular stages (6 monthly minimum) to
identify changes in the macro-environment.

PESTEL analysis has two basic functions for a company. The first is that it allows identification
of the environment within which the company operates. The second basic function is that it
provides data and information that will enable the company to predict situations and
circumstances that it might encounter in future.Organizations that successfully monitor and
respond to changes in the macro-environment are able to differentiate from the competition and
create a competitive advantage.


1. Political factors can act as a barrier to many areas of a businesses marketing. Being aware of
the Political climate in the areas you’re operating is hugely important, especially if you’re
operating in multiple nations or areas with significantly different political climates. For instance,
in the UK we are in the middle of a number of heated political issues, from anti-competitive
practices by other nations affecting our national industries to EU membership.

Ensuring you are up-to-date with the political climate helps prevent any faux-pas that could
impact your brand. For instance - any advertising that leans heavily on a message of ‘Being
British’ may be seen as your brand taking a side on the EU Referendum at present; despite any
particular intention or lack thereof on your business's part.

Electoral Laws & Digital Media

New Guidelines To Curb Misleading Advertisements In India

Advertisements have served as one of the most widely used methods to promote products,
services, brands, campaigns, events, achievements and businesses, among others. With emerging
technologies and changing customer preferences, especially in a pandemic-hit world, businesses
constantly leverage advertising and marketing opportunities to connect with their customers in
innovative ways. Consequently, the competitive pressure to successful sales and turnovers, led to
resorting to advertising techniques that deceived or could potentially deceive the target

For the first time in India, the consumer rights were statutorily protected against false or
misleading advertisements with the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (CPA) by
the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution. The CPA recognized making
false or misleading advertisements as unfair trade practices, and prescribed punishments and
penalties thereof. To regulate such matters, the CPA established the Central Consumer Protection
Authority (CCPA), which can issue directions and impose penalties against false or misleading
advertisements and unfair trade practices.

In June 2022, to protect consumer rights against wider advertising issues, the CCPA notified the
Guidelines on Prevention of Misleading Advertisements and Endorsements for Misleading
Advertisements, 2022 (the "Guidelines") with immediate enforcement.

 Digital Marketing in Indian Context Digital

Marketing is any marketing items or services, which involves electronic devices. It can be both
online and offline. As indicated by the institute of direct marketing "the use of internet and
related 403 digital information and correspondence technologies to achieve marketing
objectives." According to CAM Foundation – "Digital Marketing is a wide discipline, uniting all
types of marketing that operates through electronic devices – online, on mobile, on-screen. Over
the years, digital marketing has developed enormously, and it continues to do as such." Search
Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing or Pay per Click Advertising, Social Media
Marketing, Content Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Web Analytics, Marketing Automation, and

Content Writing and Rate Optimization are the prominent and most-demanded areas in digital
marketing. It is the creative use of management information system (MIS) and technology which
underpins customer’s interaction with e-marketers. Marketers need to use technology and
information and instinct to set brands and get opportunities. E-Commerce has unleashed the
revolution which is changing the method of working together. In 1997 U.S. govt. allowed the use
of the internet by commercial association. This gave impetus to a better approach for directing
trade and commerce. In 2015 e-commerce activities get help up with fast expansion, a variety of
battle, deals based user obtaining and the sky is the limit from there. This move in e-commerce
becomes more noticeable with higher concentrate on consumer knowledge and retention,
improvement in experience, and depth of assortment over an ever wider range of categories. E-
commerce players are concentrating on retention on existing customers and securing of new
users. To enhance unwaveringness of customers towards e-commerce as a category they are
differentiating in leveraging information and assortment trends to at long last move towards one
to one marketing principle. Customers are rewarded for their faithfulness with better experience
crosswise over delivery, evaluating, exclusive offer and return policies Early e-commerce
trainers, and adopters have understood and experienced the immense benefit of e-commerce.
Therefore companies are downsizing broad communications advertising description of e-
commerce targeted early realists and adopters. Primary digital stage, for example, Google,
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. are taking off more advertiser-friendly items that are enabling
smaller also large players to market with high efficiency to early adopters. This is increasing
digital marketing spending. Due to development of digital media coupled e-commerce players
system is moving from application download and visit metrics to user metrics instead. The
investment made so far to generate early adopters of e-commerce are pivoting into targeting late
adopters through regional and vernacular offline media. Advertisers have at last accepted that
there will be the end of the long type of advertisement and branded content will rise. Digital
video advertising even started issuing advisories requesting that consumers keep edit length
short. The brand is experimenting, to a large extent, with expressing them through digital and
youth content. This has driven wider choices of content, sharper entertainment recommendations,
an increase in the advanced cell viewership dividend. Sustained advertiser investment depends
on how quick the emerging digital content industry embraces scientific measurement instrument.
Advancements in the core items are generating an enormous effect on user procurement and

retention due to digital store and service experience. The players who are delivering increasing
more consumer-friendly items and service improvement are increasing more.

