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The Rise of Fintech

1. Fong, D., Han, F., Liu, L., Qu, J., & Shek, A. (2021, November 9). Seven technologies
shaping the future of Fintech: Greater China. McKinsey & Company.

Arthur’s article mentions McKinsey’s analysis of the seven key technologies that will drive fintech
development and shape the competitive landscape of finance. he creatively explains all the technologies
and attempts to ascertain why these trends are becoming increasingly intertwined and integrated and
why they are giving massive impetus to fintech and financial industry innovation.

He also considers what’s gonna happen in the future and compares those future trends with traditional
institutions. Niche financial sub-sectors are currently leading the way in harnessing technological
innovation, but traditional financial institutions will need to adapt to stay competitive.

2. Goyal, D., & Varma, R. (2023, May 25). Global fintech 2023: Reimagining the future of
Finance. BCG Global.

This article is perfectly fit my paper because it discusses about the future of global
fintech and the rapid growth of this industry. He intelligently argues that this is just the
starting oh this industry. To keep the interest of the readers, he asks the question
That are we just at the beginning of the fintech journey? He technically put forward the
fact and figures and maintains a rational flow. He also mentions the possible problems
and also assessed their solution.

3. The challenges faced by fintech companies in the current economic climate . Times of
India Blog. (2023, January 28).

In this text of finance based on the journalist's experiential research, the journalist attempts to ascertain
whether it is currently possible for an individual to live without fintech in India. Taking jobs as a waitress,
a maid in a cleaning service, and a Walmart sales employee, the author summarizes and reflects on her
work, her relationships with fellow workers, and her financial struggles in each situation. As experienced
journalist, he is aware of the limitations of her experiment and the ethical implications of her
experiential research tactics and reflects on these issues in the text. The author is forthcoming about her
methods and supplements her experiences with technological research on her places of employment,
the economy, and the rising cost of living in India. His project is timely, descriptive, and well-researched.

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