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In the existing system Lecturers enters students scores (CA scores and Exam scores)
manually into a paper score sheet then send to the HOD and the HOD gathered and
submit all the courses together to the ICT. ICT department operators enters the
scores manually into an excel file written with formulas and functions for the result
computation. And then resend back to the HOD for final review and resend it back
again to the ICT for final calculations and resend back to the HOD as final result.

The proposed system involves automated result computational system. HOD,

Lecturers and Students will sign up and login to their dashboard with different
privileges. Students must register for each courses to be offered (A course
registration form will be provided). Lecturers will enter and submit students score
on the portal by themselves from their dashboard. HOD should be able to have
access to all the students’ scores submitted by lecturers, for final review and final
submission. After the submission of final scores by the HOD the system will auto
calculate the scores as result according to the school requirement, and also allow
the HOD to download the computed results. Students should be able to login on the
system, check their result and download the result. An automated database system
will be created to store and retrieve this scores/results when called upon.

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