 Implications and suggested strategies for Digitization of Indian Economy

Digitization of the economy

There is no looking back on that. In order to make the economic growth move through an
upward trajectory, it is important for the government, business fraternity, education system and
the people to realize that embracing the changing technology would help the country and its
people to grow and remain competitive. Studies show that in last five years internet contributed
21% to the economic growth of the matured economy. However internet’s contribution toward
GDP growth of India was 5%. 402 Figure 2: Components of Internet contribution to

 Components of Internet contribution to GDP India.

Universally, usage of the internet was found to develop businesses crosswise over sectors in
double the speed compared to the nonusers. SME Enterprises that use internet were able to create
more employment and earned more revenue. Higher penetration of internet has a complex effect
on any nation's economy. Its effect principally moves around two components: utilization and
expenditure and supply. The utilization and spending is the usage by people, companies, and
government. The supply side includes the industries like telecommunication, hardware
manufacturers, software and services that shape the internet world. The utilization and
expenditure side of internet affect in India is exhibited in the above figure. The trade balance is
the most extreme supporter of the GDP which involves business over the internet. This provides
an open door for the Indian economy to earn more revenue by expanding exports and lift
economic growth which thus would create employment opportunities. Open expenditure towards
internet spending is relatively low as compared to the mature digital markets of the world.

e-commerce 17
Advertising and classified 0.8
Online content 0.3
Device 12
Connectivity 5.6
Private infrastructure 22
Government spending 1.4


Internet marketing is not only trendy these days but also covers the entire market for the past 3-4
years. Growing companies always find good opportunities. When these companies shift
into internet marketing, they make their focus on knowing which is best for them, here we refer
to the strategies. For knowing the audience’s perspective, a businessman needs to focus on some
specific criteria.
Thought Processes can Differ Among Cultures.
Every human being has variable thought processes and it can vary among diverse cultures. You
know what, it can impact marketing strategy very much. It is obvious if, in Indian culture , you
buy suits, there are chances the similar purchases can’t be done by Japanese. People from
different cultures think differently. So the thought process can impact the buying behavior a lot
and it can influence digital marketing buying decisions too.


Digital marketing has become a major part of the small business world, and technology trends
shape the strategies that will be most effective for reaching your target audience.
Providing more authentic content, offering chatbot service, optimizing for voice search, making
the most of social media marketing, and creating an engaging user experience are some key
trends to follow in 2022.

I. Impact Technology in Marketing

Technology and communication helps businesses grow Technology and Communication helps
businesses grow and prosper, creates relationships, strengthens the effectiveness of
organizations, and allows people to learn about one another. Technologies, such as the Internet,
mobile phones, social media, and customer relationship management systems greatly affect the
way companies communicate with prospective customers.

II. Marketing Technology : Past And Future

Marketing had labeled as one of the four key functional areas of a business. However with
marketing’s role changing in the late 1990’s to building customer relationships. There has been a
subsequent change in the Way the overall function is regarded internally within corporations.
Today marketing is recognized as the glue that binds organizations together. It is the very same
marketing , whose predictive analytics of customer trends and needs that helps research and
development determine new projects for product development.

III. Tools Modern marketing

Modern marketing uses Digital marketing. It could be explained as a marketing that makes
use of electronic devices such as personal computers, smartphones, and cellphones, tablets
Television sets TV and game consoles to engage with stakeholders. A component of Digital
marketing is Digital Brand Engagement. Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms
such as websites, e-mail, apps and social networks. Digital Marketing can be through Non-
internet channels also like TV, Radio, SMS, or through Internet channels like Social Media, E-
mails ads, Banner ads. Social Media Marketing is a component of digital marketing. Many
organizations use a combination of traditional and digital marketing channels though

however,digital marketing is becoming more popular with marketers as it allows them to target
and track many aspects including their Return on Investment (ROI) more accurately
compared to other traditional marketing channels. Digital Marketing is the use of digital
channels to promote or market products and services to consumers and

marketing’s role changing in the late 1990’s to building customer relationships, there has
been a subsequent change in the way the overall function is regarded internally within
corporations. Today, marketing is recognized as the glue that binds organizations together. It is
marketing’s sales projections that assist operations in determining production levels and
finance in planning budgets. It is the very same marketing, whose predictive analytics of
customer trends and needs that helps research and development determine new projects for
product development

The digital marketing environment has a massive impact on business. Social media networks, for
instance, have an enormous influence on the buying decision of customers. By spreading
information on these macroeconomic forces, social media networks can shape the opinions of
Culture of a country, social change, legal legislation, and environmental forces beyond the
organization’s control.
The impact of the digital marketing space on the organizations’ performance cannot be
overlooked. In 2020, many companies were forced to let go of their conventional ways of
running the business and adjust to the online environment due to the emergence of COVID-19.
The pandemic affected virtually every sector of the economy—technological developments,
social changes, economic conditions, and whatnot. This situation drove companies to explore
new ways of communicating and interacting with their esteemed customers.

