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Envi tonmental ranagenert

Envixonmental Managermenl
impoving be Yelalionsbip brthoccn bunan
nd the Envixonmenl beinge
deve lopmenlal activite of mn and by proclicin
Bnvixonmen Prolec tion Conses vation and
Amullidisciplinaxy oppor h ís eaired ox ndey
-slonding énvironmental problems ound finding sotian
So 2odio
be minístry of ervivonment, fore &t
nd cinate change (moercc) implement eniYO
mntl poicies ond ProqYans ihrouqh Crstal
8tile potution Cootoi boasds
Rnvinonmentol impact asse8Srment (PA) iS the
assessment of the envivonroentol Conseauenas
(poi tive and neqatve).o a plon,
oY actunl polieypoqam
YOjects pioY to the decion to
move foxaYd ith the pYOPOsed action . t
is d siqned to predict the
project on
groixonmentalindicotes and theve
by heps io deci sionakinq about the
acceptance. df the LIA ndicates that no
that no iqnijoct
impoct is ikely ,thén ageney Can veliaose a find
-ing.oi no Siqni feant impoct (Fon&i) ond
with pioposed action. otheoise the
then Conduct aful &cole aqney must
a jul &cole Fnvionmental impact
8totemnent (PS)
bnvinonmeotal imeoct statement (E18) is adoimert
Requised by he Notional
Act (NE PA) AoY cestain acEnvivonmental policy
tions Siqni fi canty
aj fecing the avuality of the human
An RIs i8 a tool for Énionmert
deci&ion making. t descvi bes
the pOsi tive and neqative
envivonm-entol effec t
of a poposed oction, and it
one oN move uualyao ist
chosen. ne stotenent &hould actions that may be
use an inter
sse &ies appoach
both the
&o that it
-43 of the physical and social impac
AS dYaft fIS is
and cornment fova
for public veview
At the énd o¢ the minimum of H5 dauys.
u peviod aqends Conidey
Substan tive Comment and i4
Corduct furthex onayses . A nece&sary,
ra ts is then
Pubished cohich
provides xeSponses to sub
-stantive Comments The fixst step in kIA
Method is to detexmìne cohethe th
Onder Considevation foloas the juvisdic tion
Of the selevant acts nd equlations ond
ig so, whether it is ikely to Cveat.e a
Biqnificont EnviYonmertal dituption.
The Ministry of Fnvivonrment ovest
climate chonge (mOEFCc) Govt oB and

i8sued a notiication in 2006. for tndia.