Commercial litigation lawyers are fully informed about the area of lawful digital marketing
methods. Business litigation and commercial dispute resolution can be prevented when lawful
digital marketing practices are in place. Keep in mind that legal marketing covers a broad range
of items and many laws apply to the digital realm too. Legal marketing practices must be in
place. Legal digital marketing incorporates many advertising practices within the following
 relations with clients
 networking
 relations with the public
The Federal Trade Commission enforces the laws that surround aspects of digital marketings to
ensure that lawful digital marketing is taking place.

First Legal Priority: Privacy and Data
A digital marketer can face legal issues if they are uninformed about privacy and data. The
consumer has expressed numerous concerns about their privacy. Online safety is weaved into the
privacy aspect of digital marketing. Keep in mind, data regulations and guidelines are
continually being put into place by government agencies. All marketers will need to be kept
informed about the updated privacy practices or they can face fines and penalties
because privacy and data are valid issues within digital marketing. Every marketer must keep
informed about all updated privacy and data laws and guidelines surrounding digital marketing.
Internet technology has impacted businesses and the entire marketing area. There are noteworthy
challenges to contend with in terms of sharing capabilities and data collection. Cybersecurity
does play a vital role because of all the sensitive interactions between consumers and businesses.
The goal is to prevent information and data from falling into the wrong hands

Second Legal Priority: Intellectual Property Issues

Internet laws are in place to protect everyone online. This includes trade secrets and business. It
involves specific information that does not include any persons outside of a business. This is
referring to patents, trademarks, and copyrights among other items. Digital marketers must
inform themselves in order to remain within the lawful guidelines. This is known as IP or
personal property. The IP laws will safeguard the interests of a business. This is added protection
from any unfair competition and marketers are included within this guideline

Third Legal Priority: Cloud Storage

When information is collected, the consumer needs to know that it is secure once it has been
obtained. A marketer will need to be informed about copyright infringement. This includes data
breaches, HIPAA violations, hacking, security violations, and many complex issues that can
arise with cloud storage. HIPPA is referring to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability.
Violations may occur when any protected information (health information) is disclosed and it
poses various risks to a patient. Cloud storage is a service model. Data is stored and transmitted
and it is stored within remote systems. The data is then managed, maintained, and backed up. It
will be made available to users through a network. Most users will pay for cloud data storage.



Porter’s Five Forces model is a market analysis technique and a strategic analysis tool that takes
into account the five dimensions on which the company can act to optimize its competitive
advantage. The five dimensions being competition, threat of new entrants, threat of substitute
products, bargaining power of customers, bargaining power of suppliers. The objective of this
model is to analyse the company’s competitive environment before anticipating developments
that would jeopardise its competitive advantages and guide its investment and innovation

choices. The five forces represent this competitive environment. This tool is used by marketing
managers who have strategic intelligence and innovation objectives. It is well suited for
industrial sectors where there are many players, as it analyses all the key points of the company’s
competitive environment. It is also relevant in the event of the potential arrival of new entrants,
in the event of a technological breakthrough, in the event of a merger or acquisition, whenever a
major change has an impact on the company. The Five Forces model is named after Harvard
Business School professor, Michael E. Porter.



The threat of substitutes is something that digital businesses have to be especially wary of. You
may be thinking about a great digital service or app idea, but what will anchor people to stay
with your app? You’ll have to map out a set of features that your competitors are missing from
their service. You’ll always have inertia and brand loyalty on your side if you’re one of the first
to market in your digital niche, but you’ll need more to make your digital service “sticky” to
consumers as they will have plenty of choices.


When your suppliers have lots of bargaining power, you are competing more heavily because for
resources. If the supply of supplies that your company needs can be increased without you
threatening to look elsewhere, then your costs will be higher. The biggest supply cost for most
businesses will be their labor supply. If you need to hire skilled computer technicians that are in
short supply, then you will need to escalate wages to attract suitable candidates. In the online
business world, there’s an unusually high demand for computer programmers and developers.
This causes their wages to rise in proportion to their scarcity.


which in this case means customers. Just like in real estate, you could either be in a buyer’s
market or a seller’s market. If there is lots of supply with relatively slack demand, a buyer can
negotiate the price down until they get a great deal. On the other hand, there might be so much
demand that the seller has more bargaining power to get a price more conducive to making a
profit. You obviously want to stay away from industries where the buyers have all the pricing
power. These industries have a marketplace imbalance such that the businesses have to work
harder to service their customers.
An example of buyer’s bargaining power in online business is the online ad serving industry. The
rates that advertisers pay for display advertising continues to drop, an indication that the buyers
have the leverage in this marketplace.


This refers to the possibility that customers will find a different (read: quicker and easier) way
of doing what your company does. You may have originally conceived products or services that
help customers, but as technology changes over time, so do the desires and problems of
Always examine how your customer’s lives have changed as your company has grown. For
example, you may sell a piece of software that automates a process or synchronizes activity into
one platform. As user behaviour changes, you can find opportunities to update your product, or
even grow a new service offering.


Rivalry is likely to be less intense when a company is protected by strong patents. Companies
tend to eat into the market share by using the profits of the patented product to market
themselves against other generic products. The competition from small and medium scale
companies is immediately washed away when they can’t sustain themselves in this tough market.
Their significant and valuable assets and research knowledge are bought by the big companies
who then use it to expand their business even further.

The rising number of consumers being drawn towards digital channels is significantly driving the
growth of the global digital marketing market. The growth of the industry is aided by regions
like China, India, and other emerging Asian markets, due to an increased investment in
technology and digital platforms in these regions because of the positive spending in critical
sectors like BFSI, CPG, entertainment and media, and telecommunications.
The rising number of online videos and mobile advertising have boosted the overall digital
marketing investment in North America and Western Europe. The increasing adoption of real-
time bidding (RTB) of online display advertisement slots, as well as the increasing consumption
of video advertisements and rich media, is expected to further enhance the display advertising
expenditure in Western Europe in the coming years. The digital out-of-home (OOH) media will
be limited to developed countries in the forecast period, for example, the emergence of digital

televisions in gas stations where the majority of consumers watch televisions while their vehicles
are being refuelled.



SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. By definition,

Strengths (S) and Weaknesses (W) are considered to be internal factors over which you have
some measure of control. Also, by definition, Opportunities (O) and Threats (T) are considered
to be external factors over which you have essentially no control.
SWOT Analysis is the most renowned tool for audit and analysis of the overall strategic position
of the business and its environment. Its key purpose is to identify the strategies that will create a
firm specific business model that will best align an organization’s resources and capabilities to
the requirements of the environment in which the firm operates.In other words, it is the
foundation for evaluating the internal potential and limitations and the probable/likely
opportunities and threats from the external environment. It views all positive and negative factors
inside and outside the firm that affect the success. A consistent study of the environment in
which the firm operates helps in forecasting/predicting the changing trends and also helps in
including them in the decision-making process of the organization.

Strength of Digital Marketing in India
 Easy to target and reach more audience at a cheaper price.
 Campaigns can be easily customized and made more targeted as per our business
 As the world is more dependent on the internet, it helps the business to reach out and connect
with the people on a larger scale.

 Saves a lot of money as compared to the traditional way of marketing as it is cheaper and
 Being recognized as a brand has become much easier.
 The options are not confined to one or two, there are many options and people can choose to
switch from one to the other if plan as does not work and that does not cost a great loss of
 Promotion of small business is easy as it is cost effective.
 Entrepreneurs find it very useful as they do not need a huge budget for this and it gives them
huge platform to make a mark on the digital world.
 You do not require a large team to do digital marketing campaigns unlike the traditional
manner which in turn saves money, time and labor and also increases the ROI.


A challenge to reach the population which is still not using the internet.
 High chances of failure of digital marketing campaigns because of confusion due to the
availability of many different marketing options.
 Keeping pace with new trends and technology.
 Need of deep understanding of changing human behavior and requirements.
 If your brand or product is not justifying the users need, then the chance of getting bad
reviews in public is very high, which in turn might damage the reputation.
 Damage control of bad reviews or complaints on social media or digital platform is a huge
task and can even lead to the closing of businesses.
 Data Analysis is still a very big concern and very few people are professional in it as not many
are able to understand what data actually says.

Opportunities –

 More and More employment for the youth as this field is just growing and number of
professionals are less.
 Increase the reach of your brand, therefore, leading to direct profit.
 There are lots of ways through which owners earn money apart from their primary business,
e.g.- giving space for ads on website, affiliate marketing in e commerce etc.
 If the digital marketing comes everywhere in a full-fledged manner it will help the country
itself to become digital that means major chunk of our population will start leading a life which
will be smarter and faster.
 It will help our Indian Government Organizations to become digital.
 All the operation from railways, municipal organization etc. will become faster and smoother.
 Storing of valuable and confidential data of the government organizations will be easy and
 The Dream of making “Digital India” can become true

 Due to ever changing trends of different marketing areas and ever changing rules of search
engine for optimizing the content, continuous awareness is required, which is very difficult.

 Storage of data with full security is still a big question mark.
 Analyzing the data in a wrong way can lead to damaging results which is found in a lot of
 With the growth of this digital platform, customers have become more vocal about their
feelings and opinions, and with the availability of this platform they have the power to damage
as well as advocate for any brand, which is a high risk for the marketers.
 Day by day it is engulfing all the traditional ways of marketing, which ultimately might even
lead to Television being left as the only source of traditional marketing.


Let's look at each of the elements individually:

Strategy: Generate leads, drive website traffic, and establish your brand. At YRSK, we have
developed unique B2B digital marketing strategies based on our direct understanding of SMEs,
Startups and MNCs, we have a vast exposure in a broad range of sectors.. Not all can grasp that
B2B needs different communication from B2C. This where we stand apart and bring actionable
results. We analyze your business and develop an integrated digital blueprint and customize
solutions that will increase your sales pipeline, revenue and business network


Systems: A digital marketing system (DMS) is a method of centralized channel distribution

used primarily by SaaS products. It combines a content management system (CMS) with data
centralization and syndication across the web, mobile, scannable surface, and social channels.