al deve
-Lopmental activites faling undeY Lectors,
Such as industyiea,
cnd transpor ete. ondminingiyviqation, Foge r
Cotegovized themoA
coteqoy A and
Coegey S projects based
ne noture and Size Df
on thu
of the poject
coeqoy A project incude all phyical
infvastuctuie whose
bie ond Cost is qyeotex
han Cestain minimum feve l as
he Schedule
de.fined in
envionmento cleasonces fay
these project axe
q1arted at the Cento
· physical infratucture ineludes
ip porbhigboay. esoter and Sanita
urban tansporl. and told cooste Manaqemert
8ecto Al neLo natibnal hiqboys ave
clasied as
Coteqory An addi tion.
expansion of National hiqhuy qrecte r
than 3okin . involving odditional ignt ot
eo0y (Roo) qveater than Dom, involving
land acaisition and pasipq thioun hb
more than one &tote Coteqosized
|be Ministyy ot fovixoneol,forests and
Cimale chnge (Mocrcc) Gyovt oB iria
isseicd a nolificalion in 200b for al)
developenlal ac livitei fatlinq under &ecton
ducb as indistie mining them os Categoy
A and Coleqory rs projech boned on the
nature ond 'si2e ofoB thbe projet
Cateqoy si
or Capacity Covexs
i ond projecb
projects with lesex size
&maller impac t thoun
ColeqoYA. fnvivonmerlal cleaxanes for
Cateqoy t projeeb qranted at the
8tode level each stoe hos o dedilode
de partmant OY SOardwhien oould
9Yond the cleavance.
|5e actual size,
On the Sec tOY defination depend
oY project type. for. tcpmrk
Cose o por project with
handing Capacity ofnove than 5MTPA
(metyic tonnes pex annun) Come und
Coteqory A cobilb those eotth les hah
(o ror
An impor tant nation-oide envionmento) vho
Mi8ion 8occh to
-me is the clean Sndia
Abhiyan (8BAJ OY So0cch shaxol rmianor. (ier)
c a n sodia mi &Sion i8 o Coropoqin in Sras
Government of Srndio thot oirn:
&treetb, voads ond inostuete
to clean up the
soias ei ties, amaller towns, ond uso
arees Toe oojec tives of Suocbh sorath
include eliminaing open defection though
the coostuction of bose bold -aoned ond
Communi ty Ouoned toilet
toilets ond
and eitabushig
on accoun table mechani trn oB monitorir
toilet use Run by the Governest
sndio, the mision aim to ochieve arope
defecation free (oD) 3ndia by zrd october
2019 ,the 150Aoniversory of thu biy t
DÀ Mabato Gordhi. by Corntuctig 90
oilion toiet in tusod Sndio .st is Sodio
Lavgest cleoninen drive to dote with x
milion qove vrmernt Eroplos, School,
&tudent , and e studt om
ot Sndia Paricipotrng in
Over 4.000 Gties.toona and vilaqw
Ibe SouYCes oof air pottution indud be
buning of uoo0d . chorcoa and otheY bio
mas gued,industrie nnd yechicl. Air
POUution Contvol methodloqi20 incudos
Control ot oriculate misions ornd the
&oot ond dust thot axe
releaed dunin9
induotial, aqricul tural, oY other octivities.
Poti cuolode matter emited
rorn industrial
Bousces is Cortroued thiouqh cyclon
Beparotor1, fobic Ai ltex Couector, coet
&crubbe s ond eleco sta tic precipi
Pariculote motter Eroitte d om
-rial soucves is indut
Gyclone aeparato Controled
fabric tbrogh
wet &Cxubbers ond electrora
-tatos |Precipi
yclorne Separators se
fovces tor sepovating paxtie
from &tack qses
gases. ohen
ben Centrifuqal
gorces Cause partieulates inhe qos
to move outaYs agoinst the was
0f the Contoiner fabic filtex are wed
for venoving Particlos fom the gas
Coliecti n9 Smaler paiticles
sirface of fi lter Thelarger
hop ut ibto the bopper. cloon
PorticleA drop
go pass through the ftter mecia:
let &exubbers are used foY Colecting both
Particulade' mattex ond qqses fron indubiad
by wsing &crubbing Jiqutd'4oyor
the Same . Genesatly cooder is wsed
COUee hn9 particulote mattex. electvos tatic
Pvecipi totors ooyk oprqing ohign voltage
to create an electbical ieid cohich ionizes
-the ravtiaulate matter inthe qas aOund
qas. that
the discha xqe oives ohen the
Cortains poytculote mattey loos betoe en
he couecting plates ond he dicha vqe
wited, he aeYO Sa particles in the qad
ed and
charged and Couecte d on the Colect
- ing plotes.
plot eo. waste ooter treatnerst pvexes
Can be closiied into phyical, chemiCol
biologi Co One ovm
treatment, one oYmove o the
wcoste Monagrnent Dis Casded electrica
and electvoni qood Cootoin
Mout electhonic qoods
bozandous Constituent. for
o Esormpu;Cothi
Oys tubes (ceTe) o coroputer moni ter4
Contai heavy metal sucbas leac,
baiun ard Cadmin which Ca De
toie to buman beath # hey enter the
ooter stem. lame- setandant platiea
twed in electronie losi nq, elease paric
-les had con
functior dorrage bumn Sndocsine