Yrsk marketing look at building the solutions with customer

at the core. This enables to develop winning strategies for
our clients.

Believe in providing solutions which are easy to implement ,

track and result oriented

engage people across levels and function to get the larger

picture and also have their engagement into the overall
process to have their ownership for solutions.

Shared values : YRSK our values drive everything we do. It

shapes our culture, and support our mission to provide our
clients with exceptional service. We work with people who
share our core values and are aligned to our vision and mission.

Staff: the employees and their general capabilities.




The Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG Matrix), also referred to as the product portfolio
matrix, is a business planning tool used to evaluate the strategic position of a firm’s brand
portfolio. The BCG Matrix is one of the most popular portfolio analysis methods. It classifies a
firm’s product and/or services into a two-by-two matrix. Each quadrant is classified as low or
high performance, depending on the relative market share and market growth rate.

The four quadrants in the BCG Matrix:

 Stars: Products with high market growth and a high market share.
 Question marks: Products with high market growth but a low market share.
 Cash cows: Products with low market growth but a high market share.
 Dogs: Products with low market growth and a low market share


Stars are one of your major investments, and they require strong moves with your digital strategy
to pay off . In a quadrant that signifies high growth and level of investment, Stars have the
potential for a big pay off, but that possibility comes at a high price.

SEO practices are ever evolving. To keep pace methods of optimisation also keep changing.
Devices have already evolved. Mobiles and tablets are used more today. A person’s location is
now included in the search result. Often the search results need to be real-time, instantaneous.

SEO will be the biggest asset for your Star. Helping grow the business at the same time getting
your company visible on the first page of Google is main aim . Staying at the top and monitoring
the latest digital marketing trends is a part and culture of YRSK Marketing.


Question Mark is piquing customer’s interest is well-tracked and analyzed PPC advertising. PPC
or pay-per-click is a type of internet marketing which involves advertisers paying a fee each time
one of their ads is clicked.

The reason PPC is so useful here is that it drives the most qualified leads. But why? Because
65% of all high-intent searches, last year resulted in an ad click, and those individuals were 50%
more likely to buy the product.


There are some product categories that bring in enough revenue for a business entity to regulate
its operations of different business units. These items are referred to as "cash cows,"

SEO practices are ever evolving. To keep pace methods of optimization also keep changing.

White Hat SEO

YRSK follow and practice only white hat SEO techniques to boost trust and search rank online.

Ecommerce SEO: Optimise every product page of your E-store and make the mark in
Ecommerce space.

Local SEO:Let every customer NEAR-YOU find your service easily. Drive them to your
location by right address and Map navigation. SEO techniques are keep changing and so we are.
We always keep ourselves updated with new trends and search engine guidelines to hold your
search ranking up always.


Dogs are relatively simple to strategize for. Stay away from media expenditure on dogs. The low
profitability and low ceiling make it a waste of effort and money. Markets flooded with generic
products (like laptops) are faced with constant competition and substitution. To stand out from
the throng is a hard-fought battle.

With such products, companies can use targeted messaging as a key focal point in their strategy.
Finding a niche market where the product might flourish could offer it new life. The product
might even shift its place on the Growth Matrix as a result.

Market penetration.

Increasing marketing efforts or streamlining distributorship processes Market penetration refers

to selling existing products to existing markets. NJ Wealth uses market penetration strategy
aggressively. Sophisticated user experience features in general and recommendations feature on
e-retailer’s website in particular play an important role in the application of market penetration
strategy. Mutual fund assets in India have seen robust growth, especially in recent years, driven
by a growing investor base. This is due to increasing penetration across geographies, strong
growth in capital markets, technological progress and regulatory efforts aimed at making mutual
fund products more transparent and investor friendly," the document stated.





Dr. Tabitha Durai

Associate Professor,

Department of Commerce, Madras Christian College, Tambaram,

Chennai – 600 059.

E-mail ID:

Consumerism plays a significant role in the transition taking place in a world where everything is

digitized. Businesses have started adopting various digital marketing approaches, the most

favoured methods being content, social and mobile marketing. Various channels that constitute

digital marketing such as mobile, search engine optimization, content marketing, social media

marketing and media marketing need to be utilised by companies effectively to reach out to their

consumers and in also ensure the success of the business. All of these elements put together sum

up a cohesive digital marketing strategy. The adoption of innovative strategies is crucial as

companies stand the risk of losing competitive advantage in an increasingly commoditised

world. As technological change continues its advancement in an exponential manner with new

digital platforms and devices it is only wise for businesses to make haste in embracing this

market evolution. Further more India’s consumption power is so big owing to its huge market of

over billion people where the youth below twenty on its own are defined by a population of 600

million. The internet users are also growing at a fast and steady pace. This paves way to huge

opportunities for the marketers to take advantage of as there is positive and continuous growth

by the internet users. All this advancement brings in a tectonic shift between the businesses and

the consumer until a balance is attained in the digital marketing approach. Consumption structure

and consumer needs are changing and their desires are growing. The future of digital marketing

will be based in how marketers create ways to puzzle together the new and traditional media into

a perfect fix based on the market environment. This paper intends to identify the factors that

influence consumers through the growth of digital marketing.

Keywords: Digital marketing, digital channels, Digital marketing strategies, consumerism,

consumer influences.


Digital Marketing Scenario in India

Dr. S. Sivasankaran

Associate Professor of Commerce, S.T.Hindu College, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, India

India is the world’s 3rd largest internet population. After the proliferation of Internet, Marketing
strategy has taken an off root to reach out to the public. The tremendous growth that digital
marketing has shown cannot be match up with any other strategy. Looking up to the current
scenario in India, people here are not only aware of Internet but are employing it for various
purposes in life. Thus, there’s a booming internet marketing industry in India. In India social
media is the driving the adoption of digital marketing. The retail sector in India is booming both
on and offline. India is a relative latecomer to the online shopping revolution but it is predicted
that online sales will grow by 50 per cent annually in the next few years. The country is already
the third largest nation of internet users with over 120 million and the rapid uptake of mobile
commerce is predicted to increase the number of users to over 330 million by 2015. Social media
is helping to drive the development of digital marketing. Increasingly wealthy populations of
young internet savvy customers are spending more time and money online and in doing so are
influencing shopping trends. Among the popular products online are books, consumer

electronics, travel, financial services, apparel and beauty care. Online shopping activity is
concentrated in major urban conurbations with Mumbai being the main centre followed by Delhi
and Kolkata. A large proportion of the purchases are conducted in online market places such as
Snadpdeal, launched in 2010. Currently, the internet accounts for only a small proportion of
India’s GDP but the predictions are that an internet boom is just around the corner for Retailers.
Indian youth are supposed to follow strict moral and family values and supposed to invest their
whole time and attention towards study and career. So the career, education has to be the sole
aim of a student. Indian youth are the powerful segment in the market who directs the
manufacturers to make what they want. This study evaluates the extent to which the youth plays
role in directing the marketer. The study will be useful for the marketer to devise the marketing
strategies to capture the present and potential youth segment in the products under study.
According to the National Youth Policy-2014, the study will cover the entire youth in the age-
group of 15-29 years, which constitutes 27.5 per cent of the population according to Census-
2011, that is about 33 crore people.


Priest, J., Carter, S., & Statt, D. A. (2013). Consumer behaviour. Edinburgh Business School,
Hariot–Watt University, UK.

The concept of consumer behavior has only come to light in the last few decades. Prior to that in
a production-oriented market the notion of consumer behavior and their desires, needs and
preferences dint exist at all. There was clear dominance of the producer over the consumer from
the era of industrial revolution in the 1770’s. During that time, the name of the game was mass
production and companies were successful in producing vast quantities of the same products
without having to be concerned about the needs of the customer. This era of producer dominance
can clearly be understood in Henry Ford’s famous saying, ‘You can have any color of Model T
as long as its black’. It was only in the 1950’s that a global economy emerging from the
depression of 1930’s and the war of 1940’s met itself with the market where consumer goods
were in demand. The relative improvement in standard of living following the infamous
economic depression resulted in consumers wanting their say in the products they purchased.
This resulted a change in the perspective of consumers in the market and thus created the

marketing concept. This made producers in the market to focus on customers and their wants
over the mass production activity which was given importance by their predecessors. Thus,
creating the early pages in the book that was then to be known as consumer behavior. Fast
forward to modern times, the concept of consumer behavior has taken enormous leaps and
bounds due to the introduction of various complex elements in the consumer market place. The
act of consumption is an integral and intimate part of our daily existence and that is true whether
we have a lot of money to spend on it or very little. Thus, the existence of this consumption
shapes our life without our awareness. Therefore, it becomes very important for marketers to
establish a thorough understanding of this concept to better market their goods and services. In
the last few decades researches have conducted experiments to understand how a consumer
would react to certain products under specified conditions. This study has led marketers to
understand that buyer of a product is not necessarily the final user of the same. For example, a
mother shopping in the supermarket for her family will be influenced, at least to some extent, by
what her partner and children like to eat, and she may buy things for them that she herself will
not consume.

Hence, it has become important for companies to not only know who the user of their product is
but also to understand the various external forces that acts on the product before its actual
purchase. Therefore, the term consumer behavior includes all the aspects pertaining to a
consumption. It covers the factors affecting not only the buyers but the end user of the product


Sheth, J. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 on consumer behavior: Will the old habits return or
die?. Journal of business research, 117, 280-283.