B-waste Sotinq Disearded sleetricad and

electyooic itei re dismaotled by hond
ond ootteries re Seporoted. Tbe -ite
sbredd ed intO piece to pre pane the
e-coasle tor sorting. sfeel ond ixon
are semoved. rom the cebyic thNough
rraqoeb Auminium, eopper Ound bos.
aYe Sepavat ed fsomn the Do-nmetalic
Costent Metas Can the be veused
in oatey asa cused to Sepesote plastic
form he qlan Content he soted Mate ialb
Con be yeused Vebi cula pouuti on Cootot
wing o} unleaed petol, (ouo &lpbur
die sel ond altexnative
CNG.LG .tHydvogen, sottery ctriven ond
Bio die sel Con Yeduce po lution rorn
Nechicles. vebiculo &oision Contxolmetbcd
omeatic `euoaqe, industrial egfunt odn
cqicultuval fielals ove the main ~our(os of
Lnter polu lion daxqe- scalcoaterond aste
ooter Asea ent is typically Carsied put
by rounicipolies ond industies
i8 ne oaste eoaterfom bowsebold
44 nee d to be treated for the Yemova o
Contarminont. ie treatnent eqiYes, phyicol
chemical and bioloqical processes ohich rernove
phyia Chernical ond bioloqiCal Contamirant
in order to achiee an inixonMertally boe
4lid wwoste 4nerm. Intergated soid wste
Manaqernent (PSWIM) aims to educe the
omourt of waste bing disposed, ohie nmaxi
-mizinq serouxCes elovery ond eficier cy The
preferred coaste management &trlegies
ioclude. Souxce xeduc tion ound seuses,
vecyeling coste to Compositing,
Cormposi ting, oaste toenergy
Seqregation o sioroedicol ooste is
tyres of treatment ore reyitea
s diferent
for dij{eveni Calegory of coastes. 5e velewnt
tyeatent thods oure incineotion, Auto
Dispo éols
Clavin shedinq
aaste Cateqovy las oare Soken oY disCaNdet
and Contaminated glas ineuding medidne
vials ond rpoules except those contominated
Cy totoi cc wastes and me tol boy
implant ttunon and ooima Datomi Cal
oaste, discaded ne diines
Sotled oaste ad micvo biological labosat
Disin ecton by soahing the coshed
qlar oste ater cloning oitb
ond Soium byPochlorite treatrnent or detexqeot
thvaugh autocdoving tteó stexiizati on
Mio Oaving byshoclavinq stearm
qvagmeota tion ond drying
Of coaste ox J oinerotion and
then sent
for Yecycling socinesation or plasma
Pyroyis Conwevation of Ovoyanic mattey
Synthe tic qs oY Deep urial chernicol'
ond discharqe into the Seuoex syitern
nccumulation of muncinal &olid constea

in wbnn aeas is posinq

Wute anoq
-fox dndia: oteqaded solid
-ement (TWM) aiu to eduCe -he amon
o cnsle being dikposed eobil ma ximiying
tuate manaqement &thatagies inelude kouvoe
vedction d neee vecyelinq ooste to
Cororosting .tose lo fnexqy ond
euste disposa land fnay
i . The most preferc
opli fos nsle mannqemnent is to prevenl
-the qeresation of nste at varioud
incluigat rotict ign taq". pxoucla
rackagig siages inc luaing
at pxoue t keiqn itaqe. poductior
rackaqinq cue of a product Seq xeq ation
cycla blks and ending thern fox
neyclin tste ie composting the oq anle
fnction of ste Cao be Compo sed -royb
micxo bial or eYmi Composting uto
cla ving ox dry neat tesi ization folouwed
by shic dding ov mutilation ov enCapiulation
Contaner or Cement ConcYe te:
is a n Evalua
Envisonmeot audit Controa
enviYopm n tale ttbird poxty
Conckucied by
rogtevials enegt
inputs, vauo
defines he.aste stems,Productr,eroision
and outputs
aste slens maw balanee
elc: for-the systern. in effidenies
approach aLows
the bove eviYon
within the identifiecd An
impact to be
-mental in polution
Envivonmental ouit tojety heatth
Contol, inmpyoved production tafety
nt Notuval se s0UrCeA.
oand Conse votion ot be stantedo
Hence its
i ove Yall objec tive Can
Sutainabe deve lopment
achievement of oon
An envi Yonment audit is auevaluation
Envivormentat Contvos Conducted
O independent thid paty. gt define
-the input and outputs for he
Rooste audit .oyuanti tieA and tyPes od
coastes enerated from difevert souyceb
ase identied and he optinum me-thods
to minimize the quanlities of cwaates are
Evolved. waste cudit isa techoi al too l
meant for waste eduction from au douro
Amanngement au4;1 s CDalyss ond ok
- eSåment o Complencies and Capabiiles of
Compony'i manaqerneot to Cor*y
Coxpovot e objectives he puvpose of o manoge
-ment Aeam in i eectiveoe&s 4o work in
-the itere sts o share holder, roaintoin good
selatiorns with Eroployees ond uphotd the
seputatiorn of the Compauny dn ar enexqy
audit the oantities and types of fuals Gon
-Surmed ad didterer stages are iders tred
nd mes -tb minìmize the lowe of fuads ove

Suqgeste d. ACompiane audit is a Coropre benie

Yeview of on oqanizotion's adhe yente to
vequlatoy quidelines stveng th and
thoroughbnens af Conplian te Pre parations
sevie oed tis ypi Coly done for pOPective
buyers o4 veal Eslade and oY
tor proposed
mexges and acqusliond &uch audi t ideoif
4eh envixonmenlo probens -that cou td veduce
the val ota prope ty or Expose the kyer
to obity lenders o loas, too ploce
-heiy Secuved Capitol at isk it Colotealized
propexty is Contapingted

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