COVID-19 is changing consumers’ behaviors, attitudes and purchasing habits, and many of these
changes are likely to remain post-pandemic. As these changing consumer needs and behaviors
will transform industries’ future, they will pose both new challenges and opportunities for
businesses. Thus, understanding these changing consumer behaviors is crucial for businesses

when developing their business strategies to adapt to new and emerging consumer trends.
Businesses will need to understand how their customers are reacting to the pandemic, and
develop tailored marketing strategies to meet the needs of each customer group. Some of the
main new trends emerging following the COVID-19 pandemic include a dramatic shift toward e-
commerce, increased shopping at one-stop-shop retailers, and acceleration in buy local and
private label offerings. The desire to shop locally is being reflected in both the products
consumers buy (e.g., locally sourced products) and the way consumers shop (e.g., supporting
local and community stores). COVID-19 has accelerated the use of technology in all aspects of
consumers’ lives. Thus, businesses need to increase their online presence to connect and interact
with their clients. As brand loyalty will be a low priority, consumers are also more likely to
purchase from a less familiar brand that offers value-for-money. Consumers are also placing a
high importance on self-care, mental health and physical wellness. Because of consumers’ ever-
increasing focus on health, having a health strategy will help businesses to differentiate
themselves and benefit from this growing market opportunity in the foreseeable future. It will be
interesting to see whether the old consumption habits will return once the pandemic ends and if
they do return then what will be the slight or major changes that would have occurred as a result
of this pandemic.


The era of industrial revolution paved way to the manufacturing of products in a vast quantity
without having to be concerned about the needs of the customer. The market was a production
oriented one and the need and desires of the customers were not even thought of by the sellers. It
was only in the 1950’s that a global economy emerging from the depression of 1930’s and the
war of 1940’s met itself with a market where consumer goods were in demand. The relative
improvement in standard of living following the infamous economic depression resulted in
consumers wanting their say in the products they purchased. This resulted a change in the
perspective of consumers in the market and thus created the concept of consumer behaviour.

The late introduction of consumer behaviour into marketing literature is a testament to the lack
of knowledge marketers have regarding this concept. Marketers believed that consumer
behaviour was just a response to the promotional tactics of the retailers but in recent times it is

well known that this concept is much deeper and is affected by different situations, cultures and
other social aspects. In order to achieve a higher degree of understanding it is essential that
marketers understand what behaviour may be influenced and in what ways this influence may be
affected. It is safe to say that the culture a person is born into goes a long way toward
determining that individual’s personal behaviour, patterns, beliefs and values. Therefore, it is
essential that marketers and analysts are aware about cultural diversity and why consumers in a
particular culture behave the way they do.

The role of culture in an individual’s buying behaviour is touched upon in the concept of
individualism vs collectivism. Asian countries which come under the collectivism side is
observed to focus on the opinions and advice of their friends, family and reference groups before
purchasing a product. The other end of the spectrum focuses on the western countries where
consumers are more self-dependent and tend to focus on their personal needs over the opinion of
the people around them. Thus, marketers need to understand the cultural environment around
their prospective consumers before targeting them with their marketing campaigns.

The rise in technology and digital age has certainly reformed consumer behavior in recent times.
The internet has become an authoritative source of information for buyers and an avenue for
marketers to advertise their products. To retain customers and increase sales, many brick-and-
mortar stores have put up an online version of their shop to keep up with the demands of their
customers. Consumers are also spending a tremendous amount of money on online shopping via
their mobile devices. Smartphones and tablets make significant changes in the way customers
interact and behave with retailers. They are too busy to spend their time and energy to evaluate
the merits of one item over another. They grab or click their favorite products and move on.
Therefore, companies need to understand its users and their behavior online, and companies
should actively look to include strategies such as user experience (UX), influencer marketing,
user-generated content (UGC), or electronic word of mouth while influencing the behavior of its
target audience.


Digital marketing is the future of marketing and will only keep progressing with time. The
innovations of digital marketing will stretch to both the online and offline world. Social media is
the latest way to connect with people. It teaches us a new way of connecting to people and also
helps us understand consumer behavior.

According to the chart above it can be observed that.

44.9% of the people sampled are female

42.9% of the people sampled are male.

According to the chart above it can be observed that.

65.3% of the the people sampled are the age group of 20-40.

34.7% of the people sampled are the age group of 40-50

According to the chart above it can be observed that.

24.5% people sampled are in the primary sector

34.7% people sampled are in the secondary sector .

12.2% people sampled are in the quaternanry sector.

24.5 % people sampled are in the tertiary sector.

According to the chart above it can be observed that.

22.4% people sampled are in the Company owner/CEO.

32.7% people sampled are in the Senior executive.

12.2% people sampled are in the Consultant.

18.4% people sampled are in the Finance/accounting/purchasing manager or specialist.

12.2% people sampled are in the Marketing manager or specialist.

2.1% people sampled are in Senior Associate.

According to the chart above it can be observed that.

24.5% people are sampled in the Attracting customers to our website/social media channel(s).

32.7% people are sampled in the Attracting customers to out website/ social media channels.

12.2% people are sampled in the Market research.

8.2% people are sampled in the Creating internet presence.

12.2% people are sampled in the Attracting customer to our Physical

According to the chart above it can be observed that.

40.8% people are sampled in Website Improvements and SEO

49% people are sampled in Social media improvements

38.6% people are sampled in Google Ads

30.6% people are sampled in E-mail Marketing

24.5% people are sampled in LinkedIn Marketing

44.9% people are sampled in Brand awareness and Brand Improvements

6.1% are sampled in nothing option.

According to the chart above it can be observed that.

43.8% people are sampled in Working for Marketing Agency

43.8% people are sampled in Working with Freelancers

31.3% people are sampled in Working Themselves

29.2% people are sampled in Working with Teams in the company

According to the chart above it can be observed that.

In the SEO option many people opted for Not Effective

In the Google Ads option many people opted for Somewhat Effective

In the Facebook Ads option many people opted for Somewhat Effective

In the E-mail Marketing option many people opted for Somewhat Effective

In the LinkedIn Marketing option many people opted for Effective

According to the chart above it can be observed that.

18.4% people are having 1-2% of Annual Sales.

28.6% people are having 2-5% of annual sales.

34.7% people are having 5-10% of annual sales.

18.4% people are having 10-20% of annual sales

According to the chart above it can be observed that.

93.8% people are satisfied with service

According to the chart above it can be observed that.

18.8% people sampled are satisfied with quality.

21.1% people sampled are satisfied with price.

39.6% people sampled are satisfied with customer service.

14.6% people sampled are satsfied with user experience.

YRSK, established in 2014, has been catering to the underlying needs of marketing which allow
businesses to focus their time & energy on their core areas of expertise. We take marketing and
growth agenda of our client as seriously as we do our own with a collaborative approach
involving all stakeholders. We are proud to be associated with our clients where the manpower
team has witnessed minimal attrition compared to the industry standard. We believe in growing
along with achievements of our clients.

Work Profile
I was working with the team of executives guided by the team leader where I had to look after
marketing and promotional activities of different clients .on various digital platforms with the
SEO team , Social Media and E-commerce team .

Roles and responsibilities

Identifying Ways of promotion and advertising
The team doing promotion and advertising through social media marketing .Running monitoring
ads to engagements and link clicks.

Creating appealing Ads and promotions

Campaign : Advertisement for a part of business or for a particular promotion you are running .

Lead a Marketing campaign of SME Hero

Its about leading SME entrepreneur and leader to give them a recognition . under the world

Advertisement – creating a advertisement with a creative ideas and infographics

Keywords – you need to decide when you want your advertisements displayed.based on
keywords that you specify and used when searhoing when your ad post

Functionality For Online Lead Generation

The campaigns used for generating leads are conceptualised by our team who implements them
to gain validated leads. The qualified leads are then delivered to the clients or their
marketing/sales manager through emails.

Social media Marketing

Posting Daily updates on social media platforms to increase brand awarness

Increase Brand Awareness

SEM reaches prospects at just the right time: when they’re researching a product or solution. By
positioning your brand consistently at the top of search results, consumers will quickly come to
recognize your name.

On top of this, PPC advertising isn’t intrusive and doesn’t interrupt consumers who are carrying
out other tasks, like scrolling through their social channels.

Boost Website Traffic

In search engine marketing, brands only pay for impressions that result in visitors (basically, you
only pay when someone clicks), which makes it an effective way to drive traffic while keeping a
close eye on your marketing budget.

The added benefit to this is that each click improves your website’s ranking in organic search
results too.

Drive Leads

Consumers that are running searches are often looking for information or a solution. This means
they’re in the right state of mind to buy compared to other advertising platforms, like social
media, where users are simply scrolling through their feeds or interacting with friends and

 Get to know about challenges and opportunities for digital marketing in india.
 Gain a basic understanding of SEO,SMM, SEM etc
 Fulfilling each and every requirement of client is very important regardless of whether
that requirement is small or big.
 I experienced good exposure
 Leadership Quality.

Digital media is so pervasive that consumers have access to information any time and any place
they want. It was long ago when the messages people got about specific products or services
consisted of only what a company wanted them to know.


Digital channel in marketing has become essential part of strategy of many companies.
Nowadays, even for small business owner there is a very cheap and efficient way to market
his/her products or services. Digital marketing has no boundaries. Company can use any devices
such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, televisions, game consoles, digital billboards, and media
such as social media, SEO (search engine optimization), videos, content, e-mail and lot more to
promote company itself and its products and services. Digital marketing may succeed more if it
considers user needs as a top priority. Just like “Rome was not built in a day,” so, digital
marketing results won’t also come without attempt, without trial (and error). The watchwords
“test, learn and evolve” should be at the heart of all digital marketing initiatives. Companies
should create innovative customer experiences and specific strategies for media to identify the
best path for driving up digital marketing performance.


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